Zimbabwe 2022 Human Rights Report
Zimbabwe 2022 Human Rights Report
Zimbabwe 2022 Human Rights Report
Zimbabwe is constitutionally a republic. The country elected Emmerson
Mnangagwa president for a five-year term in the 2018 general elections. Despite
incremental improvements from past elections, domestic and international
observers noted serious concerns and called for further reforms to meet regional
and international standards for democratic elections. Numerous factors contributed
to a flawed election process in 2018, including: the Zimbabwe Election
Commission’s lack of independence; heavily biased state media favoring the ruling
party; voter intimidation; the unconstitutional influence of tribal leaders; failure to
provide an electronic preliminary voters roll; politicization of food aid; security
services’ excessive use of force; and lack of transparency concerning election
results. Some of these factors reemerged in numerous by-elections during the year
and in the early stages of the electoral process for the 2023 general elections. The
ruling party leads the government with a supermajority in the National Assembly
but not in the Senate.
The Zimbabwe Republic Police maintains internal security. Police and the
Department of Immigration, both under the Ministry of Home Affairs, are
primarily responsible for migration and border enforcement; a group of senior
force commanders may direct police to respond to civil unrest. The Zimbabwe
National Army and Air Force constitute the Zimbabwe Defense Forces and report
to a commander who falls under the minister of defense. The military also has
some domestic security responsibilities. The Central Intelligence Organization,
under the Office of the President, engages in both internal and external security
matters. Civilian authorities at times did not maintain effective control over
security forces. There were reports that members of the police, military, and
intelligence service committed numerous abuses throughout the country.
Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary
killings, including an extrajudicial killing; torture and cases of cruel, inhuman, or
degrading treatment or punishment by the government; harsh and life-threatening
prison conditions; arbitrary detention; political prisoners; arbitrary or unlawful
Impunity remained a problem. The government took very few steps to identify or
investigate officials who committed human rights abuses or engaged in acts of
corruption and seldom arrested or prosecuted such persons.
There were credible reports of human rights abuses by criminal gangs in the
artisanal and small-scale mining sector. Authorities did not systematically
investigate or prosecute such abuses.
There were reports that political actors engaged in politically motivated killings.
On February 27, a group of youth linked to the ruling Zimbabwe African National
Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party ambushed an opposition rally in
Kwekwe the day after a provocative speech by the vice president, killing one and
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injuring 22 opposition supporters. In March, media reported that suspected
ZANU-PF supporters abducted, intimidated, and threatened to kill the sister of the
deceased opposition supporter if she continued calling for justice.
b. Disappearance
There were no reports during the year of long-term disappearances attributed to
government authorities. There were no reports of authorities punishing any
perpetrators of previous acts of disappearance.
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years remained pending, including into state-sponsored violence that resulted in the
deaths of 17 civilians in 2019 and of seven civilians in postelection violence in
2018. Despite the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into the 2018
postelection violence and an August High Court ruling demanding respondents pay
three million Zimbabwean dollars (approximately $4,300) to the victim, Zakeo
Mutimutema, the government has not paid significant compensation to the families
of victims. The government appealed court judgments awarding damages to some
victims who approached the courts for redress.
Several dozen children younger than age four living with their incarcerated
mothers shared their mothers’ food allocation, rather than receiving their own.
Women inmates reported violence and sexual abuse. Despite support from NGOs,
prison distribution of menstrual hygiene supplies was limited. Women often
lacked access to pre- and postnatal care and emergency obstetric services.
Officials did not provide pregnant women and nursing mothers with additional care
or food rations out of the Zimbabwe Prison and Correctional Services (ZPCS)
budget, but the ZPCS solicited and received donations from NGOs and donors for
additional provisions.
There was one juvenile prison, housing boys only. Girls were held together with
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women. Authorities also held boys in adult prisons throughout the country while
in pretrial status. Officials generally tried to place younger boys in separate cells,
but NGOs reported older prisoners often physically assaulted the younger boys.
Although the law stipulates juveniles should be sent to reformatory homes,
authorities generally sent juveniles to prison, as there was only one adequate
reformatory home in the country, located in the Harare suburbs. Juveniles were
vulnerable to abuse by prison officials and other prisoners.
Prisoners with mental disabilities were often held with other prisoners until a
doctor was available to make an assessment. Psychiatric sections were available at
some prisons for these individuals but offered little specialized care.
The ZPCS, responsible for maintaining prisons and prisoner rehabilitation and
reintegration into society, did not provide adequate food, potable water, sanitary
conditions, or personal protective equipment during the global pandemic. The
ZPCS sometimes allowed faith-based and community organizations to help address
these problems.
Detainees depended on family members for essential dietary needs. Those without
family or community support were forced to rely on other detainees for survival,
although some prisoners identified as malnourished received additional meals. If
available at all, blankets and clothing were often unwashed and soiled. Lice
infestations were common. Although detainees could be transported to hospitals
for medical treatment, unsanitary conditions and cold winters led to severe and
sometimes fatal medical conditions. Detainees who were denied bail were often
held in severely overcrowded remand cells for years while awaiting trial.
According to NGOs, food shortages were widespread in prisons but were not life
threatening. The harvest of prison farm products provided meals for prisoners.
Protein was in short supply. Prisoners’ access to clean water varied by prison.
Diarrhea was prevalent in most prisons. Diseases such as measles, tuberculosis,
and HIV and AIDS-related illnesses were most common in those prisons with the
worst conditions. Lighting and ventilation were inadequate. There were
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insufficient mattresses, blankets, warm clothing, sanitary supplies, and hygiene
Prisoners had access to very basic medical care, with a clinic and doctor at nearly
every prison. The ZPCS tested prisoners for HIV only when requested by
prisoners or prison doctors. Due to outdated regulations and a lack of specialized
medical personnel and medications, prisoners suffered from routine but treatable
medical conditions such as hypertension, tuberculosis, diabetes, asthma, and
respiratory diseases. The ZPCS was at times unable to transport prisoners with
emergency medical needs to local hospitals.
Administration: The ZPCS inspections and audit unit, charged with assessing
prison conditions and improving monitoring of prisoners’ rights, did not release the
results of its assessments. The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC)
conducted monitoring visits when conditions allowed and reported it had trained
1,973 correctional officers and 402 ZPCS middle managers in human rights-based
approaches to the care of inmates.
