Arctic Cat 2009 Prowler XT XTX Service Manual
Arctic Cat 2009 Prowler XT XTX Service Manual
Arctic Cat 2009 Prowler XT XTX Service Manual
Prowler XtCAT
Xtx Service
ATV Manual
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This Arctic Cat Service Manual contains service, maintenance, and troubleshooting information for certain 2009 Arctic
Cat UTV (Utility Terrain Vehicle) models (see cover). The complete manual is designed to aid service personnel in ser-
vice-oriented applications.
Arctic Cat offers an additional publication (when it becomes available) to aid in servicing the other UTV model. To ser-
vice the model not included in this manual, please refer to the following publication:
• 2009 UTV Service Manual - Prowler XTZ
This manual is divided into sections. Each section covers a specific vehicle component or system and, in addition to the
standard service procedures, includes disassembling, inspecting, and assembling instructions. When using this manual
as a guide, the technician should use discretion as to how much disassembly is needed to correct any given condition.
The service technician should become familiar with the operation and construction of each component or system by
carefully studying this manual. This manual will assist the service technician in becoming more aware of and efficient
with servicing procedures. Such efficiency not only helps build consumer confidence but also saves time and labor.
All Arctic Cat publications and decals display the words Warning, Caution, Note, and At This Point to emphasize
important information. The symbol ! WARNING identifies personal safety-related information. Be sure to fol-
low the directive because it deals with the possibility of severe personal injury or even death. The symbol
! CAUTION identifies unsafe practices which may result in vehicle-related damage. Follow the directive because
it deals with the possibility of damaging part or parts of the vehicle. The symbol NOTE: identifies supplementary
information worthy of particular attention. The symbol AT THIS POINT directs the technician to certain and
specific procedures to promote efficiency and to improve clarity.
At the time of publication, all information, photographs, and illustrations were technically correct. Some photographs
used in this manual are used for clarity purposes only and are not designed to depict actual conditions. Because Arctic
Cat Inc. constantly refines and improves its products, no retroactive obligation is incurred.
All materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Keep this manual accessible in the shop area for reference.
Product Service and
Warranty Department
Arctic Cat Inc.
1. General Information/Specifications 1
2. Periodic Maintenance/Tune-Up 2
3. Engine/Transmission 3
4. Fuel/Lubrication/Cooling 4
5. Electrical System 5
6. Drive System 6
7. Suspension 7
8. Steering/Frame 8
9. Controls/Indicators 9
Driven Pulley Nut Driveshaft 80 109 5 6.8 30 40.8 55 74.8 80 108.8
Movable Drive Face Nut** Driveshaft 165 224 6 8.2 31 42.2 56 76.2 81 110.2
Ground Wire Engine 8 11 7 9.5 32 43.5 57 77.5 82 111.5
Magneto Cover Crankcase 8 11
8 10.9 33 44.9 58 78.9 83 112.9
Tappet Cover Valve Cover 9 12
9 12.2 34 46.2 59 80.2 84 114.2
Crankshaft Spacer Crankshaft 28 38
Oil Pump Drive Gear** Crank Balancer Shaft 62 84 10 13.6 35 47.6 60 81.6 85 115.6
Output Shaft Flange Nut Output Shaft** 62 84 11 15 36 49 61 83 86 117
Outer Magneto Cover Magneto Cover 8 11 12 16.3 37 50.3 62 84.3 87 118.3
Magneto Rotor Nut** Crankshaft 105 143 13 17.7 38 51.7 63 85.7 88 119.7
Cam Sprocket** Camshaft 11 15
14 19 39 53 64 87 89 121
V-Belt Cover Crankcase 8 11
15 20.4 40 54.4 65 88.4 90 122.4
Output Yoke Nut Secondary Driven Output 74 100
Shaft 16 21.8 41 55.8 66 89.8 91 123.8
* w/Blue Loctite #243 17 23.1 42 57.1 67 91.1 92 125.1
** w/Red Loctite #271
18 24.5 43 58.5 68 92.5 93 126.5
*** w/Green Loctite #609
19 25.8 44 59.8 69 93.8 94 127.8
20 27.2 45 61.2 70 95.2 95 129.2
21 28.6 46 62.6 71 96.6 96 130.6
22 29.9 47 63.9 72 97.9 97 131.9
23 31.3 48 65.3 73 99.3 98 133.3
24 32.6 49 66.6 74 100.6 99 134.6
25 34 50 68 75 102 100 136
Tightening Torque
(General Bolts)
Type of Bolt Diameter A
(Conventional or 4 Marked Bolt) 5 12-36 in.-lb
6 36-60 in.-lb
8 7-11 ft-lb
10 16-25 ft-lb
(7 Marked Bolt) 5 24-48 in.-lb
6 6-8 ft-lb
8 13-20 ft-lb
10 29-43 ft-lb
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Break-In Procedure
Any oil used in place of the recommended oil could
A new vehicle and an overhauled engine require a
cause serious engine damage. Do not use oils which
“break-in” period. The first 10 hours (or 200 miles) are
most critical to the life of this vehicle. Proper opera- contain graphite or molybdenum additives. These
tion during this break-in period will help assure maxi- oils can adversely affect clutch operation. Also, not
mum life and performance from the vehicle. recommended are racing, vegetable, non-detergent,
and castor-based oils.
