Lab4 IAA202
Lab4 IAA202
Lab4 IAA202
Risk Management in Information
Course Name:
Systems (IAA202)
Nguyễn Trí Vương - HE161634
Student Name:
Đào Mạnh Công - HE161422
The following risks, threats, and vulnerabilities were found in an IT infrastructure. Your
Instructor will assign you one of four different scenarios and vertical industries each of
which is under a unique compliance law.
1. Scenario/Vertical Industry:
a. Healthcare provider under HIPPA compliance law
b. Regional bank under GLBA compliance law
c. Nationwide retailer under PCI DSS standard requirements
d. Higher-education institution under FERPA compliance law
2. Given the list, perform a qualitative risk assessment by assigning a risk impact/risk
factor to each of identified risks, threats, and vulnerabilities throughout the seven
domains of a typical IT infrastructure that the risk, threat, or vulnerability resides.
3. For each of the identified risks, threats, and vulnerabilities, prioritize them by listing a
“1”, “2”, and “3” next to each risk, threat, vulnerability found within each of the seven
domains of a typical IT infrastructure. “1” = Critical, “2” = Major, “3” = Minor. Define
the following qualitative risk impact/risk factor metrics:
“1” Critical – a risk, threat, or vulnerability that impacts compliance (i.e., privacy law
requirement for securing privacy data and implementing proper security controls, etc.)
and places the organization in a position of increased liability.
“2” Major – a risk, threat, or vulnerability that impacts the C-I-A of an organization’s
intellectual property assets and IT infrastructure.
“3”Minor – a risk, threat, or vulnerability that can impact user or employee productivity
or availability of the IT infrastructure.
3. What was your rationale in assigning “1” risk impact/ risk factor value of “Critical” for
an identified risk, threat, or vulnerability?
- The critical needs to be mitigated immediately.
4. When you assembled all of the “1” and “2” and “3” risk impact/risk factor values to the
identified risks, threats, and vulnerabilities, how did you prioritize the “1”, “2”, and “3”
risk elements? What would you say to executive management regarding your final
recommended prioritization?
- The risk impact/risk factor which is “1” or “2” need to be mitigated
immediately, “3” can be mitigated after “1” and “2” have done.
5. Identify a risk mitigation solution for each of the following risk factors:
- User downloads and clicks on an unknown e-mail attachment – Restrict user access and
set it up that a user has to get authorization for downloads.
- DoS/DDoS attack from the WAN/Internet – Strengthen firewall security, install IPS and
IDS system to the infrastructure
- Remote access from home office – Make sure the VPN is in place and secure.