MV CT Selection
MV CT Selection
MV CT Selection
Technical description
Characterized by the rated voltage:
b of the insulation, which is that of the installation (e.g.: 24 kV)
b of the power frequency withstand 1 min (e.g.: 50 kV)
b of the impulse withstand (e.g.: 125 kV).
Rated frequency
50 or 60 Hz.
Rated primary current (Ipn)
Rms value of the maximum continuous primary current. Usual values are 25, 50, 75,
Magnetic core Magnetic core 100, 200, 400, 600 A.
Wound type primary current Closed core type current Rated secondary current (Isn)
transformer transformer This is equal to 1 A or 5 A.
Rated transformation ratio
Kn = I rated primary / I rated secondary (e.g.: 100 A / 5 A)
Short-time thermal current Ith - 1 second
This characterizes the thermal withstand under short circuit conditions for 1 second.
It is expressed in kA or in a multiple of the rated primary current (e.g.: 80 x Ipn)
for 1 second.
The value for a duration that is different to 1 second is given by:
I’th = Ith/2
For example 16 kA - 1 s is equivalent for 2 s to I’th = 16 x 2 = 22.6 kA.
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CTs: Current Transformers Selection guide
Technical description
Characteristics (cont.)
Short-time thermal current peak value
This value is standardized from Ith - 1 s at:
b IEC: 2.5 Ith at 50 Hz and 2.6 Ith at 60 Hz
b ANSI: 2.7 Ith 60 Hz.
Accuracy load
The value of the load on which is based the metered current accuracy conditions.
Accuracy power Pn
Apparent power (VA) that the CT can supply on the secondary for the rated
secondary current for which the accuracy is guaranteed (accuracy load).
Usual values 5 - 7.5 - 10 - 15 VA (IEC).
Accuracy class
Defines the limits of error guaranteed on the transformation ratio and on the phase
shift under the specified conditions of power and current. Classes 0.5 and 1 are used
for metering class P for protection.
Current error ε (%)
Error that the transformer introduces in the measurement of a current when the
transformation ratio is different from the rated value.
Phase shift or phase error ψ (minute)
Difference in phase between the primary and secondary currents, in angle minutes.
Table of current transformer characteristics
Characteristics Rated values
Rated voltage (kV) 7.2 12 17.5 24 36
Insulation level:
b power frequency withstand (kV) 1 min 20 28 38 50 70
b lightning impulse withstand (kV - peak) 60 75 95 125 170
Frequency (Hz) 50 - 60
Primary current Ipn (A) 25 - 50 - 75 - 100 - 200 - 400 - 600...
Short-time thermal current Ith (1 s) 12.5 - 16 - 20 - 25 - 31.5 - 40 - 50 kA
40 - 80 - 100 - 200 - 300 x In
Secondary current Isn (A) 1-5
Accuracy power Pn (VA) 2.5 - 5 - 7.5 - 10 - 15
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CTs: Current Transformers Selection guide
Technical description
Protection CT: 100/5 A, 7.5 VA, 5P20.
b rated primary current 100 A
b rated secondary current 5 A
b rated transformation ratio 100/5 A
b accuracy power 7.5 VA
b accuracy class 5P.
Under a load corresponding to the accuracy power of 7.5 VA, the error limit table
gives an error y ± 1% and ± 60 min at Ipn (100 A).
b accuracy limit factor 20.
At a load corresponding to the accuracy power, the error y ± 5%.
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CTs: Current Transformers Selection guide
Using the order forms
The tables on the following pages allow you to define the current transformer
reference that corresponds to the necessary and required characteristics,
and to place your order.
The selection factors enabling you to find the reference you require are explained
in the example given below for a DIN type metering CT, in reference to the previous
Insulation level and frequency Transformation Short-time Power, accuracy class, Type Reference Quantity
ratio thermal current safety factor FS
A/A kA x 1 s
Ur 12 kV 50 / 5 12.5 15 VA cl. 0.5 Fs < 10 AD12 03811366N0
Ud 28 kV - 1 min 16 AD12 03811368N0
Up 75 kV peak
75 / 5 25 AD12 03811371N0
31.5 AD12 03811373N0
fr 50/60 Hz 100 / 5 25 AD12 03811376N0
31.5 AD12 03811378N0
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CTs: Current Transformers Order form
DIN standard 12 kV CT -
single and double secondary
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