# 'Z31010212 and 012021 Tab 2
# 'Z31010212 and 012021 Tab 2
# 'Z31010212 and 012021 Tab 2
IAmNigro Snaayk
Koda: no.
Koda: why?
Callmelili: Oop
Hipeoplemc: idk
Daughter: idk
Professionalsteak: fuck
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: idk
Koda: daughter
Hipeoplemc: ig ppl r retards
P1xel95: BORK
Daughter: m?
Professionalsteak: w
Callmelili: OMNY
Koda: wrap your legs around me and cuddle me xx
Koda: x-x*
Daughter: i mean, id do that for lili
Daughter: not u tho
Koda: bitch.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Koda: rude ass
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: rejected again
Callmelili: Lol
(anon): e
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
Daughter: loli
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yes
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: you a loli, miss?
Daughter: no im a big boy
Daughter: :<
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: um, actually, serious question
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: how old are you people?
Daughter: 69 and three quarters
Koda: 70
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i don't know what i expected
Generic: 87 years 10 months 3 days 8 hours and 58 minutes
Daughter: expect nothing
Daughter: were the retards
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Daughter: hilo
Blue_jollyrancher: hey
Daughter: sorry about yesterday morning
Koda: sorry for fucking your cat
Daughter: or yesterday night
Blue_jollyrancher: its okay d'
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i had a cat
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: it died.
Daughter: well thats sad
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so is my life
Koda: last friday night.
Daughter: i feel u
Daughter: pieday*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: creampie day
Daughter: owo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: uwu
Koda: welp
Koda: ima go
Koda: actually
Koda: ima lurk
Koda: whisper if u need me
Daughter: im gonna cum
Daughter: brb
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: poggers
Koda: send me some pls
Koda: ok bye
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: tell me how it goes daughter
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: for uh, research and stuff
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: and now i sound like a pedophile ✔
Koda: chat died faster than the babies i just came out.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: nice
(anon): e
Koda: whole lot of nut.
Blue_jollyrancher: kill me
Dersexleo: Hallo
Koda: no thanks.
Dersexleo: okay
Daughter: bac
Callmelili: Hii
Daughter: eee
(anon): ee
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): yall r boring
(anon): quiet ass mfs.
(anon): *loud fart* speak up a lil.
Daughter: *louder fart* no
(anon): fuck
(anon): ive been outfarted.
(anon): by a dyke.
Daughter: mhm
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): a hairy ass one too.
(anon): smh
Callmelili: Owo
Daughter: i shaved
(anon): dam
(anon): it looked nice.
Callmelili: SHUT UP PEDO
(anon): no
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: pedo
Callmelili: Pedo
(anon): degenerate.
(anon): whore.
(anon): stfu
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: no
(anon): mk
Koda: the anon is meatloaf btw x-x
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Callmelili: Gae
Daughter: im gayer than a rainbow
Callmelili: Spam
Koda: i wanna throw up
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: spum
Callmelili: OOL
Callmelili: Cum
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: cum
Daughter: cum
Callmelili: Rum
Koda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewqtu5YiEgI
Daughter: bum
Daughter: owo
Daughter: i wanna see lilis bum
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: whoa there cowgirl
Callmelili: Owo
Daughter: uwu
Daughter: im stupid
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so i'd guessed
Daughter: shut up
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: no
Daughter: im already tracer
Callmelili: Owo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: if you're tracer, well,
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: come here
Daughter: no
Callmelili: No
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: please?
Callmelili: No
Daughter: no
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ok
Callmelili: *she grabs d*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: 😔
Callmelili: *she kisses her and puts her hand on her throat*
Callmelili: Mine~
Daughter: mmm~ mommy
Callmelili: Shh baby
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: you guys need serious therapy
Callmelili: Shut up
Daughter: says the weir dude
Callmelili: LOL
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: fair enough
Callmelili: *she holds her hand*
Daughter: uwu
Callmelili: You’re fine
Daughter: no you're fine~
Callmelili: Owo
Daughter: really fine~
Callmelili: Let’s take this somewhere else~
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yeesh
Ells: huh
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: horny children are fucking
Callmelili: Shut up cunt
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Ells: wth
Organizationsoup: 🍆🍆
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: 🤨
Callmelili: I’m glad this isn’t in lobby
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so am i.
Callmelili: It’s hardcore
(anon): e
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): sussy baka
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: 'mogus
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): bruh nigga horny facility
Callmelili: Owowwowow
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: owo
Callmelili: Zbrbrb
(anon): Anybody here??
Mxangel: Guess not :P
Koda: im here
Koda: im horny.
Callmelili: .
Koda: oh-
Callmelili: HI
Generic: and i am now fkn scarred
Callmelili: What
Callmelili: What happend
Generic: i just witnessed one of my alpacas being eaten alive
Generic: mf had his intestines and shit ripped out of him and was still moving his
neck looking around
Blue_jollyrancher: Big sister?
