Quant Multi Asset Fund
Quant Multi Asset Fund
Quant Multi Asset Fund
Sandeep Tandon | Sanjeev Sharma
Entry: Nil | Exit: Nil Short Term Bond Fund Index +
Ankit Pande | Vasav Sahgal | Varun Pattani
20% iCOMDEX Composite Index
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Investment Approach Reasons to Buy
Well diversified equity strategy with a flexible Ideal for investors favouring exposure to three different asset
market cap allocation between large, mid, classes with one single investment; equity, debt, and Gold.
and small cap stocks.
Adaptive Asset Allocation to manage allocation Within equity asset class, the fund invests across large,
between equity, debt, and Gold. Minimum 10% mid, and small cap ensuring effective risk diversification.
exposure is maintained for each asset class.
Stock selection process uses unconstrained Investment track record of over 20 years.
approach, allowing exploration of better
returns potential.
Being Relevant with ‘predictive analytics’ The core engine that drives us and sets us apart is a robust and
differentiated investment framework that enables us to see beyond
the horizon and stay relevant. Our unique analytical framework for
enabling ‘predictive analytics’ encompasses all available asset classes
and sectors, formulating a multi-dimensional research perspective.
Why multi-dimensional?
The markets are a complex, dynamic system. There is no one formula or
strategy or perspective that can consistently outperform
A diverse set of variables and participants are continuously interacting
with each other in myriad ways.
In the face of this uncertainty and complexity, instead of limiting
ourselves to any one school of thought we have found consistent
success by studying markets along four dimensions: Valuation,
Liquidity, Risk Appetite, and Time [VLRT].
quant Mutual Fund | 6th floor, sea breeze building, appasaheb marathe marg, prabhadevi, mumbai - 400 025.
tel: +91 22 6295 5000 | whatsapp message: +91 99 20 21 22 23 | help.investor@quant.in | help.distributor@quant.in
Mutual funds are subject to market risk, please read all scheme related documents carefully.