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Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics 2012, 1(2): 41-46

DOI: 10.5923/j.msse.20120102.04

Electrical Characteristic Measurement of the Fabricated

CdSe / P-Si Heterojunction Solar Cell under Radiation
M. Ashry, S. Fares*

National Center for Radiation Research and Technology(NCRRT), AEA,P.O. 29 Nasr City Egypt
M_Ashry@yahoo.com, sfares2@yahoo.com

Abstract The electrical and photovoltaic properties of CdSe/p-Si heterojunction solar cells prepared by evaporation
cooting on a single-crystal p-type silicon substrates are examined, under(100) mw/cm2, 25℃. The best fabricated cell shows
an open-circuit voltage before irradiation is(0.62V) and after irradiation is(0.44 V ). The short-circuit current density before
irradiation is(34 mA/cm2) and after irradiation is(13 mA/cm2). The fill factor before irradiation is(53 %) and after irradiation
is(44.7 %). The conversion efficiency(active area ) before irradiation is(11.1%) and after irradiation is(2.5%) .was observed
during two-hour illumination test and after storing the cell in air for three months. The illumination is from the CdSe
side(frontwall ) .The cells are analyzed using I-V and P-V measurements, spectral response and 1/C2-V measurements, with
focus on the influence of the solar cell thickness, light intensity illumination and effective dose of γ-radiation, which play a
crucial role to improve the solar cell efficiency. γ-irradiation campaign with different doses has been carried out on a series of
solar cells.
Keywords n-CdSe/ P-Si Cells Performance, γ-radiation Effects, Electrical and Photovoltaic Characteristics

thermalization of the electrons. Several routes have been

1. Introduction proposed to overcome these fundamental spectral losses that
can account from as much as 50%. All these methods or
The enormous gap among the potential of solar energy and concepts, which are referred to as Third Generation(3G)
our currently slight use of it is due to the modest energy photovoltaic[2], concentrate on a better exploitation of the
density of the radiation, low conversion efficiencies of solar spectrum, e.g., intermediate band gaps[3], quantum dot
photovoltaic, and cost of materials currently required. The concentrators[4] and down- and up-converters[5]. Third
cost effective raising of conversion efficiency is primarily a generation solar cells are the cutting edge of solar technology
scientific challenge: breakthroughs in fundamental under- and still in the research phase. They are expected to achieve
standing enable the development of materials and methods reasonable efficiencies at lower costs than first and second
leading to the photovoltaic market progress. Several tech- generation technologies[6] and contain a wide range of
nologies have been developed for utilization of solar energy. promising technologies including multijunction tandem
Photovoltaic devices also known as solar cells convert solar cells[7], dye-sensitized solar cells(DSSCs)[8], organic solar
energy to the electricity, which is the most convenient form cells based on small-molecule[9,10] and conjugated poly-
of energy. mer[11,12], and organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells[13,14].
Conventional single-junction semiconductor solar cells The very first diffused silicon solar cells were made on
only effectively convert photons of energy close to the n-type substrates in 1950s. The solar cell industry changed to
semiconductor band gap Eg as a result of the mismatch be- p-type substrates soon after wards due to the higher resis-
tween the incident solar spectrum and the spectral absorption tance of this polarity to space radiation, when the only ap-
properties of the material[1]. Photons with energy Eph plication for those cells was for space vehicles, and it is not
smaller than the band gap is not absorbed .Photons with be the best cell, choice for terrestrial application. N-type
energy Eph larger than the band gap is absorbed, but the substrates usually have higher minority carrier life times than
excess energy E p h - E g is not used effectively due to p-type substrates[15].
There are four basic structures for the photovoltaic solar
* Corresponding author:
sfares2@yahoo.com (S. Fares)
cells, homojunction, heterojunction p-i-n and n-i-p, multi-
Published online at http://journal.sapub.org/msse junction.Heterojunction is a junction formed between two
Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved materials with different band gap[16,18]. A CdSe/p-Si solar
42 M. Ashry et al.: Electrical Characteristic Measurement of the Fabricated CdSe / P-Si Heterojunction
Solar Cell under Radiation Effect

