Improving Biological Production of Poly (3-Hydroxybutyrate-Co-3-Hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) Co-Polymer: A Critical Review

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Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513 (0123456789().,-volV)


Improving biological production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-

co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) co-polymer: a critical review
Grazia Policastro . Antonio Panico . Massimiliano Fabbricino

Received: 23 January 2021 / Accepted: 2 April 2021 / Published online: 13 April 2021
 The Author(s) 2021

Abstract Although poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3- indicates that the addition of 3HV precursors is

hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) is the most promising capable to dramatically enhance the hydroxyvalerate
biopolymer for petroleum-based plastics replacement, fraction in the produced biopolymers. On the other
the low processes productivity as well as the high sale hand, due to the high costs of the 3HV precursors, the
price represent a major barrier for its widespread utilization of wild bacterial species capable to produce
usage. The present work examines comparatively the the hydroxyvalerate fraction from unrelated carbon
existing methods to enhance the yield of the PHBV co- sources (i.e. no 3HV precursors) also can be consid-
polymer biologically produced and/or reduce their ered a valuable strategy for costs reduction. Moreover,
costs. The study is addressed to researchers working metabolic engineering techniques can be successfully
on the development of new biological production used to promote 3HV precursors-independent biosyn-
methods and/or the improvement of those currently thesis pathways and enhance the process productivity.
used. At this aim, the authors have considered the The use of mixed cultures or extremophile bacteria
analysis of some crucial aspects related to substrates avoids the need of sterile working conditions, and
and microorganism’s choice. The production strate- therefore favours the process scale-up. The utilization
gies have been individuated, presented and discussed, of the organic waste as substrate plays a key role for a
either based on a single aspect (type of substrate or sharp reduction of production costs. Finally, the
microorganism) or based on combined aspects (type of selection of the most suitable substrate-microorganism
substrate and microorganism). Process operating con- combination cannot be separated by the adoption of an
ditions have been discussed as well. The analysis appropriate choice of reactor configuration and abiotic

G. Policastro (&)  M. Fabbricino

Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental
Engineering, University of Naples ‘‘Federico II’’, via
Claudio 21, 80125 Naples, Italy
M. Fabbricino

A. Panico
Department of Engineering, University of Campania
‘‘Luigi Vanvitelli’’, via Roma 29, 81031 Aversa, Italy

480 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

Graphic abstract

Keywords 3HV precursors  Biorefinery  Metabolic different Life Cicle Assessment (LCA) studies,
engineered microorganisms  High performance performed on various types of bioplastics as well as
biomaterials  PHBV conventional plastics. Results from these analyses
showed that, in terms of energy demand and green-
house gases emissions, production and use of all
bioplastics is more advantageous than conventional
1 Introduction plastics. Conversely, bioplastics, such as those based
on starch and corn, have a strong impact on the
The discovery of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) environment due to soil acidification and surface
dates back to 1888, when Martinus W. Beijerinck, waters eutrophication because of fertilizers and
one of the cofounders of the environmental microbi- chemicals used to cultivate the raw materials (Gironi
ology, observed, for the first time, PHAs granules in and Piemonte 2011). Among the different types of
microorganisms’ cytoplasm (Khanna and Srivastava bioplastics, PHAs have the advantage to be produced
2005). Over the next 80 years, scientists kept studying from waste materials (Policastro et al. 2020), thus
the microbial synthesis of various PHAs as an avoiding the occurrence of the above mentioned
academic concern (Raza et al. 2019). Only in the last negative effects on the environment.
few decades, due to the need of finding biodegradable Currently, researchers are focusing their attention
materials capable to replace conventional plastics, the on the enhancement of PHAs properties to promote
studies on PHAs production have assumed a primary their use in various applications (Zheng et al. 2020). It
interest. Indeed, from an environmental perspective, has been demonstrated, in fact, that different species
PHAs are the most suitable biopolymers for the of microorganisms are capable to incorporate hydrox-
production of biodegradable plastic materials (Li et al. yvalerate (3HV) units into the PHB molecule, which
2016). Such conclusion has been deduced through is the most studied compound belonging to the family

Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513 481

of PHAs (Byrom 1992; Zuñiga et al. 2013). The result hydroxyvalerate (3HV) monomer fraction. The most
is a co-polymer, the poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3- significant production strategies have been critically
hydroxyvalerate), widely known with the acronym of presented and discussed, highlighting, for each of
PHBV, that owns superior thermal and mechanical them, the advantages as well as the disadvantages, in
properties compared to PHB and all other PHAs. Due order to guide readers towards a reasoned decision that
to enhanced physical and chemical characteristics, might be suitable for their specific scope.
such as better mechanical flexibility and strength, To facilitate the analysis, the reviewed studies are
shorter chain packing and lower toughness, PHBV is divided into two main groups. The first group includes
gaining attention of many researchers (Tebaldi et al. all strategies based on microorganisms’ selection,
2019). Compared to other PHAs, PHBV has become either the use of wild microorganisms or those
the most promising biopolymer to replace petroleum- metabolic engineered. The second group, instead,
based plastics in a wide range of applications (e.g. includes all strategies based on substrate selection and/
tissue engineering, biomaterial applications, dispos- or substrate pre-treatment/modifications (e.g. 3HV
able as well high mechanical resistance objects precursors co-substrates addition). Operating process
production) (Rivera-Briso and Serrano-Aroca 2018). conditions and combinations of different strategies
Moreover, due to its superior characteristics compared have been discussed as well. A final discussion on all
to other PHAs and other biopolymers, PHBV is presented strategies is critically conducted, with the
particularly attractive for biomedical applications as aim of focusing those most performing. The study is,
well (Tebaldi et al. 2019). therefore, of great concern for researchers interested in
However, the high sale price of PHBV still developing new methods to produce PHBV and/or
represents a major barrier to its widespread diffusion improve those currently used, with the aim of achiev-
(Yu et al. 2006). On the base of techno-economic ing optimal operating conditions, effective and effi-
analysis, the PHBV production costs strongly depend cient enough to promote an economically convenient
on specific process conditions (Bhattacharyya et al. full-scale production of PHBV.
2015). Therefore, it is necessary to address further
efforts to enhance the production process efficiency as
well as reduce the final cost of the product. A 2 PHBV biosynthesis processes, characteristics
comprehensive review of the existing methods used and applications
to optimize the PHBV production is certainly relevant
as starting point to better address future investigations. PHBV, also indicated as PHBHV or P(3HB-co-3HV),
An updated and critical analysis of such strategies, is a thermoplastic bio-polyester that structurally
object of the present work, is currently absent in the originates from the insertion of a 3HV unit into the
scientific literature. In particular the paper contains the PHB polymer structure (Fig. 1).
analysis of strategies concerning the enhancement of PHBV, as all other PHAs, is the product of
the productivity as well as the reduction of production biosynthesis of a wide variety of both gram-positive
costs, individuated on the basis of the available and gram-negative bacteria (Rivera-Briso and Ser-
techno-economic analysis, thus contributing to reduce rano-Aroca 2018). Among wild microbes, Ralstonia
the competitiveness gap between PHBV and tradi- eutropha, also known as Cupriavidus necator or
tional plastics. More in details, the paper presents a Alcaligenes eutrophus (Kim et al. 1994; Chung et al.
comprehensive review of a massive number of pub- 2001; Lee et al. 2008; Ng et al. 2011; Grousseau et al.
lished studies on strategies focused on improving the 2014) has been the most used specie. This bacterial
biological production of the co-polymer PHBV. The
relevant information on the processes used to produce
PHBV have been pointed out and compared. The
peculiarities and the effectiveness of the adopted
microbial species and substrates have been analysed.
The efficiency of microorganisms, substrates and the
microorganism-substrate combination have been
assessed in terms of PHBV accumulation and Fig. 1 PHBV chemical structure

482 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

strain can accumulate high PHBV amounts under

unbalanced growth conditions (i.e. lack of nitrogen,
phosphorus or sulfur). Recently, the archea Haloferax
Mediterranei, an extremely halophilic microrganism,
has gained a greater attention, due to its faster growth,
its high PHBV productivity and its capacity of
producing high quality products (Hou et al. 2013).
Different species of Bacillus, Methilobacterium,
Pseudomonas and Rhodospirillacee have been also
tested on various substrates (Ueda et al. 1992; Smith
et al. 2008; Zuñiga et al. 2013; Martla et al. 2018;
Balakrishna Pillai et al. 2020). Finally, even though
less studied if compared to the previous mentioned
microorganisms, Alcaligenes, Comamonas, Halomo-
nas and Rhodococcus have been found to be capable to
produce PHBV (Choi et al., 2003; Kulkarni et al., Fig. 2 PHB and PHBV production pathways
2010; Williams et al., 1994; Zakaria et al., 2013).
Microorganisms store PHAs in form of intracellular requires the presence of 3HV precursors (e.g. valerate
granules, with the aim of using them as energy reserve. and propionate) to synthetize the 3HVCoA.
PHAs accumulation is a strategy of microorganisms to Concerning the properties of PHBV, they have been
increase their chance of survival under adverse extensively reviewed by Laycock et al. (2014). To sum
environmental conditions (Policastro et al. 2020). them up, the 3HV fraction determines the defection of
Specifically, microorganisms can follow the metabolic the PHB lamellae crystals, thus leading to the disrup-
pathway that results in PHAs production whenever tion of the PHB crystallinity (Laycock et al. 2014).
one or more of the following specific conditions occur The result is a more flexible structure of the bio-
(Steinbüchel and Lütke-Eversloh 2003): (1) environ- copolymer compared to the structure of polyhydrox-
mental signals, such as nutrient starvation, that leads to ybutirate-PHB. Such an improved flexibility is respon-
the activation of the PHA-gene expression; (2) pres- sible for a general enhancement of all its mechanical
ence of specific metabolic intermediates or cell properties (Vu et al. 2020). A comparison of the main
components that activate the PHA synthetic enzymes; properties among PHBV, PHB and the widest diffused
(3) enrichment of the required intermediates for PHA traditional plastic (low density polyethylene) are
synthesis due to the inhibition of competing metabolic reported in Table 1.
pathways. PHBV is tougher and more elastic than PHB. The
Metabolic pathways promoting PHBV biosynthesis lower melting point of PHBV makes it easier and less
principally depend on the characteristics of the expensive to be processed if compared to PHB.
bacterial strain. The majority of PHBV accumulating Moreover, as it can be easily noticed from Table 1,
bacterial species store the biopolymer under nutrient PHBV owns properties more similar to the traditional
(e.g. nitrogen, phosphorous or sulphur) starvation with low density polypropylene than PHB (Strong et al.
excess of carbon source (Rivera-Briso and Serrano- 2016; Poltronieri and Kumar 2017). Compared to
Aroca 2018). conventional plastic materials, PHBV shows similar
Figure 2 shows the simplified PHBV production physical and mechanical properties with the advantage
pathway from glucose and propionic acid. of being totally biodegradable and biocompatible with
As reported in Fig. 2, the PHBV biosynthesis is a wide variety of cells (Bugnicourt et al. 2014). In
catalysed by two key enzymes: the 3-hydroxybutyl- addition, it is non-toxic, and resistant to ultraviolet
CoA (3HBCoA) and the 3-hydroxyvaleryl-CoA radiation as well as to several alcohols, fats, and oils
(3HVCoA). While the 3HBCoA can be obtained from (Bugnicourt et al. 2014). Finally, at the end of its life
a wide range of substrates by a large variety of cycle, PHBV based polymers can be conveniently
bacteria, the majority of PHBV accumulating bacteria valorised as renewable energy and/or material source.

Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513 483

Table 1 PHBV, PHB and low density polypropylene properties ( Adapted from Strong et al. (2016))
Polymer Melting Glass-transition Young’s Tensile Elongation
point (C) temperature (C) modulus (GPa) strength (MPa) to break (%)

PHB 180 4 3.5 40 5

P(3HB-co-20 mol%£HV) 145 -1 0.8 20 50
Low density polypropylene 130 - 30 0.2 10 620

At this aim, both a mechanical recycling, conducted enhancing the process performance. Usually, a techno-
through extrusion, and a chemical recycling, con- economic analysis considers fixed capital and annual
ducted thorough pyrolysis, result to be effective operating costs. Fixed capital costs include both direct
(Morikawa and Marchessault 1981; Zembouai et al. and indirect plant costs and other costs such as
2014). Alternatively, the bio-copolymer can be used as contractor’s fee and contingency. The annual operat-
substrate for biofuels production, through anaerobic ing costs regards the management of the direct fixed
digestion or dark fermentation process (Vu et al. capital-dependent items as well as labor-dependent
2020). items, the administration and overhead expenses, the
Currently, PHBV is the most commonly used raw materials purchase, the utilities and waste treat-
copolymer to prepare high-performance biopolymers ment/disposal costs (Choi and Lee 1997). All these
(Ashori et al. 2019). Without further modifications, costs are strongly dependent on production factors.
PHBV can be used for various applications (e.g. First of all, equipment-related costs considerably
controlled release of drugs, medical implants and increase when the productivity decreases. Indeed, for
repairs, packaging, orthopedic devices, disposable the production of the same amount of PHA per year,
objects, etc.…). Moreover, combining the copolymer the process with lower productivity (gPHA/L/h)
with other natural materials (e.g. fibres, other poly- requires larger both reactor and equipment size (Choi
mers, carbon nanomaterials) allows producing a wide and Lee 1999b). Moreover, the PHA content and the
spectrum of biomaterials with different structures and PHA yield in terms of used carbon source affect the
enhanced mechanical properties (Rivera-Briso and biopolymer recovery process efficiency. Indeed,
Serrano-Aroca 2018). The physical and mechanical higher PHA content requires less amount of digesting
properties of PHBV greatly depend on the 3HV agents to separate granules from cells. For instance,
content in the copolymer. Indeed, increasing 3HV Choi and Lee (1999b) estimated a recovery cost of
content enhances the biodegradability and reduces the 4.8$/kgPHA when the PHA content in cells was 50%
crystallinity and melting point of the bio-copolymer. (m/m). Nevertheless, the cost decreased to 0.92$/
Therefore, according to the required application, a kgPHA with 88% PHA content (m/m) in cells. In
suitable 3HV fraction should be reached by modifying addition, low PHA yields cause a large amount of
the operational conditions of the process (Rivera-Briso carbon substrate to be wasted. Koller et al. (2007a)
and Serrano-Aroca 2018). performed the techno-economic analysis in producing
PHAs by comparing different species of microorgan-
isms. They estimated that the polymers produced by P.
3 Techno-economic analysis and production hydrogenovora and H. mediterranei could be manu-
strategies factured at the prices of 10.5 and 2.82 euros per
KgPHA, respectively. The lowest costs achieved using
Currently, the production costs of PHBV have been H. Mediterranei were due to the higher PHBV
approximately estimated to range between 1.50 and 10 concentration and productivity. In addition, as H.
$/KgPHA, depending on the production plant location mediterranei do not require sterile conditions, energy
and, principally, on the adopted operating conditions demand to set such conditions was null.
(Garcia et al. 2011; Hermann-Krauss et al. 2013; The cost of the carbon source also contributes
Bhattacharyya et al. 2015). significantly to the overall production costs. Chanpra-
The analysis of the PHAs production costs is of teep (2010) calculated that raw material accounts for
primary concern for the selection of strategies aimed at 30–40% of the total costs. Also, Choi and Lee (1999b)

484 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

estimated that the cost of the carbon source was 38% influenced by changes in the hydrogen market price:
of the total operating costs when the production reducing the hydrogen market price from 2.0 to 0.8$/
amounts to 100 000 tonnes/year. Further details were kg, the PHA production costs increased by 191% up to
provided by Choi et al. (2010), who performed a 6.46$/kgPHA. A higher hydrogen market price of 3.2$/
sensitivity analysis: the PHA production costs kg resulted in a decrease of the PHA production costs
depended significantly on changes in feedstock price. down to 3.15$/kgPHA. Similar result could be reached
When the substrate cost was reduced from 55 to 22 $/ by increasing the hydrogen productivity.
Mg, the PHA production costs were reduced to 0.05$/ Based on economic analysis and the techniques
kgPHA. When the substrate cost increased to 88$/Mg, used to produce PHBV in the published papers,
the PHA production cost increased by 115%. Simi- different production strategies have been considered
larly, Bhattacharyya et al. (2015) observed in their to be promising.
study that the raw material costs accounted only for The addition of precursors has been widely used
20% the costs estimated by Garcia et al. (2011) for the and has been therefore individuated as a strategy
PHBV production in similar operating conditions. The aimed at PHBV productivity enhancement and 3HV
carbon source required in the process proposed by fraction control. Alternatively, it has been successfully
Garcia et al. (2011) costed 0.22$/kgPHA. This value tested the utilization of bacterial species that do not
significantly affected the final production costs. On the require precursors. The use of specific bacterial strains
other hand, the stillage used as substrate by Bhat- has also been supported when this practice is capable
tacharyya et al. (2015) had no cost, because it was a to avoid costs of sterilization and/or ensures a higher
waste. Moreover, such waste already contained a productivity. Finally, metabolic engineering tech-
propionate concentration of 0.65 g/L, therefore PHBV niques have been tested and proposed, obtaining
production did not require additional costs due to 3HV interesting results: Ralstonia eutropha, Haloferax
precursor supply. Indeed, for most practical uses of Mediterranei and Alcaliges species have been modi-
PHBV, the 3HV fraction of the biopolymer should be fied to enhance their productivity (Choi et al. 2003;
at least in the range of 10–20% (m/m) (Hermann- Yoon et al. 1995; Zhao et al. 2013). Moreover, other
Krauss et al. 2013) and usually precursors (e.g. species such as Escherichia coli, Halomonas, Aero-
propionate and valerate) are required to be added to monas and Salmonella enterica, which do not produce
achieve such 3HV fraction (Hermann-Krauss et al. biopolymers, have been engineered to produce PHBV
2013). On the other hand, the use of waste substrates (Aldor et al. 2002; Wu et al. 2012; Miscevic et al.
could require additional high equipment costs due to 2019; Shi et al. 2020).
pre-treatments, as reported by Garcia et al. (2011), As far as concern the choice of the most appropriate
who performed extrusion of rice/wheat bran and corn substrate to be used, both primary and waste substrates
starch prior to starting the PHBV production phase. have been tested. The majority of studies have been
Concerning the operational conditions costs, oxy- carried out using pure substrates (e.g. glucose, glyc-
gen supply to maintain aerobic conditions can be erol, starch, methane, oils and volatile fatty acids) with
potentially costly (Wegen et al. 1998). Indeed, high nutritional value and/or prize. However, in PHAs
prevention of oxygen limitation generally requires a production processes less than half of the carbon
pressurized vessel, high mixing energy and oxygen- source is directed towards PHAs accumulation (Her-
enriched air feeds. Therefore, the production costs mann-Krauss et al. 2013), because it is used for the
increase significantly (Choi and Lee 1999b). More- intracellular respiration and the production of other
over, Akiyama et al. (2003) proved that the effect of metabolites. Consequently, carbon supply largely
aeration rate was more significant on costs compared affects PHAs production costs. Clearly, the utilization
to the effect of temperature. of waste material as feedstock is a strategy of main
The combination of different processes that can importance as it considerably reduces both costs
generate both energy and PHAs could significantly related to substrates supply and waste disposal.
reduce the global costs. For instance, Choi et al. (2010) Therefore, over the last few years, researchers have
performed the sensitivity analysis concerning costs of tested several waste materials to verify their PHBV
combined processes producing PHAs and hydrogen. production efficiency (Du and Yu 2002; Bhat-
The production costs of PHAs was significantly tacharyya et al. 2012; Pais et al. 2016). Due to the

Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513 485

complexity of real substrates, in most cases, the use of terms of PHAs concentration, Ralstonia eutropha was
waste material requires the adoption of appropriate found to be capable to produce 117 g/L of PHAs using
pre-treatment techniques. The aim of pre-treatments is glucose as substrate (Kim et al. 1994), which is the
to facilitate the degradation process and/or avoid the highest production observed in all the reviewed
possible inhibition of microorganisms’ activity. On studies.
the other hand, pre-treatments also require additional To maximize the 3HV fraction in the PHBV
costs. Table 2 reports a summary of the most relevant polymer, other species of microorganisms have been
studies that have developed and tested the most found to be performant as well. For instance, the
promising strategies reported in the present work. bacteria Delftia acidovorans and Caldimnia taiwa-
All the strategies have been presented and discussed in nensis, fed with valerate, produced PHBV containing a
the following sections. 3HV fraction higher than 90% (Loo and Sudesh 2007;
Sheu et al. 2009).
Rhodospirillaceae, known as purple non sulfur
4 Microorganisms as production strategy bacteria (PNSB), belong to one of the most versatile
family of microrganisms in terms of metabolism.
As previously said, a wide range of both gram-positive PNSB have attracted increasing attention as they are
and gram-negative bacteria have been found to be capable to produce concomitantly hydrogen and PHB
capable to produce PHBV. from a wide variety of substrates (Policastro et al.
To enhance the process productivity and contextu- 2020). Nevertheless, with the addition of precursors,
ally reduce the costs, the choice of microorganisms the specie Rhodobacter Sphaeroides U7 was found to
represents a crucial aspect, and therefore it can be be capable to produce PHBV from volatile fatty acids
considered as a production strategy. For this reason, in (VFAs) (Kemavongse et al. 2008).
this section are reviewed and compared results of Obviously, the use of bacteria which do not require
research studies, which have used different bacterial costly precursors is advisable to reduce production
species, including those that have tested metabolic costs. The absence of precursors results also in
engineering techniques. important advantages in terms of process manage-
ment, as precursors have been proved to be harmful to
4.1 Wild species cell growth (Dionisi et al. 2004; Loo and Sudesh
2007), and therefore, to keep their concentration in
According to the Table 2, the gram-negative bac- non-inhibiting thresholds, the process needs a strict
terium Ralstonia eutropha is one of the most fre- control.
quently tested microorganisms. Ralstonia eutropha Various microorganisms have been studied using
can degrade a wide variety of substrates, including the main substrate without any precursors addition.
aromatic compounds. Moreover, it is resistant to Different species of Bacillus such as Bacillus circu-
potential toxic elements (PTE) such as mercury lans, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus Flexus and Bacillus
(Pérez-Pantoja et al. 2008). It can utilize wastes OU40T produced PHBV when fed with sugars or
containing sugars, alcohols and volatile fatty acids industrial wastes (Masood et al. 2012; Phukon et al.
(e.g. acetic, propionic, and butyric acids) as sole 2012; Nagamani and Mahmood 2013; Wagle et al.
carbon and energy source for growing and synthesiz- 2019). Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Yangia ND199 and
ing PHB (Cavalheiro et al. 2009; Verlinden et al. Halomonas campisalis showed the same interesting
2011). On the other hand, it can produce PHBV only capacity (Kulkarni et al. 2010; Van-Thuoc et al. 2015;
with the addition of precursors containing the 3HV Ali and Jamil 2017). Nonetheless, in all mentioned
fraction. studies, PHBV productions were not very high.
Results obtained using Ralstonia eutropha indicate Nevertheless, it has been demonstrated that the
that this microorganism can accumulate up to 80% of PNSB Rhodospirillum Rubum synthetizes PHBV from
PHBV in cell dry mass (CDM) when fed with fructose sugars and wastes without the need of precursors
or butyrate (Chung et al. 2001; Grousseau et al. 2014) supply (Smith et al. 2008; Liu et al. 2019). In
and more than 90% when fed with jatropha oil and particular, in a study from Liu et al. (2019), a 46.5%
other plant oils (Lee et al. 2008; Ng et al. 2011). In 3HV fraction was observed, which was the highest

Table 2 Summary of the most relevant studies on biological PHBV production

Strategy Substrate/s and System configuration and feeding Operating conditions PHBV production PHBV properties References
microorganism condition

Wild Glucose; Two stage reactor; V = 10 L; Concentration = NDR; Melting temperature = 150.8 C e Koller et al. (2015)
strains Haloferax mediterranei Fed-batch feeding T = 41 C; Productivity = 0.21 g/ 158.9 C;

pH = 6.8–7.4 (controlled); Lh Molecular weight = 1057 kDa

Aeration = 10 L/min air; M.f. = 13.02% CDM;

20% O2; 3HV f. = NDR
Agitation = 300–650 rpm
Glucose; One stage reactor; V = 6 L; Concentration = 85.8 g/ Melting temperature = 131.1 – Don et al. (2006)
Haloferax mediterranei Batch feeding T = 37; L; 144.3 C

pH = 7 (controlled); Productivity = NDR;

Aeration = 100% O2; 10 M.f. = NDR;

L/min air; 3HV f. = NDR
Agitation = 800 rpm
Acetate; Fed-batch feeding V = 1.25–200 L; Concentration = NDR; Melting temperature = 55–157 C; Arcos-Hernandez et al.
Activated sludge T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; Glass transition (2013)

pH = 4–6 (uncontrolled); M.f. = 0.25 (m/m as temperature = - 10.9–12.5 C;

Aeration = NDR COD); Polydispersivity index:1.9–5.6;

