Paul and The Law
Paul and The Law
Paul and The Law
“Did Paul advocate for a complete rejection of the law, or did he propose a new
understanding of the law that was more in line with the teachings of Jesus?”
1. Rudolph, David. “Was Paul Championing a New Freedom from—or End to—Jewish
Law?” In. Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity: Biblical, Theological, and
This chapter by Professor David Rudolph argues that Paul's teachings do not support the idea
that the Law was abolished but that a new relationship to the Law was established through
Christ. This chapter of this book I could use it to argue that instead of the traditional argument
which advocates that Paul thought the Law was abolished I could instead argue that Paul thought
2. Räisänen, Heikki. “Paul's Conversion and the Development of His View of the Law.”
This scholarly article by Professor Heikki Räisänen details the effect Paul had after his
conversion experience on the Damascus Road and the impact it had on his view of the Law. I can
use this scholarly article in my essay to show a counter point that Paul thought that the Law was
43–68. doi:10.1017/S0036930600006074.
This scholarly article written by Charles Cranfield argues that Paul did not reject the Law
but saw it as a good and holy thing not seeing it a burden. In my essay I will use this article to
argue that Paul saw the Law as a guide to live holy life.
4. Toit, Philip La G. Du. “Was Paul Fully Torah Observant According to Acts?” HTS
In Philip La G. Du Toit’s scholarly article, he explores the question if Paul continued to observe
the requirements of the Law even after his conversion to Christianity. He argues that Paul did
indeed continue to observe the Law. He also argues that Paul commanded that Jewish Christians
could continue in their observance of the Law, but Gentile Christians should not. I plan to use
this article to argue that Paul did not propose a complete rejection of the Law.
5. Sloan, R. B. “Paul and the Law: Why the Law Cannot Save.” Novum Testamentum,
In Robert B. Sloan’s article, he analysis of Paul's views on the Law, chiefly in his letters
to the Romans and the Galatians. He concludes that Paul thought that Law could not save
and only faith in Jesus Christ can. He also writes that Paul thought that Christians should
not keep the Law. I can use this article to explain one perspective, scholars have on Paul
6. Rosner, B. S. (2010). “Paul and the Law: What he Does not Say.” Journal for the Study of
regard, but he saw it differently for gentile Christians and Jewish Christians. In his eyes,
Gentile Christians should had viewed the Law as a guide for holy living such as
following the 10 Commandments and as way to show sin. However, for the Jewish
Christians it was extremely important, and it was important to follow the Law for them
such as dietary laws and the easts which were not required for the Gentiles. I can use this
article on how to show how Paul viewed the Law and why it was important for the
7. Rudolph, David. “Paul and the Food Laws: A Reassessment of Romans 14:14, 20” in
Paul the Jew: A Conversation between Pauline and Second Temple Scholars. Edited by
In this book chapter, David Rudolph argues that Paul viewed, particularly the dietary
laws, were not abolished for the Christians of Jewish descent or Jewish Christians.
However, he believes that Gentile Christians was not required to follow the dietary laws.
I can use this book chapter to show that Paul still required that some Christians to follow
the Law.
8. Nanos, Mark. “The Myth of the ’Law-Free’ Paul Standing Between Christians and
In this scholarly article, Mark Nanos, argues that Paul observed the law daily in his life and that
he required that Christians to follow the Law especially Jewish Christians. However, while
Gentile Christians, he only required them to follow the law during the table fellowship when thy
were eating with Jewish Christians in order not to offend them. I can use this article to show how
Paul view the Law and how the traditional view of Paul as a law free man is wrong.
9. Campbell, Douglas A.; “Beyond the Torah at Antioch: The Probable Locus for Paul's
Radical Transition.” Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters 1 October 2014; 4 (2):
This article by Douglas Campbell argues that Paul viewed the Law as different for
example, he viewed the law as a guide to how to behave morally. This is how according
to Dr. Campbell views and he believes that a local group of Christians may have had a
role in how Paul viewed the Law after his persecution of them. I can use this article as a
way to how Paul view the law and how scholarship has changed.
10. Davies, W. D. “Paul and the People of Israel.” New Testament Studies 24, no. 1 (1977):
4–39. doi:10.1017/S002868850000374
11. According to this article, William Daveis, argues that Paul viewed himself as a Israelite
who followed the Law still, However, he viewed the Law as something different as
something convicts and show us how we sin. I can use this article to how Paul viewed the
law as a Christian.