BB BEG Training The Ultimate Beginners Guide

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February 2007

Whether youre a rank beginner, coming back after a long layoff or just want to kick-start your way out of a training rut, this radical program will transform your physique in 12 weeks By Jim Stoppani, PhD, and Joe Wuebben

*Part II will be published in the March 2007 issue of M&F.


The toughest part of any major undertaking in this

case, getting in the best shape of your life is just starting. Maybe you used to be lean and muscular but are now quite a bit softer than youd like since taking a hiatus from the gym. Or, truth be told, maybe youve never been in shape but are determined to get as fit, healthy and ripped as the guys you see in this magazine. e Your dilemma: Where do I start? e Our straight-to-the-point, no-beating-around-the-bush answer: Right here. e This fullbody program, which will span two issues, is just what you need to go from rank beginner to hardcore trainee in just three months. The key to this routine, and every good lifting program, for that matter, is progression every two weeks, youll progress to a higher level of training.
The first area in which youll advance is in your choice of exercises. Rather than going under an Olympic bar for heavy squats or bench presses right away, youll begin with simple machine exercises that isolate single muscle groups and eventually work up to multijoint free-weight moves. Multijoint exercises such as the bench press and squat require the coordinated use of several muscle groups to perform the exercise; isolation exercises such as the biceps curl and leg extension require the use of only one muscle group. A lot of trainers think its best to start a beginner out with basic multijoint exercises and eventually add isolation moves. But many experts, including renowned resistance-training researcher William J. Kraemer, PhD, professor of kinesiology at the University of ConnecticutStorrs (recently ranked the top doctoral kinesiology program in the country by the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education), believe the opposite. The best plan for beginners now appears to be starting with single-joint exercises and slowly progressing to complex multijoint exercises, says Kraemer. This way, they



WEEKS 1+2 Monday, Wednesday, Friday

MUSCLE GROUP CHEST SHOULDERS BACK BICEPS TRICEPS QUADS HAMSTRINGS CALVES ABS EXERCISE Flye Machine Machine Lateral Raise Seated Row Machine Horizontal Curl Machine Triceps Extension Machine Leg Extension Lying Leg Curl Standing Calf Raise Ab Machine SETS/REPS 3/15 3/15 3/15 3/15 3/15 3/15 3/15 3/20 3/20 REST 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 1 min. 1 min.

NOTE Substitute exercises if your gym doesnt have a particular machine: Chest: Pec-Deck Flye or Cable Crossover; Shoulders: Cable Lateral Raise; Back: Seated Cable Row; Biceps: Preacher Curl Machine or Cable Curl; Triceps: Cable Pressdown; Hamstrings: Seated or Standing Leg Curl Machine; Calves: Seated Calf Raise or Leg Press Calf Raise; Abs: Cable Crunch



WEEKS 3+4 Monday, Thursday

develop more strength and coordination in the fibers of individual muscles before attempting complex exercises such as the squat.
MUSCLE GROUP CHEST EXERCISE Chest Press Machine 1 Machine Flye SHOULDERS Shoulder Press Machine 1 Machine Lateral Raise TRICEPS Triceps Dip Machine 2 Triceps Extension Machine ABS
1 2

SETS/REPS 3/15 3/15 3/15 3/15 2/15 2/15 3/20

REST 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 1 min.

The first four weeks of the program will consist of only machine exercises. In Weeks 1 and 2, youll perform all single-joint isolation moves such as the machine flye, triceps extension machine, leg extension and leg curl. (The one exception is back, which doesnt lend itself well to single-joint moves.) During Weeks 3 and 4, youll add multijoint machine exercises such as the chest press machine and shoulder press machine; the exceptions here are

Ab Machine

If your gym isnt equipped with these machines, do the Smith machine version. If your gym doesnt have this machine, use the assisted pull-up/dip station.

Tuesday, Friday
MUSCLE GROUP BACK EXERCISE Seated Row Machine Pulldown Machine 1 BICEPS QUADS/HAMS QUADS Horizontal Curl Machine Horizontal Squat Machine 2 Leg Extension Lying Leg Curl Standing Calf Raise SETS/REPS 3/15 3/15 4/15 3/15 3/15 3/15 4/20 REST 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 1 min.

The key is progress. Every two weeks youll move to a higher level
biceps, calves and abs, which dont have many multijoint moves to speak of. In Weeks 56 youll progress to cable isolation exercises such as the cable curl, triceps pressdown and cable crossover. Then in Weeks 7 and 8 (which, along with Weeks 912, youll find in the March 2007 issue of m&f), youll move on to Smith-machine multijoint exercises such as the bench press, overhead press and squat. The Smith machine consists of an Olympic barbell on a fixed path of motion and serves as the perfect transition between standard resistance machines and free weights. During the final four weeks, youll progress to using all free-weight moves in your repertoire. During Weeks 9 and 10, youll perform free-weight isolation exercises such as the dumbbell flye, dumbbell lateral raise and lying triceps extension; in the final two weeks youll

1 2

If your gym doesnt have this machine, do the lat pulldown. If your gym doesnt have this machine, do the leg press.

