2022 Sustainability Report
2022 Sustainability Report
2022 Sustainability Report
requirements of the International Council on Mining and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP independently reviewed our
29 · Tailings Management Metals (ICMM), including the implementation of the ICMM application of the following and provided limited-level Annual Report
34 · Water Stewardship Mining Principles, and any mandatory requirements and assurance on selected data in this report. Management’s discussion and analysis, and audited
corporate-level aspects set out in the Position Statements · Reporting of disclosure in accordance with the GRI consolidated financial statements.
and the Performance Expectations (PE). Disclosure related Standards and the Sector Standard GRI 12: Coal Sector 2022
40 · Health and Safety to our self-assessments and verification on the ICMM PE Annual Information Form
· Our statement of alignment of our practices with ICMM’s
47 · Human Rights (i.e., our Trail Operations, Elkview Operations, Greenhills
Mining Principles and Performance Expectations guided Describing our business, including our reserve and resource
52 Operations and Fording River Operations) can be found in disclosure, and disclosure on risks that may affect Teck.
· Our People and Culture by the ICMM Validation Guidance and the ICMM Assurance
our Sustainability Report and Disclosure Portal. Teck is also
60 · Relationships with Communities and Validation Procedure; this included validation at our
in conformance with the Mining Association of Canada’s
Trail, Elkview, Greenhills and Fording River operations Management Proxy Circular
69 · Relationships with Indigenous Peoples Towards Sustainable Mining (MAC TSM) Protocols. Information on business to be conducted at the
Disclosure related to our self-assessments and verification · Our statement of alignment of our practices with the MAC
Governance TSM Protocols annual meeting of shareholders, including details
on the TSM Protocols (i.e., our Trail Operations, Elkview on executive compensation and our corporate
75 · Business Ethics Operations, Greenhills Operations and Fording River See pages 85–86 for the assurance letter from governance practices.
81 · Value Chain Management Operations) can be found on the MAC TSM website. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Supporting information related
Our report is prepared in accordance with the Global to our ICMM PE self-assessment and validation summary Climate Change Outlook Report
84 Methodology and Restatements reports is available on our website. PricewaterhouseCoopers
Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards for the period Information on how we are analyzing and preparing
85 Independent Assurance Report January 1–December 31, 2022. The report has also been LLP is also Teck’s independent auditor. for the risks and opportunities emerging from climate
prepared in accordance with the Sector Standard GRI 12: We have also undertaken reasonable-level assurance on change and on our plans to move to a lower-carbon
Online Only
Coal Sector 2022 and is aligned with the Sustainability our conformance to the British Columbia, Canada, provincial future; aligned with the recommendations of the Task
· Our Approach to Managing Material Topics Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards. Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulation and to the Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
· Sustainability Performance Data See Methodology and Restatements on page 84 for requirements of the CleanBC Industrial Incentive Program (CIIP).
Economic Contribution Report
· Memberships and Partnerships information about our reporting scope. This report has
been reviewed and approved by Teck’s senior management
Contact Information on the economic benefits of our activities,
· Glossary including payments to governments, wages and other
and Board of Directors. If you have any questions about this report, email us at
· Reporting Index sustainability@teck.com or contact Jillian Lennartz, Manager, economic contributions in line with the requirements
· ICMM Self-Assessment and Validation Sustainability Reporting, at jillian.lennartz@teck.com. of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).
Summary Report
· Disclosure Portal
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action 2
Message from the CEO, Jonathan Price
Net-Zero this through multiple approaches, including a · Invested $24.9 million in our local communities
In February 2022, we announced an expanded net-zero commitment to conserve or rehabilitate at least three · Advanced our Elk Valley Water Quality plan, achieving
climate strategy. Our existing climate strategy had set hectares of land for every hectare of land disturbed by treatment capacity of up to 77.5 million litres per day
goals of achieving net-zero Scope 1 and 2 emissions by our mining activities. To achieve this, we identified three
focus areas to guide our decisions and actions. First, Our ability to continue operating and generating value
2050, reducing the carbon intensity of our operations by depends on strong sustainability performance. Likewise,
30% by 2030, and working toward adoption of zero- we are implementing nature positive decision-making,
as guided by both Western science and Indigenous achieving our goals in areas such as climate change,
emissions vehicles for our mobile fleets. Building on these water, and supporting our people and communities
goals and our track record of carbon reductions, we set out knowledge. Second, we are working toward rehabilitation
excellence, accelerating the pace of our rehabilitation requires us to maintain the financial health of our
additional goals: business and to stay resilient through commodity cycles.
activities to meet our 2030 nature positive goal. Third,
· Achieve net-zero Scope 2 (electricity) emissions by 2025
we are committed to establishing further conservation, Our sustainability performance to date has been recognized
· Ambition to achieve net-zero Scope 3 emissions by 2050 protection and restoration partnerships. through inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability World
· Support partners in advancing greenhouse gas reduction Index for the 13th straight year, with Teck achieving the
As part of our immediate action toward this goal, we
technologies for the steel manufacturing industry top-ranked performance score for the fourth year in a row
At Teck, sustainability is not only core to our values as announced:
· Partner with customers and transportation providers to on the underlying S&P Corporate Sustainability Assessment.
a company, but also integral to our overall business · $2 million donated to the Nature Conservancy of Canada
establish low-carbon supply chain corridors and support Teck has also been ranked the #1 North American mining
performance. Since joining Teck in 2020 as Chief Financial (NCC) to purchase and manage the Next Creek Watershed
40% reduction in shipping emission intensity for our own company by Moody’s ESG, is a leader in our industry
Officer and taking on the role of Chief Executive Officer in British Columbia, Canada
shipping according to MSCI, and we are in the top 10% of our
in 2022, I have seen first-hand how responsible resource · Donation to NCC of the Wycliffe Wildlife Corridor, and a industry for ESG performance according to ISS ESG and
development informs decision-making and drives This year, we made meaningful strides toward these goals. further $600,000 to manage this land in British Columbia FTSE4Good.
performance at every level — from the corporate offices In January, we partnered with Caterpillar to work toward
· Establishing a partnership with the Ollagüe Quechua
to the mine sites, and from our senior leaders to front-line low-carbon mobile equipment. In June, we announced a As we look toward 2023 and beyond, we have the
community to conserve the Alconcha Salt Flat, near the
employees. Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) plant potential to positively impact the world around us. Our
village of Ollagüe in Chile
pilot at our Trail Operations, which will provide valuable operations produce metals and minerals that play an
And sustainability isn’t just good — it’s good business. By · $10 million allocated to create an Indigenous Stewardship
information and research opportunities around CCUS as essential role in the production of clean energy
integrating sustainability into our business model, we are Fund to support Indigenous communities in environmental
a viable emissions reduction solution. In November, we technologies and infrastructure like electric vehicles,
strengthening our performance as a leading metals and stewardship practices in regions where we operate
secured 100% renewable power for our Quebrada Blanca 2 solar panels, wind turbines and rapid transit. Ensuring a
minerals producer, and ensuring that we are well positioned
copper project, starting in 2025, adding further renewable · $12 million donated to the NCC to support future high- reliable and sustainable supply of these minerals is
to respond to evolving societal expectations, regulations
energy to our portfolio. priority conservation projects crucial for achieving a low-carbon economy and meeting
and market fundamentals. This not only helps us to
global emission goals. At Teck, we are committed to
responsibly manage potential risks, but also creates new These ambitious actions are building on our strong climate Purpose in Action responsibly producing the critical minerals that the world
opportunities for growth and innovation. performance. In 2022, we continued progressing toward
Alongside our work toward these large-scale goals, we needs to build a cleaner future.
our goal of reducing our carbon intensity by 33% by 2030.
