Pattens of Development in Paragraph Writing

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Grade 11-STEM
At the end of the lesson, the students
1. elucidate briefly the patterns of
development in writing;
2. value vividly the importance of
patterns of writing development
through reading selections; and
3. Apply effectively the patterns of
writing development in making a
paragraph essay.
The following are the methods
frequently used in writing:

1. Development by
Its purpose is to present an
image or a picture. The writer
should be able to draw things
clearly in the minds of the
readers by the use of
adjectives, so that the readers
would be able to imagine what
the writer has seen, felt or has
The following are the key points to remember when writing
using the description method:

1. Be alert with your senses

2. Decide which single impression you will emphasize
3. Select details that will help convey the desired
4. Don’t catalog
5. Put things first
6. Be brief but accurate
7. Use vivid, specific words
8. Use transitional devices as guidepost
Which of the following descriptions is better?

The tree was tall and The soft pink flowers of

green the dogwood tree
smelled sweet in the
cool spring air as the
wind whistled through its
yellow-green leaves.
Standing in a subway station, I began to appreciate the place—almost to enjoy it. First of all,
I looked at the lighting: a row of meager electric bulbs, unscreened, yellow coated with filth,
stretched toward the black mouth of the tunnel, as though it were a bolt hole in an
abandoned coal mine. Then I lingered, with zest, on the walls and ceiling: lavatory tiles
which had been white about fifty years ago, and were now encrusted with soot, coated with
the remains of a dirty liquid which might be either atmospheric humidity mingled smog or
the result of a perfunctory attempt to clean them with cold water; and, above them, gloomy
vaulting from dingy paint was peeling off like scabs from an old wound, sick black paint
leaving a leprous white undersurface. Beneath my feet, the floor was a nauseating dark
brown with black stains upon it, which might be stale oil or dry chewing gum or some worse
defilement; it looked like the hallway of a condemned slum building. Then my eye traveled
to the tracks, where lines of glittering steel—the only positively clean objects in the whole
place—ran out of darkness into darkness above an unspeakable mass of congealed oil,
puddles of dubious liquid, and a mishmash of old cigarette packets, mutilated and filthy
newspapers, and the debris that filtered down from the street above through a barred
grating in the roof.
2. Development by Narration
Similar to a descriptive paragraph, a narration
is also a spiced up with picture words so that it
will not only appeal to the emotion of the
reader but also to his intellect.
Its events must be arranged according to the
order of time or chronological order and
should be related.
The following are the key points you may use as your guide
in writing using a narrative method:

1. Know what you write

2. Develop a strong sentence topic
3. Choose your materials
4. Organize the events
5. Consider your audience
6. Use dialogue
7. Use figurative language
8. Use narrative details
Which of the following narrations is better?

Your Midas touch on the I find you romantic with

Chevy door; November the way that you open
flush and your flannel the car door, and wrap
cure. your jacket around me in
the cold of November.
The most embarrassing moment of my sophomore year was how I earned my
nick name, Crash. It all started right after school when I turned on to the
busiest street by the school. First I pulled up right behind this truck at a stop
sign. After a second, a fellow older student told me that I was really close and
that I was going to hit the truck in front of me. At the moment I was trying to
tell the kid that I was giving a ride to get back in the car because he was
hanging out the window. Since I was distracted, I thought the long line of
traffic had started to move, but it hadn’t. In the blink of an eye I hit the back of
the truck in front of me. The devastation sunk in. I was so worried that I
damaged the truck, but all that I did was scratch his bumper. Lucky for him!
Then it came time to look at my car. My car was ruined. The hood was
buckled, the frontend was pushed back, and my headlights were broken.
Humiliated and scared, I still had to drive my totaled care home. During
School that year, I never did hear the end of what had happened that day.
3. Development by Comparison and
Comparison means explaining how a thing is
similar to one another; contrast explains what
a thing is not like.
This type of development shows how a person,
animal or thing mentioned in the topic
sentence resembles or differs from someone
or something else.
The following reminders should be observed in order to
make an effective comparison:

