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Shoulder dislocation and subluxation occurs frequently in athletes with peaks in the second and motion.66 Instability is usually de-
sixth decades. The majority (98%) of traumatic dislocations are in the anterior direction. The most fined as a clinical syndrome that
frequent complication of shoulder dislocation is recurrence, a complication that occurs much occurs when shoulder laxity pro-
more frequently in the adolescent population. The static (predominantly capsuloligamentous and
duces symptoms. Dislocation and
labral) and dynamic (neuromuscular) restraints to shoulder instability are now well defined.
Rehabilitation aims to enhance the dynamic muscular and proprioceptive restraints to shoulder
subluxation of the glenohumeral
joint occurs relatively frequently in
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instability. This paper reviews the nonoperative treatment and the postoperative management of
patients with various classifications of shoulder instability. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther athletes. Rowe82 identified a bimo-
2002;32:497–509. dal distribution of primary shoul-
Key Words: dislocation, muscle control, pathogenesis, recurrence, surgery der dislocation with peaks in the
second and sixth decade (Figure
Copyright © 2002 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
houlder stability is the result of a complex interaction between direction17,59,82 and in about 2%
static and dynamic shoulder restraints. Disruption to these of cases it displaces in the poste-
restraints manifests itself in a spectrum of clinical pathologies rior direction.82
ranging from subtle subluxation to shoulder dislocation. This The major cause of primary
article describes the anatomical variants associated with both shoulder dislocation is traumatic
traumatic and atraumatic shoulder instability and evaluates existing lit- injury. Almost 95% of first-time
erature pertaining to nonoperative and surgical management with the shoulder dislocations result from
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
Shoulder Dislocation
0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90
Patient Age Range
<20 yrs 20-40 yrs >40 yrs
Patient Age Range
older population (Figure 1B). Dislocation has been (AP); PC, posterior capsule; A, anterior; P, posterior. Adapted with
reported to recur in 66% to 100% of people aged 20 permission from O’Brien et al.72
years or under, 13% to 63% of people aged between
20 and 40 years, and in 0% to 16% of people aged tainment of the humeral head in the glenoid cavity.
40 years or older.42,61,65,82,87 At most, only 25% of the humeral head is in contact
with the glenoid fossa in any given shoulder posi-
tion.13 Under normal circumstances the shoulder
Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics capsule is relatively large and loose.19 The discrete
thickenings or capsular ligaments of the capsule have
Static shoulder restraints refer to the bony ball and been named the superior glenohumeral ligament
socket configuration of the shoulder and the major (SGHL), the middle glenohumeral ligament
soft tissues holding these bones together. The soft (MGHL), and the inferior glenohumeral ligament
tissues include the capsule, the glenohumeral liga- complex (IGHLC) (Figure 2).72 The relative contri-
ments and the glenoid labrum. Dynamic shoulder butions of the capsuloligamentous restraints to stabil-
restraints refer to the neuromuscular system, includ- ity of the glenohumeral joint are variable. The SGHL
ing proprioceptive mechanisms and the scapular and primarily limits anterior and inferior translation of
humeral muscles. the adducted humerus.15,72 The MGHL primarily
Static Stabilizers While the shoulder joint surfaces limits anterior translation in the lower and middle
are highly congruent,89 there is minimal bony con- ranges of abduction.15,72 The IGHLC is the longest
against anterior, posterior, and inferior translations platform for the glenohumeral articulation and the
when the humerus is abducted beyond 45°.72 action of attaching humeral muscles.
