PNP and DSWD Partnership
PNP and DSWD Partnership
PNP and DSWD Partnership
A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of Criminology Department
Tri-Star Building, Mabini St., Marfrancisco Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro
In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the subject
Castillo, Keilah Kate
Javier, Lieron Kier
Rodriguez, Angela
Palermo Edmarie Joy
Nuestro, Mark
February 2022
Chapter I
As the national government agency mandated to serve, protect and empower vulnerable
sectors of society, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) continues to forge
As part of its current thrusts and priorities to strengthen its steerer or enabler role, the
DSWD exerts efforts to develop model social protection programs, provide adequate technical
assistance and resource augmentation particularly to local social welfare development offices
(LSWDOs) to strengthen their capacities to deliver coordinated social protection and social welfare
service at their respective localities especially in children in conflict with the law (CICL)
Police departments and social workers have traditionally worked together to deal with the
Child in conflict with the law. The law enforcement is the first responder to save and apprehend the
child who committed a crime. Crime prevention includes the elimination of the desire and
programming to stop offenders from continuing to offend. It is a crime prevention strategy rooted in
the notion that offenders can change and lead crime-free lives in the community” (Thomas ,2016).
There are preventative programs attempt to sway youth away from getting involved in
violence and delinquency before they have done so, rehabilitation programs target youth who have
offense. Regarding to this the government created agencies who handle the situation wherein
Law enforcement and social services share the most difficult portion of the other’s client
caseloads but there is little interagency communication or cooperation. Caseloads are expanding,
resources are decreasing and the few scattered interagency programs that have been developed
fail to track performance and results. Some of the severe problem cases that call for interagency
Historically, these professions have been near adversaries. “Social worker” is considered a
pejorative term among police and “cop” is considered a pejorative term among social workers. The
advent of community policing with its emphasis on problem solving, partnerships, prevention and
organizational change has provided a potential bridge between the two. While the bridge has not
been heavily travelled, it is absolutely necessary to effective public social service delivery
As history show, the Philippines have its own unique way of community policing while its
adopted various communities policing system in the past such as” koban” of Japan and Singapore
Police force, nevertheless, it has to resort to its home grown policing Traditionally system anchor
on community Partnership called Bayanihan. Bayanihan answer the need for the whole
Recent development indicates a growing number of children directly involve in violating the
law. This phenomenon stirred strong reaction from the public and child rights advocates especially
Children, consisting of 39% of the overall population of the Philippines can play a
significant role as agents of transformation. However, these children often live in remote areas with
limited infrastructures and access to basic services. In a typical Filipino community where poverty
is a very common complication growing rapidly in an urban setting, for example in Metro Manila
where 20% resides in informal housings or slum areas1.Children from impoverished households
are often victims of extreme forms of child labor such as prostitution or recruitment into armed
forces. The effects of poverty are also visible through that large amount of children living and
working in the streets in the Philippines, even though not very visible, there are an estimated
246,111 children living and working in the streets, between the ages of 0-17 years old2.
With the current environment in the Philippines, children are not exempt from the
extreme expression of violence where arbitrary extrajudicial killings are very common, street
children are common victims of summary executions, violence, trafficking and exploitation.
Last 2014, there are 14,993 cases of Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL) in the
Philippines. That is more than one child per hour being accused or adjudged of committing an
offense under Philippine laws and they are susceptible to abuse during arrest and detention.
The Philippines is home to over 15,000 Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL) as of 2014
data from the Philippine National Police (PNP). Majority of them were property-related crimes
wherein theft was considered the highest with the outstanding number of 5886 cases per year
In Calapan City , Oriental Mindoro, an estimated ten (10) youth offenders are recorded
every month and the DSWD are along with PNP to take over and help the youth offenders, making
sure that they are not put in jail and implement programs for their corrective rehabilitations
One of the researchers, who happens to have a youth relative who committed crime in
their localities and now a law-abiding citizen through the help of DSWD is wondering why and how
he was being corrective and a law-abiding citizen. The respondents want to know the practices of
PNP and DSWD to make sure that these youth offenders are in correct path of the society?
This encourages the researchers to conduct the study to fully determine the impact
partnership program between PNP and DSWD and the problems encountered in handling CICL in
Calapan City.