1. The things must be in the same class.

2. Address their similarities and differences.
3. Use comparative degree in comparing two ideas
4. The superlative is used for emphasis only when no
comparison is intended
There are many differences and likenesses between my two brothers. Glenn, my eldest brother,
was very rebellious as a teenager. For example, he would go out drinking all night with his
buddies, and was always looking for trouble. Eric, who is older than me, but younger than Glenn,
was not rebellious as a teenager. A couple of examples are the fact that Eric always put his
academics ahead of everything and stayed out of trouble, Glenn did not attend college, but
pursued a career in the military. Where as Eric did attend college, became a pharmacist, and is in
the Army National Guard. They are both religious, but Glenn is a Catholic who speaks with anyone
and everyone about his religion, and Eric is a Christian who lets you believe what you believe.
Glenn is a very "manly" person. He hides his emotions, is very handy around the house, and runs
his family in the military style. Eric is a "semi-feminine" person. He shows his emotions, hires
someone else to fix things around the house, and does not run his home in the military life style.
Glenn is overly protective of his family. Eric is protective, but not overly protective of his family.
Both Glenn and Eric have a wonderful sense of humor. There is never a dull moment when they
are in the same room. Another likeness is that they both have served time in Iraq. They went over
to Iraq within one month of each other, and are coming home within one or two months of each
other. It has been very difficult for our family having the only two boys in Iraq. Glenn and Eric are
both married to their high school sweethearts, and have had large families. Glenn has three boys,
and one girl. Eric has three girls. Lastly, they both own beautiful homes that are comfortable for
their family sizes. My brothers are very different, yet similar. (Kelly Deck, 2005)
4. Development by Definition
This is a method that gives a satisfactory
explanation of the meaning of a word and may
point out the special limitations of its meaning. A
development by definition is very important
especially in doing scientific research or
preparing term papers.
The iPhone 4 is a touchscreen 3G smartphone developed by
Apple Inc. It is the fourth generation iPhone, and successor to
the iPhone 3GS. It is particularly marketed for video calling
(marketed by Apple as FaceTime), consumption of media such
as books and periodicals, movies, music, and games, and for
general web and e-mail access. It was announced on June 7,
2010, at the WWDC 2010 held at the Moscone Center, San
Francisco, and was released on June 24, 2010, in the United
States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan.
5. Development by Classification
Classification is almost any act of noting
relationships. Technically, it is the act of locating a
specimen of all the different kinds of objects which
possesses a given characteristic.
It is the systematic arrangement of things that are
related and is based on principles or basis in order
to come up with a well-organized data.
The following are the general principles in giving

1. Classifying related items into categories or groups

2. Only plural subjects can be classified. A singular
subject is partitioned and not classified
3. The categories should be coordinated, parallel and
must be in the same rank in the grammatical form and
4. The categories must not overlap
There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the
standard sets and best sellers-unread, untouched. (This
deluded individual owns wood pulp and ink, not books.) The
second has a great many books-a few of them read through,
most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as
the day they were bought. (This person would probably like to
make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for
their physical appearance.) The third has a few books or many-
every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and
loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled from front to
back. (This man owns books.). (Mortimer J. Adler, "How to
Mark a Book."
6. Development by
Cause and Effect
In the cause and effect method of
paragraph development, the writer
explains how certain causes produce
results or effects. This method is
particularly suitable for argumentation,
exposition and narration. A writer using
this type may start from cause to the effect
or effect to the cause.
Heavy rainfalls are one of the major causes of floods. The level
of water in rivers or lakes rises due to heavy rainfalls. When the
level of water rises above the river banks or dams, the water
starts overflowing, which causes floods. The water overflows to
the areas adjoining to the rivers, lakes or dams, causing floods
or deluge. The flood water causes havoc and great destruction
in the areas where it flows. Floods occur more in the regions
that get heavy rainfall.
7. Development by Analogy
Analogy points out the similarity and
difference between things. While
comparison shows similarities between
things in the same class, analogy shows a
point-by-point comparison of two things
from different classes but bearing
fundamental similarities.
A book is like a single house. It is a mansion of many rooms on different levels, of different
sizes and shapes, with different outlooks, rooms with different functions to perform. These
rooms are independent, in part. Each has its own structure and interior decoration. But
they are not absolutely independent and separate. They are connected by doors and
arches, by corridors and stairways. Because they are connected, the partial function which
each performs contributes its share to the usefulness of the whole house. Otherwise the
house would not be genuinely liveable.

