# 'G07 - 12 - 2021 3

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Nekogirl: *teleports tempest into the pillow fort in the corner* sleep pup :3
Logan_single: hey guys
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/X24lJCALrgEAAAAd/rock-nodding.gif
Tempest: -The wolf would run over to the pillow and sleep-
Logan_single: hey guys
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/kHcmsxlKHEAAAAAC/rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-
Panzershrek: But i am wondering if the axe would truly help at all
Furryboi: i dont know
Shirleybean: oop-
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/X24lJCALrgEAAAAd/rock-nodding.gif
Shirleybean: Hello
Nekogirl: *poofs into a cat and sits in front of skittlez* big TwT
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/kHcmsxlKHEAAAAAC/rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-
Shirleybean: what the o-o
Tempest: - The wolf be asleep-
Logan_single: i is husky
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/RVS8vRM3EBEAAAAM/crazy-mad.gif
Panzershrek: who is shirley
Generic: no clue
Koda: welp
Koda: i hate everyone.
Koda: ...................
Koda: still.
Koda: koda.
(anon): Penis hard
Koda: same
Koda: suck me please.
(anon): No'
Koda: awh
Koda: ok
Princessash: Hey
Generic: gay
Logan_single: hey guys
Logan_single: hello?
Ember_fire_dragon: hullo?
Mommymilkers42069: blepp
Ember_fire_dragon: bleep
Zakk: hello?
Generic: bruh
Ember_fire_dragon: 0-0
Poisin: Hullo
Callmelili: Hi gen!
Poisin: --
Poisin: -n-
Callmelili: Poison*
Poisin: ?
Callmelili: That’s how spelled
(anon): wrong acc -n-
Callmelili: HAHAHHAA
Posion: warong acc sorry xD
Posion: wrong**
Generic: bruh my ex is fucked lmao
Posion: ?
Generic: ill tell u later
Generic: sry i gtg
Posion: bye gen!
Nekogirl: i found a gun
Nekogirl: alos morning
Nekogirl: also*
Posion: morning
Nekogirl: hi child
Panzershrek: good mornin
Trees_the_proto: Anyone on?
Panzershrek: im on
Trees_the_proto: No one else?
Nekogirl: hi trees and shrek
Trees_the_proto: Ah, neko.
Nekogirl: sorry about yesterday
Posion: lol
Panzershrek: ive got some work to do
Trees_the_proto: What fuckin ever, neko.
Nekogirl: alright be mad, i dont care
Nekogirl: i gotta do a test bye
Mommymilkers42069: e
Panzershrek: nvm ill be good
Furryanimeboy: Hello?
Mommymilkers42069: hai
Shell61_taken: hi.....
Posion: hullo
Shell61_taken: hi.....
Callmelili: Rip
Shell61_taken: .......
Furryboi: I LIVE
Panzershrek: alright what did i miss
Panzershrek: ah welp chat seems to have died a while ago
Furryboi: so the school may or may not have seen what i was putting in this chat
because go guardian took a picture
Panzershrek: imma play
Furryboi: they'll come
Shell61_taken: wiredos.......
Trees_the_proto: ._.
Trees_the_proto: fuck you than...
Shell61_taken: i was calling furryboi and shrek.....wiredos...not you
Furryanimegirl: Hello
Panzershrek: well anyway
Panzershrek: i got bored
Panzershrek: what did i miss
Furryanimegirl: i dont know
Panzershrek: well anyway
Panzershrek: lets start with a fun fact
Furryanimegirl: okay
Panzershrek: did you know that the original Anne Franks journal had multiple
sections dedicated to her masturbating, these were deleted
Furryanimegirl: i did not know that
Panzershrek: NOW YOU KNOW
Panzershrek: ah welp imma play
Separatio: wrong
Nekogonzales2002: wtf
Separatio: hm
Separatio: oh i should explain
Separatio: last night nekogirl and mommymilkers42069 were helping me with math
Separatio: and the answer they gave me was wrong
Posion: ??
Panzershrek: ah welp
Panzershrek: is the chat alive yet
Panzershrek: is neko back?
Posion: idk
Panzershrek: https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.AXh0BcwNRz_5QASMXsbEPAHaD3?
Squidcoder: yo g'morning ppls
Squidcoder: o/
Panzershrek: good mornin
Squidcoder: I'm surprised my school hasn't blocked this site lmao
Panzershrek: just use a vpn bruh
Squidcoder: i don't need to lol
Panzershrek: go to extensions on whatever browser ya usin
Squidcoder: it's UN blocked
Posion: 0-0
Posion: anyways how is everyone?
Shell61_taken: tired asf
Squidcoder: i'm doing fine
Panzershrek: tired as well
Posion: lol im in school and want to sleep -n-
Shell61_taken: i feel like a dumbass rn.......
Jadduck: i cant participate in my JROCTC PT
Jadduck: sadge
Squidcoder: some of my teachers let us sleep in class lol
Squidcoder: shell: why?