Objective Statement
The aim of this study is to determine the impact partnership program between PNP and
1. To determine the impact partnership program between PNP and DSWD and the problems
2. To know the problems encountered by the Philippine National Police (PNP)and the Department of
Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in dealing with children in conflict with the law.
1.1 Age;
1.2 Gender;
2. What are the impact partnership program between PNP and DSWD and the problems
3. What are the problems encountered by the Philippine National Police (PNP)and the Department of
Social Welfare and Development in dealing with children in conflict with the law in terms of:
4. Is there a significant relationship between the impact partnership program between PNP and
DSWD and the problems encountered in handling CICL in Calapan City and the problems
Statement of Hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between the impact partnership program between PNP
and DSWD and the problems encountered in handling CICL in Calapan City and the problems
encountered .
Significance of the study
The findings of the study maybe source of valuable information to the following group of
Community. They will able to create awareness regarding the partnership of DSWD and PNP
working together in order to safeguard lives and rehabilitate the children in conflict with the law.
Government. The result of the study will be able to the government to create more different
upgraded programs intended for the partnership of Philippine National Police and Department of
Social Welfare and development in order to prevent and rehabilitate the children in conflict with the
To Department of social welfare and development (DSWD). The study will enable them to improve
more their partnership with PNP so that the CICL will be most benefited in their corrective behavior.
Law Enforcers. The study will strengthen the partnership between the DSWD and PNP in order to
perform their work more effectively to completely win the cooperation of the community.
Criminology Students. The result of the study may also serve as an important trading material to
criminology students regarding the importance of good working relationship and coordination in
other law enforcement bodies department of social welfare and development for rehabilitation and
reintegration of children in conflict with the law as their primary duty in their chosen career in the
near future.
Other researcher. This study may serve as a basis to other students who will be going to conduct
The respondents will include the twenty-five (25) DSWD officials and twenty-five (25)
Police Personnel and fifty (50) CICL in Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, who are chosen using
total sampling
Definition of terms
For the purpose of clarification terms used , the following terms are operationally defined.
Child at risk. It refers to a child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses
Child in Conflict with the Law (CICL). It refers to a child who alleged as accuses of, or adjudged as,
Department of social welfare and development (DSWD). It refers to the government agency who is
usually in charge for the case management and rehabilitation of child in conflict with the law or
youth offender.
Effectiveness. It refers to the capacity of producing a desired result. When something is deemed
effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome or produces a deep vivid, impression.
Handling of Child in Conflict with the Law. It refers to the process of ensuring an effective
Law enforcer. It refers to the first responder to save and apprehend the child who committed a
Partnership. It refers to the relationship resembling a legal partnership and usually involving close
Cooperation between parties having specified and joint rights and responsibilities.
Programs. It refers to the different way of the DSWD in assisting the child in conflict with the law
Rehabilitation. It refers to the dynamic process, including, after care and follow up treatment,
changes/enhancement of child in conflict with the law (CICL) to enable him/her to live without
dangerous environment, enjoy the fullest life compatible with him/her capabilities and potentials
and render him/her able to become a law abiding and productive member of community.
Theoretical framework
This study is guided by three (3) theories that researchers believe gears towards the
corrective functions of the PNP and DSWD in the children in conflict with the law.
The study is anchored on the Barnard Acceptance Theory or Zone In difference Theory as
mentioned in the book of Manwong and San Diego 2010 viewed that the organization as
process within the organization However, the source of the authority did not reside in the person
who gave the orders, rather, authority resided in the subordinates who could choose to either
accept or redirect from superiors. This theory is used in this study since it looked into the
protect and serve the community against lawless elements and this theory manifest that as an
organization it should be cooperati4v in establishing and maintaining good communication for its
Unlike classical criminal justice theories that focus primarily on punishment as a deterrent to crime, the
restorative justice perspective seeks to repair the harm caused by crime. Restorative justice offers an
approach that centers on community-based responses to crime by providing opportunities for redemption
for offenders and encouraging reconciliation with victims. The theory encompasses both individual and
social approaches, placing victims at the center of crime control and positioning community members as
Restorative justice theory rests on the fundamental principle that the people most directly harmed by crime
should be the ones to participate in its resolution. Offenders must take responsibility for their criminal
activity and the harm it has inflicted. Accountable to both the victims and the community, offenders must
engage in a process with victims to determine how to make amends and provide restitution to the victims
with the goal of reintegration of both offenders and victims within the community.
