journal of medicine
established in 1812 November 3, 2022 vol. 387 no. 18
a bs t r ac t
Psilocybin is being studied for use in treatment-resistant depression. The authors’ full names, academic de‑
grees, and affiliations are listed in the
METHODS Appendix. Dr. Goodwin can be contacted
In this phase 2 double-blind trial, we randomly assigned adults with treatment- at
resistant depression to receive a single dose of a proprietary, synthetic formulation This article was updated on November 3,
of psilocybin at a dose of 25 mg, 10 mg, or 1 mg (control), along with psycho- 2022, at
logical support. The primary end point was the change from baseline to week 3 in N Engl J Med 2022;387:1637-48.
the total score on the Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS; range, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2206443
0 to 60, with higher scores indicating more severe depression). Secondary end Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society.
points included response at week 3 (≥50% decrease from baseline in the MADRS
total score), remission at week 3 (MADRS total score ≤10), and sustained response at
at 12 weeks (meeting response criteria at week 3 and all subsequent visits).
A total of 79 participants were in the 25-mg group, 75 in the 10-mg group, and
79 in the 1-mg group. The mean MADRS total score at baseline was 32 or 33 in
each group. Least-squares mean changes from baseline to week 3 in the score were
−12.0 for 25 mg, −7.9 for 10 mg, and −5.4 for 1 mg; the difference between the
25-mg group and 1-mg group was −6.6 (95% confidence interval [CI], −10.2 to
−2.9; P<0.001) and between the 10-mg group and 1-mg group was −2.5 (95% CI,
−6.2 to 1.2; P = 0.18). In the 25-mg group, the incidences of response and remis-
sion at 3 weeks, but not sustained response at 12 weeks, were generally supportive
of the primary results. Adverse events occurred in 179 of 233 participants (77%)
and included headache, nausea, and dizziness. Suicidal ideation or behavior or
self-injury occurred in all dose groups.
In this phase 2 trial involving participants with treatment-resistant depression,
psilocybin at a single dose of 25 mg, but not 10 mg, reduced depression scores
significantly more than a 1-mg dose over a period of 3 weeks but was associated
with adverse effects. Larger and longer trials, including comparison with existing
treatments, are required to determine the efficacy and safety of psilocybin for this
disorder. (Funded by COMPASS Pathfinder; EudraCT number, 2017-003288-36; number, NCT03775200.)
n engl j med 387;18 November 3, 2022 1637
The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e
reatment-resistant depression is a ments. The statistical analysis of the data was
challenging disorder to treat, as shown in performed by the contract research organization
the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to and reviewed by the sponsor, and the interpreta-
Relieve Depression (STAR*D) trial.1 Incidences tion and post hoc statistical analyses of the data
of remission became progressively lower from were performed by the sponsor. The sponsor
A Quick Take
is available at the first course of antidepressant treatment paid for professional writing assistance for the (36.8%) to the second course (30.6%), third first draft of the manuscript. All the authors re-
course (13.7%), and fourth course (13.0%).1,2 viewed and approved the manuscript before sub-
Failure of two courses of treatment has gener- mission and vouch for the adherence of the trial
ally been considered to define a group of pa- to the protocol (available with the full text of
tients who have treatment-resistant depression. this article at, the completeness and
Patients with treatment-resistant depression have accuracy of the data, and the reporting of ad-
greater severity and duration of illness, disability, verse events. Confidentiality agreements were in
physical illness, incidences of hospitalization, place between the investigators and COMPASS
risk of suicide, and economic costs than patients Pathfinder. The roles of the authors are listed
with treatment-responsive depression.1-3 in the Supplementary Appendix, available at
Psilocybin is a tryptamine alkaloid found in
several species of psilocybe mushrooms.4 Its The trial was conducted in accordance with
potential antidepressant efficacy was suggested the International Council for Harmonisation
by preliminary studies involving patients with (ICH) Good Clinical Practice guidelines and the
life-threatening cancer.5-7 Amelioration of symp- ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
tomatic depression in pilot studies of major de- The trial protocol was approved by independent
pressive disorder, including those that compared ethics committees or institutional review boards
psilocybin with escitalopram8,9 and that investi- at each participating site. All the participants
gated its use in treatment-resistant depression,10 provided written informed consent.
has suggested therapeutic potential for this agent.
