Sadu 2
Sadu 2
Sadu 2
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Systems Development Life Cycle
2.3 Phases of SDLC
2.3.1 Project Identification and Selection
2.3.2 Project Initiation and Planning
2.3.3 Analysis
2.3.4 Logical Design
2.3.5 Physical Design
2.3.6 Implementation
2.3.7 Maintenance
2.4 Products of SDLC Phases
2.5 Approaches to Development
2.5.1 Prototyping
2.5.2 Joint Application Design
2.5.3 Participatory Design
2.6 System Analyst
2.6.1 Role of a System Analyst
2.6.2 Responsibility of a System Analyst
2.6.3 Attributes of a System Analyst.
2.7 Case Study: Noida Library System
2.8 Summary
2.9 Questions for Exercise
2.10 Further Readings
Information Systems Analysis and Design is a complex and stimulating process that is
used to develop and maintain computer based information systems. The analysis and
organizational improvement process. Systems are built and rebuilt (enhanced) for
organizational benefits. Benefits result by adding value during the process of creating,
producing and supporting the organization’s services and products. Thus, Information
and processes of organization and the knowledge about the application of Information
Technology for this purpose. Most organizations find it beneficial to use standard sets
Systems often follows a life cycle called Systems Development Life Cycle. For
example, a product follows a life cycle when it is created, tested and introduced in the
market. Its sale increases and goes to peak point and after that it declines and a new
product or next version of the existing product is introduced in the market to replace
consisting of various phases that mark the progress of system analysis and design
many processes, the development of information system often follows a life cycle.
The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a common methodology for system
development in many organizations, featuring various phases that mark the progress
phases but actually it is not. The specific steps and their sequence are meant to be
adapted as required for a project, consistent with management approach. For example,
in any given SDLC phase, the project can return to an earlier phase, if necessary. If
a commercial product does not perform well just after its introduction, it may be
temporarily removed from the market and improved before being re-introduced. In the
system development life cycle, it is also possible to complete some activities in one
phase in parallel with some other activities of another phase. Sometimes, life cycle is
iterative; that is, phases are repeated as required until a satisfactory and acceptable
cycle to be spiral, in which we constantly cycle through the phases at different levels
of detail. The life cycle can also be thought of a circular process in which the end of
the useful life of one system leads to the beginning of another project that will develop
and planned for each development project? The skills of a system analyst are required
Figure: 1: Phases of System Development Life Cycle
Every custom software producer will have its own specific detailed life cycle or
like cycle, you will discover that many of SDLC steps are performed, SDLC
techniques and tools are used.
The model in the figure 1 resembles a staircase with arrows connecting each step to the step before
and to the step after it. This representation of the system development life cycle
(SDLC) is sometimes referred to as the “waterfall model”. We use this SDLC as one
example of methodology but more as a way to arrange the steps of systems analysis
and design. Each phase has specific outputs and deliverables that feed important
information to other phases. At the end of each phase, system development project
reaches a milestone and, as deliverables are produced, parties outside the project team
3. Analysis
4. Logical Design
5. Physical Design
6. Implementation
7. Testing.
The first phase in the SDLC is called project identification and selection. In this
phase, the user identifies the need for a new or improved system.
• Identification of need
• Prioritization and translation of need into a development schedule
Information requirements of the organization as a whole are examined, and projects to
system requirements may result from requests to deal with problem in current
system’s procedures, from the desire to perform additional tasks, or from the
opportunity. These needs can then be prioritised and translated into a plan for the
affected by user request submitted as the need for new or enhanced systems arises as
well as from a formal information planning process. In either case, during project
under consideration. The outcome of the project identification and selection process is
The second phase is project initiation and planning. The problems that are identified
should be investigated and a decision to implement the information system or not for
the organization should be taken. This phase also involves two main activities which are
A critical step at this point is determining the scope of the proposed system. The project leader
and initial team of system analysts also produce a specific plan for the proposed project, which
the team will follow using the remaining SDLC steps. Now, this baseline project plan customizes
the standardized Development SDLC and specifies the time and resources needed for its
The formal definition of a project is based on the likelihood that the organization’s
information system department is able to develop a system that will solve the problem
or use the opportunity and determine whether the costs of developing the system
outweigh the benefits it could provide. The final presentation with the subsequent
project phases is usually made by the project leader and other team members to
2.3.3 Analysis
Analysis is the next phase. During this phase, the analysis has several sub-phases which can be
• The first is requirements determination. In this sub-phase, analysts work with users to
determine the expectations of users from the proposed system. This sub-phase usually
involves a careful study of current systems, manual or computerized that might be
replaced or enhanced as part of this project.