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Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees
The law prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention and provides for the right of any
person to challenge the lawfulness of his or her arrest or detention in court. Police
did not always respect these requirements. The law stipulates that arrests require a
warrant issued by a court or senior police officer and that police inform an arrested
person of the charges before taking the individual into custody. A preliminary
hearing must be held before a court within 48 hours of an arrest. This was not
followed consistently. According to the constitution, only a competent court may
extend the period of detention.
The law provides that bail be made available for most accused persons. The law
allows prosecutors to veto judicial bail decisions and keep accused persons in
custody for up to seven days, despite a prior Constitutional Court ruling declaring
this power unconstitutional.
Authorities often did not allow detainees prompt or regular access to their lawyers
and often informed lawyers who attempted to visit their clients that detainees or
those with authority to grant access were unavailable. The government also
monitored, harassed, intimidated, and arrested human rights lawyers when they
attempted to gain access to their clients. A destitute detainee may apply to the
government for an attorney, but only for capital offenses. Some opposition party
members, civil society activists, journalists, and ordinary citizens had limited or no
access to legal counsel.
Arbitrary Arrest: The government regularly used arbitrary arrest and detention
as tools of intimidation and harassment, especially against political activists, civil
society members, journalists, attorneys, and ordinary citizens asserting their rights.
Police continued to press criminal charges against street vendors arrested under
selectively enforced COVID-19 safety regulations. Human rights NGOs reported
street vendors in urban areas were often targets of arbitrary arrest and allegations
of operating illegal businesses. The law absolves individual security agents from
criminal liability regarding unlawful arrests and detention.
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nuisance while permitting ruling party activists to campaign in the same ward.
Amid the June 14 clashes between ruling party and opposition supporters in the
Chitungwiza suburb of Harare, police arrested opposition members of parliament
Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole for public order offenses. In September,
Sikhala’s wife alleged that he had been poisoned while in custody. Police arrested
14 more local opposition members between June and September and as of year’s
end continued to hold Sikhala without bail at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison.
Pretrial Detention: Although the constitution provides for the right to bail for
detained suspects, prolonged pretrial detention for government critics, including
journalists, ordinary citizens, student activists, labor, and opposition leaders, was
common. The government routinely opposed bail for political detainees, and
judges generally upheld these motions. Cases involving human rights defenders
also involved lengthy pretrial detentions. When judges issued bail rulings, they at
times delayed announcing their rulings until after the court cashier closed on
Fridays to ensure political detainees remained in prison over the weekend. Delays
in pretrial procedures were common, however, due to a shortage of magistrates and
court interpreters, poor bureaucratic procedures, and an insufficient number of
court officials to hear many cases.
Other prisoners remained in prison because they could not afford to pay bail.
Magistrates rarely exercised the “free bail option” that authorizes them to waive
bail for destitute prisoners. Defendants commonly faced prolonged pretrial
detention as well as unnecessary hurdles that inconvenienced and humiliated the
defendant. There were no reports of pretrial detention equaling or exceeding the
maximum sentence for the alleged crime.
The government often refused to abide by judicial decisions and routinely delayed
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payment of court costs or judgments awarded against it in civil cases. Government
officials at times ignored court orders, delayed bail and access to medical care, and
selectively enforced court orders related to land disputes favorable to those
associated with the government.
Judicial corruption was widespread. NGOs reported that during the past several
years, senior government officials gave homes, farms, agricultural machinery, and
other perks to numerous judges as part of its corrupt Command Agriculture
NGOs reported that the president of the High Court often routed cases involving
human rights defenders to specific anticorruption magistrates in the lower courts
even if the cases were unrelated to corruption. Legal experts claimed defendants in
politically sensitive cases were less likely to receive a fair hearing from
magistrates, who heard most cases, than from higher courts. In lower courts,
justices were more likely to make politicized decisions due to the use of threats and
intimidation to force magistrates to rule in the government’s favor, particularly in
rural areas. In politically charged cases, other judicial officers such as prosecutors
and private attorneys faced pressure from high-ranking judges and officials of the
ruling party, including harassment and intimidation.
Certain high court justices made apparently independent rulings and granted
opposition party members and civil society activists’ bail. Some observers,
however, believed the decisions in those cases were motivated by ruling party
infighting rather than judicial independence.
Trial Procedures
The constitution provides for the right to a fair and public trial, but corruption and
executive control over the judiciary increasingly compromised this right. By law,
defendants enjoy a presumption of innocence, although courts often did not respect
this right. Government and ruling party officials used social media to imply guilt
ahead of a court ruling in politically charged cases. Trials were usually open to the
public except in cases involving minors or state security matters. Government
officials liberally interpreted state security matters to include trials and hearings for
defendants who protested the government or reported on government corruption.
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Defendants have the right to a lawyer of their choice, but most defendants in
magistrates’ courts did not have legal representation. In criminal cases, a destitute
defendant may apply to have the government provide an attorney, but requests
were rarely granted except in capital cases in which the government provided an
attorney for all defendants unable to afford one. The Zimbabwe Women Lawyers
Association also provided some free legal assistance to women and youth. The
right to adequate time and facilities to prepare a defense is also provided for by law
but was often lacking. Any person arrested or detained for an alleged offense has
the right to remain silent and may not be compelled to confess. Authorities did not
always respect these rights. Authorities sometimes denied or significantly delayed
attorneys’ access to their clients or falsely claimed the attorneys’ clients were
being held at another facility.
Lower courts commonly denied bail based on previous arrests, including for
defendants never convicted of an offense.
Unlike normal criminal proceedings, which move from investigation to trial within
months, prosecutors regularly took abnormally long to submit cases involving
members of the political opposition or civil society critics of the government for
trial. Hearings were sometimes scheduled when presiding judges were on
vacation. Prosecutors in political cases were often “unprepared to proceed” and
received numerous extensions. When authorities granted bail to government
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opponents, they often did not conclude investigations and set a trial date but chose
to “proceed by way of summons.” This left the threat of impending prosecution
remaining, with the accused person eventually being called to court, only to be
informed of further delays. Magistrates sometimes delayed making case records
available to deliberately delay appeals for bail in the High Court.
Civil judicial procedures allow for an independent and impartial judiciary, but the
judiciary was subject to political influence and intimidation, particularly in cases
involving high-ranking government officials, politically connected individuals, and
individuals and organizations seeking remedies for abuses of human rights.
Most commercial farmers reported the government had still not compensated them
for losses suffered from the land resettlement program in the early 2000s. In 2020
the government, the Commercial Farmers Union, and other farmers’ groups signed
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a $3.5 billion compensation deal for farms expropriated in the decades following
independence. The deal promised half of the payments after one year and the
remainder over the course of the next four years. In June 2021, the government
made a one-million-dollar token payment to commercial farmers but continued to
delay additional compensation payments as of year’s end. Despite the negotiated
agreement, government officials continued to seize and downsize farms without
fair compensation.
