S Y B SC Syllabus 1
S Y B SC Syllabus 1
S Y B SC Syllabus 1
CHC 103
CHS101/ CHS106
CHC 104
(06 Credits: Theory-04, Practicals-02)
Theory: 60 Hours (04 Credits)
1. Solutions (7 Hours)
Thermodynamics of ideal solutions: Ideal solutions and Raoult’s law, deviations from
Raoult’s law – non-ideal solutions. Vapour pressure-composition and temperature
composition curves of ideal and non-ideal solutions. Azeotropes.
Partial miscibility of liquids: Critical solution temperature, distillation and fractional
3. Conductance (5 Hours)
Conductivity, equivalent and molar conductivity and their variation with dilution for weak
and strong electrolytes. Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of ions. Ionic mobility
and factors affecting ionic mobility. Transference number and its experimental determination
using moving boundary methods. Applications of conductance measurements: solubility and
solubility products of sparingly soluble salts, ionic product of water, conductometric titrations
(only acid-base).
5. Carbohydrates: (4 Hours)
Classification and General Properties, Glucose and Fructose (open chain and cyclic
structure), Determination of configuration of monosaccharides, absolute configuration of
Glucose and Fructose, Mutarotation, Osazone formation, Killiani Fischer synthesis.
Reference Books:
1. Castellan, G.W. Physical Chemistry 4th Ed. Narosa (2004).
2. Kotz, J.C., Treichel, P.M. & Townsend, J.R. General Chemistry, Cengage Learning
India Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi (2009)
3. Undergraduate Physical Chemistry, Vol II, J.N. Gurtu, Pragati Prakashan.
4. Advanced Physical Chemistry, Gurtu and Gurtu, Pragati Prakashan
5. Mahan, B.H. University Chemistry, 3rd Ed. Narosa (1998).
6. Petrucci, R.H. General Chemistry, 5th Ed., Macmillan Publishing Co.: New York
7. Morrison, R. T. & Boyd, R. N. Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt.
Ltd. (Pearson Education).
8. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry (Volume 1), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
9. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry (Volume 2), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
10. Nelson, D. L. & Cox, M. M. Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry 7th Ed., W. H.
Conductance 10 Hours
a) Determination of cell constant. (2 Hours)
b) Determination of equivalent conductance, degree of dissociation and dissociation
constant of a weak acid. (4 Hours)
c) Conductometric titrations: (4 Hours)
i. Strong acid vs. strong base
ii. Weak acid vs. strong base
Potentiometry 08 Hours
Potentiometric titrations
i. Strong acid vs. strong base (Quinhydrone method) (4 Hours)
ii. Potassium dichromate vs. Ferrous Ammonium sulphate (4 Hours)
Reference books:
Reference Books:
Organic Chemistry
1. Vogel, A.I., Tatchell, A.R., Furnis, B.S., Hannaford, A.J. & Smith, P.W.G., Textbook
of Practical Organic Chemistry, Prentice-Hall, 5th edition, 1996.
2. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry Orient-Longman, 1960.
3. Ahluwalia, V.K. & Aggarwal, R. Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry,
Universities Press.
II. Coal: Uses of coal (fuel and nonfuel) in various industries, its composition, carbonization
of coal. Coal gas, Producer gas and Water gas—composition and uses. Fractionation of coal
tar, uses of coal tar, requisites of a good metallurgical coke, coal gasification (Hydro
gasification and Catalytic gasification), coal liquefaction and solvent refining. 10 Hours
IV. Analysis of food products: Nutritional value of foods, idea about food processing and
food preservation and adulteration.
a) Identification of adulterants in some common food items like coffee powder, asafoetida,
chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, pulses etc.
b) Analysis of preservatives and colouring matter. 10 Hours
VI. Analysis of water: Definition of pure water, sources responsible for contaminating
water, water sampling methods, water purification methods. 6 Hours
titration. 6 Hours
4. Determination of dissolved oxygen (DO) in a given water sample. 4 Hours
4. Sharma, B.K. & Gaur, H. Industrial Chemistry, Goel Publishing House, Meerut (1996).
5. Skoog, D.A. Holler F.J. & Nieman, T.A. Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Cengage
Learning India Ed.
