License Saudi Services For Electro Mechanic Works Co., Ltd. (SSEM) /SA-894-t Not For Resale, 8/8/2019 10:03:26 AM Saudi Time
License Saudi Services For Electro Mechanic Works Co., Ltd. (SSEM) /SA-894-t Not For Resale, 8/8/2019 10:03:26 AM Saudi Time
License Saudi Services For Electro Mechanic Works Co., Ltd. (SSEM) /SA-894-t Not For Resale, 8/8/2019 10:03:26 AM Saudi Time
License=Saudi Services for Electro Mechanic Works Co., Ltd. (SSEM)/SA-894-t Not For Resale ,8/8/2019 10:03:26 AM Saudi Time
This standard defines the various types of hardware associated with transmission line
conductors and structures and establishes the criteria for their selection on the Transmission
System of National Grid Saudi Arabia.
Transmission line hardware is broadly classified into Conductor related and Structure related
2.1 Conductor related hardware includes the conductor support and conductor motion
control hardware. Due consideration shall be given to the mechanical and electrical
demands on the design and selection of conductor related hardware which support,
join, separate, reinforce and mechanically damp overhead conductors, overhead
ground wire (OGW), composite optical fiber overhead ground wire (OPGW) and all
dielectric self-supporting cable (ADSS).
2.2 Structure related hardware are used to frame structures, to provide guying and pole
attachments to structure and to provide necessary line to structure clearances. Their
design and selection shall ensure structural strength and at the same time be static
proof, thus reducing possible radio and television interference.
2.3 All conductors related hardware shall be corona free (no visible corona) and the
corona extinction voltage shall not be less than the values per Table 04-1 when tested
as an insulator set (complete string) in accordance with IEC 61284:
Radio Interference Voltage (RIV) of an insulator set (complete string) shall not
exceed 40 dB above 1 μV when measured across a resistance of 300 Ω. The test
voltage shall be the highest system voltage (per latest revision of 01-TMSS-01)
divided by √3 and the frequency for the RIV measurement shall be 1 MHz.
2.4 All fittings on suspension and tension insulator strings shall be suitable for removal
and/or replacement of insulators and fittings by tools designed for hot line working.
This shall be clearly indicated on the drawings to be provided by the manufacturer.
3.1.1 Suspension support hardware for phase conductor shall be preformed Armor
Grip Suspension Unit (AGS). The AGS units shall be designed to withstand
without any permanent deformation in any of the components, a vertical load
at least equal to the rated strength of conductor or a minimum of 120 kN if
the rated strength of conductor exceeds 120 kN.
3.1.2 Suspension support hardware for conventional overhead ground wire (OGW)
shall also be preformed Armor Grip Suspension Unit and the rating of AGS
units shall be 80 kN & 60 kN for OGW with rated strength of 120 kN and
70 kN respectively.
3.1.3 Suspension support hardware for optical ground wire (OPGW) and all
dielectric self-supporting cable (ADSS) shall be preformed helical suspension
clamp (Armor Grip Suspension Unit, AGS) and per manufacturer’s
recommendation. The rating of AGS units shall be 80 kN & 60 kN for
OPGW with rated strength of 120 kN and 70 kN respectively. For ADSS, the
rating of AGS unit may be reduced to 40 kN.
a. Suspension fittings shall have the ability to support the cable, without
damage (particularly crushing or kinking), to the maximum vertical
load with the allowance for a suitable safety factor.
3.2.2 Suspension clamps shall be made of aluminum alloy to suit the conductor.
Suspension clamps for galvanized steel overhead ground wire shall be made
of malleable iron, galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153. The thickness
of zinc coating for items other than bolts, nuts and washers shall be 0.11 mm
equivalent to 770 g/m².
3.3.1 Dead-end hardware used to attach the ends of conductor and overhead ground
wire to the supporting structure shall be of:
c. The tension fittings shall have the ability to withstand the load of
95 % of Rated Tensile Strength (RTS) of conductors, OGW and
OPGW/ADSS and withstand Aeolian vibrations and galloping,
Only standard strength suspension cap & pin disc (porcelain and glass), line post
(porcelain) and long rod (porcelain and composite) insulators meeting all the
requirements of the relevant Transmission Materials Standards Specifications
(TMSS) shall be used.
