Addis Ababa University: Annex I: Questionnaire

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Addis Ababa University

Masters of Art in Marketing Management

Dear Sir/Madam

First and foremost, I would like to thank you in advance for giving me your opinions and
suggestions regarding the survey questionnaire. The main objective of designing this question is
to get primary data that are necessary to conduct on “investigating factors affecting consumers
intention to use E-commerce: A case study of tele birr”. Therefore, your genuine response
helps me to carry out this study.

For additional information and comment do not hesitate to contact me, name xxxxxx via the
following address. Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely,


Telephone: +251921018940
SECTION A: General Information of the Respondent

Please tick (√) the appropriate box to indicate your answer.

1) Gender Male


2) Age

< 21

22 – 35

36 – 54

> 54

3) Marital Status



Divorced/ Widowed

> 54

4)Educational Background:

Below Certificate


BA/BSC Degree

MA/MSC or Above

5) How long have you used Tele Birr?

Do not use

Below 6 months
6 month to 1 year

Above 1 year

6) What is your occupation/ Job?



Employed in public offices/Pivate offices

Self employed/Service provider/Seller

SECTION B: Internal and External

Please tick (√) on the appropriate column to indicate your reactions to the following statements.
1= Strongly disagree (SD) 4= Agree (A)

2= Disagree (D) 5= Strongly agree (SA)

3= Neutral (N)

NO Statement SD D N A SA
(3) (4)
(1) (2) (5)

1. Perceived ease risk
1.1 There is good telecom infrastructure and I can
trace my financial activities immediately and
prevent un intended out flows
1.2 In using E-commerce such as Tele Birr there is
guarantee in financial loss
1.3 I believe E-commerce platforms such as
Tele Birr are trust worthy
1.4 Applications and websites of E-commerce
platforms such as Tele Birr are frequently
updated therefore there is no risk from non
updated information to the users
1.5 There is no risk of it to be used by a third party
without my intention
2. Perceived ease and accessibility
2.1 Tele Birr is easy to use and I understand all
the features
2.2 I can easily download the application and
get registered to Tele Birr
2.3 I can easily communicate and resolve any
issues regarding Tele Birr with the service
2.4 There is good network and I can easily
access my Tele Birr account whenever I
2.5 I find Tele Birr applications to be easily
3. Perceived Usefulness
3.1 I believe I can save my time and energy by
using Tele Birr
3.2 I believe most service providers use Tele
Birr and hence I can get e-commerce
services using Tele Birr
3.3 I believe I can save my money by using
Tele Birr
3.4 Most commercial activities can be done
using Tele Birr
3.5 I believe I can get better services by using e
commerce such as Tele Birr
4. Ability and personality of users
4.1 I have the ability to use all E-commerce
platforms for any commercial activities
4.2 I am familiar with all features of e-
commerce including Tele Birr
4.3 I am always ready to try new and important
technological advancements and take risks
4.4 The social norms and my surrounding
highly motivates the use of e-commerce
4.5 I give priority to the efficiency of my
activities and concentrate on efficient use of
my time, money and energy. Tele Birr
Consumers’ intention to use Tele Birr
5.1 Given the chance, I always intend to use e-
commerce platforms such as Tele Birr
5.2 I am most likely to use Tele Birr to buy and sell
products in the future
5.3 I believe the benefits obtained from using e-
commerce are more valuable than the risks and
5.4 I recommend others to use e-commerce
5.5 I believe most people have the intention to use
e-commerce given the opportunity

What do you think are the major challenges to use Tele Birr in your daily commercial
What should be done to improve the level of consumers’ satisfaction and their intention to use
Tele Birr?

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