WEEKS 5+6 Monday, Thursday

MUSCLE GROUP CHEST EXERCISE Chest Press Machine Cable Crossover Machine Flye SHOULDERS Shoulder Press Machine Cable Front Raise Machine Lateral Raise TRICEPS Triceps Dip Machine Triceps Pressdown ABS Cable Crunch Ab Machine SETS/REPS 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 2/15 2/15 REST 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 1 min. 1 min.

Tuesday, Friday
MUSCLE GROUP BACK EXERCISE Seated Cable Row Lat Pulldown Seated Row Machine BICEPS Cable Curl Horizontal Curl Machine QUADS/HAMS Leg Press 1 Horizontal Squat Machine QUADS HAMSTRINGS CALVES Leg Extension Lying Leg Curl Leg Press Calf Raise 1 Standing Calf Raise

SETS/REPS 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/15 3/15 2/15 2/15

REST 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 2 min. 1 min. 1 min.

Because there are no true cable exercises for quads, hams or calves,

this week youll add the leg press to your repertoire of leg exercises.



Weeks 712 will be published in the March 2007 issue of M&F.

Lat Pulldown
>> Adjust the seat of the machine so your knees fit snugly under the pads, and hold the bar with an outside-shoulder-width grip, your arms fully extended overhead. Contract your lats to pull the bar down past your chin, squeeze your back muscles and then slowly return the bar to the start position.

make the jump to free-weight multijoint exercises such as the barbell bench press, barbell squat and barbell bentover row. And just like that, over the course of 12 weeks, youll climb the ranks from beginning lifter to training like the pros well, more or less.

To go from beginner status to hardcore trainee, however, you need to progress in other areas besides exercise selection. During these three months youll also advance in the amount of weight you use, the number of sets you perform per muscle group and training frequency. >> For resistance, the program starts with light weight and high reps 15 reps per set on most exercises. Reason being, beginners make most of their initial progress in their nervous systems: Weightlifting trains the brain to con-

Pulling with a wide grip involves the upper lats to a greater extent



Use a narrow stance to blast the outer sweep of your quads

Leg Press
>> Sit on a leg-press machine and place your feet shoulder-width apart on the foot platform. Press the weight up to a point at which your knees are extended but not locked out. Release the machines safety catches. Lower the weight under control until your knees form 90-degree angles or slightly less. Press back up explosively to the start position, again without locking out your knees.

tract the muscle fibers with more force and better synchronicity between fibers before it actually helps build muscle (though in either case you get stronger). And the best way to train the nervous system is with repetition literally. Doing more reps per set helps you to better train your nervous system for rapid gains in muscle strength. After several weeks, however, your nervous system will adapt and youll need to turn your training focus to your muscle fibers. Thats when youll start to challenge them with heavier weights



February 2007

G Y M : P O W E R H O U S E G Y M , C H AT S W O R T H , C A , ( 8 1 8 ) 7 7 5 - 0 3 0 0 . A P PA R E L , F R O M T O P : S H I R T BY N I K E , S H O R T S BY A D I D A S ; S H O R T S BY N I K E , S H O E S BY A S I C S

Leg Extension
>> Adjust the seat so that your lower back is flat against the seatback and your knees line up with the machines axis of rotation. Begin with your knees bent 90 degrees and the weight lifted a few inches off the stack. Contract your quads until your legs are completely straight. Squeeze your quads for 12 counts at the top, then return to the start.

to make them bigger and stronger. The reps drop each month from 15 reps in Month 1 down to 10 reps per set in the final four weeks while the weight increases so your muscles are able to complete only that many reps per set. >> Volume, or the total number of sets you do per muscle group, is also important for continual progress in strength and muscle mass. Research shows that as lifters get bigger and stronger, the number of sets performed over time must increase. Youll start off with just three sets per muscle group, then add a few sets every couple of weeks until youre doing about 12 sets for most large muscle groups in the last four weeks. This gets you up to the typical sets per (Continued on page 110)

Point your toes in to work the outer quads; point them out to work the inner quads

This program is just what you need to go from beginner to hardcore in 12 weeks



February 2007

Keep your head straight to help protect your cervical spine

Lying Leg Curl

>> Adjust the machine so the roller pad fits on the backs of your ankles. Lie facedown and grasp the handles. Start with your legs slightly bent and the

weight lifted a few inches off the stack. Bend your knees to curl the roller pad toward your glutes. Squeeze your hamstrings for a count at the top and slowly lower to the start position.



February 2007

Standing Calf Raise (Above)

>> Step onto the platform so only the balls of your feet and toes touch it and your heels are suspended. Place your shoulders snugly underneath the pads. Start with your knees slightly bent (keep them bent throughout the range of motion) and your heels dropped toward the floor below the level of the platform. Flex your calves to extend your ankles as high as possible. Squeeze for 12 counts at the top, then lower back to the start position, feeling a stretch at the bottom.