The Commercial Farmers Union estimated there were fewer than 400 active white
commercial farmers still living in the country. Those remaining continued to be
targeted, harassed, threatened with eviction, and evicted by unemployed youth and
individuals hired by politically connected individuals standing to benefit from farm
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Section 2. Respect for Civil Liberties
a. Freedom of Expression, Including for Members of the Press and
Other Media
The constitution provides for freedom of expression, including for members of the
press and other media, but the law limits these freedoms in the “interest of defense,
public security or professional confidentiality, to the extent that the restriction is
fair, reasonable, necessary and justifiable in a democratic society.” The
government continued to arrest, detain, and harass journalists, critics, and
opposition politicians.
Violence and Harassment: Security forces, officials, and supporters of the ruling
party routinely harassed journalists. On May 7, police arrested journalists Blessed
Mhlanga and Chengeto Chidi after they photographed police attempting to arrest
the opposition member of parliament Job Sikhala in Chitungwiza, a suburb south
of Harare. Police responded by attempting to break the journalists’ phones to
destroy the footage. Police also arrested Moses Hakata, a bystander, for attempting
to dissuade the officer from assaulting Mhlanga during the arrest. Their trial was
pending as of year’s end.
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to arrival. Foreign reporters paid more for permits and accreditation than their
local counterparts. International media outlets such as al-Jazeera and the BBC
continued to operate in the country. On June 14, Bulawayo magistrate convicted
New York Times stringer Jeffrey Moyo of contravening the Immigration Act by
allegedly producing fake media accreditation cards for two foreign New York
Times journalists deported in May 2021 after three days in the country. The court
fined Moyo 200,000 Zimbabwean dollars (then valued at $600) and gave him a
two-year suspended prison term, which can be imposed if he is convicted of a
similar crime in the next five years. Police arrested Moyo together with Zimbabwe
Media Commission registrar Thabang Manhika, acquitting Manhika of the same
charge in March.
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libel, slander, defamation, and blasphemy should be treated only as civil offenses,
there were occasional arrests for insulting the president or his family. Civil
defamation laws remained in force. On June 6, authorities temporarily detained
ZimLive editor Mududuzi Mathuthu on charges of undermining the president after
he tweeted Mnangagwa was at a drinking party before he announced new fiscal
measures on May 7. On June 7, freelance journalist Simbarashe Sithole filed a
report with police after receiving threats over a story he wrote on alleged
corruption in the constituency of Home Affairs Minister Kazembe. A recorded call
circulated online quoted ZANU-PF member and political activist Isheanesu
Dzimbiti threatening to assault Sithole, expressing his displeasure with the stories
Sithole published, and asking Sithole to disclose his location.
National Security: The law grants the government a wide range of legal powers
to prosecute persons for political and security crimes that are not clearly defined.
For example, the extremely broad Official Secrets Act criminalizes the divulging
of any information acquired by government employees in the course of official
duties. Authorities used these laws to restrict publication of information critical of
government policies or public officials.
Internet Freedom
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were no reported applications of this provision.
The government did not explicitly restrict academic freedom; however, the law
more broadly restricts the independence of universities, subjecting them to
government influence and providing university authorities with disciplinary
powers over staff and students. President Mnangagwa is the chancellor of all eight
state-run universities and appoints their vice chancellors. The government has
oversight of higher education policy at public universities through the Ministry of
Higher and Tertiary Education. On September 10, the government implemented
the Amendment of State Universities Bill, which further extended ministerial
approval to the appointment of finance officers and librarians.
The government restricted the right to peaceful assembly. The law requires
organizers to notify police of their intention to hold a public gathering, defined as
15 or more individuals, seven days in advance. Failure to do so may result in
criminal prosecution as well as civil liability. The law allows police to prohibit a
gathering based on security concerns but requires police to file an affidavit in a
magistrate’s court stating the reasons behind the denial. The government must
respond to notifications to demonstrate within three days. On April 16, police
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arrested 14 opposition activists holding car rallies in Mutare for engaging in public
activities without police clearance, ahead of a May 7 by-election.
Rallies in support of the ruling party were generally unimpeded, as were religious
assemblies by groups seen as loyal to the ruling party. Meanwhile, opposition
members, unions, civil society activists, pastors perceived to be aligned with the
opposition, and street vendors often faced arrests, and in some cases police
violence. In March, police arrested 10 student leaders protesting a 163 percent fee
hike. In May, police fired tear gas into a crowd of students protesting tuition hikes
in Harare, reportedly assaulting the organizers and seizing their cellphones.
Freedom of Association
The constitution and law provide for freedom of association, but the government
restricted this right. Ruling party supporters, sometimes with direct government
support or tacit approval, intimidated and harassed members of organizations
perceived to be opposed to the government. See section 7.a. for additional
freedom of association restrictions on trade unions.
c. Freedom of Religion
See the Department of State’s International Religious Freedom Report at
Foreign Travel: The constitution provides the right for citizens to enter and leave
the country and for the right to a passport or other travel documents. White
citizens, however, routinely faced additional bureaucratic hurdles and requests for
bribes to obtain a passport. Although dual citizenship was recognized, there were
reports the Office of the Registrar General sometimes imposed administrative
obstacles in the passport application process for dual citizens, particularly
Malawian, Zambian, and Mozambican citizens. In September, a magistrate issued
a warrant of arrest for Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Spokesperson Fadzayi
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Mahere after she failed to appear in court for a pending case, although she had
been granted leave by the courts for international travel. The courts later canceled
the arrest warrant.
e. Protection of Refugees
The government often cooperated with the Office of the UN High Commissioner
for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in providing
protection and assistance to refugees, returning refugees, asylum seekers, and other
persons of concern.
Access to Asylum: The law provides for granting refugee status and the
government has established a system for providing protection to refugees. As of
September, Tongogara Refugee Camp hosted 15,431 refugees and asylum seekers,
despite being designed to host only 3,000.
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to the right to work under the UN refugee convention. Refugees working in the
informal sector had limited employment options in Tongogara Refugee Camp.
UNHCR, NGOs, and the Julia Taft Fund supported organizations that provided
camp residents employment opportunities, including banana farming, livestock
production, and soap production.