The objective of the current trial was to identify Participants
an acceptable efficacious dose and assess the Men and women 18 years of age or older were
safety of a synthetic, proprietary formulation of eligible if they met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
psilocybin, administered together with psycho- of Mental Disorders (fifth edition) criteria for a
logical support,11 in patients with a treatment- single or recurrent episode of major depressive
resistant major depressive episode. disorder, without psychotic features, on the ba-
sis of clinical assessment and medical records
and as documented by the Mini-International
Me thods
Neuropsychiatric Interview (version 7.0.2).13 Re-
Trial Oversight cruitment was conducted through referrals from
This was a phase 2 double-blind, dose-finding, primary care and specialized psychiatry services,
parallel-group, randomized clinical trial. The online advertisements, and word of mouth. Par-
sponsor, COMPASS Pathfinder, designed and ticipants were outpatients who met criteria for
funded the trial and provided a proprietary the diagnosis of treatment-resistant depression
pharmaceutical-grade synthetic psilocybin formu- and had a current episode of depression that had
lation, COMP360, which was analyzed for stabil- not responded to two to four adequate trials in
ity and purity. A contract research organization terms of both dose and duration (≥8 weeks) of
(Worldwide Clinical Trials), paid by the sponsor, treatment according to the Massachusetts Gen-
supervised the conduct of the trial. An indepen- eral Hospital Antidepressant Treatment Response
dent contract research organization (MedAvante- Questionnaire (MGH ATRQ).14 Augmentation
ProPhase) was responsible for assessment of agents, or other antidepressants not included in
participants using the Montgomery–Åsberg De- the MGH ATRQ, qualified as a treatment failure
pression Rating Scale (MADRS),12 performed by if they failed to ameliorate depression, provided
trained remote raters who were unaware of the they had local regulatory approval as a treatment
details of the trial and the trial-group assign- for major depressive disorder. Additional selec-
tion criteria and screening procedures are sum- domization was performed at a central location
marized in the trial protocol. and stratified according to country and the
participant’s previous experience with psilocybin.
Trial Design and Procedures The administration session (day 1) lasted 6 to
The trial was conducted at 22 sites in 10 coun- 8 hours, with the lead therapist who had pre-
tries in Europe (the Czech Republic, Denmark, pared the participant for the intervention and an
Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, assisting therapist in attendance. A trial psychia-
Spain, and the United Kingdom) and North trist was available on site for consultation. Ad-
America (Canada and the United States) from ministration rooms were designed to provide a
March 1, 2019, through September 27, 2021. All nonclinical, calming atmosphere. During the
but one of the principal investigators was a psy- administration session, participants listened to a
chiatrist. Both assisting and lead therapists, specially designed music playlist while wearing
whose roles are described below, were recruited eyeshades to help direct attention internally.
as psychologists with at least master’s-level qual- After at least 6 hours and when the psychedelic
ifications, psychiatrists, master’s-level practi- effects of the drug had fully dissipated, partici-
tioners, nurses, diploma-level cognitive behav- pants returned home.
ioral therapists, or doctorate-level mental health The trial followed participants for 12 weeks
specialists. These therapists had experience in after treatment. Participants received two inte-
adult mental health, addiction, dementia, physi- gration sessions, with the same lead and assist-
cal health, child or developmental health, family ing therapists at the day 2 visit and with the lead
therapy, or eating disorders and experience with therapist at the week 1 visit. The goal of the in-
patients having severe psychological distress. The tegration sessions was to support participants in
therapist-training program that was expressly deriving their own insights and solutions from
prepared for the trial had four components: an the experience with psilocybin. Therapists were
online learning platform, in-person training, advised to remain open and supportive, without
clinical training, and ongoing individual men- active guiding.11 Participants were requested to
toring and webinars. Therapists were required to remain off antidepressant treatment during the
complete the first three components of the first 3 weeks after the trial-drug administration;
training program before they could lead ses- however, these medications could be started at
sions independently and to engage in the fourth any time during the trial if deemed clinically
component to continue their professional devel- necessary by a physician investigator. (A sched-
opment.11 Therapists in training could act as ule of the assessments is provided in Table S1 in
assisting therapists so that there were always the Supplementary Appendix.)
