Business Intelligence Article

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Business Intelligence For Dummies

Article · January 2023


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Challa karthikeya Reddy

VIT University


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Vol. 5 Special Issue 2 January 2021 E-ISSN: 2456-5571



School of Computer Science and Engineering
VIT, Vellore, India

Introduction warehouses. With these technical approaches the

Ranjan, J. (2009). Business intelligence is mainly data is converted into BI functions this contain views
depending on the history of a company's data and of company based on data and reporting based on
analysing the data and creating a successful strategy data. There are many tools and functions for
for the company. And it is often used as BI. Business analysing the data (OLTP AND OLAP DATA
intelligence is all deals about the term data analysis. MINING) etc
One should know what is meant by the term data.
The data is a collection of meaningful and statistical Literary Survey
information. And analysis means after collecting the 1. Watson, H. J., & Wixom, B. H. (2007).BI is all
data and thinking about a profitable outcome or about data getting in and making an organised
deciding the future goals. Business intelligence is and getting out the data and this helps the
widely used by many companies around the world it organizations make their decisions. The main
become an iconic tool for a company to analyse the problem is one must collect the high-quality data
data from the past to present and analysing whole and no use of collecting poor quality data. Users
information and taking decision regarding future are not interested in using the poor quality.BI
goals and to grow the company around the world. gives a ball park figure for any company. The
There are some famous BI tools provided by many main thing one must extract the data of the
companies some are Microsoft power BI and organizations and sending them into decision
Tableau these are some of the best tools in the world support systems or data. To make some
at present for solving complex problems. And this meaningful data. Meta data is technical part
meaningful information is extracted by using BI which is present in data ware houses like
tools. On looking into this the companies will take (OLAP).The main role of metadata is use to give
set of actions and this action can be modified information to the user in a simplified or in a
according to their company requirement for future meaningful way. It is like boundary between
stability and to with stand company in around the users and data warehouses. Meta data provides
world. clear and transparency of data to the user.BI
Lennerholt, C. (2018) Business intelligence making a huge amount of demand in this world
is into that if you installed a software in your and also developing in vey smarter way. In
company and that can solve the problems of succeeding in BI is not that easy have many
company it's not that BI changes with time to time conditions like having the good BI governance
and you cannot stick onto a single software that can and decision-making system and use of
lead company in future. So, company must have a information in a well direct way.
clarity on future goals and should look into it.BI it 2. Elena, C. (2011). Business intelligence can also
accesses on the functions that are approached by be called as Information intelligence. In these
using technical approach and this technical approach days it gained a huge across the world and users.
contain data mining, predictive analysis and data Th e main part of this BI is gathering information

27 Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science

Vol. 5 Special Issue 2 January 2021 E-ISSN: 2456-5571

in different ways some are asking the users a provides interaction with enterprises and forecast
feedback of any website or anything about the their problems and clears it off.
company'sdevelopment. And based the feedback 4. Marjanovic, O. (2012) In day to day of these
of users the main agenda of company to provide computer generation the data has become very
the high-quality information to the user. But most complex to store as there is bulk amount this
of companies are facing a common problem in creates a complexity to the enterprises to
analysing the un structured data or semi eradicate these BI tools are introduced and this
structured data which is in the form of texts, helps them to find their future goals regarding the
messages, memes, and all these comes under text company.BI decision making are of two types it
and content analysis. Most of the companies are is evolved based on companies making their
facing the same issue in converting these decisions one is strategic and another is
unstructured data into meaningful data. And operational BI. Operational BI is widely used
many are trying to get on it and succeed. Meta than strategic BI. Strategic BI depends on the
data is the process in which a company get data data ware marts of the enterprise and make them
of un structured data in a very short format or we decisions. But in operational BI is very flexible
can say it is just a source to collect the large and cost effective and uses different tools and
amount of data. For example, if you know the knowledge workers and turning it into a best
author name or file name. Then it is useful to decision system. In these days operational BI is
extract the data from those resources. But this using in a wide range. And this operational BI
meta data is also not an appropriate method to resulted in operational business process (BP). At
extract the in a meaningful way. the same there are BPM which are focusing on
3. Cristescu, M. P. (2017). Business intelligence is BP’s to make them effective. The main agenda of
used for the development of business application BPM is to focus on intelligence of decision same
for their clients and investors. BI also have many like operational BI’s and BP’s. And these makes
tools and functions and many solutions for think powerfully and accurately.
finding the rightful solution for a company. There 5. Khan, R. A., &Quadri, S. M. K. (2012). In this
are many BI solutions software and many world every company needs BI because it gives
companies are providing this but company has to best figure of their company and changing their
choose the appropriate for their company. One of strategies for making their company best and also
the best software is Microsoft BI tools. It helps them what costumer wants and how to
provides the correct and best analysis of data. The attract customers and helps them move along the
software gives a complete vision for clients and market. The main concept of BI is use to
around 2000’s Microsoft entered into this field collecting data and storing the data and analysing
and done successfully by analysing their the data these are the important steps any
company in making SWOT analysis and using company have to do first if they want to know.
this analysis they have succeed in this field. In Data is collected in a back of data warehouses
analysis swot analysis they created four quadrants like OLTP (online transaction processing) it is
same like a coordinate system. And these type of cleaned and stored in data warehouses like data
BI tool helps user of a particular organization to marts and meta data and this stored data is sent to
exceed their profits and identifying the most the data analysis are where there isnumerous
useful programs for them and gives them a software developed for providing structured data
360degree clarity on their organisation. BI makes for a company there are many data analysis some
the easy to understand the business data and of them are OLAP (online analytical processing)
and Data Mining and Machine Learning. In this
28 Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science
Vol. 5 Special Issue 2 January 2021 E-ISSN: 2456-5571

