Article 6
Article 6
Article 6
Agricultural Systems
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Guest editor: Dr. Jagadish Timsina CONTEXT: The ancient irrigation systems in Sri Lanka, known as village tank cascade systems, were developed to
ensure an adequate and sustainable supply of good quality water to communities. However, there is growing
Keywords: concern about health and environmental issues related to the degradation of water quality caused by excessive
Rice nitrogen (N) levels from the overuse of chemical fertilizer. Subsidies for chemical fertilizer have encouraged
N fertilizer
fertilizer use for rice production in Sri Lanka.
OBJECTIVES: The objective was to evaluate the use of N fertilizers for rice production in the Thirappane cascaded
Water pollution
Cascade tank system and its impact on nitrate water quality. An optimal rate of N use was determined based on private
Integrated models (farm-level) decisions on fertilizer use. However, the private optimal fertilizer rate is not adequate for overall
social welfare due to market failures such as incomplete information and the lack of a market to account for the
negative impact of fertilizer use on tank water quality. The hypothesis is that the social optimal fertilizer rate is
lower than the private optimal rate due to this discrepancy. The study aims to identify the sources of inefficiency
in the sub-optimal use of fertilizers from a social perspective.
METHOD: We developed an integrated crop, hydro-nutrient and economic model to analyze fertilizer decisions in
the rice production process. The method involved conducting a marginal economic analysis based on simulated
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.J. Farquharson).
Received 25 July 2022; Received in revised form 23 February 2023; Accepted 25 February 2023
Available online 14 March 2023
0308-521X/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
H. Kanthilanka et al. Agricultural Systems 207 (2023) 103628
yield responses to N fertilizer and prices for inputs and outputs. The analysis was performed for three soil types
across the Maha (rainy) and Yala (dry) seasons and for three different weather scenarios within each season.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: When the negative impact of nitrate contamination on water quality is taken into
account, the optimal N fertilizer rate from a social perspective is always lower than the optimal rate determined
solely by private economic considerations. These optimal rates varied based on factors such as soil type, season,
weather conditions during the growing season, and fertilizer prices. At unregulated, higher, fertilizer prices, the
crop yields achieved at the social optimum were only slightly lower than those achieved under the private
economic optimum. However, under regulated, lower, fertilizer prices, achieving the social optimum would
require a larger reduction in N fertilizer use and result in a greater decrease in crop yields.
SIGNIFICANCE: A systematic analysis that takes into account the social costs can serve as a guide for creating
effective policies aimed at enhancing fertilizer decision making.
H. Kanthilanka et al. Agricultural Systems 207 (2023) 103628
H. Kanthilanka et al. Agricultural Systems 207 (2023) 103628
privately optimal N levels by maximizing social benefits and private Census and Statistics of Sri Lanka for the Yala and Maha seasons from
profits respectively after accounting for soil heterogeneity, weather 1997 to 2018. Average fertilizer usage data was obtained from the Na
variability over and within seasons, effects of fertilizer subsidies and tional Fertilizer Secretariat of Sri Lanka.
other policies, and the effects on society of reduced tank water quality.
The framework can be used to inform policy decisions on N fertilizer 2.2.2. Crop simulation model
subsidies and other policies related to N fertilizer use in rice farming. Rice yield and soil N dynamics were simulated using the Agricultural
Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) ( version 7.10.
2.2.1. Data APSIM was used to simulate grain yields, nitrate leaching, and runoff of
Socio-demographic, economic and physical data were sourced from a a typical rice cropping system under a 32-year series of historical climate
farm household survey conducted in the study area in 2019 (Kant data to account for yield variability induced by inter-annual climate
hilanka, 2022) using a structured questionnaire which included ques variations.