two therapists present on the day of drug ad-
ministration. All the therapists were unaware of Efficacy End Points
the trial-group assignments, did not collect ef- The primary end point was the change from
ficacy assessments, and were discouraged from baseline (day –1, the day before trial-drug ad-
speculating about doses. ministration) to 3 weeks in the MADRS total
Eligible participants completed a run-in period score (range, 0 to 60, with higher scores indicat-
of 3 to 6 weeks, during which antidepressants ing greater severity of depression).12 The primary
and other prohibited medications affecting the analysis was of the 25-mg dose and 10-mg dose
central nervous system were tapered and discon- each compared with the 1-mg dose. The MADRS
tinued at least 2 weeks before the baseline visit was administered by experienced mental health
(the day before psilocybin administration). Dur- clinician raters by telephone at baseline, on day 2,
ing this period, the participant met with a thera- and at weeks 1, 3 (primary end-point assess-
pist at least three times to build trust, receive ment), 6, 9, and 12. The Structured Interview
psychoeducation, and prepare for the psyche- Guide for the MADRS provided structured probes
delic experience. Participants who continued to to ensure standardization of administration and
meet eligibility criteria were randomly assigned comprehensive coverage of the 10 questions.15
in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive a single dose of psilo- Three key secondary efficacy end points were
cybin of 25 mg, 10 mg, or 1 mg (control). Ran- response (≥50% decrease from baseline to week 3
in the MADRS total score), remission (MADRS drawal for reasons of lack of efficacy or adverse
total score ≤10 at week 3), and sustained re- events. All other missing data on MADRS total
sponse (week 3 response maintained through scores, both intermittent and after trial with-
week 12). drawal for other reasons, were imputed with the
use of a missing-at-random mechanism.
Safety End Points The primary efficacy end point (change from
Adverse events were evaluated at every visit and baseline to week 3 in the MADRS total score)
were recorded and coded with the use of the was evaluated with the use of a mixed model for
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA), repeated measures (MMRM) analysis comparing
version 23.0. All visits were in conducted in per- the 25-mg dose with the 1-mg dose and compar-
son except for the week 6 and 9 visits, which ing the 10-mg dose with the 1-mg dose. The
were conducted remotely. Adverse events that MMRM analysis included treatment, visit, pooled
emerged or worsened after trial-drug adminis- trial site, treatment-by-visit interaction, baseline
tration were categorized as serious adverse MADRS total score, and an unstructured corre-
events on the basis of the ICH Good Clinical lation matrix. The estimates of the least-squares
Practice criteria and with the use of additional means and mean differences and 95% confi-
information from the Columbia Suicide Severity dence intervals were then pooled with the use of
Rating Scale.16 Suicidal ideation with intent or Rubin’s combination rules. This analysis meth-
endorsement of any items in the suicidal-behav- od combined the between-imputation variability
ior section, including nonsuicidal self-injurious with the within-imputation variability to obtain
behavior, was reported as a serious adverse event. one single point and confidence interval esti-
Safety assessments also included evaluation of mate to address imputation uncertainty.
vital signs (at screening, baseline, day 1, and day Response and remission were analyzed with
2), clinical laboratory tests (including urine drug the use of a generalized linear mixed model, and
screening) (at screening, day 2, and week 3), and sustained response was analyzed with the use of
12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) at screening a logistic-regression model. A “composite strat-
and day 2. egy” estimand was applied, whereby participants
who initiated a new antidepressant treatment or
Statistical Analysis withdrew from the trial for reasons of lack of
Using a two-sample t-test, we calculated that a efficacy or adverse events were classified as not
sample of 216 participants (72 per group) would having a response, remission, or a sustained re-
provide 90% power at a two-sided alpha level of sponse at all visits after these events.
0.05 to detect a 6-point difference in the mean To control the overall type I error rate, a hi-
change from baseline to week 3 in the MADRS erarchical test procedure was applied across the
total score between the 25-mg group or the 10-mg primary and three key secondary efficacy end
group and the 1-mg group, assuming a common points. The 25-mg group and then the 10-mg
standard deviation of 11.0 (see the Supplemen- group were sequentially examined for each end
tary Appendix). Efficacy analyses were performed point before proceeding to the next end point.
in the modified intention-to-treat analysis set, All testing was done at the two-sided 0.05 alpha
which included all randomly assigned partici- level. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze
pants who received treatment and had at least safety data from all randomly assigned partici-
one postbaseline efficacy assessment. pants who received single-dose treatment (safety
A “hypothetical strategy” estimand was ap- analysis set), including adverse events, concomi-
plied in which MADRS total scores for partici- tant medications, evaluation of vital signs, clini-
pants who initiated a new antidepressant treat- cal laboratory tests, findings from 12-lead ECG,
ment were imputed at visits after initiation with and suicidality assessments.