Agitation = NDR 3HV f. = 35–54% 3HV Molecular

weight 9 105 g/mol = 2.8–5.4
Butyrate; Two stage reactor; V = 2–5 L; Concentration = 58 g/ NDR Grousseau et al. (2014)
Ralstonia eutropha Fed-batch feeding T = 30 C; L;

pH = 7.0 (controlled); Productivity = 0.65 g/

Aeration = NDR; 20% O2;
M.f. = 88% CDM;
Agitation = NDR
3HV f. = 32–50% 3HV
Fructose; Two stage reactor; V = NDR; Concentration = NDR; Melting temperature = 173.5 C; Liu et al. (2019)
Rhodospirillum Rhubum Batch feeding T = 26 C; Productivity = NDR; Degradation temperature = 279.2 C
pH = 7 M.f = NDR; Crystallization
Aeration = NAA 3HV f. = 20% 3HV temperature = 96.15 C;

Agitation = 170 rpm Polydisperivity index = 1.08;

Molecule weight 9 105 g/mol = 5.13
Maltose; Single stage reactor; V = 250 mL Concentration = NDR; Melting temperature = 143.7 C; Kulkarni et al. (2010)
Halomonas campisalis Batch feeding T = 25–55 C Productivity = NDR; Crystallinity = 38.3%
pH = 6–11; M.f. = 45–81%CDM;
Aeration = NDR; 3HV f. = NDR
Agitation = NDR
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513
Table 2 continued
Strategy Substrate/s and System configuration and Operating conditions PHBV production PHBV properties References
microorganism feeding condition

Fructose; Two stage reactor; V = 7 L; Concentration = 3.6 g/L; NDR Chung et al.
Ralstonia eutropha KHB- Batch feeding T = 30; Productivity = NDR; (2001)
8862 pH = 7.0 (controlled); M.f. = 69% CDM;
Aeration = 1 vvm air; 3HV f. = 7% 3HV
Agitation = 360 rpm
Destrose; Two stage reactor; V = 250 ml; Concentration = NDR; Polydispesivity index = 1.21; Phukon et al.
Bacillus circulans (MTCC Batch feeding T = 37 C; Productivity = NDR; Molecular mass = 5.1*104 Da; (2012)
8167) pH = 7.0 (controlled); M.f. = NDR; Crystallinity = 65%
Aeration = NAA 3HV f. = NDR.
Agitation = 180 rpm
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

Glucose; Two stage reactor; V = 200 ml; Concentration = 3.9 g/L; NDR Masood et al.
Bacillus cereus FA11 Batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; (2012)

pH = 7.0 (controlled); M.f. = 48.43% CDM;

Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 15% 3HV
Agitation = 150 rpm
Glucose; Single stage reactor; V = 6.6L Concentration = 4–9.7 g/ NDR Wagle et al.
Bacillus flexus Batch feeding T = 28.3–37 C; L; (2019)

pH = 7.5 (controlled); Productivity = NDR;

Aeration = 0.5–1 vvm; M.f. = 32% CDM;

40–70% O2 3HV f. = 2% 3HV
Agitation = 300–700 rpm
Methane; Two stage reactor; V = 250 mL; Concentration = NDR; NDR Fergala et al.
Methane-utilizing mixed Fed-batch feeding T = 25 C Productivity = NDR; (2018)
cultures pH = 6–7 (controlled); M.f. = 52% CDM;
Aeration = 100 mL/d O2; 3HV f. = 33% 3HV
Agitation = 160 rpm
Acetate; Batch feeding V=5L Concentration = 2.5 g/L; Melting temperature = 166 C; Glass transition Kemavongse et al.
Rhodobacter sphaeroides T = 30 C Productivity = NDR; temperature = -5.8 C; (2008)
U7 pH = NDR; M.f. = 65% CDM Crystallization temperature = 121 C;

Aeration = 0–1.5 vvm 3HV f. = 15.2% 3HV Crystallinity = 66.84%

Agitation = 0–300 rpm

Table 2 continued

Strategy Substrate/s and System configuration and feeding Operating conditions PHBV production PHBV properties References
microorganism condition

Engineered Glucose/Glycerol; Two stage reactor; V = 125 mL; Concentration = 3.71 gHV/ NDR Miscevic et al.
strains Escherichia coli Batch feeding T = 30–37 C; L; (2019)

pH = 7 (controlled); Productivity = NDR;

Aeration = NAA; M.f. = NDR;

Agitation = 280 rpm 3HV f. = 24.1% 3HV

Glycerin; Two stage reactor; V = 7 L; Concentration = NDR; NDR Aldor et al. (2002)
Salmonella enterica Batch feeding T = 37 C; Productivity = NDR;
pH = 7 (controlled); M.f. = 18–34%CDM;
Aeration = NAA; 3HV.f. = 5–30% 3HV
Agitation = 200 rpm
Glycerol; Two stage reactor; V = NDR; Concentration = NDR; NDR Aldor and Keasling
Salmonella enterica Batch feeding T = NDR; Productivity = NDR; (2001)

pH = NDR; M.f. = 34.2% CDM;

Aeration = NDR; 3HV.f. = 14.2% 3HV
Agitation = NDR
Glucose; Two stage reactor; V = 7 L; Concentration = 21.28 g / NDR Zhao et al. (2013)
Haloferax mediterranei Batch feeding T = 37 C; L;

pH = 7 (controlled); Productivity = NDR;

Aeration = NDR;100% M.f. = 45–50% CDM;

O2; 3HV.f. = NDR
Agitation = 300 rpm
Glucose; Two stage reactor; V = 0.5–3 L; Concentration = 15 g/L; NDR Ma et al. (2018)
Corynebacterium glutamicum Batch/Fed-batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR;
WM001 pH = 7 (controlled); M.f. = NDR;
Aeration = 1 L/min O2; 3HV.f. = 72.5% 3HV
Agitation = 200–800 rpm
Glucose/Sodium gluconate; Single stage reactor; T = 37 C; Concentration = 6.3 g/L; Melting Chen et al. (2019)
Halomonas bluephagenesis Batch feeding pH = 8.5 (controlled); Productivity = NDR; temperature = 177.4–136.8C;

Aeration = NAA; M.f. = 65% CDM; Glass transition temperature = -

7.34- 0.5 C
Agitation = 200 rpm 3HV f. = 25% 3HV
Sucrose/maltose/ fructose/ Batch feeding V = NDR; Concentration = 3.2–8.6 g/ NDR Tan et al. (2014)
glycerol; T = 37 C; L;
Halomonas TD01 pH = 9 (controlled); Productivity = NDR;

Aeration = NAA; M.f. = 47.4–70.4% CDM

Agitation = 200 rpm 3HV f. = 1–6% 3HV

Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513
Table 2 continued
Strategy Substrate/s and microorganism System configuration and feeding Operating PHBV production PHBV properties References
condition conditions

Acetate; Batch feeding V = 500; Concentration = 0.5 g/L; NDR Shi et al. (2020)
Aeromonas hydrophilia T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR;
pH = NDR; M.f. = 15% CDM;
Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 4% 3HV
Agitation = 200 rpm
Precursors Methane; Single stage reactor; V = NDR; Concentration = NDR; Melting Myung et al.
addition Valerate; Batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; temperature = 151–136 C; (2015)

Mixed culture containing pH = 7.0 (controlled); M.f. = 27–45% CDM; Glass transition temperature = -2-
methanotrophic bacteria -6 C
Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 18–40% 3HV
Agitation = 150 rpm
Butyric acid; Single stage reactor; V = 3 L; Concentration = NDR; Melting Inn et al. (2003)
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

Valerate; Batch feeding; T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; temperature = 178–180 C;

Ralstonia eutropha DSM 428 pH = 6.9 (controlled); M.f. = 40% CDM; Molecular
weight 9 106 g/mol = 0.9–1.2;
Aeration = NDR; 3HV f. = 62% 3HV
20% O2 Polydispersivity index = 3

Agitation = 150 rpm

Glucose; Two stage reactor; V = 50 ml; Concentration = NDR; NDR Loo and Sudesh
Valerate; Batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; (2007)

Delftia acidovorans JCM 10,181 pH = 7.0 (controlled); M.f. = 35% CDM;

Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 0–90% 3HV
Agitation = 150 rpm
Glucose; Single stage reactor; V=7L Concentration = 0.2–5.4 g/ Melting Han et al. (2015)
Valerate; Fed-batch feeding T = 37 C; l; Temperature = 140.4–151.2 C;

Haloferax mediterranei ES1 pH = 7.0 (controlled); Productivity = NDR; Glass transition temperature = -
M.f. = 32.4–50 CDM; 10.1–2.25 C;
Aeration = NDR;
20% O2; 3HV f. = 8.9–60.3% 3HV Crystallization
temperature = 59.8–77.8 C;
Agitation = 450 rpm
Crystallinity = 9.6–47.8%
Glucose; Two stage reactor; V = 3 L; Concentration = 2.71 g/L; NDR Yu et al. (2005)
Propionate; Continuous feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = 0.252 g/Lh
Ralstonia eutropha pH = 7.0 (controlled); M.f. = 78% CDM;
Aeration = NDR; 3HV f. = 60% 3HV
2–20% O2;
Agitation = NDR

Table 2 continued

Strategy Substrate/s and System configuration and Operating conditions PHBV production PHBV properties References
microorganism feeding condition

Glucose; Single stage reactor; V = 500 ml; Concentration = 2.8 g / Melting temperature: 90 C; Balakrishna Pillai
Propionate; Batch feeding T = 28–40 C; L; Initial and final decomposition et al. (2020)

Bacillus aryabhattai pH = 5–9 (controlled); Productivity = NDR; temperature = 220–225 C;

PHB10 Aeration = NAA; M.f. = 71.15% CDM; Tensile strength = 10.3 MPa;

Agitation = 180 rpm 3HV f. = NDR Elongation at break = 13.3%

Acetate; Two stage reactor; V = 100 cm3; Concentration = NDR; NDR Doi et al. (1987)
Propionate; Batch feeding- T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR;
Ralstonia eutropha H16 pH = 7.0 (controlled); M.f. = 50% CDM;
Aer = NDR; 3HV f. = 45% 3HV
Aeration = NDR;
Agitation = NDR
Glucose; Two stage reactor; V = 5L; Concentration = NDR; NDR Park et al. (1997)
Propionate; Batch feeding T = 33 C; Productivity = NDR;
Bacillus Thuringiensis pH = 6.0 (controlled); M.f. = 5.3–38.7% CDM;
R-510 Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 34–84% 3HV
Agitation = 350 rpm
Butyrate; Propionate; Two stage reactor; V = 2–5 L; Concentration = 58 g/L; Melting temperature = 171 C; Grousseau et al.
Ralstonia eutropha Fed-batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; Crystallinity = 51% (2014)

pH = 7.0 (controlled); M.f. = 88% CDM;

Aeration = NDR; 20% 3HV f. = 32–50% 3HV
Agitation = NDR
Methane; Single stage reactor; V = NDR; Concentration = 0.32gHV/ Melting temperature = Cal et al. (2016)
Valerate/pentanol; Fed-batch feeding T = 30 C; L; 161–170 C
Methylocystis WRRC1 pH = 7.0 (controlled); Productivity = Crystallinity = 5–23%
Aeration = NAA; M.f. = 78% CDM;

Agitation = 300 rpm 3HV f. = 58% 3HV

Methanol; Two stage reactor; V = 4 L; Concentration = NDR; Melting temperature = Ezhov et al. (2013)
Pentanol; Batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; 162–172 C
Methylobacterium pH = 6.85 (controlled); M.f. = 30–53% CDM; Crystallinity = 8–63%
extorquens G10 Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 0–50% Molecular weight = 196–1500 kDa;
Agitation = 180 rpm Elongation at break = 4–230%
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513
Table 2 continued
Strategy Substrate/s and microorganism System configuration and Operating conditions PHBV production PHBV properties References
feeding condition

Fructose; Two stage reactor; V = 7 L; Concentration = 3.6 g/L; NDR Chung et al.
Levulinic acid; Batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; (2001)

Ralstonia eutropha KHB-8862; pH = 7 (controlled); M.f. = 69% CDM;

Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 40% 3HV
Agitation = 360 rpm
Valine; Two stage reactor; V = 2.5 L; Concentration = 7.3 g/L; NDR Yoon et al. (1995)
Alcaligenes SH-69 Batch feeding T = 37 C; Productivity =
pH = 7 (controlled); M.f. = 52.4% CDM;
Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 14.8% 3HV
Agitation = 420 rpm
Waste Madhuca indica flower extract; Batch feeding V = 250 L; Concentration = 1.44 g/L; Melting temperature = 136 C- Kerketta and
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

substrates Pre-treatment = Extraction with hot T = 35; Productivity = NDR; 140.69 C Vasanth (2019)
chloroform; pH = 7 (controlled); M.f. = 49.4% CDM;
Ralstonia eutropha Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 27.82% 3HV
Agitation = 150 rpm
Digested food wastes; Two stage reactor; V = 1.6 L Concentration = 22.7 g/L; NDR Du and Yu (2002)
Pre-treatment = Digestion; Fed-batch feeding T = 30; Productivity = NDR;
Ralstonia eutropha ATCC 17,699 pH = 7.5 (controlled); M.f. = 72.6%CDM;
Aeration. = 20% oxygen; 3HV f. = 2.8% 3HV
Agitation = 600 rpm
Wastewater from biodiesel industry; Two stage reactor; T = 35 C; Concentration = NDR; Melting temperature = 170 C; Martla et al.
Pre-treatment = NDR; Batch feeding pH = 7.0 (controlled); Productivity = NDR; Molecular (2018)