tions on farm household characteristics, agricultural production
activities, agricultural lands, farm assets, nutrient management (N, P Model calibation. The model was calibrated using management
and K), weed control, irrigation, labour use, crop harvest, other income data. The calibration process involved adjusting the parameters of the
sources of farmers, and farmer perceptions of water quality and func model to match the observed crop growth and yield at the study loca
tioning within the Thirappane tank cascade. A historical series of tion. The management data was collected through a household survey
climate data were available from the closest meteorological station for the main crop production seasons in 2018 and used to calibrate the
located at Mahaillupallama, representing the current climate of Thir crop simulation model. The most common rice varieties cultivated in
appane. Secondary data, including sowing dates, area of cultivation and Maha were “BG 359” and in Yala “BG 300”. Both are HYVs. The BG 359
fertilizer quantity provided under subsidy, were collected from the variety has a 3.5-month growing period and BG 300 has a three-month
Department of Agrarian Service Centre records at Thirappane. The re growing period. The phenological parameters for commonly grown rice
ported district average rice yields were obtained from the Department of varieties were obtained from Amarasingha et al. (2015), as shown in
H. Kanthilanka et al. Agricultural Systems 207 (2023) 103628
Supplementary Table S2. Soil layer characteristics of the study area were had already been calibrated for the study area. The cascade water bal
also obtained from Mapa and Pathmarajah (1995) and Mapa (2020). ance model was formulated based on a simple structure, incorporating
The soil characteristics are summarized in Supplementary Tables S3-S5. the dynamic hydrologic processes associated with a set of tanks in the
A historical series of climate data for yield simulations was available Thirappane tank cascade. The model considered all inflows and outflows
from the meteorological station located at Mahaillupallama. Climatic of water in a tank in the cascade. Inflows and outflows varied with the
datasets cover 1976–2019 and include daily values of rainfall, temper position of the tank in the node-link representation. After defining the
atures, relative humidity, wind speed and sunshine duration (used to inflow and outflow for each tank, the water balance was estimated daily
estimate solar radiation). Daily incoming radiation (MJm− 2d− 1) was (according to equations given in Supplementary Eqs. S1 to S11). Each
calculated using sunshine hours, latitude and longitude and angstrom tank's irrigation water supply potential was estimated based on crop
coefficient (a = 0.29, and b = 0.39) (Samuel, 1991). The model was water requirements after accounting for conveyance losses. Based on
configured for soil being puddled and levelled. Direct seeding was this, the maximum possible areas of cultivation for the Yala and Maha
implemented at 90 plants/m2 density. A seven-day sowing window was seasons were determined and used in the modelling. For agricultural
used in the simulations. Depending on the rainfall distribution, crop non-point source pollution, the process can be divided into the “source”
water requirements were supplemented through irrigation during the link of field pollution generation and the “sink” link of water trans
growing period. The irrigation water used was considered later in the portation through drainage channels (Wan et al., 2021; Wriedt and
hydro-nutrient modelling. N fertilizer applications were simulated ac Rode, 2006). We also used the source-sink linkage in modelling nitrate
cording to farmer practice in the cascade. transport. Model validation. The model was validated at temporal and Nutrient transport model. The nutrient transport model con
regional scales. The reported district average rice yields were obtained sisted of export coefficients for nitrates from the field on the assumption
from the Department of Census and Statistics of Sri Lanka for the Yala that land-use changes, including fertilizer decisions, are a major deter
and Maha seasons from 1997 to 2018 and were compared with the minant of nitrate occurrence in the catchment (Johnes et al., 2007;
APSIM simulated yield in LHG soil for average N fertilizer use in Worrall and Burt, 1999; Zhang et al., 2019). Some components of this
respective years. Average N fertilizer usage data was obtained from the model have been developed with inputs from Neitsch et al. (2011) in
National Fertilizer Secretariat of Sri Lanka. The average N application SWAT as adapted by Lam et al. (2010). The nitrate transported in each
rates ranged from 60 to 150 N kg/ha from 1997 to 2018 in the Anu path was estimated via a set of equations adapted from the SWAT
radhapura district. (Neitsch et al., 2011) (see Supplementary eqs. S6 to S10).