Panzershrek: I think im about to shit myself
Posion: ew
Panzershrek: it might be a fart, but it might be more
Panzershrek: either way its gonna come out
Jadduck: just go to the bathroom
Shell61_taken: i went to bed 2 or 3 in the morining is why squid
Squidcoder: oof
Panzershrek: My crap aint known for comin out quick
Panzershrek: it comes out quick when I dont want it to, but when i need it to its
pretty slow
Panzershrek: anyway ive gotta go
Panzershrek: see yall
Shell61_taken: ok bye....
Panzershrek: https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.AXh0BcwNRz_5QASMXsbEPAHaD3?
Jadduck: Deez Nuts
Posion: nope im out
Logan_single: hello?
Posion: 0-0
Logan_single: hey guys
Logan_single: poison do you like the band poison
Posion: ->-
Logan_single: lmao
Logan_single: 1 sec
Logan_single: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O0lrRJGmsw
Logan_single: there
Logan_single: anyone here
Callmelili: Me
Furryanimegirl: yea
Callmelili: RAMEN
Logan_single: hello my friendings
Logan_single: im burnt out on ramen
Callmelili: I want some juul
Logan_single: i got one how much you gonna give me
Logan_single: $20 at least
Logan_single: who wanna hear my fav song
Logan_single: hello?
Logan_single: am i alone again
(anon): sounds like it
Logan_single: well then
Logan_single: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnZtGDFu3k0
Logan_single: who here likes slipknot
Furryanimeboy: ME
Logan_single: less go *high fives*
Furryanimeboy: *high fives back*
Logan_single: whats your fav song
Logan_single: custer(live from 2014) is my fav
Separatio: who here is good at art
Furryanimeboy: devil in I or psychosocial for me
Logan_single: me
Logan_single: nice
Logan_single: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnZtGDFu3k0
Separatio: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRlE-
Logan_single: heres mine
Separatio: draw one of these for me
Separatio: for a school project btw
Logan_single: ok im at school rn ill do it when i get home
Logan_single: is anyone else here other than me
Logan_single: unsainted is another good slipknot song
Logan_single: hello anyone there?
Separatio: that animal is a vaquita btw
Logan_single: ik
Logan_single: im a marine animal nerd
Logan_single: anyway who wanna rp
Logan_single: also sep ive been wondering are you a guy or girl
Logan_single: ooook then

Nekogirl: *teleports tempest into the pillow fort in the corner* sleep pup :3
Logan_single: hey guys
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/X24lJCALrgEAAAAd/rock-nodding.gif
Tempest: -The wolf would run over to the pillow and sleep-
Logan_single: hey guys
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/kHcmsxlKHEAAAAAC/rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-
Panzershrek: But i am wondering if the axe would truly help at all
Furryboi: i dont know
Shirleybean: oop-
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/X24lJCALrgEAAAAd/rock-nodding.gif
Shirleybean: Hello
Nekogirl: *poofs into a cat and sits in front of skittlez* big TwT
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/kHcmsxlKHEAAAAAC/rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-
Shirleybean: what the o-o
Tempest: - The wolf be asleep-
Logan_single: i is husky
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/RVS8vRM3EBEAAAAM/crazy-mad.gif
Panzershrek: who is shirley
Generic: no clue
Koda: welp
Koda: i hate everyone.
Koda: ...................
Koda: still.
Koda: koda.
(anon): Penis hard
Koda: same
Koda: suck me please.
(anon): No'
Koda: awh
Koda: ok
Princessash: Hey
Generic: gay
Logan_single: hey guys
Logan_single: hello?
Ember_fire_dragon: hullo?
Mommymilkers42069: blepp
Ember_fire_dragon: bleep
Zakk: hello?
Generic: bruh
Ember_fire_dragon: 0-0
Poisin: Hullo
Callmelili: Hi gen!
Poisin: --
Poisin: -n-
Callmelili: Poison*
Poisin: ?
Callmelili: That’s how spelled
(anon): wrong acc -n-
Callmelili: HAHAHHAA
Posion: warong acc sorry xD
Posion: wrong**
Generic: bruh my ex is fucked lmao
Posion: ?
Generic: ill tell u later
Generic: sry i gtg
Posion: bye gen!
Nekogirl: i found a gun
Nekogirl: alos morning
Nekogirl: also*
Posion: morning
Nekogirl: hi child
Panzershrek: good mornin
Trees_the_proto: Anyone on?
Panzershrek: im on
Trees_the_proto: No one else?
Nekogirl: hi trees and shrek
Trees_the_proto: Ah, neko.
Nekogirl: sorry about yesterday
Posion: lol
Panzershrek: ive got some work to do
Trees_the_proto: What fuckin ever, neko.
Nekogirl: alright be mad, i dont care
Nekogirl: i gotta do a test bye
Mommymilkers42069: e
Panzershrek: nvm ill be good
Furryanimeboy: Hello?
Mommymilkers42069: hai
Shell61_taken: hi.....
Posion: hullo
Shell61_taken: hi.....
