S9.4 - Applying HACCP Assessment
S9.4 - Applying HACCP Assessment
S9.4 - Applying HACCP Assessment
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S9.4 - Support GMP+ FC 2020: Applying HACCP assessment
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................3
3.1. PHASE 1: FORMING MULTI-DISCIPLINARY FEED SAFETY TEAM(S) AND VALIDATION TEAM(S) ..................................7 3.2.
PHASE 2: DESCRIPTION OF FEED........................................................................................................................................9 3.2.1.
Phase 2.1: Description of the end-product in charactaristics of end-products................................9 3.2.2. Phase 2.2: Description of
ingredients and processing aids.................................................................. 10 11
3.3. PHASE 3: DETERMINING THE INTENDED USE OF FEED 3.4. ..................................................................................................
3.12.1. Phase 12.1: Validation of the HACCP system ...................................................................................... 27 Phase 12.2: Verification
3.12.2. of the HACCP system .................................................................................... 28 PHASE 13: DOCUMENTATION AND
3.13. REGISTRATIONS................................................................................................ 30
1. Introduction
The HACCP guideline is intended to support GMP+ FSA certified companies (or companies
who which to) in setting up their in-company HACCP system. The guideline provides an
explanation of the HACCP principles in sections.
The HACCP requirements in the GMP+ standard are predominantly based on the
HACCP criteria as laid down in the Codex Alimentarius. Meanwhile, based on new in-sights (as
ISO22000), some changes and additions were included in the HACCP requirements.
The feed sector is already used to working with measures to ensure feed safety. The feed
regulations and the GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance module (GMP+ FSA) already cover a wide
range of quality requirements for feed. This concerns sector-wide measures. Company specific
situations cannot always be taken into account when preparing these measures.
Since the year 2000, the feed sector has taken the initiative of including the HACCP system in
the GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance module.
The scope of this guideline is to support in feed and food safety assurance. This guide-line is
intended specifically for the management and employees of companies within the feed sector
developing a company specific HACCP system. The manner in which HACCP is described in
current feed Regulations (in particular the EC Regulations 183/2005, (EC) Nr. 178/2002 and (EC)
Nr. 852/2004), the General Food Hygiene Guidelines recommended by Codex (CAP/RCP 1-1969,
Rev. 4-2003) and national and international requirements relating to HACCP management systems
(HACCP-NL and ISO 22000) served as a guideline in preparing this guideline.
Chapter 24 contains a further explanation of the requirements within the management’s scope of
responsibility. Chapter 3 is a phased plan for setting up a HACCP system. In preparing this
phased plan, the requirements as set out in current legislation or GMP+ FSA module have been
included as much as possible.
Every step of the HACCP process starts with an overview of which paragraphs in the normative
documents are applicable. Within the document the wording ‘must’ is used, this refers to the
HACCP principles that must be followed as described in the normative document.
Helpful tip :
This symbol signifies supplementary and specific attention for the relevant issue.
The quality policy, which forms part of the complete business policy, is the platform for the
management to record the organisation's goals in the area of feed safety. The management is
responsible for defining the quality policy by means of practicable objectives and communicating
these to the employees.
The scope and extent of the HACCP system should be indicated. Scope relates to the activities
that the company is responsible or accountable for. This can or will be broader than the scope
of the GMP+ certificate because also non-feed related activities, processes, products or
services, can have a negative impact on the feed safety and should be managed by the HACCP
system (R1.0 & 4.3).
Management should review requests of the Feed Safety Team(s) relating to resources and
facilities required for the creation, implementation and maintenance of the HACCP system and
make these resources available. The employees will be enabled to implement the HACCP
system and comply with work agreements by resources and facilities being made available by
the management. This may pertain to making control equipment available as well as making
personnel and time available in order to allow for inspections to be carried out.
When the entire HACCP system has been developed and implemented, the management must
ensure that the HACCP system is updated and revised if necessary.
For more information on top management responsibilities can be found in the document R
1.0 Feed Safety Management Systems Requirements.
The management subsequently ensures that development and implementation of the HACCP system
progresses according to plan and is updated and adjusted as and when required.
This pertains to employees involved in the manufacturing process of the animal feed or
involved in control and monitoring of feed safety.
The employees will be enabled to implement the HACCP system and comply with work
agreements by resources and facilities being made available by the management. This may
pertain to making control equipment available as well as making personnel and time available in
order to allow for inspections to be carried out.
