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Manual of NVUM

Chapter 1.  Introduction .................................................................................................................................. - 1 - 

1.1 Product Introduction .............................................................................................................................. - 1 - 
1.2 Products specification ............................................................................................................................ - 1 - 
1.3 Products Appearance an struction and size ............................................................................................ - 2 - 
1.4 substantival explanation ......................................................................................................................... - 3 - 
1.5 Noting and Waring ................................................................................................................................. - 5 - 
Chapter 2.  Connection ................................................................................................................................... - 6 - 
2.1 Device Power supply Solution ............................................................................................................... - 6 - 
2.2 Product connection define and method .................................................................................................. - 7 - 
Chapter 3.  Software Installation .................................................................................................................. - 20 - 
3.1 MACH3 Install .................................................................................................................................... - 20 - 
3.2 MACH3 Registration ........................................................................................................................... - 23 - 
3.3 NVUM Plug-in installation .................................................................................................................. - 23 - 
Chapter 4.  Setting of software ..................................................................................................................... - 24 - 
4.1 Open software ...................................................................................................................................... - 24 - 
4.2 Software Common settings .................................................................................................................. - 25 - 
Chapter 5.  Using of software ....................................................................................................................... - 32 - 
5.1 Set Machine Coordinate system........................................................................................................... - 32 - 
5.2 Set workpiece coordinate system ......................................................................................................... - 34 - 
5.3 Open G code file and run ..................................................................................................................... - 36 - 
Chapter 6.  Question & Answer .................................................................................................................... - 38 - 
6.1 Q&A for Hardware .............................................................................................................................. - 38 - 
6.2 Q&A for Software ................................................................................................................................ - 38 - 
Chapter 7.  Contract us ................................................................................................................................. - 39 - 
Chapter1 Introduction
Manual of NVUM http://www.nvcnc.net

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Product Introduction

Novusun CNC has engaged in the Numerical control industry for 7 years,specialized in

the research,development and production of various CNC controller systems with high quality

and high reliability.We produce the Brushless DC motor,Stepper motor driver,and also 1 to 6 aixs

CNC motion controllers.。

NVUMv1.1 is the 3-6 axis motion controller we spend 4 years to design.

NVUMv1.1 support Mach3 software and standard MPG,through USB to communicate

with computer,just use the Twine to connect directly or transfer with router.

NVUMv1.1 motion controller adopts the ARM design framework.The ARM design

includes communication,codeanalytic,underlying algorithm and pulse gerneration. Rational

design,reliablecontrol,convenient operation.

This manual introduces operation,connection and usage schedule of our professional

motion controller for engraving machine.Through a lot of the drawing the users can learn

quickly how to use this motion controller.

1.2 Products specification

 Support USB;

 12 ports photoelectric isolated input interface for ordinary digital data;

 10 ports photoelectric isolated output interface for ordinary digital data;

 1 port 0-10V spindle speed analog output interface(can change to PWM output);

Chapter1 Introduction
Manual of NVUM http://www.nvcnc.net

 can support 3-6 axis stepper systems,200KHz pulse output for every axis;

 ARM motion control chip;

 main device is 12V-32VDC power supply input,current should higher than 0.5A;

 Compatible with MPG input,support the digital display MPG from our company。

1.3 Products Appearance and size

NVUMv1.1 motion controller is with the sealed shell structure,there are 4pcs setting holes

at the bottom.We can fix 4pcs 4mm diameter holes at the cabinet,and install the controller into

the cabinet.The controller appearance as the Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 show:

The products overall size is 163.1mm*80.8mm*27.8mm;

The bottom install size is 101.4mm*39.5mm。

Figure1-1. NVUMV1.1 front appearance and size

Chapter1 Introduction
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Figure1-2. The other side of NVUMV1.1and installation dimensions

1.4 substantival explanation

When operate the NVUM,where will be a lot of English abbreviation,now we list all of

them for your kindly references:

FRO:Feedingadjust:During the operating process,the F value already set,and need to

adjust the current feeding speed, then we can adjust FRO value to realize it.

