Gmer 2019

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Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah

(As Per NMC Regulations on Graduate Medical Education (Amendment), 2019) w.e.f. 2019-20

Distribution of subjects by Professional Phase

Phase & Year of MBBS Training Subjects & New Teaching Elements Duration
Foundation Course 1 Month
Human Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry
Introduction of Community Medicine, Humanities
First Professional MBBS 1+13 Months I Professional
Early Clinical Exposure
Attitude, Ethics, and Communication Module

Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Forensic

Medicine and Toxicology,

Introduction to clinical subjects including Community

Second Professional MBBS 12 Months II Professional
Clinical postings

Attitude, Ethics & Communication Module (AETCOM)

General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics &

Gynecology, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Dermatology,
Psychiatry, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology,
Community Medicine, Forensic Medicine and
Toxicology, Respiratory medicine, Radiodiagnosis & III Professional
Third Professional MBBS Part-I 13 Months
Radiotherapy, Anesthesiology (Part-I)

Clinical subjects /postings

Attitude, Ethics & Communication Module (AETCOM)

Elective Electives, Skills and assessment* 2 Months

General Medicine, Pediatrics, General Surgery,

Orthopedics, Obstetrics and Gynecology including
Family welfare and allied specialties III Professional
Third Professional MBBS Part-II 13 Months
Clinical postings/subjects (Part-II)

Attitude, Ethics & Communication Module (AETCOM)

*Assessment of electives shall be included in Internal Assessment.

Foundation Course (one month)

Self Directed
Subjects/ Contents Teaching Hours Learning Total hours

Orientation 30 - 30

Skills Module 35 - 35

Field visit to Community Health Center 8 - 8

Introduction to Professional Development & AETCOM module - - 40

Sports and extracurricular activities 22 - 22

Enhancement of language/ computer skills* 40 - 40

Total - - 175
* Based on perceived need of learners, one may choose language enhancement (English or local spoken or both) and computer skills. This should be provided
longitudinally through the duration of the Foundation Course.

Teaching of Foundation Course will be organized by pre-clinical departments

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Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah
(As Per NMC Regulations on Graduate Medical Education (Amendment), 2019) w.e.f. 2019-20

First Professional teaching hours

Small Group Teaching/Tutorials/ Self directed
Subjects Integrated learning/ Practical learning Total (hours)
(hours) (hours)
Human Anatomy 220 415 40 675
Physiology* 160 310 25 495
Biochemistry 80 150 20 250
Early Clinical Exposure** 90 - - 90
Community Medicine 20 27 5 52
Attitude, Ethics & Communication Module (AETCOM) *** - 26 8 34
Sports and extracurricular activities - - - 60
Formative assessment and Term examinations - - - 80
Total - - - 1736
* including Molecular Biology.
** Early clinical exposure hours to be divided equally in all three subjects.
*** AETCOM module shall be a longitudinal programme.

Second Professional teaching hours

Small Group Teaching
(Tutorials/ Clinical Self directed
Subjects Semminars)/ Postings learning Total (hours)
Integrated learning (hours)* (hours)

Pathology 80 138 - 12 230

Pharmacology 80 138 - 12 230
Microbiology 70 110 - 10 190
Community Medicine 20 30 - 10 60
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 15 30 - 5 50
Clinical Subjects 75** - 540*** - 615
Attitude, Ethics & Communication Module (AETCOM) - 29 - 8 37
Sports and extracurricular activities - - - 28 28
Total - - - - 1440
* At least 3 hours of clinical instruction each week must be allotted to training in clinical and procedural skill laboratories. Hours may be distributed weekly or as a block in each posting based on
institutional logistics.
** 25 hours each for Medicine, Surgery and Gynecology & Obstetrics.
*** The clinical postings in the second professional shall be 15 hours per week (3 hrs per day from Monday to Friday)

Third Professional Part I teaching hours

Self directed
Teaching Tutorials/ Semminars/ Integrated
Subjects learning Total (hours)
Hours Teaching (hours)
General Medicine 25 35 5 65
General Surgery 25 35 5 65
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 25 35 5 65
Paediatrics 20 30 5 55
Orthopaedics 15 20 5 40
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 25 45 5 75
Community Medicine 40 60 5 105
Dermatology 20 5 5 30
Psychiatry 25 10 5 40
Respiratory Medicine 10 8 2 20
Otorhinolaryngology 25 40 5 70
Ophthalmology 30 60 10 100
Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy 10 8 2 20
Anesthesiology 8 10 2 20
Clinical Postings* - - - 756
Attitude, Ethics & Communication Module (AETCOM) - 19 6 25
Total 303 - - 1551
* The clinical postings in the third professional part I shall be 18 hours per week (3 hrs per day from Monday to Saturday)

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Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah
(As Per NMC Regulations on Graduate Medical Education (Amendment), 2019) w.e.f. 2019-20

Third Professional Part II teaching hours

Self directed
Teaching Tutorials/ Semminars/ Integrated
Subjects learning Total (hours) *
Hours Teaching (hours)

General Medicine 70 125 15 210

General Surgery 70 125 15 210
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 70 125 15 210
Paediatrics 20 35 10 65
Orthopaedics 20 25 5 50
Clinical Postings** - - - 792
Attitude, Ethics & Communication Module (AETCOM)*** 28 - 16 43
Electives - - - 200
Total - - - 1780
* 25% of allotted time of third professional shall be utilized for integrated learning with pre- and para- clinical subjects and shall be assessed during the clinical subjects examination. This allotted
time will be utilized as integrated teaching by para-clinical subjects with clinical subjects (as Clinical Pathology, Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Microbiology)

** The clinical postings in the third professional part II shall be 18 hours per week (3 hrs per day from Monday to Saturday)

*** Hours from clinical postings can also be used for AETCOM modules.

Clinical postings
1- The clinical postings in the second professional shall be 15 hours per week (3 hrs per day from Monday to Friday).