A critical part of our work in sustainability is building trust. have continued to advance the entire spectrum of goals
We have also achieved the highest portion of renewable
Transparently disclosing our sustainability performance helps within our sustainability strategy. Progress in 2022
energy power yet, with 94% of our electricity being sourced
to build and maintain trust with local communities, Indigenous included:
from renewable power in 2022, positioning us to meet our
Peoples, governments and investors. This trust is essential for · Reduced our High-Potential Incident Frequency by 23%
2025 net-zero Scope 2 goal. This allows for our products to
securing the support we need to continue to operate and grow. in 2022 compared to 2021
rank among the lowest carbon emissions per tonne of
Jonathan H. Price
In this report, we demonstrate our commitment to metals and minerals produced. · 94% of our electricity is from renewable, zero-carbon
Chief Executive Officer
sustainability and transparency by disclosing our annual power sources
Nature Positive Vancouver, B.C., Canada
performance and sharing progress on our sustainability · 34% of our 2022 new hires are women, with women now March 16, 2023
goals. We are committed to continuously improving our In 2022, we also announced a goal to become nature comprising 24% of our total workforce (compared to 12%
performance in this area, and to engaging with our value positive by 2030; we are the first mining company to in 2011)
chain partners. make such a commitment. We are working to achieve
FTSE4Good Index Series: Top percentile in the mining subsector and listed on the Sustainability
FTSE4Good Index. We ensure the wellbeing of the people, communities and
Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index: In January 2023, Teck was named to the Bloomberg environments we’re entrusted with.
Gender-Equality Index for the sixth year in a row.
Canada’s Top 100 Employers: Named as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers from We achieve leading performance through innovation and
2018 through to 2023. commitment to continuous improvement in efficiency
Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations: Recognized as one of the 2023 Global 100 and productivity.
Most Sustainable Corporations by Corporate Knights, marking the fifth straight year
Teck has been named to the list.
CDP: Scored B for climate change disclosure and B- for water security in 2022.
And others listed on the Awards page of our website.
ESG agency disclaimers. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action 4
Engaging with Communities of Interest (COIs)
Engagement with COIs, including investors, customers, Engagement with Local Communities and Table 1: Key Engagement Topics Identified and Managed in 2022
local communities and Indigenous Peoples, helps to Indigenous Peoples
enhance our mutual understanding of interests, concerns All of our operations, exploration sites, projects and closed Community of Interest Description Priority Engagement Topics in 2022 Learn More
and aspirations, and strengthens relationships. COIs are properties identify, prioritize and directly engage local and
identified based on the degree to which they are affected Indigenous governments and communities. Our work in
by our activities, by our relationships with them and by Our Workforce Union, non-union, full-time · Health and safety Pages 40, 52
this area is focused on:
their ability to influence the achievement of our business and part-time employees · Inclusion and diversity
· Disclosing and communicating accurate and timely and contractors
objectives. In particular, the identification of COIs helps us: · Bargaining and collective agreements
· Understand the positive and negative impacts of our · New technology and opportunities for
· Maintaining an open dialogue, so all parties can fully
business innovation
understand and respond to each other’s views and
· Understand the risks and opportunities — for COIs and for concerns
our business — associated with these impacts
· Participating in decision-making around our activities Investors, Institutional investors, · Financial and operational performance See the 2022
· Manage these impacts in a responsible and effective Financial other equity holders, Annual Report
· Including Indigenous governments, Indigenous Peoples · Social and environmental management
manner Institutions debt holders, banks and for information
and other COIs in external assurance related to voluntary · Equity, diversity and inclusion
· Understand the effectiveness of our management actions and membership requirements credit rating agencies on financial
· Climate change and carbon pricing and operational
Direct and Indirect COI Engagement and Those responsible for engagement with local communities · Project execution performance
Management and Indigenous Peoples are trained to conduct dialogue
· Capital allocation
Teck conducts direct engagement, which involves speaking that is focused on building and maintaining relationships,
and on addressing issues important to those communities. · Governance
and working directly with COIs, as well as indirect
This helps to enable engagement that is productive and · Developments in financial markets
engagement, which involves reviewing publications that
reflect the expectations of our COIs. Our direct constructive, and that directly contributes to the building · Sustainability-linked financial products
engagement with COIs is carried out on an ongoing basis, and maintenance of long-term, trust-based relationships.
and is organized around three levels: disclosure, dialogue Our engagement with our workforce, communities, civil
and participation. We carry out indirect engagement society and Indigenous Peoples also supports our
commitments to respecting human rights and Indigenous Communities Local communities, · Community investments Pages 8, 12, 16,
through the application of externally developed standards vulnerable communities 29, 34, 40, 60,
rights across Teck. · Water quality and/or availability
and frameworks. Our engagement with COIs is guided by (including women and 69
our Health, Safety, Environment and Community (HSEC) · Climate change impacts
children), community-based
Management Standards and associated procedures. institutions, and those · Cultural heritage
Engagement outcomes are reported to the Safety and outside of project- and · Health and safety
Sustainability Committee of our Board of Directors and site-affected communities · Dust, noise and vibration issues
to our HSEC Risk Management Committee.
· Local procurement and employment
· Participative community monitoring
· Resettlement planning
· Tailings management
· Biodiversity management
· Closure planning
· Permitting activities
Table 1: Key Engagement Topics Identified and Managed in 2022 (continued) Table 1: Key Engagement Topics Identified and Managed in 2022 (continued)
Community of Interest Description Priority Engagement Topics in 2022 Learn More Community of Interest Description Priority Engagement Topics in 2022 Learn More
Civil Society, Non- Regional, national and · Community investment opportunities Pages 40, 60, Commercial Joint venture partners, large · Logistics and transportation Pages 16, 24,
Governmental and international organizations · Global development topics 75 Interests contractors and customers · Climate change and emissions 40, 81
Multinational focused primarily on
Organizations advocacy · Public health partnerships · Materials stewardship
· Transparency on the payments we make · Supply chain sustainability
to governments and others
· Health and safety
· Climate change and carbon pricing
· Responsible mining practices
· Cultural heritage
· Technology and innovation
Academic Institutions Academic institutions and · Research partnerships, including Pages 34, 52,
and Researchers research organizations water research 60 Industry Associations representing · Regulatory issues Pages 29, 40,
Associations businesses (e.g., mining · Social issues and best practices 60, 69, 75
Governments Local government bodies · Industry competitiveness Pages 8, 12, associations, sustainable
· Environmental management
or institutions, provincial/ 16, 24, 29, 34, business organizations)
· Climate change and carbon pricing · Business competitiveness
sub-national governments 40, 75, 81
and national/federal · Innovation · Health and safety
governments · Environmental management · Tailings management
· Health and safety · Implementation of the United Nations
· Transportation regulations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
· International trade and development Peoples
· Environmental regulatory and permitting · Cultural heritage
· Biodiversity management
· Taxation policy
Indigenous Formal governance · Traditional knowledge and land use Pages 60, 69
Governments and structures representing · Indigenous rights and free, prior and Supporting the United Nations (UN) Sustainable
Communities Indigenous communities informed consent Development Goals (SDGs)
and organizations, including Through our activities and initiatives, Teck is contributing
businesses identified by · Agreement negotiation and
Indigenous communities implementation to progress on the UN SDGs. While we recognize that the
and traditional land users · Environmental aspects, including water · mining industry has an opportunity to positively contribute
quality and access and biodiversity to all 17 of the SDGs, Teck’s sustainability strategy is most
· Economic opportunities strongly aligned with the following goals:
· Truth and reconciliation
The SDG section of the Reporting Index details specific
· Cultural heritage alignments between our sustainability strategy goals and
· Regulatory approvals the SDGs, and provides references to more information on
· Implementation of the United Nations our management approach and how Teck advanced these
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous goals in 2022.
