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38 Souderton Pike
Souderton, PA 18964-1912
Toll-Free 800.523.6719
Fax 215.721.5890


Specifications subject to change without notice.

3-02 / 10M

Top 5 Reasons To W.A. Schmidt In fact, that’s only a few of the A’s. The list of companies
that have chosen W.A. Schmidt mezzanines for their

Buy Your Next Mezzanine

From W.A. Schmidt, Inc.
has engineered fulfillment and distribution centers is an
illustrious one that stretches from A to Z.
Schmidt’s custom-designed SpaceLoft mezzanines have been

mezzanines known for their precision engineering and quality workmanship for
over 35 years. Every project starts with a thorough site analysis and

for Amway,
is carried out with little, if any, interruption to your operations.
Then Schmidt follows up with on-time delivery, expert installa-
tion and the most responsive customer support in the industry.

Ann Taylor, For more information or to

request a quote visit our web site
or call us toll-free.


and Avon.
And thatÕs just
1. 35 years of experience and more
than 20,000 installations around the world.
2. The best engineering in the industry, PE
certified in any state in the country.
the AÕs.
3. Uncompromising quality, application assistance
and installation support.
4. On-line Quote Center on the web delivers
quotes in 24 hours or less.
5. Lifetime Equipment Warranty guarantees your
complete satisfaction.
If you need more reasons, or to get a quote, call
toll-free 800-523-6719, or visit our web site at

S P A C E L O F T ™
S p a c e L o f t ™ C u s t o m W i d e s p a n M e z z a n i n e s S p a c e L o f t C o n s t r u c t i o n A n d I n s t a l l a t i o n

The Affordable, Easy Way To Increase Special handling systems can be Materials Of Construction
Your Floorspace. integrated into the original design. The structural steel design meets or exceeds
SpaceLoft™ custom widespan mezzanines When you expand, you can easily add the requirements of the American Institute of
help you transform unused overhead space into on to an existing SpaceLoft mezzanine. The Steel Construction (AISC) “Specification for
valuable floorspace. SpaceLoft mezzanines are simple nut-and-bolt design allows for future Structural Steel Buildings/Allowable Stress
also the perfect choice for supporting an inte- expandability without extensive re-engineering. Design and Plastic Design 6/1/89.” Bar joist
grated material handling and sortation system And any SpaceLoft mezzanine can be disman- design meets or exceeds the requirements of
in distribution centers and fulfillment houses. tled and re-assembled if your facility moves, the Steel Joist Institute (SJI) “Standard