SRO: Spindle speed adjust: During the operating process, the S value already set, and need

to adjust the current spindle speed, then we can adjust SRO value to realize it :

Chapter1 Introduction
Manual of NVUM http://www.nvcnc.net

Current Speed S#=setting S*SRO.

SRJ:speed adjust manually

During the operating process,as the manual speed already set,and we need to adjust the

current speed,and impossible to fix the value during it is working,then we can revise the SRJ

value to realize it.

Current manual speed FS#=Setting manual speed*SRJ.

F:Feedingspeed,the unit is mm/min.For example F=200,means every minute feeding


S: Spindle Speed. Unit is rad/min.For example S=20000,means 20000 revolution/Minute.

X axis Coordinate

Y axis Coordinate

Z axis Coordinate

A axis Coordinate

B axis Coordinate

C axis Coordinate

Ready:ReadyMode.In the mode we can do any operation,include processing or values

modification or starting 2nd mode.

Reset: Reset mode.In this mode,it should stop every operation.

“Step”:Manual Step Mode. Every axis candonduct the manual step operation at this mode.

MPG: MPG mode.Every axis can conduct the MPG operation at this mode.

Chapter1 Introduction
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1.5 Noting and Waring

Free from exposure to the electronics without waterproof

function.Please environment as dry as possible. This is the icon.

Wiring warning, the IO input terminal of this equipment support the

equipment with source switch (such as Inductive proximity switch.)When using

such kind of switch, attention please: avoid the +terminal and –terminal of

power supply to connect with GND.This equipment’s analogy quantity

output terminal of spindlecontrolalos have a certain load capacity. Please avoid

this terminal connect with GND.in case that the interior components and parts be


Operation warning, Please do the security measures well when

connecting with the machine tools.The ESTOP, limit and other things must be

perfected.When comes across the emergancy, please press the ESTOP key at once

or cut off the power directly, thus avoiding the equipment damage and casualty.

High voltage danger, the primary device is 18-32VDC power

supply.Voltage equipment.Pls pay attention to the electricity, safety when conducting

the operation

Chapter2 Connection
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Chapter 2. Connection

2.1 Device Power supply Solution

The power supply solution in the field of the Industrial automation is always very

complicated,there is a lot of the GND,now we descript the structure of the power supply as below:

The power supply structure as the Figure 2-1,main power supply input and MPG module and

stepper control output module are common GND,Limited and Estop input module and Spindle

speed adjust M3/M8/M1 module are common GND,between main power supply and output

module there are photoelectric isolation.The inputs of limited switch and Estop and so on are

Common anode, inside of the device, there is +12VDC as common+,no need to connect external

power supply. Based on the reference of output GND interface, output a 0-10V adjustable voltage

to adjust the the spindle speed,M3/M8/M10 digital output interface is open-GND. If connect an

external relay,need to output GND to refer to,and give the relay an external power supply.

Figure2-1. Power supply structure of NVUM

Chapter2 Connection
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2.2 Product connection define and method

Figure2-2. Product wiring section and interface summary

As the Figure 2-2 showed,the connection of the controller includes power supply interface,

USB connection interface, MPG interface, Stepper/Servo control output interface, spindle control

output interface, Estop and limited switch and tool setting input interface and so on. Now we

descript them in details as below.

2.2.1 Stepper motor control interface

As Figure 2-2 showed,No.1 terminal block is 6 axis stepper driver control output interface,

from left to right, there are X,Y,Z,A,,B,C 6 axis output, it’s common anode,the cable connection

for each axis is COM+/CP-/DIR-, COM is common+ ,CP is Pulse-, DIR is direction-.Connection

showed as Figure 2-3.COM+ connect with the SP+ and DIR+.