Rinalin: Mhm
Koda: ....
Koda: OK BYE
Rinalin: Sister blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Rin your older than me
Fluffyfurryboi: am I welcome here?
Blue_jollyrancher: Yeah
Rinalin: That’s a bad guy bluey
Rinalin: be careful
Rinalin: I heard he touches young girls
Rinalin: amd boys
Rinalin: 👀
Rinalin: Not anymore
Blue_jollyrancher: Okay you mute them then
Rinalin: blue Is older
Rinalin: just prove me wrong?
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm 16
Fluffyfurryboi: 15
Rinalin: Play pretend
Rinalin: Rin doesn’t wanna be responsible anymore
Blue_jollyrancher: *I open my arms* come here
Fluffyfurryboi: who?
Rinalin: *I curl into blues chest*
Rinalin: thank you blues
Fluffyfurryboi: ok that was obvious I should have known
Blue_jollyrancher: *I hug rin close* it's fine
Rinalin: thank you bluey.
I’m sleepy
Rinalin: *yawns*
Blue_jollyrancher: Go to bed rin lay down and dream of warm cuddles
Rinalin: Okieeee
Rinalin: also
Fluffyfurryboi: oh damn did it again
Fluffyfurryboi: welp
Fluffyfurryboi: shit
Rinalin: The furry is jealous of the attention I’m getting from you.
*kisses blues cheek*
You should pay attention to him. He’s being weird. And pouty in pms
Blue_jollyrancher: I gave my consent to that
Rinalin: yes
Rinalin: she consented to my kiss
Rinalin: rin doesn’t force affections
Scov: a lot of things have happened during my absence i see
Rinalin: Mhm
Blue_jollyrancher: I mean I like cheek kisses from everyone
Rinalin: ah
Rinalin: rin isn’t hae
Rinalin: Gae
Rinalin: sorry
Rinalin: Sco
Rinalin: scov
Rinalin: anywho
Rinalin: nuhnught sister blue
Blue_jollyrancher: And fluffers and rin are gone sad
Scov: shame
Blue_jollyrancher: Is anybody here?
Scov: FUCK!
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello
Scov: hello
Blue_jollyrancher: Well it's 1 am nice
Scov: 11 pm for me
Blue_jollyrancher: Nice
Void_the_proto: hm
Mxangel: :P
Void_the_proto: hi
Mxangel: Hey
Void_the_proto: hru?
Mxangel: Alright, I think
Void_the_proto: thats good
Generic: lmao yea i heard abt that
Generic: no clue who tf the bitch was but
Generic: rip ig
Littlekidlover: SHUT UP İDİOT
Generic: who.
Littlekidlover: YOU MOTHERFYCKER
Generic: y
Generic: ur name is literally "littlekidlover" x-x
Littlekidlover: I LOVE THEM
Littlekidlover: WHATS WRONG WİTH İT
Littlekidlover: YOU HATE THEM?
Generic: y are ur i's funny lookin
Littlekidlover: THANKS
Generic: no
Littlekidlover: I FUCKED YOUR COUSİN
Generic: thas crazy
Generic: but like
Generic: i dont care.
Littlekidlover: THANKS
Generic: ratio + didnt ask + fatherless
Meatloaf: whats happening
Generic: arrange*
Generic: you*
Generic: u made 2 small spelling mistakes.
Generic: ur argument is now invalid
Meatloaf: lmao what happened
Koda: ur parents made one big child mistake
Generic: fr
Generic: like no cap tho
Littlekidlover: THANKS
Generic: i was a mistake
Generic: ik that foe a fact bc my 2 brothers are a year apart yet im 8 years apart
from my next brother.
Generic: plus my mother got her tubes tied after she had me x-x
Littlekidlover: THANKS
Generic: bro
Littlekidlover: I FUCKED HER İN THE ASS
Generic: nobody is talking to u rn
Callmelili: HAI BITCH
Generic: bye bitch
Callmelili: :|
(anon): Hello?
Callmelili: hi
(anon): herlo
Mxangel: :P
Nekogirl: i found my knife again
Generic: i found my virginity
Generic: lol no i didnt.
Daughter: no
Callmelili: Hiii
Daughter: hilo
Kitsune_izzy: Welcome to Burger King
Callmelili: Fuck
Kitsune_izzy: Can I take your credit card information?
Callmelili: I don’t have one
Generic: only if u give me bussy
Daughter: no
Daughter: just kidding here u go
Daughter: my credit card number is 69
Kitsune_izzy: Very nice
Daughter: ye
Kitsune_izzy: *very loud silence*
Daughter: CUM
Daughter: lmao
Kitsune_izzy: ...I think I liked the silence better
Generic: ^
Daughter: sorry
(anon): e
Blinddate: Hallo
(anon): e
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
Kitsune_izzy: 🅱
Daughter: i want nudes...