During the first 10 hours (or 200 miles) of operation,
always use less than 1/2 throttle. Varying the engine The recommended oil to use is Arctic Cat ACX All
RPM during the break-in period allows the compo- Weather synthetic engine oil, which has been specifi-
nents to “load” (aiding the mating process) and then cally formulated for use in this Arctic Cat engine.
“unload” (allowing components to cool). Although it Although Arctic Cat ACX All-Weather synthetic
is essential to place some stress on the engine compo- engine oil is the only oil recommended for use in this
nents during break-in, care should be taken not to engine, use of any API certified SM 5W-50 oil is
overload the engine too often. Do not pull a trailer or acceptable.
carry heavy loads during the 10-hour break-in period.
When the engine starts, allow it to warm up properly.
Idle the engine several minutes until the engine has
reached normal operating temperature. Do not idle the
engine for excessively long periods of time.
During the break-in period, a maximum of 1/2 throttle
is recommended; however, brief full-throttle accelera-
tions and variations in driving speeds contribute to
good engine break-in.
After the completion of the break-in period, the engine
oil and oil filter should be changed. Other maintenance
after break-in should include checking of all pre-
scribed adjustments and tightening of all fasteners. OILCHARTI
Gasoline - Oil - LUBRICANT (Prowler/XT)
The recommended lubricant is Arctic Cat Gear Lube
or an equivalent gear lube which is SAE approved
RECOMMENDED GASOLINE 80W-90 hypoid. This lubricant meets all of the lubrica-
tion requirements of the Arctic Cat vehicle front differ-
ential and rear drive.
The recommended gasoline to use is 87 minimum
octane regular unleaded. In many areas, oxygenates
(either ethanol or MTBE) are added to the gasoline. ! CAUTION
Oxygenated gasolines containing up to 10% ethanol, Any lubricant used in place of the recommended
5% methane, or 5% MTBE are acceptable gasolines. lubricant could cause serious front differential/rear
When using ethanol blended gasoline, it is not neces- drive damage.
sary to add a gasoline antifreeze since ethanol will pre-
vent the accumulation of moisture in the fuel system. RECOMMENDED DIFFERENTIAL
! CAUTION NOTE: Arctic Cat recommends the use of genu-
Do not use white gas. Only Arctic Cat approved gas- ine Arctic Cat lubricants.
oline additives should be used.
The recommended lubricant for the front differential is
SAE approved 80W-90 hypoid. This lubricant meets
all of the front diffrential lubrication requirements of
this vehicle.
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The recommended lubricant for the rear differential is
Arctic Cat 80W-90 Hypoid Friction Modified. This
lubricant meets all of the rear differential lubrication Preparation For Storage
requirements of this vehicle.
Any lubricant used in place of the recommended
Prior to storing the vehicle, it must be properly ser-
lubricant could cause serious differential damage.
viced to prevent rusting and component deteriora-
1. Clean the seat cushion (cover and base) with a
! WARNING damp cloth and allow it to dry.
Always fill the gas tank in a well-ventilated area.
2. Clean the vehicle thoroughly by washing dirt, oil,
Never add fuel to the gas tank near any open flames grass, and other foreign matter from the entire
or with the engine running. DO NOT SMOKE while vehicle. Allow it to dry thoroughly. DO NOT get
filling the gas tank. water into any part of the engine or air intake.
