Basic HVAC System Design - DS V2.2015.0525
Basic HVAC System Design - DS V2.2015.0525
Basic HVAC System Design - DS V2.2015.0525
Design Standard
Basic HVAC System Design
Revisions Log:
The purpose of this document is to standardize the basic elements of the HVAC system
design process. This design standard has the purpose of creating a consistent application
of HVAC system design throughout the East Side Union High School District, therefore
achieving a standard of quality for maintenance, energy efficiency, and reliability
throughout all renovation and new building projects, as they are a long-term investment for
the District.
HVAC systems shall provide a safe, comfortable and healthy environment for facility
occupants while being energy efficient and inexpensive to maintain over the life of the
building. Service life, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, comfort, maintenance cost,
and flexibility are major considerations to be accounted for in the design of the HVAC
Design of ESUHSD’s original campus facilities date back as early as the 1940’s. For
current renovation and new building projects, the HVAC system and its controls are
expected to reflect a forward-thinking, contemporary design philosophy and aesthetic
rather than emulating existing technology from the mid-20th Century.
Design Standard:
1. Codes: Systems will be designed in accordance with the latest edition of the
following codes:
• California Building Code.
• California Mechanical Code.
• California Plumbing Code.
• California Fire Code.
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Basic HVAC System Design
Version 2.2015.0525
2. Standards – The following reference standards will be used for the design:
• AMCA – Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.
• ANSI – American National Standards Institute.
• ARI – Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute.
• ASHRAE – American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air
Conditioning Engineers.
• SMACNA – Fire and Smoke Damper Installation Guide.
• SMACNA – Guidelines for Seismic Restraints of Mechanical Systems.
• SMACNA – Standards for Duct Construction.
• EPA – Environmental Protection Agency.
• NEMA – National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association.
• UL – Underwriters’ Laboratories.
• NFPA - National Fire Protection Association.
• NFPA 90A – Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems.
• NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code.
• LEED – U.S. Green Building Council.
3. HVAC Calculation
• Utilize the following design conditions (San Jose, California) in calculating HVAC
system capacities:
o Outdoor: Summer 86°F, 66°F wb *, Winter 29°F
* Use for cooling load calculations only; use normal weather tapes for energy
compliance. Use 105°F ambient for outdoor air temperature for direct
expansion HVAC equipment.
o Indoor:
§ Classrooms, office areas and public spaces:
• Summer: 72 - 76°F
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Version 2.2015.0525
• Winter: 68 - 72°F
§ Kitchen/Servery:
• Summer max: 75°F
• Winter min: 60°F
o Store rooms, electrical/mechanical equipment rooms and other non occupied
spaces other than computer rooms and telephone equipment rooms, using
thermostatically controlled exhaust fans if needed:
§ Summer max: 90°F
§ Winter min: 50°F
o Server rooms, MPOE, MDF and IDF spaces:
§ Max: 85°F
§ Min: 50°F, max humidity: 95% non-condensing
• Lighting Loads: Lighting loads shall be calculated at CEC T-24 Watt per square
foot values during preliminary design. Engineers shall execute final calculations
upon selection of final lighting fixture selections.
• Equipment Loads: Equipment loads are variable and should be based on actual
equipment to be installed in each location, or 1.5 watts per sq ft, whichever is
greater. Engineer shall apply diversity factors so as not to oversize central HVAC
• Thermal Mass: Thermal mass shall be considered during calculations as a method
to offset cooling loads.
• U-Values for Walls and Roofs: Loads shall be calculated at CEC T-24 allowances
during preliminary design. Engineers shall execute final calculations upon
selection of final building façade materials.
• U-Values for Solar Heat gain Factors for Windows: Loads shall be calculated at
CEC T-24 allowances during preliminary design. Engineers shall execute final
calculations upon selection of final building façade materials. Internal shading
shall not be used to reduce the load calculated. Fixed exterior shading shall be
allowed to reduce calculated cooling load.
• Cooling system pick-up capacity: 10% of total load
• Heating system pick-up capacity: 25% of total load
• All calculations shall be completed utilizing DOE approved calculation software.
• Pipe sizing calculations: 4.0’/100’HD for main piping; 3.5’/100’ HD for branch
piping; 7 fps maximum velocity in occupied spaces.
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Version 2.2015.0525
• Duct sizing calculations: equal friction method - 0.1”/100’ for main ductwork
(never exceed 2,000 feet per minute); 0.08”/100’ for low pressure branch ductwork
(never exceed 800 feet per minute). Lower velocities may be needed for acoustical
• Return air systems – Return air ducts shall be sized on the equal friction method at
0.08”/100’ (never exceed 1,500 feet per minute). Design plenum return air systems
for low pressure drops. Design transfer air systems at 250 feet per minute to
minimize pressure drop at grill faces, and at 500 fpm at open air spaces across the
net free area. For multiple, cascading transfer openings the total pressure drop shall
not exceed the allowable pressure drop for an individual opening.