Chapter2 Connection
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Pin mark Axis Definition

COM+ Commom+ common anode +5V

CPX- X axis Pulse output- for X axis

DIX- X axis Directrion output- for X axis

CPY- Y axis Pulse output- for Y axis

DIY- Y axis Directrion output- for Y axis

CPZ- Z axis Pulse output- for Z axis

DIZ- Z axis Directrion output- for Z axis

CPA- A axis Pulse output- for A axis

DIA- A axis Directrion output- for A axis

CPB- B axis Pulse output- for B axis

DIB- B axis Directrion output- for B axis

CPC- C axis Pulse output- for C axis

DIC- C axis Directrion output- for C axis

Table 2-1. Stepper driver control interface define

Chapter2 Connection
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Figure2-3. Stepper driver connection

2.2.2 Spindle control output

We define the interface from left are: GND1(Output GND),VSO(0-10V adjustable speed

output),INDEX(spindle speed feedback input),OUT1(common output port 1),OUT2(common

output port 2),.

Take Nowforeuer inverter as the example. Spindle control output and the inverter connection

showed as Figure 2-4.If ACM and DCM are closed,only need to connect one port.

If need the Mach 3 to show the real in time spindle speed,just fix one hall device,every

revolution send one pulse between INDEX and GND1,pulse voltage is 5V-10V.

Chapter2 Connection
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Figure2-4. spindle control output and inverter connection

VSO real output voltage=10V*s spindle setting speed/max spindle speed.Forexample,if max

spindle speed is 24000,current spindle speed is S=18000,so the VSO output


Max. spindle speed setting ports as showed sa Figure 2-5,open it from Pulley from Menu

config.The current spindle speed can be set by S directive or Mach 3 spindle setting speed module.

Figure2-5. Max spindle speed setting position

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2.2.3 Common IO output interface

Common IO output include OUT1,OUT2 on the spindle interface,totally 10 ports IO
output,open drainoutput,internal structure as Figure 2-6:

Figure2-6. OUT1-OUT10 internal structure

Now just make a switch between OUTX(X=1-10) and GND,to control the relay

output,theconection as the Figure 2-6.External power supply need to accord with the relay

specification,the internal optocoupler GND open circuit only can absorb less than 50mA current,if

relay absorb the current over 50mA,pls add current amplifier.In the Figure connect with OUT3,the

others similar.

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Chapter2 Connection
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Figure2-7. OUTX connect with external relay method

2.2.4 MPG connection

The MPG port totally have 18 wiring terminals, and the reference of eachwiring
terminal definition is table 2-2. The reference of corresponding relation between system and
MPG wiring is table 2-3 and table 2-4.

Pin mark Definition Notes

GND MPG Ground MPG power supply GND.

TXD MPG serial communication For the digital display MGP communication

Output Port

RXD MPG serial For the digital display MPG communication

communicationinput Port

100X 100X multiplication short connect with GND means 100X

switch multiplication,cutoff means no pulse

10X 10X multiplication short connect with GND means 10X

switch multiplication,cutoff means no pulse

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Chapter2 Connection
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1X 1 X multiplication short connect with GND means 1X

switch multiplication,cutoff means no pulse

ESTOP MPG Estop short connect with GND means Estop

effective,cutoff show invalid

C-IN C Axis selected switch Short connect with GND meanas selecting C

aixs,cutoff means don’t select

B-IN B Axis selected switch Short connect with GND meanas selecting B

aixs,cutoff means don’t select

A-IN A Axis selected switch Short connect with GND meanas selecting A

aixs,cutoff means don’t select

Z-IN Z Axis selected switch Short connect with GND meanas selecting Z

aixs,cutoff means don’t select

Y-IN Y Axis selected switch Short connect with GND meanas selecting Y

aixs,cutoff means don’t select

X-IN X Axis selected switch Short connect with GND meanas selecting X

aixs,cutoff means don’t select

VDD5 MPG power supply 5V MPG power supply 5V output


WHA+ MPG A Phases Positive MPG A Phase differential Input Positive

WHB+ MPG B Phases Positive MPG B Phase differential Input Positive

WHA- MPG A Phases Negative MPG A Phase differential Input Negative

WHB- MPG B Phases Negative MPG B Phase differential Input Negative

Table 2-2. NVUM on MPG’s define and explaination

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Chapter2 Connection
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NVUM PIN No. MPG pin No. and color