The architectural analogy is almost perfect. A good book, like a good house, is an orderly
arrangement of parts. Each major part has a certain amount of independence. As we shall
see, it may have an interior structure of its own. But it must also be connected with the
other parts that is, related to them functionally for otherwise it could not contribute its
share to the intelligibility of the whole.

As houses are more or less liveable, so books are more or less readable. The most readable
book is an architectural achievement on the part of the author. The best books are those
that have the most intelligible structure and, I might add, the most apparent. (Glorfeld,
Lauerman and Stageberg., 1963; 1974
8. Development by Question and
The question and answer method is used
in argumentations and explanations.
Sometimes a series of questions make up
a paragraph or paragraphs. However, the
questions are meant to be answered.
At the outset, the explorer confronts four fundamental
questions which have perplexed thinkers since civilization
begun on this planet. Do nations, like human beings, pass thru
youth, middle life, and old age, to death? Or do they resolve
endlessly, as some ancient writers thought, in a cycle
despotism, kingship, tyranny, aristocracy, oligarchy, democracy
and mob rule or some such succession of forms? Or is it
possible for a nation to stand still through countless ages,
preserving what it believes to be an ideal arrangement of
things? Or is there discernible, under the surface ebb and flow
through the centuries, some stream of tendency, some
organizing principle indicating the course of nations, and giving
to their peoples some guiding rule by which to shape their
activities and model their lives and their institution? (Charles A.
Beard, from the Idea of Progress, Gatdula and Jocson, 1999)
9. Development by Example
This method presents examples to support and make
clear the topic sentence. When the topic sentence states
a general fact, examples are used to develop it. This type
is useful in developing paragraphs of argumentation and
Colors can mean a lot of things. It can influence our emotions,
our actions and the way we perceive things. Red, the warmest
of all colors, means confidence, courage and vitality. Yellow
symbolizes wisdom, happiness and intellectual energy. Pink
symbolizes love and beauty. Green symbolizes life, fertility
and nature. Blue symbolizes youth, truth and peace.
10. Development by Process Analysis
This paragraph development is concerned with “HOW” topics. Process is a
systematic series of actions directed to an end. This explains how an
operation is done, therefore, involves instructions or directions in doing a
process with the help of transitional words or devices. The instructions
should be specific, complete and correctly sequenced.
CPR, or cardio-pulmonary resuscitation can be done in three
simple steps. First, check the victim for unresponsiveness. If the
person is not responsive and not breathing or not breathing
normally, call 911 and return to the victim. In most locations
the emergency dispatcher can assist you with CPR instructions.
Second, if the victim is still not breathing normally, coughing or
moving, begin chest compressions. Push down in the center of
the chest 2 inches 30 Pump hard and fast at the rate of at least
100/minute, faster than once per second. Then, tilt the head
back and lift the chin. Pinch nose and cover the mouth with
yours and blow until you see the chest rise. Give 2 breaths.
Each breath should take 1 second. Continue with 30 pumps
until help arrives. (Adapted, Learn CPR, 2010)
11. Development by Problem
and Solution
It is where an information is
presented as a problem or
issue and a solution that can be
done to solve that issue.
Drug abuse is rife in many countries. Billions of dollars are spent internationally preventing drug
use, treating addicts, and fighting drug-related crime. Although drugs threaten many societies,
their effects can also be combated successfully. This essay looks at some of the effects of drug use
on society, and suggests some solutions to the problem.

Drug abuse causes multiple problems for countries and communities. The medical and
psychological effects are very obvious. Addicts cannot function as normal members of society. They
neglect or abuse their families, and eventually require expensive treatment or hospitalization.

The second effect is on crime. Huge police resources are needed to fight smuggling and dealing.
Criminal gangs and mafia underworlds develop with the money from drugs.

However, the menace of drugs can be fought. Education is the first battle. Children need to be told
at home and in school about drugs. People need to be aware of the effects so that they can avoid
this problem.

In conclusion, although the problem of drugs may seem impossible to eliminate, there are
concrete steps that can be taken to weaken the hold of drugs on society. The danger from drugs is
too great to ignore for us and our children. (Source:
ACTIVITY: ½ crosswise
Write a one-paragraph essay
with a topic of your choice.
Then, apply 3-5 patterns of
writing development

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