The labrum constitutes the fibrocartilagenous rim It has been suggested that proprioceptive mecha-
of the glenoid. Inferiorly it is firmly attached to the nisms involving reflexive muscular action may protect
glenoid, although it may be loose and mobile against excessive translations and rotations of the
anterosuperiorly. Although variable in size, the glenohumeral joint.100 A recent histological investiga-
labrum contributes to shoulder stability by increasing tion97 has demonstrated the presence of mechano-
the depth of the glenoid cavity from an average of receptors (ruffinian corpuscles and pacinian cor-
puscles) within the capsuloligamentous restraints of
4.5 to 9.0 mm in the superior-inferior direction and
the shoulder. These specialized nerve endings relay
from an average of 2.5 to 5.0 mm in the anterior-
afferent information relating to joint position and
posterior direction.43 The labrum may also act as a
chock block, having been shown to increase resis- joint motion awareness (proprioception) to the cen-
tance to glenohumeral translation by up to 20%.58,63 tral nervous system. The perceived sensation of
The labrum provides attachment of the shoulder joint position and movement is likely to
glenohumeral ligaments anteriorly, and the biceps play an important role in coordinating muscular
tendon superiorly. tone and control. It has been suggested that joint
Dynamic Stabilizers A number of dynamic EMG stud- instability secondary to trauma may be associated
ies have shown that the rotator cuff works in a com- with a decrease in proprioceptive reflexes and thus a
bined synergistic action to create a compressive force predisposition to subsequent reinjury.97
at the glenohumeral joint during shoulder move-
ment.16,45,55 Radiographic evaluation of
Traumatic Anterior Dislocation
glenohumeral kinematics in the normal shoulder has Mechanism of Injury The most common mechanism
shown that the center of the humeral head deviates of anterior shoulder dislocation has been described
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from the center of the glenoid fossa by no more as forced external rotation and abduction of the hu-
than an average of 0.3 mm throughout abduction in merus as seen in a basketball player who attempts to
the plane of the scapula.22,79 With fatigue of the ro- block an overhead pass.5,59 Other mechanisms of in-
tator cuff and deltoid muscles, there was an average jury have included a fall onto an elevated out-
2.5-mm superior migration of the humeral head.22 stretched arm and direct force application to the
Copyright © 2002 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
The biceps assist the rotator cuff in creating posterior aspect of the humeral head.5,59
glenohumeral joint compression. In an abducted and Sequelae of Anterior Dislocation There are several
externally rotated cadaveric shoulder model,46 static morphological changes associated with anterior dislo-
loading of the rotator cuff and biceps brachii muscle cation of the glenohumeral joint. The most signifi-
(long and short heads) significantly reduced the cant in terms of recurrent instability are those associ-
magnitude of simulated anterior humeral head trans- ated with the inferior glenohumeral ligament
lation. For conditions of increasing shoulder instabil- complex and its attachments to the labrum and hu-
ity (vented capsule, simulated Bankart lesion) the merus. In 1923 Bankart8 described anterior labral
biceps brachii made a greater contribution to shoul- detachment as the essential lesion in traumatic ante-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
der stability than the individual muscles of the rota- rior instability (Figure 3). Rowe and Zarins84 noted
tor cuff.46 the lesion in 85% of traumatic instability cases re-
The individual tendons of the rotator cuff splay quiring surgery. An osseous Bankart defect on the
and interdigitate to form a wide, continuous inser- anteroinferior glenoid rim is best appreciated radio-
tion on the humeral tuberosities.23 Near their inser- graphically with a West Point view.73 Detachment of
tions, the deep surface of these tendons are tightly the anterior labrum and plastic deformation of the
adherent to the underlying joint capsule.23,24 It has capsule and inferior glenohumeral ligament com-
been hypothesized that contraction of the rotator plex10 contribute to increased anterior humeral
cuff muscles may tighten the underlying capsule, cre- translation.44,90
ating a soft tissue barrier to excessive humeral head The most common bony lesion associated with
translation.104,105 traumatic glenohumeral instability is a compression
EMG studies of shoulder kinematics have shown fracture at the posterolateral margin of the humeral
that the scapulothoracic muscles operate as func- head. This occurs as the humeral head impacts into
tional units to create upward scapular rotation.9,45 the glenoid edge during dislocation and has been
Synchronous scapular rotation and humeral elevation termed the Hill Sach’s lesion.39 This lesion has been
is prerequisite for maintaining optimal alignment of reported to occur in over 80% of traumatic instabil-
the glenoid fossa and humeral head.45 Because there ity cases21,73,99 and is best appreciated radiographi-
are no scapulothoracic ligamentous restraints, the cally with a Stryker Notch view and an
scapulothoracic muscles also serve to stabilize the anteroposterior view with the shoulder in internal
FIGURE 3. Detachment of the labrum and capsule from the anterior Age-Related Changes
glenoid (Bankart lesion), left shoulder.