Callmelili: Rip
Shell61_taken: .......
Furryboi: I LIVE
Panzershrek: alright what did i miss
Panzershrek: ah welp chat seems to have died a while ago
Furryboi: so the school may or may not have seen what i was putting in this chat
because go guardian took a picture
Panzershrek: imma play
Furryboi: they'll come
Shell61_taken: wiredos.......
Trees_the_proto: ._.
Trees_the_proto: fuck you than...
Shell61_taken: i was calling furryboi and shrek.....wiredos...not you
Furryanimegirl: Hello
Panzershrek: well anyway
Panzershrek: i got bored
Panzershrek: what did i miss
Furryanimegirl: i dont know
Panzershrek: well anyway
Panzershrek: lets start with a fun fact
Furryanimegirl: okay
Panzershrek: did you know that the original Anne Franks journal had multiple
sections dedicated to her masturbating, these were deleted
Furryanimegirl: i did not know that
Panzershrek: NOW YOU KNOW
Panzershrek: ah welp imma play
Separatio: wrong
Nekogonzales2002: wtf
Separatio: hm
Separatio: oh i should explain
Separatio: last night nekogirl and mommymilkers42069 were helping me with math
Separatio: and the answer they gave me was wrong
Posion: ??
Panzershrek: ah welp
Panzershrek: is the chat alive yet
Panzershrek: is neko back?
Posion: idk
Panzershrek: https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.AXh0BcwNRz_5QASMXsbEPAHaD3?
Squidcoder: yo g'morning ppls
Squidcoder: o/
Panzershrek: good mornin
Squidcoder: I'm surprised my school hasn't blocked this site lmao
Panzershrek: just use a vpn bruh
Squidcoder: i don't need to lol
Panzershrek: go to extensions on whatever browser ya usin
Squidcoder: it's UN blocked
Posion: 0-0
Posion: anyways how is everyone?
Shell61_taken: tired asf
Squidcoder: i'm doing fine
Panzershrek: tired as well
Posion: lol im in school and want to sleep -n-
Shell61_taken: i feel like a dumbass rn.......
Jadduck: i cant participate in my JROCTC PT
Jadduck: sadge
Squidcoder: some of my teachers let us sleep in class lol
Squidcoder: shell: why?
Panzershrek: I think im about to shit myself
Posion: ew
Panzershrek: it might be a fart, but it might be more
Panzershrek: either way its gonna come out
Jadduck: just go to the bathroom
Shell61_taken: i went to bed 2 or 3 in the morining is why squid
Squidcoder: oof
Panzershrek: My crap aint known for comin out quick
Panzershrek: it comes out quick when I dont want it to, but when i need it to its
pretty slow
Panzershrek: anyway ive gotta go
Panzershrek: see yall
Shell61_taken: ok bye....
Panzershrek: https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.AXh0BcwNRz_5QASMXsbEPAHaD3?
Jadduck: Deez Nuts
Posion: nope im out
Logan_single: hello?
Posion: 0-0
Logan_single: hey guys
Logan_single: poison do you like the band poison
Posion: ->-
Logan_single: lmao
Logan_single: 1 sec
Logan_single: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O0lrRJGmsw
Logan_single: there
Logan_single: anyone here
Callmelili: Me
Furryanimegirl: yea
Callmelili: RAMEN
Logan_single: hello my friendings
Logan_single: im burnt out on ramen
Callmelili: I want some juul
Logan_single: i got one how much you gonna give me
Logan_single: $20 at least
Logan_single: who wanna hear my fav song
Logan_single: hello?
Logan_single: am i alone again
(anon): sounds like it
Logan_single: well then
Logan_single: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnZtGDFu3k0
Logan_single: who here likes slipknot
Furryanimeboy: ME
Logan_single: less go *high fives*
Furryanimeboy: *high fives back*
Logan_single: whats your fav song
Logan_single: custer(live from 2014) is my fav
Separatio: who here is good at art
Furryanimeboy: devil in I or psychosocial for me
Logan_single: me
Logan_single: nice
Logan_single: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnZtGDFu3k0
Separatio: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRlE-
Logan_single: heres mine
Separatio: draw one of these for me
Separatio: for a school project btw
Logan_single: ok im at school rn ill do it when i get home
Logan_single: is anyone else here other than me
Logan_single: unsainted is another good slipknot song
Logan_single: hello anyone there?
Separatio: that animal is a vaquita btw
Logan_single: ik
Logan_single: im a marine animal nerd
Logan_single: anyway who wanna rp
Logan_single: also sep ive been wondering are you a guy or girl
Logan_single: ooook then
Separatio: ima guy
Logan_single: okie
Generic: ight
Generic: hello
Logan_single: hey
Separatio: hello
Separatio: im working on biology
Separatio: the one class i have a god grade in
Separatio: its a B
Generic: bruh like 7 kids got busted for skipping school and they was at this
abandoned house
Generic: 12 showed up and busted they asses
Generic: they had weed on them
Generic: they had pills
Generic: one kid had a fucking gun
Generic: and apparently he shot at the police
Generic: mans in jail
Generic: my ex was one of the ppl at the house
Generic: she got court
Separatio: damn
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello!