As described in the standards, the management of the company is ultimately responsible for the
Feed Safety Management System of the company. Management must appoint Feed Safety
Team(s) and Validation Team(s). The management shall ensure that members of both the Feed
Safety and validation Teams will have adequate time and (if necessary) resources available for
setting up and implementing, respectively validating, the Feed safety Management System
including the HACCP system.
The Feed Safety Team is a team within the organisation that supervises setting up and
implementation of the HACCP system. In addition to implementation, the Feed Safety Team is
designated a role in updating and verification of the HACCP system. The HACCP system is
specific for each company.
The Validation Team is also a team within the organisation. The Validation Team’s aim is to
determine if the HACCP system as set up by the Feed Safety Team will perform as intended in
practice. This is referred to as validation (see phase 12).
Both large and small businesses are required to compose both a Feed Safety Team and a
Validation Team. The size of these teams depends on the organisation’s size as well as the
expertise of the team members. The implementation of a HACCP system requires technical
expertise as well as expertise in feed and food chemistry, toxicology, microbiology and quality
management. The more comprehensively these fields of expertise are represented in both teams,
the more complete the HACCP system can be expected to become.
Helpful tip :
If necessary, companies should deploy the services of qualified external experts.
In addition to the various fields of expertise, team members should come from the various hierarchical levels
of the company. This should ensure that the HACCP system will be supported throughout the company.
The following fields of expertise may be represented in the Feed Safety and/or Vali-dation
d. Production employee: an employee (for example production supervisor) with knowledge of the hygienic
status of the company, production spaces and installations. e. Other: Depending on the company’s activities,
i.e. if applicable, the following fields of
expertise should also be represented: Expert relating to purchasing, storage, forwarding, sales, nutritional
and agricultural issues.
Members of the Feed Safety Team may be a member of the Validation Team too. However, the Validation
Team must preferably also contain independent members who are not a member of the Feed Safety Team
in order to prevent influence: Select employees not directly involved in preparing the HACCP plan.
Helpful tip :
Companies with a limited number of employees (or companies without any staff) should hire external support for
the implementation and validation of their HACCP system (for examples suitable persons working within the sector
or external consultants).
Both the management representative and the quality coordinator within the Feed Safe-ty Team must
attend HACCP training or the team members must have attained a simi-lar level based on experience.
According to the standard, the company must record the members of both the Feed Safety and Validation
Teams as well as the fields of expertise of their team members in a document or add this to existing
documentation. The fields of expertise must be verifiable, for instance based on diplomas or demonstrable
work experience. If the required expertise is not available within a company, external experts may be involved
in the team’s activities. External expertise must also be recorded in the documentation.
TS 1.2 Purchase
TS 1.3 Product list
TS 1.4 Forbidden Products and Fuels
TS 1.5 Specific feed safety limits
TS 1.2 Purchase
TS 1.3 Product list
TS 1.4 Forbidden Products and Fuels
TS 1.5 Specific feed safety limits
The requirements that apply to the end-product (for example feed safety limits of
contaminants) are partially determined by the ingredients and processing aids used. This includes
feed materials, premixes, additives and processing aids. Inspection of ingredients and processing aids
based on specifications is necessary.
The information relating to the ingredients and processing aids, and their growing/ harvesting/
mining process is required for the execution of the hazard identification of the company’s
manufacturing process (see phase 7 of the HACCP analysis).
TS 1.8 Labelling
Considering the target group(s) prevents hazards from being overlooked. This concerns hazards
to animals as well as hazards that may be incurred by the human customer of the animal products.
The characteristics of the end-product serve to record the target species of the feed. Not all feed are
(in their normal form) suitable to all animals. For example in the case of raw soy beans. Before being
used as an ingredient in piglet feed, these must be toasted in order to remove the harmful trypsin
inhibitor. Another example is that high copper levels in sheep feed have a toxic effect, whereas copper
must be added to the feed of many other animal species.
The characteristics of the end-product must also record the animal species, the age of the animal
and the instructions of use (including storage conditions). This may also be subject to varying
The Feed Safety Team shall review how the feed is to be stored and used as in-tended without any
hazards to animal or public health occurring.
The information on the label must at least comply with the applicable feed legislation, but if improper
use of feed may lead to unsafe animal products, a (supplementary) set of instructions relating to
transport, storage, processing and feeding must be sup-plied with the relevant products.