• Next, the requirements are studied and structured in accordance with their inter-
relationships and eliminate any redundancies.
• Third, alternative initial design is generated to match the requirements. Then, these
alternatives are compared to determine which alternative best meets the requirement
in terms of cost and labour to commit to development process.In this phase, feasibility
study of the proposed system is also performed. Various types of feasibilities are:
1) Technical feasibility
2) Economic feasibility
3) Behavioural feasibility
4) Operational feasibility
5) Legal feasibility
6) Time feasibility.
If the proposed system is not feasible to develop, it is rejected at this very step.
The output of the analysis phase is a description of (but not are detailed design for)
recommendation is accepted by those with funding authority, you can begin to make
plans to acquire any hardware and system software necessary to build or operate the
system proposed.
System Design: After analysis phase is complete, design of the system begins. The
design consists of logical and physical design of the system. The fourth and fifth
Design occurs in two phases, viz., logical design and physical design.
Logical design is not tied to any specific hardware and systems software platform.
software. The idea is to make sure that the system functions as intended. Logical
specifications. For example, you must convert diagrams that map the origin, flow, and
processing of data in a system into a structured systems design that can then be broken
down into smaller and smaller units known as modules for conversion to instruction
written in a programming language. You design various parts of the system to perform
information output. During the physical design, the analyst team decides the
programming language in which the computer instructions will be written in, which
database system and file structure will be used for the data, the platform that will be
used and the network environment under which the system will be run. These
decisions finalize the hardware and software plans initiated at the end of the analysis
phase. Now, proceedings can be made with respect to acquisition of any new
technology not already present in the organization. The final product of the design
programmers and other system builders for construction. The physical system
specifications are turned over to programmers as the first part of the implementation
2.3.6 Implementation
During implementation, you turn system specification into working system that is
tested and put into use. Implementation includes coding, testing and installation.
During coding, programmers write programs that make up the system. During testing,
programmers and analysts tests the individual programs and the entire system in order
to find and correct errors. During installation, the new system becomes a part of the
new hardware and users are introduced to new system and trained. The analysts begin
planning for testing and installation as early as the project initiation and planning
phase, since testing and installation require extensive analysis in order to develop the
right approach.
user’s site.
• Parallel conversion: In this type of conversion, both the old and new systems are
run in parallel for some time. After monitoring the new system for a reasonable
period of time and if it is performing well, then, the new system is implemented
• Phased conversion: In this type of conversion, the system is installed module by Development
Implementation activities also include initial user support such as the finalization of
as long as the system exists since ongoing user support is also part of implementation.
Despite the best efforts of analysts, managers, and programmers, however, installation
2.3.7 Maintenance
sometimes find problems with how it works and often think of better ways to perform
its functions. Also, the organization’s requirements with respect to the system change
with time. During maintenance, programmers make the changes that users ask for and
modify the system to reflect and support changing business conditions. These changes
are necessary to keep the system running and useful. Maintenance is not separate
phase but a repetition of the other lifecycle phases required to study and implement
the needed changes. Thus, maintenance is an overlay to the life cycle rather than a
separate phase. The amount of time and effort devoted to maintenance depends a great
deal on the performance of the previous phase of life cycle. There comes a time,
maintenance cost becomes prohibitive, or when the organization’s needs has changed
substantially. Such problems are an indication that it is the time to begin designing the
system’s replacement, therefore, completing the loop and starting the life cycle over
again. Often, the distinction between the major maintenance and new development is
not clear, which is another reason why maintenance often resembles the lifecycle
Corrective maintenance: In this type, the errors that creep into the system are
Adaptive maintenance: It is done to adapt with the changing external factors. For
example, if the government rules change regarding the Dearness Allowance from 52%
to 58%, then the changes have to be made in the Information System to adapt with the
changing scenario.
Perfective maintenance: This is done to satisfy the users’ requirements to make the
The SDLC is a highly linked set of phases where output of one phase serves as input
to the subsequent phase. Throughout the systems development life cycle, the systems
development project needs to be carefully planned and managed. Therefore, the larger
• Project Identification and Selection: Priorities for systems and project, architecture for data,
networks, hardware and Information System Management are the result of the associated system.