6. Harris, D. C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, W. H. Freeman.
7. Dean, J. A. Analytical Chemistry Notebook, McGraw Hill.
8. Day, R. A. & Underwood, A. L. Quantitative Analysis, Prentice Hall of India.
Indian Patent Act: Prior Art search for patents with an illustration. (2 Hours)
5. Lednicer and Meischer, Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis. Vol. I to III. John
Wiley & Sons, 2005.
9. N.K. Acharya: Textbook on intellectual property rights, Asia Law House (2001).
10. Manjula Guru & M.B. Rao, Understanding Trips: Managing Knowledge in
Developing Countries, Sage Publications (2003).
11. P. Ganguli, Intellectual Property Rights: Unleashing the Knowledge Economy, Tata
McGraw-Hill (2001).
12. Arthur Raphael Miller, Micheal H.Davis; Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks
and Copyright in a Nutshell, West Group Publishers (2000).
13. Jayashree Watal, Intellectual property rights in the WTO and developing countries,
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
14. Indian Pharmacopoiea, latest edition.
2. Liquids (6 Hours)
Surface tension and its determination using stalagmometer. Effect of temperature on
surface tension. Viscosity of a liquid and determination of coefficient of viscosity using
Ostwald viscometer and factors affecting viscosity.
3. Solids (8 Hours)
Forms of solids, symmetry elements, unit cells, crystal systems, Bravais lattice.
Laws of crystallography - Law of constancy of interfacial angles, Law of rational indices.
Miller indices, X–Ray diffraction by crystals, Bragg’s law. Particle size determination
using powder method. Structures of NaCl, KCl and CsCl (qualitative treatment only).
Inorganic Chemistry
1. Cotton, F.A. & Wilkinson, G. Basic Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley.
2. Shriver, D.F. & Atkins, P.W. Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press.
3. Wulfsberg, G. Inorganic Chemistry, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.
4. Rodgers, G.E. Inorganic & Solid State Chemistry, Cengage Learning India Ltd.,2008.
5. Kotz, J.C., Treichel, P.M. & Townsend, J.R. General Chemistry Cengage Learning India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (2009).
6. Mahan, B.H. University Chemistry 3rd Ed. Narosa (1998).
7. Petrucci, R.H. General Chemistry 5th Ed. Macmillan Publishing Co.: New York (1985).
8. Principles of Inorganic chemistry by B.R. Puri, S. Sharma and Kalia, Vallabh Publication.
9. Inorganic Chemistry Principles of Structure and Reactivity James E Huheey, Ellen A.
Keiter, Richard L.Keiter, Okhil K Medhi.
Reference Books:
1. E. Stocchi: Industrial Chemistry, Vol -I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK.
2. P.C. Jain, M. Jain: Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.
3. Sharma, B.K. & Gaur, H. Industrial Chemistry, Goel Publishing House, Meerut
4. G.L. Patrick: Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, Oxford University Press, UK. 65.
5. Hakishan, V.K. Kapoor: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vallabh
Prakashan, Pitampura, New Delhi.
6. Keith Wilson and John Walker: Practical Biochemistry.
7. Thomas M. Devlin: Textbook of Biochemistry.
8. Talwar, G.P. & Srivastava, M. Textbook of Biochemistry and Human Biology, 3rd
Ed.PHI Learning.
9. Text book of herbal cosmetics by Vimaladevi M. CBS Publishing 1st Ed. 2015.
10. The complete technology book on herbal beauty products with formulation and
processes by H. Panda, Asia pacific business press Inc. 2005.