During the first half of the twentieth century, a new school of thought known as
behaviorism rose to become a dominant force within psychology. Behaviorists believed that
psychology needed to focus only on observable and quantifiable behaviors in order to become a
According to the behavioral perspective, all human behavior can be described in terms of
environmental influences. Some behaviorists, such as John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner, insisted
influences behavior and is based on the theories of theorists such as John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov,
and B. F. Skinner. These theories deal only with observable behaviors. Development is considered
The three (3) theory signifies the relationship of the study since zone of in deference
theory theory that CICL passed different stages on their development and it needs intervention of
higher authorities to intervene in their changes and development while the restorative justice theory
mandates that the PNP and DSWD have roles in returning back the CICL to their normal life and
interaction influences behavior which will be conducted by the PNP and DSWD.
Conceptual Framework
Psycho-social interventions
This Figure 1 illustrate the relationship between the independent variables and dependent
Chapter II
In order to gain valuable information about this problem, the researchers undergone thorough
research of reviewed books, journals and other printed materials that guided them in the conceptualization
of this study.
Related Literature
Baumer , (2015); Bursik and Grasmick, (2018) in their study on juvenile delinquency have
contended that criminologists have not examined whether juvenile crime at micro place geographic units
follows patterns of hot spots concentrations and whether such concentrations vary over time. This is not to
say that the location of juvenile crime has been ignored by criminologists. There has long been an interest
in the location of where juvenile delinquents live and how that affects the pattern of crime in a city.
Police and social workers worked together to deal with child in conflict with the law. In fact effective
prevention, intervention, and stabilization require more than police action and goes beyond the capability of
any single agency. Studies show that social services provision has always been a key part of policing,
operating alongside service to offender of crimes and the enforcement of the law against child offenders.
Police provide services similar to those of social workers in their communities, such as crisis
intervention.The area of police social work or “the service function of the police” (Lucas,2016).
Alamo and Ornelas (2019) said social worker are stepping in to help with a new program that
places interns in Police departments where they can help officers address social issues that affect local
communities. The Partnership aims to build internship and workforce development opportunities for the
school graduates. His positive interaction between Social Worker and Police Officers can help cultivate a
foundation of trust and understanding with the community because each side is taking the time to listen and
learn from one another. Working with Police the Social Work interns use evidence-based interventions such
work. The goal is to help raise graduation rates in the community and prevent youth from being
According to Simon Holdaway (2015) in his book entitled “The British Journal of Social Work and
Police Relations” Problems and Possibilities the Barclay Report advocates a closer working partnership
between social workers and citizens; various policing policies are based on similar foundations.
Government policies place considerable emphasis on inter-agency work involving the police and the social
services. In this paper, it is argued that co-operative inter-agency work seems feasible between managers
Despite their popularity with local governments, existing studies find little evidence to
support the notion that curfews are effective at reducing crime. This paper reassesses the
conclusions, extending the literature by combining the newly collected data on local ordinance
with an event study research design of comparing the arrest behavior of various age groups
within the city before and after curfew enactment(Males and Mcallair ,2018).
A key distribution is the separate assessment of the impact of curfew ordinances, which
normally apply to youth of ages of 16 to 17, on arrest of youth subject to the curfew law and
those above the city of statutory maximum curfew age. While it is clearly important to
keep people from turning to a life of crime in the first place. Nowhere is that need as profound as
A three-year federal grant were able to implement a new court for juvenile offenders who
have just begun to veer off the right track. The Juvenile Multi-Disciplinary Court addresses the
underlying causes of a juvenile's delinquency by installing structure and accountability to the
child's life. It accomplishes by using a variety of counselling and treatment techniques that are
individualized to each juvenile’s unique circumstances. The program last one year to complete
and includes weekly appearances in front of a judge to monitor each family’s progress and in
S.T.A.R. Programs, Inc. is a company that licenses, implements and maintains a unique
disciplinary program for schools and juvenile courts interested in a proven, cost-effective
implemented, S.T.A.R. has drastically reduced juvenile offenses and referrals to the office for
disciplinary problems; all while improving academic performance. These results are realized at a
cost much less than traditional methods of treating youthful offenders or less effective "boot
According to Hanwick (2017), the mission of the Juvenile Disciplinary and Rehabilitation
Board (JDRB) is to informally hear cases of juvenile misconduct aboard the base and advise and
authority to safeguard the good order and discipline aboard the installation. The Board is not
intended to embarrass or harass the juvenile or parents or legal guardians, but to impress upon
the juvenile the consequences of his or her actions or omissions. The board will assess the degree
of involvement and rehabilitative potential of the juvenile; assess the seriousness of the
According to Esfejo (2018), Criminalizing harmless behaviour to prevent crime has long been
the norm particularly for young people, despite often, dubious evidence of its effectiveness.
