Writing Queries
Writing Queries
Writing Queries
For each table you've speci�ed in the @DriftDatabase annotation on your database class, a corresponding getter for a table will
be generated. That getter can be used to run statements:
// inside the database class, the `todos` getter has been created by drift.
@DriftDatabase(tables: [Todos, Categories])
class MyDatabase extends _$MyDatabase {
// the schemaVersion getter and the constructor from the previous page
// have been omitted.
// watches all todo entries in a given category. The stream will automatically
// emit new items whenever the underlying data changes.
Stream<List<Todo>> watchEntriesInCategory(Category c) {
return (select(todos)..where((t) => t.category.equals(c.id))).watch();
Select statements
You can create select statements by starting them with select(tableName) , where the table name is a �eld generated for you
by drift. Each table used in a database will have a matching �eld to run queries against. Any query can be run once with get() or
be turned into an auto-updating stream using watch() .
You can apply �lters to a query by calling where() . The where method takes a function that should map the given table to an
Expression of boolean. A common way to create such expression is by using equals on expressions. Integer columns can also
be compared with isBiggerThan and isSmallerThan . You can compose expressions using a & b, a | b and a.not() . For
more details on expressions, see this guide.
You can limit the amount of results returned by calling limit on queries. The method accepts the amount of rows to return and
an optional o�set.
You can use the orderBy method on the select statement. It expects a list of functions that extract the individual ordering terms
from the table. You can use any expression as an ordering term - for more details, see this guide.
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Writing queries https://drift.simonbinder.eu/docs/getting-started/writing_queries/
Future<List<Todo>> sortEntriesAlphabetically() {
return (select(todos)..orderBy([(t) => OrderingTerm(expression: t.title)])).get();
You can also reverse the order by setting the mode property of the OrderingTerm to OrderingMode.desc .
Single values
If you know a query is never going to return more than one row, wrapping the result in a List can be tedious. Drift lets you work
around that with getSingle and watchSingle :
If an entry with the provided id exists, it will be sent to the stream. Otherwise, null will be added to stream. If a query used with
watchSingle ever returns more than one entry (which is impossible in this case), an error will be added instead.
Before calling watch or get (or the single variants), you can use map to transform the result.
Stream<List<String>> contentWithLongTitles() {
final query = select(todos)
..where((t) => t.title.length.isBiggerOrEqualValue(16));
return query
.map((row) => row.content)
These base classes don't have query-building or map methods, signaling to the consumer that they are complete results.
If you need more complex queries with joins or custom columns, see this site.
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Future feelingLazy() {
// delete the oldest nine tasks
return (delete(todos)..where((t) => t.id.isSmallerThanValue(10))).go();
� If you don't explicitly add a where clause on updates or deletes, the statement will a�ect all rows in the table!
Companions also have a special constructor for inserts - all columns which don't have a default value and aren't nullable are
marked @required on that constructor. This makes companions easier to use for inserts because you know which �elds to
You can very easily insert any valid object into tables. As some values can be absent (like default values that we don't have to set
explicitly), we again use the companion version.
All row classes generated will have a constructor that can be used to create objects:
title: Value('Important task'),
content: Value('Refactor persistence code'),
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If a column is nullable or has a default value (this includes auto-increments), the �eld can be omitted. All other �elds must be set
and non-null. The insert method will throw otherwise.
Multiple insert statements can be run e�ciently by using a batch. To do that, you can use the insertAll method inside a batch :
Batches are similar to transactions in the sense that all updates are happening atomically, but they enable further optimizations
to avoid preparing the same SQL statement twice. This makes them suitable for bulk insert or update operations.
Upserts are a feature from newer sqlite3 versions that allows an insert to behave like an update if a con�icting row already exists.
This allows us to create or override an existing row when its primary key is part of its data:
Set<Column> get primaryKey => {email};
When calling createOrUpdateUser() with an email address that already exists, that user's name will be updated. Otherwise, a
new user will be inserted into the database.
Inserts can also be used with more advanced queries. For instance, let's say we're building a dictionary and want to keep track of
how many times we encountered a word. A table for that might look like
Set<Column> get primaryKey => {word};
By using a custom upserts, we can insert a new word or increment its usages counter if it already exists:
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Note that this requires a fairly recent sqlite3 version (3.24.0) that might not be available on older Android devices when using
moor_flutter . NativeDatabases and sqlite3_flutter_libs includes the latest sqlite on Android, so consider using it if you
want to support upserts.
Also note that the returned rowid may not be accurate when an upsert took place.
You can use insertReturning to insert a row or companion and immediately get the row it inserts. The returned row contains all
the default values and incrementing ids that were generated.
This uses the RETURNING syntax added in sqlite3 version 3.35, which is not available on most operating systems by default.
When using this method, make sure that you have a recent sqlite3 version available. This is the case with sqlite3_flutter_libs .
For instance, consider this snippet using the tables from the getting started guide:
The row returned has the proper id set. If a table has further default values, including dynamic values like CURRENT_TIME , then
those would also be set in a row returned by insertReturning .
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