• Acoustical and Vibration Calculations:
− Acoustical calculations shall be completed by a professional specializing in
the science of sound transmission, acoustics, and vibration.
− Design shall conform to ASHRAE Chapter “Sound and Vibration Control”,
latest edition, and the ESUHSD Acoustical Design Standards.
• Units shall be equipped with a fully modulating 100% OA economizer and with a
separate minimum OA intake system for guaranteeing proper levels of OA intake
through all ranges of system operation.
• Provide CO2 monitoring to accommodate demand based ventilation to reduce
energy use. Monitors shall be connected to the BMS. Consider for large
occupancy areas such as:
− Gymnasiums
− Theaters
− Student Unions / Commons / Centers
− Auditoriums / Multi-purpose Rooms / Lecture Halls
− Lobbies
− Cafeterias
• Determine if natural ventilation can be utilized for comfort cooling either by itself
or as part of a mixed-mode system. Prior to locating intakes, consider:
− pollution sources
− acoustical interferences
− security
− airflow patterns via CFD modeling
5. Ventilation During Construction
• In order to improve indoor air quality, specify building flush-out during and after
interior finish work. The ventilation system should be operational after drywall
installation (but turned off during operations which generate high amounts of dust)
and during painting, carpet and furniture installation. The HVAC system must
operate continuously, providing the maximum amount of outdoor air. The building
shall continue to be flushed out for a period of not less than 30 days prior to
occupancy. To the extent possible, all installations resulting in substantial
generation of VOC’s should be completed before this time frame.
The return inlets must be protected with filtration of sufficient efficiency so as not to
contaminate the air distribution system. If continuous flush out is not possible, then
temporary ventilation shall be provided to areas with high-VOC activities. If temporary
ventilation is not practical, then four days of continuous flush out shall be required after
wet product application such as paints and caulks, and before the HVAC system is
temporarily turned off for testing. Brief interruptions of a few hours would be acceptable
in emergencies during the third or fourth day. The flush-out schedule shall be extended to
compensate for delayed VOC-producing installations. HVAC systems must be reset to
maximum OA after hours and when no testing is occurring.
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Version 2.2015.0525
The cost of power, equipment maintenance, etc. during this flush out shall be the
contractor’s responsibility. Following the completion of the minimum 30 day purge and
prior to occupancy, the HVAC systems shall be returned to like new condition, filters
replaced with new, and the contractual warranty period shall not be adversely affected.
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Version 2.2015.0525
− Select fan sound and pressure levels to assure quiet operation per ESUHSD
acoustical design requirements.
− Fume Hood Exhaust Fans: Fans shall be UL listed for such service.
Provide explosion proof systems with appropriate coatings to prevent
chemical action on fan and housing. Discharge shall be marked as
hazardous and in a suitable location.
− Exhaust Fans: Exhaust fans shall be centrifugal roof ventilators with direct
or belt-driven drives, installed on curbs with level mounting surface.
− Provide 4” dryer vent connection for dryer exhaust.
• Cooling Coils
− Design direct expansion and chilled water coils on basis of a nominal 400-
500 foot per minute face velocity. Design heating water coils on basis of a
nominal 600 foot per minute face velocity.
− All cooling coils shall be piped counterflow of refrigerant against airflow.
− Select the Cv of each coil control valve at design conditions.
− Design with upward water flow through coil, provide air vents at all high
points of coils to eliminate trapped air.
− At a minimum design with isolation valves on supply and return, two or
three way control valve based on pumping system design, drain, flexible
connections, and temperature gage. Provide balancing valves as needed.
• Air Distribution Devices
− Supply Diffusers:
§ Preferred method of air distribution due to aspiration and
entrainment of room air (reduction of drafts and more even room
temperature profiles) as well as the ability to distribute air in many
different directions.
§ Supply air grilles shall be sized based on manufacture’s airflow,
noise criteria, mounting height, and pressure drop data.
§ Do not aim supply air diffusers at thermostat controls.
− Supply Grilles:
§ Avoid wall grilles where possible. Wall grilles have a lack of
aspirating qualities and when discharging in cooling can create a
perceived feeling of drafts. Where designed, use care. Utilize a
larger width to height aspect ratio for maximum induction of room
air. Utilize double deflection type grilles to maximize adjustability.
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Version 2.2015.0525
Do not throw air longer than 15-20 feet in rooms with low ceilings
(below 9 feet).
§ Supply air grilles shall be sized based on manufacturer’s airflow,
noise criteria, mounting height, and pressure drop data. Do not
exceed 500 feet per minute.
− Return Air Grilles
§ Locate to aid in contaminant displacement.
§ Design for low pressure loss in return plenum systems to assure that
rooms do not get over-pressurized.