Many times people assume obvious correlations exist between youth behaviour and social
problems and remove their constitutional rights with the very minimal, or almost no evidence it
is necessary. The most blatant example of this is the use of curfew laws, which have been
challenged on a number of constitutional grounds. Despite their vast use across the nation over
the last decade, no conclusive evidence can be amounted for their effectiveness in curtailing
juvenile crime. Many communities have flaunted curfew laws as “great success”. However, no
law enforcement agency has ever done any serious empirical study on curfew laws. Instead,
evidence supporting curfews is mainly anecdotal and from survey data. Such data is problematic
According to Sullivan and Rosen (2018), Juvenile curfew in the United States has typically
required the minor children be in their places of residence between a certain late-evening hour
and certain mid-morning hour. It is typically articulated, within the statutes themselves that
juvenile curfew laws are intended to protect the juveniles from engaging in, or being victimized
by, criminal behavior and to strengthen parental control over youths. Opponents of suspension
view the consequences of this disciplinary action as far outweighing any potential benefits. Some
of the consequences cited include loss of self-respect, increased chances of coming into contact
with a delinquent subculture, the vicious cyclical effects of being unable to catch up with
schoolwork, and the stigma associated with suspension once the target child returns to school.
Furthermore, most investigations of school suspensions have found that serious disciplinary
problems are quite rarely the cause of suspension. The majority of suspensions in districts with
high suspension rates are for behavior that is not threatening or serious.
According to Mateo, (2018) The Manila ordinances were authored by second district
councillor RANULFO LUDOVICA, who noted incidents of minors flocking together at night to
drink on the streets or even use of illegal drugs, engage in troubles and other criminal activities.
This curfew ordinance was made intended for the juveniles to protect them from the harm that
occurs during the night time and to deny them the opportunity to engage in criminal behaviour.
This ordinance only needs the signature of Mayor Lito Atienza for it to become law. The Mayor
earlier had no objection to a curfew, saying only that the ordinance should be studied carefully.
According to Lopez, (2017) Parental supervision such as establishing a set of “House Rules”
and clearly communicating them is very important. House rules should cover whom the child
associates with, places considered off limits, curfews, and when the child should be home from
school. Parents must be aware of the child’s performance in school as well as school attendance,
the possibility of drug or alcohol use, and the activities the child is involved in with friends.
