Celebrities Are Role Models
Celebrities Are Role Models
Celebrities Are Role Models
Question: Celebrities are role models and should act accordingly. Do you agree?
1. ‘Celebrities’ – people who have strong influence over large groups of followers/individuals
who have strong presence in the media industries
(Could give some examples of famous celebrities – Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley and more
popular ones are Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, etc)
Might also have to take into consideration the new definitions of ‘celebrities’ we have in
mind today: given the rise of social media platforms, those who have huge followings on
these sites are also considered ‘celebrities’ in their own rights
The definition of celebrities therefore will evolve and change based on the current socio-
cultural trends that characterise each era
2. ‘role models’ – are the people who set a certain standard of social behaviour or moral
conduct for the rest to follow, often looked up to by the people who respect them greatly
Often, role models exhibit (or at least, are expected to showcase) exemplary behaviours
because they are a strong source of influence for others
Also need to note that ‘role models’ are subjective – in other words, individuals have a
right to choose who they want to look up to, even if the actions of these individuals are
not desirable/socially acceptable
3. ‘act accordingly’ – to what is expected of a role model! Even though, as mentioned, the idea
of a role model can be subjectively defined, how they should act is often understood to be
in a way that is: socially responsible, appropriate, sensitive to others’, not offensive/vulgar,
Step 2: Considering some further questions…
• For this question, no conditions are needed to be stated, given that it is not an absolute
question. We then consider a few questions to help facilitate our brainstorming process.
Q1) Why do you think celebrities are considered role models in the first place?
• Given that celebrities often have an immense among of fans, their scope of influence on the
groups of individuals who worship and admire them is significant
• Many times, these celebrities are being idolized intensely by their loyal fans – not only do
they swoon over their good looks, many see them as symbols of empowerment and
• It is common for fans to want to emulate the behavioural standards of their idols, seeing
them as a standard to strive towards to, not just in superficial terms, but they also
internalize these celebrities’ values and ideals. Of course, it is arguable whether or not
these fans are merely attending to an idealised vision of their idols
• The desire to emulate their role models is obvious from the number of social trends – from
fashion to slogans – that were influenced by celebrities. ‘Swag’ came from Justin Bieber, and
how Marilyn Monroe became a fashion icon even till today
• Therefore, given the immense amount of influence that these celebrities yield, it is
expected that they take on the status of being a role model to their fans – and to set an
appropriate conduct for them to follow after
Q2) Do you think celebrities today have a stronger influence over their following today than in
the past?
• Arguably yes- which is also what makes this issue of considerable significance and
• The digital advancements that has unlocked many multiple convenient ways to follow
celebrities’ every moment is made possible with the social media platforms – Twitter,
Instagram, Youtube.
• These are sites that celebrities themselves use very actively, which in turns help increase
their connectivity with and influence over their fans. Fans get sneak peeks into the lives of
these celebrities via their regular tweets or Instagram posts – something that is rarely done
in the past, when celebrities’ private lives are shrouded in secrecy and up for public
• The increase in intimacy between the celebrity and fans strengthens the bonds between
them, and also makes it more possible for them to emulate their idols when they are able to
observe more closely how they live
• Not to mention, these social media platforms themselves have led to the rise of new
celebrities – albeit unconventional ones, who have found fame and success from
successfully garnering a huge following on these sites
• Therefore, with the new forms of digital connection and cultural milieu that characterises
our contemporary times, the relationship between celebrities and their fan base have
been likewise transformed
Celebrities are role models and should act Celebrities might have a strong influence but does not
accordingly (i.e. you agree) necessarily need to live up to expectations (i.e. you
Celebrities are role models and should act Celebrities are not obliged to take on the identity of
according because they are inevitably in the being role models because as individuals, they
limelight most of the time. deserve the right to the freedom of choice.