11. Essential oils: A practical guide by John Gordon, Aetheric publishing.
1.1 Man and Energy
1.2 Chemical Energy System, Electrochemical energy system.
1.3 Resources and energy: Natural resources- energy environment triangle, energy
problem, World energy resources, Energy conversion, Energy conversion
1.4 Future Energy Resources.
Practicals: 30 HOURS ( 01 Credit)
A. Electrochemical Energy
1. Construct a Daniel cell and determine the voltage of the cell at varying concentration. (4 Hours)
1. Preparation of Carbon ( from Coconut shell) and determination of surface area using
volumetric method. (4 Hours)
C. Photochemical Energy
1. Extraction of photosynthetic pigments from different parts of the plants and its identification
from absorption wavelength (2 samples to be studied) (4 Hours)
2. Kinetics of photochemical reactions between iodine and oxalate using visible light
(Colorimetrically) (4 Hours)
1. O. P. Virmani and A.K. Narula, Applied Chemistry theory and Practice, New Age,
International Publishers, IInd Edition.
2. Robert Bruce Thompson, Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments O’Reilly
Media. Inc.
3. S. W. Rajbhoj and Dr. T. K. Chondhekar, Systemetic Experimental Physical Chemistry,
Anjali Publication Aurangabad.
ANNEXURE- IIa : Pattern for Semester III and Semester IV Core Course (CC)
ii)Solutions 4 marks
Q.2.A. iii) Kinetic Theory of Gases . 4 marks
iv) Liquids . 3 marks
Q.2.B. i) Chemical Kinetics. 4 marks
ii) Solids. 4 marks
Q.3.A.i) Chemical Kinetics. 4 marks
ii) Solids. 3 marks
Q.3.A. iii) Chemical Kinetics. 4 marks
iv) Solids. 3 marks
Q.3.B. i) Kinetic Theory of Gases 4 marks
ii) Liquids 4 marks
i) Transition Elements
v) Coordination Chemistry
Q.2 A. iii) Petroleum and petroleum industry 3 marks
iv) Coal 2 marks
Q.2 B. i) Coal 3 marks
ii) Petroleum and petroleum industry 2 marks
Q.3 A. iii) Analysis of food products 3 marks
iii) Analysis of water 3 marks
iv) Petroleum and petroleum industry 2 marks
Q.4 B. i) Analysis of soil 3 marks
ii) Analysis of water 2 marks
Q.5 A. i) Analysis of food products 3 marks
ii) Analysis of water 2 marks
Q.5 A. iii) Coal 3 marks
iv) Petroleum and petroleum industry 2 marks
Q.5 B. i) Analysis of soil 3 marks
ii) Analysis of food products 2 marks
iii) Cosmetics formulation, principles and preparations. 3 marks
iv) Cosmetics formulation, principles and preparations. 2 marks
2 B) i) Herbal cosmetics. 5 marks
iii) Perfumes and flavors. 3 marks
iv) Perfumes and flavors. 2 marks
Q. 4) B) i) Cosmetics formulation, principles and preparations. 5 marks
iii) Perfumes and flavors. 3 marks
iv) Cosmetics formulation, principles and preparations. 2 marks
Q.5) B) i) Herbal Cosmetics / Perfumes and flavors. 5 marks
iii) Chemical energies sources 3 marks
iv) Electrochemical energy system 2 marks
iii) Electrochemical energy system 3 marks
iv)Solar Energy 2 marks
iii) Chemical energies sources 3 marks
iv) Fuel Cells 2 marks
ANNEXURE- IIIa : For Semester III and Semester IV Core Course (CC)-LAB
……….2 credits
ANNEXURE- IIIb: For Semester III and Semester IV Skill Enhancement Course
(SEC) - LAB of B.Sc. with Chemistry Programme............... 1 paper per Semester
......1 credit
NOTE: For Journal marks Examiner(s) shall take into account the regularity of the candidate
in attending the Laboratory course, completeness of the exercises, presentation and style of
writing the journal.
For Oral examination, Examiner(s) shall assess the knowledge of the candidate in the course
as well as the experiment(s) performed by the candidate.
Volumetric Analysis ................................................................................................. 15 marks
Result : 10 marks
Systematic work : 3 marks
Calculations : 2 marks
Oral : .............................................................................................................5 marks
Journal : .............................................................................................................5marks
NOTE : For Journal marks, Examiner(s) shall take into account the regularity of the
candidate in attending the Laboratory course, completeness of the exercises, presentation and
style of writing the journal.
