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Purpose – Waverider has high lift to drag ratio and will be an idea aerodynamic configuration for hypersonic vehicles. But a structure permitting
aerodynamic like waverider is still difficult to generate under airframe’s geometric constrains using traditional waverider design methods. And
furthermore, traditional waverider’s aerodynamic compression ability cannot be easily adjusted to satisfy the inlet entrance requirements for
hypersonic air-breathing vehicles. The purpose of this paper is to present a new method named osculating general curved cone (OCC) method aimed
to improve the shortcomings of traditional waveriders.
Design/methodology/approach – A basic curved cone is, first, designed by the method of characteristics. Then the waverider’s inlet captured
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curve and front captured tube are defined in the waverider’s exit plane. Osculating planes are generated along the inlet captured curve and the
designed curved cone is transformed to the osculating planes. Streamlines are traced in the transformed curved cone flow field. Combining all
streamlines which have been obtained, OCC waverider’s compression surface is generated. Waverider’s upper surface uses the free stream surface.
Findings – It is found that OCC waverider has good volumetric characteristics and good flow compression abilities compared with the traditional
osculating cone (OC) waverider. The volume of OCC waverider is 25 per cent larger than OC waverider at the same design condition. Furthermore,
OCC waverider can compress incoming flow to required flow conditions with high total pressure recovery in the waverider’s exit plane. The flow
uniformity in the waverider exit plane is quite well.
Practical implications – The analyzed results show that the OCC waverider can be a practical high performance airframe/forebody for hypersonic
vehicles. Furthermore, this novel waverider design method can be used to design a structure permitting aerodynamic like waverider for a practical
hypersonic vehicle.
Originality/value – The paper puts forward a novel waverider design method which can improve the waverider’s volumetric characteristics and
compression abilities compared with the traditional waverider design methods. This novel design approach can extend the waverider’s applications
for designing hypersonic vehicles.
Keywords General curved cone, Method of characteristics, Osculating method, Streamline tracing, Waverider
Paper type Research paper
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on This work sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China
Emerald Insight at: No. 51376192, 91216303.
Design and analysis osculating general curved cone waverider Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Xuzhao He, Jialing Le and Si Qin Volume 89 · Number 6 · 2017 · 797–803
(1987) and Corda and Anderson (1988) studied waverider inlet requirements of the future hypersonic air-breathing
configuration’s optimization problems considering the viscous vehicles. The purpose to use “general curved cone” is to refer
effect. Lewis (1991) used the waverider as vehicle’s forebody to a kind of cone with arbitrary curved surface, but it has a
to design the air-breathing hypersonic vehicle. Mazhul (2010) straight leading edge shock. The curved cone surface ensures
studied the waverider’s performances under off-design that the aerodynamic compression ability and volume
conditions. Takashima and Lewis (1992, 1994a, 1994b) characteristics of the OCC waverider can be adjusted to fit
studied and optimized the waverider’s performance under with the requirements of the potential air-breathing
viscous conditions using the viscous Navier–Stokes hypersonic vehicle. The aerodynamic characteristics and flow
computation tools. Takashima et al. (1996) designed the field structures are simulated and analyzed in detail. The
hypersonic dual fuel vehicle using the waverider theoretical designing results are compared with the inviscid
configurations. CFD simulation results. The comparison study between OCC
Previous waverider studies as introduced above are all and OC waveriders is also presented, which shows that OCC
based on the traditional waverider configuration design waverider will be a better aerodynamic configuration for
method. As we know, the waverider concept was proposed hypersonic vehicle than OC waverider.
by Nonweiler (1959) in 1950s first, and the original concept
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gradually evolved four kinds of waverider design methods. General curved cone design
The first kind of waverider design method was introduced
General curved cone is used as the basic flow flied for OCC
by Nonweiler (1963). The streamline tracing technique and
waverider. Curved cone is designed using the method of
two-dimensional inviscid supersonic wedge flow filed were
characteristic (MOC) for axisymmetric flow. Details of the
used to design wedge-based waveriders. The second kind of
MOC have been introduced by Zucrow and Hoffman (1977).