Paparazzi are quick to snap pictures of In actual fact, it isn’t part of a celebrity’s job
celebrities in public, and detailing their scope to make sure they are suitable role
behaviours in tabloid magazines to gain models for people to look up to
Celebrities themselves have never explicitly
The celebrity culture today has agreed to become role models for their loyal
intensified, and fans are jumping on fan base, or for the public
every opportunity they have to grab a
new piece of juicy information on their Whether or not they are aware of their
idols influence, and whether or not they see it as an
individual responsibility to use it constructively
Constantly being showered with and positively is ultimately still their choice
attention from the public translates to
an added responsibility to behave It stems from our personal expectations we
appropriately, given the intense amount exert upon them to act in an exemplary
of scrutiny they would receive from the manner
Celebrities are famous for their personalities,
Their loyal supporters will also be their creations, their talents and abilities but
expectant of them to behave desirably very little for their moral conducts/upright
in real life and would be disappointed to behaviours
see their idols acting in insensitive or
offensive manner The pressure to become a role model is only
tied to the fact that they receive very high
media coverage, and are often placed under
the harsh, scrutiny of the public eye
Being placed in the limelight means that
every minute detail of one’s behaviour Just because they are inevitably placed in the
will be amplified significantly limelight does not mean that they should be
deprived of the freedom to make decisions on
While it may be unfair for celebrities to their own
have to put through such demanding
standards, Celebrities should remain as people who are
celebrated for their achievements and
This is often a price they have to pay for creations, instead of being forced to become
their fame and success an ideal for people to model after
Celebrities are role models and should act There are many celebrities who are often
accordingly because these high-profile berated for their destructive or inappropriate
individuals often term themselves as behaviours but still continue to garner the
‘influencers’. support of millions worldwide for their
creative endeavours
This self-applied label is an explicit
acknowledgement of their own Celebrities should not be pressured to constantly
capacities to influence others behave like role models because like everyone else,
they are human beings prone to mistakes
This means they should take up the imperfection.
responsibility of using their influence
over their followers in an appropriate Sometimes fans and the public get too caught
manner. up in the idealisation of these mega stars and
envisioning them as saints and perfect beings
Having such an immense scope of that we forget these people are fallible
influence over large groups of people humans
demands for an equally intense
responsibility and ownership over such Fallible: Capable of making mistakes and being in the
ability to use one’s power constructively wrong
Many people expect ‘influencers’ to be Everyone has a negative side to them that
responsible with their actions as well, they are unwilling to reveal and celebrities are
precisely because of how they choose not an exception
to label themselves
It is easy to forget how similar celebrities are
This is why many people often express compared to many of us, because in numerous
disappointment in celebrities who do not ways, they live vastly different lifestyles than
manage to live up to their personal the average person
expectations despite being so eager to Because we are so used to placing them on a
label themselves as ‘influencers’ pedestal to worship, it becomes a bitter pill to
swallow when the perfect vision of our idols
The term ‘influencers’ is loaded with are shattered by a shocking revelation of their
meaning – especially entailing that of dirty secrets in public
responsibility to be a positive source of
influence on others It is hard for most of us to accept that
someone we admire through huge cinema
screens could be in the wrong
Often, celebrities do have young and
impressionable supporters constituting a It should come as natural that there will be
significant part of their fan base occasions when they flounder and slip, and
commit an act that is transgressive and
morally incorrect
If they begin to pick up socially
undesirable and negative habits from It is therefore unfair to merit them with an
their celebrities (such as the use of vulgar disproportionate amount of blame when
language unnecessary, stealing, being they commit a mistake that the average
insensitive to others in public, etc.) human is likely to make as well
Some younger fans may be less able to Everyone has a negative side to them that
judge on their own, what are beneficial they are unwilling to reveal and celebrities are
habits to emulate, and what are harmful not an exception
ones they should follow through
Once we are able to understand this truth, it
Therefore, there is a need for these will become much easier for us to accept the
celebrities to ‘act accordingly’ in a way celebrities for who they are
that contributes to a positive and
constructive use of their influence to
yield positive/desirable outcomes. Celebrities do not have to act accordingly as role
models because the definition of what a role model
Celebrities are role models and should act mean is subjective
accordingly because of their prominent
presence in the media and overall society. Often, these celebrities are admired and
heralded by their fans as symbols of
The celebrity culture constitutes a huge inspiration and empowerment not because of
part of our daily entertainment, as well their upright character of perfect moral
as our socio-cultural trends conduct
These celebrities are often key figures Many of these fans find celebrities relatable
in promoting particular behavioural precisely because these mega stars show their
trends or social conduct that we vulnerable and human side by being open
emulate and follow after with their failures and mistakes
These trends extend beyond fashion- To see a celebrity also capable of being at fault
related ones, and could also involve is what humanises and personalises them to
meaningful socio-political movements their fans
or advocacies
As a result, they become even more connected
Their presence in society is being to and idolized by their admiring supporters
amplified especially with the use of
social media and related technologies –
with their regular updates making them
almost omnipresent in the lives of their Being a role model is less about not making
fans through virtual platforms mistakes, but more of being able to own up to
one’s flaws and showing consistent and
With such a strong presence comes significant efforts to overcome these individual
naturally with the idea of power and imperfections
What we should then emphasize on is that
We should not underestimate the celebrities become role models by being
power of media in shaping cultural courageous in owning up, rather than actively
values and social thought, and covering up their mistakes to retain and
celebrities are key figures in the process preserve their reputation
of moulding the overall societal trends
due to their massive influence
In this case, some insights into the conclusion here can include:
1. Noting once again, the significance of celebrity culture and media content in shaping
social trends, cultural values and behaviour
3. Overall, despite their protests and disagreements, there is a kind of inevitability when it
comes to being viewed as a role model by others
4. While celebrities need not strive to preserve a perfect reputation, they should at least put
in effort in owning up when necessary
Question: Celebrities are role models and should act accordingly. Do you agree?
