International 2
International 2
International 2
Angiosarcomas, which are endothelial in origin, make up less than 1% of all soft tissue sarcomas. For every million people in the
United States, one will be diagnosed with an angiosarcoma. Most angiosarcomas are found in the breast, deep soft tissue of the head and
neck, and skin, though they may rarely arise within other soft tissue sites. Epithelioid angiosarcomas represent a diagnostically challenging
subset of angiosarcomas due to their non-specific imaging features, non-specific clinical presentation and rarity of the neoplasm. Epithelioid
angiosarcomas should always be included in the differential diagnosis in patients with vascular neoplasms. Early detection combined with
complete resection of the mass, as well as adjuvant therapy if possible, yields the highest favorable prognosis for patients with EAs.
ABBREVIATION [8]. Angiosarcomas can develop at any age, however the median
age is reported to be between 60 and 71 years old [15,12]. The
EA: Epithelioid angiosarcoma, AS: Angiosarcoma, IHC: head and neck account for the majority in location [16,12]. Risk
Immunohistochemistry, EM: electron microscopy factors for epithelioid angiosarcoma include toxic chemical
INTRODUCTION exposure, Thorotrast exposure, use of Dacron vascular grafts,
chronic lymphedema, and previous irradiation, though the
Angiosarcomas (ASs) are endothelial in origin and make etiology has not been completely confirmed [4]. Certain familial
up less than 1% of all soft tissue sarcomas [1,2]. Endothelial syndromes are associated with AS such as neurofibromatosis
malignancies are derived from mesenchymal origin, which can type-1, Maffucci syndrome, bilateral retinoblastoma, von
undergo blood vessel or lymphatic differentiation, though they Recklinghausen syndrome, hemochromatosis, and Klippel-
may follow both endothelial cell lines [26]. Trenaunay syndrome and appear with other lesions like port-
Classically, angiosarcomas develop in the breast, head, neck wine stains, and hemangiomas [11,17,10,18].
or skin of patients who are 60-70 years of age [1,12,15]. The EAs represent a problematic subset of endothelial neoplasms
range of primary sites is credited to the universality of lymphatics due to non-specific radiological signs of malignancy, as well as
and blood vessels throughout the body. Deep soft tissues have an ambiguous clinical presentation, rarity of the neoplasm, and
an extensive lymphovascular supply and thus are at the highest histomorphologic resemblance when compared to more prevalent
risk for developing ASs. Angiosarcomas vary and involve varied benign and malignant neoplasms. Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
patterns of growth, including spindled, papillary and epithelioid is paramount in diagnosing EA. In conjunction with IHC, electron
morphology [4]. Epithelioid angiosarcomas (EAs) typically form microscopy (EM) can provide further identifying information
spongy, hemorrhagic masses due to their vascular characteristics for EAs [23]. Patients usually experience pain and the presence
of a mass, followed by fever, weakness, and weight loss [7]. In
Submitted: 20 August, 2021 | Accepted: 12 September, 2021 | Published: some studies, up to one-third of patients with EA experience a
15 September, 2021 hypocoagulable state, including ecchymosis, gastrointestinal and
peritoneal bleeding, and persistent hematomas [10].
*Corresponding author(s): Christian Green, Department of Pathology,
American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine, 1 University Preventative measures for EA include avoiding Thorotrast
Drive at Jordan Road Cupecoy, St. Maarten, Tel: +16013071393
exposure or use of Dacron vascular grafts, though most patients
Copyright: © 2021 Green C, et al. This is an open-access article develop EA without an association with these risk factors [4].
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Complete resection is considered the current standard of care
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in in patients with EA, though the complexity of the small area of
any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
the head and neck make negative margins difficult to achieve.
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