Pseudomonas mendocina (PSU) Aeration = NAA M.f. = 43.6% CDM; weight 9 105 g/mol = 1.07–1.60;

Agitation = 150 rpm 3HV f. = 8.6% 3HV Polydisperivity index = 1.20–1.61

Waste glycerol; Fed-batch feeding V = 2L; Concentration = 9.7–11 g/ NDR Cavalheiro et al.
Pre-treatment = NDR; T = 34 C; L; (2012)

Ralstonia eutropha pH = 6.8; Productivity = 0.21–0.35 g/

Aeration = 3.6 Lair/min;
M.f. = 14.8–36.9% CDM;
Agitation = 200–1500 rpm
3HV f. = 5.6–9.8% 3HV
Crop waste from date palm fruit; Fed-batch feeding V = 5L; Concentration = 18 g/L; Melting temperature = 148.1 C; Alsafadi et al.
Pre-treatment = Mechanical and thermal T = 37 C; Productivity = NDR; Molecular weight = 746.0 kDa; (2020)
carbohydrates extraction; pH = 7.2; M.f. = 25% CDW; Polydispersity index = 1.5;
Haloferax Mediterranei Aeration = NDR; 20% O2 3HV f. = 18% 3HV Crystallinity: 26.5%
Agitation = 200–800 rpm

Table 2 continued

Strategy Substrate/s and System configuration and feeding Operating conditions PHBV production PHBV properties References
microorganism condition

Rice straw; Two stage reactor; V = NDR; Concentration = 0.5–3.9 g/ NDR Ahn et al. (2016a, b)
Pre-treatment = Acid Batch feeding T = NDR; L;
digestion; pH = 6.8; Productivity = 0.011 gHV/
Ralstonia eutropha Lh;
Aeration = NDR;
M.f. = 39% CDM;
Agitation = NDR
3HV f. = 23% 3HV
Madhuca flowers; Single stage reactor; V = 3 L; Concentration = 2.7 g/L NDR Anil Kumar et al.
Pre-treatment = Thermal with Batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; (2007)
water, pH = 7; M.f. = 54%CDM;
Filtration; Aeration = 1v/v air; 3HV f. = 10% 3HV
Bacillus sp-256 Agitation = NDR
Cheese whey permeate; Single stage reactor; V = 3 L; Concentration = 3.64 g/L; Melting temperature = 116.6 C; Suhazsini et al.,
Pre-treatment = NDR; Batch feeding T = NDR; Productivity = NDR; Crystallization 2020)

Bacillus megaterium pH = 7.2; M.f. = 86.6%CDM; temperature = 108.92 C;

Aeration = NDR; 3HV f. = 16.6% 3HV Glass transition

temperature = 87.88 C;
Agitation = NDR
Tensile strength = 4.41 MPa
Organic waste; Single stage reactor; V = 1 L; Concentration = 1.1 g/L; NDR Ganzeveld et al.
Pre-treatment = Fermentation; Batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = (1999)

Ralstonia eutropha pH = 8; M.f. = 40% CDM;

Aeration = 2.4 mLair/min; 3HV f. = 30% 3HV
Agitation = NDR
Palm oil mill effluent; Single stage reactor; V = 2–7 L; Concentration = 7.3 g/L; NDR Mumtaz et al. (2009)
Pre-treatment = Fermentation; Fed-batch feeding T = NDR; Productivity = NDR;
Comamonas sp EB 172 pH = 7–8.4; M.f. = 73% CDM;
Aeration = 1 -8 vvm air 3HV f. = 13% 3HV
Agitation = 200–1200 rpm
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513
Table 2 continued
Strategy Substrate/s and System configuration and Operating conditions PHBV production PHBV properties References
microorganism feeding condition

Wild strains, waste Whey lactose; Single stage reactor; V = 40L; Concentration Melting Koller et al.
substrate and precursors Valerate; Fed-batch feeding T = 37 C; = 12.2 g/L; temperature = 150.8–158.9 C; (2008)
addition Productivity Molecular weight = 1057 kDa;
Haloferax mediterranei pH = 7.0 (controlled);
= 0.09 g/Lh; Polydisperivity index = 1.5
Aeration = NDR; 50%
O2; M.f. = 73% CDM;

Agitation = NDR 3HV f. = 6% 3HV

Plant oils; Single stage reactor; V = 250 mL; Concentration = 6.8 g/L; Melting Lee et al. (2008)
Valerate/propionate; Batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = temperature = 113–170 C;

Ralstonia eutropha H16 pH = NDR; M.f. = 61–90% CDM Molecular weight = 1,400,000 -
3,100,000 Da
Aeration = NAA 3HV f. = 0–23% 3HV
Agitation = 200 rpm
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

Jatroba oil; Two stage reactor; V = 250 mL; Concentration = 3.8–8.3 g/ Melting Ng et al. (2011)
Valerate/propionate; Batch feeding T = 30 C; L; temperature = 131–164 C;

Ralstonia eutropha pH = NDR Productivity = NDR; Decomposition

M.f. = 69–90% CDM; temperature = 251–254 C;
Aeration = NDR;
3HV f. = 27–41% 3HV Glass transition temperature = -
Agitation = NDR 6.1–1.8 C;
weight 9 105 g/mol = 9.0–18.4
Precursors addition and Gluconate/VFAs/food Two stage reactor; V = 250 ml; Concentration = 2.15 g/l; NDR Sheu et al. (2009)
waste substrate starches; Batch feeding T = 55 C; Productivity = NDR;
Valerate; pH = 7.0 (controlled); M.f. = 42–67% CDM;
Caldimonas taiwanensis Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 10–85% 3HV
Agitation = 200 rpm

Table 2 continued

Strategy Substrate/s and System configuration and Operating conditions PHBV production PHBV properties References
microorganism feeding condition

Wild strains and Acetate;/lactate; Single stage reactor; V = 2L; Concentration = NDR; NDR Dionisi et al.
precursors addition Propionate; Batch feeding T = 25 C; Productivity = 0.14 gPHA/ (2004)

Activated sludge pH = 7.5 (controlled); Lh

Aeration = NDR; M.f. = 50% CDM;

Agitation = 900 rpm 3HV f. = 31% 3HV

Glucose; Two stage reactor; V = 800 mL; Concentration = 117 g/L; NDR Kim et al. (1994)
Propionate; Fed-batch feeding T = 34 C; Productivity = NDR;
Ralstonia eutropha pH = 6.8 (controlled); M.f. = 74% CDM;
Aeration = NDR; 20% 3HV f. = 4.3% 3HV
Agitation = 1000 rpm
Fructose; Two stage reactor; V = 250 Ml; Concentration = 0-5 g/L; Melting Novackova et al.
Levulinic acid; Batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; temperature = 164.7–168-2 C; (2019)

Ralstonia eutropha H16 pH = 7 M.f. = 0–55.4% CDM; Polydispersivity

index = 1.05–1.07;
Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 0–20.6% 3HV
Molecular weight = 0–726 kDa
Agitation = 180 rpm
Engineered strains and Glucose; Two stage reactor; V = 5 L; Concentration = 8 g/L; NDR Choi et al. (2003)
precursors addition Levulinic acid; Batch feeding T = 37 C; Productivity = NDR;
Alcaligens SH 69 pH = 7; M.f. = 38% CDM;
Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 74.5% 3HV
Agitation = 360 rpm
Glucose; Single stage reactor; V = 100 mL; Concentration = 5 g/L; Melting temperature = 162. Horng et al.
Escherichia coli Batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; 99-150.3 C (2013)

pH = 6.8 (controlled); M.f. = 54–45.4% CDM;

Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 22.81% 3HV
Agitation = 200 rpm
Acetate; Single stage reactor; V = 6.6 L; Concentration = 158 g/L; NDR Choi and Lee
Escherichia coli Fed-batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = 2.88 g/Lh (1999)

pH = 6.9 (controlled); M.f. = 78.2% CDM;

Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 10.6% 3HV
Agitation = 1000 rpm
Glucose; Single stage reactor; V = 100; Concentration = NDR; NDR Yang et al.
Escherichia coli Batch feeding T = 37 C; Productivity = NDR; (2012)

pH = 6.8 (controlled); M.f. = 55% CDM;

Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 80% 3HV
Agitation = 200 rpm
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513
Table 2 continued
Strategy Substrate/s and System configuration and Operating conditions PHBV production PHBV properties References
microorganism feeding condition

Wild strains and waste Olive mill wastewater; One stage reactor; V = 250 mL; Concentration = 0.2 g/L; Melting Alsafadi and Al-
substrate Haloferax mediterranei Batch feeding T = 25–45; Productivity = NDR; temperature = 140.1–154.4 C; Mashaqbeh
Glass transition (2017)
pH = 7 (controlled); M.f. = 43% CDM;
temperature = 2.6 C
Aeration = NAA 3HV f = 6.5% 3HV
Agitation = 100–220 rpm
Cheese whey; One stage reactor; V = 2 L; Concentration = 7.9 g/L; Melting temperature: Pais et al. (2016)
Haloferax mediterranei Batch feeding T = 37; Productivity = 4.04 g/Ld 128.7–160.78 C

pH = 7.2 (controlled); M.f. = 54% CDM;

Aeration = NDR; 80% 3HV f. = 1.5% 3HV
Agitation = 200–800 rpm
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

Raw glycerol; Two stage reactor; V = 10 L; Concentration = 16.2 g/L; Melting temperature = 128.7 - Hermann-Krauss
Haloferax mediterranei Fed-batch feeding T = 37; Productivity = 0.12 g/Lh 138.8 C; et al. (2013)

pH = 7.0 (controlled); M.f. = 76% CDM; Glass transition

temperature = 7.0 C;
Aeration = NDR; 20% 3HV f. = 10% 3HV
O2.; Molecular weight = 253 kDa;

Agitation NDR Polydispersivity index = 2.7

Corn starch; Two stage reactor; V = 6 L; Concentration = 20 g/L; Melting Chen et al.
Haloferax mediterranei Fed-batch feeding T = 37; Productivity = NDR; temperature = 129.1–144 C; (2006)

pH = 7.0 (controlled); M.f. = 50.8% CDM; Glass transition temperature = -

1.2 C
Aeration = 10 L/min air; 3HV f. = 10.4% 3HV
100% O2;
Agitation = 800 rpm
Vinasse; One stage reactor; V = 250 mL; Concentration = 19.7 g/L; Melting temperature = 144.63 C Bhattacharyya
Haloferax mediterranei Batch feeding T = 37; Productivity = 0.21 g/Lh et al. (2012)

pH = 7.2 (controlled); M.f. = 70% CDM;

Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 12.36–14.09%
Agitation = 180 rpm 3HV

Rice bran/corn starch; Two stage reactor; V = 5 L; Concentration = 77.8 g/L; NDR Huang et al.
Haloferax mediterranei Repeated-batch feeding T = 37; Productivity = NDR; (2006)

pH = 6.9–7.1 M.f. = 55.6% CDM;

(controlled); 3HV f. = NDR
Aer = NDR; 20% O2;
Agitation = 800 rpm

Table 2 continued

Strategy Substrate/s and System configuration and Operating conditions PHBV production PHBV properties References
microorganism feeding condition

Rice-based ethanol Two stage reactor; V = 250 mL; Concentration = 16.42 g/L; NDR Bhattacharyya et al. (2014)
stillage; Batch feeding T = 37 C; Productivity = 0.17 g/Lh;
Haloferax mediterranei pH = 7.2; M.f. = 71% CDM;
Aeration = NAA 3HV f. = 15.4% 3HV
Agitation = 180 rpm
Poplar; Batch feeding V = 2–7 L; Concentration NDR Yin et al. (2019)
Activated sludge T = 28 C = 637.6 mg/L;

pH = 7; Productivity =

Aeration = NAA M.f. = NDR;

Agitation = 300 rpm 3HV f. = NDR

Condensed corn solubles; Batch feeding V = 4 L; Concentration = NDR; NDR Smith et al. (2008)
Rhodospirillum rhubum T = NDR; Productivity =
pH = 7 (controlled); M.f. = 36% CDM;
Aeration = 1vvm air; 30% O2; 3HV f. = NDR
Agitation = 250–500 rpm
Glucose/whey/ Two stage reactor V = NDR; Concentration = 3–3.5 g/L; Melting Nagamani and Mahmood (2013)
starch/bagasse/rice bran; T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR; temperature = 160 C;