3. Either drain the gas tank or add Fuel Stabilizer to
the gas in the gas tank. Remove the air filter hous-
ing cover and air filter. Start the engine and allow
it to idle. Using Arctic Cat Engine Storage Pre-
server, rapidly inject the preserver into the air filter
opening for a period of 10 to 20 seconds; then stop
the engine. Install the air filter and housing cover.
If the interior of the air filter housing is dirty, clean
the area before starting the engine.
4. On the carbureted model, drain the carburetor float
Since gasoline expands as its temperature rises, the gas
tank must be filled to its rated capacity only. Expan- 5. Plug the exhaust hole in the exhaust system with a
sion room must be maintained in the tank particularly clean cloth.
if the tank is filled with cold gasoline and then moved
to a warm area. 6. Apply light oil to the plungers of the shock absorb-
! WARNING 7. Tighten all nuts, bolts, cap screws, and screws.
Do not overflow gasoline when filling the gas tank. A Make sure rivets holding components together are
fire hazard could materialize. Always allow the tight. Replace all loose rivets. Care must be taken
engine to cool before filling the gas tank. that all calibrated nuts, cap screws, and bolts are
tightened to specifications.
Tighten the gas tank cap securely after filling the tank.
8. Fill the cooling system to the bottom of the stand
pipe in the radiator neck with properly mixed cool-
! WARNING ant.
Do not over-fill the gas tank.
9. Disconnect the battery cables; then remove the
battery, clean the battery posts and cables, and
store in a clean, dry area.
Genuine Parts 10. Store the vehicle indoors in a level position.
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6. Charge the battery; then install. Connect the bat-
tery cables.
Preparation After
Storage ! CAUTION
The ignition switch must be in the OFF position prior
to installing the battery or damage may occur to the
Taking the vehicle out of storage and correctly prepar- ignition system.
ing it will assure many miles and hours of trouble-free
riding. ! CAUTION
1. Clean the vehicle thoroughly. Connect the positive battery cable first; then the
2. Clean the engine. Remove the cloth from the
exhaust system. 7. Check the entire brake systems (fluid level, pads,
etc.), all controls, headlights, taillight, brakelight,
3. Check all control wires and cables for signs of and headlight aim; adjust or replace as necessary.
wear or fraying. Replace if necessary.
8. Tighten all nuts, bolts, cap screws, and screws
4. Change the engine/transmission oil and filter. making sure all calibrated nuts, cap screws, and
bolts are tightened to specifications.
5. Check the coolant level and add properly mixed
coolant as necessary. 9. Check tire pressure. Inflate to recommended pres-
sure as necessary.
10. Make sure the steering moves freely and does not
11. Check the spark plug. Clean or replace as neces-
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Every Month Every 3 Every 6
Service After Every Year
Every or Months or Months or As
Item Break-In or Every
Day Every 100 Every 300 Every 500 Needed
(First Mo or 1500 Miles
Miles Miles Miles
100 Mi)
Battery I I C
Fuses I R
Air Filter/Drain Tube I I C* R
Valve/Tappet Clearance I I A
Engine Compression I
Spark Plug I I I R (4000 Mi
or 18 Mo)
Muffler/Spark Arrester C R
Gas/Vent Hoses I I R (2 Yrs)
Throttle Cable Ends/Accelerator Pedal I I C-L A-R
Float Chamber (650 cc) D*
Engine RPM (Idle) (650 cc) I I A
Engine-Transmission Oil Level I A
Engine-Transmission Oil/Filter R R*/R**/R*** R
Oil Strainer I I C
Front Differential - Rear Drive/Differ- I I R (4 Yrs)
ential Lubricant
Tires/Air Pressure I I R
Steering Components I I I R
V-Belt I l R
Suspension (Ball joint boots, drive I I R
axle boots front and rear, tie rods, dif-
ferential and rear drive bellows)
Nuts/Bolts/Cap Screws T T A
Ignition Timing I
Headlight/Taillight-Brakelight I I R
Switches I I R
Shift Lever I A-L
Gauges/Indicators I I R
Frame/Welds I I l
Electrical Connections l C
Complete Brake System I I
(Hydraulic & Parking)
Brake Pads I I* R
Brake Fluid I I R (2 Yrs)
Brake Hoses I I R (4 Yrs)
Coolant/Cooling System I I R (2 Yrs)
Wheel Lug Nuts T T
* Service/Inspect more frequently when operating in adverse conditions.
** When using an API certified SM 5W-50 oil.
*** When using Arctic Cat ACX All Weather synthetic oil, oil change interval can be increased to every 1,000 miles or every year.
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