the use of a missing-not-at-random mechanism
that progressively worsened the MADRS total R e sult s
score. The aim was to hypothesize what would
have happened to the MADRS total score had a Participants
new treatment for depression not been available A total of 428 participants were screened, and
to use. This same method was also applied to 233 were enrolled, underwent randomization,
missing MADRS total scores after trial with- and received psilocybin treatment (safety analy-
79 Were assigned to and received 75 Were assigned to and received 79 Were assigned to and received
psilocybin, 25 mg psilocybin, 10 mg psilocybin, 1 mg
79 Were included in the randomized 75 Were included in the randomized 79 Were included in the randomized
analysis analysis analysis
79 Were included in the safety analysis 75 Were included in the safety analysis 79 Were included in the safety analysis
79 Were included in the modified 75 Were included in the modified 79 Were included in the modified
intention-to-treat analysis intention-to-treat analysis intention-to-treat analysis
77 Were included in the per-protocol 65 Were included in the per-protocol 68 Were included in the per-protocol
analysis analysis analysis
sis set) and had at least one postbaseline effi- the representativeness of the trial population is
cacy evaluation (modified intention-to-treat analy- shown in Table S11. Two thirds of the partici-
sis set). A total of 79 participants were assigned pants were receiving antidepressant treatment at
to the 25-mg group, 75 to the 10-mg group, and screening. At baseline, depression was moderate
79 to the 1-mg group (Fig. 1). By week 12, a total (MADRS total score, 20 to 30) in 30% of the
of 5 participants (6%) in the 25-mg group, 9 (12%) participants and severe (MADRS total score,
in the 10-mg group, and 10 (13%) in the 1-mg ≥31) in 68% of the participants. Mean MADRS
group had withdrawn from the trial. total scores at baseline were 31.9 in the 25-mg
The demographic and clinical characteristics group, 33.0 in the 10-mg group, and 32.7 in the
of the participants at baseline were similar 1-mg group. A total of 6% of the participants
across the three groups (Table 1); the mean age had previous exposure to psilocybin.
was 39.8 years, 52% were female, and 92% were Before the week 3 primary end-point assess-
White. A total of 95% of the participants re- ment, initiation of treatment for depression was
ported previous depressive episodes, with a mean reported by 4 participants (5%) in the 25-mg
of 6.9 lifetime depressive episodes, and 86% of group, 9 (12%) in the 10-mg group, and 14
the participants reported a duration of the cur- (18%) in the 1-mg group. After week 3 and up to
rent depressive episode of longer than 1 year. week 12, the number of participants initiating a
These characteristics were similar to what has treatment for depression was 26 (33%) in the
been observed in population studies involving 25-mg group, 18 (24%) in the 10-mg group, and
persons with treatment-resistant depression, and 16 (20%) in the 1-mg group.
Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Participants at Baseline (Safety Population).*
* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. Randomly assigned participants received a single dose of a proprietary, synthetic formulation of psilocy‑
bin, which was administered together with psychological support. Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding. MDD denotes major
depressive disorder.
† Race was reported by the participants.
‡ The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.
§ Total scores on the Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) range from 0 to 60, with higher scores indicating greater sever‑
ity of depression. Two participants in the 10-mg group and two participants in the 1-mg group had an MADRS total score of less than 20 at
¶ Total scores on the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D-17) range from 0 to 52, with higher scores indicating greater sever‑
ity of depression.
Table 2. Primary and Secondary Efficacy End Points (Modified Intention-to-Treat Population).*
Primary efficacy assessment at wk 3
−2 P<0.001 for 25-mg dose vs. 1-mg dose
P=0.18 for 10-mg dose vs. 1-mg dose
Least-Squares Mean Change
Psilocybin, 1 mg (N=79)
−14 Psilocybin, 10 mg (N=75)
−16 Psilocybin, 25 mg (N=79)
Baseline Day Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk
(day −1) 2 1 3 6 9 12
Figure 2. Change from Baseline in MADRS Total Score (Modified Intention-to-Treat Population).
Total scores on the Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) range from 0 to 60, with higher scores
indicating greater severity of depression. I bars represent standard errors.