For Oral examination, Examiner(s) shall assess the knowledge of the candidate in the course
as well as the experiment(s) performed by the candidate
For Oral examination, Examiner(s) shall assess the knowledge of the candidate in the course
as well as the experiment(s) performed by the candidate
For preparation (Systematic work 2marks , product quality 3marks , % yield-3 marks, m.p -2marks)
For Assay (Systematic work 2marks, readings 3marks , Calculation-3 marks, result -2marks)
Oral:………………………………………………………………………………… 5 marks
NOTE : For Journal marks, Examiner(s) shall take into account the regularity of the
candidate in attending the Laboratory course, completeness of the exercises, presentation and
style of writing the journal.
For Oral examination, Examiner(s) shall assess the knowledge of the candidate in the course
as well as the experiment(s) performed by the candidate
Time Duration : 3 Hours( 01 Credit) Total marks: 25
NOTE : For Journal marks, Examiner(s) shall take into account the regularity of the
candidate in attending the Laboratory course, completeness of the exercises, presentation and
style of writing the journal.
For Oral examination, Examiner(s) shall assess the knowledge of the candidate in the course
as well as the experiment(s) performed by the candidate
2. Indian Scientists : Who have made great contributions to science and cemented the
way for others to walk on. (9 Hours)
1) Chemistry by Richard Harwood ,Cambridge University press.published 1998
2) First lady doctor of India. The Telegraph . Retrieved 2016-05-01.
3) Lilavati’s Daughter’s by Indian Academy of Sciences (Bangalore) 2008.
4) Organic Chemistry. Morrison , Boyd, Bhattacharjee . Seventh Edition. Pearson.
5) Wings of fire: An Autobiography by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. Orient blackswan.
6) Jagdish Chandra Bose by Sanjay Goyal.
7) Prof. C. V. Raman: A biography by Uma Parameswaran. Ed.2011, Penguin.
1. Chemistry, Richard Harwood, Cambridge University Press, 1st ed., (Topic 1)
2. College Inorganic Chemistry for T.Y. B. Sc. Laxmi Devi, Patel, Dhume, Turakia, Dixit,
18th revised edition, Himalaya Publishing House.(Topic 2)
3. Food Science, Nutrition and Safety, Sukhneet Suri and Anita Malhotra, Pearsons.
4. B. K. Sharma. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis: Goel Publishing House,
5. B. S. Baliga and A. Zaveri, College Analytical Chemistry, 15th edition,Himalaya
Publishing House, 2004.
6. Goth’s medical pharmacology, by W. G. Clark, D. C Brater, A. R. Johnson . Galgotia
7. Medicinal Chemistry by A. Kar. Wiley Eastern Limited , New Delhi.
8. Sharma O. P. Economic botany. Tata McGraw Hill publishing Com.Ltd.
9. Sambamurthy A.V.S.S & Subramanyam N.S. 1989. A text book of Economic Botany.
Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi.
10. An Introduction to Medical Botany & pharma cognosy by N. C. Kumar. Emkay
publications , Delhi.
