G-10 Phy

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Physics Grade 10

UNIT - 5

Introductions to Electronics
Vacuum tube devices

 Thermionic emission- the escape of electrons from a heated metal surface.

 If the metal is heated up, they move faster, and some of the more energetic electrons can
then escape from the surface of the metal in a way very similar to evaporation of the faster
molecules from the surface of a liquid.
 If the current to the heating wire is turned off there is no current in the diode circuit, as
there is no thermionic emission from the cathode.
 It does not become significant until high temperatures are reached.
 It provides a controllable supply of electrons in a vacuum.

 Cathode ray oscilloscope -electronic test equipment that provides visual images of electrical
signals and oscillations.
 Vacuum tubes: - is an electronic device which controls the flow of electrons in vacuum.

 The thermionic diode

 Diode –diode an electrical component with two electrodes, used for rectification.
 Rectification –the process of converting ac to dc.
 The name diode refers to the fact that the device has two electrodes: an anode and a cathode.
 A metal plate (the cathode) was heated so as to emit electrons, by placing the cathode in
front of what amounted to an electric heater (a tungsten wire).

 The electrons ‘boiled off’ from the hot cathode and were attracted to the anode a cold metal plate
which was commonly at about +100 V with respect to the cathode. In this way the circuit was
completed and current moved.
 Current could pass across it in one direction.
 If the polarity of the main battery was reversed, the cold anode would not emit electrons into
the vacuum and so current would not move.

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 Cathode rays

 Cathode rays -are a beam of electrons moving through a vacuum at a high speed.
 The electrons produced by the cathode are called cathode rays.
 They are produced by an electron gun, which is a vacuum tube device.
 Electron gun- an electrical component producing a beam of electrons
moving through a vacuum at high speed.

 The X-ray

 The X-ray machine -is also a vacuum tube device.

 Electrons are released from the cathode by thermionic emission and are then
accelerated through a p.d. of the order of 100 kV so as to hit the anode at an
extremely high speed.
 When such fast-moving cathode rays are suddenly stopped, X-rays are produced.
 To minimize the heating effect: -it is made of a large block of copper to conduct the
heat away. -The other end being equipped with
cooling fins or having cold liquid pumped round it.

 X-rays are used medically for investigations, and for treatment of some sterility.
 They are also used to check welds in pipes and to investigate the contents of cases in
airport security checks.
 They can also be used in the laboratory to investigate the atomic structure of
crystals, and in astronomy,
 X-rays detected from space can give useful information.
 The great danger with X-rays is that they are ionizing radiation.
 They can cause radiation burns and damage to the DNA within cells, which can
lead to sterility.
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 To minimize it there should be adequate lead shielding (lead absorbs X-rays).

 Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO)

 CRO – is vacuum tube device.

 In a CRO the beam of electrons produces a spot on a fluorescent screen at
the end of the tube.
 Two sets of deflecting plates
 The y-direction and in the x-direction plates.

 Gain control -a device adjusting the amount of beam deflection in a cathode

ray oscilloscope.
 In an oscilloscope tube what is the purpose of:

 The heater-The heater warms the cathode to encourage thermionic emission.

 The grid-is used to control the path the electron.
 The cathode–is used to emit the electrons.
-Electrons are emitted from the cathode.
 The anode–is used to accelerate the emitted electrons.
-Electrons are attracted to the anode.
 The x- plate-is used to deflect the electrons.
-Voltages are applied to the x plates to move the beam of electrons from side to side
 The y-plate- is used to deflect the electrons.
-Voltages are applied to the y-plates to move the beam of electrons up and down (vertically).

 Some uses of the CRO

 Direct current-
 Sensitivity-
 Time base-
 Alternating current-
 Finding the period and frequency of alternating currents or
voltages using the CRO.

 Homework

Review questions Page 163 -Question #1 - #6

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Conductors, semiconductors and insulators

 when considering conduction, materials fall into three classes:

 Conductors – metals and carbon – in which atomic structure charge is carried by
unfixed or ‘conduction’ electrons.
 Insulators – glass, plastic and most non-metals – in whose atomic structure
electrons are held firmly and are largely unable to move.
 Semiconductors – such as silicon (the most important), germanium, lead sulphide,
selenium and gallium arsenide – in which electric current is able to flow through the
atomic structure.