The Feed Safety Team shall prepare a flow diagram of the production process for each
product (or product group). These flow diagrams must indicate the process phases to be
followed in order to create a certain end -product. The process diagram should also indicate the
ingredients, processing aids and auxiliary substances used and any by-products created by the
Each process, production or processing phase must be indicated separately in the flow
diagrams. Hazards can be identified based on these company specific flow diagrams (see
phase 7 and further).
When preparing the flow diagrams, the following are key issues. a.
select a end-product or product group b. define the description of
the process (start - end) c. prepare simple, clear diagrams d. to
enhance clarity and overview, restrict the number of symbols e.
use uniform terminology for products and/or processes f. try to work
top down and left to right as much as possible g. prepare a core
process for the end-product or product group h. divide the core
process into sub-processes i. indicate the links between sub-processes
with start and end symbols j. indicate ingredients, processing aids,
auxiliary substances, semi-finished products, by products, end-products,
return flows and waste flows
A flow diagram may be subdivided into a core process and sub-processes. Defining a core
process may be useful if the process is complicated and includes many process phases and/or a
large number of inbound and outbound flows.
The key process phases of the production process are included in the core process diagram.
Each core process phase is specified in a sub-process diagram, where all process steps are
indicated separately.
Using the following symbols when preparing flow diagrams is recommended.
Symbol Explanation
Opening or closing symbol This symbol indicates the beginning and end of the process
diagram. If it is used as a start symbol, the name of the
relevant sub-process can be entered. If it is used as an end
symbol, the name of the next sub-process can be entered.
This shows how the various sub-processes are interlinked.
Core process phase This symbol indicates the main activities or actions within
a section of the process in the core (global) process
diagram. The core (global) process phases are described
in further detail in sub-process diagrams.
Connection symbol This symbol indicates that the specific product flow is shown
in detail in a different place in the process diagram. It is also
possible that the product flow is derived from a different place
in the production
Indicating a letter or digit in the symbol can help distinguish the connections.
For a detailed example, please refer to the risk assessments as part of the Feed Support
Products on the website of GMP+ International.
A floor plan of the company units offers support when systematically charting and verifying the
production processes.
A floor plan serves to indicate the company’s infrastructure. This concerns an over view of: a.
The various company units (for example production and storage) and personnel facilities. b.
Machines and equipment present (for example technical drawings of the conveyor
c. The routing of feed and ingredients through the company, of waste and of personnel in
order to make any cross-contamination points visible.
After preparing process information (flow diagram and floor plan), these must be tested
against practice by the Feed Safety Team.
This ‘reality check’ entails for the Feed Safety Team to walk through the processes during
working hours on site (verification of the process diagram). If the same actions are carried out by
various persons and/or teams, it is important to test the flow diagrams against the working
methods of all these persons and/or teams - for example, does the night shift work in exactly the
same manner as the day shift?
If practice indicates that process phases were overlooked, the process flows
must be adjusted.
The accuracy of the lay-out of the floor plan must be checked and adjusted where needed.
Furthermore, when a process is updated or changed, the process must be retested to practice
and re-validated (see phase 12). The changes must also be implemented in the flow diagrams.
This test is intended in order to ensure that the further HACCP steps are followed with the
correct process information. If the process information and the observations in working
practice are matches, the teams may proceed with the next phase.
A minimum level for controlling feed safety must be applicable before implementing HACCP.
This basic level must be realised by determining and applying a prerequisite programme.
Prerequisite programmes create environmental and operating conditions required for delivery of
safe feed. The prerequisite programme is part of the GMP+ FSA module.
The prerequisite programme consists mainly of general control measures for controlling
general hazards. These include pest control plans, cleaning and sanitising plans, training plans and
buying procedures. These general control measures form a basis for effective application of the
hazard analysis for each feed company (Principle 1).
The prerequisite programme as included in the GMP+ FSA module is based on the
HACCP Certification Scheme Foodstuffs, the General Principles of Food Hygiene’ of the Codex
Alimentarius and the applicable feed legislation (Animal Feed Hygiene Regulation 183/2005).
The GMP+ certified company must check which elements in the prerequisite programme are
applicable to the company.
The GMP+ certified company must determine if the prerequisite programme is an adequate basis
for successful application of the HACCP principles. If this is not the case, the certified company
must specify and implement supplementary prerequisites.