Bacillus OU40T pH = NDR; M.f. = 45–71.9% CDM; Crystallinity = 40.4%;

Aeration = NAA; 3HV f. = 5.27–15.60% 3HV Polydispesivity index = 1.76

Agitation = 150 rpm

Crude glycerol/fructose Single stage reactor; V = 2L; Concentration = NDR; NDR Van-Thuoc et al. (2015)
corn syrup; Batch/fed-batch feeding T = 30 C; Productivity = NDR;
Yangia ND199 pH = 7; M.f. = 52.8–56%wCDM
Aeration = NDR; 3HV f. = 2.9% 3HV
Agitation = NDR

3HV f = fraction of HV in PHBV molecule (m/m); CDM = Cell dry mass (g); M.f. = fraction of PHBV in cell or PHA (m/m); NAA = Not artificially aerated; NDR = no data
reported; NP = Not performed (dilution and sterilization are excluded); pH = initial pH; T = Process temperature (C); V = working volume (L)
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513 497

obtained in all the reviewed studies from unrelated who used this specie for PHBV production with
carbon sources. stillage without any pre-treatment. Similar results
Recently, different studies on open mixed cultures were obtained by Hermann-Krauss et al. (2013), who
have been conducted with the aim of lowering performed only dilution of waste glycerol (10–20 g/
production costs. Open mixed cultures do not require L). Alsafadi & Al-Mashaqbeh (2017) investigated the
sterile conditions and are capable to adapt to a very conversion of olive mill wastewater (OMW), 5%,
wide variety of complex and inexpensive waste 15%, 25%, 50%, 75% in volume, respectively, to
feedstock, thus resulting more interesting in the PHBV by Haloferax Mediterranei. They demon-
perspective of a process scale-up. strated the feasibility of producing PHAs in one-stage
Arcos-Hernandez et al. (2013) and Dionisi et al. cultivation process without the need of pre-treatments,
(2004) tested the biomass from activated sludge as phenols contained in OMW had no inhibitory effect
wastewater treatment plants, obtaining PHBV from a on the growth of the biomass. An additional advantage
mixture of organic acids by using propionic acid as of using Haloferax Mediterranei is the absence of
precursor. Activated sludge was also successfully used need to add precursors for PHBV production.
to produce PHBV from poplar waste, by Yin et al. The major bottleneck in the industrial application
(2019). Fergala et al. (2018) investigated the feasibil- of Haloferax Mediterranei is the high quantity of salts
ity of enriching methane-utilizing mixed cultures from required and the production of a high saline effluent,
the anaerobic digestion process: the mixed consortium which has to be correctly disposed at the end of the
showed the capability to accumulate PHBV when fed process, even though 96% of the medium salts can be
with a mixture of methane and valerate. reused and recovered as reported by Bhattacharyya
In order to avoid sterile conditions, extremophile et al. (2014). Another strategy related to microorgan-
microorganisms, such as Haloferax Mediterranei can isms is the adoption of metabolic engineered strains,
be used. Haloferax Mediterranei belongs to the class as reported in the following sub-section.
of halobacteria that is the extremely halophilic branch
of the Archaea domain. This specie tolerates high 4.2 Metabolic engineering strategies
salinity and requires a concentration of 2–5 M NaCl
for its growth (Alsafadi and Al-Mashaqbeh 2017). The The results achieved in molecular-genetic research
required highly saline environment avoids the growth and the detailed investigations on the PHBV synthesis
of other microorganisms in non-sterile conditions, have found a convergent point in the study of
thus significantly reducing process costs. Moreover, recombinant strains, which have proven to be efficient
Haloferax Mediterranei grows faster compared to the in enhancing the production of biopolymers (Koller
majority of other microorganisms and it is capable to et al., 2012). Different approaches have been proposed
accumulate high amount of PHBV (Koller et al. to use metabolic engineering as a strategy to produce
2007b). Finally, Haloferax Mediterranei can convert a and/or increase the accumulation of PHBV.
wide variety of substrates, such as sugars and VFAs As previously said, due to the lack of propionyl-
(Don et al. 2006; Ferre-Guell and Winterburn CoA in most microorganisms, PHBV production is
2017, 2019). For such feature, Haloferax Mediterranei often hindered by the high costs associated to the
has been used for the conversion of different organic supplementation of precursors. Therefore, various
waste materials, as follow: whey (Koller et al. 2008; studies on metabolic engineering have been conducted
Pais et al. 2016); raw glycerol (Hermann-Krauss et al. with the aim of promoting precursors-independent
2013); cornstarch (Chen et al. 2006; Huang et al. pathways to produce PHBV. Aldor et al. (2002)
2006); vinasse and stillage (Bhattacharyya et al. engineered the specie Salmonella enterica: the
2012, 2014); rice bran (Huang et al. 2006); crop waste obtained mutant produced propionyl-CoA without
(Alsafadi et al. 2020). the presence of propionate in the culture medium. A
Due to its high robustness, stability and capacity to recombinant strain of Salmonella enterica serovar
degrade complex molecules, Haloferax Mediterranei Typhimurium (mutant in propionate-activation activ-
can produce high PHBV amount even without sub- ity) was metabolically engineered by Aldor and
strate pre-treatments, thus further reducing process Keasling (2001) to control the composition of the
costs, as demonstrated by Bhattacharyya et al. (2014), polymer. A gene (prpE) encoding propionyl-CoA

498 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

synthetase was placed under the control of the IPTG- generation, or over- production, of propionyl-CoA
inducible taclacUV5 promoter (PtaclacUV5) while the precursors amino acids (e.g. threonine). In the study by
PHA synthesis operon (phaBCA) from Acinetobacter Tan et al. (2014), the overexpression of the threonine
sp. RA3849 was co-expressed under the control of the synthesis pathway and threonine dehydrogenase gen-
arabinose-inducible araBAD promoter (PBAD). erated a recombinant Halomonas TD01 specie capable
Other authors reported the derivation of engineered to produce PHBV using carbohydrates as sole carbon
Escherichia coli strains for PHBV production from source. Metabolic engineering of the threonine
unrelated carbon sources. Miscevic et al. (2019) biosynthetic pathway was used by Choi et al. (2003).
enabled the intracellular formation of non-native The authors studied a threonine overproducing mutant
propionyl-CoA and investigated various enzymes of Alcaligenes sp. SH-69 which was capable to
involved in 3HV biosynthetic pathway from different produce by using glucose as substrate, an amount of
microorganisms. The engineered Escherichia coli PHBV approximately six folds higher than that
strains produced PHBV from glucose and glycerol as achieved by the wild type under the same culture
sole carbon sources. conditions.
Ma et al. (2018) inserted the phaCAB gene cluster The engineering of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA)
into the bacteria Corynebacterium glutamicum cycle in Halomonas bluephagenesi has been proposed
WM001 to enhance the level of intracellular propi- as well. Chen et al. (2019) performed the study by
onyl-CoA. The recombinant strain produced high hampering the 3HV consumption pathways, thus
concentrations of PHBV from glucose with high 3HV increasing flux to 3HV precursor synthesis and
fraction. activating ED pathway to reduce NADH/NAD? ratio
Some enzymes converting propionic acid to propi- for promoting TCA cycle activity via over-expressing
onyl-CoA have been used to engineer Escherichia coli bacterial hemoglobin gene vgb. This engineered
strains for PHBV production using propionic acid specie produced PHBV with different 3HV fractions
singularly or combined with other substrates. Usually, (0–25 mol%) from glucose. Shi et al. (2020) proposed
mutant strains harbouring other microorganisms genes a metabolic engineering strategy to produce PHBV
have been used. For instance, Yang et al. (2012) from acetate rather than lauric acid with the specie
inserted propionyl-CoA transferase (Pct) into Escher- Aeromonas hydrophila. The engineered specie was
ichia coli and produced PHBV containing [ 80 wt% capable to overexpress b- ketothiolase, acetoacetyl-
3HV content. To promote PHA production in CoA reductase, and acetyl-CoA synthetase and it was
Escherichia coli strains, the authors used the ace- found capable to produce high PHBV amounts.
toacetyl-CoA reductase (phaB), PHA synthase (phaC) A finally strategy to increase the PHBV production
and a b-ketothiolase gene (bktB) from Ralstonia has been the conveyance of the substrate conversion
eutropha. towards the PHAs synthesis rather than other metabo-
Other authors, instead, investigated strategies for lites. Zhao et al. (2013) identified a gene cluster
high cell density PHBV production by a recombinant involved in EPS biosynthesis in Haloferax mediter-
Escherichia coli harbouring the Alcaligens latus PHA ranei. Inactivating the genes, they eliminated EPS
biosynthesis genes. The mutant produced a large synthesis. The deficiency in EPS biosynthesis in the
amount of PHBV with a higher productivity compared mutant strain remarkably increased PHBV accumula-
to recombinant Escherichia coli harbouring Ralstonia tion. The productivity of the mutant strain was 20 folds
eutropha PHA biosynthesis genes (Choi & Lee, 1999). higher when compared to that of the wild strain. To
Finally, to increase the 3HV fraction, Horng et al. sum up, different types of microorganisms with
(2013) cloned the prpE gene encoding propionyl-CoA different peculiarities can be used to enhance the
synthase, the vgb gene encoding bacterial hemoglobin PHBV production process performance. However, the
(VHb) and the PHAs synthesis operon (phaCAB) in a choice of microorganisms cannot be decoupled from
plasmid transformed into Escherichia coli XL1-blue. the adoption of appropriate substrates.
The recombinant specie produced PHBV with
increased 3HV fraction as well as molecular weight.
Another strategy resulting in propionyl-CoA for-
mation has been the induction of the intracellular

Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513 499

5 Strategies related to substrates of the PHBV biopolymer. Myung et al. (2015) tested
various combination of CH4 and valerate using a
The microorganism-substrate combination plays an methanotrophic consortium. The authors observed
important role in the global process effectiveness. that the 3HV fraction increased when the valerate
PHBV producing bacteria can utilize a wide variety of concentration as well as the fraction of the oxidized
organic molecules as substrates, principally sugars, methane were increased. Inn et al. (2003) reached
alcohols and organic acids. As previously said, to similar results using the bacterium Ralstonia eutropha
enhance the process productivity and/or increase the and butyrate as principal carbon source: a maximum
3HV fraction, the addition of co-substrates (precur- 3HV fraction of 62% was reached when a valerate
sors) is a strategy of main relevance. Many studies fraction of 100% was used in the culture medium.
investigating the effect of different types of precursors Moreover, Sheu et al. (2009) showed that the modi-
as well as the required precursor dosage in the fication of the valerate concentration in a sugar rich
medium, have been performed, although, as expected, medium could be used to produce the desired 3HV
the precursors utilization results in a considerable fraction (from 10 to 90%) using the thermophilic
increase of the production costs. Therefore, the use of bacterium Caldimonas taiwanensis.
waste organic material is reasonably more advisable, The addition of valerate and, therefore, the increase
as it allows moving the process towards a biorefinery of the 3HV fraction is relevant as it enhances the
scenario fed with abundant and inexpensive materials quality of the final product. For instance, Koller et al.
(i.e. organic wastes). Moreover, the utilization of pre- (2008) observed that the polymer produced through
treatments which generate precursors from wastes has valerate addition presented superior thermal proper-
been also proposed as a promising production strategy. ties compared to the polymer obtained without the
precursor addition. According to their analysis, the
5.1 Addition of 3HV fraction precursors product quality was appropriate for melt extrusion and
film blowing technologies. In the study conducted by
As mentioned above, the majority of bacteria are Inn et al. (2003), the analysis of the characteristics of
capable to produce PHBV instead of PHB only if the produced polymers showed that an increase of the
specific precursors are available. The presence of 3HV fraction led to a decrease of the melting and glass
precursors is also fundamental to adjust the 3HV transition temperatures while the polymer composi-
monomer fraction in PBHV and, consequently, mod- tion did not substantially influence the molecular
ify the polymer properties. Therefore, several studies weight distribution. It is worth noticing that the
have been addressed to verify the effect of a large accumulation of high concentrations of acids in the
number of synthetic carbon sources (e.g. methane, culture medium can result in bacteria inhibition. To
glucose, fructose), linked to these precursors (Table 2). induce the reduction of free protons generation in the
These studies have confirmed that methanotrophic cell cytoplasm and avoid the acid accumulation in the
bacteria, Ralstonia eutropha, Pseudomonas species medium, Loo and Sudesh (2007) converted the valeric
and Hydrogenophaga pseudoflava were capable to acid into the relative salt prior to feeding cells, thus
produce only PHB when fed solely with the main obtaining a reduced inhibitory effect.
substrate (Kim et al. 1994; Inn et al. 2003; Myung et al. Concerning the use of propionic acid as precursor,
2015; Cal et al. 2016; Martla et al. 2018) while the it was used in 1970 by Imperial Chemical Industries
specie Ralstonia eutropha DSM 545 was capable to Ltd. to produce PHBV for the first time. In that case,
produce PH3HB4HB when fed with sole glycerol the 3HV-CoA was obtained from condensation of
(Cavalheiro et al. 2012). The addition of precursors acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA to 3-ketovaleryl-CoA
led, to PHBV production in all cases investigated. and the subsequent reduction of the condensation
Valeric acid and propionic acid have been the most product to 3HV-CoA. These two reactions were
studied precursors. Valeric acid is clearly a precursor catalysed by b-ketothiolases and acetoacetyl-CoA
of the 3HV monomer as it leads to the formation of the reductases, respectively (Steinbüchel and Lütke-Ever-
3HV-CoA enzyme, which is successively polymerized sloh 2003). In the following years, various authors
(Han et al. 2015). Moreover, valerate concentration in tested different propionate concentrations dissolved in
the culture medium strongly affects the 3HV fraction the culture medium. For instance, Yu et al. (2005) used