Kitsune_izzy: No
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: alright i got you
Daughter: um
Kitsune_izzy: Well, this is now awful. Goodbye 👋
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: cya
(anon): lol
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
Callmelili: *pees in Ds mouth*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: nice
Nekogirl: *racks .45*
Callmelili: jK JK
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Nekogirl: in other news, i found my knife again :3
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: nice?
(anon): e
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
Callmelili: N
Callmelili: I
Callmelili: G
Callmelili: E
Callmelili: R
Callmelili: I
Callmelili: A
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: good country
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: in my top 3
Nekogirl: UK is 10/10
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: true
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: fish and chips are poggers
Nekogirl: i like the weather
Generic: uk is 0/10
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i like doin' your mom ✔✔
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Nekogirl: hi blue :3
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Callmelili: Jmhui
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm at my cousin's house
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
Blue_jollyrancher: I played super hot and I'm sweating like a mf
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i played mongus
Blue_jollyrancher: Noice
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: went full sweaty mode
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: got sussy
Blue_jollyrancher: Nice
(anon): e
Blue_jollyrancher: a
Mxangel: The power went out for a sec :P
Nekogirl: i have been making cookies on destiny
Blue_jollyrancher: Nice
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man
Daughter: shut up
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: wacky waving inflatable arm flailing bitch
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yep that's what i thought
Jannneer: loser
Nekogirl: bitch
Nekogirl: oh hi jan
Callmelili: Wtf is happening
Jannneer: hi neko
Blue_jollyrancher: Sup jann
Jannneer: hi blue
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: we're calling daughter a loser bitch
Nekogirl: no
Jannneer: naah
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: come join in
Jannneer: nope
Nekogirl: we callin you
Jannneer: ^^
Blue_jollyrancher: No daughter is hot
Nekogirl: ^
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: id like to know
Nekogirl: no
Nekogirl: you dont deserve it
Nekogirl: bastard
Blue_jollyrancher: Her beauty is for loving eyes only
Nekogirl: ^
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: names don't hurt me, buddy
Callmelili: My brain hurts lol
Nekogirl: clearly they dont, with the one you picked
Jannneer: retards dont get hurt from getting called names
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Callmelili: LOL
Nekogirl: tracers parents drew his name out of the free lunch fish bowl his momma's
pussy was
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: facts tho
Jannneer: tracers parents are siblings
Kitsune_izzy: 🅱?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yep
Callmelili: OH HI V
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): Anyone onnn?
(anon): Hello
Jannneer: nope
Callmelili: Cum
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
Trees_the_proto: Yello?
Nekogirl: hi trees
Trees_the_proto: What’s up?
Nekogirl: nothing
Nekogirl: absolutely nothing
Trees_the_proto: I’m just committing war crimes
Blue_jollyrancher: Back if anyone is here?
Nekogirl: yes
Nekogirl: im here
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Nekogirl: hi
Nekogirl: kill me
Blue_jollyrancher: No
Nekogirl: very welll
Nekogirl: ill do it myself
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: man chat dried up faster than a girl making eye contact with
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: it's a desert
Blue_jollyrancher: No
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yes
Callmelili: Back
Blue_jollyrancher: Fuck you no
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi lili
Daughter: im back too hi
Callmelili: Hi
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: hello wacky waving inflatable arm flailing bitch
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi cutie
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man playing among us
Callmelili: Oh wtf
Kitsune_izzy: Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing retard should be silent, please
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Callmelili: Lol
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: wacky waving inflatable e
Callmelili: Coom
Generic: cum
Generic: goddamn 8 ppl on rn
Generic: yes nobody talkin :|
Generic: 1. Blue_jollyrancher
2. Callmelili
3. Daughter
4. Jannneer
5. Meatloaf
6. Mommymilkers42069
7. Mxangel
8. Nekogir
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm waiting for fooood
Nekogirl: hi gen im a bit busy
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: im also here o/
Generic: nobody asked.
Generic: im jus playin lemme add u rq
Nekogirl: tracer im gonna hit you so hard your sister is gonna wish she never gave
birth to you
Generic: hot
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lmaoo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: do it, mommy
Kitsune_izzy: Sometimes I wish I could I leave this place. I really do.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: you never go back
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: good luck with that
Kitsune_izzy: I don't need luck, I have cheese
Generic: chebs
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: nice
Generic: speaking of food
Generic: most overrated food?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: dick
Generic: no
Generic: thas the most underrated
Mxangel: No, that would be pirouline
Kitsune_izzy: No, that would be my ass
Generic: no
Generic: ur ass is rated just right
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: no
Mxangel: Idk, I haven't seen your ass, so how can we be sure?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: true