Many IDPs from earlier emergencies continued to live in dire conditions, lacking
basic sanitation. IDPs were among those at greatest risk of food insecurity.
Several generations of undocumented farm workers from neighboring countries
resided in insular commercial farming communities in the country.
g. Stateless Persons
The country has a significant number of habitual residents who are legally or de
facto stateless. In 2015 international organizations estimated a minimum of
300,000 persons in the country were stateless. Longstanding migrant labor
populations from Mozambique, Malawi, and Zambia lacked documentation. Many
migrant workers and their families who had lived in the country for generations,
along with thousands of those impacted by the Gukurahundi killings of mainly
Ndebele persons in the country’s southwest between 1983 and 1987, remained
blocked from accessing national identity documents. One in four such persons was
not registered at birth.
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The country contributed to the risk of statelessness, including through
discrimination against women in nationality laws and discrimination on other
grounds. Mothers may register their child’s birth only if the father or another male
relative is present, although the government reportedly suspended this requirement
during a national identification registration campaign from April to September.
Otherwise, if the father or other male relative refuses, the child may be deprived of
a birth certificate, which limits the child’s ability to acquire identity documents,
enroll in school, and access social services.
Stateless persons were often unable to enroll or remain enrolled in school, access
formal health care facilities (including the COVID-19 vaccination program), or
obtain a passport to travel to neighboring countries for work or to visit family.
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Elections and Political Participation
Recent Elections: Most international and local independent observers
characterized the 2018 presidential, parliamentary, and local elections as largely
free of violence but not meeting standards for credible elections. The Southern
African Development Community, the African Union, and the Common Market
for Southern and Eastern Africa, however, declared the elections free and fair.
While the law obliges traditional chiefs to be impartial, in 2018, traditional leaders
mobilized voters and canvassed support for ZANU-PF in rural areas. In return,
traditional leaders continued to receive agricultural, material, and financial
benefits. Chiefs Council President Fortune Charumbira continued to be in
contempt of a 2018 High Court order to withdraw public comments made in
support of ZANU-PF. In 2020 he delivered a partisan political speech at the
annual ZANU-PF party conference in support of ZANU-PF and President
Mnangagwa. In March, President Mnangagwa made a public statement
undermining the ancestral legitimacy of chiefs who did not support the ruling
party. In January, ZANU-PF pressed all village heads in the Chivi South
constituency to accompany voters to polling stations and emphasize that voting for
ZANU-PF would avoid post-election violence.
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(ZIMSTAT) deliberately recruited ZANU-PF supporters as enumerators in the
census process. ZIMSTAT reportedly told teachers trained in census methods they
were no longer needed, after the teachers participated in demonstrations against
government policies.
Traditional leaders and government officials often distributed food aid based on
perceived political affiliation, according to local NGOs. Through politicized food
distribution, the government punished communities that elected opposition
councilors by denying them assistance while rewarding communities that voted for
ZANU-PF. In January, reports that officials distributed benefits from the
president’s agricultural scheme on a partisan basis were widespread. For example,
the ZANU-PF Zaka district chair required attendance at ZANU-PF meetings to
receive assistance, and opposition supporters were removed from the list of
beneficiaries at Manica Bridge Community Hall. In September, Chief Andrew
Bvute reportedly instructed residents in Mberengwa to vote for ZANU-PF in the
2023 general election. In November, Agriculture Minister Anxious Masuka told
villagers in Chipinge they must “remember” President Mnangagwa, who gave
them agricultural inputs, and “return the favor” in the 2023 election.
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individuals in the dark. The other shows police forcing detained youths to crawl
across pavement on their knees. On February 14, police detained CCC Vice
President and former Finance Minister Tendai Biti without charge as he met with
party members in his Harare East constituency, releasing him when his lawyer
arrived. On March 2, four men armed with a gun, an axe, and machetes invaded
Biti’s home in Harare and severely wounded a security guard (see also sections
1.a., 1.c., 1.d., and 1.e., Political Prisoners and Detainees).
Despite being granted citizenship under the constitution and having voted
previously, some persons were denied the right to vote during by-elections because
they could not adequately demonstrate their citizenship. Undocumented
individuals could not vote, run for office, or serve as an election agent. Large
numbers of youth lacked the national identification cards needed to register to vote.
Minority groups such as the San, Tonga, and Doma, as well as communities
affected by Cyclone Idai and Gukurahundi, remained undocumented. A wide
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range of factors contributed to this problem including clerical errors, limited
registration windows, inaccessibility for persons with disabilities, undocumented
home births, distance to registrar offices, parental deaths and imprisonment,
illiteracy, and onerous age requirements for witnesses.
ZACC and other government agencies continued to implement the National Anti-
Corruption Strategy and actively included civil society and international partners
in steering committee meetings. Multiple public and private officials signed
integrity pledges. The country’s chapter of the African Parliamentarians’ Network
Against Corruption actively met and called out corruption, including corruption
committed by other government officials. ZACC increased its presence at the
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provincial level. The constitution mandates that ZACC conduct corruption
investigations. In June, ZACC Vice Chair Kuziwa Murapa reported the
commission had received 1,501 complaints of suspected corruption in 2021,
reflecting a 32 percent increase from 2020. While ZACC has the power to arrest, it
does not have the power to prosecute.
Corruption: Corruption in both the public and private sectors persisted and was
highly institutionalized. The country continued to experience both petty and grand
corruption, defined respectively by Transparency International Zimbabwe as an
“everyday abuse of entrusted power by low- to mid-level public officials” such as
by police and local officials and “an abuse of high-level power by political elites.”
In April, a Transparency International Zimbabwe report identified bribery as
rampant and existing within most public institutions. The report identified the
ZRP, Registrar General’s Office, and Vehicle Inspection Department as the top
three bribe-seeking institutions. On April 22, President Mnangagwa dismissed
ZACC commissioner Frank Muchengwa on findings of corruption and gross
misconduct, without providing additional details to the public.
Cabinet officials, including Local Government Minister July Moyo, were involved
in several high-profile corruption cases. Moyo was accused of diverting $55
million in public funds and compelling local authorities in a June 14 memo to
purchase firefighting trucks from Belarus at inflated prices. Press reports indicated
presidential associate Alyaksandr Zingman secured the deal without following
public procurement processes. Moyo also is alleged to have pushed an unduly
expensive contract for a Harare City Council dump site without following
procurement processes or obtaining mayoral approval.