As the regional scale model validation, the simulated rice yields for The nutrient transport model was coupled with the water balance
farmers' N fertilizer use at the cascade for 2018 were compared with model to evaluate nitrate movements within the cascade for different
observed farm yields collected from the household survey conducted at rates of N applications in the cultivation area in the source tank. The
the cascade in 2019. The model performance was evaluated using the amount of nitrate transported into the sink tank via each flow path,
root mean square error (RMSE) (Pham, 2019). including leaching, runoff and lateral flow, was estimated as the product
of the volume of water and the average concentration of nitrate in each Model simulation. The validated model was used to estimate soil layer (Lam et al., 2010). The export coefficients used were those in
long-term rice-yield responses, nitrate leaching and nitrate runoff for the water balance model (see Supplementary Table S6).
different levels of N fertilizer applications using weather data from 1976
to 2019. Simulations were conducted for all three soil types in the Maha Model validation and simulations. Daily tank water height data
season. Rice cultivation was restricted to LHG poorly drained soil and collected from April 2013 to 2015 by Oka et al. (2019) were used to
RBE imperfectly drained soil in the Yala season. There was always a calibrate and validate the cascade water balance model. The validated
restriction on the area of rice cultivated in Yala due to limited irrigation model was used to simulate tank water balance and nitrate transport
water availability in the tanks (Warnakulasooriya and Shantha, 2021). from 1997 to 2019 for five N rates (for Maha season 0, 50, 100, 150 and
Initial N application rates varied from 0 to 300 kg per ha per season 200 kg N/ha and for Yala season 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg N/ha). All
(100% increase of current mean application at the cascade in 2018) per simulation analyses were modelled on a daily-time-step basis, and a
ha per season to identify the general trend of yield and nitrate-discharge seasonal total of variables was obtained where needed. Finally, nitrate
responses. transport functions were estimated for each soil type, season, and tank
2.2.3. Hydro-nutrient modelling
The hydrological model was a node-link network in which nodes 2.2.4. Economic modelling: Production function approach with profit
represent physical units (tanks) and links represent the connection be maximization
tween these units. The hydro-nutrient model comprised two sub-models: Rice yields and nitrate discharges from the soil responding to fer
a water balance model and a nutrient transport model. Total daily ni tilizer applications were developed from crop simulations and are pre
trate discharged (including leaching, runoff and lateral flow) from the sented in the results section. Conceptually, as the N fertilizer rate
cultivation area in the source tank and transported into the sink tank was increases, crop yields increase at a decreasing rate and nitrate discharges
simulated from 1997 to 2019 and summed annually for Maha and Yala from the soil increase at an increasing rate.
seasons across all soil types. The water balance model simulated the Diminishing return responses are common in biology, ecology and
water flow between tanks, and the nutrient transport model simulated animal production (Thornley and France, 2007). A modified
the transport of nitrate from the source tank to the sink tank. The model Mitscherlich-Baule (Brorsen and Richter, 2012) yield response function
was calibrated using observed data from the tanks and the surrounding was fitted for the relationship between N rate (x) and grain yield (Y) for
area. The model was used to simulate the hydrological and nutrient each scenario,
transport processes in the tank cascade system. ( )
Y = a + b 1 − e− kx . (1) Water Balance model. Many previous studies have developed In eq. (1), Y is rice yield (t/ha), a is the yield at zero fertilizer
and used a particular water balance model for the Thirappane tank application (t/ha), b is the parameter above a where yield increases to
cascade (Itakura, 1995; Itakura and Abernethy, 1993; Jayatilaka et al., the asymptote, k is a coefficient of gain, and x is the rate of N application
2003; Oka et al., 2019; Shinogi, 1998). We adopted that model, which (kg/ha). The level of asymptotic yield is given by a + b.
H. Kanthilanka et al. Agricultural Systems 207 (2023) 103628
Gourevitch et al. (2018) determined the socially optimum rates of N fertilizer prices for various subsidy scenarios and an assumed social cost
fertilizer application by evaluating the private and social costs and associated with reduced tank water quality.
benefits of N and identified the rate to maximize the net benefits of N to These scenarios address the market failure issues of distorted input
society. Keeler et al. (2016) investigated the SCN by quantifying the prices and the inclusion of community property rights associated with
damage costs of N to air, water and climate. acceptable water quality for human consumption. The framework does
A framework, including an estimate of the SCN for water quality, was not address other effects of market failure associated with using N fer
adopted to develop a socially optimum rate of N. The concept of a so tilizer for rice production in Sri Lanka (e.g., nitrous oxide emissions
cially optimum fertilizer rate depends on the availability of complete contributing to global warming potential).
