Types of Research Studies
Types of Research Studies
Types of Research Studies
PBL : 14
Under the Supervision of Dr Sara Elfarrash
Table of contents
01 02 03
Definition Observational Observational
(Descriptive) (Analytical)
Study Study
04 05
Experimental Summary
They are studies and experiments done to
increase or verify information about physical
or mental diseases and disabilities and their
causes, diagnosis, prevention,
treatment, or control.
Types of studies :
Observational studies
Descriptive studies Analytic studies
3. Population trials
Case report
Case series Case control
Correlation studies Cohort study
Cross-sectional studies
i. Observational study
A. Descriptive studies
► Include :
Case report
Case series
Correlation (Ecological) study
Cross sectional (prevalence) study
1) Case Report
Describe a single case with a new finding e.g.:
Un-described disease
Values :
Generate a hypothesis
Example :
In 1980, Pneumocystis Carinii described among 5 young adult
Uses already collected data (e.g. vital statistics, censuses & national health
Examples :
Mortality from CHD & per capita sales of cigarettes
mortality rate
4) Cross-Sectional (Prevalence)
Observational study of a population carried out once (at a single point in
Examples :
Community surveys used to assess:
Obesity in relation to DM
B. Analytical
► Include :
Case control study
Cohort study
1) Case-control study
An observational study in which we compare a group of patients
(cases) with a match control group who are free of disease as
regards a suspected agent or factor
(i.e. exposure).
Cases : Already diseased
Control :
1) Free from the diseased under the
2) Matched with cases
3) Cases: Controls = 1:1 to 1:4
Outcome of Case Control Study
Odds ratio
Odd of exposure to risk factor among cases (R1)
Clinical trials :
Experimental studies that involve administration of preventive or curative
Observational studies are classified into two types (descriptive studies and
analytic investigations).
Conduct case control and cohort studies for study determinants for
analytic studies.
A. OR > 1
B. OR = 1
C. 0 < OR <1
D. OR < 1
3) When the exposure is not associated with
outcome or disease the OR (odd ratio) will be?
A. OR > 1
B. OR = 1
C. 0 < OR <1
D. OR < 1
4) A case in 1980 which is Pneumocystis Carinii
described among 5 young adult homosexual men
(disease known to affect only immune-
compromised) is an example of...