ME324 Lecture5

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 Introduction
 Rotary to rotary motion transmission mechanism
 Rotary to translational motion transmission
 Cyclic motion mechanism transmission

 Every computer controlled mechanical system that involves

motion is built around a basic frame of a mechanism which is
used to transmit the motion generated by the actuators to the
tool. The purely rotary or purely linear motion is provided by an
actuator. For instance, a rotary electric motor can be viewed as a
rotary motion source while a hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder can
be viewed as a linear motion source.. A motion transmission
mechanism is needed between the actuator and the tool because
it is not practical to place the actuator exactly at the location
where the motion of a tool is needed
Introduction- Two different roles of motion
transmission mechanisms
 1. they transmit motion from actuator to tool when the
actuator cannot be designed into the same location as
the tool with the desired motion type,
 2. they increase or reduce torque and speed between
input and output shafts while maintaining the power
conservation between input and output (output power is
input power minus the power losses).
Three categories of motion transmission
 1. rotary to rotary motion transmission mechanisms (gears, belts,
and pulleys),
 2. rotary to translational motion transmission mechanisms (lead-
screw, rack-pinion, belt-pulley),
 3. cyclic motion transmission mechanisms (linkages and cams).
Rotary to rotary motion transmission
 Gears
 A basic function of gears is
to provide a constant
velocity ratio between their
respective shafts. Velocity
ratio (also known as
effective gear ratio) is the Figure 1 Gears

ratio of input velocity to

the output velocity as
shown in the equation

 The function of a gear is to transmit motion from one

rotating shaft to another.
 It is often used to increase or reduce speed.
 Change the direction fo motion from one shaft to the
 Gear remedy slippage to the force or power
transmission from one shaft to the other.
Types of Gears

 Spur gears- simplest and most common type. Its

teeth are parallel to the axis of rotation and it is
used to transmit motion between parallel shafts.
 Rack- special type of spur gear where the teeth are
not form around a circle.
 Internal or annular gears- teeth formed on the
inner surface of the circle. It reducies the distance
between the gear centers for a given speed
variation when mate with a spur gear.
 Helical gears- the teeth are inclined to the axis of
rotation and have the usage as the spur gear
 Helix angle ϕ- angle of inclination
Types of Gears

 Herringbone gears- referred as double helical gears.

