▪ Direction and extent to which a chemical reaction
proceeds is determined by the degree to which two
- measure of the change in heat content of the
reactants and products
- a measure of the
change in randomness
or disorder of reactants
and products ▪ The change in 𝐺, denoted as ∆𝐺, can be negative or
▪ Neither of these positive.
thermodynamic quantities ▪ When ∆𝐺 is negative is defined as an exergonic reaction.
by itself is sufficient to These reactions are spontaneous processes which means
determine whether a that the chemical reaction released energy. This energy
chemical reaction will can be used to do work somewhere else.
proceed spontaneously ▪ When ∆𝐺 is positive, this means that the process is an
▪ However, when combined endergonic reaction. This reaction is nonspontaneous,
mathematically, enthalpy which means that the reaction used up energy and work
and entropy can be used to had to be done to provide energy that was used.
define a third quantity, free
Phosphoryl Group Transfers and ATP
energy (G), which predicts
the direction in which a ▪ ATP is the chemical link between catabolism and
reaction will spontaneously anabolism.
proceed. ▪ It is the energy currency of the living cell.
▪ The exergonic conversion of ATP to ADP and Pi, or to AMP
Gibbs free energy, 𝑮, tells about the spontaneity of a process;
and PPi, is coupled to many endergonic reactions and
has two components:
▪ Enthalpy, 𝑯 – can be thought of as heat content of the
system under study and is closely approximated by the
number and kinds of bonds (remember, bonds have
energies) and interaction present in a molecule or
between molecules or groups.
▪ Entropy, 𝑺 – a measure of the randomness or disorder of
the system.
▪ Direct hydrolysis of ATP is the source of energy in some NADH and NADPH
processes driven by conformational changes, but in
▪ Many biological oxidation reactions are dehydrogenations
general it is not ATP hydrolysis but the transfer of a
in which one or two hydrogen atoms (H+ + e-) are
phosphoryl, pyrophosphoryl, or adenylyl group from ATP
transferred from a substrate to a hydrogen acceptor.
to a substrate or enzyme that couples the energy of ATP
Oxidation-reduction reactions in living cells involve
breakdown to endergonic transformations of substrates.
specialized electron carriers.
▪ NAD and NADP are the freely diffusible coenzymes of
many dehydrogenases. Both NAD+ and NADP+ accept two
electrons and one proton.