3.5.1 Full tension splices shall be a two-piece compression type for ACSR &
ACSR/AW conductors and a single-piece compression type for ACAR and
AAAC conductors. These shall have strength equal to or greater than 95 % of
the rated tensile strength of the conductor on which they are placed.
Application shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
The splice shall be factory prefilled with appropriate filler compound.
3.5.2 Repair sleeves shall be compression type and preformed type devices used to
repair minor damage to the conductor. Inhibiting compound shall be applied
on the minor damaged area of the conductor prior to the installation of the
repair sleeves. The sleeve shall restore 95 % of the conductor rated tensile
strength and conductivity with a condition that no more than 1/3 (one-third)
of the aluminum strands in the outer layer are damaged.
3.5.3 Splices or repair sleeves shall be limited to one per conductor per span. The
splices shall be avoided in dead-end spans, spans greater than 600 meters and
spans crossing highways, railroads, public utility lines and spans adjacent to
crossing spans.
3.5.4 Splices or repair sleeves shall be located at least 15 meters away from the
nearest support. Splices in the conductor, making up the bundle phase
configuration shall be staggered about 1.5 meters.
3.6.1 Line jumpers are short pieces of conductors, which connect dead-end line
sections together, and are terminated by line jumper terminals on both ends.
3.6.2 Jumper loop connections for transmission lines shall be made with
compression type jumper terminals with standard ANSI/NEMA CC 1 hole
pattern for conductor size (4 bolt-hole pattern equally spaced at 44.5 mm)
used and shall have oxide inhibiting compound, pre-filled or injected. The
jumper terminals shall be bolted to the terminal pads of the dead-end
hardware on each side of the structure. Inhibiting compound shall be applied
between terminal and jumper pads. The jumper terminals shall have the
strength equal to or greater than 25 % of the rated tensile strength of the
Only standard line hardware and fittings meeting all the requirements of the latest
revision of 12-TMSS-01 and 12-TMSS-02 shall be used in the system of National
Grid Saudi Arabia. Suitable guard (power arc protection) devices such as arcing
horns and arcing rings/corona rings shall be provided on both extremities of the
suspension and dead-end hardware insulator strings for phase conductors. In case of
Long Rod Porcelain insulator strings, the power arc protection devices shall also be
provided at the intermediate levels in addition to the upper and lower levels.
The suspension and tension strings shall be arranged as shown in Table 04-2.
1. The design engineer shall select and specify in the SOW/TS the appropriate string
configuration applicable to a particular family of structures being considered in the
area/location of the transmission line.
2. Mechanical rating of the strings mentioned in the above Table refers to the standard
mechanical strength of insulators. Whereas, mechanical strength of the hardware components
shall be in accordance with the requirements of 12-TMSS-01 and TCS-P-122.21.
3.8.1 Jumper loop installations on all angle or dead-end steel structures shall be
supported by an idler string of suspension insulators. Counter weights shall be
used, as required to reduce insulator idler swing due to high winds and
maintain the required minimum conductor clearances from the structure.
3.8.2 Jumper loop installations on all wood pole angle or dead-end structures shall
be supported by a string of suspension insulators or horizontal line post
insulators attached to the structure to maintain required clearances of
conductor from the structure and from structure guys.
All conductors are subject to Aeolian and other types of vibrations produced by the wind,
which induce repeated bending stresses in the conductor and may result in its failure. The
frequencies and amplitudes of Aeolian vibration are functions of the wind velocity, span
length, distance between nodes, tension in the conductor, diameter of the conductor and the
conductor force per unit length.
Bundled conductors can experience Aeolian vibrations and sub-conductor oscillation. Sub-
conductor oscillation occurs on any bundled conductor configuration having pairs of sub-
conductors lying in the same horizontal plane. This is often observed as an anti-phase
elliptical motion of the sub-conductors with the major axis of the ellipse in the horizontal
plane. The effects of sub-conductor oscillation include mechanical damage to conductor
strands due to clashing, damage to spacers, spacer clamp loosening leading to conductor
wear/fretting and damage to suspension or tension string hardware.
In order to reduce sub-conductor oscillation, and Aeolian vibrations, spacer dampers shall be
installed on bundled conductors. In areas having excessive vibrations, the combination of
spacer damper and Stockbridge vibration damper shall be adopted. The damper
manufacturer shall study the environmental conditions at the site, sag-tension data and shall
submit the report along with proposed damping system for review and acceptance.