The hazard analysis consists of 2 components, the hazard identification (possible hazards) and risk
assessment (from possible hazard to realistic risk). Phase 7.1 further specifies hazard identification
and phase 7.2 further explains risk assessment.
Based on the information collected until this moment (during phases 2 through 6) and the flow
diagrams, a list is prepared of the hazards that may realistically be expected in each phase of
the process. This activity is referred to as hazard identification and forms part of the hazard
The Feed Safety Team determines the hazards for each process phase as comprehensively as
possible. Where necessary it is recommended to deploy external experts in these brainstorm
sessions in order to preclude incompleteness, as external people will notice things overlooked by
those working in a company every day.
Identified hazards are to be described. When defining the hazard, a brief description of the cause
and/or source/root cause of the hazard can be included. This makes deter-mining subsequent
control measures simpler (see phase 8).
Physical hazards Foreign bodies that may be present in Glass, plastic, metal parts, stones,
ingredients or may enter the product. bone, pieces of packaging
Helpful tip 1:
The hazard should be described in as much detail as possible. In the case of pathogens, the description should
indicate if it concerns for example salmonella or listeria. In the case of contamination with foreign particles, the
description should indicate if it concerns glass, plastic or metal for example. These details are also required for any
chemical contaminants.
This detailed description is desirable because various possibilities for monitoring and control
may be required. For example, metal may be separated by means of magnets, but this control
measure would be ineffective for glass. This is why general terms such as ‘foreign bodies’
cannot be used.
As mentioned above, the information resulting from phases 2 through 6 (end-product and
ingredients specifications including intended use and process information, a list of possible
hazards must be prepared.
Helpful tip 2:
Generic risk assessments such as those recorded in the Feed Support Products may be used as a source of
information. These generic risk assessments describe any generic hazards per process phase.However, each
company should review which (additional) hazards would apply to their specific situation.
Other sources of information are the GMP+ International quality series with details on various
subjects, including a study into drying processes within the feed sector. These information
sources may be consulted on the website of GMP+ International.
Helpful tip 3:
The hazards as identified must be recorded per process phase, using the hazard analysis table. For an example
of such a table, see Appendix 1 of this guideline.
Severity is the effect on the target animal's health as well as the consequential damage for
humans when products of animal origin are consumed. Severity must be based on literature,
practical experience and/or experimental data etc., and is classified into three levels:
Severity Explanation
High Serious diseases, harmful effects and/or wounds, both occurring immediately and long-term effects,
possibly with fatal consequences.
Medium Substantial diseases, harmful effects and/or wounds, both occurring immediately and long-term
Low Minor diseases, harmful effects and/or wounds, not or hardly occurring, or only long-term effects after
extremely high doses.
Both the severity for the target animal as the severity (consequential damage) for humans must
be determined. The highest value is leading.
Helpful tip 1:
The Fact Sheets undesirable substances and products may be used as a source of information. These can be
consulted on the website of GMP+ International.
Likely occurence is the chance of a hazard being present in the end-product at the time of
consumption by the target animal and/or human. Likely occurence is based on measurements,
observations or expectations of the company specific situation and may be classified in three
Low theoretically possible, but hardly occurs in practice may occur, it has
Medium been known to occur with some frequency occurs frequently
Severity x Likely oocurence results in Risk, which may be classified in four levels:
Severity of the ÿÿ
High 3 4
hazard Medium 2 3 4
Low 1 2 3
A company can ensure that likely occurrence of risk is reduced and controlled by
taking (control) measures. The next section provides more information about this.
If the risk assessment of the hazard results in 4, it does not involve a critical control
point (CCP). This determination will be made during the next phase in HACCP
analysis. This serves to determine if a risk actually concerns a CCP. However, the
company must realise that action is required for higher risks.
Helpful tip 2:
Risk assessment must be recorded for each process phase, including a brief motivation of the elements probability
and seriousness. This motivation serves to clarify the choice that the Feed Safety Team made using the hazard
analysis table. For an example of such a table, see Appendix 1 of this guideline.
Classification into risk categories determines the control measures to be implemented. The
following may be discerned:
Control measures may vary from technical / technological solutions to organisational and/or
procedural measures.
Helpful tip :
Various control measures may be required in order to control a single determined risk. It is also possible for a single
control measure to control various risks.