cell involves a heterojunction formed between these two minum electrodes. Then the front electrode was made by
materials. Further, the semiconductor CdSe is used in het- evaporating a Al metal grid, through a metal shadow mask.
erojunction fabrication, as it has a good photosensitive and Finally, CdSe/p-Si Heterojunction were annealed for two
nanocrystalline property[19,20]. Sunlight is allowed to pass hours(2H) at 523°k(250℃) to complete the Junction forma-
through the CdSe layer(band gap = 1.74 eV). In such a de- tion.
vice the CdSe is referred to as the window layer. Cadmium Sample irradiation was carried out using a 60Co gamma
selenide. has a nearly optimum band gap for the irradiation source model ISSLEDOVATEL manufactured by Russian
spectrum of sun light[21], thus the CdSe/p-Si thin film solar irradiator and located at NCRRT, Egypt . The dose rate
cell is promising candidate as a highly efficient and low-cost was 910 kGy /100 min and the temperature during irradiation
solar cell. However, to reduce the production cost and user was about 40oC. Irradiation doses by γ-radiation with dif-
hesitation due to toxicity of Cd , it is required to achieve a ferent doses(500, 1400, 1900 M Rad).
sufficient high energy conversion efficiency, using the PV
active layer with a decreased thickness. On the other hand
the PV performance of thickness solar cells are improved by 3. Results and Discussion
the annealing temperature profile as will as the effect of
γ-radiation. 3.1. Electrical and Photovoltaic Characteristics of CdSe/
In this article, we report the results on structural and p-Si Solar Cell
electrical and optical characterization of the(3, 7, 20 μm) The electrical characteristics of the photovoltaic cells were
thick CdSe/p-Si solar cells annealed under 525ok for 2 hours, investigated in the dark and under different bias light condi-
dark(I-V) measurements and photo luminescence source tions. The solar cell parameters, short circuit current density
used. In particular, we report the PV performances of(20 μm) Isc, open circuit voltage Voc, and maximum out putted
thickness solar cell is improved by the modification of the power(Pm) were determined. During dark I-V measurements,
thickness, effect of radiation and annealing temperature a light-proof cover shields the cell under test. The dark I-V
profile treatment. curve is measured in forward and reverse directions as
shown in Fig.(1).

2. Experimental Procedure
The substrate materials are two-inch diameter(100) –
oriented, p-type silicon wafers with a resistivity of(0.8-1.2
Ω.cm), corresponding to a doping density of(4-6)x1015 cm-3.
These wafers were etched using CP4 etching solution
for(2)min,(CP4 etching solution is prepared by adding 20mL
of HF acid to 30 mL. Acetic acid and 60 mL concentrated
HNO3). After etching, the Si-wafers were washed for 5 min.
by distilled water, and then by ethyl alcohol.
The CdSe: In film were evaporated onto the Si-wafers by
using Cooting unit Edward type(E306A), Evaporation was
carried out at pressure(10-5 Torr) in vacuum, to coated one
side of the Si-wafers by n-CdSe thin film with different Figure 1. Current – voltage characteristic in dark
thickness. The CdSe thin film side, was over coated by an For the measurements of the illuminated(I-V) curve a
indium mesh to be used as grid electrode. After the CdSe: In details investigation of solar cells, the illuminated(I-V)
film Coated, the ohmic rear contact was fabricated by vac- curves over a wide intensity range(10-120 k Lux).
uum evaporation of Gold, Indium silver, Bismuth and Alu-
Table 1. Electrical parameters of fabricated solar cells as a function of thickness before and after γ-Irradiation at a chosen fluency(1900 M Rad)