2- The clinical postings in the third professional part I shall be 18 hours per week (3 hrs per day from Monday to Saturday).

3- The clinical postings in the third professional part II shall be 18 hours per week (3 hrs per day from Monday to Saturday).

Period of training in weeks

II MBBS III MBBS Part I III MBBS Part II Total weeks
8* (4 regular clinical
Electives - - 4
General Medicine1 4 4 8+4 20
General Surgery 4 4 8+4 20
Obstetrics &Gynaecology 4 4 8+4 20
Pediatrics 2 4 4 10
Community Medicine 4 6 - 10
Orthopedics - including Trauma3 2 4 2 8
Otorhinolaryngology 4 4 - 8
Ophthalmology 4 4 - 8
Respiratory Medicine 2 - - 2
Psychiatry 2 2 - 4
Radiodiagnosis 2 - - 2
Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy 2 2 2 6
Dentistry & Anesthesia - 2 - 2
Casualty - 2 - 2
Total 36 42 48 126
* In four of the eight weeks of electives, regular clinical postings shall be accommodated.
Clinical postings may be adjusted within the time framework.
This posting includes Laboratory Medicine (Para-clinical) & Infectious Diseases (Phase III Part I).
This includes maternity training and family welfare (including Family Planning).
This posting includes Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
This posting includes Radiotherapy, wherever available.

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Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah
(As Per NMC Regulations on Graduate Medical Education (Amendment), 2019) w.e.f. 2019-20

Marks distribution for various subjects

Writtend Pracitcals/Orals/
Phase of Course Pass Criteria
Theory Total Clinicals

First Professional
Human Anatomy - 2 papers 200 100

Physiology - 2 papers 200 100

Internal Assessment:
Biochemistry - 2 papers 200 100 50% combined in theory and practical (not
less than 40% in each) for eligibility for
Second Professional
appearing for University Examinations
Pharmacology - 2 Papers 200 100

Pathology - 2 papers 200 100

Microbiology - 2 papers 200 100

Third Professional Part – I

Forensic Medicine & Toxicology - 1 paper 100 100

Ophthalmology – 1 paper 100 100

Otorhinolaryngology – 1 paper 100 100

University Examination
Community Medicine - 2 papers 200 100 Mandatory 50% marks separately in theory
and practical (practical = practical/clinical +
Third Professional Part – II
General Medicine - 2 papers * 200 200

General Surgery - 2 papers ** 200 200

Pediatrics – 1 paper 100 100

Obstetrics & Gynaecology - 2 papers 200 200

* The discipline of Orthopedics, Anesthesiology, Dentistry and Radiodiagnosis will constitute 25% of the total theory marks incorporated as a separate section in paper II
of General Surgery.
** The discipline of Psychiatry and Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy (DVL), Respiratory Medicine including Tuberculosis will constitute 25% of the total theory
marks in General Medicine incorporated as a separate section in paper II of General Medicine.

Criteria for passing

1- In subjects that have two papers, the learner must secure at least 40% marks in each of the papers with minimum 50% of marks in aggregate (both papers together)
to pass in the said subject.
2- A candidate shall obtain 50% marks in University conducted examination separately in Theory and Practical (practical includes: practical/ clinical and viva voce) in
order to be declared as passed in that subject.

Eligibility to appear for Professional examinations

1- Attendance requirements are 75% in theory and 80% in practical /clinical for eligibility to appear for the examinations in that subject. In subjects that are taught in
more than one phase – the learner must have 75% attendance in theory and 80% in practical in each phase of instruction in that subject.

2- If an examination comprises more than one subject (for e.g., General Surgery and allied branches), the candidate must have 75% attendance in each subject and
80% attendance in each clinical posting.
3- Learners who do not have at least 75% attendance in the electives will not be eligible for the Third Professional - Part II examination.
Internal Assessment:

Learners must secure at least 50% marks of the total marks (combined in theory and practical / clinical; not less than 40 % marks in theory and practical separately)
assigned for internal assessment in a particular subject in order to be eligible for appearing at the final University examination of that subject. Internal assessment marks
will reflect as separate head of passing at the summative examination.

1- A maximum number of four permissible attempts would be available to clear the first Professional University examination,
whereby the first Professional course will have to be cleared within 4 years of admission to the said course. Partial
attendance at any University examination shall be counted as an availed attempt.
2- A learner shall not be entitled to graduate after 10 years of his/her joining of the first part of the MBBS Course

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