The assessment if a control measure relates to a critical control point should take place
systematically. One of the instruments to be used is the CCP decision tree. Each phase in the
manufacturing process with associated risk and control measure must be run through the CCP
decision tree.
Question 1
What type of control measure 2 None
(phase 8.1) is required ac
Are the relevant
cording t o the risk control measures and
assessment (phase have these been
7.2)? Prerequisite If required, prepare include in validatio
3 n verification
4 Control measure
Question 3 I s
this cont rol measure
specifically intended for
eliminating this risk or reducing YES CCP
it t o an ac cept able level during this
process phase?
Question 4 Will
the risk be eliminated or reduced to
an ac ceptable during one of the s
ubsequent process phases?
Measures related to critical control points (CCP’s) are classed as Control Measures. Control
measures may relate to (process) parameters that can be controlled in such a manner that
hazards relating to feed safety are prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable, for
example time, temperature, humidity and pH.
Control measures not related to critical control points (CCP’s) are classed as Prerequisite
control measures. Prerequisite control measures are actions or activities that are often part
of the prerequisite programme, such as training of personnel, lay-out and interior of the company
premises, pest control and cleaning and sanitising programmes, purchasing, etc. In general,
these prerequisite control measures ensure and acceptable control level.
Helpful tip :
Determining a critical control point (CCP) must be recorded. The hazard analysis table may be used for this
purpose. For an example of such a table, see Appendix 1 of this guideline.
Based on the decision tree, the critical control points (CCP’s) within the process have been
determined. This concerns the (process) parameters (for example time and temperature) that can
be controlled to such an extent that risks are prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable
During this phase, the measuring values for these CCP’s where safe product can be delivered
must be determined. Within the GMP+ FSA module, these values are referred to as the rejection
limits. A rejection limit is a value indicating the line between acceptable and non acceptable
product. If this limit is exceeded, the product is not suitable for use as feed.
In order to limit the presence of risks as much as possible and prevent rejection of product, an
action limit can also be determined. An action limit for the relevant product or process parameter
is derived from the rejection limit and must be substantially lower. When this limit is exceeded, the
cause must be found and corrective measures must be implemented in order to either resolve or
limit the cause.
When determining the action and rejection limits relating to CCP’s, it is mandatory to comply with
requirements as set out in the relevant feed legislation and the GMP+ FSA scheme. In TS 1.5
Specific feed safety limits) of the GMP+ FSA scheme, these action and rejection limits are included
in an overview.
If action or rejection limits are not set out in legislation or the GMP+ FSA scheme, the feed
safety limits relating to the CCP’s must be set, supported and recorded based on internal
Helpful tip :
See Appendix 2 for an example of a summary overview of a CCP.
TS 1.2 Purchase
TS 1.6 Sampling
TS 1.7 Monitoring
The feed company must prepare and implement a monitoring plan. Monitoring is measuring, analysing
and/or observing (visual supervision) of process parameters according to a plan in order to be able to
determine if a CCP is controlled.
Monitoring CCP’s may relate to continuous, semi-continuous or random sample measuring, depending
on the process phase and the nature of the (process) parameter to be measured.
Helpful tip :
See Appendix 2 for an example of a summary overview of a CCP.
After determining the action and rejection limits and preparing a monitoring programme, the
company must determine which corrections and corrective actions must be carried out when a
limit is exceeded in spite of the measures. The safety of the end-product is then no longer
Corrections are actions to eliminate a detected nonconformity. A correction may be, for
example, reprocessing, further processing and/or elimination of the adverse consequences of
the nonconformity (such as disposal for other use or specific labelling).
Corrective actions
Corrective actions: eliminates the cause of a non conformity and prevents recurrence. These
actions ensures that the cause of the nonconformity is detected and eliminated and can
therefor not result again in an exceeded limit. Corrective actions can be, for example,
adjustments to equipment, adjusting the production process and/or choosing different
suppliers or country of origin of feed ingredients.
In the absence of continuous monitoring, corrections and corrective actions must relate to
the relevant lot from the previous measuring moment.
Before implementing the HACCP system, the company must determine if the HACCP system
can perform in the operating environment. The company must determine if the control measures
developed, including the cleaning programmes or the metal detectors present will be adequate
for controlling hazards. This is referred to as validation.
Each time the organisation implements changes that may have a negative impact on feed
safety, the assessment must be updated. Examples of changes are: a. new ingredients or new
products, the production conditions (company units and
buildings and the immediate surroundings of the company, cleaning programmes);
b. storage or transport conditions; c.
changes to the customer's use of the product; d. all
information indicating a new hazard relating to the product.