information about underlying natural processes, the effects of govern In Fig. 3, Ns is the social optimum N rate and NP1, NP2, NP3, and NP4
ment policies, and whether there are distorted or missing markets. Un are defined as sub-optimal N rates with different N prices. Ns was
certainties about underlying natural processes include crop yields and determined at the marginal social cost of nitrogen (M_SCN), which
nitrate losses arising from differing N fertilizer rates (depending on included the damage cost of nitrate-N into the water (SCN) and the
seasonal factors) and knowledge about nitrate transport from fields to world market price of N fertilizer (PN_W). The world market price of N is
tanks for differing N fertilizer rates. Policy distortions include subsidized shown at NP1. At NP2, the regulated market price of N (PN_RM) in Sri
fertilizer inputs, the fact that fertilizer is a regulated import, and land use Lanka is considered. The NP3 sub-optimal N rate is a ‘farmer's price
restrictions for where and when rice is grown. No clearly defined com (PN_av), which is included because paddy farmers can purchase N fer
munity property rights are associated with acceptable water quality for tilizer from the market or from other farmers at a rate lower than the
human consumption. regulated market price and higher than the subsidized price. In practice,
The decision framework is presented (Fig. 3) to conceptualize N this happens. The NP4 sub-optimal N rate is in the absence of a quantity
fertilizer use from social and private viewpoints. This accounts for the restriction with a subsidized price (PN_S). This is a hypothetical scenario,
missing information, a lack of property rights, and distortions associated as only a quota of fertilizer is provided at a subsidized rate (see Table 1).
with the N fertilizer policy in Sri Lanka. The framework explicitly ad Damage cost estimates for nitrate-N in water are not available spe
dresses input price uncertainties arising from the fertilizer subsidy pol cifically for Sri Lanka. Hence, an estimate from China (Yin et al., 2019)
icy and the social cost of adverse tank water quality. The framework was adapted for this study for illustrative purposes. The analysis esti
provides a decision-making tool for farmers and policymakers to eval mated the nitrate transported; then nitrate was converted into nitrate-N
uate the optimal N fertilizer rate for a given crop and subsidy scenario. by multiplying by 0.226 (N accounts for 22.6% of the nitrate ion). The
The framework also provides a basis for evaluating the effects of within- damage cost of nitrate-N used in the study was US$ 1.32 per kg of
season variability in crop yields and nitrate transport on optimal fertil nitrate-N in the water. This includes health and environmental costs.
izer decisions. The framework can be used to evaluate the effects of The damage cost was converted into Sri Lankan rupees using the ex
alternative fertilizer subsidy policies on optimal N fertilizer rates and the change rate in 2018 (1 US$ = LKR.161.81). The social and private
associated economic and environmental impacts. economic N rates were sensitive to input and output prices. We fixed the
Arising from the diminishing returns, crop yield responses encap rice grain price at 0.25 US$/kg (in 2018) in the analysis.
sulated in the Mitscherlich-Baule functional form and including crop The high, low and medium profit potential years were identified via
input and output prices, the analysis proceeded by developing a mar cumulative probabilities of yield (Farquharson, 2006) and net return
ginal value product (MVP) schedule, which typically declines as the N (Kandulu et al., 2018; Kandulu et al., 2012). We used three simulated
fertilizer input increases (Dillon and Anderson, 1990; Anderson et al., yield-outcome categories for growing season weather variability, low
1977)). Input prices, expressed as marginal costs (MC), are included to (10th percentile of yield), medium (50th percentile of yield) and high
develop optimal N fertilizer rates where the marginal benefit (MVP) (90th percentile of yield).
equals the MFC. In this analysis, the input prices include alternative
Fig. 3. Decision framework developed for optimal fertilizer rates for alternative N fertilizer prices includes subsidized price (PN_S), farmers' price(PN_AV), regulated
market price (PN_RM), and world market price (PN_W). The optimal (social) N rate is decided at the marginal social cost of N (M-SCN), including the damage cost and
world market price of N.