P<0.001), and the difference between the 10-mg and 57 (72%) in the 1-mg group. The most fre-
group and the 1-mg group was −2.5 (95% CI, quent adverse events reported in the 25-mg
−6.2 to 1.2; P = 0.18) (Table 2 and Fig. 2). The group with onset on the day of psilocybin ad-
nonsignificant finding for the comparison be- ministration (day 1) were headache (in 24% of
tween the 10-mg group and the 1-mg group the participants), nausea (in 22%), and dizziness
terminated significance testing on the basis of and fatigue (in 6% each) (Table 3). Adverse
the prespecified hierarchical test procedure, andevents that were rated as severe on day 1 were
all the subsequent key secondary efficacy end reported by 4% of the participants in the 25-mg
points are considered to be not significantly dif-
group, 8% of those in the 10-mg group, and 1%
ferent between the 25-mg group or the 10-mg of those in the 1-mg group. Just one participant
group and the 1-mg group. Additional analyses (in the 25-mg group) was treated with adjunctive
for the primary efficacy end point are shown in medication (lorazepam for acute anxiety) on
Figure S2. These alternative data-handling strat-day 1. There were no serious adverse events re-
egies and analysis models provided results that ported on day 1.
were consistent with the findings for the pri- From day 2 up to week 3 (primary end-point
mary efficacy end point. assessment), severe adverse events were reported
The incidence of response at week 3 was 37% by 9% of the participants in the 25-mg group,
in the 25-mg group, 19% in the 10-mg group, 7% of those in the 10-mg group, and 1% of
and 18% in the 1-mg group (odds ratio in the those in the 1-mg group. The serious adverse
25-mg group vs. the 1-mg group, 2.9 [95% CI, events in the 25-mg group were suicidal ideation
1.2 to 6.6]; odds ratio in the 10-mg group vs. the
(in two participants) and intentional self-injury
1-mg group, 1.2 [95% CI, 0.5 to 3.0]) (Table 2). (nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior) (in two par-
The incidence of remission at week 3 was 29% ticipants) and in the 10-mg group were suicidal
in the 25-mg group, 9% in the 10-mg group, and ideation (in two participants), intentional self-
8% in the 1-mg group (odds ratio in the 25-mg injury (in one participant), and hospitalization
group vs. the 1-mg group, 4.8 [95% CI, 1.8 to (for severe depression, in one participant). No
12.9]; odds ratio in the 10-mg group vs. the serious adverse events were reported from day 2
1-mg group, 1.2 [95% CI, 0.4 to 3.9]). The inci- up to week 3 in the 1-mg group.
dence of sustained response at week 12 was 20% After week 3 and up to week 12 (end of trial),
in the 25-mg group, 5% in the 10-mg group, and severe adverse events were reported by 3% of the
10% in the 1-mg group (odds ratio in the 25-mg participants in the 25-mg group, 4% of those in
group vs. the 1-mg group, 2.2 [95% CI, 0.9 to the 10-mg group, and no participants in the
5.4]; odds ratio in the 10-mg group vs. the 1-mg 1-mg group. Serious adverse events in the 25-mg
group, 0.7 [95% CI, 0.2 to 2.0]). Because of the group were suicidal behavior (in three partici-
failure of hierarchical testing, no definite con-pants), codeine withdrawal syndrome (in one par-
clusions can be drawn from secondary end-point ticipant), and adjustment disorder with anxiety
results. The confidence interval for the odds ra-and depressed mood (in one participant); in the
tio for sustained response at week 12 for both 10-mg group were intentional self-injury (in one
the 25-mg dose and the 10-mg dose as com- participant), depression (in one participant), and
pared with the 1-mg dose included 1. A post hoc suicidal ideation (in one participant); and in the
analysis of the primary end point that included 1-mg group were intentional self-injury (in one
sex or the number of lifetime episodes of de- participant). Severe adverse events during the
pression showed results similar to those for the trial period according to MedDRA system organ
primary analysis. The results from per-protocol class and preferred term are shown in Table S7.
analysis of the primary end point were also con- At the baseline visit, suicidal ideation (passive
sistent with the modified intention-to-treat pop-or active but with no intent or plan) was re-
ulation (Fig. S2). Additional efficacy results are
ported by 21 participants (27%) in the 25-mg
included in Tables S3 through S6 and Figures S1 group, 27 (36%) in the 10-mg group, and 19
and S2. (24%) in the 1-mg group. The number of par-
ticipants who showed worsening of suicidal
Safety state from baseline to week 3 were 11 (14%) in
Adverse events occurred in 66 participants (84%) the 25-mg group, 13 (17%) in the 10-mg group,
in the 25-mg group, 56 (75%) in the 10-mg group, and 7 (9%) in the 1-mg group (Table S8). Three
participants in the 25-mg group reported sui- of the details of the trial and the trial-group
cidal behavior after week 3. All three had a his- assignments to determine the primary end-point
tory of suicidal behavior or nonsuicidal self-injury measure (MADRS total score). The manualized,
before the trial and did not have a treatment time-limited approach to preparation, support,
response at week 3. No clinically significant and integration of the psychedelic experience
changes in vital signs, clinical laboratory tests, ensured safety and is not a stand-alone psycho-
or 12-lead ECGs were observed during the trial therapy.