Generic: heylo blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm in a dress
Landon010: ok
Landon010: good to know
Landon010: so
Generic: phenomenal
Landon010: yes
Landon010: hru
Landon010: soooooooooooooooooooooooo
Generic: *nobody asked*
Landon010: yes
Landon010: indeed
Landon010: so back to toaster fleshlights
Landon010: how am i suppose to use them
Separatio: the best father and absolute UNIT
Landon010: ok
Landon010: so
Landon010: yea great talk
Generic: big daddy
Separatio: yes
Separatio: that is correct
Landon010: daddy big
Generic: bruh i luv bioshock
Generic: infinite was straight heat
Landon010: ok
Landon010: but
Landon010: did we ask
Generic: oh my never heard that one b4
Landon010: yep
Separatio: we doing sewing
Ember_fire_dragon: Hello?
Landon010: hi
Ember_fire_dragon: Hi
Separatio: no one sit next to me :(
Separatio: well time too look a por
Ember_fire_dragon: -Sits next to separatio-
Separatio: damn
Ember_fire_dragon: Hi!
Ember_fire_dragon: oop- gtg -n-
Zack_vapes_wolf: -He would walk into the chat vaping-
Tempest: *Ywans* Hello!!!
Tempest: oh no one on?
Logan_single: hey guys
Nekogonzales2002: wtf
Logan_single: what
Nekogonzales2002: Nothing nvm
(anon): fag
Blue_jollyrancher: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Separatio: hello
Nekogonzales2002: what
Blue_jollyrancher: hello
Cineres: penis
Nekogonzales2002: hello
Separatio: hello
Blue_jollyrancher: its fucking hot in this school
Blue_jollyrancher: and i'm wearing a dress and fishnets
Separatio: lol
Cineres: you know what else is hot?
Nekogonzales2002: CINERES NO
Separatio: this dic
Blue_jollyrancher: what?
Separatio: hm
Nekogonzales2002: thank you [ANON] very cool
Separatio: we stitching
(anon): Ah suh
Blue_jollyrancher: anyone wanna see the dress
Separatio: why not
(anon): yee
Atp_fighter: oh boy
Nekogonzales2002: looks nice
Separatio: not bad
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Posion: -Yawns-
Blue_jollyrancher: i'll be back in 10 mins
Wilson_p_higgsbury: 'ello?
Nekogonzales2002: alright
Posion: H-Hello?
Nekogonzales2002: *Guitar gaming*
Wilson_p_higgsbury: nice
Posion: -She woud curl up into a ball and sleep in the corner-
(anon): *smothers with pillow*
Posion: !?
Posion: -The fox would kick anon in the ribs-
Cineres: im gay
(anon): *Smothers harder*
Nekogonzales2002: wtf
Posion: -the fox would yelp-
(anon): ok enough
Tempest: IM BACK!
Wilson_p_higgsbury: welcome back gamer
Tempest: ^^
Tempest: why are yall kiling posion?
Nekogonzales2002: idfk
Tempest: oop-
(anon): I smother u next
Nekogonzales2002: anon NO
Tempest: 0-0
Tempest: yup no. now i wish i didnt come back -n-
Wilson_p_higgsbury: fair
Wilson_p_higgsbury: this site can be wack
Tempest: yup ->-
Cineres: obamna
Tempest: 0-0
Nekogonzales2002: White obama
Nekogonzales2002: black donald trump.
Tempest: xD
Nekogonzales2002: thank you for coming to my ted talk
Tempest: xD
Tempest: hold on ima change to my other alt -n-
Nekogonzales2002: k
Lilly_poison_dragon: oki im back
Lilly_poison_dragon: xD
Wilson_p_higgsbury: we in skyrim now?
Lilly_poison_dragon: nah ark
Wilson_p_higgsbury: ah ok
Lilly_poison_dragon: xD
Lilly_poison_dragon: -The dragon would pick anon up with it feet- hehehe
Blue_jollyrancher: back!
Nekogonzales2002: Welcome back
Lilly_poison_dragon: Oi blue posion says hi
Blue_jollyrancher: oh I say hi back
Lilly_poison_dragon: -The dragon flew up higher into the sky
(anon): HELP
Lilly_poison_dragon: "Oh you want down anon?"
Lilly_poison_dragon: "Ok!"
(anon): NO
(anon): NO NO NO
Wilson_p_higgsbury: drop him
Lilly_poison_dragon: -Drops anon-
(anon): FUK
Lilly_poison_dragon: AND THATS FOR KILLING POSION!
(anon): has fallen from a great height
Lilly_poison_dragon: xD
Nekogonzales2002: lol hes dead
Lilly_poison_dragon: lol we should kill all the anons >:)
(anon): ayo wtf
Blue_jollyrancher: my thighs are rubbing together I hate walking like this
Nekogonzales2002: o...k then
(anon): *eyebrow raise*
Lilly_poison_dragon: -She would pick anon up agian-
Lilly_poison_dragon: HAH!