Types of semiconductors

There are two types of semiconductor. These are:

 Intrinsic/pure semiconductors
 Extrinsic /doping semiconductor

Intrinsic/pure semiconductors- A pure semiconductor has not containing any doping.

Conduction in pure (intrinsic) semiconductors

 They have resistivity between those of insulators and those of conductors.

 They form the basis of many of the devices that we take for granted in a
technological society.
 Their conductivity is not affected by any external factors.
 In an intrinsic semiconductor, electric current is carried by moving
electrons. Example .silicon and germanium.
 Contain moving positive charges that carry current.
 Lattice structure of the atoms in an intrinsic semiconductor
 At room temperature there will always be a few free electrons that have been
‘shaken free’ of their atoms by thermal excitation (when the material has absorbed
energy from the surroundings).
 The effect of an electron leaving an atom is therefore to create a positive charge in
the semiconductor lattice. T is positive charge is called a hole.
 Hole-the lack of an electron at a position where one
could exist in an atomic lattice.
 When an electric field is applied to the semiconductor (that is, when it is
connected to a source of e.m.f.) the electrons and holes move in opposite
directions, and the semiconductor exhibits intrinsic conduction.
 The current in a pure semiconductor consists of free electrons moving through the
semiconductor lattice in one direction, with an equal number of positively
charged holes moving in the other direction as fig below.
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Charge carriers and resistance in a semiconductor

 While the resistance of metallic conductors rises as they warm up, with
semiconductors the resistance falls greatly as their temperature goes up.
 This is because when the temperature of a semiconductor is raised, more electrons (charge
carriers) have enough energy to break free.
 As the number of charge carriers increases, the resistance of the semiconductor material decreases
and the material conducts better.

 Homework

Review questions Page 166 -Question #1 - #3

Semiconductors (impurities, doping)

 Extrinsic semiconductor- a semiconductor that has been doped

 Doping- deliberately introducing impurities into a
semiconductor to change its electrical properties.
 This process introduces extra charge carriers by replacing atoms in the
semiconductor lattice with atoms of an impurity of similar size.
 This alters the semiconductor’s conducting properties by introducing extra-large carriers to
the semiconductor lattice, forming what is called an extrinsic semiconductor.

Majority and minority carriers

 P-type and n-type semiconductor

 P-type semiconductor

 A semiconductor in which the majority carriers are holes, due to doping.

 Holes- are the majority carriers.
 Electrons- are minority carriers.
 Called acceptor
 Acceptor- impurity atoms added to a semiconductor, which trap electrons
 Trivalent atoms doped with pure semiconductors.
 Trivalent impurities e.g., boron, aluminum, indium, and gallium have 3 valence electrons.
 Example silicon with boron.

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n-type semiconductor

 n-type semiconductor -a semiconductor in which the majority carriers are

electrons, due to doping .
 The majority carriers - are negative electrons
 The minority carriers are holes.
 It is called donor.
 Donor- impurity atoms added to a semiconductor which release free electrons.
 Pentavalent impurities such as phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth have 5
valence electrons.
 Pentavalent atoms doped with pure semiconductors.
 It doped with atoms w/c has five outer valence electrons.
 Example Silicon with Arsenic.

 Conduction in a doped semiconductor

 The number of free electrons and holes can be altered dramatically by doping.
 For example, the addition of only one arsenic atom per million silicon
atoms increases the conductivity 100 000 times.

 The p-n type semiconductor

 Suppose a p-type semiconductor is in contact with an n-type one.

 Both pieces of semiconductor were electrically neutral overall before they
were contact.
 Some of the n-type’s electrons move, or ‘fall’ into the p-type’s holes after contact.
This movement is known as diffusion current.
 It causes the p-type to become slightly
 Negative while the n-type is left equally positive, leaving a ‘depletion zone’ for a
small distance each side of the boundary (of the order of 1 μm).
 a shortage of ‘holes’ on one side and of free electrons the other.

 This prevents any more electrons from crossing the boundary, so the diode
will not conduct in that direction.
 In the depletion zone there are no more ‘holes’ in the p-type and no free
electrons in the n-type, so it forms a non- conducting strip which blocks all
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 Forward and reverse bias
 Reverse biased - Connecting the positive terminal of a cell to the n-type
region of a diode, and the negative terminal to the p-type region, preventing
 No current flow.