Estop C

1multiplication 1 X1

10multiplication 10 X10

100multiplication 100 X100

X selecting X

Y selecting Y

Z selecting Z

A selecting 4

B selecting 5

C selecting 6

A Phase + A+

A Phase - A-

B Phase + B+

B Phase - B-


+5V-W +5V

Table 2-3. Connection between Differential MPG and NVUM

Note: It you want to use the single-terminal MPG (namely there is no A-B-MPG), please

look at the wiring table, the table 2-4 for reference. As for the unlisted one, please take the

differential MPG wiring mode.

NVUM Pin No. MPG Pin No. and color

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WHA+ A+ green

WHA- 0V Black

WHB+ B+ white

WHB- 0V Black

Table 2-4. Connection Between Single MPG and NVUM

2.2.5 Main power supply input Interface

As the Figure 2-2 show,No. 5 position interface is the main power supply input,marked“+” is

the power supply positive,the other one wasn’t marked is the negative,power supply voltage is

12-32VDC,Current must be not less then 1A.

2.2.6 Commnication external interface

As the Figure 2-2 showed,the marked No. 6 position is communication external port,this port

wasn’t defined yet.

2.2.7Estop limited Tool setting input interface

.As the Figure 2-2 showed, Marked No. 7 position is the Estop limited ect. they are the

optical isolatedInput interface,from the left,there are12V, STOP,12V,PROB,12V,INP3,INP4,INP5,


is INPUT2. Internal structure Figure of Input interface see as Figure 2-8

ESTOP connect with NVUM see as Figure 2-9.Probe connect see as Figure 2-10

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Figure2-8. Internal structure drawing of Input interface

Figure2-9. Estop input connection

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Figure2-10. Tool Setting Connection Drawing

2 lines Proximity Switch/ordinary frettingswitch drawing see as Figure 2-11

Figure2-11. 2 lines Proximity Switch/ordinary frettingswitch drawing

3 lines Proximity Switch connection Figure 2-12,brown cable for Proximity switch connect

with 12V,Black cable connect channel,blue cable connect with GND1.

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Only support PNP 3lines proximity switch.

Figure2-12. PNP 3 lines Proximity Switch connection drawing

2.2.8 Parameter adjust interface

By this adjust interface,user can use a muti-position switch and adigital

potentionmeter(simple encoder) to modify FRO,SROand SJR.Wiring method see as figure2-13

simple encoder's COM A B connect to 12V/FHA/FHB,and muti-position switch connect to 12V

SRO SJR.If 12Vdon't connect to SRO or SJR,current effective parameter is FRO, if 12V connect

to SRO,current effective parameter is SRO,and if 12V connect to SJR current effective parameter

is SJR.

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Chapter2 Connection
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Figure2-13. Parameter adjust port

2.2.9 USB Port

As the Figure 2-2 show,The marked No. 9 port is USB communication port,NVUM

communicate with mach 3 through it.

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Chapter3 Software Installation Manual of NVUM http://www.nvcnc.net

Chapter 3. Software Installation

3.1 MACH3 Install

When you purchase our product, we will supply which contains the MACH3

installation,, and USB plug-ins. See as Figure 3-1

Figure3-1. MACH3 soft installation

First run the installation Mach3Version3.043.066 .Into the first

page. See as Figure 3-2.

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Chapter3 Software Installation Manual of NVUM http://www.nvcnc.net

Figure3-2. MACH3 installation process 1

Click Next and then enter the page shown in Figure 3-3

Figure3-3. installation process 2

Select I agree and click Next,See as Figure 3-4.

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Chapter3 Software Installation Manual of NVUM http://www.nvcnc.net

Figure3-4. MACH3 installation process 3

Select the installation path, click Next (it can be installed on any disk, and recommended

to install the C drive or the D drive) See as Figure 3-5

Figure3-5. MACH3 installation process 4

Click Next until completion. Then restart the computer.