waverider design method is derived from supersonic flow Figure 1 shows the curved cone flow field structure. The
passing outer or inner cones, which have axisymmetric shock curved cone includes three sections. The first section (OP) is
wave and flow field structures, such as Goonko et al.’s (2000) a straight cone which generates a straight initial shock wave
introduction. The third kind of waverider design method is and finishes the initial compression. Taylor–Maccoll
derived from supersonic wedge and cone flow fields or elliptic equations (Zucrow and Hoffman, 1977) were used to solve
cones flow fields, such as Takashima and Lewis (1994a, the flow field variables in this part. The second part is a curve
1994b) and Rasmussen’s (1980) introduction. The final but (section PQ) which is at a tangent with section OP at point P.
most popular waverider design method is introduced by It can be any curve which continuously compresses the
Sobieczky et al. (1990), called osculating cone (OC) method, incoming flow to the required flow conditions and at the same
which uses supersonic outer cone flow field and osculating time, do not disturb the initial straight shock AO. For
method to generate waverider. Later, Sobieczky et al. (1997) instance, PQ’s shape can be defined first and then MOC tools
used curved shockwave and osculating method to design (Zucrow and Hoffman, 1977) are used to solve the flow field
waverider. Rodi (2005) extends the OC method to osculating which is determined by curve PQ and flow variables on AP.
flow field method which uses power law bodies to generate the AP is a characteristic line and its flow variables are obtained by
basic flow field and osculating method to design waverider, Taylor–Maccoll equations. For a special case, PQ can be an
but Rodi (2005) did not analysis the waverider’s flow field and isotropic compression section whose isotropic compression
also the design method was not verified in the paper. waves meet at point A. The methods introduced by Anderson
As shown above, many waverider design methods have been (1969) can be used to design the isotropic compression curve.
put forward presently, but there are still some difficulties for The third section QC is a curve which is at a tangent with
using a waverider in an utility vehicle. The first obstacle is section PQ at point Q. Its shape can be adjusted to fit the
geometric structure constrain. Using present waverider design specific requirements for inlet entrance conditions. Shape of
methods, a structure permitting aerodynamic-like waverider QC can be defined by cubic curve, and for the present case, it
cannot be generated under airframe’s geometric constrains. is a straight line tangent with curve PQ. Flow field determined
The designed waveriders are too bend to satisfy the structure by transition section QC and characteristic line QA is
or volume requirements. For this reason, the practical calculated by MOC.
hypersonic waverider vehicles do not appear up to now. Figure 2 shows the specific designing result of a curved cone
The second obstacle for traditional waveriders is that the flow field, for which incoming free stream Mach number is
waverider’s aerodynamic compression ability cannot satisfy 6.0. The curved cone has a 10 degree initial straight cone, and
the inlet entrance requirements. For a 10 degree wedge or then an isotropic compression curve PQ connects to the
cone under Mach 6 incoming flow, only Mach number 4.7 or straight cone. The Mach number at point A at the end of
5.0 can be obtained when the flow passes through the leading
edge shock compression. The compressed Mach number is
too high to fit the inlet inner compression part’s requirement. Figure 1 General basic curved cone flow field structure
If the wedge or cone angle is increased, then the compressed
Mach number will decrease but the total pressure recovery will
decrease too. This kind of waverider is obviously not suitable
for airframe propulsion integration.
A new design method named osculating general curved
cone (OCC) method is presented in this paper for practical
waverider design which can satisfy the geometric needs and
Design and analysis osculating general curved cone waverider Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Xuzhao He, Jialing Le and Si Qin Volume 89 · Number 6 · 2017 · 797–803
Figure 2 MOC design result of a Mach 6 to Mach 4 curved cone properly adjusting , n and . The parameters of the ICC
curve are defined as ⫽ 2, n ⫽ 2 and ⫽ 0.6 presently.
The FCT line uses a straight line connected to a quintic
curve to generate. Its shape is shown in Figure 3 and the
formulas are shown below:
y ⫽ H x ⱕ L in DC section (2)
Figure 3 Sketch map of ICC and FCT curves in waverider exit plane
Figure 5 Design sketch map in the osculating plane AA’
Design and analysis osculating general curved cone waverider Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Xuzhao He, Jialing Le and Si Qin Volume 89 · Number 6 · 2017 · 797–803
curved cone flow field. This streamline forms the waverider’s Figure 8 pressure contour in exit plane of the designed OCC
lower surface in the osculating plan AA’. waverider
Repeating the previous procedures along ICC point by
point, the entire OCC waverider’s compression surface is
generated. The free stream surface is used as the upper surface
of OCC waverider. Figure 6 shows the three side views of a
designed OCC waverider.