 Forward biased- connecting the positive terminal of a

cell to the p-type region of a diode, and the negative
terminal to the n-type region, allowing conduction.
 In this direction the junction will conduct.
 Current flow.

 Current–voltage characteristics of the semiconductor diode

Some semiconductor devices

 A diode is an electronic component with two electrodes – an anode and a cathode –
which will only allow electric current to pass through it in one direction.

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 A light-dependent resistor conducts electricity, but in the dark it has a very high
resistance. Shining light on it appears to ‘unjam’ it, because its resistance falls.
The brighter the light, the better it conducts.

 It is a piece of semiconductor material that has a high resistance in the cold.
Its resistance drops as it becomes warmer.

-Variable resistor
 It is a very useful component in electronic circuits, particularly in circuits containing

 It can be seen in a multitude of devices.
 When a current is passed in the forward direction, an LED emits light.
 Is a very useful component – if there is one in a circuit, it is possible to see
immediately if current is mowing.
 LEDs are now available in a range of colors – red, green, blue, white. White LEDs
are increasingly being used in lighting; they produce light very efficiently (using
relatively little energy).

-Transistor-a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch

electronic signals.
 A bipolar junction transistor is made of three layers of doped semiconductor and it
has three terminals – the base is connected to the central layer, the other two (the
collector and the emitter) are each connected to one of the outer layers.

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-Photodiode- is a light-sensitive diode used to detect light or to measure its intensity.
Photodiodes are reverse biased so they do not conduct.
 Light incident on the photodiode frees a few more electrons and the device starts
to conduct.

-Photovoltaic cell
 It is a form of photodiode.
 The base layer of a photovoltaic solar cell is made of p-type semiconductor material.
This is covered with a layer of n-type semiconductor material.
 When light strikes the junction between n- and p-types of semiconductor,
electrons move through the structure of the cell.
 Photovoltaic cell- a cell that converts solar energy into electrical energy.

 Rectification using the p–n junction diode

-Using one diode

Direct current can be obtained from an alternating current generator by putting a diode in
the circuit.
 The diode allows the current to flow one way, but on the other half of the cycle the
current cannot flow back again through the diode.

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 Half-wave rectification.

 It uses one diode.

 A capacitor is used to help to smooth the fluctuationsin this current.
 A semiconductor diode can produce half-wave rectification from an alternating

 It is direct current, because the charges always flow in the same direction and so will make
progress round the circuit.

 The capacitor is filled up to the peak voltage of the supply, then as the power supply’s voltage
drops to zero we can think of the capacitor as feeding the outside circuit.

 Full wave rectification

 An arrangement made from four diodes is known as a bridge rectifier.

 Conduct in both direction.
 Bridge rectifier an arrangement of four diodes which produce full-wave
rectification of an alternating current.

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 Homework

Review questions Page 176 -Question #1 - #5

Transistors (p-n-p, n-p-n)

 Transistors- are important components of electronic circuits because they use the input of
relatively small circuits to control circuits carrying large currents.
 This makes them very important as switches and amplifiers. The
bipolar junction transistor

 The bipolar junction transistor is a three-layer semiconductor device.

 Both p-n-p and n-p-n transistors have three terminals:
 1. The base
 is the connection to the central layer.
 Base- one of three regions forming a bipolar junction transistor.
 This layer separates the emitter and collector layers.
 If a voltage greater than around 0.6 V is applied to the base terminal, current will flow through
the transistor from base to emitter.
 2. The Collector
 One of the three regions forming a bipolar junction transistor.
 When used in a circuit, a positive voltage is applied to the collector terminal.
 3. The Emitter- one of the three regions forming a bipolar junction transistor. Current will only
flow from the emitter terminal if a voltage greater than around 0.6 V is applied to the base

Fig. Transistor layouts.

Transistor biasing

 Biasing’ refers to placing voltages across the terminals of a device. In terms of voltages,
the base has to be at a voltage intermediate between that of the emitter and the collector.

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 Provided VBE is greater than about 0.6 V, the base–collector junction will
conduct, so bases current will move.

Transistor characteristics

 A transistor has only three terminals, so one of them will inevitably be common
to both.
 It can be any of the three, so the circuitry can be classified as common emitter,
common base or common collector as fig. below.

