10 September Tell Me
10 September Tell Me
10 September Tell Me
in A flat Major
Michal Towber
I have a dream. ev ery night it's the same.
What does it mean? Tell me! Un re solved trau ma from my child hood
it seems. Take a deep dive in to my sub con
Take a look at your self in the mir
scious. If you sur vive you'll be my best friend.
ror. Hon est ly do you love who you see?
We will live ha ppi ly ev er af ter. I will re flect your
Should n't cast stones in side of glass hou ses. You should n't point your
face in my hands.
fin ger at me. Ev ery day is blue.
What am I to do? Ev ery day is grey.
I like it that way. I have a dream.
Ev ery night it's the same. What does it mean? Tell me!