The SpaceLoft design helps you maximize so you can take your investment with you. Specifications for Open Web Steel Joist H
usable space by conforming to the characteris- W.A. Schmidt’s staff will assist you from Series,” adopted 11/7/83. OSHA (Occupational
tics of your facility and special needs of your project conception through completion with site Safety & Health Administration) regulations are
applications. Openings and stairways can be analysis, custom engineering and factory met or exceeded. Other codes are specified by
located wherever they are needed. Load capac- authorized installation, virtually anywhere in the the customer, including “National Building SpaceLoft mezzanines are engineered to each customer’s needs.
ity can be increased in your heavy load areas. continental United States. Code” by BOCA, “Uniform Building Code” by
Optimized Configuration ICBS, or “Standard Building Code” by SBCCA.
Each SpaceLoft mezzanine is designed to fit ASTM A36 and A500 structural steel is
around your existing columns and machinery to used for the ideal combination of mass, thick-
help you obtain the greatest amount of usable ness, and strength characteristics. This
floorspace. The SpaceLoft’s high-strength struc- improves the structure’s stability by minimizing
ture affords the greatest amount of space horizontal and vertical deflection. ASTM A325
between columns, to minimize ground floor hardened steel bolts and fasteners are utilized
obstructions. for the greatest strength at all critical locations.
Uniform load capacities are designed to
Engineering And Design
suit your requirements. Unlike other mezza-
A W.A. Schmidt, Inc. authorized representative
nines, the SpaceLoft can be structured for a SpaceLoft is ideal for supporting automatic conveyor equipment.
conducts a site analysis to determine
virtually limitless range of load capacities.
clearances, loads, configuration, and work Installation And Project Management
Standard design for deflection is no greater
Before SpaceLoft flow patterns (including conveyor equipment). Nut and bolt assembly of SpaceLoft mezza-
than L/360 of the span, but can be decreased
A quotation is usually provided within 48 hours. nines allows quick installation by W.A. Schmidt,
if desired.
Detailed submittal drawings are forwarded Inc.’s authorized installer, or by your own staff,
Mezzanine decks are designed for con-
to the customer for approval before any using only hand tools. Many projects are com-
centrated loads where required. This allows the
fabrication is begun. pleted within days, minimizing work interrup-
use of SpaceLoft mezzanines for pallet jacks,
SpaceLoft mezzanines are designed to tion. On larger projects, W.A. Schmidt can pro-
racks and shelving, pallet trucks, automated
offer rigidity without interference. Dynamic vide project management along with installa-
conveyor systems, or other heavy equipment.
force requirements can be designed in, while tion supervision, to ensure timely
concentrated loads and resistance to seismic Alternate Materials delivery, installation, and integration with
forces are routinely engineered at the time of As an alternate, W.A. Schmidt, Inc. can provide other trades.
quoting. mezzanines in all-aluminum or all-stainless When installed by W.A. Schmidt’s
Integration with conveyor and picking construction if environmental conditions war- authorized installer, SpaceLoft mezzanines are
systems, modular or custom-built offices, rant it. Please contact your Regional Manager available with a Lifetime Warranty.
production lines, HVAC, rack and shelving, or for details on specifications for aluminum or
a custom support structure present no problem stainless construction.
After SpaceLoft for Schmidt’s experienced engineering team.

4 5
S P A C E L O F T ™
SpaceLoft Beats The High Cost
Of New Construction
Custom widespan mezzanines are
Choose from a variety
engineered for any application: Allows relocation of records of deck materials.
storage, inventory, and parts
◗ Offices ◗ Picking Systems out of high traffic areas.
◗ Manufacturing ◗ Conveyors
◗ Bulk Storage ◗ Catwalks
◗ Shelving ◗ Vision Towers
◗ Machine Platforms ◗ Cafeterias
Increases usable workspace
◗ Maintenance Platforms for higher productivity.

Offices and rest areas can
be isolated from busy, noisy
ground floor production.

SpaceLoft’s configuration
is engineered to fit around
existing building columns
and other obstructions.

The SpaceLoft™ design includes

steel baseplates in a variety of
sizes to distribute column loads
effectively. This helps to overcome
the capacity limitations of floor Stairs and landings can be
slabs and/or footings. located at any convenient Widespan column design
location. allows maximum traffic
Flexible design may incorporate flow at ground level.
special handling systems or
openings for existing systems.

6 7
S P A C E L O F T ™
B e a m A n d B a r J o i s t C o n s t r u c t i o n O p t i o n s D e c k M a t e r i a l s A n d O p t i o n s

W.A. Schmidt, Inc.’s standard bar joist efficient and reliable than shear connec-
design allows longer spans than cold rolled tions. Loads are passed directly from beam
sections, and helps to eliminate the to column, thereby minimizing the number
“spongy” effect encountered in construction of load-bearing components. Where
with less stringent standards. support beams and deck beams intersect
at columns, oversized top plates are used Plywood on B-Deck Bar Grating Diamond Plate
Column-Beam Connections to resist lateral loading occurrences.
Wherever possible, standard beams over SpaceLoft mezzanines are available with Engineered Materials
Connection hardware is grade A325.