Fig. transistor circuitry

The static characteristics for a Bipolar Transistor can be divided into the following three main

Input Characteristics:

 Common Base - ΔVEB / ΔIE

 Common Emitter - ΔVBE / ΔIB

Output Characteristics:

 Common Base - ΔVC / ΔIC

 Common Emitter - ΔVC / ΔIC

Transfer Characteristics:

 Common Base - ΔIC / ΔIE

 Common Emitter - ΔIC / ΔIB

Bipolar Transistor Configurations

1. Common Emitter Configuration - has both Current and Voltage Gain.

2. Common Base Configuration - has Voltage Gain but no Current Gain
3. Common Collector Configuration - has Current Gain but no Voltage Gain.

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Transistor as switch and as amplifier

The Transistor as a Switch

.Transistor switches can be used to switch and control lamps, relays or even motors.
• When using bipolar transistors as switches they must be fully "OFF" or fully "ON".
• Transistors that are fully "ON" are said to be in their Saturation region.
• Transistors that are fully "OFF" are said to be in their Cut-off region.
• In a transistor switch a small Base current controls a much larger Collector current (as
shown figure below).

1. Cut-off Region - Both junctions are Reverse-biased, Base current is zero or very
small resulting in zero Collector current flowing, and the device is switched fully
2. Saturation Region - Both junctions are Forward-biased, Base current is high
enough to give a Collector-Emitter voltage of 0v resulting in maximum Collector
current flowing, the device is switched fully "ON"

 A potential divider is used to raise or lower the voltage at the base to control the
base current. If there is no base current, the millimeters record no collector current
 Move the slider on the potential divider up and down – the base current rises and
falls, and the movement on the millimeters seems to track whatever the base current
is doing but with much larger variations.

Logic gates

 Logic gates are tiny silicon chips on which are etched combinations of
transistors and resistors.
 Logic gates work in terms of 1s (a voltage is present) and 0s (the voltage is not
 In logic gates two binary numbers are: one and zero.
 One represents – ON, True.
 Zero represents (0) - OFF, False.
 They typically have two inputs and one output.
 Logic gates- an electronic device that performs a logical operation on two inputs
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and produces a single logic output.

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 There are five types of logic gates. These are:

 NOT gate
 AND gate
 NAND gate
 OR gate
 NOR gate

The NOT gate

 It has a single input, and its output is always the opposite.

 A ‘0’ at the input means a ‘1’ at the output, and vice versa.

Input Output
0 1
1 0
Fig. NOT gate Fig. Truth table

The AND gate

 It has two inputs and one output.

 Like two switches in series.
 Gives True only when the two inputs are true, otherwise false.
o Formula: if the A and B are the two inputs then,

o A x B = output.
Inputs output
0 0 0
0 1 0
Fig. AND gate 1 0 0
1 1 1
Fig. OR gate truth table

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The NAND gate

 It has two inputs (A and B) and output.

 The little circle at the output indicates that each value is reversed.
 It is AND gate with the output inverted.
 Gives false only if the two inputs are true, otherwise false.
o Formula: if the A and B are the two inputs then,

Inputs Output
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
Fig. NAND gate 1 1 0
Fig. NAND gate truth table

The OR gate

 It has two inputs (A and B) and output.

 Like two switches in parallel.
 It gives false only if the two inputs are false, otherwise true.
 Formula: if the A and B are the two inputs then, A + B = output.

Inputs Output
0 0 0
Fig. OR gate Fig. OR gate 0 1 1
1 0 1
truth table 1 1 1

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The NOR gate

 It has two inputs (A and B) and output.

 The little circle at the output indicates that each value is reversed.
 It is OR gate with the output inverted
 It gives true only if the two inputs are false.
o Formula: if the A and B are the two inputs then,

inputs output
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
Fig. NOR gate
1 1 0
Fig. NOR gate truth table

The summary to truth table is as follows:

Inputs Logic gates output

0 0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 0

Combinations of logic gates

 More than one logic gate may be combined to increase the range of control tasks
that can be performed.
 If there are three inputs this time, this will give 23 = 8 diff erent Combinations of
0s and 1s.
 As an example, consider the arrangement shown in Figure below. How does
it behave?

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The truth table for the above combinations is given as:


0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 0

The action of logic gates

 A simple burglar alarm

 A thermostat for a hot water tank
 A security lock to get ‘behind the counter’ at a bank
 An automatic plant waterier
 Integrated circuits

 Homework

Review questions Page 192

-Question #1 - #4

End of Unit Questions Page 193

-Question #1 - #6

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