H. Kanthilanka et al. Agricultural Systems 207 (2023) 103628
Table 1 discharge via leaching and runoff in all three soil types (for model
Price details associated with the decision framework cited in Fig. 3. validation, see Supplementary Figs. S1, S2, S3, and Tables S7 and S8).
Prices Details Price of N The present study identified the impact of the rate of N fertilizer on rice
yield and nitrate discharge via leaching, runoff, and lateral flow while
LKR/kg US$/kg
accounting for variability in weather and soils.
World Market World market equivalent price in
152 0.94
price (PN_W) 2018. Not paid by farmers.
Prior to 2021, a price subsidy was
3.1.1. Variability of rice yield over the season, soil and weather
Subsidized price Simulated rice yields for increased N rates showed general increases
provided up to the quota level of 86 kg 22 0.14
of N/ha. at a decreasing rate up to a plateau in all soil types (Fig. 4). The rate of
The market price paid by farmers for N yield increase for N applications varied between soil types. The highest
Regulated Market over and above 86 kg of N/ha.
109 0.67 median yield response for applied N was observed in LHG poorly
price (PN_RM) Government funded the gap between
PN_W and PN_RM drained soil, while the lowest was in RBE well-drained soil. As expected,
The weighted average of subsidized 78 in 0.48 in the yield simulated at each level of N was stochastic due to climate
Farmers' price and regulated market prices. Specific Maha Maha variation over the years. In general, there was a lower variation in
(PN_av) for seasons according to average N 76 in 0.47 in simulated rice yield in LHG than in other soils over the years. The poor
usagea Yala Yala
Damage cost of
drainage condition (lower saturated hydraulic conductivity) of LHG soil
Based on Yin et al. (2019) 213.59 1.32 increases its ability to retain water and N, making more of them avail
nitrate-N (SCN)
able for rice plant growth. The simulated yields over soil types in both
LKR is Sri Lankan Rupees, and the exchange rate in 2018 was 161.81 LKR/US$.
a Yala and Maha are shown in Supplementary Fig. S4.
The average N usage per ha per seasons in 2018 in the Thirappane Cascade,
data gathered from the survey.
Fig. 4. Distribution of APSIM simulated rice yield from 1976 to 2019 for varying fertilizer application levels in the Maha season for all soil types at the Thirappane
tank cascade.
H. Kanthilanka et al. Agricultural Systems 207 (2023) 103628
Fig. 5. Model validation with observed and simulated daily water volume in the tanks at the Thirappane tank cascade for the calibration period.
The average inflow and outflow contributions within the season were cultivation fields. Nitrate was carried from the return flows, including
variable (Supplementary Table S9). Runoff from the catchment was the seepage (leached nitrate) and irrigation water issue (nitrate runoff).
main inflow component in each tank in both seasons, from 60 to 75% in Around 2 to 5% of inflow in the Maha season consisted of water issue
Maha and 50 to 88% in Yala. Seepage was the main outflow component return, while in the Yala season, it was 4 to 10%. The seepage return
in any tank, accounting for 30 to 60% of outflow in Maha and 50 to 85% contribution was 2 to 8% and 20 to 32% in Maha and Yala, respectively
in Yala. Water issued for irrigating rice crops was the second-highest (see Supplementary Table S9).
outflow component from a tank at the cascade. As a sink of nitrate,
the return flows from the source tank are very important since the N 3.2.2. Nitrate discharge at fields and transport into tanks
fertilizer applications directly influence the flow path in the rice Simulated Nitrate discharges, including leaching, runoff and lateral
Fig. 6. Mean nitrate discharge from the cultivation area in tank (A) and mean nitrate transport into the sink tank (B) for different rates of N application in LHG poorly
drained soil for the Maha season at the Thirappane cascade. (error bar represents the standard deviation of nitrate discharge and transport at respective N level.
H. Kanthilanka et al. Agricultural Systems 207 (2023) 103628
flows, were positively related to N applications for all soil types (see outcomes are shown in Table 3.