column connections are used. The resulting a wide variety of deck choices to suit the Various brands of wear-resistant deck
Column base plates are designed
bearing-type connection is more needs of the customer. Several of the material are recommended in applica-
specifically for each job with a minimum
size of 8” x 8” x 1/2”. Base plates are more popular deck options are listed tions requiring a solid floor which may be
Joist Column factory-drilled for minimum 1/2” x 4-1/2” below. Others are available on request. subject to heavy traffic loads from
Assembly Elevation wheeled carts, dollies or lifts. The initial
stud anchors.
Plywood On B-deck
Minimum standard columns are 6” x 6” cost is often greater than standard ply-
A durable, economical choice suitable for
x 3/16” unless specified differently by the wood on B-deck. However, the long-term Open bar grating allows ventilation and light
offices and a variety of other uses. 20- to pass through.
Joist customer. Heavier columns are designed savings can be significant because,
Web gauge galvanized B-deck is used as the
as loads dictate. unlike plywood or oriented strand board,
Stiffener standard to prevent rust and paint chip-
As Req’d. they don’t delaminate, shred or flake
Top ping encountered in shipping and contact
Bar Joist Of Beam-Beam Connections under heavy wheeled loads.
Steel Structural angle clips connected with points. This helps SpaceLoft mezzanines
Clear A325 3/4” bolts are standard for these maintain a like-new appearance for years. Concrete
Structural Height B-deck is typically covered with one or Poured-in-place concrete over B-deck is
Base Plate
Beam-to-beam designs are used two layers of plywood. available for any application which
instead of bar joists for excessive loading requires it. Concrete is often specified in
Open Bar Grating
requirements and/or when deck thickness sites which require all fireproof materials,
By far the strongest and most versatile
may restrict clear height under mezzanine. but can be applied in any facility which
type of open deck available. It allows
Maximum deflection factor is L/360 unless needs the durability and permanence
Beam Column maximum transfer of heat, sound, and
only concrete can offer.
Assembly Elevation otherwise specified.
ventilation between levels. In addition, it
W.A. Schmidt designs are developed
Structural Angles For Bolted Assembly may eliminate the need for additional
to meet and exceed OSHA standards. We
sprinkler systems because water passes
also engineer our SpaceLoft mezzanines to
Suppor through to lower levels.
t meet other standards for commercial,
industrial, and residential applications, Diamond Plate Decking
Paint And Finish Options
Top including BOCA, UBC, and SBCA. Our Impervious to liquids, providing outstand-
Deck Beam Of Standard finish on all structural compo-
steel designs meet AISC’s strict codes, ing wear resistance, with embossed
nents is a baked urethane, unless
with a sizeable safety factor built in. pattern to reduce slippage. This is the
specified otherwise. Guardrail is painted
Clear SpaceLoft mezzanines are engineered material of choice for heavy loads and
Structural Tube Height with safety yellow. Alternate colors are
according to the specific circumstances at forklift traffic. The strength of the steel
Or “H” Beam shown here. Other colors and finishes are
the customer’s location, including floor helps to distribute concentrated loads.
available on request.
capabilities, clearances, and stair access Steel deck is also available without a
for quick exit. diamond pattern.

8 9

E X P A N D A L O F T ™
C a t w a l k s

A catwalk configuration is ideal for providing

elevated walkways from one area to another,
or to support elevated conveyor systems.
Catwalks can be either floor supported or
ceiling supported. Ceiling supported
catwalks have the advantage of providing
100% clear area below the deck with no
supporting column interruptions. In many
respects a catwalk is identical to a
mezzanine. Each provides a structural
platform that permits access within the
entire cube of the building.

All the construction options available A floor-supported mezzanine (right) transitions to a ceiling-
on SpaceLoft mezzanines are available for supported mezzanine (left), called a catwalk.

catwalks, including deck materials,

openings, gates and stairs.

I n q u i r y F o r m

An inquiry form is provided to help you determine all the this page from the factory or Regional Manager, or
features, materials, and configuration options required download a copy from, to use when sub-
for your SpaceLoft mezzanine. Please request copies of mitting a quotation request to W.A. Schmidt, Inc.

E X P A N D A L O F T ™
Choose from a variety
ExpandaLoft™ Mezzanines: of deck materials.
A Modular Approach To
Increasing Floorspace.
With high-strength modular mezzanines from W.A.
Schmidt, Inc, it’s easier than ever to increase your
floorspace. Our ExpandaLoft modular system allows
you to select the ideal sizes—or combination of sizes Increases usable workspace
— to suit your applications and to expand efficiently for higher productivity.
as your needs change.