It appears as two opposite hand helical gears.
 Bevel gears- have teeth formed on a conical surface
andare used to transmit motion between nonparallel
 Miter gears- a special case of bevel gears where the
gears are of equal size and the shaft angle is 90°.
 Worm and Worm gear- used to transmit motion
between nonparallel and nonintersecting shafts. The
worm has one tooth that is formed in a spiral around
a pitch cylinder.
Spur gear Terminology
 A thorough discussion of spur gear features and
terminology since it is also applies to other types of
 Pitch circle- the circle that represents the size of
the corresponding friction roller that could replace
the gear
 Pitch point is the point of contact of the two pitch
 Pitch diameter, d, of a gear is simply the diameter
of the pitch circle
 Number of teeth, N, is simply the total number of
teeth on the gear
 Circular pitch, p, is the distance measured along
the pitch circle from a point on one tooth to the
corresponding point on the adjacent tooth of the
 base circle of a gear is the circle from which the
curved shape of the gear tooth is constructed.
 base diameter, db, is the diameter of the circle
from which the gear tooth profile is derived. The
Spur gear Terminology
 face width, F, is the length of the gear tooth  module, m, is a commonly referenced gear
parallel with the shaft axis parameterin the SI unit system. It is defined
as the ratio of pitch diameter to the number
 addendum, a, is the radial distance from the of teeth in a gear
pitch circle to the top of a gear tooth.
 dedendum, b, is the radial distance from the
pitch circle to the bottom of a gear tooth.
 whole depth, hT, is the height of a gear tooth
and is the sum of the addendum and dedendum.
 clearance, c, is the amount that the dedendum
exceeds the addendum.
 backlash, B, is the amount that the width of a
tooth space exceeds the thickness of a gear
tooth, measured on the pitch circle.
 diametral pitch, Pd, or simply pitch, actually
refers to the tooth size and has become a
standard for tooth size specifications.
Spur gear Terminology
 pressure angle, φ, is the angle between a line
tangent to both pitch circles of mating gears and
a line perpendicular to the surfaces of the teeth
at the contact point.
Involute Tooth Profiles
 In order to achieve smooth motion, a gear tooth
must have a shape that keeps the driven gear
rotating at a constant velocity throughout the
engagement and disengagement process.
 An involute shape is constructed by unwinding a
taut wire from a base circle with diameter db.
The path traced by the end of the wire is termed
the involute curve of a circle.
 Because the definition of an involute extends only
from a base circle, any portion of tooth profile
inside the base circle is not an involute
Standard Gears
Any two involute gears with the same diametral
pitch and pressure angle will mate
Relationship of Gears in Mesh
 Center distance, C- the center to center distance
 Pinion-smaller gear between two mating gears
 Bull/Gear- larger gear
 Gear with the same
diametral pitch and
pressure angle will
Relationship of Gears in Mesh
 Contact Ratio mp, is the average
number of teeth that are in
contact at any instant.
 Greater contact ratio values
result in smoother action
because another gear tooth
shares the load for a longer
duration during the
engaging/disengaging process.
 Numerically, contact ratio can
be expressed as the length of the
path of contact divided by the
base pitch, pb.
Relationship of Gears in Mesh
 Interference- occurs when there
is a violation of the fundamental
condition of constant velocity
ratio when the tooth between
the base circle and the
dedendum is not an involute and
a mating gear tooth contact this
portion of the tooth.
Relationship of Gears in Mesh
 Interference-
Relationship of Gears in Mesh
 Undercutting- removing the material on the
gear tooth between the base circle and
dedendum circle to minimize or completely
remove interference.
Relationship of Gears in Mesh
 Backlash- backlash is the amount that the
 General power transmitting gear backlash
width of a tooth space exceeds the thickness
nominal value
of a gear tooth, measured on the pitch circle.
In more practical terms, it is the amount that a
gear can turn without its mating gear turning.

 Commercially available stock gears.

Relationship of Gears in Mesh
 Operating pressure angle- the pressure angle
deviates from its nominal value during
Spur Gear Kinematics
 A basic function of gears is to provide
a constant velocity ratio between
their respective shafts.

 The pitch line velocity, vt, is defined

as the magnitude of the velocity of
the pitch point of the two mating
Spur Gear Kinematics
Spur Gear Kinematics
 Example Problem 1
 A set of gears is used to reduce the speed
from an electric motor to a shaft driving a  Solution:
grocery checkout conveyor (Figure below).
 1. Calculate Velocity ratio
The gear on the motor shaft is a 10-pitch
pinion, has 15 teeth, and drives at 1800 rpm
clockwise. Determine the speed of the
mating gear, which has 45 teeth. Also
calculate the pitch line velocity.  2. Calcualte the Rotational Velocity of
Driven Gear

 3. Calculate the Pitch Line Velocity.

Spur Gear Kinematics
 Example Problem 1-Solution:
 3. Calculate the Pitch Line Velocity
Spur Gear Selection

 In a design situation, gears must be selected to accomplish a desired task.

Often this task is to achieve a desired velocity ratio.
 Only key parameters are neede to be determine since majority of gear
operations are AGMA standards.
 These key parameters are diametral pitch, pressure angle and number of
teeth on each gear.
Spur Gear Selection

 Diametral Pitch
 In the typical design situation,
the first selection parameter is
an appropriate diametral pitch
 Because the diametral pitch is
the relative size of a gear
tooth, it stands to reason that
the transmitted forces and the
gear material properties
influence this decision.
Spur Gear Selection