(anon): ayo wtf
Exagoni: hi
(anon): Why am I being picked up
Nekogonzales2002: welcome
Lilly_poison_dragon: -she would fly higher this time-
(anon): ayo can I get put back down yet
Lilly_poison_dragon: (Also lilly is my pscho ac)
Exagoni: ok
(anon): I don't want uppies
Lilly_poison_dragon: "Oh you want down agian?"
(anon): again?
(anon): tf you mean again?
Lilly_poison_dragon: -She flys highr up-
(anon): ok can you put me on the ground yet
Nekogonzales2002: *Flicks camera to "Liveleak" setting*
Lilly_poison_dragon: "Ok wish granted" -Drops anon-
(anon): weee
Nekogonzales2002: *Recording anon falling*
(anon): <Bounces off the ground unscathed> I lived
Lilly_poison_dragon: -Blink blink- HOW TF DID H NOT DIE
Atp_fighter: the hells going on out here?
Blue_jollyrancher: Theres a bruise on my tit
Nekogonzales2002: alright thne
Lilly_poison_dragon: (Ughhhh gtg lunch)
Atp_fighter: O_o
Blue_jollyrancher: Who did it
(anon): ok time to step out...
Nekogonzales2002: uhm
Blue_jollyrancher: Because I don't know who did
Nekogonzales2002: Ok anyways time to go
Nekogonzales2002: Totally didn't do shit
Blue_jollyrancher: JOSE!
Atp_fighter: something tells me he did do shit
Wilson_p_higgsbury: well no shit
Blue_jollyrancher: He can't avoid me forever
Wilson_p_higgsbury: Ayo?
Nekogonzales2002: you fool I have...
Nekogonzales2002: THE CLOSET
Wilson_p_higgsbury: damn alright
(anon): no
Generic: i have returned
Blue_jollyrancher: And I have the power of I have been in the closet for four years
(anon): Oh fuck
(anon): OH FUCK
Generic: wait wut?
Blue_jollyrancher: *Pushes jose out* Good try
Nekogonzales2002: NOO
Blue_jollyrancher: *Hugs* I'll get you later
Nekogonzales2002: ok
Wilson_p_higgsbury: ...?
Blue_jollyrancher: My business Wilson
Wilson_p_higgsbury: ok
Blue_jollyrancher: I know school is important to jose
Nekogonzales2002: *Chuckles* Im in danger
Blue_jollyrancher: Oh yes baby you are~
Nekogonzales2002: O h n o
Atp_fighter: uhm
Atp_fighter: ok then
Cineres: im seriously going to hang myself
(anon): *hands noose*
Nekogonzales2002: ANON NO

Blue_jollyrancher: And tell kendrick hes not safe either I like going to the
Nekogonzales2002: w o a h
Wilson_p_higgsbury: uhmm
Wilson_p_higgsbury: wtf
Generic: wut is happening..
Nekogonzales2002: good question.
Blue_jollyrancher: Jose don't you need to go to the clinic soon?
Nekogonzales2002: W H A T
Doggo: yo
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi doggo
Generic: bye doggo
Doggo: bye
Doggo: wait what
Generic: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Trees_the_proto: ?
Nekogonzales2002: Last time I talked to Kendrick he tried to drown me with NoS
Wilson_p_higgsbury: wf
Wilson_p_higgsbury: wtf
Blue_jollyrancher: I'll go with you
Nekogonzales2002: Im gonna
Trees_the_proto: hmmm
Atp_fighter: well then...
Blue_jollyrancher: I was horny talking sory
Exagoni: back

Logan_single: okie
Generic: ight
Generic: hello
Logan_single: hey
Separatio: hello
Separatio: im working on biology
Separatio: the one class i have a god grade in
Separatio: its a B
Generic: bruh like 7 kids got busted for skipping school and they was at this
abandoned house
Generic: 12 showed up and busted they asses
Generic: they had weed on them
Generic: they had pills
Generic: one kid had a fucking gun
Generic: and apparently he shot at the police
Generic: mans in jail
Generic: my ex was one of the ppl at the house
Generic: she got court
Separatio: damn
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello!
Generic: heylo blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm in a dress
Landon010: ok
Landon010: good to know
Landon010: so
Generic: phenomenal
Landon010: yes
Landon010: hru
Landon010: soooooooooooooooooooooooo
Generic: *nobody asked*
Landon010: yes
Landon010: indeed
Landon010: so back to toaster fleshlights
Landon010: how am i suppose to use them
Separatio: the best father and absolute UNIT
Landon010: ok
Landon010: so
Landon010: yea great talk
Generic: big daddy
Separatio: yes
Separatio: that is correct
Landon010: daddy big
Generic: bruh i luv bioshock
Generic: infinite was straight heat
Landon010: ok
Landon010: but
Landon010: did we ask
Generic: oh my never heard that one b4
Landon010: yep
Separatio: we doing sewing
Ember_fire_dragon: Hello?