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On June 2, President Mnangagwa fired Deputy Agriculture Minister Douglas
Karoro, citing allegations Karoro stole more than 700 tons of fertilizer and maize
seed intended for farmers under the president’s Input Scheme. An investigative
report released in March by The Sentry detailed extensive corruption by a
benefactor of President Mnangagwa, Kudakwashe Tagwirei, who received treasury
bills at a favorable exchange rate while running the Command Agriculture
Government Human Rights Bodies: The ZHRC managed to fulfill some of its
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constitutionally mandated functions despite government efforts to constrain its
funding and staff. Through its website, a hotline, and mobile legal clinics, which
resumed after being suspended because of COVID-19, the ZHRC conducted public
outreach and accepted complaints from the public for investigation. The
government, however, did not provide the ZHRC with sufficient personnel to
investigate the number of complaints it received. Some NGOs questioned the
ZHRC’s independence and effectiveness.
The government did not overtly attempt to obstruct the ZHRC’s work that was
critical of government or security service actions.
The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC), which has the
constitutional mandate to handle matters related to the Gukurahundi killings, made
no significant progress, in part due to the government declining to allocate
sufficient funds to the NPRC. The government asserted resources would be made
available to finance outcomes developed by chiefs with their communities,
including access to documentation, counseling and psychological support,
exhumations, burials, memorials, reparations, and social security benefits
(including pensions, social welfare, education, and health services). The National
Transitional Justice Working Group, a coalition of legal, religious, and civil
society actors, asserted that the government usurped the work of the NPRC. The
working group called instead for public apologies by Mnangagwa and his
administration for abuses perpetrated during Gukurahundi. It also demanded a
retraction from Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi’s statement in August that the
government had no mandate to prosecute human rights abuses related to
Gukurahundi because of a broad amnesty declared by President Mugabe in 1990.
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13-17 years reported that their first incident of sexual intercourse was unwanted
and unplanned. This was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic which led to a
significant increase in gender-based violence, domestic violence, and child
marriages. Women were sexually assaulted while seeking treatment in public
hospitals, collecting water from communal boreholes, in religious settings, and
riding in public transportation. An NGO reported an increase from 500 to 600
cases of gender-based violence per month before the COVID-19 pandemic to 700
to 800 cases per month during the pandemic. Approximately 94 percent of calls on
the NGO’s gender-based violence hotline were from women. Violent gender-
based offenses were often committed in private and without any witnesses.
Moreover, police and hospitals did not have sufficient training or facilities to
collect and store physical evidence of gender-based violence. The lack of evidence
hampered the effectiveness of the justice system and demotivated survivors to
report these cases. Justice for survivors of violence and particularly gender-based
violence remained elusive, and was worse for children and adolescents, especially
girls. According to UNFPA, one in three women aged 15 to 49 in the country
experienced physical violence and approximately one in four women experienced
sexual violence since age 15.
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services for rape victims also discouraged reporting.
Children born from rape suffered stigma and marginalization. Mothers who gave
birth after rape were sometimes reluctant to register the births. Without
registration, these children did not have access to social services or national
identification cards. The adult rape clinics in public hospitals in Harare and
Mutare were run by NGOs and did not receive significant financial support from
the Ministry of Health. The clinics received referrals from police and NGOs.
They administered HIV tests and provided medication for HIV and other sexually
transmitted diseases. Although police referred most reported rapes of women and
men who received services from the rape centers for prosecution, very few
individuals were ultimately prosecuted.
Page 29
population practiced harmful procedures such as pricking, piercing, incising,
scraping, and cauterization.
Page 30
was 67 percent. Contraceptive use among adolescents, both married and
unmarried, was 46 percent, compared with the national average of 67 percent.
Barriers affecting access to contraception included supply chain and commodity
problems, limited access to health facilities in remote areas, religious skepticism of
modern medicine among some groups, and ambiguity on the age of access to
contraception. Access to contraception became more difficult due to COVID-19
lockdown measures. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in disruptions to
contraceptive supply chains. As part of COVID-19 mitigation measures, the
government, private sector, and NGOs were at times forced to close health
facilities, mobile clinics, and community-based interventions, reducing access to
health services.
Emergency contraceptives were not readily available in the public sector. Some
public-sector facilities did not have enough commodities to provide youth with the
free family-planning method of their choice. Women could purchase emergency
contraceptives at private pharmacies or obtain them from NGOs, but the cost was
prohibitive, and availability limited. The law, the policy on sexual abuse and
violence, and the creation of one-stop centers for survivors of gender-based
violence were designed to provide survivors access to sexual and reproductive
health services. Resources constrained access, with state funding limited to NGOs
operating adult rape clinics in Harare and Mutare. Limited police capacity to
provide victims with the police report needed to access treatment at government
health facilities was an additional constraint on access to services.
The 2019 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey estimated maternal mortality at 462
deaths per 100,000 live births, down from 651 deaths per 100,000 live births in the
2015 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey. Nonetheless, the rate was high
despite high prenatal care coverage (93 percent), high institutional deliveries (86
percent), and the presence of a skilled health worker at delivery (86 percent).
Although these rates of maternal mortality were partly explained by the high
prevalence of HIV, maternal and neonatal quality of care were areas of concern.
Page 31
Young girls and women increasingly relied on traditional healers and midwives to
address health problems due to the difficulty of accessing doctors during COVID-
19 lockdowns. This increased severe health complications. Girls and women
faced challenges while giving birth due to a fragile health system with degraded
infrastructure and shortages of basic health supplies and staff. Many individuals
could not afford to pay for private hospitalization, relying on traditional healers
and midwives.
Few families could afford menstrual hygiene products. Some girls failed to attend
school when menstruating, while others used unhygienic rags, leading to infections
and illness.
Discrimination: The constitution provides the same legal status and rights for
women and men, stating all “laws, customs, traditions, and practices that infringe
the rights of women conferred by this constitution are void to the extent of the
infringement.” There is an institutional framework to address women’s rights and
gender equality through the Ministry of Women Affairs and the Gender
Commission, one of the independent commissions established under the
constitution. The commission received minimal support from the government and
lacked sufficient independence from the ministry. The law recognizes a woman’s
right to own property, but very few women owned property, due to the customary
practice of patriarchal inheritance. Fewer than 20 percent of women farmers were
official landowners or named on government lease agreements. Divorce and
alimony laws were equitable, but many women lacked awareness of their rights. In
traditional practice, property reverts to the man in case of divorce or to his family
in case of his death. When women were not listed on lease agreements, they could
not benefit from most government programs that provided agricultural inputs as a
form of economic assistance.