· Community investment opportunities
· Subsistence and local livelihoods
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action 6
2022 Materiality Assessment
At Teck, sustainability and related risks are considered In 2022, we reassessed our material topics against the The 19 sustainability topics that were identified are Of these 19 topics, those that were prioritized as meeting
alongside other major business risks highlighted in our comprehensive materiality assessment conducted in 2020. outlined in the Materiality Matrix in Figure 2. our threshold for reporting were organized into 13
Annual Information Form. A material sustainability topic is During the identification phase, we conducted research on thematic areas, listed below:
one that reflects our company’s most significant economic, trends in our industry using external sources, and we evaluated
environmental and social impacts, or one that could internal strategy documents and information compiled as A. Health, Safety and Well-Being
substantively influence the assessments and decisions of part of the update of our sustainability strategy and goals. We B. Indigenous Peoples Relationships
our COIs, in accordance with guidance from the Global also took existing information from our 2020 comprehensive
C. Climate Change 1. Air Quality
Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. assessment, as well as from our 2021 materiality update,
which mapped our impacts and the boundary of our material D. Water Management 2. Biodiversity and Closure
The content of our annual sustainability reporting is determined
topics across the value chain. In this phase, we identified a E. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion 3. Climate Change
through a detailed materiality assessment guided by the GRI
total of 19 topics for review and prioritization. 4. Responsible Production
Standards. This assessment identifies and evaluates the most F. Community Relationships
material sustainability topics for our business and for our COIs During the prioritization phase, we conducted engagements 5. Tailings Management
G. Biodiversity and Land Use
during the previous year and for the near-term future. aimed at further understanding the current state of the
H. Workforce of the Future 6. Water Management
identified topics within the company and our outlook for
Our annual process for determining material sustainability
sustainability. During this process, a range of topics were I. Innovation and Technology
topics follows a three-year cycle and involves three phases:
identified as most significant in terms of risks and
identification, prioritization and validation. The first year J. Regulatory Landscape
involves intensive consultation and research to identify
opportunities. In this phase, the 19 sustainability topics SOCIAL
were organized into 13 thematic areas prioritized as K. Tailings and Mine Waste
a full list of topics that is analyzed by internal experts and
potentially meeting our threshold for reporting. L. Reclamation and Remediation 7. Health and Safety
external COIs and validated by our senior management
team. Sustainability topics in the mining industry are During the validation phase, the results of the materiality M. Responsible Production 8. Human Rights
relatively consistent year over year, given the long-term assessment were reviewed by members of Teck’s senior 9. Our People and Culture
N. Labour Rights and Collective Bargaining
nature of operations. As such, the second and third years management team and the Safety & Sustainability
O. Value Chain Responsibility 10. Relationships with Communities
build on the results from the first year, and the assessment Committee of the Board of Directors.
is updated to reflect emerging issues. P. Air Quality 11. Relationships with Indigenous Peoples
Figure 2: 2022 Materiality Matrix of Sustainability Topics
Q. Human Rights
Figure 1: Materiality Assessment Process at Teck R. Business Ethics GOVERNANCE
S. Data Privacy and Cybersecurity
A 12. Business Ethics
Id C
B 13. Value Chain Management
n E D
· Research
and K
· Senior Benchmarking Information about how we manage our material topics is
itiz ati o n Social
Governance/Economic Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action 7
Importance to Teck
Air Quality
Air pollution is a global environmental risk to health, with a worldwide estimated cost
of US $8 trillion, equivalent to 6% of global GDP.2 Governments increasingly require that
industrial air emissions are monitored, mitigated and disclosed to public inventories such
as the Toxics Release Inventory in the United States or the National Pollutant Release
Inventory in Canada.
Mining and mineral processing can impact air quality interest. In particular, dust has been identified as a key
through particulate and gaseous emissions from activities concern by local and regional communities around our
like drilling, blasting, crushing, collection and storage, and steelmaking coal operations in the Elk Valley and at Trail
transportation along the value chain. Managing these Operations in British Columbia (B.C.), at Red Dog
emissions — through technological and process Operations (RDO) in Alaska and at Carmen de Andacollo
improvements — allows companies to limit their potential Operations (CdA) in Chile. Longer and severe wildfire
air impacts while benefiting from operational efficiencies seasons due to record-breaking warm temperatures
and cost reduction. continue to impact air quality in local communities and at
some of our operations. As air quality issues require close
We continue our commitment to improving and managing
collaboration with communities of interest such as local
air quality management, and we undertake comprehensive
stakeholders and Indigenous Peoples, we continue to
monitoring and reporting on air quality in the areas of our
explore initiatives to partner with communities across our
operations. This is a priority for Teck, as air quality continues
to be identified as a key concern by our communities of
The Global Health Cost of PM2.5 Air Pollution: A Case for Action Beyond 2021. World Bank. 2022.
Pictured: Highland Valley Copper Operations, Canada. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Air Quality 8
2022 Highlights Our Performance in Air Quality in 2022
of community-based air quality
stations recording annual average
% values were within the World Health
Organization (WHO) guideline
Our Targets and Commitments Our goal is to continuously improve air quality and
interim target value for ambient reduce dust emissions for the benefit of workers, communities and the environment in
concentrations of particulate matter
less than 2.5 microns in size
areas affected by our activities.
Implemented initiatives to improve air quality
monitoring and to minimize impacts from our
activities on communities at all of our operations
Minimizing Emissions to Improve Air Quality
Performance Metrics All of our operations have extensive operational control
strategies and monitoring programs designed to minimize
Indicator Sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions from impacts on the local air quality within the vicinity of our
stacks, stationary and mobile fossil fuel combustion activities, Table 2 highlights the 2022 improvements to
these programs.
2022: 2,423 tonnes
2021: 3,094 tonnes Table 2: Air Quality Improvements in 2022
2021: % of3,094
Indicator tonnes
community-based air quality stations
Carmen de Andacollo Conducted research on innovative approaches that may reduce dust emissions, including new materials to control emissions during blasting. Exploring
100%average concentrations of ambient
of stations
3,812 tonnes new technologies to have a better understanding of the environmental conditions before blasting to better understand changes in the air quality.
PM 2.5 within the
2022: World
2,423 Health Organization guideline
interim 100% of stations
value of 10 μg/m3
2021: 3,094 tonnes
2020: 100% of stations Trail Operations Updated the fugitive dust inventory for the site using approved methods. Reviewed material movement for the site in relation to dust emissions to
2022: 100% of stations
2020: 3,812 tonnes determine opportunities to relocate materials, reroute traffic and apply controls reducing the fugitive dust.
2021: 100% of stations
2022: 75% of stations
2020: 100% Red Dog Operations Monitored and evaluated performance, and evaluated opportunities for further improvement. In 2022, RDO investigated the potential of additional
2022: 100% of stations (RDO) fugitive dust control on the tailings beach by adding flocculant to the tailings. Based on a successful laboratory trial and wind tunnel experimentation,
2021: 75% of stations
a field trial will be conducted in 2023.
2021: 100%
Indicator of stations
2020: %75%of community-based
of stations air quality stations
with annual75%
mean ofconcentrations
stations of ambient PM10
2020: 100% of stations
within the World Health Organization guideline Highland Valley Applied chemical dust suppressants to key dust sources, including haul roads, light-duty roads and dam construction areas. Expanded the fugitive
interim 75% of stations
value of 20 μg/m3 Copper Operations dust monitoring network by adding seven real-time dust and wind speed/direction sensors in August 2022. Ordered five additional real-time dust and
2020: 75% of stations wind speed/direction sensors in December 2022 for deployment in 2023. Refurbished the Shula weather station in March 2022 to provide better data
2022: 75% of stations that will support modelling and fugitive dust trigger action response plan development in 2023.
In 2022, we commenced an update of our Health, Safety, a stable trend. Trail Operations is the most significant source
Environment and Community (HSEC) Management of SO2 emissions for Teck and, as a result, all other operations
Standards, which outline the framework for the identification have been aggregated in Table 3. Full results per operation Case Study: Dust Management in the Elk Valley
and effective management of HSEC risks and opportunities, are available in the Sustainability Performance Data.
and define a process for continual improvement. Minimizing the impact of dust in the community is a natural windbreaks. Environmental intelligence
Technology and Innovation year-round priority at our operations in the Elk Valley systems provide real-time air quality monitoring,
The most material air quality issues at Teck relate to metals of British Columbia. We are deploying effective dust which enables rapid and targeted application of
and SO2 near our Trail Operations metallurgical facility, and In 2022, Trail Operations had a planned shutdown of operations
mitigation measures and looking at other innovative dust-control measures. These are just two of the
to dust at our mining operations. In addition to monitoring to continue the Trail Modernization Program. Part of this
approaches to drive continued improvement in dust innovative projects that we are trialling to minimize
these two material indicators, our operations monitor and program is the replacement of the KIVCET hearth and the
management. These projects include helicopter and manage dust generation, in line with our goal to
report on other air emission parameters in accordance with replacement of the filter media in Trail’s Mercury Tower to
seeding and environmental intelligence systems. continuously improve air quality and reduce dust
permit and regulatory requirements. support improved mercury removal from process off-gas.