Standard mezzanines suit a variety

of applications:
◗ Offices ◗ Machine Platforms

◗ Manufacturing ◗ Maintenance Platforms
◗ Bulk Storage ◗ Vision Towers
◗ Shelving ◗ Cafeterias

ExpandaLoft configuration
is engineered to fit around
existing building columns
and other obstructions.

Flexible design may incorporate

special handling systems or
openings for existing systems.

Stairs and landings can be

located at any convenient
12 location. 13
S T A I R S & C R O S S O V E R S

T o u g h C o n s t r u c t i o n

Designed in accordance with AISC

standards, the ExpandaLoft™ system can
handle loads of up to 150 pounds per
square foot with a deflection factor of less
than L/360 of span. W.A. Schmidt, Inc.
uses structural steel columns, beams, and
connections to maximize strength and

Materials Of Construction:

◗ Columns are 6” x 6” (min.)
structural steel tube
◗ Baseplates are 8” x 8” x 1/2” thick
(min.) structural steel
◗ Framing members are hot rolled
◗ Safety rails are made of square
tubing painted safety yellow
◗ Connections are ASTM A325 bolts
◗ Deck options: See page 9

I n s t a l l a t i o n

Nut and bolt assembly of ExpandaLoft

mezzanines allows quick installation by
W.A. Schmidt, Inc.’s authorized installer, or
by your own staff, using only hand tools.
Many projects are completed within a
matter of hours, with no special training,
minimizing work interruption.
On larger projects, W.A. Schmidt can pro-
vide total project management, to ensure
timely delivery, installation, and integration
with other trades. Additional units can be
attached at convenient locations to meet
your future needs.
GatesL A N D I N G S

ExpandaLoft modular mezzanines are versatile and easy to install.

S w i n g G a t e P o w e r S l i d i n g G a t e

W.A. Schmidt’s The newly re-designed power safety gate adds efficiency, safety, and
standard model is a dual- convenience to mezzanine material handling applications.
swing gate with spring Forklift operators can open the motorized gate by remote control, reducing
hinges, allowing a full labor and time. The improved power sliding gate spans a total length of 10’-0”
clearance of 5’-9” with feet when closed, and allowing a clear opening of 5’-8”. The gate requires a
both doors opened. total footprint of 19’-0” when fully open (including the motor).

Doors are securely The power sliding gate can operate in conjunction with any of W.A.
latched with a rugged Schmidt’s guardrail systems. The new design requires no pallet drop guard
cane bolt fastened because the gate rolls on the top of the deck instead of on the edge of the
through metal anchor mezzanine. The gate works with standard screw drive openers, making the
plates drilled to the mezzanine deck. power sliding gate a safer, more easily maintained system overall. Refer to
The spring hinge feature assures that dimensional drawings. Manual sliding gate also available (in a 16’-0” footprint).
both doors will return to the closed posi-
tion when not held open, increasing
employee safety. Doors are constructed
from the same durable materials used for
mezzanine guardrail systems, and are
furnished in square tube or round designs,
depending on the railing type selected.
Refer to dimensional drawings.

C o r r a l G a t e P o c k e t P i v o t G a t e

W.A. Schmidt’s newly The Pocket Pivot gate provides

re-designed Corral gate a safe, economical alternative
for mezzanines permits to other gates.
handling large pallet loads Designed for minimum guardrail
quickly and safely. clearance, the gate pivots 90°
When staging a pallet on from a single point on the floor
the mezzanine level, the into its own specially designed
corral gate is designed to “pocket,” leaving a deck opening
pivot and provide an inte- of 5’-6”. Double doors may be
gral railing at the mezza- ordered, permitting a deck
nine’s edge to prevent opening of 11’-0”.
accidental falls. Once The Pocket Pivot gate may be gate may be easily installed on exist-
loaded, the gate is pivoted back to mezzanine from risk of personal injury. specified for either left-hand or right- ing decks as well as new
open the mezzanine deck for forklift Standard model allows a deck hand opening, and attaches to any mezzanines. Refer to dimensional
access to the pallet from below. At the opening of 5’-8”. Refer to dimensional standard guardrail. Minimum over- drawings.
same time, the integral railing provides drawings. head clearance required is 7’-0”. This
protection for the operator on the