In the study conducted by Luna, (2018), he stated that when the country had a problem with
mischievous youth, the police department stepped up curfew enforcement for those under 18 and
paid off the number of crimes decreased, Similar effects have been reported elsewhere. After
curfew laws are put in place, youth Arrest drop 10 percent in that area, according to a recent
study done by the University of the Philippines, The study researched 54 province and cities with
According to Ignacio (2015), Researchers also found that arrests of young adults above the
curfew age also decline slightly. The ordinance requires kids under the age of 18 to be off the
streets between midnight and 6a.m. this includes loitering, or congregating on public street,
highway, alleyway or park unless accompanied by an Adult. Cities and provinces can also adopt
their own curfews. The parents need to help out and enforce the curfews too. But some experts
pampacific University North Philippines, in his atudies stated that there is decrease in youth
crime after curfew laws are implemented but there also an equal number of studies that prove
crime increase. He also added that most of the crimes committed by school age youth are done in
three hours following the school day. According to him, if the government wants to have a large
In Science City of Munoz, City Ordinance No. 07 S-2002 entitled Juvenile Disciplinary
“Ang kautusang ito ay sasaklaw sa lahat ng mga kabataang may gulang na wala pang 18
North), kabilang ang lahat ng barangay sa lungsod Agham ng Munoz, Kabilang din ang mga
PANGKAT 1 –Ang Kaautusang ito ay naglalayong mabigyan ng disiplina ang mga kabataang
a. Masawata at masugpo ang paglabas-labas , pamamasyal at pagagala na wlang kapahintulutan
b. Mabigyan ng kaukulang disiplina ang mga nabanggit na kabataan upang silay mapawasto na
bayan/bansa sa hinaharap;
k. Matukoy at malaman ang mga kabataan nasa ebad na 18 pababa, na nalululong sa masamang
bisyo, upang hanggang maaga aya magawan ng lunas, at ng huwag maging pasanin at sakit ng
d. Matulungan ang mga magulang sa pagpapatupad ng akmang disiplina sa kanilang mga anak,
na sa kabila ng kanilang pagsubaybay ata hangarin mapawasto ang mga ito, lingid sa kanilang
E. Mabawasan ang pag-aalala ng mga magulang sa kanilang mga anak, sa mga alanganing oras
nagbibisyo ang kanilang nakaligtaang pag aaral, gayun din ang magugol at maibaling ang
I. Malaman at matukoy ang mga taong dahilan sa kanilang personal na interes at kapakanan,
aynagsasagawa ng manipulasyon sa mga kabataan, upang ang mga itoy sanayin at gawing bihasa
pamilya sa lipunang kanilang kinabibilangan, gayun din ang hangarin na patuloy na mapreserba
rati’y paggalang ng mga kabataan sa mga nakatatanda, pagkakarinyoso, kababaang loob , at pag
PANGKAT 3- Nasa ilalim ng kautusang ito, na itinatakda ang pagbabawal sa lahat ng mga
kabataang wala pang 18 taong gulang pababa, na gumagala-gala sa mga lansangan ng walang
kadahilanan sa oras na ika -10:00 ng gabi, hanggang ika-4:00 ng medaling araw, maliban na
lamang kung;
According to Robins, (2016) Many children reach adulthood without involvement in serious
delinquent behavior, even in the face of multiple risks. Although risk factors may help identify
which children are most in need of preventive interventions, they cannot identify which
particular children will become serious or chronic offenders. It has long been known that most
adult criminals were involved in delinquent behavior as children most delinquent children and
According to Roy and Wong, (2017), the problems faced by Social Workers in dealing
delinquents was lessened through the following actions: First, special efforts was made to
environments and community-based programs that respond to the special concerns of children
and offer appropriate guidance and counselling to them and their families; secondly, alternative
structures was developed to deal with children without resorting to judicial proceedings, always
providing that children’s rights are respected and that restorative justice systems are encouraged
campaigns, as well as through training of law enforcement officials, prosecutors, judges, lawyers
According to Bock and Good, (2018) Research over the past few decades on normal child
development and on development of delinquent behavior has shown that individual, social, and
agreement that behavior, including antisocial and delinquent behavior, is the result of a complex
interplay of individual biological and genetic factors and environmental factors, starting during
fetal development and continuing throughout life. Clearly, genes affect biological development,
but there is no biological development without environmental input. Thus, both biology and
In the study conducted by the University of California (UCLA) School of Law Juvenile
Justice Project the juvenile justice system was founded with the goal to serve the best interest of
the child, with an understanding that youth possessed different needs than adults. Transfer laws
represent a departure from that traditional understanding of juvenile justice and are contrary to
fundamental notions of justice. Result of the study shows that the adult criminal justice system is
ill-equipped to meet the needs of youth offenders at all stages of the process, from trial to
sentencing options to incarceration. The findings of this study indicate that justice is not served
by forcing juveniles through a system never intended to process youth and that transfer laws
Program for the Youth” it found out that the program established that many o children are either
on the streets or of the streets when they were apprehended. While a significant number still live
with parents or a relative, they are usually out on the streets to eke out a living or are involved in
peer groups or gangs, which are usually associated with vices and illegal activities. The
responsibility of the DSWD central office with respect to children in conflict with the law was
not among the functions devolved to the cities. It was revealed that the Davao City Social
Workers performed their duties with efficiency and hard work and they already extend social
services to said children. This is due to the full-time work and focus given by social workers to
information nationally on children in conflict with the law, including networking with NGOs and
facilitating the dissemination of such information, this is a function suited to the national office.