 Pressure Angle
 As mentioned, the standard values of
pressure angles are 14-1⁄2°, 20°,
and 25°.
 14-1⁄2° is recommended only for
replacement of other 14-1⁄2° gears
on existing machinery
 Angles of 20° are well suited for
general applications.
 Pressure angles of 25° can be smaller
without a concern for interference
but have less efficient force
transmission and are best suited for
high speed and low power
Spur Gear Selection

 Number of Teeth
 The selection of
number of teeth is
influenced by the
desired velocity ratio.
 In general, smaller
gears are preferred
because they minimize
size, weight, and cost.
 Number of teeth on a
gear must be an
Spur Gear Selection

 Number of Teeth
 The selection of
number of teeth is
influenced by the
desired velocity ratio.
 In general, smaller
gears are preferred
because they minimize
size, weight, and cost.
 Number of teeth on a
gear must be an
Spur Gear Selection
 Problem Example 2  Solution:
 A gear reducer is used on a concept  1. Determine a Suitable Diametral
for a small trolling motor for fishing Pitch and Pressure Angle-Use Table
boats. The gears must transmit 5 hp 10.6 for reference
from an electric motor at 900 rpm to
the propeller at 320 rpm. Select a
set of gears to accomplish this task.  2. Use the Required Velocity Ratio
to Iterate and Determine
Appropriate Number of Teeth
Spur Gear Selection
 Problem Example 2 Solution:
 2. Use the Required Velocity Ratio
 3. Calculate Pitch Diameter
to Iterate and Determine
and Center Distance
Appropriate Number of Teeth
Gear Trains

 A gear train is a series of mating

 It is commonly used to achieve large
speed reduction.
 Using two gearsets only will make
the driven gear very large if we
want to achieve a reduction of, for
example, 180:1.
 Train Value, TV- overall velocity
ratio of pair of gears in series.
Gear Trains
 Example Problem 5.
 A gear train is shown in Figure to the right..
The gears have the following properties:
 Gear 2: N2 = 12 teeth and Pd = 12
 Gear 3: d3 = 2.5 in.
 Gear 4: N4 = 15 teeth
 Gear 5: d5 = 3.0 in. and Pd = 10
 Gear 6: d6 = 1.5 in. and Pd = 8
 Gear 7: N7 = 32 teeth
 Determine the rotational velocity of gear 7
as gear 2 drives at 1800 rpm
counterclockwise. Also determine the
distance between the shafts that carry gears
2 and 7.
Gear Trains

 Solution:
 1. Calculate Consistent Gear  The speed of gear 7 can be
Dimensions determined through this train value

 The center distance between gears 2

and 7 can be determined by stacking
the pitch radii from all gears
 2. Calculate the velocities and between 2 and 7
Idler Gears

 Idler gears is used alter the direction

of the output motion, yet not affect
the magnitude of that motion.

Equation with no middle

Planetary Gear Trains
 Planetary gear trains or epicyclic trains-
are gear trains whose gear centers are not
attached to fixed bodies
 It can be used to achieve large speed
reductions in a more compact space than
a conventional gear train.
 Greater benefit is to readily alter the train
 Sun- center gear
 Planets- gears that revolve around the
 Carrier- holds the planets in orbit around
the sun
 Ring gear- internal gear encasing the sun
and planet gears.
Planetary Gear Trains- Planetary Gear Analysis by
 To analyze the motion of a planetary gear train, the method of superposition can be
used to “step through” the gear movements. The method of superposition is as
 Step One
 The first step is to relax the constraint on the fixed link and temporarily assume that
the carrier is locked. Turn the previously fixed gear one revolution and calculate the
effect on the entire train.
 Step Two
 The second step is to free all constraints and record the movement of rotating each
link one revolution in the opposite direction of the rotation in step one.As this motion
is combined with the motion in the first step, the superimposed motion of the fixed
gear equals zero.
 Step Three
 The motion of all links is determined by combining the rotations from the first two
steps. Finally, velocities are proportional to the rotational movements
Planetary Gear Trains- Planetary Gear
Analysis by Superposition
 Example Problem 6
 A planetary gear train is illustrated in
Figure to the right. The carrier (link
2) serves as the input to the train.
The sun (gear 1) is the fixed gear and
has 30 teeth. The planet gear (gear
3) has 35 teeth. The ring gear serves
as the output from the train and has
100 teeth. Determine the rotational
velocity of all members of this gear
train when the input shaft rotates at
1200 rpm clockwise.
Planetary Gear Trains- Planetary Gear
Analysis by Superposition
 Example Problem 6 -Solution:
 1. Complete Step 1
 The first step is to temporarily fix the carrier then compute the motions of all gears as the
previously fixed gear rotates one revolution. Thus, the following can be determined
 Gear 1 rotates one revolution.
 Gear 3 rotates (VR1–3) as much as gear 1.
 Gear 4 rotates (VR3–4) as much as gear 3.