Helicopter seeding provides a cost-effective way to emissions for the benefit of workers, communities
Trail is also completing constructing the $66 million KIVCET increase vegetation in hard-to-reach areas, which in and the environment in areas affected by our activities.
Monitoring and Management of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Feed Dryer Project that will allow for lower drying temperatures, turn leads to less wind and windswept dust as the
Read the full case study at www.teck.com/news/stories.
As the management of SO2 is a material air quality issue at which will further reduce community SO2 emissions, starting plants trap soil in their root structure, serving as
our Trail Operations, in 2022, we updated our internal SO2 in 2023. These improvements are being implemented in
targets in line with permit limits and our internal standards accordance with Trail’s provincial permit limits for SO2
and procedures. Our SO2 target for 2022 was less than concentrations at community stations, which became
3,600 tonnes, and our SO2 targets for 2023 and 2024 are more stringent in 2021 and will further decrease in 2023.
less than 3,600 tonnes and 2,600 tonnes, respectively. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring At these monitoring stations, ambient air quality not only
Trail has also been driving down lead levels in the air for reflects the activities at our operations, but also other
As part of our ambient air quality monitoring program, we
As shown in Table 3, SO2 emissions from stacks and fossil several decades. Improvement projects implemented activities in the area such as other industries, vehicle traffic,
measure the concentration of particulate matter of a size
fuel emissions in 2022 were approximately 2,423 tonnes through Trail Operations’ Fugitive Dust Emission Reduction firewood burning, forest fires and waste burning.
less than 10 microns (PM10) and particulate matter of a
— a 22% reduction from 2021 due to extended major program have reduced lead levels in the community by
size less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) at monitoring stations. For 100% of the stations listed in Table 4, the annual
maintenance activities on the KIVCET boiler at Trail 85% since 2012.
These monitoring stations use standardized equipment, average concentration of PM2.5 was below the WHO
Operations. Over a four-year period, SO2 emissions followed
per permit and regulatory requirements, and are located Guideline value of 10 μg/m3. For the annual average
on our sites and in a number of community centres. concentration of PM10 at the stations listed in Table 5,
Table 3: SO2 Emissions from Stacks, Stationary and Mobile Fossil Fuel Combustion (tonnes) (1),(2),(3),(4),(5) Tables 4 and 5 summarize the ambient air quality during 75% of the stations were below the WHO Guideline
2022 as measured at a select number of community- value of 20 μg/m3.
Operation 2022 2021 2020 2019
based monitoring stations that we manage, based on the
significant proximity of the location to our operations.
All other operations 20.1 15.7 28.7 42.0 Two values are presented:
· The annual average concentration that is based on the
Trail Operations 2,402.7 3,078.0 3,783.5 3,811.0
daily 24-hour average concentrations; this value reflects
prolonged or repeated exposures over longer periods
Total 2,422.8 3,093.6 3,812.2 3,853.0
· The annual peak 24-hour indicator that is based on the
(1) Rounding of individual numbers may cause a discrepancy in the total value. 98th percentile of the daily 24-hour average concentrations;
(2) Aggregate data for all other operations presented here, as numbers are insignificant compared to Trail. See our website for the full set of data. this value reflects immediate exposures
(3) Information current at time of publication. However, values will be added, confirmed and/or changed once regulatory reporting for the 2022 period is complete. See our website for
up-to-date information.
(4) Requirements and methods for determining air emissions can vary widely. Not all sites have monitoring equipment in place to measure releases from all sources and activities, and the
frequency of sampling can vary.
(5) Our Canadian sites report annually to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) and American operations report to the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI); NPRI and TRI have different
reporting requirements and calculation methods. Information in this table may not reflect exactly the contents of NPRI and/or TRI reports, due to different reporting definitions concerning
site boundaries as well as the inclusion of mobile equipment in the above table, which is not required in some regulatory reporting requirements.
Table 4: Ambient Particulate Matter of Size Less Than 2.5 Microns (µg/m3) For more information about our emissions to air, such as
nitrous oxides, volatile organic compounds, and mercury,
2022 2021 2020 visit the National Pollutant Release Inventory for our
Station Nearest Operation
Canadian operations and the Toxics Release Inventory for
Annual 98th Annual 98th Annual 98th our American operations.
Average Percentile Average Percentile Average Percentile
Significant Incidents and Non-Compliance Related
Urmeneta Carmen de 9 16 9 18 9 14 to Air Quality3
Andacollo We assess the severity of environmental incidents, spills
and non-compliances based on potential environmental,
Downtown Elkview 7 27 9 46 6 15
safety, community, reputational and financial impacts.
Based on our incident severity criteria, there were no
significant incidents related to air quality in 2022. There
Elkford High Greenhills 6 30 7 49 5 31
were no significant charges, fines or penalties for
non-compliance related to air quality in 2022.
Urmeneta Carmen de 31 51 36 65 35 57
(1) Incomplete hourly data set, per the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment: Criteria ii.
Definition of significant environmental incidents is on page 35. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Air Quality 11
Biodiversity and Closure
Despite global efforts, there has been an average 69% drop in species population sizes
since 1970,4 and this is projected to increase under business-as-usual scenarios.5 The
United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in December 2022 resulted in a new
Global Biodiversity Framework, which provides a strategic plan for biodiversity to 2030.6 , 7
Biodiversity loss and climate have compounding effects on one another; therefore,
solutions must be deployed to simultaneously address both issues.8
Mining activities can have direct and indirect impacts on through conserving or rehabilitating at least three hectares
biodiversity and ecosystems. In response to the potential for every one hectare affected by our mining activities.
adversity of these impacts, regulatory requirements in We announced land conservation investments to protect
many jurisdictions are becoming increasingly stringent. nearly 14,000 ha of wildlife habitat and ecosystems in
Teck is committed to the conservation of biodiversity, using Canada and Chile, working with local partners, communities
nature-based solutions, and supporting United Nations and Indigenous Peoples to conserve ecologically and
Sustainable Development Goal 15. culturally significant lands.9
With operations within or adjacent to temperate, arctic, We are also committed to not explore or mine in World
forested, mountain and desert landscapes, land and Heritage sites and to respect all legally designated
biodiversity management is a priority for Teck. In 2022, we protected areas, including International Union for
set an ambitious new goal of becoming a nature positive Conservation of Nature (IUCN) category Ia, Ib, II, III or IV
mining company by 2030 and are working to achieve this protected areas.
Building a Nature-Positive Society. Living Planet. 2022. 5 It’s time for business to step up to protect biodiversity. World Economic Forum. 2022.
Preparations for the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework. Convention on Biological Diversity. 2021. 7 UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15). United Nations Environment Programme. 2022.
Explainer: Can climate change and biodiversity loss be tackled together? World Economic Forum. 2021. 9 Teck sets nature positive goal. Teck. 2022.
Pictured: Employee at Highland Valley Copper Operations, Canada. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Biodiversity and Closure 12
2022 Highlights Our Performance in Biodiversity and Closure in 2022
Set a goal to become a nature positive company
Our Targets and Commitments Teck aims to avoid, minimize or rehabilitate the effects of negative impacts on biodiversity at
202 of total land
our operations; where impacts still exist or temporal loss is an issue, offsets may be employed. The following table summarizes our
performance against our sustainability strategy and goals for biodiversity and closure.
hectares (ha) reclaimed
2.4 million
Made land conservation investments to protect nearly 14,000 hectares of wildlife habitat and ecosystems
seedlings for in Canada and Chile, equivalent to over 40% of our current mining footprint. See pages 14 and 15
rehabilitation in for details.
the Elk Valley
Goal: By 2025, all operating sites have and are On track Advanced the implementation of biodiversity management plans for operating sites by updating
implementing plans to secure net positive impact. biodiversity loss/gain accounting at all sites.