The 2022 Marriage Act affords civil partnerships or common law marriages the
same remedies as legal marriages but recognizes only heterosexual civil unions or
common-law marriages. The new law does not address property rights during
Page 32
Discrimination against women in employment occurred despite being prohibited
by law (see section 7.d.). Women received fewer loans and other forms of
financial support, even in informal economic sectors where they outnumbered
men, such as in micro and small-scale enterprises and agricultural production.
This disparity was partly explained by deficiencies in access to loan collateral and
documented years of business experience.
Police seldom arrested government officials or charged them with infringing upon
minority rights, particularly the property rights of the minority white commercial
farmers or wildlife conservancy owners, who continued to be targets of land
redistribution programs.
Page 33
faced food insecurity and lacked modern infrastructure.
Birth Registration: The 2013 constitution states citizenship is derived from birth
in the country and from either parent, and all births are to be registered with the
Births and Deaths Registry. According to the 2012 census, only one in three
children younger than age five possessed a birth certificate – 55 percent in urban
areas and 25 percent in rural areas. An estimated 39 percent of school-age children
did not have birth certificates. Lack of birth certificates impeded access to public
services such as education and health care, resulting in many children being unable
to attend school and increasing their vulnerability to exploitation (see section 2.g.).
In July, the Supreme Court ruled in Matemera v. Chirimuuta that children born out
of wedlock are entitled to paternal care and responsibility.
Women have the right to register their children’s births, although either the father
or another male relative must be present. If the father or other male relative
refuses to register the child, the child may be deprived of a birth certificate, which
limits the child’s ability to acquire identity documents, enroll in school, and access
social services (see section 2.g.). The registrar general’s office relaxed the
requirement of two witnesses to obtain a birth certificate during its April to
September national identity campaign. In October, Ministry of Home Affairs
Permanent Secretary Aaron Nhepera reported that the registrar general issued
1,300,573 national identification cards, 1,758,322 birth certificates, and 44,590
death certificates during this campaign.
Education: Basic education was not free or universal. The constitution states that
every citizen and permanent resident of the country has a right to a basic state-
funded education but adds a caveat that when the state provides education, it “must
take reasonable legislative and other measures, within the limits of the resources
available to it.” According to the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)
conducted by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency in 2019, 91 percent of all
children attended primary school. UNICEF found in 2021, however, that many
children do not attend, particularly girls due to pregnancy, early marriage, and
gender-based violence (see section 6, Women, Reproductive Rights). According to
the 2019 MICS, only 53 percent of children in rural areas attended lower secondary
Page 34
schools, compared to 80 percent in urban areas. For upper secondary schools,
attendance was 3 and 21 percent for rural and urban children, respectively. In
April, UNICEF reported the number of youths not enrolled in school increased to
47 percent due to exacerbating poverty due to the pandemic and shortfalls in
government education spending.
Primary school attendance was only slightly higher in urban than in rural areas.
Rural secondary education attendance (44 percent) trailed behind urban attendance
(72 percent). A May ZIMSTAT survey found only 26 percent of parents could
afford their children’s education expenses.
Child Abuse: Child abuse, including incest, infanticide, child abandonment, and
rape, is illegal but continued to be a serious problem. In 2018 the NGO Childline
received more than 15,000 reports of child abuse via its national helpline and
managed more than 10,000 in-person cases at its drop-in facilities across the
country. Approximately 26 percent of all reported cases of abuse involved sexual
abuse; 28 percent involved physical or emotional abuse; 18 percent involved
neglect; and 7 percent involved forced marriage. Of the 25,000 total cases, 93
percent involved girls. One widely reported case of rape and incest involved a
nine-year old girl whose father allegedly raped her multiple times. She gave birth
in November.
Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: The constitution declares anyone younger
than age 18 is a child. Although the government enacted a new Marriage Act in
September to abolish child marriage and align the country’s marriage laws with the
constitution, NGOs reported teenage pregnancies and child marriages increased
sharply during the COVID-19 pandemic. The marriage law prohibits anyone
underage from marriage or entering a civil partnership. The law also criminalizes
assisting, encouraging, or permitting child marriages or civil partnerships.
Despite legal prohibitions, some rural families and religious groups continued to
Page 35
force girls to marry. Child welfare NGOs reported evidence of increased underage
marriages, particularly in isolated religious communities or among AIDS orphans
who had no relatives willing or able to take care of them. High rates of
unemployment, the prevalence of girls dropping out of school, and the inability of
families to earn a stable income were major causes of child marriage. Child
marriages remained common, with 34 percent of girls younger than 18 married
before reaching the age of 18 years, compared with 2 percent of boys.
Families gave girls or young women to other families in marriage to avenge spirits,
as compensatory payment in interfamily disputes, or to provide economic
protection for the family. Some families sold their daughters as brides in exchange
for food, and sometimes if a wife died, her family offered a younger daughter as a
“replacement” bride to the widower.
Page 36
trafficking often also were charged with statutory rape. Child sex trafficking
carries a fine, up to 10 years’ imprisonment, or both. A parent or guardian
convicted of child sex trafficking may face a fine, up to 10 years’ imprisonment, or
Girls from towns bordering Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zambia
were forced into commercial sexual exploitation in brothels that catered to long-
distance truck drivers. Increasing economic hardships contributed to higher rates
of child sex trafficking.
Orphaned children were more likely to be abused, homeless, not enrolled in school,
suffer discrimination and social stigma, and face food insecurity, malnutrition, and
HIV and AIDS. Some children engaged in commercial sex for survival. Orphaned
children often were unable to obtain birth certificates because they could not
provide enough information regarding their parents or afford to travel to offices
that issued birth certificates.
An estimated 300 to 350 long-term residents identified as Jewish. There were no
reports of antisemitic acts.
Trafficking in Persons
See the Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report at
Page 37
to be an indecent act” is deemed sodomy; conviction carries a fine, one year in
prison, or both. Discrepancies between gender presentation and officially
designated gender can lead state officials, police, and potential employers to
determine that an individual is committing identity fraud, potentially leading to
criminal arrest. LGBTQI+ organizations reported several arrests as well as severe
mental health consequences to members of the community because of
criminalization, including depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicidal
LGBTQI+ persons often left school at an early age due to discrimination. Higher
education institutions reportedly threatened to expel students based on their sexual
orientation. LGBTQI+ persons had higher rates of unemployment and
homelessness than the general population. They were also less likely to seek
medical care for sexually transmitted diseases or other health problems due to fear
that health-care providers would shun them or report them to authorities. Health
Page 38
care workers commonly discriminated against and refused service to LGBTQI+
Page 39
constitutional amendment mandates the Public Service Commission employ
persons with disabilities as 10 percent of its workforce, although government
offices continued to have limited accessibility and other accommodations for
persons with disabilities. The constitution and law do not specifically address
access to transportation. They do not distinguish between physical, sensory,
mental, or intellectual disabilities.
