Preparation of Biodegradable Insulin
Preparation of Biodegradable Insulin
Preparation of Biodegradable Insulin
purchased from BDH (Poole, Dorset), UK. Distilled water was point dried using a Bal-Tec 030 critical point dryer. Samples
used throughout. were then sputter coated with gold/palladium (BioRad coating
system) prior to viewing. For freeze fracture TEM, nanocap-
Methods sules were sandwiched between two copper grids, snap-frozen
by immersion in liquid propane (21808C) and freeze fractured
Construction of Pseudo-Ternary Phase Diagram using a Balzers BAF 300. Fractured samples were shadowed
with platinum (458) and carbon (908). The replica was then
Pseudo-ternary systems of oil (Crodamol GTCC and Cap- washed in chloroform, methanol and finally distilled water.
mul MCM, 3:1 weight ratio), surfactant (Crillet 4 and Crill 4, Dried replicas were viewed at an accelerating voltage of 80 kV.
3:2 weight ratio) and water of various weight ratios were pre- The particle size and distribution of the nanocapsules was
pared and left overnight at room temperature to equilibrate. The measured by PCS (Zetasizer 3000, Malvern Instruments Ltd.).
weight ratio of the two surfactants used was chosen according to For analysis, nanocapsules were washed repeatedly following
the combination which solubilized the greatest amount of water synthesis and dispersed in a 0.2% w/w polysorbate 80 solution
in an oil system containing 20% w/w total surfactant. Visual in ethanol. Measurements were carried out at 258C.
observation, phase-contrast and polarizing light microscopy
(Optiphot Nikon PFX microscope) were used to identify combi- Determination of Encapsulated Insulin
nations forming microemulsions, liquid crystalline structures
or coarse emulsions. Colloidal systems showing birefringence 1.6 g of the polymerized insulin microemulsion was diluted
when viewed by cross-polarized light microscopy were desig- to 10 ml with water adjusted to pH 2.5 by addition of hydrochlo-
nated liquid crystalline whereas clear, non-birefringent, iso- ric acid. An acidic medium was chosen for dilution to inhibit
tropic systems were designated microemulsions. A pseudo- polymer hydrolysis and thus prevent release of entrapped insu-
ternary phase diagram for the components was constructed and lin. 300 ml of this dispersion was thoroughly mixed with 300
the phase boundaries identified. ml of 80% v/v methanol in water (pH 2.5). Nanocapsules and
oil were separated from the methanolic aqueous phase by cen-
trifugation (12,000 g for 12 minutes at room temperature). The
Characterization of Microemulsions
concentration of insulin in the aqueous supernatant representing
Oil/surfactant/water combinations forming microemul- the insulin not associated with the nanocapsules was determined
sions were characterized with regards to viscosity (Brookfield by HPLC using a C18 column (LunaE 5 m C18 (2), 250
DVIII viscometer fitted with a CP-42 cone and plate spindle) 3 4.6 mm; Phenomenex) and a mobile phase of 23.5% w/w
and conductivity (YSI 3418 conductivity cell, Yellow Spring acetonitrile in a 0.125 molar solution of sodium dihydrogen
Instruments, Yellow Springs, OH having a cell constant (K) of phosphate adjusted to pH 2.5 with orthophosphoric acid. The
0.1/cm). Samples for conductivity measurement were prepared column was maintained at 508C and the flow rate at 1.4 ml/
using 0.1 molar sodium chloride as the aqueous phase. Viscosity min. 200 ml of sample was injected and the eluent monitored
and conductivity measurements were carried out in duplicate at a wavelength of 212 nm (Spectra-Physics UV-2000). The
at 258C. amount of insulin encapsulated was estimated from the differ-
ence in concentration of insulin detected in the supernatant of
Preparation of Nanocapsules a polymerized microemulsions following processing and that
in the supernatant of an unpolymerized microemulsions to
A microemulsion was prepared at 48C by mixing 1.4 g of which an equivalent concentration of insulin had been added.
the surfactant blend, 7.6 g of the oil mixture and 1.0 g of water The extraction efficiency of insulin from an unpolymerized
(buffered to pH 7.4 with isotonic phosphate buffer). A solution microemulsion by this method was 95.19 6 2.58% (n 5 3).
containing 100 mg of ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate monomer in 300 The release of insulin from nanocapsules was carried out
mg of chloroform was slowly added to the microemulsion under by diluting 4 g of polymerized microemulsion containing insulin
mechanical stirring. The system was left for at least 4 hours to 25 ml with water (pH 2.5) which was subsequently stirred
at 48C for polymerization. Nanocapsules were collected for at 200 rpm in a water-jacketed beaker (458C). These conditions
characterization by centrifugation at 51500 g for 60 min at were chosen to obtain a time-release profile suitable for the
258C (Beckman J2/MC Centrifuge, JA20.1 rotor). For SEM investigation of the reservoir nature of the nanocapsules. The
and PCS, the product was redispersed by ultrasonication in concentration of insulin in the release medium as a function of
ethanol followed by centrifugation at 18,500 g for 10 minutes time monitored. Samples were processed and insulin analyzed
at 258C to remove residual oil and surfactant. This process was as for determination of encapsulated insulin within nanocap-
repeated to ensure complete removal of residues. sules. Under these conditions, it was found that when free
For the preparation of nanocapsules containing insulin, insulin was added to the release medium containing polymer-
the water was substituted with an aqueous solution of insulin ized microemulsions, 8% degraded in a first-order fashion over
having a concentration of 100 units/ml and a pH of 7.4 a five hour period. The results for the release of insulin from
(Humulin RT). the nanocapsules were thus compensated for this degradation.
Fig. 5. Freeze-fracture transmission electron micrograph of poly(ethyl Fig. 6. Release of insulin from nanocapsules in water (pH 2.5). Values
2-cyanoacrylate) nanocapsules. represent means 6 SD, n 5 4.
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