This document contains 25 multiple choice questions related to topics in public finance. The questions cover topics such as the scope of public finance, types of public authorities, distinguishing features of public vs private finance, principles of taxation like maximum social advantage, characteristics of taxes, objectives of taxes, canons of taxation, the Indian tax system, who bears the burden of direct and indirect taxes, sources of government revenue in India, examples of different types of goods like public goods, and economists who contributed principles and recommendations related to public finance and taxation.
This document contains 25 multiple choice questions related to topics in public finance. The questions cover topics such as the scope of public finance, types of public authorities, distinguishing features of public vs private finance, principles of taxation like maximum social advantage, characteristics of taxes, objectives of taxes, canons of taxation, the Indian tax system, who bears the burden of direct and indirect taxes, sources of government revenue in India, examples of different types of goods like public goods, and economists who contributed principles and recommendations related to public finance and taxation.
This document contains 25 multiple choice questions related to topics in public finance. The questions cover topics such as the scope of public finance, types of public authorities, distinguishing features of public vs private finance, principles of taxation like maximum social advantage, characteristics of taxes, objectives of taxes, canons of taxation, the Indian tax system, who bears the burden of direct and indirect taxes, sources of government revenue in India, examples of different types of goods like public goods, and economists who contributed principles and recommendations related to public finance and taxation.
This document contains 25 multiple choice questions related to topics in public finance. The questions cover topics such as the scope of public finance, types of public authorities, distinguishing features of public vs private finance, principles of taxation like maximum social advantage, characteristics of taxes, objectives of taxes, canons of taxation, the Indian tax system, who bears the burden of direct and indirect taxes, sources of government revenue in India, examples of different types of goods like public goods, and economists who contributed principles and recommendations related to public finance and taxation.
(a) Public revenue (b) Public debt (c) Public expenditure (d) All of these
2. Public Authorities Include:
(a) Central Government (b) State Government (c) Local Government (d) All of these 3. Which is the main point on the basis of which public finance can be separated from private finance: (a) Price policy (b) Borrowings (c) Secrecy (d) Elasticity in income 4. The principle of Maximum Social Advantage have been suggested by (a) Pigou (b) Dalton (c) Musgrave (d) Adam Smith 5. In the following which is the characterstic of a tax (a) Compulsory (b) optional (c) forced (d) nationality 6. Which is the main objective of a tax: (a) Increase in consumption (b) increase in production (c) Raising public revenue (d) reduction in capital formation 7. Among the following canons of taxation which one has been given by Adam Smith: (a) Canon of Uniformity (b) Canon of productivity (c) canon of diversity (d) canon of equity 8. The Indian tax system is: (a) Proportional (b) Progressive (c) Regressive (d) Degressive 9. The burden of direct taxes is borne by : (a) Rich person (b) poor person (c) on whom it is levied (d) none of these 10. Indirect taxes have an element of : (a) Equitable (b) certainity (c) economical (d) encourage honesty 11. Direct taxes have the element of : (a) Evasion (b) convenient (c) progressive (d) economy 12. In proportional tax system, the rates of tax remain: (a) Constant (B) increasing (c) decreasing (d) zero 13. Expenditure Tax for India was recommended by: (a) Kaldor (b) Colin Clarke (c) Adam Smith (d) Adolph Wagnor 14. Corporate Income tax is the tax levied on: (a) Corporations (b) Municipalities (c) Co –operative societies (d) Companies 15. Which of the following is the major source of revenue in India: (a) Direct tax (b) Capital Levy (c) Grants in aid (d) Indirect tax 16. Which of the following is not a Commodity Tax: (a) Excise duty (b) Customs Duty (c) Coporation Tax (d) Octroi 17. A duty levied on goods when they entering a town (a) Income tax (b) Octroi (c) Agricultural tax (d) Professional tax 18. Special Assessment means: (a) A tax on special benefits (b) General tax on all people (c) A periodical tax (d) Gift tax 19. Non-exclusion principle is related to: (a) Private goods (b) Public goods (c) Merit goods (d) Mixed goods 20. Education is an example of: (a) Public good (b) Merit good (c) Social good (d) Club good 21. Public Goods are: (a) Excludable (b) Non – excludable (c) Marketable (d) All of these 22. Who is the father of Public Finance: (a) Dalton (b) Pigou (c) Smith (d) Musgrave 23. Incidence of tax means: (a) Direct money burden (b) indirect money burden (c) actual tax burden (d) none of these 24. Which is the tax shifting (a) To bear the tax burden himself (b) to shift the tax burden on others 9c) to bear some part of the tax himself and shift the rest on others (d) none of these 25. The equity principle of taxation was propounded by: A) Adam Smith B) Dalton C) J. Say D) Marshall