Landon010: hi
Ember_fire_dragon: Hi
Separatio: no one sit next to me :(
Separatio: well time too look a por
Ember_fire_dragon: -Sits next to separatio-
Separatio: damn
Ember_fire_dragon: Hi!
Ember_fire_dragon: oop- gtg -n-
Zack_vapes_wolf: -He would walk into the chat vaping-
Tempest: *Ywans* Hello!!!
Tempest: oh no one on?
Logan_single: hey guys
Nekogonzales2002: wtf
Logan_single: what
Nekogonzales2002: Nothing nvm
(anon): fag
Blue_jollyrancher: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Separatio: hello
Nekogonzales2002: what
Blue_jollyrancher: hello
Cineres: penis
Nekogonzales2002: hello
Separatio: hello
Blue_jollyrancher: its fucking hot in this school
Blue_jollyrancher: and i'm wearing a dress and fishnets
Separatio: lol
Cineres: you know what else is hot?
Nekogonzales2002: CINERES NO
Separatio: this dic
Blue_jollyrancher: what?
Separatio: hm
Nekogonzales2002: thank you [ANON] very cool
Separatio: we stitching
(anon): Ah suh
Blue_jollyrancher: anyone wanna see the dress
Separatio: why not
(anon): yee
Atp_fighter: oh boy
Nekogonzales2002: looks nice
Separatio: not bad
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Posion: -Yawns-
Blue_jollyrancher: i'll be back in 10 mins
Wilson_p_higgsbury: 'ello?
Nekogonzales2002: alright
Posion: H-Hello?
Nekogonzales2002: *Guitar gaming*
Wilson_p_higgsbury: nice
Posion: -She woud curl up into a ball and sleep in the corner-
(anon): *smothers with pillow*
Posion: !?
Posion: -The fox would kick anon in the ribs-
Cineres: im gay
(anon): *Smothers harder*
Nekogonzales2002: wtf
Posion: -the fox would yelp-
(anon): ok enough
Tempest: IM BACK!
Wilson_p_higgsbury: welcome back gamer
Tempest: ^^
Tempest: why are yall kiling posion?
Nekogonzales2002: idfk
Tempest: oop-
(anon): I smother u next
Nekogonzales2002: anon NO
Tempest: 0-0
Tempest: yup no. now i wish i didnt come back -n-
Wilson_p_higgsbury: fair
Wilson_p_higgsbury: this site can be wack
Tempest: yup ->-
Cineres: obamna
Tempest: 0-0
Nekogonzales2002: White obama
Nekogonzales2002: black donald trump.
Tempest: xD
Nekogonzales2002: thank you for coming to my ted talk
Tempest: xD
Tempest: hold on ima change to my other alt -n-
Nekogonzales2002: k
Lilly_poison_dragon: oki im back
Lilly_poison_dragon: xD
Wilson_p_higgsbury: we in skyrim now?
Lilly_poison_dragon: nah ark
Wilson_p_higgsbury: ah ok
Lilly_poison_dragon: xD
Lilly_poison_dragon: -The dragon would pick anon up with it feet- hehehe
Blue_jollyrancher: back!
Nekogonzales2002: Welcome back
Lilly_poison_dragon: Oi blue posion says hi
Blue_jollyrancher: oh I say hi back
Lilly_poison_dragon: -The dragon flew up higher into the sky
(anon): HELP
Lilly_poison_dragon: "Oh you want down anon?"
Lilly_poison_dragon: "Ok!"
(anon): NO
(anon): NO NO NO
Wilson_p_higgsbury: drop him
Lilly_poison_dragon: -Drops anon-
(anon): FUK
Lilly_poison_dragon: AND THATS FOR KILLING POSION!
(anon): has fallen from a great height
Lilly_poison_dragon: xD
Nekogonzales2002: lol hes dead
Lilly_poison_dragon: lol we should kill all the anons >:)
(anon): ayo wtf
Blue_jollyrancher: my thighs are rubbing together I hate walking like this
Nekogonzales2002: o...k then
(anon): *eyebrow raise*
Lilly_poison_dragon: -She would pick anon up agian-
Lilly_poison_dragon: HAH!
(anon): ayo wtf
Exagoni: hi
(anon): Why am I being picked up
Nekogonzales2002: welcome
Lilly_poison_dragon: -she would fly higher this time-
(anon): ayo can I get put back down yet
Lilly_poison_dragon: (Also lilly is my pscho ac)
Exagoni: ok
(anon): I don't want uppies
Lilly_poison_dragon: "Oh you want down agian?"
(anon): again?
(anon): tf you mean again?
Lilly_poison_dragon: -She flys highr up-
(anon): ok can you put me on the ground yet
Nekogonzales2002: *Flicks camera to "Liveleak" setting*
Lilly_poison_dragon: "Ok wish granted" -Drops anon-
(anon): weee
Nekogonzales2002: *Recording anon falling*
(anon): <Bounces off the ground unscathed> I lived
Lilly_poison_dragon: -Blink blink- HOW TF DID H NOT DIE
Atp_fighter: the hells going on out here?