Seated Calf Raise (Below)

>> Sit on the seat and adjust the pads so they fit snugly on your lower thighs. Place the balls of your feet and toes on the platform so your heels are suspended. Release the safety catch, grasp the handles for stability and begin with your heels below the level of the platform so you feel a stretch in your calves. Extend your ankles to push the pads up as high as you can you should be almost on your tiptoes at the top. Squeeze your calves, then lower back down.



February 2007

Seated Cable Row

>> Sit on the bench of a cable-row station with your feet flat on the platform. Bend at your waist to grasp the attachment with both hands and sit upright (back flat) with your arms extended in front of you. Contract your

back muscles to pull the handle straight toward your midsection; to keep maximal tension on your back, dont pull with your bis. When your hands reach your abs, squeeze your shoulder blades together and pause before slowly returning the weight to the start position.

Isolate your back by staying upright and pulling your elbows as far back as possible



February 2007

Keep your arms tight to the sides of your head and focus solely on your abs

Cable Crunch
>> Kneel a couple of feet in front of a cable weight stack with a rope attached to a high-pulley cable. Grasp the ends of the rope and hold them just behind your head or at the sides of your head (whichever is most comfortable). Begin slightly bent over, then contract your abs to curl your torso toward the floor. As with the crunch, the range of motion here is slight; your head shouldnt reach the floor. The key is to fully contract your abs.

bodypart with which most hardcore bodybuilders train. >> Regarding training frequency, or how often you train each muscle group per week, you may think that progression means training each bodypart just once weekly and slowly increasing that to two, or even three, times per week. Actually, its the opposite: Youll start by training each muscle group three (Continued on page 114)



February 2007

Cable Front Raise

>> Stand facing away from the weight stack of a low-pulley cable with a straight bar attached. Using an overhand grip, grasp the bar with both hands with the cable running between your legs. With your arms extended, pull the bar up and out in front of you until your arms are parallel to the floor. Squeeze for a count, then slowly lower to the start position without letting the weight rest on the stack between reps.

For added difficulty, stop 6 inches from your quads in the down position

One-Arm Cable Curl

>> See Training Notebook pullout section for exercise photos and description.

Cable Crossover
>> See The Peter Principles on page 230 for exercise photos and description.

The following machine exercises were not described here: chest press machine, machine flye, machine lateral raise, shoulder press machine, seated row machine, triceps extension machine, triceps dip machine, horizontal curl machine, horizontal squat machine, leg press calf raise and ab machine. Because such machines often vary depending on the brand and/or manufacturer, one description may not pertain to all models. Moreover, appropriate technique can typically be found directly on the machine. Follow these instructions closely for optimal results and safety. But keep these tips in mind when training with machines: >> Read the instructions posted on the machine before attempting to use it. If the instructions are not posted, ask for an overview from the trainer at your gym. >> Be sure to adjust the machine properly for your body. Dont hesitate to ask the gym trainer for help in properly adjusting the machine. >> Lower the weight under control on each rep. Dont simply let it drop. >> Between reps, dont let the weight rest on the stack; this allows your muscles to rest. Keeping constant tension on them throughout each set is important.



February 2007

times per week, then switch to twice a week at Week 3 and eventually go to just once per week in the last four weeks. Remember how beginners need repetition to make early progress? What applies to reps also applies to frequency. Think of it as learning to ride a bike: If you practiced just once a week, your progress would be slow. But if you practiced three times per week or more, your progress would be more rapid. The same holds true for lifting. As you move the focus from your nervous system to your muscle fibers, youll reduce training frequency since your training volume is increasing. The more sets you do per muscle group, the more recovery youll need between workouts and the fewer muscle groups

To add variety, reverse your grip to hit the triceps medial head

Doing more reps per set helps train your nervous system for rapid gains
you can train per workout. >> The muscle groups you train is a final component that will evolve over the next 12 weeks. Youll start with just the major ones in the first month chest, shoulders, back, triceps, biceps, thighs (quads and hams), calves and abs. Traps are added in Week 7 when you start using the Smith machine, and forearms come in Week 9 when you add free-weight isolation moves. This is but another way of easing you into the program and avoiding any unnecessary or counterproductive movements early on when your nervous system is adapting to the new stimulus of training. Now that you know where to begin, its time to do the work. Get these first six weeks of training under your belt, then check back with us for Weeks 712 next issue. See you then. M&F

Triceps Pressdown
>> Stand facing a cable stack and attach a straight-bar, EZ-bar, V-bar or rope handle to a high-pulley cable. Grasp the attachment with both hands and begin with your elbows tight at your sides and your forearms just shy of parallel to the floor. Keeping your elbows in, fully extend your arms and squeeze your triceps at the bottom of the rep.



February 2007

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