Performance Metrics
Table 6: Key Activities and Accomplishments in Biodiversity in 2022 Teck’s Nature Positive Goal Working to Achieve a Net Positive Impact (NPI)
In 2022, we announced a goal to become a nature positive Achieving NPI means that biodiversity gains realized through
Operation Performance Highlight company by 2030. Working to become nature positive mitigation activities in the regions where we operate exceed
means that by 2030, our conservation, protection and biodiversity losses from the impacts of our operations over the
restoration of land and biodiversity will exceed the life of the asset. Our operations use quantitative metrics to
Elk Valley steelmaking As part of ongoing reclamation efforts in the Elk Valley, 2.4 million seedlings were planted disturbance caused by our mining activities from a 2020 demonstrate NPI from a pre-mining baseline on natural
coal operations working with Nupqu Resource Limited Partnership, a Ktunaxa-owned resource and land baseline. This commitment also supports Teck’s net-zero terrestrial, marine and other aquatic habitats and ecosystems;
climate strategy and our support of the United Nations on critical landscape functions; and on ecosystem and
management company.
Sustainable Development Goals. biodiversity elements prioritized through discussion with
A total of 11 kilometres (km) of roads were deactivated and 23 hectares (ha) were rehabilitated communities of interest (COIs), including irreplaceable or highly
We will conserve or rehabilitate at least three hectares for
in the Elk Valley as part of an ongoing road rehabilitation project. This included planting threatened populations and species of plants and animals.
every one hectare affected by our mining activities, and
endangered whitebark pine seedlings. take action immediately in three focus areas: To secure NPI, 100% of our operations have a biodiversity
1. Nature positive decision-making guided by western management plan (BMP) that is aligned with the
Received a reclamation award from the British Columbia Technical Research Committee on
science and Indigenous learning, including assessing the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)
Reclamation in the Coal Mining Category. This award recognized the development and use Performance Expectation 7.2 and the Mining Association
of biodiversity tools in reclamation. biodiversity impacts of our actions and, where possible,
avoiding or minimizing negative impacts as part of our of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining (MAC TSM)
planning. Biodiversity Conservation Management Protocol. We use
these plans to track potential impacts and plan mitigation
Red Dog Operations Worked with subject matter experts, including traditional knowledge holders and partners, 2. Rehabilitation excellence to accelerate our pace of actions and associated engagement with COIs.
rehabilitation to ensure it is in progress for all eligible
to ensure the continued health of the Western Arctic caribou herd, developing best In 2022, all Teck sites continued to implement their BMPs.
land impacted by mining at our operations by 2030.
management practices, observation programs, and new policies aimed at reducing These BMPs and actions developed through a 2021 internal
3. Conservation, protection and restoration through
human-caribou interactions at Red Dog. gap assessment guide our work on securing NPI, the
results of which form the basis of our site workplans to
Collaborated with the National Park Service and local villages to design reclamation plans We are committed to working with local partners, 2025. In 2022, we also commenced an update of our HSEC
for previously disturbed sites. Through outreach and consultation with local community communities and Indigenous Peoples to conserve Management Standards, which includes requirements
Elders and subsistence harvesters, the plans incorporated traditional knowledge and ecologically and culturally significant lands. In 2022, relevant to biodiversity.
followed the guidelines of the Society for Ecological Restoration. One site has been restored we announced several conservation initiatives to help
During construction of Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 port
using new reclamation plans, and the area is being studied to determine success. achieve this goal:
facilities, Teck identified two endangered species in the
· 2 million donation to the Nature Conservancy of Canada area: the Peruvian tern and the Chilean sea otter. This
(NCC) for the purchase and ongoing management of the presented an opportunity to contribute to and enhance
7,891-hectare Next Creek Watershed the knowledge and conservation of these animals.
· Protection of 5,800 hectares of a unique and high-value For both species, Teck launched observation programs to
wetland ecosystem near Teck’s Quebrada Blanca learn more about the animals’ life cycle characteristics and
Operations in Chile behaviour. For the Peruvian tern, we conducted a study
· $10 million to create an Indigenous Stewardship Fund involving GPS trackers, and for the Chilean sea otter, we
that will support Indigenous-focused environmental recorded over 1,000 hours of direct observations. Results
stewardship initiatives of these studies were shared with the broader scientific
· A new research partnership with Ocean Regenerative community and government agencies at the end of 2022.
Aquaculture to study how seaweed can be used to We are now working to obtain formal land protection status
enhance forest health and accelerate tree growth for the area related to the Peruvian terns’ habitat.
For the Peruvian tern, Teck also developed a biodiversity
management plan in the tern’s habitat, which included
installation of information signs, limiting vehicle access,
initiating a domestic pet control program and hosting
public awareness workshops with the local community.
Technology and Innovation This project seeks to demonstrate that ecosystem regeneration Area Reclaimed and Disturbed Significant Incidents and Non-Compliance
In partnership with Ocean Regenerative Aquaculture, can be achieved and scaled to create healthier forests At the end of 2022, Teck had a total footprint of 34,483 Related to Biodiversity 10
Teck is conducting a joint research project to study how that enhance long-term carbon sequestration. With an
hectares (ha), of which 28,358 ha are yet to be reclaimed We assess the severity of environmental incidents, spills
seaweed can be used to enhance terrestrial forest health abundance of marine coastline and forests, Canada is well
and 6,126 ha have been reclaimed. As this data relates to and non-compliances based on the potential environmental,
and accelerate tree growth. The project will test the positioned to develop expertise and share knowledge to
both operations and sites in closure, the area of land yet to safety, community, reputational and financial impacts.
efficacy of using seaweed to enhance the health of tree contribute to nature positive solutions. This joint research
project is one of Teck’s many initiatives to support our goal be reclaimed will generally increase over time until the Based on our incident severity criteria, there were no
species that are native to areas where Teck is rehabilitating mining areas become available for reclamation. significant incidents related to biodiversity in 2022.
former mining areas and will assess how seaweed can to become a nature positive company by 2030.
increase the ability of forests to capture and store carbon. As part of our nature positive commitment, we have
committed to conserving or rehabilitating three hectares
for every hectare disturbed by our activities.
Table 7: Area Reclaimed and Disturbed (1),(2)
Area of land conserved or rehabilitated vs. land 14,198 : 1,675 345 : 1,343 149 : 965
disturbed since 2020 (ha)
Ratio of area land conserved, protected and restored 9:1 1:4 1:7
or rehabilitated vs. land disturbed since 2020 A legacy property is a property previously explored, are no longer being explored or developed, but may
constructed, operated or acquired by Teck that is not become active in the future. In total, we actively manage
(1) The area of land conserved or reclaimed includes land conserved, protected and restored through partnerships with third-party organizations, conserved on-site, and rehabilitated or expected to become active again and that is 35 legacy properties.
reclaimed previously disturbed land.
permanently closed, as well as inactive properties that
Definition of significant environmental incidents is on page 35. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Biodiversity and Closure 15
Climate Change
In 2022, the world experienced record-breaking weather events that significantly
impacted people around the globe. Climate action failure remains the most impactful
and second most likely long-term risk in the World Economic Forum’s 2022 Global Risks
Report.11 Meanwhile, there are continued impacts from climate change on people and
infrastructure, raising the urgency for action.