11. Study Material for Vocational Subject by Dr. B. G. Mhatre, Dr .V. S. Narkar, and Prof. R.
K. Pathak.
12. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Organic Volume II, by G. R. Chatwal, Himalaya Publishing
iii) Indian Scientists. 4 marks
iv) Importance of Science in life. 3 marks
2 B) i)Basic Organic Chemistry 4 marks
iii) Carbon and Nitrogen 4 marks
iv) Indian scientists 3 marks
Q. 4) B)i) Carbon and Nitrogen 4 marks
ii) Carbon and Nitrogen 4 marks
iii) Halogens and Nobel Gases 4 marks
iv) Chemistry and Industry 3 marks
Q.5) B) i)Halogens and Nobel Gases / Chemistry and Industry 4 marks
ii) Halogens and Nobel Gases / Chemistry and Industry 4 marks
iii)Medicinal Plants 4 marks
iv)Different techniques in Chemistry 3 marks
iii) Acids ,bases and salts 4 marks
iv) Organic Chemistry in medical sciences 3 marks
B) i) Corrosion 4 marks
ii) Nanomaterials 4 marks
iii) Environmental Pollution 4 marks
iv) Cellulose and starch 3 marks
B) i) Environmental Pollution 4 marks
ii) a) Acids, bases and salts 2 marks
b) Macro and micro nutrients in health sciences 2 marks
Q5. A)i) Macro and micro nutrients in health sciences 4 marks
ii) Corrosion 3 marks
iii) Macro and micro nutrients in health sciences 4 marks
iv) Environmental pollution 3 marks
B) i) Macro and micro nutrients in health sciences 4 marks
ii) Nanomaterial 4 marks
Paper Patterns and Marking Scheme for( SEE ) Examination and Time
Semester III Core Course of Industrial
Chemistry………(1 course) CHC153 (4+2) credits
III) Metals and alloys – important metals and alloys: iron, copper, nickel, and their
alloys - Mechanical and chemical properties and their application. (8 Hours)
VI) Glass –Manufacture (Tank and Pot Furnaces) , Distinction between Tank And
Pot Furnaces, physical and chemical properties, types of glasses, composition
and applications. (5 Hours)
Instruction: There will be two practicals each of three hours duration from Section A
and Section B respectively for the examination.
IX) Amination:
a. By reduction: Introduction, Methods of reduction – metal and acid catalytic,
electrolytic, metal and alkali sulfites, metal hydrides, sodium metal, concentrated
caustic oxidation, reduction, Commercial manufacture of aniline , m – nitoaniline
b. By aminolysis : Introduction, ammoniating agents, factors affecting aminolysis,
manufacture of monomethylaniline (6 Hours)
Instruction: There will be two practicals each of three hours duration from Section A
and Section B respectively for the examination.
Q.2 A) iii) Polymeric materials 4 Marks
iv) Cement 3 Marks
Q.2 B) i) Metals and alloys 4 Marks
ii) Ceramics 4 Marks
Q.3 A) i) Ceramics 4 Marks
ii) Glass 3 Marks
Q.5. A.) iii) Sulphonation 4 Marks
iv) Halogenation. 3 Marks
Q6. A)i) Halogenation 4 Marks
ii) Sulphonation 3 Marks
Q.6.B. i) Nitration 4 Marks
ii) Temperature measuring instruments 4 Marks
Q.2.A.iii) Segments of environment 4 Marks
iv) Pollutants and statutory limits 3 marks
Q. 2.B. i) Bag filters 4 Marks
ii) Industrial safety 4 Marks
Q.5. A iii) Pressure measuring instruments 4 Marks
iv) Hydrogenation 3 Marks
Q.5. B i) Oxidation 4 Marks
ii) Esterification 4 Marks
Q.6.A. iii) Hydrogenation 4 Marks
iv) Oxidation 3 Marks
Q.6. A. i) Amination 4 Marks
ii) Pressure measuring instruments 4 Marks
SECTION A ( 3 Hours)
Experiment:…………………………………………………… 15 marks
Results 03 marks
Journal………………………………………………..05 marks
SECTION B ( 3 Hours)
Experiment:………………………………………………… 15 marks
Results 03 marks
SECTION B (3 Hours)
Each Practical of three hours duration. (25 marks)
Experiment:……………………………………………………..… 15 marks
Break up : Preliminary test/ arrangements 02 marks
Experimental reading 08 marks
Systematic presentation 02 marks
Results 03 marks
Oral (Viva)……………………………………………… 03 marks
Journal ……………………………………………….. 02 marks
On- Job –Training……………………………………. 05 marks
Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa. Page 69
Course Codes of Chemistry - UG
Course codes in the subject of CHEMISTRY under CBCS as per OC-66 for
Class & Semester Initial code New code as per OC-66 Credits
FYBSc SEM I DSC 2A CHC101 6 Credits
GE 1 CHG 101/CHG103 4 Credits
FYBSc SEM II DSC 2B CHC102 6 Credits
GE 2 CHG 102/CHG104 4 Credits
SYBSc SEM III DSC 2C CHC103 6 Credits
SEC 1 CHS 101/CHS106 4 Credits
SYBSc SEM IV DSC 2D CHC104 6 Credits
SEC 2 CHS 102/CHS107 4 Credits