The damping system for twin bundle conductors shall comprise spacer dampers and
vibration dampers at both span extremities.
The methods listed below shall be used to control Aeolian vibrations and reduce the effects
these have on transmission lines.
4.1.1 AGS Units use the concept of a resilient cushioning in conjunction with
armor rods to reduce the static and dynamic bending stresses in the conductor.
The compressive clamping force is decreased, thereby reducing stress
4.1.2 AGS Units shall be used only on the specific size and types of conductors for
which they are designed, and shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
4.1.3 Maximum recommended line angle for a single support AGS is 30°.
4.1.4 The minimum slip load for AGS Unit for unbalanced loading conditions on a
line, shall be equal to the everyday tension in the conductor and ground wire.
To take into account, the effect of insulator string, the tension in the
conductor under broken wire conditions shall be considered as 70 % of
everyday tension value. In case of OGW/OPGW, no reduction in tension shall
be considered and slip load shall be taken equal to the full every day tension
value while designing AGS Units.
4.2.1 Armor rods have some damping effect on vibration and reduce the amplitude
from 10 % to 20 %. Their greatest protective value is through the reinforcing
of the conductor at the point of maximum stress, and also protecting the
conductor from burns due to flashovers.
4.2.2 Size and length of the rods vary with the size of the conductor. The rods shall
be preformed and generally ball-ended. However, for voltages 230 kV and
above, parrot-bill ends shall be used to reduce the chance of abrading the
conductor and the tendency for corona discharges at the points.
4.2.3 Armor rods shall be of aluminum alloy for all aluminum conductors (AAC),
all aluminum alloy conductors (AAAC), and aluminum conductor alloy
reinforced (ACAR), aluminum conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) and
aluminum conductor aluminum clad steel reinforced (ACSR/AW). For
galvanized steel conductors armor rods shall be of steel and galvanizing of
armor rods shall be in accordance with relevant ASTM Standard Class ‘C’
4.2.4 For repair of fatigue-damaged conductors; a specially designed AGS unit may
be applied over preformed armor rods to extend the life of the conductor.
Manufacturer shall be consulted for engineering recommendations.
4.2.5 Alignment of the ends of the rods shall be maintained within 10 mm.
4.3.2 For ADSS cable, Spiral Vibration Dampers (SVD) shall be used to suppress
the Aeolian vibrations.
4.3.3 Protection from damaging vibrations is most evenly balanced over the range
of expected frequencies of line vibration when the damper is spaced at
approximately 70 % of the free loop length from the fixed end of the span for
the highest frequency. This distance may vary with the design of the damper.
4.3.6 Vibration damper shall have no loose parts or connections and shall be
installed without disassembly of any part.
4.3.9 Damper spacing usually shall be measured from the center of the support for
tangent spans. At dead-ends, spacing shall be measured from the mouth of the
clamp or compression dead-end.
4.3.10 Vibration damper clamp and weights shall be compressed or cast onto the
stainless steel messenger wire. The clamping bolts shall have a breakaway
type head cap.
4.4.1 Spacer dampers shall be used to maintain uniform spacing of the sub-
conductors of a bundled conductor, to ensure consistent electrical
characteristics and to minimize the effects of wind induced motions.
Following bundle spacings are used for bundled conductors in the existing
transmission lines:
4.4.2 Normal distance between spacer dampers shall not exceed 60 meters. The
first and last spacer damper shall be fitted at a distance from center of the
nearest support not more than 30 meters. In areas exposed to constant high
winds, the distance between spacer dampers shall be shortened in order to
stabilize the conductor bundle.
4.4.5 Same spacer dampers as used on the line shall also be installed on the jumper
loops (for practical reasons/standardization purposes) to maintain the spacing
between the jumper conductors. The bundle spacing shall be the same as for
line spacer dampers. Flexible/semi-flexible or rigid spacers shall not be used
for line jumpers. For quad-bundle conductors, an additional twin bundle
spacer of flexible/semi-flexible or rigid type may be used near the jumper
terminal pads with a spacing of 200 mm to avoid any touching/obstruction
between top & bottom pair of sub-conductors.
4.4.6 The spacer damper clamps shall be of nutcracker type (opposed hinge),
elastomer-lined with a locking pin (quarter-turn fastening latch).
Cantilever type spacer dampers with bolted clamps (metal to metal) have not
performed satisfactory on the existing bundled conductor transmission lines.