Design and analysis osculating general curved cone waverider Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Xuzhao He, Jialing Le and Si Qin Volume 89 · Number 6 · 2017 · 797–803
contours of the design result are interpolated from the traced OCC and OC waveriders. For comparing OC and OCC
streamlines in the basic curved cone’s flow field. The design waverider, the same ICC and FCT curves are used which have
result is almost identical with the CFD simulation result. been defined in Section 3. A straight cone with 10 degree cone
From Chauffor and Lewis (2004), the azimuthal pressure angle is used as the basic flow field for the OC waverider
gradients along the waverider’s osculating plane are negligible design, which has the same cone angle as the straight part of
at high Mach number. Even in low supersonic speed, the curved cone which has been defined in Section 2. The
osculating method still can generate a general waverider which OCC waverider studied in the present paper is used as the
can isolate the high pressure gas in waverider’s compression counterpart for comparison.
surface. Figure 12 is the back view of the comparison results First, from the geometrical point of view, as shown in
between design and simulation pressure contours (p/p⬁) in Figure 14, the OCC waverider is more plump than OC
OCC waverider’s exit plane and compression surface. The waverider. The OCC waverider has a convex compression
shock wave’s size and structure, the pressure contours’ surface and its structure is realizable. The OC waverider has an
distribution and value are almost identical in design and inner concave surface and its structure is difficult to realize. OCC
simulation condition. waverider looks more like a practical vehicle’s airframe or
Figure 13 is the front view of wall surface streamlines and forebody than OC waverider.
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osculating planes in the waverider’s compression surface. The Figure 15 is the Mach number contour’s comparison
solid lines in this figure indicate the streamlines drawing from between OC and OCC waverider on their compression
the CFD computational result, while the dashed lines are the surfaces and exit planes. From this figure, OC waverider can
theoretical streamlines which overlap with the osculating compress incoming flow from Mach number 6 to Mach
planes. From Figure 11, the pressure distribution on number 5.0 ⬃ 5.1. The compressed Mach number varies from
waverider’s compression surface decreases from center to side 5.0 to 5.1. The OCC waverider compresses the Mach number
edge. So small azimuthal pressure gradients will appear on 6 incoming flow to Mach number 4.0 ⬃ 3.98 at its exit. Its
waverider’s compression surface, and consequently, the compressed Mach number varies from 3.98 to 4.0. Those
streamlines move slightly outward to the side edge. Actually, results show that the OCC waverider has better compression
the flow is not totally axisymmetric in the osculating plane and ability and flow uniformity than OC waverider.
the streamlines will not stay in the osculating plane exactly. Figure 16 is the comparison between the OC and OCC
Instead, the streamlines stray away from the high pressure waverider’s pressure contour (p/p⬁) on their compression
region into the low pressure region; however, the deflection of surface and exit plane. We can see that OC waverider can
the streamlines from the osculating planes is small. All those produce around 2.5 times static pressure rise in its exit plane.
above results have proven that present OCC waverider design But the OCC waverider has around 10 times static pressure
method is theoretically correct. rise at the same place. Obviously, OCC waverider has stronger
flow compression ability than OC wavrider, and it can provide
Comparison between osculating cone and suitable compressed incoming flow for inlet’s inner
osculating general curved cone waverider compression section. OCC waverider will be a suitable
forebody for waverider inlet integration.
Having introduced an innovative waverider design method Figure 17 is the comparison between OC and OCC
above, we want to know what are the differences between waverider’s Mach number contour in their symmetry plane.
Their symmetry plane’s flow field structures give clear
Figure 12 Comparison of exit plane and waverider compression
surface pressure contour (p/p⬁) between the CFD simulation and Figure 14 Three dimensinal view of the OC and OCC waverider
theoretical design results (back view)
Design and analysis osculating general curved cone waverider Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Xuzhao He, Jialing Le and Si Qin Volume 89 · Number 6 · 2017 · 797–803
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