§ Return air grilles shall be sized based on manufacturer’s airflow,
noise criteria, mounting height, and pressure drop data. Do not
exceed 400 feet per minute for ducted systems and 250 feet per
minute for plenum return systems.
− If transfer grilles are used, they should be arranged with lined ductwork
between to minimize noise and light transmittance. Transfer grilles and
associated ductwork shall be sized for air velocities not exceeding 500 feet
per minute.
− Coordinate placement of grilles with reflected ceiling plans, including but
not limited to light fixtures, sprinkler heads, technology devices,
audio/visual devices, fire detection devices, security detection devices,
architectural features, etc.
• Ductless Split System Air Conditioners for IDF/MDF/MPOE Rooms
o Site the unit above the entry door. By doing so, precious wall space in the
room is preserved for technology equipment, any water leaks will not drip onto
technology equipment, and the unit will have adequate service access.
o Provide local, wired, wall-mounted thermostatic control.
o Provide monitoring through the DDC EMS, with alarm notification above
• Sound Attenuation and Vibration Control
− Utilize sound traps or acoustical duct lining to mitigate noise attributable to
HVAC equipment where required.
− Size of sound traps and length to be designed after completion of
calculations, preferably by an acoustical engineer.
− Length of acoustical lining to be designed after completion of calculations,
preferably by an acoustical engineer.
− Provide vibration isolation devices as required to meet ASHRAE
recommendations for vibration transmission.
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Version 2.2015.0525
• Pumps
− Provide systems with two pumps. Deliver 100% capacity with both pumps
operating in parallel. When one pump shuts down, a single pump shall be
capable of providing 75-80% of the total capacity. Due to cost
considerations, standby pumps are not required unless there is a specific
concern for redundancy.
− For economical design and energy efficiency, end suction, base mounted
pumps and in-line pumps should be used for most systems except when the
systems become very large.
− Dynamic head of pumps shall be determined from pressure drop
calculations (based on the most hydraulically remote location) including:
§ piping
§ fittings
§ valves
§ coils
§ system effects
§ specialties and appurtenances
− Pumps shall be capable of being removed for maintenance without having
to drain the entire system or remove piping.
7. Temperature Control and Zoning
− Selected buildings, and/or areas within selected buildings, shall be
connected to the campus DDC control network. Refer to Integrated
Automation Facility Controls Design Standard for additional criteria. Areas
not selected for automated controls will be designed with local controls.
Coordinate design requirements early in the schematic design phase.
− Individual temperature controls will be based on function, exposure, and
Owner request.
− Each corner exposure (NE, NW, SE, and SW) shall be on a separate
temperature control zone.
− Each conference room, lobby, classroom, lecture hall, break area shall be on
a separate temperature control zone.
− Perimeter closed office zones shall include no more than five offices along
the same orientation. This requirement may be relaxed when utilizing
variable volume diffusers and terminal units are used primarily as a means
of pressure control and reheat; however, group variable volume diffusers
along the same orientation.
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Version 2.2015.0525
− Kitchen Grease Exhaust: Fans shall be UL listed for such service. Provide
with drain. Consider location of kitchen smoke exhaust with regards to
campus views, deterioration of building façade, and odors. Ductwork must
meet CBC, NFPA, and CA Fire Code.
− Provide separate exhaust systems for dishwashing. Ductwork shall be non-
corrosive stainless steel and pitched for drainage. A duct drain shall be
provided at the low point of the ductwork. Do not trap water in the duct.
− Exhaust ductwork shall be specifically designed of materials compatible for
kitchen grease exhaust
− Make up air can either be provided from make-up air handlers or by transfer
of air from adjoining spaces, Code permitting.
− The make-up air and exhaust air systems shall be interlocked.
− Prevent walk in freezer drain lines from freezing by specifying heat tape
wrap, covered with insulation. This application should begin at the
evaporator drain outlet and extend as far as needed to prevent line freeze.
− Prevent walk in freezer door failures and icing by specifying heater cable
around the door and a threshold heater.
− Evaporative cooling (EC) systems for kitchens will generally be located at
the roof, discharge vertically and feed into the kitchen area. Rooftop EC
unit(s) shall be single-zone, packaged, factory-fabricated unit(s), prewired,
consisting of cabinet and frame, supply fan, furnace section including
economizer, controls, air filters, direct/indirect evaporative cooler, roof
curb, flexible connectors and vibration isolators. Filters shall be disposable
type, 2-inch thick, preformed, pleated, nonwoven cotton batting material.
Direct evaporative media shall be constructed of glass matt; UL approved
with UL 900, class 2 rating. Flame spread index of 5 maximum.
12. Documentation
• Construction Layout Drawings: Direct the contractor to prepare and submit
layout drawings to coordinate installation and location of mechanical
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Version 2.2015.0525
Approved Manufacturers:
Not Applicable
Substitutes Allowed:
Not Applicable
End of Document
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