(see the Supplementary Appendix). For participants in this trial, psilocybin ther-
apy represented a third-, fourth-, or fifth-line
Discussion treatment. The incidence of response at week 3
of 37% in the 25-mg group in our trial was nu-
This phase 2 clinical trial showed the feasibility merically lower than that described for first-line
of psilocybin monotherapy for up to 12 weeks in treatment of major depressive disorder in several
patients with a treatment-resistant episode of large trials of citalopram,1 nefazodone, and esci-
major depression. The change from baseline talopram, sertraline, or venlafaxine17 but was
to week 3 in the MADRS total score (primary higher than the incidences of response reported
end point) was significantly better with a 25-mg in the STAR*D trial for second-line treatments
dose than with a 1-mg dose; there was not sig- and beyond. Pharmacokinetic research has shown
nificant difference between the 10-mg dose and dose-dependent increases in receptor occupancy
the 1-mg dose. In addition to headache, nausea, and subjective effects of psilocybin across the
dizziness, and fatigue, some participants had dose range of 3 to 30 mg.18 These findings may
suicidal ideation or self-injurious behavior, and explain the differences in efficacy between the
the proportions of these participants were nu- groups in the current trial.
merically higher in the 25-mg and 10-mg groups Limitations of the current trial include the
than in the 1-mg group. In view of the partici- lack of an active comparator, the lack of an eth-
pants who showed worsening of suicidal state, nically diverse participant sample, and the exclu-
suicidality demands clinical vigilance in future sion of persons judged to be at a clinically sig-
trials of psilocybin for depression. The inci- nificant risk for suicide. The intensity of the
dences of response and remission at 3 weeks acute subjective effect of the 25-mg and 10-mg
were generally in the same direction as the pri- doses, as compared with the 1-mg dose, reduces
mary end-point results; however, the analyses of the effectiveness of the double-blind structure of
these end points were ordered in the prespeci- the trial. We did not assess participants’ ability
fied hierarchical test procedure after the signifi- to guess their dose assignment, and ensuring
cance testing had terminated, and no definite blinding is an inherent limitation of studies of
conclusions can be drawn from these results. drugs that produce psychedelic subjective ef-
The confidence interval for the odds ratio for fects. Whether other preparations of psilocybin
sustained response at week 12 for the 25-mg- than the proprietary one used in this trial would
group as compared with the 1-mg group in- show the same effects cannot be determined.
cluded 1. In this trial of psilocybin administered in a
The current trial was designed to address single session with psychological support, a 25-mg
some limitations of previous pilot studies and dose but not a 10-mg dose resulted in a sig-
trials, including limited power, short-duration nificantly greater reduction (improvement) in
crossover design, reliance on single-site recruit- MADRS total scores than a 1-mg dose at 3 weeks
ment of participants, and interpretation of treat- in participants with treatment-resistant depres-
ment effects that may be confounded by inten- sion but was associated with adverse events.