In 2021 the government adopted a national disability policy that expands the
definition of “disabled persons” based on standards set by the UN Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Informed by NGO lobbying efforts, the
policy incorporates albinism and epilepsy. In July, the government launched a
Technical National Coordination Committee to implement the new national
disability policy. Prevailing law stipulates government buildings must be
accessible to persons with disabilities, but implementation remains slow. Two
senate seats are designated for persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities
faced discrimination in employment (see section 7.d.).
The National Association of Societies for the Care of the Handicapped reported
difficulties in courts for persons with hearing disabilities due to a lack of sign
language interpreters.
Persons with disabilities living in rural settings faced even greater challenges. For
example, they faced discrimination based on a belief they were bewitched. In
extreme cases, families hid children with disabilities from visitors. Mothers of
children with disabilities in rural settings were often viewed negatively and
discriminated against.
There were very few government-sponsored schools for persons with disabilities,
thus necessitating NGOs to compensate for this in their communities.
Organizations such as the Zimbabwe Parents of Handicapped Children Association
rotated classroom space and hours to accommodate children with physical and
mental disabilities. Sunshine Zimbabwe, the only accredited center offering skill-
based training for adults with disabilities, was poorly supported. Some schools
refused to accept children with disabilities.
Page 40
ramps were commonly unavailable, which prevented children with disabilities
from attending school. Many urban children with disabilities obtained informal
education through private institutions, but these options were generally unavailable
for children with disabilities in rural areas. Government programs intended to
benefit children with disabilities, such as the Basic Education Assistance Module,
only provided for rudimentary instruction.
Persons with disabilities were often unable to access food assistance distribution
sites and were unaware of services available to them. NGOs noted an increase in
the number of persons with disabilities turning to begging during the COVID-19
pandemic. Women with disabilities faced compounded discrimination, resulting in
limited access to services, reduced opportunities for civic and economic
participation, and increased vulnerability to violence. Persons with mental
disabilities also experienced inadequate medical care. As of year’s end, there were
20 mental health institutions, including four hospitals, three-day treatment
facilities, three outpatient facilities, and 10 community residential facilities in the
country with a total capacity of more than 1,500 residents. Residents in these
government-run institutions received cursory screening, and most waited for at
least one year for a full medical review.
Page 41
There were minimal legal or administrative provisions for participation in the
electoral processes by persons with disabilities. Administrative arrangements for
voter registration at relevant government offices were burdensome, involving long
queues, several hours or days of waiting, and necessary return visits that
effectively served to disenfranchise some persons with disabilities (see section 3 on
voter assistance). Ballots were not provided in braille or large text.
The Marriages Act enacted in May repealed section 79 of the Criminal Law Code,
thereby decriminalizing willful HIV transmission. According to NGOs,
criminalization of willful HIV transmission had been misused as a form of
blackmail, particularly in divorce cases.
Page 42
The law provides for the registrar of the Ministry of Public Service and Labor to
supervise the election of officers of workers’ and employers’ organizations, to
cancel or postpone union elections, and to change the venue of a union election.
The law also provides the registrar with the authority to decide on the registration
of a union based on the findings from the accreditation proceedings. During the
accreditation proceeding, the registrar reviews representations from anyone
including the employers, on whether the union under consideration should be
registered. The minister may choose to not approve or to rescind recognition of a
union on the grounds that it does not represent the interests of its members.
The law gives the registrar authority to amend the geographic scope and the topics
of interest submitted by the union seeking registration. The law also grants the
minister extensive powers to regulate union activities such as collecting dues and
paying staff salaries, and to make decisions concerning the equipment and property
that may be purchased by trade unions. The minister has the authority to veto
collective bargaining agreements perceived to be harmful to the economy as well
as to appoint an investigator who may, without prior notice, enter trade union
premises, question any employee, and inspect and copy any books, records, or
other documents. The law empowers the minister to order an investigation of a
trade union or employers’ organization and to appoint an administrator to run its
Unions are not required to register, but registered unions have additional rights,
such as negotiating for its members at the National Employment Council, calling
for a strike, and filing a lawsuit. The law limits registration of new unions in
enterprises or industries that already have a union.
The law significantly limits the right to strike. Strikes are limited to disputes
regarding work matters. The law provides that a majority of employees must agree
to strike by voting in a secret ballot. Strike procedure requirements include a
mandatory 30-day reconciliation period and referral to binding arbitration. This
applies to essential and nonessential services where the parties agree or where the
dispute involves rights enshrined in law, by contract, or by previous agreement.
Following an attempt to resolve a dispute regarding interests not already subject to
agreement and a labor officer’s issuance of a certificate of no settlement, the party
proposing a collective job action must provide 14 days’ written notice of intent to
Page 43
resort to the strike or labor action, including specifying the grounds for the
intended action, to call a strike legally. Failure to notify authorities regarding a
strike or public gathering is punishable with a prison term of one year. No
provisions prohibit employers from hiring replacement workers in the event of a
Strikes were commonly met with police brutality, force, and dismissals. The
government enacted punishment and retaliatory action against teachers who
participated in continued strikes regarding the right to a living wage. In May, the
Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education deducted money from the salaries of
teachers who participated in a January strike, leaving some with net salaries that
were the equivalent of less than one U.S. cent. The Ministry of Education
suspended more than 1,220 teachers, seized the salaries of 530 teachers, and
arrested others.
Page 44
Police and army members are the only legally recognized essential services
employees and may not strike, but the law allows the Ministry of Public Service
and Labor to declare any nonessential service an essential service if a strike is
deemed a danger to the population, such as one by health-care workers. The law
also allows employers to sue workers for liability during unlawful strikes, with
penalties for conviction that include a fine, up to five years’ imprisonment, or both.
