G-10 Phy
G-10 Phy
G-10 Phy
Physics Grade 10
UNIT - 5
Introductions to Electronics
Vacuum tube devices
Cathode ray oscilloscope -electronic test equipment that provides visual images of electrical
signals and oscillations.
Vacuum tubes: - is an electronic device which controls the flow of electrons in vacuum.
The electrons ‘boiled off’ from the hot cathode and were attracted to the anode a cold metal plate
which was commonly at about +100 V with respect to the cathode. In this way the circuit was
completed and current moved.
Current could pass across it in one direction.
If the polarity of the main battery was reversed, the cold anode would not emit electrons into
the vacuum and so current would not move.
Cathode rays -are a beam of electrons moving through a vacuum at a high speed.
The electrons produced by the cathode are called cathode rays.
They are produced by an electron gun, which is a vacuum tube device.
Electron gun- an electrical component producing a beam of electrons
moving through a vacuum at high speed.
The X-ray
X-rays are used medically for investigations, and for treatment of some sterility.
They are also used to check welds in pipes and to investigate the contents of cases in
airport security checks.
They can also be used in the laboratory to investigate the atomic structure of
crystals, and in astronomy,
X-rays detected from space can give useful information.
The great danger with X-rays is that they are ionizing radiation.
They can cause radiation burns and damage to the DNA within cells, which can
lead to sterility.
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To minimize it there should be adequate lead shielding (lead absorbs X-rays).
Direct current-
Time base-
Alternating current-
Finding the period and frequency of alternating currents or
voltages using the CRO.
Types of semiconductors
Intrinsic/pure semiconductors
Extrinsic /doping semiconductor
While the resistance of metallic conductors rises as they warm up, with
semiconductors the resistance falls greatly as their temperature goes up.
This is because when the temperature of a semiconductor is raised, more electrons (charge
carriers) have enough energy to break free.
As the number of charge carriers increases, the resistance of the semiconductor material decreases
and the material conducts better.
P-type semiconductor
The number of free electrons and holes can be altered dramatically by doping.
For example, the addition of only one arsenic atom per million silicon
atoms increases the conductivity 100 000 times.
This prevents any more electrons from crossing the boundary, so the diode
will not conduct in that direction.
In the depletion zone there are no more ‘holes’ in the p-type and no free
electrons in the n-type, so it forms a non- conducting strip which blocks all
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Forward and reverse bias
Reverse biased - Connecting the positive terminal of a cell to the n-type
region of a diode, and the negative terminal to the p-type region, preventing
No current flow.
A diode is an electronic component with two electrodes – an anode and a cathode –
which will only allow electric current to pass through it in one direction.
It is a piece of semiconductor material that has a high resistance in the cold.
Its resistance drops as it becomes warmer.
-Variable resistor
It is a very useful component in electronic circuits, particularly in circuits containing
It can be seen in a multitude of devices.
When a current is passed in the forward direction, an LED emits light.
Is a very useful component – if there is one in a circuit, it is possible to see
immediately if current is mowing.
LEDs are now available in a range of colors – red, green, blue, white. White LEDs
are increasingly being used in lighting; they produce light very efficiently (using
relatively little energy).
-Photovoltaic cell
It is a form of photodiode.
The base layer of a photovoltaic solar cell is made of p-type semiconductor material.
This is covered with a layer of n-type semiconductor material.
When light strikes the junction between n- and p-types of semiconductor,
electrons move through the structure of the cell.
Photovoltaic cell- a cell that converts solar energy into electrical energy.
It is direct current, because the charges always flow in the same direction and so will make
progress round the circuit.
The capacitor is filled up to the peak voltage of the supply, then as the power supply’s voltage
drops to zero we can think of the capacitor as feeding the outside circuit.
Transistors- are important components of electronic circuits because they use the input of
relatively small circuits to control circuits carrying large currents.
This makes them very important as switches and amplifiers. The
bipolar junction transistor
Transistor biasing
Biasing’ refers to placing voltages across the terminals of a device. In terms of voltages,
the base has to be at a voltage intermediate between that of the emitter and the collector.
Transistor characteristics
A transistor has only three terminals, so one of them will inevitably be common
to both.
It can be any of the three, so the circuitry can be classified as common emitter,
common base or common collector as fig. below.
The static characteristics for a Bipolar Transistor can be divided into the following three main
Input Characteristics:
Output Characteristics:
Transfer Characteristics:
.Transistor switches can be used to switch and control lamps, relays or even motors.
• When using bipolar transistors as switches they must be fully "OFF" or fully "ON".
• Transistors that are fully "ON" are said to be in their Saturation region.
• Transistors that are fully "OFF" are said to be in their Cut-off region.
• In a transistor switch a small Base current controls a much larger Collector current (as
shown figure below).
1. Cut-off Region - Both junctions are Reverse-biased, Base current is zero or very
small resulting in zero Collector current flowing, and the device is switched fully
2. Saturation Region - Both junctions are Forward-biased, Base current is high
enough to give a Collector-Emitter voltage of 0v resulting in maximum Collector
current flowing, the device is switched fully "ON"
A potential divider is used to raise or lower the voltage at the base to control the
base current. If there is no base current, the millimeters record no collector current
Move the slider on the potential divider up and down – the base current rises and
falls, and the movement on the millimeters seems to track whatever the base current
is doing but with much larger variations.
Logic gates
Logic gates are tiny silicon chips on which are etched combinations of
transistors and resistors.
Logic gates work in terms of 1s (a voltage is present) and 0s (the voltage is not
In logic gates two binary numbers are: one and zero.
One represents – ON, True.
Zero represents (0) - OFF, False.
They typically have two inputs and one output.
Logic gates- an electronic device that performs a logical operation on two inputs
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and produces a single logic output.
NOT gate
AND gate
NAND gate
OR gate
NOR gate
Input Output
0 1
1 0
Fig. NOT gate Fig. Truth table
o A x B = output.
Inputs output
0 0 0
0 1 0
Fig. AND gate 1 0 0
1 1 1
Fig. OR gate truth table
Inputs Output
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
Fig. NAND gate 1 1 0
Fig. NAND gate truth table
The OR gate
Inputs Output
0 0 0
Fig. OR gate Fig. OR gate 0 1 1
1 0 1
truth table 1 1 1
inputs output
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
Fig. NOR gate
1 1 0
Fig. NOR gate truth table
More than one logic gate may be combined to increase the range of control tasks
that can be performed.
If there are three inputs this time, this will give 23 = 8 diff erent Combinations of
0s and 1s.
As an example, consider the arrangement shown in Figure below. How does
it behave?
-Question #1 - #6