 2. Complete Step 2
 The second step rotates all links –1 revolution. This returns the sun gear to its
original position, yielding a net movement of zero.
Planetary Gear Trains- Planetary Gear
Analysis by Superposition
 Example Problem 6 -Solution:  4. Determine Velocities of All Links
 3. Complete Step 3- Combine
the obtained motion from the
previous steps
Planetary Gear Trains- Planetary Gear Analysis
by Equation
 The motion of a planetary gear train can also be analyzed
through an equation that is derived from the relative angular
 One gear on the end of the train is designated the first gear.
The gear on the opposite end of the train is designated the last
Planetary Gear Trains- Planetary Gear
Analysis by Equation
 Example Problem 7
 A planetary gear train was illustrated
in Figure below. The carrier (link 2)
serves as the input to the train. The
sun (gear 1) is the fixed gear and has
30 teeth. The planet gear (gear 3)
has 35 teeth. The ring gear serves as
the output from the train and has
100 teeth. In Example Problem 6 the
rotational velocity of the ring gear
was determined to be 1560 rpm
clockwise, as the input shaft rotates
at 1200 rpm clockwise. Use the
formula method to verify this result.
Planetary Gear Trains- Planetary Gear
Analysis by Equation
 Example Problem 7- Solution  3. Identify the Angular Velocity Terms.
 1. Specify the first and last gear.  The sun is fixed, giving ωF = 0. The
 The sun (gear 1) will be designated the carrier rotates at 1200 rpm clockwise.
first gear. Being on the other end of the Taking clockwise to be a negative
train, the ring gear (gear 4) will be direction, ωcarrier = -1200. The ring gear
designated as the last gear. must be determined, thus ωL = ?

 2. Substitute Gear Ratios into the  4. Substitute Values into the Planetary
Planetary Train Formula. Gear 1 (first) Train Formula and Solve. Substituting
mates with gear 3, which in turn mates values into Equation (10.36) gives:
with gear 4 (last). Substituting into
Equation (10.36)gives:
Rotary to rotary motion transmission
Belts and Pulleys
 The function of a flexible connector is to connect two
shafts that are separated by large distance which a
gear will not be able to connect both
 The linear speed of pulley 2 (Fig. 10-1) is dependent
upon the angular speed and diameter of pulley 2
 The flexible band stretched over 2 will have
approximately the same linear speed of 2 and
imparting that linear speed to pulley 4.
 The axes of pulleys maybe parallel, instersecting and
neither parallel nor intersecting.
3 Categories of Flexible connectors
 1. Belts- made of leather, rubber or woven fabric and
are flat and thin and run on cylindrical pulleys with
smooth surfaces.
 2. Ropes- made of manila, hemp, cotton or wire and
has nearly circular cross section and run on either
grooved pulleys or drums with flanges.
 3. Chains- composed of metallic links and run on
either sprockets or drums, either grooved, notched, or
Pitch Surface and Line of Connection