• Project Initiation and Planning: Detailed work plan for project, specification of system scope
and high level system requirements, assignment of team members and other resources.
• Analysis: Description of current system, need to enhance or replace current system, explanation
of alternative systems and justification of alternatives.
• Logical Design: Functional and detailed specification of all system elements (data, process, input
and output).
• Physical design: Technical, detailed specifications of all system elements, i.e. programs, files,
network, system software, etc. and acquisition plan for new technology.
• Maintenance: New version of software with associated updates of documents, training and
In the continuing effort to improve the systems analysis and design process, several
approaches have been developed. Attempts to make system development less of an art
2.5.1 Prototyping
Designing and building a scaled down but fundamental version of a desired system is
development tool to simplify the process. A prototype can be developed with some
fourth generation languages (4GLs) such as query, screen and report design tools of a
data base management system (DBMS), and with tools called computer aided
determine the initial or basic requirements of the system. The analyst then builds a
prototype. When the prototype is completed, the user works with it and tells the
analyst what they like and do not like about it .The analyst uses this feedback to
improve the prototype and take the new version back to the user. This process is
iterated until the users are satisfied. Two key advantages of the prototyping technique
are the large extent to which proto typing involves the user in analysis and design and
its ability to capture requirements in concrete rather than verbal or abstract form. In
addition to being used stand-alone, prototyping can also be used to augment the
document until the user requirements are clear. The prototype serves as the working
In the late 1970s, systems development personnel at IBM developed a new process for
process is called Joint Application Design (JAD). The basic idea behind JAD is to
bring structure to the requirements determination phase of analysis and to the reviews
that occur as part of design. Users, managers, and system developers are brought
together for a series of intensive structured meetings run by a JAD session leader who
maintains the structure and sticks to the agenda. By gathering the people directly Development
affected by an Information System in one room at the same time to work together to
agree on system requirements and design details, time and organizational resources
are better put to use. An added advantage is that, group members are more likely to
emphasizes the role of the user much more than other techniques do. In some cases,
PD may involve the entire user community in the development process. Each user has
other cases, an elected group of users control the process. These users represent the
larger community. Under PD, systems analysts work for the users. The organization’s
management and outside consultants provide advice rather than control. PD is partly a
result of the role of labour and management in the workplace where labour is more
respond faster to the queries, events etc. If a business needs computerized information
system, a systems analyst is required for analysis and design of that system.
Information systems evolved from the need to improve the use of computer resources
Three groups of people are involved in developing information systems for organizations. They
are managers, users of the systems and computer programmers who implement systems. The
systems analyst coordinates the efforts of all these groups to effectively develop and operate
Systems analysts develop information systems. For this task, they must know about
concepts of systems. They must be involved in all the phases of system development
Analysing, designing and implementing systems to suit organizational needs are the
functions of systems analyst. S/he plays a major role in evaluating business benefits
from computer technology. Systems analyst is basically a problem solver with unique
analyst. Among several roles, some important roles are described below:
the user accepts change. For user acceptance, analysts prefer user participations
implements change into the user domain because people inherently resist
changes. In the role of a change agent, Systems Analyst may use different
system to find the reasons for it’s failure. The role of an investigator is to extract
the problems from existing systems and create information structures that
project. In this role, analysts must monitor programs in relation to time, cost and
• Architect :The analyst’s role as an architect is liaison between the user’s logical Profession
design requirements and the detailed physical system design. As architect the
analyst makes the design of information system architecture on the basis of end
user requirements. This design becomes the blue print for the programmers.
analyst plays the role of psychologist in the way s/he reaches people, interprets
their thoughts, assesses their behaviour and draws conclusions from these
interactions. Psychologist plays a major role during the phase of fact finding.
development, effective user training and proper motivation to use the system.
The analyst’s role as a motivator becomes obvious during the first few weeks
after implementation and during times when turnover results in new people
all parties involved. Diplomacy in dealing with people can improve acceptance
of the system. The analyst’s goal is to have the support of all the users. S/he
way, and pay attention to details. They prefer to concentrate on objective data, seek
the best method, and be highly prescriptive. They appear to be cool and studious.
They focus on method and plan, point out details, are good at model building, perform
The responsibility of a systems analyst is to coordinate the efforts of all groups to effectively
develop and operate computer based information systems. The responsibilities of a systems
• Analysis and Evaluation: A systems analyst analyses the working of the current information
system in the organization and finds out the extent to which they meet user’s needs. On the basis
of facts and opinions, systems analyst finds the best characteristics of the new or modified system
which will meet the user’s stated information needs.
