ME324 Lecture5
ME324 Lecture5
ME324 Lecture5
Rotary to rotary motion transmission mechanism
Rotary to translational motion transmission
Cyclic motion mechanism transmission
Diametral Pitch
In the typical design situation,
the first selection parameter is
an appropriate diametral pitch
Because the diametral pitch is
the relative size of a gear
tooth, it stands to reason that
the transmitted forces and the
gear material properties
influence this decision.
Spur Gear Selection
Pressure Angle
As mentioned, the standard values of
pressure angles are 14-1⁄2°, 20°,
and 25°.
14-1⁄2° is recommended only for
replacement of other 14-1⁄2° gears
on existing machinery
Angles of 20° are well suited for
general applications.
Pressure angles of 25° can be smaller
without a concern for interference
but have less efficient force
transmission and are best suited for
high speed and low power
Spur Gear Selection
Number of Teeth
The selection of
number of teeth is
influenced by the
desired velocity ratio.
In general, smaller
gears are preferred
because they minimize
size, weight, and cost.
Number of teeth on a
gear must be an
Spur Gear Selection
Number of Teeth
The selection of
number of teeth is
influenced by the
desired velocity ratio.
In general, smaller
gears are preferred
because they minimize
size, weight, and cost.
Number of teeth on a
gear must be an
Spur Gear Selection
Problem Example 2 Solution:
A gear reducer is used on a concept 1. Determine a Suitable Diametral
for a small trolling motor for fishing Pitch and Pressure Angle-Use Table
boats. The gears must transmit 5 hp 10.6 for reference
from an electric motor at 900 rpm to
the propeller at 320 rpm. Select a
set of gears to accomplish this task. 2. Use the Required Velocity Ratio
to Iterate and Determine
Appropriate Number of Teeth
Spur Gear Selection
Problem Example 2 Solution:
2. Use the Required Velocity Ratio
3. Calculate Pitch Diameter
to Iterate and Determine
and Center Distance
Appropriate Number of Teeth
Gear Trains
1. Calculate Consistent Gear The speed of gear 7 can be
Dimensions determined through this train value
2. Complete Step 2
The second step rotates all links –1 revolution. This returns the sun gear to its
original position, yielding a net movement of zero.
Planetary Gear Trains- Planetary Gear
Analysis by Superposition
Example Problem 6 -Solution: 4. Determine Velocities of All Links
3. Complete Step 3- Combine
the obtained motion from the
previous steps
Planetary Gear Trains- Planetary Gear Analysis
by Equation
The motion of a planetary gear train can also be analyzed
through an equation that is derived from the relative angular
One gear on the end of the train is designated the first gear.
The gear on the opposite end of the train is designated the last
Planetary Gear Trains- Planetary Gear
Analysis by Equation
Example Problem 7
A planetary gear train was illustrated
in Figure below. The carrier (link 2)
serves as the input to the train. The
sun (gear 1) is the fixed gear and has
30 teeth. The planet gear (gear 3)
has 35 teeth. The ring gear serves as
the output from the train and has
100 teeth. In Example Problem 6 the
rotational velocity of the ring gear
was determined to be 1560 rpm
clockwise, as the input shaft rotates
at 1200 rpm clockwise. Use the
formula method to verify this result.
Planetary Gear Trains- Planetary Gear
Analysis by Equation
Example Problem 7- Solution 3. Identify the Angular Velocity Terms.
1. Specify the first and last gear. The sun is fixed, giving ωF = 0. The
The sun (gear 1) will be designated the carrier rotates at 1200 rpm clockwise.
first gear. Being on the other end of the Taking clockwise to be a negative
train, the ring gear (gear 4) will be direction, ωcarrier = -1200. The ring gear
designated as the last gear. must be determined, thus ωL = ?
2. Substitute Gear Ratios into the 4. Substitute Values into the Planetary
Planetary Train Formula. Gear 1 (first) Train Formula and Solve. Substituting
mates with gear 3, which in turn mates values into Equation (10.36) gives:
with gear 4 (last). Substituting into
Equation (10.36)gives:
Rotary to rotary motion transmission
Belts and Pulleys
The function of a flexible connector is to connect two
shafts that are separated by large distance which a
gear will not be able to connect both
The linear speed of pulley 2 (Fig. 10-1) is dependent
upon the angular speed and diameter of pulley 2
The flexible band stretched over 2 will have
approximately the same linear speed of 2 and
imparting that linear speed to pulley 4.
The axes of pulleys maybe parallel, instersecting and
neither parallel nor intersecting.
3 Categories of Flexible connectors
1. Belts- made of leather, rubber or woven fabric and
are flat and thin and run on cylindrical pulleys with
smooth surfaces.
2. Ropes- made of manila, hemp, cotton or wire and
has nearly circular cross section and run on either
grooved pulleys or drums with flanges.
3. Chains- composed of metallic links and run on
either sprockets or drums, either grooved, notched, or
Pitch Surface and Line of Connection
Example Number 2
Find the diameters of all the steps
of the pulley shown in Fig 10-8 if a
crossed belt is to be used.
Stepped Pulleys for Crossed Belts
Referring to Fig. 10-7 if the belt is Crossed belt pulley can be used
open its length when on steps D2 and for open belt pulley if the shaft
d1 from equation 4 are several feet apart and the
range of speed for the driven
shaft is not excessive.
Equal Stepped Pulleys