City Social workers usually get involved with the children upon their release or from the trial
In the study conducted by Baltazar, et. Al. (2015), results show that the parents of the child in
conflict with the law have different versions on the effectiveness of the implementation of the
program to their children who are in conflict with the law. Accordingly the DSWD personnel
assess first the child in conflict with the law family status. They see to it that their family is
capable of giving the basic needs of the children. The actions of the DSWD can be perceived as
basic action for the child in conflict with the law, they fully implement what is in their plan in
helping the child in conflict with the law like assessment report if the child was qualified to
receive help and assistance from their office and referral to different agencies on whom who can
DSWD for children in conflict the law as implemented indicating that most of the DSWD
personnel really participated in motivating and rehabilitating child in conflict with law. The
result of the study brings positive changes to uplift the CICL’s morale and welfare with the help
and if possible improve for the continuous reformation and development of child in conflict with
This chapter presented and discussed the name method of research as well as the procedures and
sources used in the study. It also includes the techniques adopted in gathering data, description of
The study adopted the descriptive type of research. The descriptive method is something more and
beyond just data gathering; the latter is not reflective thinking and not research. The true data collected
should be reported from the point of view of the objectives and the basic assumptions of the project under
way. This follows logically after careful classification of data. Facts obtained may be accurate expressions
of central tendency, of devotion, or of correlation; but the report is not research unless discussion of those
The respondents of the study are divided into three (3) groups, the first group twenty-five (25)
DSWD officials and twenty-five (25) Police Personnel and fifty (50) CICL in Calapan City who are chosen
The instrument used is a questionnaire develop by the researchers which consist of a number of items
that the respondents have to answer in a set format. The questionnaire consist of three parts as follows:
The instrument was designed to draw information from the profile of the respondents in terms of: age,
PART II: Effectiveness of Partnership Between the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the
Department of Social Welfare and Development program in Handling Children in Conflict with the Law
terms of:
Psycho-social interventions program
The instruments are composed of a five (5) items checklist regarding Partnership Between the
Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Department of Social Welfare and Development program in
Range Weight Verbal Description
4 3.25–4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.50–3.24 Agree
2 1.75–2.49 Disagree
PART III problems encountered by the Philippine National Police (PNP)and the Department of Social
Welfare and Development in dealing with children in conflict with the law
The instrument are composed of five item checklist...i.e.. Lack of interest of parents to accept the turn
3 2.50–3.24 Serious
The reliability of the instrument will be measured by means of conducting dry-run wherein the
researchers distributed the questionaire-checklist to the selected ten (10) PNP Personnel assigned in the
Municipality of Naujan Province of Oriental Mindoro The copies of the survey questionnaire will be
The researchers first asked the approval of their thesis adviser for the preparation of letters and
their research instrument .Then ask permission from the Chief of Police in the City of Calapan and to the
DSWD Head to allow them to float the questionnaire, conduct interviews from among the target
respondents, and actual observation in the research locale of the study. After the questionnaire checklist
was collected by the researchers for the tabulation of the responses. The results of the study will be
statistical tools. The following are the statistical tools that will be use in this study together with their
corresponding formula:
1. The profile of the respondents was determined using frequency distribution, percentage,
Frequency Distribution. It is a statistical procedure that involves listing all possible measures of variable and
tallied each datum on the listing. This is done by categorizing and tabulating the frequency of each
Percentage. Utilized by the researchers to get the proportion of part of the whole.
% = ------- x 100
% = Percent of frequency
f = Frequency
N = Number of respondents
Ranking was used to determine the order of decreasing or increasing magnitude of variables. The
longest frequency is ranked 1; the second is ranked 2; and so down to the last number.
X =
X = Mean
f = Frequency
x = Mid-Value
A. Weighted Mean
X w=
x = The variable
n = Number of respondents
To statistically treat the hypothesis of this study, an inferential statistics as an Pearson’s Product
Moment Coefficient of Correlation or Pearson’s r was used to determine the degree of relationship between
n ∑ xy −(∑ x )(∑ y)
√ ¿¿
r= Pearson’s r
n = no. of case