• Solving Problems: Systems analyst is basically a problem solver. An analyst must study the
problem in depth and suggest alternate solutions to management.Problem solving approach usually
incorporates the following general steps:
obtain the functional specifications of the system to be designed. The specification must be non-
technical so that users and managers understand it.The specification must be precise and detailed
so that it can be used by system implementers.
• Designing Systems: Once the specifications are accepted, the analyst designs
the system. The design must be understandable to the system implementer. The
the latest design tools to assist implementer in his task. An Analyst must also
been in use for a reasonable period of time. The time at which evaluation is to
be done, how it is to be done and how user’s comments are to be gathered and
• Communication skills
• Interpersonal skills
In summary, the attributes that are required may be classified into the following:
• Analytical skills
• Technical skills
• Management skills
• Interpersonal skills.
Analytical Skills
• System study
• Organizational knowledge
• Problem identification
• Problem analysis and problem solving.
System Study: The first important skill of systems analyst is to know about system. It
means that Systems Analyst should be able to identify work assignment as a system. It
Data flow diagram clearly illustrates inputs, outputs, system boundaries, the
more difficult to illustrate and must therefore be documented using other notations. In
total, all elements of logical system description must address all characteristics of a
understand how organization works. In addition s/he must understand the functions
and procedures of the particular organization (or enterprise) s/he is working for.
Selected areas of organizational knowledge for a systems analyst are given below:
(1) How work officially gets done in a particular organization: In this area,
• Policies
• Job description.
• Government regulations
• Role of technology.
(4) Understanding the organization’s strategies and tactics: In this area, the
existing situation and a desired situation. The process of identifying problem is the
process of defining differences. So, problem solving is the process of finding a way to
to the output of a model that predicts what the output should be. In order to identify
problems that need to be solved, the systems analyst must develop a repertoire of
models to define the differences between what is present and what ought to be present.
Problem Analysis and Problem Solving: Once a problem has been identified,
systems analyst must analyse the problem and determine how to solve it. Analysis
entails more about the problem. Systems analyst learns through experience, with
guidance from proven methods, the process of obtaining information from concerned
people as well as from organizational files and documents. As s/he seeks out
problem. The next step is that the alternatives are compared and typically one is
chosen as best solution. Once the analyst, users and management agree on the general
Herbert Simon has first proposed this approach. According to her/him, this approach
has four phases namely intelligence, design, choice and implementation. This
Intelligence: During this phase, all information relevant to the problem is collected.
Technical Skills
Many aspects of the job of systems analyst are technically oriented. In order to
needs technical skills not only to perform tasks assigned to him/her but also to
communicate with the other people with whom s/he works in systems development.
The technical knowledge of a Systems Analyst must be updated from time to time.
• Programming languages,
• Data communication standards and software for local and wide area networks,
• System development tools and environments (such as forms & report generators
S/he should know all of the above as well as modern methods and techniques for Profession
describing, modeling and building systems.
Management Skills
When a systems analyst is asked to lead a project team then management skills are
required. Systems analyst needs to know the process of managing his/her own work
and how to use organizational resources in the most productive ways possible. Selfmanagement
management skills:
• Resource management
• Project management
• Risk management
• Change management.
Resource Management: A systems analyst must know how to get the most out of a
money. A team leader must learn how to best utilize the particular talents of other
team members. S/he must also be able to delegate responsibility, empower people to
connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a
minimum cost within a specified time frame. In the role of project manager, s/he first
determine how the tasks are related to each other and who will be responsible for each
Risk Management: A risk is any unfavorable event or circumstance that can occur
while a project is underway. If a risk comes true, it can hamper the successful and
different risks, a project is susceptible to, so that contingency plans can be prepared in
advance to control the effects of each risk. Once, risk to the project has been
identified, project manager must be able to minimize the likelihood that those risks
will actually occur. It also includes knowing where to place resources (such as people)
where they can do the best and prioritising activities to achieve better productivity.
organization is a change process. In general people do not like change and tend to
resist it. Therefore, any change in the way people perform their duties in an
skill for systems analyst. The systems analyst must know how to get people to make a
smooth transition from one information system to another, giving up their old ways of
doing things and accepting new ways. Change management also includes the ability to
deal with technical issues related to change, such as obsolescence and reusability.