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Chapter3 Software Installation Manual of NVUM http://www.nvcnc.net

3.2 MACH3 Registration

Copy the file Mach1Lic.dat in The CD-ROM to mach3 installation path (eg


3.3 NVUM Plug-in installation

Copy the file NVUM.dll to X:\Mach3\PlugIns,X is the disk where the

soft is installed.

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Chapter4 Setting of software
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Chapter 4. Setting of software

4.1 Open software

Double-click the mach3mill 。

Enter mach3 software. Pop-up the plug-in dialog box. See as Figure 4-1.

Figure4-1. Plugin selection dialog

Choose our plugin NVUM_Novusun-PlugIn---Ver-2.0a。Then press OK. If you do not

want to the dialog box appear again next time, you can select Don’t ask me this again.If connect

successfully,Status bar will show “NVUM device is connected to your computer”. See as


Figure4-2. connect successfully

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Chapter4 Setting of software
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4.2 Software Common settings

4.2.1 Check NVUM plugin

Click config plugins to input PluginConfig,you can seeNVUM. See as Figure4-4.

Figure4-3. Input Config plugins

Figure4-4. MVUM Plugin

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Chapter4 Setting of software
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4.2.2 Motor operating parameters setting

Figure4-5. Motor operating parameter setting menu entry

See as Figure 4-5.From submenu “motor tuning” of the menu “config” into the motor

parameter settings dialog. See as Figure 4-6

Figure4-6. Motor operating parameter settings dialog

The parameters are defined as follows:

Steps per:Pulse equivalent ,it is number of pulses required with axial movement 1mm, This

can be calculated by lead screw pitch and motor drive segment. Such as pitch 2.5mm,2-phase

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Chapter4 Setting of software
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motor 8 segments, Calculation method is 8*200/2.5=640。

Velocity:The speed is the axial velocity, Units is mm/s,Recommended settings 1500.

Acceleration:Units is mm/s2,Recommended settings 200.

Step Pulse:Step Pulse Cannot be set, it’s 2.5us in default.

Dir Pulse:. Dir Pulse Cannot be set, it’s 2.5us in default.

Attention: The parameters for each axis is not necessarily the same,To select the axis,

and then set parameters. You should click “SAVE AXIS SETTINGS” After setting.

4.2.3 Port Settings

Figure4-7. Port setting intry

See as Figure 4-7,Click the sub-menu “ports and pins” of menu “Config” into Port Settings

dialog box.

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Chapter4 Setting of software
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Figure4-8. Pin&Port Dialog

The sub-pages you need to set include “Motor Outputs”, “Input Signals”, “Output Signals”

and “Spindle Setup”.First Click to enter “Motor Outputs”. This page is to select the stepper motor

control pin. Because our usbmach3 interface board stepper motor signals are fixed, So here only

need to Select, no need to select the specific pin. See as Figure4-9

To make the Z axis to the same direction, Z axis’s “Dir low” should be set to”√”.Other

axes’s should be set as system need.

Figure4-9. Stepper motor port settings dialog

Click “Input Signals” Into the input signal settings page. See as Figure4-10

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Chapter4 Setting of software
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Figure4-10. limited Input Settings dialog

Here you can configure according to your actual needs the corresponding function. Optional

Function include XYZABC6axis’s Upper and lower limit、XYZABC6axis’s HOME point.

Figure4-11. Estop Probe and index Setting dialog

PROBE、ESTOP and Spindle speed back index Setting see as Figure 4-11,PIN of index

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Chapter4 Setting of software
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should be set to 0,and probe’s pin number is 2,estop’s pin number is 1.

Click “Output Signals” to enter the Output signal setting page. See as Figure 4-12

Figure4-12. Output Signal Setup dialog

Note that the output signal number from 1-16. Because there is an overlap with the input

signal, We set output signals to the port 2.See as Figure4-12, PORT # All output signal is set to

2.Please put Output signal to the corresponding options as you need.