500 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

culture media containing glucose and three propionate using propionic acid as co-substrate rather than as sole
concentrations (5, 7 and 15 g/L) with the strain carbon source was also underlined by Grousseau et al.
Ralstonia eutropha. The tested media led to increase (2014). They showed that the simultaneous availabil-
3HV fractions in PBHV (respectively 30%, 40% and ity of a second carbon source (butyric acid) led to high
60%). Similarly, Doi et al. (1987) showed that an conversion rate of propionic acid into 3HV, in
increase of the propionate concentration increased the presence of Ralstonia eutropha.
3HV fraction in the produced biopolymer (from 22 to Due to the high costs of both valeric and propionic
45%) using the bacteria Ralstonia eutropha H16. acids, during the last few years, alternative less costly
Kim et al. (1994) studied the effect of three compounds have been tested. For instance, pentanol,
different propionic acid to glucose mole ratios (0.17, which can be oxidized via valeraldehyde to valeric
0.35, and 0.52) using Ralstonia eutropha NCIMB acid and then converted to the 3HV monomer. It has
11,599. The final PBHV concentrations of 117, 74, and been demonstrated that increasing pentanol fraction
64 g /L with 3HV fractions of 74%, 57%, and 56.5% by 20% in a methanol-pentanol medium resulted in a
respectively, were obtained. Propionate concentration valerate increase by 50% and in the stimulation of the
in a glucose medium was also investigated by Park PHBV production. Conversely, higher pentanol con-
et al. (1997) in presence of Bacillus thuringiensis centration resulted to be toxic for microorganisms
R-510. The 3HV fraction increased from 0 to 85%, by (Ezhov et al. 2013). Despite the reduced costs of the
increasing propionate concentration from 0 to 0.8% process, pentanol is less effective for PHBV produc-
(w/v). A minimum melting point of 65 C was tion compared to valerate. Indeed, Cal et al. (2016)
measured when the polymer contained 35% 3HV tested methanotrophic bacteria fed with sole methane,
fraction. a mixture of methane with valerate and a mixture of
Other authors tested propionic acid addition to methane with pentanol, by changing the co-substrates
culture media and observed that without the addition concentration. The authors found that the 3HB/3HV
of the precursor, only PHB was produced. Conversely, molar ratio in PBHV was directly related to the
the use of propionic acid as co-substrate led to the valerate concentration in the culture medium. The
production of a PHBV polymer with superior thermal same strain (i.e. Methylocystis WRRC1) produced
and mechanical properties. In particular, the melting pure PHB when the process was fed with sole methane
temperature, thermal stability, tensile strength and and 50% lower amount of PHBV when it was fed with
elongation at break were found to be, respectively, a mixture of methane with pentanol rather than
90 C, 220 C, 10.3 MPa and 13.3% (Balakrishna valerate.
Pillai et al. 2020). On the other hand, the same side In addition, levulinic acid, the most inexpensive
effect responsible for culture inhibition produced by precursor among all those considered, has been tested
high valerate concentrations occurs with high propi- to increase the 3HV fraction in PBHV. However,
onate concentrations. In particular, propionic acid was mechanisms leading to PHBV production from
even found to be more toxic compared to valeric acid. levulinic acid have not been clarified yet. Novackova
Indeed, Loo and Sudesh (2007) observed that the et al. (2019) studied the adaptation of the bacteria
inhibitory effects of the 3HV precursors increased in Ralstonia eutropha to levulinic acid: the analysis of
the following order: valerate salt \ valeric the PHBV into cells showed a high content of 3HV
acid \ propionate salt. The formation of Acetyl-Coa when the mentioned precursor was used. The influence
from propionic acid was found to be the rate-limiting of levulinic acid on PHBV production by Ralstonia
step in HVCoA formation, thus reducing the substrate eutropha was also investigated by Chung et al. (2001):
consumption rate, when propionate was tested as the precursor addition greatly increased the molar
single substrate. Dionisi et al. (2004) tested lactate, fraction of 3HV from 7 to 75.l% by increasing the
acetate and propionate as single substrates and their levulinic acid concentration from 0.5 to 4.0 g/L in a
mixture. The authors found that when Acetyl-CoA culture medium containing fructose as main carbon
was formed from acetic or lactic acid instead of being source.
formed from sole propionate, higher fractions of the A comparison between the utilization of propionic
3HV monomer were achieved. Moreover, the uptake acid, valeric acid and levulinic acid was performed by
rate of the propionic acid increased. The importance of Choi et al. (2003). They added precursors to a glucose

Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513 501

medium using the bacterium Alcaligens SH 69. and its characteristics were almost the same in the two
Precursors greatly increased the molar fraction of investigated cases. Therefore, due to the abundance of
3HV to 38–77%. The highest 3HV fraction of 77% crude glycerol and the limited costs of its production,
was reached by adding levulinic acid. its use resulted more convenient than that of the pure
Also, a few studies reported that PHBV could be glycerol.
synthesized through the propionate pathway when By-products from the ethanol industry have been
some amino acids like threonine, valine and isoleucine tested as well. Smith et al. (2008) used a condensed
act as precursors for propionyl CoA (Steinbüchel and corn soluble (CCS) medium to feed Rhodospirillum
Pieper 1992; Yoon et al. 1995). Rhubum. CCS is a coproduct of corn ethanol produc-
Finally, a very interesting and convenient option is tion and contains organic acids (lactic acid, succinic
neither the use of waste substrates containing precur- acid and acetic acid), glycerol, glucose, maltose,
sors or the adoption of waste pre-treatments generat- dextrins, microelements, phosphorus and a small
ing precursors. Indeed, the use of waste and amount of free nitrogen. Therefore it represents a
wastewater is a strategy of main relevance for the suitable source of nutrients for different species of
reduction of process costs. bacteria. Bhattacharyya et al. (2012, 2014) tested
vinasse and stillage, highly polluting wastes of the
5.2 Waste substrates and pre-treatments used ethanol industry. Results showed that both substrates
to enhance the productivity were effective for PHBV production, and they could
be degraded easily during the process, thus obtaining
Over the last few years, various organic wastes and an important lowering of the organic load at the end of
wastewaters have been used as feedstock for PHBV the processes.
production. Agricultural wastes also represent abundant and
One of the most widely used waste has been the inexpensive organic sources. Due to the high carbo-
crude glycerol, which is the main by-product of hydrates content in their hemicellulose and cellulose
biodiesel industry (Cavalheiro et al. 2012; Hermann- structures, they can be used for PHBV production.
Krauss et al. 2013; Van-Thuoc et al. 2015; Martla et al. Chen et al. (2006) showed that corn starch, which is
2018). Crude glycerol is particularly suitable for PHAs rich in sugars, can be successfully used. Poplar
accumulating species. Indeed, carbon atoms are hydrolysate has been positively used as well (Yin
reduced in glycerol stronger than in any other et al. 2019), and the use of madhuca flowers from
molecule (e.g. carbohydrates). Consequently, cells India, which contain a large quantity of sugars,
using glycerol are in a more evident reduced physi- proteins, mineral nutrients and organic acids, has been
ological state, which favours intracellular polymer proposed which success (Anil Kumar et al. 2007;
synthesis (Hermann-Krauss et al. 2013). Kerketta and Vasanth 2019).
It is worth to underline that pure glycerol is actually Among others, rice straw is worldwide the most
an expensive material. However, the biodiesel indus- abundant agricultural waste (approximately 700–800
try residues approximatively 10 kg of crude glycerol million tons generated every year). Therefore it can be
per 100 L of produced biodiesel. Yield of biodiesel a potential candidate for the industrial PHA produc-
and related by-products are growing annually, thus tion (Ahn et al. 2016b, a). Nagamani and Mahmood
causing a sharp decrease of crude glycerol cost (Ghosh (2013) used rice straw to feed Ralstonia eutropha, thus
et al. 2012; Hermann-Krauss et al. 2013). obtaining better results in terms of PHBV productivity
Van-Thuoc et al. (2015) tested, comparatively, and 3HV fraction compared to pure glucose, whey,
glucose, maltose, xylose, sucrose, fructose, dextrin starch and bagasse. Rice bran was compared with
and glycerol as substrates for PHBV production, thus wheat bran to replace part of the pure starch in the
obtaining the best results with glucose and glycerol in culture broth by Huang et al. (2006). Both waste
terms of PHA content and with maltose and glycerol in substrates increased both the cell concentration and
terms of 3HV fraction. Hermann-Krauss et al. (2013) the PHBV accumulation. However, the maximum cell
compared the utilization of crude glycerol and pure concentration, PHBV concentration and its content
glycerol to feed Haloferax mediterranei. The authors were achieved when rice bran was used as co-substrate
pointed out that the amount of the polymer produced

502 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

with starch, setting a waste to starch mass ratio of 1:8 and filtered madhuca flowers to extract macro and
(w/w). micronutrients. In the study of Alsafadi et al. (2020),
Due to their high organic load, organic wastes and both mechanical and thermal pre-treatments were
wastewaters from food industry represent further applied to date palm fruit waste: fruit seeds were firstly
potentially effective substrates for PHAs accumulat- removed manually, then dates were sliced to small
ing bacteria. A widely utilized waste has been cheese pieces (1 cm 9 1 cm 9 0.5 cm). Successively, car-
whey, the major by-product from the cheese factories bohydrates extraction was performed using a thermal
(Nagamani and Mahmood 2013; Pais et al. 2016; pre-treatment. The thermal extraction was investi-
Suhazsini et al. 2020). The use of cheese whey for gated by testing different conditions (e.g. temperature
PHBV production in presence of Haloferax mediter- and extraction times). The maximum carbohydrates
ranei has revealed to be interesting due to the high concentration (210 g/L) was obtained using 6 h
salinity requirement of the mentioned bacteria. extraction time and 40 C temperature. Another
Indeed, as various types of cheese require along the widely used pre-treatment is the extrusion. Extruders
production process the addition of large quantities of are used to mix and considerably reduce the waste
salt, the obtained waste is a high saline cheese whey size, in order to facilitate the metabolic activity of
which already contains the quantity of salt required by bacteria. This treatment was applied to corn starch by
Haloferax mediterranei (Pais et al. 2016). Fruit and Chen et al. (2006) and rice bran by Huang et al. (2006).
vegetable wastes represent, certainly, inexpensive and Both studies compared the utilization of extruded
abundant substrates, rich in sugars and nutrients. waste and raw waste obtaining better results using the
Vegetable waste has been used as sole carbon source extrudates as carbon source.
by Ganzeveld et al. (1999). Du & Yu (2002), instead, Thermal pre-treatments have been also coupled
coupled anaerobic digestion of food scraps with PHB with hydrolysis. Yin et al. (2019) studied hot com-
and PHBV production using the digested food waste as pressed water method for delignification and promot-
substrate for the PHAs production step. Alsafadi et al. ing the successive enzymatic saccharification of
(2020) tested date palm, one of the most successful poplar wood. Hot water pre-treatment increased the
and vital crops in Middle East region as well as in efficiency of cellulase enzymatic hydrolysis and the
other arid and semiarid regions, to feed Haloferax yield of reducing sugars. The optimized pre-treatment
mediterranei. conditions resulted in being the use of hot water at
Finally, wastes from vegetable oils production, 200 C for 30 min, and the enzymatic hydrolysis at
such as OMW as well as jatropha, sunflower, palm and 45 C for 3 days. In addition, the conversion of
coconut oils have revealed to be effective for PHBV enzymatically hydrolysed cheese whey into PHBV by
production (Alsafadi and Al-Mashaqbeh 2017; Lee Haloferax mediterranei was investigated by Martin
et al. 2008; Mumtaz et al. 2009; Ng et al. 2011). Koller et al. (2008), while Pais et al. (2016) performed
Results obtained from the jatropha oil conversion to the cheese whey chemical hydrolysis using the same
PHBV revealed that the quality of the produced microbial strain. Results obtained using the enzymatic
copolymer was essentially the same as that produced hydrolysis were better in terms of PHBV productivity.
from other pure carbon sources, such as sugars (Ng However, the study was conducted with precursors
et al. 2011). addition.
It has to be highlighted that the use of waste Chemical hydrolysis has been reported to be less
substrates usually requires appropriate pre-treatments, expensive than that enzymatic. Moreover, chemical
aimed at neither reducing the size and/or the molecular hydrolysis of cheese whey, requiring alkali addition
complexity of the organic waste or eliminating toxic for hydrolysate neutralization, results in a saline
compounds. substrate, which is an advantage whenever Haloferax
As it can be noticed from Table 2, physical, mediterranei is utilized as microbial strain. Pais et al.
chemical or biological pre-treatments can be success- (2016) tested different HCl concentrations (0.4, 0.7
fully used. The physical pre-treatment, based on and 1.0 M) and different reaction times (30, 60,
thermal or mechanical processes, are aimed at reduc- 90 min). The most efficient lactose hydrolysis (96%)
ing the solid waste size or extracting simpler with no appreciable degradation of glucose (3.6%) and
molecules. Kerketta & Vasanth (2019) dried, boiled

Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513 503

galactose (0.9%) was obtained using 1.0 M HCl and acids in stillage, including 3HV precursors. Moreover,
reaction time of 90 min (Pais et al. 2016). stillage did not require any pre-treatment, while
Kim et al. (2016) studied the effect of thermal pre- vinasse has to be treated through adsorption, as
treatment and chemical hydrolysis on PHBV produc- previously mentioned. Consequently, stillage was
tion, using rice straw. The pre-treatment conditions more cost effective than vinasse for PHBV production.
strongly affected the substrate composition and the
process productivity. The increasing sulfuric acid
concentration from 2 to 6% generated a larger PHBV 6 Combination of different strategies
production while the 3HV fraction decreased. To
obtain a higher 3HV fraction, an additional heating Most of the studies on PHBV production have been
process of 60 min was conducted following 2% conducted using a combination of two or more
sulfuric acid digestion. In such a condition the highest strategies, as reported in Table 2.
3HV mole fraction (22.9%) was achieved. On the The use of both precursors addition and waste
other hand, shorter or longer thermal pre-treatment substrates results in a concomitant reduction of
time resulted in a lower 3HV fraction. The obtained process costs and enhancement of the 3HV fraction.
results were attributed to the generation of both sugars For instance, Sheu et al. (2009) demonstrated that up
and levulinic acid, which are precursors of the 3HV to 95% 3HV can be accumulated in the produced
fraction. polymer using food starches and providing a suit-
PHAs production can be coupled with biofuels able valerate concentration in the culture medium. A
generation if a biological anaerobic process is con- further productivity enhancement in terms of polymer
ducted as pre-treatment. Such process is inexpensive concentration/mass fraction can be reached by using
and environmental-friendly and leads to organic acids the previously mentioned performant wild strains, in
generation as soluble products (Pagliano et al. 2017). addition to precursors utilization and waste substrates.
Du & Yu (2002) developed a new technology to For instance, the combination of plant oils and 3HV
couple anaerobic digestion of food scraps with PHBV precursors as substrate was evaluated for the biosyn-
production. The food wastes were digested in an thesis of PHBV by Ralstonia eutropa. This combina-
anaerobic reactor producing acetic, propionic, butyric, tion was suitable for the biosynthesis of high PHBV
and lactic acid. The produced acids were successively concentration with high 3HV fraction (Lee et al. 2008;
transferred through membranes via molecule diffusion Ng et al. 2011). Similar results were achieved by
into an air-bubbling reactor and utilized to produce Koller et al. (2008), who performed the conversion of
PHBV. On the other hand, Mumtaz et al. (2009) used whey lactose and valerate to PHBV by Haloferax
anaerobic fermentation as pre-treatment to obtain a mediterranei. As previously mentioned, in this case
mixture of acetic, butyric and propionic acid, which the combination of this specific waste and Haloferax
was successively used for PHBV production by mediterranei further reduced process costs. Indeed,
Comamonas. whey contains a high salt concentration, which is
Bhattacharyya et al. (2012) used, instead, a differ- required by Haloferax mediterranei. The absence of
ent process, i.e. adsorption on activate carbon, to pre- salt in the waste substrate would have determined an
treat vinasse. This pre-treatment was aimed at remov- additional cost due to the salt supply. The combination
ing polyphenolic compounds that are toxic to of cheese whey and Haloferax Mediterranei has been
microorganisms. tested by Pais et al. (2016), as well, without the
Obviously, the convenience of any pre-treatment addition of precursors. The authors obtained promis-
has to be evaluated by considering the costs/benefits ing results in terms of PHBV production, even though
balance. Generally, the use of a substrate rich in simple the production was lower compared to that obtained by
macro and micro nutrients as well as free of toxic Koller et al. (2008) by using valerate.
compounds is advisable. For instance, Bhattacharyya Based on the use of selected strains, in combination
et al. (2014) compared the use of stillage with the use with precursors supply, the reduction of costs or the
of vinasse. The authors reported an increase in the enhancement of the productivity can be reached. For
3HV fraction using stillage. The improvement was instance, when precursors are used with mixed
possibly due to the higher amount of available organic cultures, such as activated sludge, it is possible to

504 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

enhance the 3HV fraction and avoid sterilization costs 7 Operating conditions
(Dionisi et al. 2004). Otherwise, the use of precursors
and pure cultures leading to high PHV accumulation In addition to the dependence on the strain and
(e.g. Ralstonia eutropha) results in the concomitant substrate selection, PHBV production processes are
PHBV accumulation and 3HV fraction enhancement strongly affected by other factors such as pH, temper-
(Kim et al. 1994). Moreover, precursors such as ature, aeration conditions, bioreactor design and
levulinic acid, can be used as a stress factor that favors process regime. Such factors are among the most
the selection of microorganisms with desired pheno- decisive, especially in the process upscaling. Various
type. Compared to the parental strain, Ralstonia bioreactors of different sizes and types have been
eutropha species, adapted to levulinic acid, have tested for single stage or multi stage processes under
shown a better growth rate in presence of the different feeding regimes, extensively reviewed by
mentioned precursor and a higher PHBV accumula- Koller (2018) and Raza et al. (2019).
tion (Novackova et al. 2019). The cylindrical stirred tank reactor (STR) apparatus
Another approach concerns the use of precursors in has been used in all studies. This system can be
combination with metabolic engineering strains. For operated discontinuously (batch, repeated batch, fed-
instance, Choi et al. (2003) studied the threonine batch) or continuously (CSTR).
overproducing mutant of Alcaligenes sp. SH-69 using The batch cultivation mode has been found to be the
levulinic acid as precursor. The use of metabolic most used. There are two different approaches devel-
engineering strains resulted in the enhancement of the oped for batch processes: one-stage cultivation and
PHBV accumulation, while levulinic acid enhanced two-stage cultivation. The choice of the number of
the 3HV fraction of the produced polymer. Moreover, stages strongly depends on the selected strain (Koller
as previously mentioned, some enzymes converting 2018). It is noteworthy that most bacteria produce
propionic acid to propionyl-CoA have been used to PHAs under nutritionally unbalanced conditions. In
engineer Escherichia coli strains for PHBV produc- this case, the biomass growth and PHA accumulation
tion, using precursors singularly or combined with have to be conducted in two different phases. The first
other substrates (Choi and Lee 1999; Horng et al. one occurs under nutrient-rich conditions and it is
2013; Yang et al. 2012). characterized by the increase of the microbial biomass
Various studies have been conducted by combining concentration. The second one occurs under the
the utilization of waste substrates and wild strains running out of an essential nutrient (e.g. nitrogen,
which do not require precursors to produce the 3HV phosphorous, sulphur) and it is characterized by an
fraction. Combining these two strategies, rather than almost constant biomass concentration and an increas-
adding precursors, led to further costs reduction. ing PHAs percentage inside cells. PHAs concentration
In particular, the utilization of waste substrates and increases until the external carbon source is depleted
pure wild species (i.e. Rhodospirillum rhubum, Bacil- (Kourmentza et al. 2017). On the other hand, other
lus OU40T,Yangia ND199) resulted in the reduction of strains already can accumulate PHAs under nutrition-
process costs related to precursors supply (Smith et al. ally balanced conditions. Moreover, PHA-producers
2008; Nagamani and Mahmood 2013; Van-Thuoc with clearly separated phases of biomass and PHAs
et al. 2015). Moreover, the utilization of waste formation can also contain significant amounts of PHA
substrates and mixed consortia (i.e. acivated sludge) even without nutrient limitation. In these cases, it is
avoided sterilization costs, as well (Yin et al. 2019). possible to use one stage processes, where cell growth
On the other hand, in this case the production was and PHA accumulation occur simultaneously, allow-
lower compared to studies performed by using pure ing for costs reduction (Alsafadi and Al-Mashaqbeh
cultures. Finally, the utilization of organic wastes in 2017).
combination with the pure specie Haloferax mediter- The batch feeding mode is easy to be operated, but
ranei led to high PHBV productions in concomitance the productions are intrinsically low. Indeed, the
with low process costs (Chen et al. 2006; Huang et al. maximum concentration of nutrients at the beginning
2006; Bhattacharyya et al. 2012, 2014; Hermann- of the process is restricted by the physiological
Krauss et al. 2013; Pais et al. 2016). conditions of the used strain (Koller 2018). A simple
alternative to the batch cultivation mode is the

Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513 505

repeated batch mode. It consists in conducting a batch rubber membrane, only butyrate and acetate passed
cultivation and then periodically remove a fixed through, resulting in PHB accumulation. Neverthe-
fraction of the fermentation broth that is replaced by less, using a dialysis membrane also enabled the
the same volume of fresh cultivation medium (Luongo extraction of lactate and propionate, precursors for
et al. 2019). For instance, Huang et al. (2006) PHBV production.
performed a repeated batch fermentation of Haloferax Continuous fed-batch processes have been con-
mediterranei on extruded rice bran and corn starch ducted in the case of gaseous substrates as well. For
under pH–stat control strategy. The reached high instance, López et al. (2018) coupled anaerobic
volumetric productivity can be considered an advan- digestion with PHBV production by the methy-
tage of this strategy over simple batch processes. lotrophic bacterium Methylocystis hirsuta using bio-
Moreover, the repeated batch mode saves non-pro- gas and VFAs as substrates. Cal et al. (2016) also
ductive time occurring between individual batches. obtained high 3HV content using the same reactor
The same advantage can be obtained using the more configuration with methanotrophic consortia fed with
common fed-batch mode. In this case substrate is methane and valerate or pentanol. Similarly, purple
added via substrate pulses when its concentration non sulphur bacteria have been tested in these systems
drops below a critical value, without removing the to produce PHBV from CO (Do et al. 2007; Smith
effluent (Koller 2018). The fed-batch method gener- et al. 2008).
ally produces higher cell densities compared to the Other authors conduced continuous processes
simple batch mode. Consequently, it reduces the (CSTR) which, often, are used with the same use of
overall manufacturing cost and allows for the easier ‘‘chemostat’’ processes (‘‘chemical environment
management of the process (Rhee et al., 1993). Both remaining static’’). Continuous processes are charac-
reactor feeding modes have been tested by Ma et al. terized by steady state conditions as process param-
(2018). The authors achieved higher PHBV produc- eters like concentrations, pH-value, dissolved oxygen
tion with a higher 3HV fraction for fed-batch cultures tension (pO2), working volume, nutrient supply, etc.,
compared to batch ones. are kept constant. The most relevant parameter for the
On the other hand, the major drawback of fed-batch process is the ‘‘dilution rate’’ (D), which is ratio
cultivation mode is the progressive increase of the between flow rate (influent and effluent volume per
fermentation volume, thus causing a concomitant time) and working volume. Too low D values lead to
dilution of the fermentation broth (Koller 2018). insufficient substrates supply while too high D values
Alternative to fed-batch mode is the cell-recycling lead to the ‘‘wash out’’ condition (Koller 2018). The
mode obtained by coupling a membrane module one-stage chemostat has been used for the first time in
directly with the bioreactor. This type of reactor has PHBV production by Ramsay et al. (1990) using
been used by Lorantfy et al. (2014), who installed a Ralstonia eutropha fed with glucose and propionate
microfiltration unit for high productive biosynthesis of and setting a D value of 0.15 L/h. However, the one
PHBV. The authors observed a ten-fold increase of stage mode, without the separation of growth and
volumetric productivity for the fed- accumulation phases, was not competitive with fed-
Batch cell recycle mode compared to a continuous batch mode setups.
chemostat (Lorantfy et al. 2014). Another approach is To increase the PHBV accumulation and the
the continuous fed-batch mode, used by Du and Yu substrate consumption, a two- stage process is advis-
(2002). In this case the medium was permanently able. For instance, Du and Yu (2002) selected a
supplied as a response to the substrate concentration drastically higher retention time in the second stage
gradient. The authors coupled anaerobic fermentation than in the first to boost intracellular PHBV accumu-
with PHBV production. The organic acids produced lation. Moreover, Ramsay et al. (1990) performed
by the acidogenic consortium in the first anaerobic sucrose and propionic acid conversion to PHBV using
stage were recycled through a tubular membrane two-stages process operated at D = 0.15 L/h in both
module immersed in the fermentation broth of the stages. Nitrogen source and propionate were com-
aerobic reactor. The membrane enabled the perme- pletely utilized in the first stage, while the residual
ation of organic acids into the culture broth of the sucrose was used in the second stage to produce an
aerobic stage but retained biomass. Using a silicon additional PHBV aliquot.