16 17
M e z z a n i n e A c c e s s o r i e s

O S H A S t a i r s B O C A S t a i r s
Based on 9-3/4” tread and 7” to 9” riser, open stair. Based on 11” tread and 5” to 7” riser, open stair.
Add 1-1/2” to run for closed stair. Add 1-1/2” to run for closed stair.

Deck No. of No. of Horizontal Deck No. of No. of Horizontal

Height Risers Treads Stair Run Height Risers Treads Stair Run
2’ 0” to 2’ 3” 3 2 1’ 7-1/2” 1’ 9-1/2” to 2’ 4” 4 3 2’ 9”

2’ 3-1/2” to 3’ 0” 4 3 2’ 5-1/4” 2’ 4-1/2” to 2’ 11” 5 4 3’ 8”
3’ 0-1/2” to 3’ 9” 5 4 3’ 3” 2’ 11-1/2” to 3’ 6” 6 5 4’ 7”
3’ 9-1/2” to 4” 6” 6 5 4’ 0-3/4” 3’ 6-1/2” to 4’ 1” 7 6 5’ 6”
4’ 6-1/2” to 5’ 3” 7 6 4’ 10-1/2” 4’ 1-1/2” to 4’ 8” 8 7 6’ 5”
5’ 3-1/2” to 6’ 0” 8 7 5’ 8-1/4” 4’ 8-1/2” to 5’ 3” 9 8 7’ 4”
6’ 0”-1/2” to 6’ 9” 9 8 6’ 6” 5’ 3-1/2” to 5’ 10” 10 9 8’ 3”
Round guardrail used on a special low-deck mezzanine. 90° stair and landing.
6’ 9’-1/2” to 7’ 6” 10 9 7’ 3-3/4” 5’ 10-1/2” to 6’ 5” 11 10 9’ 2”
Guardrail Landings 7’ 6-1/2” to 8’ 3” 11 10 8’ 1-1/2” 6’ 5-1/2” to 7’ 0” 12 11 10’ 1”
Standard guardrail from Landings can be provided at the top of a stair 8’ 3-1/2” to 9’ 0” 12 11 8’ 11-1/4” 7’ 0-1/2” to 7’ 7” 13 12 11’ 0”
W.A. Schmidt, Inc. is fabri- run, at the mid-point of a stair, or at any other 9’ 0-1/2” to 9’ 9” 13 12 9’ 9” 7’ 7-1/2” to 8’ 2” 14 13 11’ 11”
cated from 1-1/2” x 14 ga. point required by the customer. The standard 9’ 9-1/2” to 10’ 6” 14 13 10’ 6-3/4” 8’ 2-1/2” to 8’ 9” 15 14 12’ 10”
square steel tube, painted landing size is 4’-0” x 4’-0”. A double interme- 10’ 6-1/2” to 11’ 3” 15 14 11’ 4-1/2” 8’ 9-1/2” to 9’ 4” 16 15 13’ 9”
safety yellow. Posts are diate landing can be provided to turn a stair 11’ 3-1/2” to 12’ 0” 16 15 12’ 2-1/4” 9’ 4-1/2” to 9’ 11” 17 16 14’ 8”
designed for direction 180° either at the midpoint of a run or 12’ 0-1/2” to 12’ 9” 17 16 13’ 0” 9’ 11-1/2” to 10’ 6” 18 17 15’ 7”
6’-0” centers, and all tube at the top of the stairs. Guardrail is provided to 12’ 9-1/2 to 13’ 6” 18 17 13’ 9-3/4” 10’ 6-1/2” to 11’ 1” 19 18 16’ 6”
openings are fitted with match the stairs. 13’ 6-1/2” to 14’ 3” 19 18 14’ 7-1/2” 11’ 1-1/2” 11’ 8” 20 19 17’ 5”
plastic caps to eliminate 11’ 8-1/2” to 12’ 3” 21 20 18’ 4”
sharp edges.
Rugged industrial quality stairs from W.A. All W.A. Schmidt stairs can be
Guardrail is attached
Schmidt, Inc. are available with either open-riser ordered with SpaceLoft or
to the mezzanine deck
or closed-riser designs, in welded or bolted ExpandaLoft mezzanines, or sepa-
simply with self-drilling,
construction, with stair treads offered in either rately for retrofit onto existing decks.
self-tapping TEK screws,
open grate or diamond plate material. Standard The table above is provided to
with no need to drill or
stair width is 36”; stairs are finished in the same guide the user in floor layout using a
Straight-run stair and landing. attach to beams or bar
paint as that of the mezzanine. standard run/rise configuration for
joists under the decking.
Horizontal rails fit into post tabs and are also OSHA or BOCA stairs.
fastened with TEK screws. All guardrail