The validation must be conducted by the Validation Team. More information is included in
phase 1 Forming the Feed Safety Team and Validation Team.
After the HACCP system has been set up, verification of (elements of) the system must
periodically (at least annually) take place. Verification is the use of additional information in
order to test if the system is still effective and used as it was in- tended. Verification is conducted
by the Feed Safety Team and the findings must be recorded in writing.
It is possible that hazards remain denied or undetected for years. At the time where a
company has gained insight into the potential hazard, it must immediately be included in
the company specific HACCP plan. Not only external factors also results of internal sampling
of ingredients, end- products and/or results from databases can provide input to re-assess
and, if necessary, revise, the internal hazard analysis.
g. Internal audits
A large number of hazards are controlled by general procedures, regulations and
instructions. These procedures and instructions define many elements of the prerequisite
programme. An audit also aims to check compliance with procedures and instructions. In
particular verification of the prerequisite programme, which covers a large number of
general hazards, is vital for the system’s performance.
The results of verification must be documented. The Feed Safety Team, which will continue
to play a role in maintenance of the system, must assess the verification results and submit
its findings to the management. The management shall use their findings in its own
management assessment as described in chapter 4.1.5.
All other sections of the scheme can also indicate the required documented information
Documentation plays a vital part in maintaining a process control system based on HACCP
principles. Documentation ensures the demonstrable presence of the HACCP system.
Documents also provide information to employees regarding the activities to be carried out and
agreements made within a company. The required documentation derived from the
implementation of HACCP can be included in the quality documentation as required by the
GMP+ standard.
The following documents can be considered as relevant document information related to the
HACCP system: a. Document Feed Safety Team (members and fields of expertise) b. Motivation
of HACCP analyses with support of choices made, for example:
After implementation of the HACCP system, data are collected in various places that must be
registered. This concerns: a. Monitoring data of CCP’s and general control measures b.
Verification of CCP’s
c. Verification of the HACCP system by means of taking samples and sample analysis of
d. Verification of the hazard analysis
e. Internal audits f. Complaints analysis
Please Note: The template below also applies to the company specific HACCP analysis. A different template should be used for completing the
hazard analysis in the context of the Risk Assessments as part of the Feed Support Products.
The hazards are identified for each For each hazard, A risk assessment is conducted for each The (control) Is the determined control measure This column should always contain a
process step in the flow diagram indicate in which of the three hazard. Probability x seriousness and the measures for risk class the last step in the process to control summary motivation of the elements
(phase 7) and entered into the hazard categories the hazard is resultant risk class are entered into the 3 or 4 are summarised the risk? This assessment must take place Likelyhood x severity. This motivation serves
analysis table. The columns Nr, classified (M: Microbiological, relevant columns. in this column. This may systematically. One of the instruments to be to clarify the choice that the HACCP made.
Process phase and Description of C Chemical, P Physical). used is the CCP decision tree. Each phase in Additionally, this information may be used for
Hazard are to be completed in the table concern measures the manufacturing process with associated subsequent verifications and also by later
line by line. that are part of the risk and control measure must be run through Feed Safety Team after their composition
prerequisite programme or the CCP decision tree. has changed. This way, the considerations
measures included remain accessible and available.
elsewhere in the GMP+ FC
- - - -
C 2 2 2
1 Purchasing 1
M 2 3 4 4 NN CCP 1
From the hazard analysis, it has become apparent that many general control measures (which are often part of the prerequisite programme) play an
essential role in reducing the hazard. It is recommended to summarise these control measures in a table as well. Where possible, indicate monitoring
frequency and corrective actions (this depends on the general control measure and will not be possible in all cases). Also report the required procedures,
instructions, registration forms and other documents.
Example of overview
Action limit Rejection limit How Frequency Responsible Description of action Responsible
GMP+ International
Braille avenue 9
2289 CL Rijswijk
The Netherlands
This publication was established for the purpose of providing information to interested parties
with respect to GMP+-standards. The publication will be updated regularly. GMP+ International
B.V. is not liable for any inaccuracies in this publication.
All rights reserved. The information in this publication may be consulted on the screen,
downloaded and printed as long as this is done for your own, non-commercial use. For other desired
uses, prior written permission should be obtained from the GMP+ International B.V.