Click “Spindle Setup” switch to the spindle settings page. See as Figure4-13.

Figure4-13. Spindle Settings dialog

Here we can configure the spindle rotates CW、Reverse CCW、Mist、Flood pin, See as

Figure4-13,They have been configured as 1、2、3、4. Corresponding to output#1~output#4 in

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Chapter4 Setting of software
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Figure4-14.output#1~output#6 in Output Signal Setup dialog can be Configured into these 4

signals. Here we only configure CW and CCW.CW is controlled by OUT1 and CCW is controlled

by OUT2. Here we note correspondence between 2 page. Please select “use spindle motor output”

if required PWM speed spindle. And select “ PWM Control”. Our PWM pin fixedly arranged on a

special pin, it’s no need to be set.

Figure4-14. Spindle setting corresponds to the output configuration

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Chapter5 Using of software Manual of NVUM http://www.nvcnc.net

Chapter 5. Using of software

5.1 Set Machine Coordinate system

Firstly Open the software,as the drawing 5-1 shows,at this time,the software can operate the

machine movements,but before the setting machine coordinate system,there is no connection

between the software and machine.So first step is to set the machine coordinate system.

Figure5-1. Main Screen of mach3

1、Set the machine original position switch

As our request,some machine set the original point at the coordinate positive direction,some

machines set the original point at the coordinate negative direction.Mach 3 can search out the

machine original point direction by the software setting.As the pic 5-2 shows,open Homing on the

config menu.Then as pic 5-3 shows.On this page,Home Neg is for searching for the machine

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orginal point direction, × means searching original point at negative direction; √ means searching

original points at the positive direction.As the pincture 5-3 shows,X axis’s original position is at

the negative direction,Y and Z’s original points are at the positive direction.

Figure5-2. Click homing of Config

Figure5-3. Motor Home and Softlimits dialog

2、Set soft limits

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Chapter5 Using of software Manual of NVUM http://www.nvcnc.net

As Figure 5-3 shows,this page also can set machine soft limit points,Soft Max is positive

direction soft limited points,soft Min is negative direction soft limited points.The soft limited

points values is according the references to the machine coordinate system,so as this example

shows,Y and Z axis’s max value is 0,all the effective coordinate data is less than 0.As the Figure

shows,according to our current request,we set our XYZ axis soft limited points area as [0,270]

[-390,0] [-100,0].

3、Searching for machine original points

Figure5-4. Click REF ALL HOME to HOME all axis

As Figure 5-4 shows,press REF ALL HOME at main display page,then XYZ A4 start to

search for the original points,if you need more axis’s operation,edit macro command,or press

Alt+7 into Diagnostics display page,you can search original point for every axis. Diagnostics

5.2 Set workpiece coordinate system

Because every working material is hold in different position on the machine,we need to set

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Chapter5 Using of software Manual of NVUM http://www.nvcnc.net

one or more workpiece coordinate system.

1、Move to current working piece 0 point

Firstly hold down the material,use keyboard or pendant to move tool tip at the 0 point,so this

0 point is the working piece 0 point,it related with the working G code file,so the user must be very

familiar to his own working G code.As our example shows,the 0 point is on the center of the

working piece surface,so we just move the tool tip to this position.

2、clear Coordinate

As 5-5 shows,press Zero button on each axis, then clear to 0 for each axis.After operation,the

result shows as Figure 5-6.

Figure5-5. Press Zero on each axis,all clear to 0

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Figure5-6. Main Screen after ZERO all axis

5.3 Open G code file and run

As Figure 5-7 shows,press “load G code” botton at the main page or open “Load G code” at

main menu “File”,open your G code.It displayed as Figure 5-8 showing,then press button “cycle

start” then machine start to work.

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Chapter5 Using of software Manual of NVUM http://www.nvcnc.net

Figure5-7. Press Load G-Code and open your G code

Figure5-8. After opening G code,press “Cycle Start” and start to work

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