Cell Thickness Voc(mV) Jsc(mA/cm2) F.F(%) η(%)

before after before after before after before after

3µm 490 340 28 23 34.9 48.6 4.8 3.8

7µm 530 430 28 20 45.1 62.7 6.7 5.4

20 µ m 620 440 34 13 52.6 44.7 11.1 2.5

Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics 2012, 1(2): 41-46 43

1. Effect of Cell Thickness on Electrical Performance after irradiation is(0.44 V) and before irradiation is(0.62V).
We investigated the influence of the CdSe film thickness The short-circuit current density before irradiation is
on solar cell characteristics. The thickness of CdS film is a (34mA/cm2) and after irradiation is (13mA/cm2). The fill
critical factor effecting cell performance. Both Voc and Isc are factor before irradiation is(52.6%) and after irradiation
dependent on the cell thickness for all solar cell used .Fig.(2) is(44.7%). The conversion efficiency(active area ) before
shows, as the samples thickness(3, 7, 20 μm) decrease, the irradiation is(11.1%) and after irradiation is(2.5%).
short circuit current Isc and open-circuit voltage Voc over a
wide range of illuminated light intensity is observed to be
decrease, which is due to the low bulk diffusion length,
electrons generated near the rear side of the solar cell have a
low probability for collection. Due to the high internal area
reflection, the total generation is hardly reduced by thinning
the thickness. But the generation takes place closer to the
junction and that will increase the collection probability. It
shows that CdS thickness best range is ~20 μm.. The elec-
trical parameters of the different fabricated solar cells are
presented in table(1). These parameters were obtained
from(I-V) illuminated characteristics curve as a function of
cell thickness.

Figure 3. Current-voltage and power-voltage curves for the 20 µ m

thickness cell

3.2. Spectral Response Measurements

Fig.(4) shows results of the spectral response for tested
solar cells which were processed with different thickness(3,
7, 20 μm). As it can be seen, for whole cells, the optical
properties of solar cells are almost the same trend but with
different wavelengths range(i.e), as the solar cell thickness
decrease, the maximum Isc value shifted towards the blue
wavelength region.

Figure 2. Current density-voltage curve as a function of light intensity for

different thickness cell

2. Effect of Light Intensity on Electrical Performance:

In fact the solar cell with thickness(20 μm) has a much
greater spectral response under fluency of light intensity, due
to it can absorbed more of the electromagnetic spectrum than
the other thinner ones, and thus has the capacity to generate
larger currents. Fig.(2) ,a direct result, an increase in short
circuit current density as the light intensity increase, while as
open-circuit voltage is largely unaffected all over light in-
tensity range and wavelengths incident, which means that,
Voc increase up to(20 k Lux ) as incident light intensity in-
crease, more than 20 k Lux, Voc stays constant, relatively to Figure 4. Spectral response for different cell thickness
the short circuit current density. The electrical parameters of
the different fabricated solar cells are presented in table(1). It can be noted that the spectral response at the long wave
These parameters were obtained from(I-V) illuminated length decrease with the reduction in the(CdSe) layer
characteristics curve as a function of cell thickness .Finally thickness. Light transmission loss due to an insufficient
for most studied solar cells, the short-circuit current density absorption layer, and carrier recombination loss at the back
shows a linear relationship with the incident light inten- contact, due to the probable presence of defect at the junction
sity[22]. The open-circuit voltage and fill factor is much can be considered to be responsible for the total current loss
weaker dependant on the light intensity[14,23]. in such thin films. In addition, the thin solar cell layer leads
The(I-V) and(P-V) characteristics for the best perform- to the typically reduced response in the Infra Red region
ance cell with thickness(20μm) are shown in Fig.(3). The which leading to a significant reduction of recombination
CdSe/p-Si Heterojunction cell has an open-circuit voltage currents at the front surface.
44 M. Ashry et al.: Electrical Characteristic Measurement of the Fabricated CdSe / P-Si Heterojunction
Solar Cell under Radiation Effect