machine learning has very importance making the 8. BI helps the company to make best decisions for
effective data because it is a part of AI (artificial company endurance.
intelligence) it is full of methods in which it 9. BI helps to find out the problem very easily and
containsnumerous decision-making systems effectively.
required for BI. 10. Through business systems company can compare
6. Shariat, M., & Hightower Jr, R. (2007)From past their past and present performance in particular
ten years the BI evolved like a giant man to help field.
the enterprises to improve. BPM and BP are used
in starting days to manipulate the data in an Conclusions
efficient way and the world is not steady and it is BI it is the finest technology used by the most of
increasing its technology day by day and making the tech giant companies around the world and
all part today we coined as Business Intelligence. making their companies lager and lager. Most
There are many tools used in those days 1960’s developed countries are having many great
data base management is developed and also companies are using BI as a tool for the company. In
in1970’s decision support system is developed India also there is drastic growth in the business
and, in these days, there are so many other data intelligence services and increasing the growth of
analytic system is developed based on these. technology in India. Using BI services India
OLAP and Data Mining and many are developed expected to reach $22.8 billion by the end of 2020.
to analyse the data and make some gunshot This makes India to stand out in technology using BI
decisions for companies. It can also analyse services. BI services are very useful for the
through business intelligence architecture by companies as well as for common people. The
making the data in a predesigned manner. In this company acquiring the data from user. And
BI architecture one constructs the data in a very analysing it and coming with user friendly decisions.
constructed way. And this BI gives a tactical and In recent years technology is growing rapidly and use
good figure on making the decisions for of AI chat bots this make much easier for a company
companies and enterprises. In this process clients to collect data very easily. Machine learning is the
providea good information on collected to the future to any software industry along with BI it
vendors. empowers the company value in the market.

Advantages References
1. BI mainly resides about the strategies to uphold Cristescu, M. P. (2017). Business Intelligence
their company in this techno world. Integrated Solutions. Land Forces Academy
2. It gives ball park figure of the company. Review, 22(4), 270-275.
3. It provides very effective solutions for planning Elena, C. (2011). Business intelligence. Journal of
strategies. Knowledge Management, Economics and
4. It can also improve the data quality to make Information Technology, 1(2), 1-12.
accurate decisions. Khan, R. A., &Quadri, S. M. K. (2012). Business
5. It makes easy to employers to work on data intelligence: an integrated approach. Business
collected. And gives employer satisfaction. Intelligence Journal, 5(1), 64-70.
6. Through different strategies company can have Lennerholt, C., van Laere, J., &Söderström, E.
customer satisfaction. And can increase costumer (2018, January). Implementation challenges
rate. of self-service business intelligence: A
7. Business reporting is very fast and accurate. literature review. In Proceedings of the 51st

29 Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science

Vol. 5 Special Issue 2 January 2021 E-ISSN: 2456-5571

Hawaii International Conference on System of Theoretical and Applied Information

Sciences. Technology, 9(1), 60-70.
Marjanovic, O. (2012). The importance of process Shariat, M., & Hightower Jr, R. (2007). Conceptualizing
thinking in business intelligence. business intelligence architecture. Marketing
In Organizational Learning and Knowledge: Management Journal, 17(2).
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Watson, H. J., & Wixom, B. H. (2007). The current
Applications (pp. 3057-3075). IGI Global. state of business intelligence. Computer, 40(9),
Ranjan, J. (2009). Business intelligence: Concepts, 96-99.
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