Unless otherwise specified in the SOW/TS, or the Purchase Order and data
schedule of the relevant TMSS, bolted clamp spacer dampers shall not be
considered for bundled conductors.
4.4.7 Spacer dampers shall be capable of being installed and removed from the
energized lines with the help of hotline tools.
4.4.8 Shall be free from unacceptable levels of corona and radio interference under
all service conditions.
The dampers (vibration dampers and spacer dampers) shall have the ability to
effectively control the levels of Aeolian vibrations within safety limits for the
integrity of the conductors and overhead ground wires. Whereas, wake-induced
conductor oscillations shall be controlled by spacer dampers. The maximum sub-
span oscillation amplitude of each sub-conductor shall not exceed 150 mm (peak to
peak) for any wind speed below 18 m/s.
Bending amplitude when measured in accordance with IEEE Std. 1368 “IEEE Guide
for Aeolian Vibration Field Measurements of Overhead Conductors” shall not
exceed the values listed in Table 04-4. Bending amplitude is defined as the peak-to-
peak amplitude of conductor motion relative to clamp at 89 mm from the last contact
point of conductor in the clamp.
- No more than 1 % of bending amplitude cycles shall exceed 1.5 times the
endurance limit.
Vibration damper and spacer damper effectiveness against Aeolian vibrations and
wake-induced oscillations shall be determined by means of computer programs
based on mathematical modeling. The analytical method to be used should have been
validated against laboratory results or field tests. The following requirements and
parameters shall be taken into consideration for the analytical study:
4.6.1 To simulate winter conditions the average temperature of the coldest months
shall be taken as minus (-) 5 ºC. The tensile load (initial condition, no wind)
of the conductor and OGW/OPGW shall be worked out at this temperature
and used in the study for the simulation of Aeolian vibrations. The evaluation
of wake-induced oscillations shall be performed at the final condition (no
wind) at the average temperature of 30 ºC.
4.6.2 Terrain shall be considered as open, flat and desert type with no vegetation.
4.6.4 Damping study shall be performed with and without nighttime warning lights
installed on conductors and warning spheres installed on OGW/OPGW. The
spacing of warning spheres shall be considered as per relevant TMSS.
4.6.5 The distribution of wind speed shall be as below and shall be considered with
laminar flow (zero turbulence):
5.1.1 Only standard fasteners meeting all the requirements of the latest revision of
relevant TMSS as stipulated in TES-P-122.05 shall be used.
5.1.2 M-F type locknuts shall be used in conjunction with a regular nut with
suitable washer to form a solid unit, which does not loosen from vibration.
Spring washers shall be used in conjunction with bolts to fasten hardware in
5.1.3 To prevent reducing the bending capacity of wood structures caused by bolt
holes, the fasteners shall be of band type. Multiple-way bands shall be used
in mounting spar arms, X-braces, conductor suspension and dead-end
assemblies and guys.
5.1.4 Anti-split bolt (machine bolt with washer and nut) shall be used to prevent the
propagation of checking and splitting at the end of cross arm or top of the
pole. Lag screws shall be used to hold bands in their intended position.
5.3.1 To increase clearance between phase conductors and the supporting angle
structure, swing bracket shall be installed either horizontally or vertically, as
5.3.2 Two primary types of angle brackets are the rod type for light loads and angle
iron type for heavier loads. Swing angle brackets are applicable on both
wood and steel structures.
Overhead ground wires shall be adequately bonded to each steel structure or wood structure
grounding. Whenever there are two overhead ground wires on a wood pole structure, they
shall be tied together at the top of each structure to reduce the impedance to ground.
To prevent fire in the wood pole structures, all hardware shall be bonded together by
means of 9.5 mm diameter galvanized steel wire tied to the ground lead and
connected to the structure ground lead.
One of the most serious types of corrosion is the electro-chemical deterioration of the
electropositive metal when two or more different metals are in contact in the presence of an
The problem of minimizing the effects of corrosion is not only that of preventing corrosion,
but also that of maintaining a permanently low contact resistance to carry the current from
one metal to another.
Metals shall be selected to be compatible with one another to reduce the rate of corrosion.
Plating the contact surfaces with a metal intermediate copper and aluminum in the galvanic
series can be used to minimize electrolytic corrosion. When this method is used it shall
always be combined with suitably sealing the contact with inhibitors.