Met206 Fluid Machinery, July 2021
Met206 Fluid Machinery, July 2021
Met206 Fluid Machinery, July 2021
(Answer onefull questionfrom each module, each qdestion cowies 14 marks)
Module -l
ll a) A 6.0 cm diameter free jet of water having a velocity of l0 m/s impinges on a
plane, smooth plate at angle of 30o to the normalto the plate.
(a) what will be the force due to jet impingement on the plate and work done
per second when'the plate is (i) stationary and (ii) moving in the direction of the
jet at 5.0 m/s velocity?
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(b) What will be the force due to jet on the plate when the plate is moving
against the jet direction at 5.0 rnls velocity?
b) A reaction turbine works under a head of l 15 m and its speed is 450 rpm. The 9
diameter of the inlet is 1.2 m and the flow area is 0.+ m2. At the inlet, the
absolute and the relative velocities make angles of 20o and 60o respectively
with the tangential velocity. Determine the power developed and the hydraulic
.\i. efhciency. Assume the velocity of whirl at the outlet is zero.
12 a) A Kaplan turbine has a runner diameter to hub diameter ratio of 3.0. The speed 7
tio is l -61 . If this turbine produces 6.5 MW of power at a head of I 5 m under
a speed of 150 rpm, calculate (a) the specific speed, (b) discharge, and (c) flow
ratio. Assume overall efficiency as92Yo.
b) A Pelton wheel has two jets and is designed to produce a power of 7500 kW 7
with a net head of 400 m. The buckets deflect the jet by an angle of 165". The
reduction of the relative velocity due to friction in the buckets can be taken as
l5olo. Calculate
relative density 0.85 at a tip speed of 25.1 m/s. Tlre flow velocity is constant at
2.0 mls and the outlet blade is curved backwards at an ansle of 350. The overall
efficiency is 0.88.
(a) Calculate the brake power and torque applied to the pump shaft.
(b) If the inlet diameter is 25 cm, calculate the inlet-blade angle.
14 a) Derive an expression for the minimum speed for starting a centrifugal pump 6
b) A centrifugal pump impeller is 40 cm in outer diameter and 2.5 cm wide at the 8
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exit. Its blade angle at the outlet is 300. When run at a speed of 1500 rpm, the
flow rate through the pump is 80 liters/s. (a) Calculate the radial, relative and
absolute velocities at the impeller exit. (b) If there is no inlet whirl, what would
be the theoretical head added to the water by the impeller?
Module -3
15 a) Considering the effect of acceleration and friction in suction and delivery pipes, l0
draw the indicator diagram for a single acting reciprocating pump. Also,
' starting from the fundamentals, derive an expression for work done per second'
b) A single-acting reciprocating pump has a l5 cm diameter piston with a crank of
15 cm radius. The delivery pipe is of 10 cm diameter. At a speed of 60 rpm, a
b) With a neat sketch, explain the working of any one rotary displacement pump'
I Give two applications of this pump.
Module -4
l7 a) Derive an expression for the work done in a reciprocating compressor with and
without clearance volume
b) A single-stage, single-acting, reciprocating air compressor takes in I m3 air per
minute at I bar and l7"C and delivers it at 7 bar. The compressor runs at 300
rpm and follows the law pV'" : constant. Calculate the cylinder bore and
stroke required, assuming stroke-to-bore ratio of 1.5. Calculate the power of the
motor required to drive the compressor, .if the mechanical efficiency of the
compressor is 85% and that of motor transmissions is 90 7o. Neglect clearance
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b) D€ftlq. the, terrn 'Fnee Ait klivered{F.A.D)'. Why free air &livwd is less 4
,' furr {fu dirytamartat-t*cempressar
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Modute -5 -(
19 a) A gas turbine mit ks a pres$lre ratio of 6 and maximum cycle errytxatrne of g
.. .\ Teke Q=l-ffis fdeg.K ry{ fl.4 for ccnrpression process and Co:l.ll
. kI&gK @p1333 fcr expansioa prmess.
q b) Write dre merits and &merits of Eaq turbine plant over internal combustion 5
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