sive concurrent psychological therapy. The current Secondary end-point results generally supported
trial had a primary end point at 3 weeks but the primary analysis with the exception of 12-
observed participants over 12 weeks of follow-up week sustained response, at which time point
in a parallel-group design, included a trial popu- the observed numerical difference was not con-
lation in which more than 90% of the partici- sidered to be statistically significant. Longer and
pants did not have previous exposure to psilocy- larger trials, including comparison with existing
bin, and used remote raters who were unaware treatments for depression, are required to deter-
Table 3. Adverse Events Reported on Day 1, from Day 2 up to Week 3, and after Week 3 up to Week 12 (Safety
number (percent)
Day 1
Any adverse event 48 (61) 35 (47) 30 (38)
Any severe adverse event 3 (4) 6 (8) 1 (1)
Adverse events occurring in ≥5% of participants
in any group
Headache 19 (24) 11 (15) 13 (16)
Nausea 17 (22) 5 (7) 1 (1)
Euphoric mood 4 (5) 5 (7) 3 (4)
Fatigue 5 (6) 2 (3) 4 (5)
Insomnia 2 (3) 3 (4) 5 (6)
Anxiety 3 (4) 6 (8) 0
Mood altered 4 (5) 3 (4) 0
Dizziness 5 (6) 1 (1) 0
Paresthesia 2 (3) 4 (5) 0
Abnormal thinking 0 4 (5) 0
Any serious adverse event 0 0 0
Day 2 up to wk 3
Any adverse event 44 (56) 36 (48) 35 (44)
Any severe adverse event 7 (9) 5 (7) 1 (1)
Adverse events occurring in ≥5% of participants
in any group
Headache 9 (11) 5 (7) 9 (11)
Insomnia 4 (5) 5 (7) 8 (10)
Anxiety 4 (5) 6 (8) 3 (4)
Fatigue 6 (8) 2 (3) 3 (4)
Suicidal ideation 5 (6) 4 (5) 2 (3)
Depression 3 (4) 3 (4) 4 (5)
Mood altered 4 (5) 0 1 (1)
Any serious adverse event 4 (5) 4 (5) 0
Suicidal ideation 2 (3) 2 (3) 0
Intentional self-injury 2 (3) 1 (1) 0
Hospitalization 0 1 (1) 0
After wk 3 up to wk 12
Any adverse event 23 (29) 24 (32) 24 (30)
Any severe adverse event 2 (3) 3 (4) 0
Adverse events occurring in ≥5% of participants
in any group
Headache 3 (4) 2 (3) 6 (8)
Any serious adverse event 4 (5) 3 (4) 1 (1)
Suicidal behavior 3 (4) 0 0
Table 3. (Continued.)
number (percent)
Intentional self-injury 0 1 (1) 1 (1)
Adjustment disorder with anxiety and 1 (1) 0 0
depressed mood
Depression 0 1 (1) 0
Drug withdrawal syndrome† 1 (1) 0 0
Suicidal ideation 0 1 (1) 0
* Shown are adverse events that emerged or worsened after trial-drug administration.
† The event involved codeine withdrawal.
mine the efficacy and safety of psilocybin for not have been possible; the following staff members at COM-
treatment-resistant depression. PASS Pathfinder and Worldwide Clinical Trials for their contri-
butions: Molly Lennard-Jones, Rachel Winzer, Batya Septimus,
The views expressed are those of the authors and not neces- Merve Atli, Ozlem Redjep, Hannah Tadley, Nisha Thiara, Hollie
sarily those of the NHS, the National Institute for Health or Care Simmons, Julia Forte, Niccolo Bassani, and Alexandra Novikova;
Research, or the Department of Health and Social Care in the Edward Schweizer for helping with the first draft of the manu-
United Kingdom. script; Megan Croal for helping revise subsequent drafts; the
Supported by COMPASS Pathfinder. staff at all the sites for help with recruitment of participants,
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with including the Champalimaud Foundation (Portugal), Hospital
the full text of this article at del Mar (Spain), Leiden UMC (the Netherlands), and St. Pancras
A data sharing statement provided by the authors is available Clinical Research (United Kingdom); and Bill Richards, Mike
with the full text of this article at Emmanuel, and Mary Johnson for their advice in designing the
We thank the participants, without whom this research would trial originally.
The authors’ full names and academic degrees are as follows: Guy M. Goodwin, F.Med.Sci., Scott T. Aaronson, M.D., Oscar Alvarez,
M.R.C.Psych., Peter C. Arden, M.P.H., Annie Baker, R.G.N., James C. Bennett, M.Sc., Catherine Bird, M.Sc., Renske E. Blom, M.D.,
Christine Brennan, M.Sc., Donna Brusch, C.C.R.C., Lisa Burke, M.Sc., Kete Campbell‑Coker, R.G.N., Robin Carhart‑Harris, Ph.D.,
Joseph Cattell, R.G.N., Aster Daniel, R.G.N., Charles DeBattista, M.D., Boadie W. Dunlop, M.D., Katherine Eisen, Ph.D., David Feifel,
M.D., Ph.D., MacKenzie Forbes, M.S., Hannah M. Haumann, M.D., David J. Hellerstein, M.D., Astrid I. Hoppe, M.Sc., Muhammad I.
Husain, M.R.C.Psych., Luke A. Jelen, M.R.C.Psych., Jeanine Kamphuis, M.D., Julie Kawasaki, M.S.W., John R. Kelly, M.D., Richard E.