Blue_jollyrancher: Theres a bruise on my tit
Nekogonzales2002: alright thne
Lilly_poison_dragon: (Ughhhh gtg lunch)
Atp_fighter: O_o
Blue_jollyrancher: Who did it
(anon): ok time to step out...
Nekogonzales2002: uhm
Blue_jollyrancher: Because I don't know who did
Nekogonzales2002: Ok anyways time to go
Nekogonzales2002: Totally didn't do shit
Blue_jollyrancher: JOSE!
Atp_fighter: something tells me he did do shit
Wilson_p_higgsbury: well no shit
Blue_jollyrancher: He can't avoid me forever
Wilson_p_higgsbury: Ayo?
Nekogonzales2002: you fool I have...
Nekogonzales2002: THE CLOSET
Wilson_p_higgsbury: damn alright
(anon): no
Generic: i have returned
Blue_jollyrancher: And I have the power of I have been in the closet for four years
(anon): Oh fuck
(anon): OH FUCK
Generic: wait wut?
Blue_jollyrancher: *Pushes jose out* Good try
Nekogonzales2002: NOO
Blue_jollyrancher: *Hugs* I'll get you later
Nekogonzales2002: ok
Wilson_p_higgsbury: ...?
Blue_jollyrancher: My business Wilson
Wilson_p_higgsbury: ok
Blue_jollyrancher: I know school is important to jose
Nekogonzales2002: *Chuckles* Im in danger
Blue_jollyrancher: Oh yes baby you are~
Nekogonzales2002: O h n o
Atp_fighter: uhm
Atp_fighter: ok then
Cineres: im seriously going to hang myself
(anon): *hands noose*
Nekogonzales2002: ANON NO

Blue_jollyrancher: And tell kendrick hes not safe either I like going to the
Nekogonzales2002: w o a h
Wilson_p_higgsbury: uhmm
Wilson_p_higgsbury: wtf
Generic: wut is happening..
Nekogonzales2002: good question.
Blue_jollyrancher: Jose don't you need to go to the clinic soon?
Nekogonzales2002: W H A T
Doggo: yo
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi doggo
Generic: bye doggo
Doggo: bye
Doggo: wait what
Generic: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Trees_the_proto: ?
Nekogonzales2002: Last time I talked to Kendrick he tried to drown me with NoS
Wilson_p_higgsbury: wf
Wilson_p_higgsbury: wtf
Blue_jollyrancher: I'll go with you
Nekogonzales2002: Im gonna
Trees_the_proto: hmmm
Atp_fighter: well then...
Blue_jollyrancher: I was horny talking sory
Exagoni: back
Nekogonzales2002: Im upset now
(anon): good
Blue_jollyrancher: Whats wrong?
Cineres: is everything good now?
Generic: i still have no idea wuts going on, having 20 ppl who are from the same
school in this chat gets confusing
Nekogonzales2002: guess so
Blue_jollyrancher: well only two go to mine
Exagoni: yea
Blue_jollyrancher: Exa and FP
Zakk: helo
Wilson_p_higgsbury: pog
Blue_jollyrancher: not pog Fp is behind me
Exagoni: lol
Wilson_p_higgsbury: ohno
Trees_the_proto: get the bitch on
Blue_jollyrancher: I got no fucking clue what hes doing
Nekogonzales2002: what
Atp_fighter: whos the bitch?
Trees_the_proto: nvm
Exagoni: i'm like 5 rows away from blue in health class
Blue_jollyrancher: I told him trees
Nekogonzales2002: ok then
Famiiiarpenaity: the fuck do you want trees?
Trees_the_proto: fuck you thats what
Exagoni: um
Exagoni: what happened
Famiiiarpenaity: thats gay
(anon): NO FUCK YOU
Zakk: shush
Trees_the_proto: no fuck you
Famiiiarpenaity: but legit, what do you want?
Wilson_p_higgsbury: fuck him yourself coward
Exagoni: fp did your account get taken
Zakk: thats awordy dird
Famiiiarpenaity: yes
Exagoni: your username looks different
Exagoni: oh ok
Trees_the_proto: nothin bored on cards
Famiiiarpenaity: it was hacked and erased by some asshole
Exagoni: that tom guy prob
Trees_the_proto: pfft
Nekogonzales2002: god fucking tom man
Exagoni: ikr
Generic: FP
Trees_the_proto: after i locked his account
Familiarpentalty: lol
Exagoni: imagine taking accounts on CAH online
Famiiiarpenaity: what generic?
Generic: hello
Famiiiarpenaity: hi
Zakk: helo generic
Generic: uh~
Generic: hello
Wilson_p_higgsbury: ._.
Exagoni: is that a moan
Generic: who?
Exagoni: you?