506 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

Generally, in bioreactors, controlled conditions of production, the temperature and pH conditions were
pO2, pH-value, and temperature are adopted. set in the ranges of 30–35 C and 7–7.5, respectively.
From the analysis of the reviewed studies, it However, some authors tested different values to
emerged that 96% of them were conducted under optimize T and pH conditions.
aerobic conditions. To ensure the aerobic environ- For instance, to study the effect of temperature and
ment, reactors have to be equipped with aeration and/ pH on PHBV production by Bacillus species, Balakr-
or agitation systems. Usually, air/oxygen rate and ishna Pillai et al. (2020) varied the incubation
agitation speed are adjusted to ensure a dissolved temperature between 28 C and 40 C and the initial
oxygen value of 20–30% during both the cell growth pH between 5 and 9. The optimum temperature and pH
phase and the PHA accumulation phase. However values for PHBV accumulation were 31 C and 7,
Vollbrecht and Schlegel (1978) discovered that respectively. Similarly, optimal values of 30 C and
mutant strains of Ralstonia eutrophus accumulated pH 7 were observed by Masood et al. (2012) for the
different PHBV concentrations at different aeration specie Bacillus cereus. Moreover, PHBV production
rates. Moreover, Mumtaz et al. (2009) observed that it by engineered Escherichia coli at 30 C was found to
is possible to obtain high cell dry weight and yield by be significantly higher than those at 37 C (Miscevic
setting oxygen excess conditions in the growth phase et al. 2019).
and oxygen-limited conditions during the production The only observed exception is the Haloferax
phase. Such results are of primary concern in the Mediterranei specie, which have been found to
optimization of process costs, as well. Indeed, aeration accumulate higher PHBV amounts at higher temper-
has been demonstrated to be significant on computing atures. Indeed, Alsafadi and Al-Mashaqbeh (2017)
total costs (Akiyama et al. 2003). studied different temperature conditions (25–45 C)
To investigate the optimal oxygen supply for the and observed that the optimal value was 37 C.
synthesis of PHBV from organic waste, Ganzeveld Moreover, majority of studies on Haloferax mediter-
et al. (1999) performed a series of experiments varying ranei species have been conducted using the temper-
the airflow during the oxygen limited step. The airflow ature value of 37 C, thus obtaining good results in
was varied between 2.4 and 16.8 ml/min. Optimum air terms of PHBV accumulation (Chen et al. 2006;
flow was found to be 5.1 ml/min. Also, Wagle et al. Huang et al. 2006; Bhattacharyya et al. 2012, 2014).
(2019) lowered the agitation and air inflow rate (rpm (Pais et al. 2016), instead, used the temperature of
from 700 to 350 and vvm from 1 to 0.5) and increased 45 C while Koller et al. (2015) settled the tempera-
the temperature from 28 to 37 C to favor PHBV ture value to 41 C.
production. The strategy resulted in an appreciable Regarding exceptions in optimal pH values, the
36% increase in PHBV production and better substrate species Halomonas campisalis, examined by Kulkarni
utilization. et al. (2010) produced PHBV at the value of 9.
Other experiments were conducted by adjusting the Moreover, Ganzeveld et al. (1999) found that pH 8,
agitation speed to ensure the oxygen availability. instead of mostly used 7, resulted in faster growth of
Cavalheiro et al. (2012), for instance, observed an the bacterium Ralstonia eutrophus. Shimizu et al.
increase in PHBV accumulation and 3HV fraction (1993) and Vollbrecht and Schlegel (1978) also
when the dissolved oxygen value was set to 2% rather showed that a pH value around 8 considerably
than 20% during the growth phase by adjusting stimulates PHBV production by the same species.
agitation and aeration rate. Moreover, Alsafadi and Finally, Loo and Sudesh (2007) varied the initial pH of
Al-Mashaqbeh (2017) investigated the effect of agi- the medium from 5 to 8 to study optimal values for the
tation (100–220 rpm) and found that the best condi- bacterium Delftia acidovorans. The highest PHBV
tion for PHBV accumulation was 170 rpm. accumulation was detected when the pH was ranging
The growth of microorganisms is influenced by between 7 and 7.5 while the maximum HV fraction
other environmental parameters such as temperature was reached when the pH was set to 5. However, the
and pH. The temperature influences chemical reac- effect of the pH value on PHBV accumulation, was
tions, metabolism and, consequently, PHBV accumu- more effective than that observed on the HV fraction.
lation. The pH, instead, influences the activity of
proteins and enzymes. In almost all studies on PHBV

Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513 507

8 Discussion management. Alternatively, it is possible to use waste

substrates already containing precursors (e.g. stillage)
As stated several times in this manuscript, PHBV or to adopt convenient pre-treatments capable to
owns superior environmental, thermal and mechanical generate precursors (e.g. fermentation).
properties compared to all other bioplastics. However, Another strategy is the use of microorganisms
PHBV high costs and low productivity are still a capable to convert unrelated carbon sources (not
challenge to be properly faced. Therefore, this review containing precursors) to PHBV, such as the wild
was aimed at reducing the competitiveness gap specie Rhodospirillum Rhubum. Moreover, metabolic
between PHBV and traditional plastics. engineering techniques can be used to promote
Different strategies for PHBV process productivity precursors-independent pathways in a wide range of
enhancement and costs reduction have been analyzed microorganisms (e.g. Escherichia coli and Salmonella
and discussed. In particular, two different approaches enterica). On the other hand, the limitation of this
have been individuated: the first is related to microor- option is the absence of precursors that does not allow
ganisms and the second to substrates. Concerning controlling the 3HV fraction of the produced PHBV.
substrates, the discussed strategies have been the Furthermore, all the mentioned microorganisms are
addition of precursors of the 3HV fraction or the use of pure species which require a sterile environmental
pre-treated waste materials. Concerning microorgan- condition.
isms, the first discussed strategy has been the use of The requirement of non-sterile conditions in the
wild performant species, while the second strategy has reaction environment, is crucial for the process scale-
been the use of metabolic engineering techniques. up. Consequently, open mixed cultures (e.g. activate
Finally, combinations of different strategies and sludges), which are capable to adapt to complex
operating conditions have been analyzed. In this unsterile waste substrates, can be used for PHBV
section, it is presented a critical discussion on all production. Alternatively, it can be used Haloferax
different strategies. The discussion is conducted with mediterranei which does not require sterile conditions.
the aim of highlighting the most performing strategies This bacterium is one of the most performant specie,
or combination of them to address future researches. due to its high robustness, its stability and its capacity
All revised production methods have revealed to be of degrading complex molecules. Moreover, Halo-
effective to enhance the PHBV productivity and/or ferax Mediterranei can produce high PHBV amount
reduce costs. In particular, the selection of the most without substrate pre-treatments and without precur-
suitable wild microorganisms resulted of primary sors addition. Due to the requirement of a high saline
concern. Among the different species of microorgan- environment, waste substrates containing high salts
isms, an interesting option is the selection of bacteria concentrations such as cheese whey, are preferable. To
that produce high amounts of PHBV in presence of further enhance the PHBV productivity by Haloferax
precursors. Based on results, Ralstonia eutropha is the mediterranei, metabolic engineering techniques can
most performant among others. However, in absence be used to inactivate the gene cluster of the EPS
of precursors, this group of bacteria produces exclu- biosynthesis.
sively PHB. It is therefore necessary to choose the The last interesting option to avoid sterilization
most convenient precursor to be used as co-substrate. costs and keep the global process costs down is to
In this case, different suitable possibilities can be focus on a third generation biorefinery approach. In
considered. In particular, when the addition of particular, the combined production of energy and
synthetic solutions is required, the use of levulinic materials from waste is gaining great attention. This
acid or pentanol is more convenient than other new approach can replace fossil fuels with organic
precursors, due to related lower costs. In particular, matter as a source of both biofuels and bioplastics.
excellent results in terms of 3HV fraction enhance- For instance, the utilization of anaerobic processes
ment can be obtained by using levulinic acid. More- as organic waste pre-treatment for PHBV production
over, levulinic acid is competitive with traditional processes makes reliable to guarantee precursors
precursors, such as valerate and propionate. However, availability, and therefore enhance the 3HV fraction
the addition of synthetic precursors leads to additional without supplying the process with costly synthetic co-
costs and increases the difficulties in the process substrates. Anaerobic cultures can convert organic

508 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513

waste to biofuels and a mixture of organic acids, application. However, even though it owns environ-
including 3HV precursors. Performing a double stage mental advantages and more suitable properties com-
anaerobic digestion process can lead to the production pared to other bioplastics, the PHBV wide utilization
of organic acids mixture containing valerate in the first is still limited by its high production costs and low
stage and biogas in the second stage. It is possible to productivity rate. Therefore, the current challenge for
recover the produced biogas and use the organic acids researchers is the implementation of efficient and low-
mixture for the PHBV production step. Alternatively, cost PHBV production processes. In the present work,
both biogas and organic acids can be used in the PHBV based on techno-economic analysis, the authors indi-
production step, when the conversion to PHBV is viduated and presented various production strategies,
performed by methanotrophic species. capable to enhance the PHBV productivity and reduce
Also, it is possible to carry out the dark fermenta- its costs. The critical evaluation of such strategies
tion process in the first anaerobic stage. In this case, it outcomes that an appropriate combination of microor-
is possible to generate hydrogen and a mixture of ganisms with substrates coupled with optimal operat-
organic acids containing propionate. Such a mixture ing conditions in the framework of the third generation
can be successively used for PHBV production in the biorefinery approach represents the right direction to
second aerobic step. Hydrogen recovery from the dark enhance the economic competitiveness of PHBV
fermentation process represents an important added compared to petroleum-based plastics. Therefore,
value. Indeed, hydrogen is the most attractive alter- further research on process scale-up could make
native to fossil fuels due to its high energy content and PHBV the most convenient polymer for the production
clean combustion properties. of totally biodegradable and high performant plastic
Finally, the choice of the most suitable substrate- materials.
microorganism combination cannot be decoupled
from the adoption of appropriate operating conditions, Acknowledgements Grazia Policastro would like to thank the
Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)
such as reactor configuration and abiotic factors
who provided financial support for a PhD fellowship in the
setting. Concerning the reactor configuration, the frame of the research project entitled ‘‘Dipartimenti di
most effective feeding mode is the continuous fed- Eccellenza’’ per Ingegneria Civile Edile e Ambientale—
batch or the fed-batch system with cell-recycling. In CUPE65D18000820006.
the case of continuous reactors, a two-stage process
Author contributions All the authors equally contributed to
which separates the growth phase and the accumula- this work.
tion phase promotes a productivity increase. Abiotic
factors such as temperature, pH and agitation have to Funding Open access funding provided by Università degli
be settled in order to establish favourable conditions Studi di Napoli Federico II within the CRUI-CARE Agreement.
for the microorganisms. Finally, in aerobic processes, This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
oxygen excess conditions in the growth phase fol-
lowed by oxygen-limited conditions during the pro- Declaration
duction phase result in higher PHBV yields and
simultaneously lower production costs. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no
conflict of interest.
The mentioned single strategies and their suggested
combinations can be successfully studied in future Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Com-
researches on PHBV production. As majority of the mons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use,
reviewed works have been performed on bench scale sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any med-
ium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the
reactors, it would be worth testing pilot-plants, in original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative
order to move forward the process scale-up. Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The
images or other third party material in this article are included in
the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
9 Conclusions included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your
intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds
PHBV is the most promising biopolymer candidate to the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly
replace petroleum-based plastics in a wide range of

Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2021) 20:479–513 509

from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit Int J Biol Macromol 136:1119–1124. 1016/J.IJBIOMAC.2019.06.181
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