 Pitch surface- an imaginary cylindrical surface

around the pulley.
 Effective radius- radius of the pitch surface
 The outer part of the belt that is drawn firmly on
the face of the pulley stretches while the inner part
compresses. Some part of the belt is in neutral
 Pitch lines- a line on the neutral section of the belt
and is tangent to the pitch surface and coincides
with a line in each pitch surface.
Speed Ratio and Directional Relation of Belt Connected
 In Figure 10-1 let D2- diameter of pulley 2,
D4- diameter of pulley 4, ρ- half thickness
of the belt, N2- speed in rpm of 2 and N4-
speed in rpm of 4

If the belt speed is equal to the speed of

pitch surfaces of the pulley
Speed Ratio and Directional Relation of Belt Connected
 Example Problem 1
 A pulley 2, 24 in. in diameter and keyed to
the shaft A, turning 360 rpm, is belt
connected to a pulley 4, 36 in. in diameter
on another shaft B. Find speed of pulley 4.
 Solution: Use Equation (2)
Length of Belt Connecting Parallel Axes

 In Figure 10-5 let D and d the diameters of

the connected pulleys, C is the distance
between their axes, anhd L the length of
the belt. Angle θ is expressed in radians.
Length of Belt Connecting Parallel Axes
Stepped Pulleys
 Stepped pulleys- are pulleys with several
diameters in order to accomplish a variable speed
connection between the driven and driving
pulleys. That is, the speed of driving shaft is kept
constant while the speed of driven shaft is

 Two factors must be taken into account when

designing a pair of stepped pulleys
 1. The ratio of the diameters for successive pairs
of steps must be such as to give the desired speed
 2. The sum of the diameters of any pairs of steps
must be such as to maintain the proper tightness
of the belt for all positions
Stepped Pulleys

 Two cases arise from the two factors.

 1. The design of pulleys for a crossed belt
 2. The design for an open belt.
Stepped Pulleys for Crossed Belts

 Assuming the values of D2, N, n1, nx,

and C are known for the drive shown on
Figure 10-7 and that the belt is crossed,
find a method of calculating Dx and dx
Stepped Pulleys for Crossed Belts

 Example Number 2
 Solution:
 Find the diameters of all the steps
of the pulley shown in Fig 10-8 if a
crossed belt is to be used.
Stepped Pulleys for Crossed Belts

 Example Number 2 Solution:

Stepped Pulleys for Open Belts

 Referring to Fig. 10-7 if the belt is  Crossed belt pulley can be used
open its length when on steps D2 and for open belt pulley if the shaft
d1 from equation 4 are several feet apart and the
range of speed for the driven
shaft is not excessive.
Equal Stepped Pulleys

 Equal stepped pulley imposes certain

restriction on the speed ratios
Equal Stepped Pulleys

 When equal stepped pulleys are used,

the speed of the driven shaft must be so
chosen that the speed of the driving
shaft is a mean proportional between the
speed of the driven shaft for belt
position symmetrically either side of the
Rotary to translational motion
transmission mechanisms
Lead Screw and Ball Screw Mechanism
Lead Screw and Ball Screw

 Lead-screw and ball-screw

mechanisms are the most
widely used precision
motion conversion
mechanisms which Figure 3 Lead Screw mechanism

transfer rotary motion to

linear motion
Rotary to translational motion
transmission mechanisms
Rack and Pinion
Rack and Pinion Kinematics

 A gear rack is used to convert  Rack displacement equation

rotational motion of a pinion to
translating motion of the rack.
 A noteworthy application is the rack-
and- pinion steering in automobile.  Mangnitude of linear velocity:
 A rack is an special kind of spur gear
and can be treated mathematically
as a spur gear with an infinite pitch
 All geometrics properties on spur
gears applies to rack.
 A rack has a pitch line instead of
pitch diameter
Rack and Pinion Kinematics
 Example Problem 3
 Solution: From equation (10.20),
 A rack and pinion is used on a drill the rotation of the pinion is
press as shown in Figure below. The desired.
16-pitch pinion has 16 teeth.
Determine the distance that the
handle (and pinion) must be rotated
in order to advance the drill 0.75 in.

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