Collective bargaining agreements apply to all workers in an industry, not just union
members. Collective bargaining can take place at the enterprise and industry
levels. At the enterprise level, workers councils negotiate collective agreements,
which become binding if approved by 50 percent of the workers in the bargaining
unit. Industry-level bargaining takes place within the framework of National
Employment Councils. Unions representing at least 50 percent of the workers may
bargain with the authorization of the minister of public service and labor. The law
encourages the creation of employee-controlled workers’ committees in enterprises
where less than 50 percent of workers are unionized. Workers’ committees existed
in parallel with trade unions. Their role is to negotiate shop-floor grievances,
while that of the trade unions is to negotiate industry-level grievances, notably
wages. The minister and the registrar have broad powers to take over the direction
of a workers’ committee if they believe it is mismanaged. Trade unions regarded
the existence of such a parallel body as an arrangement that allows employers to
undermine the role of unions.
For a collective bargaining agreement to go into effect, the ministry must announce
it, thus giving the minister the power to effectively block the agreement
indefinitely by failing to announce it officially. The law allows the minister to veto
a collective bargaining agreement if the minister deems it “contrary to public
interest.” The law further gives the minister authority to issue regulations on a
wide array of matters including conditions of employment, thereby restricting
collective bargaining. The minister also has the authority to issue an amendment
or direct parties to negotiate an amendment to a collective bargaining agreement on
grounds of legislative compliance, reasonableness, and fairness. Workers and
employers at the enterprise level who come to an agreement outside of the official
framework can submit it for registration by the minister, which makes it legally
Page 45
The Ministry of Public Service and Labor did not effectively enforce labor laws.
Penalties for conviction of violations of freedom of association or collective
bargaining laws were not commensurate with those for similar violations. Those
charged with violating the law were subject to lengthy judicial delays and appeals.
Penalties were regularly applied to violators. The government demonstrated an
unwillingness to implement collective bargaining rights enshrined in the 2013
constitution, including through its limited participation in social dialogue under the
Tripartite Negotiating Forum.
Page 46
violence, and torture of union and opposition members. The committee has also
noted persistent allegations of violations of the rights of freedom of assembly of
workers’ organizations.
The law does not clearly define forced labor. The government significantly
decreased investigations and prosecutions and did not identify a single victim of
forced labor or trafficking during the year, while NGOs assisted more than 60
victims of forced labor and trafficking. The government did not provide funding to
implement its own national action plan against trafficking.
The government did not effectively enforce the law. No cases of forced labor were
prosecuted. Forced labor, sometimes facilitated with official complicity, occurred
in prisons, agriculture, mining, street vending, and domestic servitude. In 2021 the
ILO expressed longstanding concerns regarding the use of forced labor as a penal
sanction for expressing political views, and participation in peaceful assemblies
including labor strikes, all of which are inconsistent with the country’s obligations
under ILO conventions on forced labor.
Page 47
pregnancy. The law does not expressly prohibit employment discrimination based
on age, language, citizenship, social origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or
communicable diseases other than those related to HIV. The government did not
effectively enforce antidiscrimination laws. Discrimination in employment and
occupation occurred with respect to race, gender, disability, sexual orientation,
HIV status and, for civil servants, political affiliation.
The constitution provides the same legal status and rights for women and men.
Labor legislation prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace, and an employer
may be held liable for civil remedies if found to be in violation of provisions
against “unfair labor practices,” including sexual harassment. The law does not
specify penalties for conviction of such violations. Women commonly faced
sexual harassment in the workplace (see section 6).
There were no known formal complaints of wage discrimination filed with the
Ministry of Public Service and Labor; however, women’s salaries lagged those of
men in most sectors. Unions expressed their concern regarding gender-based wage
Page 48
access to many workplaces. LGBTQI+ persons faced discrimination in
employment. Opposition officials reported employment discrimination based on
political affiliation, in both governmental and nongovernmental employment.
The law does not provide for a standard workweek, but it prescribes a minimum of
one 24-hour continuous rest period per week. Unions and employers in each sector
negotiate the maximum legal workweek. No worker may work more than 12
continuous hours. The law prescribes that workers receive not less than twice their
standard remuneration for working on a public holiday or on their rest day. The
law provides workers paid public holidays and annual leave upon one year of
service with an employer.
Occupational Safety and Health: The government sets occupational safety and
health (OSH) standards on an industry-specific basis. Occupational safety and
health standards were up to date and appropriate for the main industries in the
country. The law provides for workers to remove themselves from situations that
endanger health or safety without jeopardy to their employment.
Page 49
against employees, including Jinding Mining Company and Shanghai Haoyang
Mining Investments. One villager reported witnessing a beating with a steel rod
and the breaking of a 17-year-old’s arm for arriving late to work at the mine.
In May, a publication reported the deaths in 2020 of three miners at Kunyu Mine in
Banze were the result of unsafe working conditions. Representatives from the
Progressive Mining and Allied Industries Workers Union of Zimbabwe alleged the
incident was never investigated due to close ties between PRC enterprises and
Zimbabwean authorities. In February, PRC-owned Freestone Mines closed a
quarry following a public backlash when investigative journalists documented
labor rights abuses and attempts to bypass environmental laws in companies owned
by PRC parastatals and private PRC citizens.
The Zimbabwe Occupational Safety and Health Council reported 3,718 injuries
and 55 fatalities from January through September, though one labor organization
advised this number does not include all workers outside of factory-related
environments. Most work-related injuries and deaths occurred in the mining sector
due to low investment in occupational safety and health, noncompliance with rules
and regulations, and poor awareness of safety and health practices due to lack of
training. The growth of the informal mining sector led to increased exposure to
chemicals and environmental waste for artisanal miners, including children. The
Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association estimated 190 miners died in mining
accidents in 2020.
Wage, Hour, and OSH Enforcement: The Ministry of Public Service and Labor
is responsible for enforcing the minimum wage and work hours laws for each
sector. The government did not effectively enforce these laws, particularly in the
farming and domestic service sectors. The number of labor inspectors was
insufficient to enforce labor laws, including those covering children. Penalties for
violations of wage or working hour restrictions were not commensurate with
penalties for comparable offenses. Penalties were sometimes applied against
The government did not enforce occupational safety and health laws. Penalties
were less than those for similar crimes, such as fraud or negligence. Penalties were
sometimes applied to violators.
Page 50
The quasi-governmental Zimbabwe Occupational Safety Council regulated
working conditions. It reported conducting 3,397 factory inspections between
January and September. Staffing shortages and a limited mandate, however,
rendered the council largely ineffective. The law permits unannounced
inspections, but the ZCTU charged in 2020 that proper workplace inspections had
not been carried out for a long time. Poor health and safety conditions in the
workplace were common in both the formal and informal sectors, affecting both
workers and nearby residents. Environmental hazards in the gold mining sector
included the use of cyanide, including river pollution.
Page 51