The high incidence of recurrent shoulder disloca-
% Collagen Type III % Collagen Type I tion in the adolescent population as opposed to re-
currence in those over 40 years of age may be ex-
plained, in part, by the collagen profile of
Collagen Composition of
Shoulder Tissue
is less often associated with a labral detachment or sition of extreme range of motion leads to gradual
Bankart lesion. The condition is associated with gen- attenuation of the anteroinferior static restraints,38,57
eralized ligamentous laxity.3,70 increased glenohumeral translation and a continuum
The definitive etiology of atraumatic instability is of shoulder pathology.57 On the basis of arthroscopic
still not clear and it may be multifactorial. Current observations, Kvitne and Jobe57 described a pattern
etiological theories include suboptimal muscle con- of injury in this athletic population that involved pri-
trol for shoulder function, a deficiency in the rotator mary instability and secondary subacromial impinge-
cuff interval, and connective tissue abnormalities. ment or posterosuperior glenoid impingement of the
EMG analyses of shoulder motion have demon- undersurface of the rotator cuff with the postero-
strated altered patterns of shoulder muscle activity superior glenoid rim. In a separate retrospective re-
for patients with atraumatic anterior instability when view of arthroscopic findings for 61 throwing ath-
compared to normal subjects.56 Radiographic analy- letes, Nakagawa et al69 reported anterior joint laxity
ses of glenohumeral kinematics in patients with in 33% of patients, detachment of the superior
atraumatic multidirectional instability have demon- glenoid labrum in 51% of patients, posterior labral
strated an increase in humeral translation and a de- injury in 80% of patients, and rotator cuff tears in
crease in upward rotation of the glenoid fossa for 66% of patients. While this study confirmed the pres-
scapular plane abduction when compared to normal ence of several different shoulder pathologies in this
subjects.75 While these studies have shown a correla- athletic population, there was no correlation among
tion between abnormal shoulder muscle activity, anterior joint laxity, superior or posterior labral in-
glenohumeral incongruence and scapulohumeral jury, and a rotator cuff tear.
motion asymmetry, it remains to be determined
whether these findings represent a cause or an effect Nonoperative Management of Dislocation
of atraumatic shoulder instability. Traumatic Instability Various treatments, including
Clinical studies have documented an association
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neck with the arm in the externally rotated position. the rotator cuff, deltoid, and scapular stabilizer
Lack of capsulolabral and glenoid contact after muscles (mean follow-up of 46 months). Shoulder
glenohumeral joint dislocation helps to explain the strengthening and coordination exercises combined
observation in previous studies that the rate of recur- with lifestyle modification is the most commonly rec-
rence is not influenced by the method or duration ommended treatment for atraumatic instabil-
Copyright © 2002 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
strengthening for the muscles of shoulder internal minor strengthening exercises performed in higher
rotation and adduction (mean follow-up of 35.8 degrees of abduction have been advocated as a
months). Another study107 of 104 patients (mean age means for reducing anterior glenohumeral ligamen-
± SD = 21.5 ± 8.5 years) reported a success rate of tous strain during the throwing motion.18 Strength-
83% with a 6-week graduated exercise regime of lim- ening exercises have also been advocated for the bi-
ited abduction (mean follow-up of 156 months). ceps brachii as well as the latissimus dorsi, pectoralis
These studies support a role for activity restriction major, and teres major to enhance the stabilizing
and exercise rehabilitation in the nonoperative man- action of the rotator cuff muscles at the
agement of primary traumatic anterior shoulder dis- glenohumeral joint.27,46,78,104
location. Functional exercises that require coordination
In a prospective randomized study54 involving 40 among multiple muscle groups (eg, hitting a tennis
patients, aged 30 years or younger, with a primary ball backhanded) have been recommended for re-
traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation, Kirkley et training normal patterns of muscle activity in the
al54 reported a 47% redislocation rate for a treat- patient with shoulder instability.27 In a pilot project80
ment group that received 3 weeks of immobilization involving nonoperative treatment of atraumatic ante-
followed by a supervised shoulder range of motion rior shoulder instability, significant improvements in
and muscle strengthening regime (activity restriction work and sport function and pain intensity were re-
enforced for 4 months). In the same study, a ported for a functional retraining program designed
redislocation rate of 16% was reported for a treat- to improve rotator cuff muscle control through the
significant for a second rehabilitation program that redislocation rates for arthroscopic anterior shoulder
consisted of isokinetic resistance exercises designed stabilization are higher than those reported for open
to improve shoulder muscle strength and endurance. procedures (2–18% versus 11%) (Table). However,
Various forms of scapular muscle retraining have arthroscopic procedures are associated with less loss
been advocated in the rehabilitation of shoulder in- in external rotation than open procedures.