The spectral response behaviour can be discussed as fol- slope of the plot was found to be decreased. This is attributed
low, spectral down conversion was suggest in the 1970s to be to the increase in capacitance due to increase in charge car-
used in so-called luminescent concentrators that were at- riers across the junction where electrons are drifted in
tached on to a solar cell[25]. In these concentrators, organic n-region and holes are drifted in p-region. The extrapolated
dye molecules absorb incident light and re-emit this at a plots intersect on bias voltage axis at 0.9 V giving the value
red-shifted wavelength. Internal reflection ensures collection of built-in junction potential to be 0.9 eV. The crossover of
of all the re-emitted light in the underlying solar cells. As the the extrapolated plot on voltage axis shows the formation of
spectral sensitivity of silicon is higher in the red than in the abrupt p–n,(p)Si-/(n)CdSe, junction. But the increase is
blue, an increase in solar cell efficiency was expected. equal in magnitude for both types of charges; hence, essen-
tially built-in junction potential has not changed. This also
3.3. Capacitance-Voltage Measurements shows that there are no structural changes or diffusion across
One important property of semiconductor material is its the junction due to laser irradiation
charge carrier density. On the other hand, a too high carrier
concentration causes unwanted recombination of the pho- 3.4. Effect of γ-radiation on Solar Cell Performance
togenerated charge carriers and thus deteriorates the con- We have performed γ-exposures to study performance re-
version efficiency of the solar cell. Capacitance- volt- liability and materials degradation of our fabricated solar cell.
age(C-V) measurements is the most commonly used method All the cells with different thickness was irradiated by
for the determination of carrier densities in semiconductor of γ-radiation with different doses(500, 1400, 1900 M Rad).
material when the capacitance of a reverse biased semicon- In general, affects can be produced at the surface or in the
ductor junction is measured as a function of the applied bulk. Surface affects will clearly be most important for thin
reverse bias, the apparent carrier density can be calculated films [26], have suggested that the break point for consid-
from the slope of the(A/C)2 Vs.(V) plot according to the ering only surface damage comes for thickness less than(~ 20
equation. μm), and that here it is the energy fluency which is important
2 (propagation of defects out of the irradiation layers take
Nd = { } place over distance of 1-10 μm). For thicker materials both
eε oε s d ( A / c) 2 / dv
surface and bulk affects have to be considered,(i.e) the main
Nd is the donor concentration in a p-type material,(e) is
affects are due to total ionizing dose[27,29]. They occur at
elemental charge, C is the space-charge capacitance , A is the
higher levels than generally encountered in the natural space
cell area , dV is the change of the applied voltage, ε0 is the
environment. For the three type solar cells with different
permittivity of free space, εs is the static permittivity of the
thickness(0.3, 7, 20 μm), Fig.(6) shows that thin film solar
cells have excellent radiation hardness. The results show that
Fig.(5) shows the 1/C2 –V plot of the CdSe/P-Si cell of
the thinner cells are only very slightly damaged than the
Fig.(3) at(1 MHz). Since band bending is primarily on the
more thickness ones (20μm) which has the great degradation
CdSe-Side, the(1/C2 –V) intercept of(0.9V) on the x-axis is
by γ-irradiation at a chosen fluency (1900M Rad).
essentially equal to the diffusion potential within the CdSe.
The slope of the straight line gives donor concentration Nd
of(≈ 4.6x 1015)cm-3.

Figure 6. The effect of gamma radiation(1900 M Rad) on current density

for different cell thickness
Figure 5. The 1/C2 -V of the CdSe/p-Si solar cell at frequency of(1MHz)
The photoelectrical characteristics(J–V curve) for the
The C–V characteristics of CdSe/ P-Si heterojunction was different cells thickness(3,7,20) were measured before and
measured by applying reverse biased potential. When het- after γ-irradiation. The measured short circuit current density,
erojunction was just irradiated with gamma irradiation the open circuit voltage, fill factor and efficiency are 34 mA/cm2,
Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics 2012, 1(2): 41-46 45

0.62 V, 52.6% and 11.1% for cell (20μm) Fig.(3) For cell(3 rameters such as donor concentration in CdSe, as well as
μm) are 28 mA/cm2, 0.49 V, 34% and 4.8%. While the current – voltage, and capacity voltage is described. Effi-
photoelectric performance before irradiation is better in cell ciency of the best performance solar cell CdSe/ Si ap-
(20 μm) compared with the corresponding one in cell(3 μm), proached around 11 %.
due to the better spectral response for cell(20 μm) than in
cell(3 μm), as shown in Table.(1). Also the strong affect of
γ-radiation on the short circuit current(Jsc) and the open
circuit voltage(Voc) is clearly observed. This is attributed to
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