The mining industry is vital to the transition to a low-carbon a goal that focuses on achieving net-zero Scope 2
economy. The World Bank report Minerals for Climate emissions by 2025, replacing our prior goal of achieving
Action: The Mineral Intensity of the Clean Energy Transition 100% clean electricity in Chile by 2030. In addition, we
finds that more than three billion tons of minerals and announced our ambition to achieve net-zero Scope 3
metals will be needed by 2050 to implement wind, solar emissions by 2050 with supporting short-term goals.14
and geothermal power systems, and energy storage, to We are also investing in nature to achieve our climate
achieve a future warming below 2°C.12 However, resourcing objectives; more information can be found in the
the energy transition must be done sustainably and with Biodiversity and Closure chapter on page 12.
strong environmental, social and governance (ESG)
Teck experienced the physical impacts of climate change
performance.13 In alignment with this, the mining industry
in the recent past, including logistical disruptions due
has made progress in conducting climate risk analyses,
to wildfires, heavy rain, flooding and mudslides.15 We are
implementing decarbonization strategies and enhancing
taking into account the increased frequency of extreme
emission disclosures.
weather events and incorporating climate change
In early 2022, Teck further expanded our climate strategy scenarios and vulnerability assessments into project
and goals. Our long-term strategic priority to achieve design and evaluation, as well as our operations and
net-zero emissions at our operations by 2050 now includes logistics chain.
The Global Risks Report 2022. World Economic Forum. 2022.
Minerals for Climate Action: The Mineral Intensity of the Clean Energy Transition. World Bank. 2020. 13 Mine 2022: A critical transition. PwC. 2022.
Scope 1 (direct) GHG emissions are those that occur from energy sources that are owned or controlled by the company. Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions are those that occur from the
generation of purchased electricity consumed by the company and that physically occur at the facility where electricity is generated. Scope 3 emissions are other emissions that arise from
sources owned or controlled by other entities within our value chain, such as those arising from the use of our products and the transportation of materials that we purchase and sell.
Teck provides update on heavy rain impacts in B.C. Teck. 2021.
Pictured: Solar panels in the Atacama Region, Chile. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Climate Change 16
2022 Highlights Our Performance in Climate Change in 2022
Announced our updated climate goals: net-zero
Scope 2 emissions by 2025 and an ambition to
achieve net-zero Scope 3 emissions by 2050
Our Targets and Commitments Teck is committed to climate action, as outlined in our Climate Change Policy. The following table
Announced a Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
(CCUS) pilot project at our Trail Operations to support
summarizes our performance against our new sustainability strategy and goals for climate change.
our Net-Zero Climate Change Strategy
Advanced the adoption of zero-emissions alternatives Sustainability Strategy Goals Status Summary of Progress in 2022
for transportation by displacing the equivalent of
149 internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles
Strategic Priority: Achieve net-zero emissions across our operations by 2050.
Goal: Reduce the carbon intensity of our operations On track Announced a Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) pilot project at our Trail Operations to
Performance Metrics by 33% by 2030. support our Net-Zero Climate Change Strategy, including our goal to reduce the carbon intensity of
our operations by 33% by 2030 and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
Indicator Absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions (1),(3)
Goal: Achieve net-zero Scope 2 emissions by 2025. On track Announced an agreement with Caterpillar to work towards deploying 30 of Caterpillar’s zero-emissions
large haul trucks at Teck mining operations.
2022: 2,850 kt CO2e
2022: 2,850
2,850 kt CO22e
kt CO e Finalized an agreement with AES Corporation to source 100% clean, renewable energy for
2021: 2,920 kt CO2e the Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 project starting in 2025. The use of 100% renewable energy for the
2021: 2,920
2,920 kt CO22e
kt CO e
2020: 2,843 kt CO2e Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 (QB2) project instead of energy from coal-fired generation will avoid
2020: 2,843
2,843 kt CO22e
kt CO e a total of approximately 1.6 million tonnes of annual GHG emissions once implemented.
We identify and evaluate climate-related risks and In early 2022, we updated our climate strategy and goals to goal that focuses on achieving net-zero Scope 2 emissions
establish management actions to minimize risks and encompass both our own operations and our value chain by 2025, which replaced our goal of achieving 100% clean
maximize opportunities. To manage such risks and impacts. Steel will continue to be an essential building electricity in Chile by 2030. This reflects our commitment to
opportunities, we use a four-pillar framework to guide block in a low-carbon economy. New technologies, many of decarbonize at an accelerated pace across our operations.
our strategy. which are yet to be developed and commercialized, will be
To achieve net-zero emissions across our operations by
required to ensure that emissions from steel production
2050, we have set out an initial roadmap — with
Figure 3: Teck’s Four-Pillar Climate Action Framework remain low. More than 50% of our steelmaking coal sales
corresponding 2025 and 2030 goals — to achieve net-zero,
are made to customers who have made public commitments
by first avoiding emissions altogether where possible or, if
to be net-zero by 2050 or sooner, and we expect this trend
not possible, eliminating or minimizing emissions. This will
to increase over time. While a clear path to net-zero
involve looking at alternative ways of moving materials at
Positioning Teck for a Reducing our carbon emissions in the steel sector is not yet present, we believe
our mines, using cleaner power sources and implementing
we can support this transition. As such, we have set an
low-carbon economy footprint ambition to achieve net-zero Scope 3 emissions by 2050
efficiency improvements, among other measures. See
‘Teck’s Roadmap to Net-Zero’ on page 19 for more details.
with supporting short-term goals. We also established a
• Producing metals and minerals required for Long-term targets:
the transition to a low-carbon economy
• Net-zero by 2050
• Rebalancing portfolio towards copper
• Reduce carbon intensity of operations by 33% by 2030 Case Study: Spotlight on Our Climate Initiatives
• Efficient, low-cost and low-carbon operations
will keep Teck competitive • Net-zero Scope 2 emissions by 2025 Climate change is a key global risk that is directly Scope 2 emissions by 2025 and reducing the carbon
influenced by human activity and that requires decisive intensity of our operations by 33% by 2030. Examples
• Ambition Net-zero Scope 3 emissions by 2050
action. At Teck, we recognize our responsibility to help include our partnerships for zero-emissions and
address this global challenge by reducing emissions electric mining haul trucks and tugboats, our
at our operations and in our value chain, and by agreements to source renewable energy at our
sustainably producing the critical minerals that are Carmen de Andacollo and Quebrada Blanca Phase 2
essential for the transition to a low-carbon economy. project sites, and our Carbon Capture Utilization and
We are undertaking a variety of initiatives across Storage pilot project at Trail Operations.
our operations to work towards achieving net-zero
Support for appropriate Adapting to the emissions and achieving four interim goals of net-zero
Read the full case study at www.teck.com/news/stories.
For Teck, four major areas of emissions present opportunities In 2022, we progressed work in a number of areas. On On mobile equipment emissions, in 2022 we continued to On process emissions, we launched our pilot CCUS project
for decarbonization: power supply, mobile equipment, power supply, our operations in B.C. are already powered advance projects to assess multiple decarbonization at our Trail Operations, which will capture CO2 from the
stationary combustion and process emissions, and fugitive by a 98% clean electricity grid, making the sites an ideal technologies such as zero-emissions options for haulage, Acid Plant flue gas at Trail Operations at a rate of
methane emissions. To decarbonize these emission sources location to introduce one of Canada’s first zero-emissions including battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. approximately 1 tonne per day. The pilot project will also
and ultimately achieve our goal of net-zero, we are large haul truck fleets, with options for trolley-assist We initiated a new electric crew bus initiative at CdA and evaluate options for the utilization and/or storage of the
prioritizing activities to deliver cost-competitive reductions technology. In Chile, we entered into a long-term clean expanded our existing electric bus pilot in the Elk Valley. captured CO2 at Trail Operations. If successful, the project
by focusing on tackling our most material sources of power purchase agreement with AES Corporation to achieve We also collaborated with industry partners, equipment could be scaled up to an industrial CCUS plant with the
emissions first. We are actively evaluating existing solutions 100% renewable energy at QB2 starting in 2025. Reaching manufacturers and other suppliers on zero-emission potential to capture over 100,000 tonnes of CO2 per year at
and monitoring emerging technologies to determine the full renewable power for QB2 will enable us to achieve our mining fleets, including a zero-emissions haul truck Trail Operations. Our pilot technical learnings will also be
current and future viability of the various options. goal of net-zero Scope 2 emissions by 2025. Prior to this partnership with equipment manufacturer Caterpillar for shared with our value chain partners, supporting our Scope
agreement coming into full effect (i.e., from 2023 to 2025), the procurement of 30 trucks, beginning in 2027, and the 3 ambition of working with our customers to reduce the
we anticipate a temporary increase in Scope 2 emissions as pilot of a fully electric on-highway transport truck to haul carbon intensity of steelmaking.
the Quebrada Blanca 2 project transitions to production. copper concentrate at Highland Valley Copper Operations
Building on our 2021 Oldendorff agreement for the
in partnership with MEDAtech.
deployment of energy-efficient bulk carriers, in 2022 we
Figure 4: Our Pathway to Net-Zero by 2050 (1) announced an agreement with SAAM Towage to deploy two
electric tugboats at Neptune Terminal in Vancouver, B.C.