Stair Height
includes kickplate and flashing, both painted
safety yellow.
Guardrail is also available in 1-1/4”
schedule 40 pipe. Fabrication and installation
are identical to the square tube type. Each Tre ight
H e
guardrail type is available in OSHA (2-rail) and
BOCA (3-rail) configurations.
er un
Closed stair Open stair Ris ight ir R
H e Sta ta
ir W lS
idth nta

18 19
M e z z a n i n e A c c e s s o r i e s

2’-3” 2’-0” Custom Ladders Vertical Lifts In-Plant Offices

Custom ladders can be provided by W.A. Schmidt offers a complete line Custom widespan
Hand Rail

1’-9” W.A. Schmidt, Inc. according to the of vertical lifts, both reciprocating and

mezzanines are often

customer’s specifications. These include continuous. From mechanical to the perfect structure
ship’s ladders, vertical ladders, alternat- hydraulic to fully automated turnkey for supporting an in-
ing tread stairs, and spiral stairs. See systems, we can help you select the
Total Ladder Length

plant office. Standard

illustration for details and dimensions of right lifting equipment to meet your modular offices can
a common vertical ladder with safety needs. Capacities range from 500 lbs be provided in virtually
2’-7” Front View cage. Contact your W.A. Schmidt, Inc. for the economical models, up to 20,000 any configuration to
Deck Height

Side View
Regional Manager for details on other lbs. for heavy industrial models. meet the customer’s SpaceLoft wide-span mezzanines are perfect for In-plant offices allow personnel to keep a close eye on
modular offices. plant-floor activities.
Clear Height