Systems analyst works extensively with staff in key positions in an organization. So,
interpersonal skills are necessary for success of him/her. These skills can be classified
• Communication skills
• Working alone as well as in a team
• Facilitating groups
• Managing expectations.
effectively with others. S/he must establish a good relationship with clients early in
the project and maintain it throughout the project. Communication takes many forms
from written to verbal to visual. The analyst must be able to master as many forms of
• Business speaking
• Business writing
• Interviewing
• Listening
• Technical discussion
• Technical writing.
Working alone as well as in a team: A Systems analyst must be able to organize and
manage his/her own schedule, commitments and deadlines because many people in
the organization will depend on his/her individual performance, but systems analyst
must work with the team towards achieving project goals. To work together
effectively and to ensure the quality of the product, the team must establish standards
of cooperation and coordination that guide their work. There are 12 characteristics of
• Mutual trust
• Sense of autonomy
• Sense of empowerment
Facilitating groups: This skill is required when systems analyst works in Joint
application development approach. In this approach systems analyst works with group
requirements and to conduct design reviews. Systems analyst can be asked to work as
of the facilitator. The facilitator must guide the group without being a part of the
group and must work to keep the effort on track by helping the group resolve
• Make sure that the group understands what is expected of them and of you
• Be a good listener
• Encourage group members to feel ownership of the group’s goal and of their
any organization greet any organizational change with anticipation and uncertainty.
Organizational members will have certain ideas about what new information system
will be able to do for them. The systems analyst needs to understand the technology. S/he must
understand the work flows that the technology will support and how the new system will affect
them. The important ability of systems analyst is to communicate a realistic picture of the new
system and what it will do for users and managers. Managing expectations begins with the
development of the business case for the system and extends all the way through
Noida Public Library is the biggest library in Noida. Currently it has about 300 members. A
person who is 18 or above can become a member. There is a membership fee of Rs 400 for a
year. There is a form to be filled in which person fills personal details. These forms are kept in
store for maintaining members’ records and knowing the membership period. A member can
issue a maximum of three books. He/she has three cards to issue books. Against each card a
member can issue one book from library. Whenever a member wishes to issue a book and there
are spare cards, then the book is issued. Otherwise that request is not entertained. Each book is to
be returned on the specified due date. If a member fails to return a book on the specified date, a
fine of Rs 2 per day after the due return date is charged. If in case a card gets lost then a
duplicate card is issued. Accounts are maintained for the membership fees and money collected
from the fines. There are two librarians for books return and issue transaction. Approximately
100 members come to library daily to issue and return books. There are 5000 books available out
of which 1000 books are for reference and can not be issued. Records for the books in the library
are maintained. These records contain details about the publisher, author, subject, language, etc.
There are suppliers that supply books to the library. Library maintains records of these suppliers.
Many reports are also produced. These reports are for details of the books available in the
library, financial details, members’ details, and supplier’s details. Currently all functions of the
library are done manually. Even the records are maintained on papers. Now day by day members
are increasing. Maintaining manual records is becoming difficult task. There are other problems
also that the library staff is facing. Like in case of issue of duplicate cards to a member when
member or library staff loses the card. It is very difficult to check the genuinity of the problem.
Sometimes the library staff needs to know about the status of a book as to whether it is issued or
not. So to perform this kind of search is very difficult in a manual system. Also management
requires reports for books issued, books in the library, members, and accounts. Manually
producing the reports is a cumbersome job when there are hundreds and thousands of records.
Management plans to expand the library, in terms of books, number of members and finally the
revenue generated. It is observed that every month there are at least 50-100 requests for
membership. For the last two months the library has not entertained requests for the new
membership as it was difficult to manage the existing 250 members manually. With the
expansion plans, the management of the library aims to increase its members at the rate of 75 per
month. It also plans to increase the membership fees from 400 to 1000 for yearly and 500 for
half year, in order to provide its members better services, which includes increase in number of
books from 3 to 4. Due to the problems faced by the library staff and its expansion plans, the
management is planning to have a system that would first eradicate the needs of cards. A system
to automate the functions of record keeping and report generation. And which could help in
executing the different searches in a faster manner. The system to handle the financial details.
The first thing we studied is systems. In our case study Noida Public Library is our system.