Electricity Diesel Natural gas and coal Fugitive methane Hard to abate Offsets and insets
Technology and Innovation
Piloting and adopting smaller zero-emissions vehicles (e.g. electric buses)
With funding support from Teck’s Ideas at Work innovation
3 Sourcing 100% renewable energy at Carmen de Andacollo (CDA) fund, Teck is piloting a new biogenic refinery at Red Dog
Evaluating the elimination of fossil-fuel power dryers at our steelmaking coal operations Operations (RDO) in Alaska. The project is being tested to
Exploring the potential use of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) process food waste and other organic residues into
Sourcing 50% of operational energy at QB2 from renewable sources biochar, a type of charcoal that can be stored in soil and
Agreement with Caterpillar to deploy 30 zero-emissions large haul trucks by 2030 that captures carbon. The biogenic refinery would process
2 food waste and other organic residues into biochar through
Million tonnes of CO2e
Baseline(2) 2030 2040 2050 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
33% intensity Net Zero Net zero 33% intensity
reduction scope 2 reduction
(1) See Cautionary Note on Forward Looking Statements regarding uncertainties associated with future decarbonization actions.
(2) Baseline reflects average emissions from 2016-2019. For absolute emissions, this is an appropriate representation of historical performance.
As shown in Figure 5, Scope 1 (direct) GHG emissions are GHG emissions associated with electricity use for 2022 to of an electric concentrate truck at our Highland Valley Energy and Carbon Performance
those that occur from energy sources that are owned or be 117 kt, or approximately 4% of our total emissions. Copper Operations.
In 2022, we consumed a total of 39,989 terajoules (TJ)
controlled by the company. Scope 2 (indirect) GHG
Our largest source of Scope 1 emissions is from fuel consumed We also collaborated with industry partners, equipment of energy (i.e., electricity and fuels), as compared to
emissions are those that occur from the generation of
by mobile equipment. In the past, the majority of our Scope 2 manufacturers and other suppliers on zero-emission 42,379 TJ in 2021, as shown in Figure 6.
purchased electricity consumed by the company and that
emissions were from our Carmen de Andacollo (CdA) and mining fleets, including announcing an agreement with
physically occur at the facility where electricity is generated.
Quebrada Blanca (QB) operations, as the electricity supply SAAM Towage to deploy two electric tugboats at Neptune 50,000
Figure 6: Energy Consumption by Type(1)
In 2022, our total GHG emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2), in Chile was historically based on higher proportions of fossil Terminal in Vancouver, B.C., and a zero-emissions haul truck
as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), were 2,850 kilotonnes fuels. We have taken action to reduce these emissions by partnership with equipment manufacturer Caterpillar,
(kt), compared to 2,920 kt in 2021. Of those totals, our shifting towards renewable electricity, which reflects a beginning in 2027.
direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions were 2,733 kt in 2022, significant decrease in our Scope 2 emissions. Elsewhere,
We are also a member of the ResponsibleSteel initiative,
Terajoules (TJ)
compared to 2,851 kt in 2021. 29% of our Scope 1 emissions our indirect emissions were relatively small, as3,000
our operations 30,000
the steel industry’s first global multi-stakeholder standard
were from methane. We estimate our indirect (Scope 2) in B.C. obtain the majority of their electricity from
and certification initiative. The standard incorporates
hydroelectric generation. 20,000
considerations around the GHG emissions intensity of
Table 9: Total Emissions (kilotonnes CO2e) (1),(2),(3) 2,000 inputs to the steelmaking process and around the
CO2e (kt)
steelmaking process itself. 10,000
2022 2021 2020 2019
1,000 Figure 5: Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG Emissions 0
Total Emissions — direct (Scope 1) 2,733 2,851 2,639 3,012 (4) 2022 2021 2020 2019
by Fuel Type (1),(2),(3),(4)
500 Diesel Natural Gas Coal
(4) (4) (4)
Total Emissions — indirect (Scope 2) 117 69 204 298 3,500 Other Coke and Petroleum Coke
0 Gasoline Electricity
2022 2021(4) 2020(4) 2019(4)
Total Emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2) 2,850 2,920 (4) 2,843 (4) 3,310 (4) 3,000
(1) Other includes propane, waste oil, fuel oils and other process fuels.
Diesel Fugitive Emissions Natural Gas
Total Emissions — Scope 3 65,000 69,000 64,000 Coal
73,000 Other Coke and Petroleum Coke
Gasoline Electricity In 2022, approximately 28% of our energy requirements
(use of coal product sold) 2,000
(i.e., electricity and fuels) were supplied by non-carbon-
CO2e (kt)
(1) Teck’s quantification methodology for our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions is aligned with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. 1,500 emitting sources, primarily hydroelectricity, compared to
(2) Emissions are stated on a CO2e basis, which is inclusive of CO2, CH4, N2O, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 as appropriate. 31% in 2021. Of our total electricity consumption in 2022,
(3) Carbon dioxide equivalent values calculated using Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) Global Warming Potential (GWP) factors. 1,000
(4) Figures have been restated due to changes in third-party emission factors. See our Sustainability Performance Data Spreadsheet for the full data set. 94%, or 11,260 TJ, was from renewable energy sources. With
the addition of production from QB2 in 2023, we anticipate
that this percentage may be temporarily reduced until
Scope 3 Emissions and Supporting Emissions 2025, when our electricity power purchase agreement will
Reductions in Our Value Chain 2022 2021(5) 2020(5) 2019(5) deliver 100% renewable electricity.
Scope 3 emissions are other emissions that arise from Change Policy includes a commitment to work with our Diesel Fugitive Emissions Natural Gas
sources owned or controlled by other entities within our customers and transportation providers to reduce emissions Coal Other Coke and Petroleum Coke
Gasoline Electricity
value chain, such as those arising from the use of our downstream of our business. We are evaluating additional
products and the transportation of materials that we opportunities to support our value chain in reducing their (1) For electricity emissions in Canada, the emission factors are based on the most recent
version of the Canadian National Inventory Report.
purchase and sell. In 2022, our most material Scope 3 emissions. Teck is currently in the process of setting a (2) Fugitive emissions from our coal operations (i.e., estimated methane release) are
emissions were 65,000 kt, which were from the use of our Scope 3 target aligned with the new position statement captured as direct emissions. For fugitive emissions, the emission factors are based on
the most recent version of the Canadian National Inventory Report.
steelmaking coal product by our customers. from the International Council on Mining and Metals (3) Carbon dioxide equivalent values calculated using Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
(ICMM) on accelerating action on Scope 3 GHG emissions. Change’s Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) Global Warming Potential (GWP) factors.
We recognize that, to achieve global GHG reductions that (4) Carbon dioxide equivalent values calculated using Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
limit climate change to 1.5°C, action will be required not In 2022, we continued to support our transportation Change’s Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) Global Warming Potential (GWP) factors.
(5) Figures have been restated due to changes in third-party emission factors. See our
only by Teck but also within our value chain. Our Climate providers to reduce emissions, including advancing a pilot Sustainability Performance Data Spreadsheet for the full data set.
