Built-in size (px) 344 x 292429 x 357514 x 422599 x 487DESCRIPTIONVedic Astrology exists at three levels as a declaration of God, wise or astrologers learned. ♪bṛhat parāśara horā śāstra; abbreviated in BPHS) is the most complete extremity Śāstra on the Vedic astrology of birth, in particular the branch Horā
(predictive astrology, for example horoscopes). [1]As ascribed to Maharṣi Parāśara, the origin and date of the original composition is unknown. The most popular version of BPHS is 97 chapters, a 1984 translation by R. Santhanam. The means of transport (in English) can be freely translated into examples such as "the
great book on the parashara horoscope" or "the great Parasmanha manual [6] Resumption Venerable Parāśara, leader among the Muni-Sages [said:] Jyotiṣa, the supreme limb of the Veda, has three divisions - Horā, Gaṇita and Samentita. Excellent is Hora among the three distributions, which consists in the general
part of Jyotisa.— native mode: Hora Sastra di Parasara Da DevChapter 1, Verse 1[7] Jyotiṣa - Vedic Astrology - is one of the Vedāṅga or six Veda-related disciplines to support Vedic rituals. The three branches of Jyotiṣa are: Horā: Predictive Astrology (e.g. Natal (genethliac) astrology, horoscopic astrology, personal
horoscopes, etc.) Gaṇita: mathematical astronomy (e.g. planetary distances, movements, dimensions, forces, etc.) Sappithita: Mondane Astrology (e.g. collective culture, community and society) The Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra takes care of Horā's predictive branch, used, for example, to determine the appropriate times
and most auspices for various events and ceremonies (i.e., depending on planetary and stellar movements and positions). [8] The origin and authenticity J. Gonda states that in a time after 600 [C.E.] the purva-khanda of what was to become known as the Brhatparasarahora [Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra], ascribed to
Parasa... [is] deeply indebted to the [Brhajjataka of Varahamihira]; He also borrowed two verses Therefore, the purva-khanda must have been written between about 600 and 750... but before 800'. [9] Bhaṭṭotpala (about 900 C.E.) was a Vedic astrologer who wrote that although he had heard of [the] Bṛhat Parāśara Horā
Śāstra, he had never seen it.We know that it has been lost for at least nine hundred years, until new manuscripts have emerged from the early 20th century (see below). [10] As such, there is doubt about the authenticity of various manuscripts of the Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra (BPHS) that emerged centuries later. A
raised concern is the apparent admission of Sitram Jha in his 1944 publication of the BPHS which changed and removed manuscript elements. [11] Editions and translations According to R. Santhanam and J. Gonda, the following are the modern translations (and manuscripts) of the Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra (BPHS):
[12][9] No. Editors / translators Name of the Capitol Versi Edition First published Description 1 Giridhara Lala Sarma e Govinda Sarma (Sri Venkateswata Press, Bombay) Partial Hindi, mostly Sanskrit comment. reprinted by Khemraj Press in 1961.[11] 2 Thakuradasa Cudamana (Calcutta) 1926 Bengali translation 3
Sitram Jha[13] Varanasi 71 5100 1944 translated into Hindi. Apparently admitted tampering with its published version of the BPHS manuscript. [11] 4 Devachandra Jha (Chaukhambha Publications) Chaukambha translated into hindi; similar to the Varanasi edition. 5 Ganesa Datta Pathak Thakur Prasad 1972 translated
into Hindi 6 C.G. Rajan 36 Tamil Translation; without Sanskrit verses 7 N.N.K. Rao and V.B. Choudhari[14] 25 1963 English translation (2 volumes); without sanskrit slokas 8 R. Santhanam (Ranjan Publications, New Delhi)[15]1984 English translation. 97 chapters with Sanskrit sloka. Content and structure The first
complete 97-chapter translation of Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra (BPHS) was translated by R. Santhanam in 1984.[12][15] Based on the Varanasi edition (originally translated into Hindi by Sitram Jha) it is in two volumes and contains the following chapters: Volume 1: (Chapters 1-45; Chapter 1: Creation [of all existence]
Chapter 2: Great incarnations (of the Lord) [Daśāvatāra of Vishnu] Chapter 3: Features and planetary description Chapter 4: zodiac signs described Chapter 5: Special Ascendants Chapter 6: The sixteen divisions of a sign Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Aspects of the signs Chapter 9: Malvages at birth Chapter 10: Antidotes for