Generic: no
Exagoni: you said "uh~"
Generic: this is
Exagoni: lol
Generic: *moans*
Exagoni: mk
Nekogonzales2002: Wtf
Wilson_p_higgsbury: ayo what the fuc-
Blue_jollyrancher: Ah!~
Wilson_p_higgsbury: WOAH
Trees_the_proto: ._.
Nekogonzales2002: Im... afraid now
Exagoni: *starts moaning and blushing hard*
Nekogonzales2002: WTF!
Nekogonzales2002: ?!
Blue_jollyrancher: You should be Jose
Exagoni: mmh~
Generic: wut...
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm coming for your ass later
Trees_the_proto: Oh no not a horni blue now
Exagoni: who
Nekogonzales2002: no not my ass
Exagoni: oh
Greg_heffley: haha it is me
Blue_jollyrancher: But its soft~
Greg_heffley: I am greg
Nekogonzales2002: NO
Exagoni: hello
Generic: stfu greg
Nekogonzales2002: CINS RIGHT NEXT TO ME
Greg_heffley: no
Wilson_p_higgsbury: lol ur fucked
Rodrick_heffley: fuck u bruh
Exagoni: are most of the ppl in this chat from the same school
Rodrick_heffley: i hate yo lil ass
Exagoni: or what
Greg_heffley: I guess so
Furryanimeboy: WTF DID I COME BACK TO
Trees_the_proto: Nope
Greg_heffley: LMAOO
Nekogonzales2002: Lol
Blue_jollyrancher: And jose?
Rodrick_heffley: tf u laughing at twerp
Trees_the_proto: Shitshow, furry
Nekogonzales2002: wtf
Blue_jollyrancher: You know I could be 10x worse
Exagoni: yes
Exagoni: there could be some very detailed erp going on here
Nekogonzales2002: How so...?
Blue_jollyrancher: But I would go at other people too
Trees_the_proto: Mhm.
Blue_jollyrancher: You wanna see?
Generic: there could be...
Greg_heffley: ok so whos gonna be susan and greg
Generic: i already gave up on rodrick
Wilson_p_higgsbury: damn
Generic: if any of yall wanna take the acct
Generic: go ahead
Greg_heffley: my brother is fucking dead
Generic: lmao nerd
(anon): Nerrddd
Generic: stfu anon
Logan_single: hey guys
Generic: get a name pussy
Logan_single: who
Exagoni: imagine not having an account
Exagoni: jk
Generic: the anon
Blue_jollyrancher: I am really horny
(anon): breh
Logan_single: oh lol
Logan_single: wtf blue lmao
Generic: thx for letting us know blue
Zakk: wtf
Exagoni: i can take care of that for you
Exagoni: JK
Exagoni: jk
Greg_heffley: ayo
(anon): O_o
Blue_jollyrancher: Nah
Wilson_p_higgsbury: no horny
Wilson_p_higgsbury: *bonk*
Manny_heffley: Cunt
Exagoni: hit me harder daddy
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/kHcmsxlKHEAAAAAC/rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-
Greg_heffley: MANNY NO!
Blue_jollyrancher: *Drinks horny juice*
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/kHcmsxlKHEAAAAAC/rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/kHcmsxlKHEAAAAAC/rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/kHcmsxlKHEAAAAAC/rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-
Nekogonzales2002: oh boi
Furryanimeboy: BLUE NO
Wilson_p_higgsbury: BLUE NO
Manny_heffley: *racks ar*
Logan_single: i feel like every anon is made to annoy the living shit out of people
Exagoni: probably
(anon): even me who stays silent
Logan_single: ye
Greg_heffley: MANNY GUN DOWN
Wilson_p_higgsbury: lol manny got an AR-15
Exagoni: https://nitter.fdn.fr/pic/media%2FEtEjB_jUcAEXZnI.png%3Fname%3Dsmall
Blue_jollyrancher: *Drinks bottle of horny juice* hehe~
Wilson_p_higgsbury: NO
Wilson_p_higgsbury: NO HORNY
Wilson_p_higgsbury: *bonk*
Logan_single: un oh blue
Blue_jollyrancher: to late
Nekogonzales2002: Ok I gotta go to the pocket dimension
Wilson_p_higgsbury: *Stomach pump*
Exagoni: oh no
Logan_single: tbh ive never seen blue horny
Manny_heffley: *puts down ar and picks up bomb*
Blue_jollyrancher: Baby let me come~
Nekogirl: *starts drinking as soon as she walks through the door*
Logan_single: wtf
(anon): no
(anon): leave me alone
Exagoni: my balls feel numb from sitting on this chair
Logan_single: blue wtf
Greg_heffley: The fuck
Trees_the_proto: Why are you drunk, neko?
Exagoni: school chairs suck
Wilson_p_higgsbury: drunk catgirl gaming
Nekogirl: cause i need to be to even understand you guys
(anon): neko piss
Greg_heffley: ew
Exagoni: um
Furryanimeboy: IM NOT GETTING RAPED *runs to russia*

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