Key, M.S.W., Ronit Kishon, Ph.D., Stephanie Knatz Peck, Ph.D., Gemma Knight, Clin.Psy.D., Martijn H.B. Koolen, M.D., Melanie Lean,
D.Clin.Psy., Rasmus W. Licht, Ph.D., Jessica L. Maples‑Keller, Ph.D., Jan Mars, M.Sc., Lindsey Marwood, Ph.D., Martin C. McElhiney,
Ph.D., Tammy L. Miller, Psy.D., Arvin Mirow, M.D., Sunil Mistry, M.Sc., Tanja Mletzko‑Crowe, M.A., Liam N. Modlin, M.B.A.C.P.,
René E. Nielsen, M.D., Elizabeth M. Nielson, Ph.D., Sjoerd R. Offerhaus, M.D., Veronica O’Keane, M.D., Tomáš Páleníček, Ph.D.,
David Printz, M.D., Marleen C. Rademaker, M.Sc., Aumer van Reemst, M.Sc., Frederick Reinholdt, M.A., Dimitris Repantis, M.D.,
James Rucker, M.D., Samuel Rudow, B.S., Simon Ruffell, M.D., A. John Rush, M.D., Robert A. Schoevers, M.D., Mathieu Seynaeve,
M.R.C.Psych., Samantha Shao, B.S., Jair C. Soares, M.D., Metten Somers, Ph.D., Susan C. Stansfield, Ph.D., Diane Sterling, Ph.D.,
Aaron Strockis, B.A., Joyce Tsai, Ph.D., Lucy Visser, M.Sc., Mourad Wahba, M.R.C.Psych., Samuel Williams, M.Sc., Allan H. Young,
F.R.C.Psych., Paula Ywema, B.Sc., Sidney Zisook, M.D., and Ekaterina Malievskaia, M.D.
The authors’ affiliations are as follows: COMPASS Pathfinder (G.M.G., J.C.B., L.M., S.M., S.C.S., J.T., S.W., E.M.), the Department
of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience, King’s College London (C. Bird, L.A.J., G.K., L.N.M.,
F.R., J.R., S. Ruffell, M. Seynaeve, A.H.Y.), the National Institute for Health and Care Research Clinical Research Facility, King’s College
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (K.C.-C., J.C., A.D.), and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Bethlem Royal Hospital
(L.A.J., L.N.M., J.R., A.H.Y.), London, and the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Foundation Trust and Newcastle University,
Newcastle (M.W.) — all in the United Kingdom; the Institute for Advanced Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Sheppard Pratt, Baltimore
(S.T.A., M.F., T.L.M., S. Rudow); Sant Joan de Déu Hospital and the Sant Joan de Déu Research Foundation, Barcelona (O.A.); SUNY
Downstate College of Medicine (P.C.A.), the New York State Psychiatric Institute (D.J.H., R.E.K., R.K., M.C.M., E.M.N.), and the Depart-
ment of Psychiatry, Columbia University (D.J.H., R.K., M.C.M., E.M.N.) — all in New York; the Department of Psychiatry, Trinity
Centre for Health Sciences, Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin (A.B., C. Brennan, L.B., J.R.K., V.O.); the Department of Psychiatry,
University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht Brain Center, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht (R.E.B., H.M.H., A.I.H., M.H.B.K.,
S.R.O., M.C.R., A.R., M. Somers, L.V., P.Y.), the Research Department, GGz Centraal Innova, Amersfoort (R.E.B.), and the Department
of Psychiatry, UMC Groningen, Groningen (J. Kamphuis, J.M., R.A.S.) — all in the Netherlands; the Department of Psychiatry, Univer-
sity of California San Diego (D.B., J. Kawasaki, S.K.P., D.P., S.S., A.S., S.Z.), and Kadima Neuropsychiatry Institute (D.F., S.K.P., A.M.,
D.S.), La Jolla, the Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco (R.C.-H.), and the Depart-
ment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford (C.D., K.E., M.L.) — all in California; the Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (B.W.D., J.L.M.-K., T.M.-C.); the Campbell Family
Mental Health Research Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto,
Toronto (M.I.H.); the Department of Psychiatry, Aalborg University Hospital, and the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg Univer-
sity, Aalborg, Denmark (R.W.L., R.E.N.); the National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany, Czech Republic (T.P.); Charité–Universitäts-
medizin Berlin, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin (D.R.); Duke University School of
Medicine, Durham, NC (A.J.R.); and the University of Texas (UT) Harris County Psychiatric Center and the UT Center of Excellence on
Mood Disorders, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UT Houston Medical School, Houston (J.C.S.).
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