evils Chapter 11: Home Judgement [Nakṣatras] Chapter 12-23: Chapter 24: Effects of Mr Bhava Chapter 25: Effects of non- luminary planets Chapter 26: Evaluation of planetary aspects Chapter 27: Evaluation of strengths Chapter 28: Ishta and Kashta Balas Chapter 29: Bhava Padas Chapter 30: Upa Pada Chapter 31:
Argala or planetary intervention Chapter 32: Karakatwas Planetary Chapter 33: Effects of Karakamsa Chapter 34: Yoga Karakas Chapter 35: Nabhasa Yogas Chapter 36: Many other Yoga Chapter 37: Lunar Yoga Chapter 38: Solar Yoga Chapter 39: Raja Yogas Chapter 40: Yoga for the real association Chapter 41:
Yoga for wealth Chapter 42: CombinationsPenury Chapter 43: Longevity Chapter 44: Maraka (killer) planets Chapter 45: Avasthas of planets Volume 2 (Chapters 46–97; 52 Total Chapters) Chapter 61: Effect of saga Chapter 60Effects of rays on planets Chapter 74: Effects of Sudarashana Chakra Chapter 75: Special
features of Panchamahapurushas [Pancha-maha-purushas, which means five great yoga or purushas] Chapter 76: Effects if the five elements - Earth, air, water, fire, ether Chapter 77: Effects of the Satwa Guna, etc. Chapter 78: Horoscopy Lost Chapter 79: Yoga that lead to ascesis Chapter 80: Female Horoscopy
Chapter 81: Effects of the peculiar characteristics of the various parts of the woman's body Chapter 82: Effects of moles, signs, etc., for men and women Chapter 83: Effects of curses in the previous birth Chapter 84: Corrective measures to obtain relief from the evil of the planets Chapter 85: Unauspicious births Chapter
86: Corrective measures for birth on the effects of Amavasya Rimedi from the malignant effects of birth in Bhadra and inauspicienti Yoga Chapter 89: Remedies of the birth of Nakshatra Chapter 90: Remedies of the birth of Sankranti Chapter 91: Birth remedies in eclipses Chapter 92: Birth rimedes in Ghanta Chapter 93:
Birth remedies in Abhukta Moola Chapter 94: Birth remedies in Jyestha GandantaLikeρα, although the BPHS (4.1-2) states that the word comes from ahorātra "day and night" after leaving his first and last syllable. However, the alleged derivation of Sanskrit now from ahorātra is not very likely, nor follows common rules of
formation of Sanskrit words. In Greek, the word was part of the common language since ancient times while in Sanskrit it existed only as an astrological jargon. Retrieved 20 November 2012. ^ "Monier-Williams Dictionary Sanskrit-English: 'Hora'". Retrieved 20 November 2012.
^ "Program of Sanskrit for Sanskrit: "Hora." BPHS (4.1-2) states that the word comes from ahorātra "day and night" after leaving his first and last syllable. However, the alleged derivation of Sanskrit now from ahorātra is not very likely, nor follows common rules of formation of Sanskrit words. And it is quite unlikely that the
Greeks would take control of this word from Indian astrology, because in ancient Greek, this word was part of the common language since ancient times while in Sanskrit it existed only as an astrological jargon. ^ " Sanskrit dictionary for Sanskrit spoken: 'Shastra'". Bhattacharyya, Dev (2015-10-18). Via
del Nativo: Hora Sastra di Parasara. COMMUNITY ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AREA Flood, Gavin. Yano, Michio. 2003. The Blackwellto Hinduism. Blackwell. ^ a b Gonda, J. History of Indian literature Vol VI Fasc. 4 Jyotish Shastra Astral and Mathematical Literature J Gonda. p. 86 "Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra -
Astrology Vedica Article |" URL consulted on 20 November 2012. ^ a b c "Bhaavachalita - Vedic Astrology." URL consulted on 20 November 2012. ^ a b c Santhanam, R. (1984) Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (vol. 1.) Publications of Ranjan. pp. 10–11
Sanatan Dharm. Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra. ^ Pingree, pp.86-87 b Santhanam, R. "Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (vol 2.") URL consulted on 20 November 2012. "Sanskrit Dictionary for Spoken Sanskrit: Amsa". Retreat 2020-03-20. References David Pingree, Jyotiḥśāstra in J. Gonda (Ed.) History of
Indian Literature, Vol VI Fasc 4 (1981) External Links Original text (in Sanskrit) ) Esperanto (in Sanskrit) Esperanto (in Sanskrit) Online translations (in English) [ Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra di Maharishi Parasara Translation and processing Online Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra di Maharishi Parashara Translation and
comment Brihat Parashara Hora Sastraw=
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