ladders and stair types. Electrical controls are included. needs, or custom

offices can be created on the mezzanine deck just

1 1/2”x14 ga. sq. Tube Pallet Drop Guard
Vertical Ladder as they would on the floor.
W.A. Schmidt’s pallet drop guard is the Standard Dimensions
For details on modular or custom in-plant
simple, economical way to extend the
offices, contact your W.A. Schmidt, Inc. Regional
Vertical ladder detail life of your new or existing mezzanine
surfaces. It wraps around the edge of
the mezzanine to protect the deck from Crossovers
possible damage from lifting or convey- W.A. Schmidt’s CrossWalk™ provides a pedestrian
ing equipment. Available as an option bridge over machinery or conveyor equipment to
with any W.A. Schmidt (or other) reduce the risk of accidents. A wide variety of
mezzanine, the Pallet Drop Guard is standard sizes and configurations is available with
Stair Towers furnished with mounting hardware for underclearances up to 6’-0”, and unobstructed Stair Clear Height (A) Weight (Set Of 2)
Custom stair towers are engineered to decks up to 2-1/2” thick. bridge spans up to 8’-0”. As always, custom ST 2 2’-0” 300 lbs.
suit specific applications of the cus- Made of diamond plate steel, the designs are no problem. ST 3 3’-0” 396 lbs.
tomer. They are available with open or Pallet Drop Guard is designed to elimi- Constructed in accordance with ASTM and ST 4 4’-0” 492 lbs.
closed risers, with treads in open grate nate binding of pallets or forks on bar AISC codes, the structural steel bridge is 100% ST 5 5’-0” 586 lbs.
or diamond plate material. Welded or grating or other metal plank type decks. welded and topped with decking of bar grating, ST 5 6’-0” 770 lbs.
bolt-together styles are offered, and can Available in two standard widths, 5’-0” or steel plate, plywood or other material. Stairs can Bridge Length (B) Weight
be made to comply with all building 6’-0”, custom sizes and configurations be provided fully welded with structural stringers CO 3 3”-0” 180 lbs.
codes (OSHA, BOCA). Landings can be are also offered to suit your needs. and bar grating treads or loose for bolt-together CO 4 4”-0” 220 lbs.
provided at the top of a stair run, at the assembly. CrossWalk is easy to assemble with CO 5 5”-0” 250 lbs.
mid-point of a stair, or at any other simple hand tools. CO 6 6”-0” 290 lbs.
point. Contact your Regional Manager CO 7 7”-0” 340 lbs.
for a quote on custom stairs or stair CO 8 8”-0” 380 lbs.
Typical Custom Layouts
Inclined Conveyors
W.A. Schmidt, Inc. can provide a variety
of inclined conveyors to suit the needs
of the customer. Contact your Regional
Manager for information and specifica-
“Z” “T” “U”
tions. Crossovers permit safe pedestrian traffic over machinery and conveyors. Layout Layout Layout

20 21
S i t e S e r v i c e s A n d S y s t e m I n t e g r a t i o n F a c t o r y S u p p o r t

At W.A. Schmidt, Inc. we support our Sales, engineering, administration, site Local Distributors
products with complete service, in order assistance and installation services can be W.A. Schmidt, Inc. works with a large
to meet your precise needs and delivery obtained from W.A. Schmidt, Inc.’s head- network of local material handling distributors
requirements. We make every effort to quarters by using any of the contact meth- who are familiar with all W.A. Schmidt, Inc.

prevent disruption of your working schedule. ods indicated below: products. These independent firms are
We are happy to provide delivery and instal- experts in helping their customers solve their
W.A. Schmidt, Inc.
lation to coincide with your scheduled plant unique challenges. For the name and contact
38 Souderton Pike
shutdowns or off-hours, such as nights or Souderton, PA 18964 information about your local W.A. Schmidt,
weekends. Each order is shipped complete Inc. distributor, call 1-800-523-6719.
Toll-free 1-800-523-6719
and ready to assemble and there are
(anywhere in US):
seldom any backordered parts.
Local: 1-215-721-8300
If other services are needed for special
Fax: 1-215-721-5890
capabilities such as conveyors, office
construction, lighting, rack/shelving, or HVAC,
W.A. Schmidt’s representatives can coordi- Regional Managers work directly with
nate the entire project. All of our authorized distributors and customers, and are
Delivery and installation can be coordinated for minimum disruption to your working environment.
distributors and vendors reflect our own stan- assigned specific geographic regions.
dards of top quality materials, fast installa- Please contact us at 1-800-523-6719 to speak
tion, and affordable pricing. with the Regional Manager in your area.

Engineering Services
W.A. Schmidt, Inc.’s engineering staff is avail-
able to help you solve your toughest material
handling challenges. With Registered
Professional Engineers on staff, licensed in
A s s o c i a t i o n s a n d M e m b e r s h i p s
virtually every state, we can
provide certified drawings on any of our prod-
W. A. Schmidt's engineering department
ucts to meet all applicable national and local
personnel are licensed in 39 states, and
codes. In addition, our engineers are avail-
belong to the following professional societies:
able to examine and verify structural integrity
and code compliance on any related product
National Society for Professional Engineers (NSPE)
supplied by others, including loads, deflection
and applicability. Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers

W.A. Schmidt engineers plan around conveyors, traffic patterns and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
building obstructions.
American Society of Civil Engineers

22 23

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