Parasympathetic Ganglia
Parasympathetic Ganglia
Parasympathetic Ganglia
The ciliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular, and otic ganglia lie in the head and they are
Heshmat SW Haroun
parasympathetic in function. Each has sensory, sympathetic and parasympathetic roots. Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Cairo University,
However, the otic ganglion has an additional motor root. Branches of the ciliary ganglion Egypt
are named the short ciliary nerves while those of the pterygopalatine ganglion are termed
the orbital, pharyngeal, palatine and nasopalatine nerves. On the other hand, branches of the Correspondence: Heshmat SW Haroun, Department of
submandibular and otic ganglia are unnamed. The pterygopalatine ganglion is sometimes Anatomy and Embryology, Cairo University, Egypt,
clinically referred to as the “ganglion of hay fever”. Email
Keywords: parasympathetic ganglia, ciliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular, otic Received: May 07, 2016 | Published: June 07, 2016
Introduction and cornea (corneal reflex) while the sympathetic fibers supply the
ocular blood vessels. It is worthy to note that sympathetic fibers going
The four parasympathetic ganglia of the head are related to three to the dilator pupillae muscle are found to come directly through the
out of the four cranial nerves that have parasympathetic activities: long ciliary branches of the nasocciliary nerve.
the oculomotor (III), the facial (VII) and the glossopharyngeal (IX)
nerves. These ganglia include the ciliary, the pterygopalatine, the The pterygopalatine ganglion
submandibular, and the otic ganglia. There is a general plan for the
The pterygopalatine ganglion lies in the pterygopalatine fossa.
configuration of these ganglia. Each ganglion is suspended from a
Two sensory roots suspend it from the maxillary nerve that is the
branch of the trigeminal (V) nerve. Each has three roots: sensory,
second division of the trigeminal ganglion. The sympathetic root is
sympathetic and parasympathetic; the otic ganglion, in addition,
the “deep petrosal nerve” that arises from the internal carotid artery
has a fourth motor root. The cell bodies of the sensory root lie in the
plexus inside the carotid canal, emerges at the apex of the petrous
trigeminal (Gasserian) ganglion, those of the sympathetic root lie in
temporal bone, and crosses on the foramen lacerum where it meets
the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion, and the cell bodies of the
the parasympathetic root. The parasympathetic root arises, in the
parasympathetic root lie in one of three parasympathetic nuclei in the
pons, from the superior salivary nucleus of the facial (VII) nerve. It
brainstem. The parasympathetic root relays within the ganglion; so it
is enclosed within the nervous intermedius part of the facial nerve,
is formed of preganglionic fibers whereas the sympathetic root does
to reach the geniculate ganglion of this nerve that gives rise to the
not relay, as its fibers are postganglionic. Furthermore, the sensory
“greater superficial petrosal nerve”. The latter emerges from the
root runs through the ganglion, without a relay, in a direction opposite
petrous temporal bone through the hiatus and groove for greater
to that of each of the parasympathetic and sympathetic roots. The
superficial petrosal nerve to meet the deep petrosal nerve on foramen
sympathetic root is derived from a plexus around either of the external
lacerum. The two roots (greater and deep petrosal) unite to form
or internal carotid arteries. After receiving roots, each parasympathetic
the Vidian nerve “nerve to pterygoid canal” that passes through the
ganglion gives branches that contain the three types of the received
pterygoid canal to enter the pterygopalatine fossa and to join the
fibers: sensory, sympathetic and parasympathetic.
ganglion from behind.
The ciliary ganglion The branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion include the orbital
The ciliary ganglion lies close to the medial wall of the orbit. It branches that pass forwards through the inferior orbital fissure, the
is suspended, by a sensory root, from the nasocciliary nerve that is pharyngeal branch that passes backwards through the pharyngeal
a branch of the ophthalmic nerve (the 1st division of the trigeminal (palatinovaginal) canal, the greater and lesser palatine nerves that
ganglion). The ciliary ganglion receives its sympathetic root from the descend through their canals, and the short and long nasopalatine
plexus around the ophthalmic artery, which in turn is derived from the nerves that pass medially through the sphenopalatine foramen.
internal carotid artery plexus. The parasympathetic root for the ciliary Eventually, these branches supply the orbital periosteum, the lacrimal
ganglion arises, in the midbrain, from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus gland, the roof of nasopharynx, the hard and soft palates, and the nose.
of the oculomotor (III) nerve, passes through this nerve to its inferior In hay fever, irritation of this ganglion leads to running nose and eyes.
division then to the nerve to the inferior oblique muscle of the eye that
The submandibular ganglion
gives the parasympathetic root.
The submandibular ganglion lies, in the submandibular region, on
The branches of the ciliary ganglion, named the “short
the hyoglossus muscle with the deep part and duct of the submandibular
ciliary nerves”, pierce the eyeball around the optic nerve. Their
salivary gland as well as the hypoglossal nerve situated below it; all
parasympathetic component fibers supply two intraocular muscles:
deep to mylohyoid muscle. Sensory roots from the lingual nerve
the constrictor (sphincter) pupillae and ciliary muscles. The sensory
suspend the ganglion. The lingual nerve is a branch of the posterior
fibers in the short ciliary nerves carry sensations from the conjunctiva
division of the mandibular nerve that is the third and largest division of gives rise to the parasympathetic fibers of the glossopharyngeal (IX)
the trigeminal ganglion. The sympathetic root for this ganglion comes nerve that gives its tympanic branch (Jacobson’s nerve) that shares in
from the facial artery plexus that is derived from the external carotid the formation of the tympanic plexus, which gives rise to the lesser
artery plexus. The parasympathetic root for the ganglion arises from superficial petrosal nerve. The latter nerve emerges from the hiatus
the superior salivary nucleus of facial (VII) nerve in the pons, runs and groove for the lesser superficial petrosal nerve (in the petrous
through the “chorda tympani” branch of facial nerve that escapes from temporal bone), descends through foramen ovule of the skull to join
the tympanic cavity through the petrotympanic fissure into the infra the otic ganglion as its parasympathetic root. The otic ganglion has an
temporal fossa, to join the lingual nerve deep to the lateral pterygoid additional motor root that arises from the nerve to the medial pterygoid
muscle. Unnamed branches originating from the submandibular muscle, passes through the ganglion without relay, and then emerges to
ganglion either go directly to supply the submandibular salivary gland supply tensor palati and tensor tympani muscles. Unnamed branches
or rejoin the lingual nerve to supply the sublingual salivary gland and of the otic ganglion join the two roots of the auriculotemporal nerve
to carry taste sensation from the anterior two-thirds of the mucous to supply the parotid gland. The remaining cranial nerve that has
membrane of the tongue. parasympathetic function is the vagus (X) nerve. It is related to none
of the above-mentioned four parasympathetic ganglia of the head. Its
The otic ganglion ganglia are terminal close to or within the walls of the respiratory
The otic ganglion hangs from the medial (deep) aspect of the main organs, the heart, and the proximal part of the digestive tract.
trunk of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve, and both
structures lie deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle in the infratemporal Acknowledgements
fossa. The sympathetic root for this ganglion comes from the plexus None.
around the middle meningeal artery that is a branch of the first part of
the maxillary artery. This plexus originates from the external carotid Conflict of interest
artery plexus. The inferior salivary nucleus in the medulla oblongata
Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.
Citation: Haroun HSW. Configuration of the four parasympathetic ganglia of the head. MOJ Anat Physiol. 2016;2(5):135‒136.
DOI: 10.15406/mojap.2016.02.00059