Fig. 6A). Mean nitrate discharge at the cultivation fields in the source
tank within the season ranged from 22 to 50 kg/ha in LHG soil in the 3.3.1. The marginal social cost of nitrogen
Maha season. The higher discharge of nitrate at higher N rates can be In estimating the socially optimal N rate, the SCN includes the cost of
justified by the findings of Craswell (2021) that current crops use no fertilizer (world market price) and the damage cost of nitrate-N in tank
more than 50% of N fertilizer applied. The discharge of nitrate from water. The decision framework of Fig. 3 must be amended because the
cultivation fields is a soil-specific characteristic which did not vary much marginal SCN (M_SCN) is not constant for unit increases in N fertilizer
between tanks in the cascade (see Supplementary Figs. S5 & S6 for more since the nitrate transport functions increase exponentially (Fig. 6 and
results). Table 3). The revised framework is in Fig. 7.
Other studies have frequently reported the coupling of nitrate and
water movements (Chowdary et al., 2004; Mack et al., 2005; Sagehashi 3.3.2. Social and private economic N rates
et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2020). We have followed the same procedure, The socially and privately economic optimum N rates (for the
with the export coefficients used in nitrate transport modelling being 0.1 framework in Fig. 7 and Table 1) were derived by combining the results
to 0.3 for the study area, which was within the range of reported values from yield response functions and nitrate transport functions. These
in other studies (Dash et al., 2015; Parashar et al., 1998). rates are shown in Table 4 and Supplementary Table S12. As expected,
As expected, nitrate transport was positively related to the rate of N the social optimum N rates were below the optimal private rates in all
applications (Fig. 6B). Mean nitrate transport into the immediate sink scenarios. The fertilizer price is a fundamental determinant of the dif
tank within the season ranged from 3 to 5 kg/ha in LHG soil. However, ference between social and private economic N rates. As the fertilizer
as indicated in Supplementary Fig. S6, nitrate transport differences were price reduces under subsidy scenarios, the differences in N rates become
observed between tanks. Ten percent of nitrate discharges from culti larger.
vation areas in the source tanks of Allisthana tank and Meegassagama The reductions in N fertilizer rates, rice yields and nitrate transport
tank were transported into the sink tanks (into Thirappane tank and for the social optimum N rates compared to the optimum private rates
Allisthana tank, respectively). Twenty percent and 30% of nitrate are given in Supplementary Tables S13, S14 and S15. Results for the
discharge in cultivation areas of the Bulankulama tank and Vendar LHG soil type and Maha season are in Table 5.
ankulama tank were transported into the sink tank (Meegassagama The patterns of changes for the socially optimal N rates compared to
tank), respectively. The Vendarankulama and Bulankulama tanks the private (subsidized and distorted) N price scenarios in Table 5 show
showed comparably higher nitrate transported into the lower tank than that differences between social and private rates are small when the
other tanks. Both those tanks are sinks to the Meegassagama tank. The comparison uses higher (world market) prices for the private fertilizer
nitrate transport rate was higher in the Bulankulama and Vendar decisions. At highly subsidized (lower) fertilizer prices, the differences
ankulama tank than in the other tanks. This could be due to the higher are much larger.
slope of the cultivating fields in these tanks, compared to other tanks,
which increases the nitrate transport rate. 3.3.3. Sensitivity analysis
Using the simulated nitrate transport data, the nitrate transport Results presented in Table 5 were based on 2018 prices. Prices for N
functions have been estimated and the findings are presented in Table 2 fertilizer and rice have increased since 2018. A sensitivity analysis was
for LHG soil in the Maha season (see Supplementary Table S10 for co conducted for the socially optimal N rates with mid-2022 prices for rice,
efficients for other seasons). The estimated coefficients reveal that the N fertilizer and damage costs. The sensitivity analysis scenarios and
application rate significantly positively impacted the amount of nitrate changed prices are in Table 6. The grain price in 2022 increased three
transported into the sink tank from the cultivation area in the source times over the 2018 price, and the fertilizer price increased around
tank in LHG soil in Maha (see Table 2). Our findings are consistent with eleven times over the 2018 price. The nominal damage cost is more than
other studies, which demonstrated an exponential increase in N twice as high as in 2018. The results of the sensitivity analyses are in
discharge for small increases in N input based on field measurements Table 7 for LHG soil in the Maha season, and the complete set of results is
(Delin and Stenberg, 2014; Jiang et al., 2017; Tan et al., 2018). In in Supplementary Table S16.
conclusion, nitrate transport was positively related to the rate of N ap From the price changes in Table 6, we expect that in scenario 1 (as
plications and was also affected by the slope of the cultivating fields. the grain price is increased), the socially optimal N rates will increase
from the base. In scenario 2, owing to the much higher relative N fer
tilizer price, we expect the optimal social N rates to decline from the
3.3. Optimal rates of N
base. These patterns are generally observed in Table 7 results.