Every system is a set of some functional units that work together to achieve some objective. The
main objective of library system is to provide books to its members without difficulty. The above
figure depicts our library system pictorially. Our system has many functional units. The different
Each functional unit has its own task. However,each of these work independently to achieve
Data is an important component of any system. Here, data is pertaining to the details of
members, books, accounts, and suppliers. Since people can interact with the system this
The system is mainly concerned with the management of data it is an information system. If
this system were to be automated as conceived by the management, then role of the system
analyst would be to study the system, its workings, and its existing problems. Also the analyst
needs to provide a solution to the existing problem. Now that the management has decided for an
As the analyst did the study of the system, the following problems were identified
• Maintaining accounts
• Performing searches
Now that the analyst has studied the system and identified the problems, it is the responsibility of
the analyst to provide a solution system to the management of the library.
The next stage of System Development Life Cycle is analysis phase which deals with the study
of the current system, finding problems and establishing whether the new system will benefit
the organization. In this library presently all transactions are done manually. Each member is
allowed a certain number of books to borrow. He/she has cards to borrow books. Against
Whenever a member wishes to issue a book and there are spare cards, then the book is
issued. Otherwise that request is not entertained. The numbers of members are increasing
system is required that can maintain the details about the books borrowed by different
system. As we have studied the system, we now know about the existing problems. And we
can positively establish the need for the automated record keeping system. In analysis,
a detail study of system is performed. Each operation is looked into more details. From
the preliminary analysis we know that the members are increasing and managing their
Let us find out why increasing members is a problem. There might be a case when a card gets
misplaced either by library staff or by member itself. If this is indeed the case then a duplicate
card is made. But a member can lie about it and can make a duplicate card even if the card is
not lost. In that case that particular member is having more than maximum allowed cards.
Presently there is a need to have a system that can record the details about the books issued to
members. Card system needs to be discarded. To solve this situation our library needs a
computer application that has a database that contains details corresponding to each book
issued. It should also have facilities to check if the number of books issued to a particular
member doesn't exceed the maximum books allowed to him/her. Now we know what type of
system is required, we can move to the next stage that is design stage. From analysis phase it is
In design stage it is decided as to which type of database will be used in system. Secondly
we'll identify what data should this database store and in what format. After that various
operations like issuing and returning books are finalized. Various checks like number of
books issued not to exceed the maximum number are finalized. Various interfaces that are to
Once all these details are finalized, these are properly documented .These documents are used
in building the system during the development stage, which follows the design stage. Using
the design details the new system is built. Only things that are identified during the design
There is no deviation from the design specifications. Suppose in the design phase the database
to be used in the system is decided to be Oracle RDBMS then during development of the
system only Oracle database is used. Similarly each design specification is taken care of and
Now we have developed our new system. But before it is implemented at our user's site it
correctly according to the requirements identified during the analysis phase. Each function of
the system is tested. For example, we have issue book and return book functions. In return
function it is checked if it is incrementing the count of variable that signifies how many books
that member can issue more. In the issue function, it should be tested that this variable is
After testing the system, it is implemented at the user's site. Now we have tested our new
system for the library, it is implemented at the user's site i.e., library in our case.
After implementation, the systems require time to time maintenance. Maintenance can be for
the software and hardware. Suppose two years after the implementation of the system, there
occurs an alarming increase in number of members of the library. A situation can arise when
all the memory for keeping the details have been exhausted then there will be a need to
increase the memory of the system. Similarly the speed of processing requests might slow
down. Then there will be a need for a faster processor. All these issues are maintenance issues.
In this unit, you learned about the basic framework that guides systems analysis and
design, the systems development life cycle, with its seven major phases: project
identification and selection, project initiation and planning, analysis, logical design,
physical design, implementation, and maintenance. The life cycle has had its share of
criticism, which you read about, and other frameworks have been developed to
address the life cycle’s problems. These alternative frameworks include: Prototyping
Participatory Design. We also discussed the skills necessary for a System Analyst which
an organization needs for the replacement of existing system with the computerized system. A
systems analyst may work on a project basis or may be part of client’s team as a permanent
employee who works about changes to be implemented to the existing system in the client
organization. A systems analyst takes various roles to work in a team for the benefit of the
organization and to develop successful information systems. Some of the roles are: Change
The requisite skills for systems analyst are analytical, technical, management and
Q2. What are the phases of SDLC? Discuss each phases in detail.
• Kendall & Kendall; Systems Analysis and Design; PHI; Fifth Edition.
Reference Websites