Segment Elaboration
Lead in Celebrities have often been placed on a pedestal for admiration and idolatry
by their loyal fans. Celebrity culture has existed long before the current
(Significance of century, though it may have become more prominent today. The rise of digital
topic, setting technologies like the Internet and the proliferation of social media sites have
context, giving made it much easier to connect with our pop idols from their tweets and
background details) Instagram pictures.
Stemming from our deep admiration for these people that we look up to, it is
common for us to want to shape our thoughts and align our behaviours to
these celebrities. Apparently, modelling our behaviour after these huge pop
stars becomes easily facilitated the generous sneak peeks of their lives that
they feed to us on their social media accounts.
Listing down Celebrities are role models and should act accordingly even if they disagree
argument points with this status. The newer generation of celebrities today call themselves
‘influencers’ and this self-applied term translates to recognizing one’s ability to
influence their fans’ behaviours.
Balance Point However, it could be too harsh for us to exercise such demanding expectations
on their conduct. Celebrities are after all, human beings who are prone to
failures and mistakes that we all make as well.
Stand I agree that celebrities are role models and that they should act accordingly.
TS Celebrities are role models and should act accordingly because they personally
Make sure acknowledge their ability to influence the actions and thoughts of their fans.
it directly answers
the question
Explanation Especially for the younger generations of celebrities that have spawned on
social media platforms like Instagram and Youtube, they label themselves as
Check for logical ‘influencers’ – a distinctly 21st century term that has popularised in its usage
gaps amongst the youths.
The term itself carries the word ‘influence’ – and given that so many of these
Expressions to be younger celebrities today are explicitly attaching and accepting this term as
clear and direct part of defining their character, they cannot deny the responsibilities that such
an influence entails.
Grammar errors
Note: For the next section, see how I qualified that their fan base could likely be
made up of young and impressionable teenagers.
While it can be noted that not all celebrities have agreed to accept these
labels, a considerable number of them do. Even if celebrities have not explicitly
conferred this title on themselves, they should also be astute enough to
understand their scope of influence on their loyal fans.
Example Individuals who have successfully created a huge following on Youtube have
gained a somewhat celebrity-like status, without being starred as the lead for
Relevance any box-office mega-movie films. However, some of these ‘Youtubers’ have
been flamed for being insensitive and crude in their behaviour, especially in
the videos that they upload online.
For instance, one of the biggest Youtube star Logan Paul was caught in a flurry
of angry lash-back against one of his daily ‘vlogs’ (video blog), whereby he
entered the Suicide Forest in Japan, and inappropriately made light of a
solemn situation by poking fun at a dead body hanging from a tree. Although
severe disrespect he portrayed has garnered furious comments, this fan base
however, did not seem to find it problematic. Before it was taken down, the
video received millions of views and hundreds and thousands of likes.
Such behaviour on his part can mislead his young fan base on the gravity of the
topic at hand – suicide and death. His irresponsible actions would have
conveyed very inappropriate messages to his audience, who might exhibit the
same insensitivity towards the same serious issues.
Final Link Therefore, given that influencers themselves are aware of their power to
influence means that they cannot shirk the responsibility of acting accordingly
Succinct and clear as role models.