From the decision framework in Fig. 7, we expect that the inclusion
The estimated coefficients of the fitted production function for the
of a damage cost for nitrate discharged into tank water will lead to a
season, soil types and yield outcomes revealed that the soil types have
lower optimal social N rate than the private decisions. These trends are
different yield responses to N fertilizer, indicating a difference in
apparent from the results in Table 4 for LHG soil in the Maha season.
inherent soil productivity.
Similar patterns for N fertilizer reductions, yield losses and nitrate
The detailed results are presented in Supplementary Table S11.
transport reduction are shown in Table 5. An important observation
Statistically significant relationships between the rate of N application
and rice yield for the LHG soil in the Maha season for all three yield
Table 3
Table 2 Estimated coefficients of the production function in LHG soil in the Maha season.
Estimated coefficients of the nitrate transport functions in LHG soil in the Maha Yield outcome category Y ¼ a þ b(1 ¡ e− kx
A b k
Tank name NT = A * ek*N rate
H. Kanthilanka et al. Agricultural Systems 207 (2023) 103628
Fig. 7. Decision framework, including the non-linear marginal SCN and alternative N fertilizer prices, includes subsidized price (PN_S), farmer's price(PN_AV),
regulated market price (PN_RM), and world market price(PN_W).
Table 4 Table 5
Estimated optimal (social) and sub-optimal N rates in LHG poorly drained soil in Impacts on N fertilizer rates, crop yields and nitrate transport by reaching op
the Maha season. timum N rates from sub-optimal N rates, LHG soil and Maha season under
Yield Optimum Sub-optimal N rates (kg/ha)
different N prices.
outcome (social) N Soil type Yield NP1 NP2 NP3 NP4
Category ratea outcome
(kg/ha) At world At At At
market regulated farmers' subsidized
NS NP1 NP2 NP3 NP4 price market price price
At world At At At
market regulated farmers' subsidized N fertilizer Low 3.00 33.00 63.00 178.00
price market price price reduction Medium 2.00 26.00 50.00 140.00
price (kg N/ha) High 2.00 24.00 46.00 131.00
Low 0.21 1.96 3.18 5.34
Low 197 200 230 260 375 Yield losses
Medium 0.13 1.42 2.32 3.90
Medium 175 177 201 225 315 (%)
High 0.12 1.21 1.99 3.38
High 156 158 180 202 287
Nitrate Low 0.08 0.90 1.81 6.38
Nitrate transport functions were tank-soil specific. First, tank-specific social transport Medium 0.05 0.65 1.30 4.31
optimal N rates were estimated. Then soil and season-specific social optimal N reduction
High 0.04 0.55 1.11 3.70
rates were obtained as weighted averages over tank-soil combinations. (kg/ha)
H. Kanthilanka et al. Agricultural Systems 207 (2023) 103628
Table 6 Acknowledgement
Scenarios to identify the impacts on optimal N rate by changed grain price,
fertilizer price and exchange rate from 2018 to 2022. Jeevika Weerahewa acknowledges the technical support provided by
Scenario Grain Damage Np1 Damage Np1 AHEAD/DOR/52 project administered by the University of Peradeniya,
price cost (2018) cost (2022) Sri Lanka, to conduct this study.
(LKR/ (2018)a (LKR/ (2022)b (LKR/
kg) (LKR/kg) kg) (LKR/kg) kg)
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Base (current result) 40 214 152
Scenario Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
grain price 120 214 152
only org/10.1016/j.agsy.2023.103628.
grain and References
Scenario fertilizer
120 476 1739
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