stability.27,53,105 These have included exercises de- Arthroscopic techniques for reattaching the labrum
signed to stabilize the scapulothoracic articulation can be divided into three categories: (1) a
(isometric exercises, manual stabilization tech- transglenoid suture technique,14,26,35,51,62,74,76 (2)
niques), to restore normal patterns of scapular arthroscopically delivered and tied suture an-
muscle activity (upper extremity weight-bearing activi- chors,33,40,93 and (3) arthroscopically delivered biode-
ties), and to maximize scapulothoracic muscle gradable tacs.4,12,25,26,28,51,52,86,92 A comparison of the
strength and endurance in preparation for a return reported rates of recurrent dislocation for each tech-
to normal functional use (resistance exercises, nique is made in the Table.
plyometric exercises, sport-specific drills). It remains Multidirectional Instability The most commonly per-
to be determined whether scapular motion asymme- formed and most successfully reported surgical pro-
try can be corrected with exercise rehabilitation in cedure for multidirectional instability of the shoulder
the patient with shoulder instability. is an anterior capsular shift, an open procedure that
The interplay between neural and muscular involves the overlaying and thus shortening of the
mechanisms for dynamic glenohumeral joint stability anterior and inferior capsule.3,60,77 Closure of the
is incompletely understood. Inman45 theorized that capsular interval between the subscapularis and
proprioceptive mechanisms were elicited as a result supraspinatus has been reported to be successful in a
of specific movement patterns rather than isolated small series of patients with subluxation.30,36
muscle actions. This theory would imply a role for More recently, capsular shrinkage has been advo-
functional exercises that include positions of instabil- cated as a treatment for more subtle cases of shoul-
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ity to evoke reflexive muscular activity that may pro- der instability. Thermal denaturation of collagen re-
tect against potential joint instability. Other forms of sults in uncoupling of the triple helices and
neuromuscular re-education,27,104,105,106 including shortening of the collagen. A recent study noted a
joint repositioning tasks, proprioceptive 15% to 40% reduction in length of a cadaveric
neuromuscular facilitation techniques, upper extrem-
Copyright © 2002 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
ric internal rotation for the first 6 weeks following an Rotator Cuff and Humeral Muscle Strengthening Exer-
open Bankart repair, in which the subscapularis cises Rotator cuff strengthening is commenced with
muscle is detached and reattached, to prevent rup- isometric exercises, as detailed above. Light resis-
ture from its humeral insertion. We recommend tance exercises for the rotator cuff and biceps
pain-free contractions of 3 to 5 seconds duration and brachii muscles are introduced during the fourth
a minimum of 30 daily repetitions20,32,64 for all iso- postoperative week. (For open stabilization proce-
metric exercises. dures involving detachment or reattachment of the
Range of Motion Exercises Assisted shoulder exercises subscapularis, resistance exercises for the
subscapularis muscle are introduced during the sixth
initially performed within a limited range of motion
postoperative week). We advocate exercises that in-
are designed to protect the surgical repair and pre-
volve both concentric and eccentric modes of con-
vent adhesion formation in the early postoperative
traction initially performed at glenohumeral angles
period. These exercises are commenced during the
of less than 45° elevation. We use the same range of
second postoperative week. External rotation range motion to commence strengthening of the latissimus
of motion is limited to 30° (0° abduction) for the dorsi, pectoralis major, and teres major.
first 4 postoperative weeks. Combined external rota- Dynamic control of the scapulothoracic and
tion and abduction range of motion is avoided for glenohumeral joints and an absence of pain and ap-
the first 6 postoperative weeks. Assisted elevation is prehension for movements performed between 0°
initially performed in the plane of the scapula to and 45° elevation are prerequisite for exercise pro-
maximize humeral and glenoid congruency.50 The gression to higher angles of elevation. Rotator cuff
absence of pain, apprehension, and abnormal move- strengthening for higher angles of elevation includes
ment patterns with assisted exercise are prerequisite the use of Theraband27,105 (eg, internal and external
for the progression to active range of motion exer- rotation), free weights11,49,94 (eg, prone horizontal
cise. Rehabilitation aims to restore full active range abduction with arm externally rotated and scapular
Downloaded from at on April 26, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
of motion by 12 weeks after arthroscopic29 and open plane elevation), and training activities27,106 (eg, un-
anterior stabilization.103 derarm, side-arm, and overhead throwing or catching
Scapulothoracic Muscle Retraining In addition to iso- exercises using balls of various weights and sizes).
metric scapulothoracic muscle exercises, the first Humeral muscle strengthening includes Theraband
exercises27 (eg, extension and adduction initiated
Copyright © 2002 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
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Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®