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Climate Change 20
In Figures 7 to 13, we outline our energy intensity, or the Figure 7: Energy and Carbon Intensity for Steelmaking Figure 8: CO2 Coal Intensity Curve — Teck Compared to Other Producers — 2021(1)
amount of energy used per tonne of product, and the
carbon intensity. We also present our carbon intensity per
Coal Production
1.0 0.10
tonne of product in comparison to other producers, based
2 0.1
0 0.0
2019 2020 2021 2022
Energy and carbon intensity for the production of copper Figure 11: Energy and Carbon Intensity for Figure 12: CO2 Copper Intensity Curve — Teck Compared to Other Producers — 2021 (1)
increased in 2022 (Figure 11). This is attributed to increased Copper Production
mine preparation activities for the QB2 expansion.
60 3.0
Figure 13 sets out Teck’s carbon intensity, which includes
0.8 0.08
per Kilotonne
0.7 0.07
0.6 0.06
CO2e per Tonne
0.5 0.05
COAL 1.5
Tonnes ofTerajoules
0.4 0.04
(1) Only the primary commodities we report on — i.e., steelmaking coal, copper and zinc
0.3 0.03 — from Teck-operated mines are included within the equivalency calculation. Lead has
been excluded.
0.2 0.02
(2) Figures have been restated due to changes in third-party emission factors.
0.1 0.01 (3) Carbon intensity on a copper equivalent basis is presented in two manners as shown in
this figure. The three-year trailing average reflects our historical reporting practice and
0.0 0.00 includes different commodity prices to convert each year’s performance. For example,
0 2019 2020 2021 2022 the 2022 value in the three-year trailing average would use 2022–2020 pricing averages,
2019(2) 2020(2) 2021 2022 whereas the 2021 value would use 2021-2019 pricing averages. This reflects how some
Energy Intensity (energy used per tonne of product)
external groups assess carbon performance. We have also included carbon intensities
(carbon(carbon emitted
emitted per tonne
per tonne of of product)
16 0.7
Carbon Pricing and Advocating for Climate Action Transparency on Climate Disclosure
We believe that broad-based pricing of carbon is one of We engage policy-makers in all jurisdictions in which we Our Climate Change Outlook 2021 report looks at how 2019 Portfolio Resilience in the Face of Climate Change
the most effective ways to incentivize real reductions in operate and/or have major projects, as well as other Teck is positioned for a low-carbon economy by analyzing reports and aligns with recommendations from the TCFD,
GHG emissions by ensuring that all emitters contribute to jurisdictions through our membership in various industry potential business risks and opportunities under three which we support. We also report our emissions data
the solution. In 2022, we continued to advocate for carbon associations, such as the ICMM and the Mining Association different climate change scenarios. These scenarios annually to the CDP and we engage with Climate Action
pricing policies that maintain the global competitiveness of Canada (MAC). We also review industry association provide information on how Teck is analyzing and preparing 100+ and other investor organizations. Teck’s 2022 CDP
of trade-exposed industries to prevent carbon leakage — positions on climate change and advocate for their alignment for the risks and opportunities that may emerge as the response is available on our website.
which is when GHG emissions move from one jurisdiction with the Paris Agreement. Across the associations of which global community combats climate change and moves to
to another as a result of differences in carbon prices. Teck is a member, ICMM, MAC and the Mining Association a lower-carbon future. This report builds on our 2018 and
Currently, all of our steelmaking coal operations are covered of British Columbia (MABC) are the trade associations that
by carbon pricing, as is approximately one-third of our have the greatest amount of engagement on climate
copper business and all of our metals refining businesses. action. All three associations have positions aligned with
For 2022, our B.C.-based operations incurred $88.4 million the Paris Agreement. Our climate advocacy and industry
in British Columbia provincial carbon tax. For more details, collaborations were published in our first-ever Industry Adapting to Physical Climate Risks
please see page 47 of our 2022 Annual Report. Associations Review in 2022, which reviews our industry’s
climate change positions and actions.
We continue to see a trend among governments to pursue In addition to the actions we are taking to reduce the operations. This work is becoming increasingly complex
climate change policies. Some of the most significant We have also been actively supporting action on climate impacts of climate change by lowering emissions and as the field of climate analysis evolves. At our operations,
action has taken place in Canada, which has some of the change and carbon pricing through voluntary initiatives advocating for progressive climate action strategies, we we regularly incorporate impacts from climate variability
highest carbon prices in the world and is where the such as the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition. In June are focused on managing the potential physical risks and and climate change into our water modelling, and we
majority of our operations are located. 2016, Teck became the first Canadian resources company opportunities that may result from the ongoing changes assess potential vulnerabilities and future risks to inform
to join the Coalition, a partnership of national and to our climate. Over the past decade, we have been water management practices. As part of the environmental
In 2022, British Columbia’s carbon tax under the Carbon
sub-national governments, businesses and organizations monitoring the development of climate change risk assessment of our development and expansion projects,
Tax Act increased to $50 per tonne of CO2e. British Columbia
that agree to work toward integrating carbon pricing into management practices, during which we have seen we include the physical impacts of climate change in our
also continues to implement the CleanBC Program for
the global economy. continued improvement in the quality and accessibility of water assessment and modelling to evaluate risks and
Industry to address impacts on emissions-intensive,
climate change data and modelling, in understanding the opportunities, and to inform our mitigation planning.
trade-exposed industries to ensure that B.C. operations In 2022, we continued to work with the MABC and the
interaction between climate change and our assets, and
maintain their competitiveness and that carbon leakage Business Council of British Columbia (BCBC) on carbon See Teck’s Climate Change Outlook 2021 report for more
best management practices to increase the resilience of
is avoided. pricing policy to provide both policy direction and technical information on how we are adapting to the physical
the mining sector.
input to the government, with a view to maintaining the impacts of climate change, and how we are managing
In October 2021, B.C. published the CleanBC Roadmap to
competitiveness of industry in the province. We also We are taking into account the increased frequency of climate-related risks and opportunities.
2030, which replaces the original CleanBC plan published
engage with the B.C. Government directly through our extreme weather events and we are working to incorporate
in 2018. Key elements in the new roadmap include
participation in the B.C. Climate Solutions Council, formerly climate change scenarios and vulnerability assessments
increasing carbon pricing to meet or exceed the federal
the Clean Growth Advisory Council. into project design and evaluation, as well as at our existing
benchmark of $170 per tonne by 2030, eliminating
methane emissions from mining by 2035 and increasing
clean fuel requirements. A significant portion of the policy
design took place in 2022, and Teck is closely monitoring
and engaging in the process.
Teck provides critical commodities required for sustainable smelting and refining operation is highly efficient. We have
products and infrastructure. We have long worked to a Materials Stewardship Committee responsible for
reduce waste and pollution, to keep products in use and to monitoring the responsible use of our products and, at
help improve the natural environment where we operate. our operations, we track and report on waste and are
Our Trail Operations recycles various metals, and its implementing waste reduction and recycling programs.
21 Circular Solutions for Every Business, City and Nation. Circularity Gap Reporting Initiative. 2022. 17 Mining for Circularity: Five Strategic Insights. World Circular Economy Forum. 2021.
Towards a Circular Economy Approach to Mining Operations: Key Concepts, Drivers and Opportunities. Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). 2022.
Pictured: Employee at Trail Operations, Canada. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Responsible Production 24
2022 Highlights Our Performance in Responsible Production in 2022
of hazardous and
non-hazardous waste Our Targets and Commitments At Teck, we’re supporting responsible production by providing the critical metals and minerals
recycled essential for a low-carbon economy while also working to minimize our operational impacts. The following table shares our progress
related to responsible production and waste management goals.
of urban ore/
secondary sources
recycled at Trail
tonnes Operations
Strategic Priorities:
· Be a leader in responsibly providing the metals and minerals needed for the transition to an economy focused on reducing
waste and keeping products in use
· Work towards disposing zero industrial waste by 2040
Mineral Waste All of Teck’s tailings storage facilities are designed by and batteries. We collect and store hazardous waste in a Table 10: Waste Diverted from Disposal by Recovery
Based on volume, mineral waste is the most significant external third-party experts and independently reviewed responsible manner and in accordance with regulatory Operation, in Metric Tonnes (t) — 2022(1)
waste type generated by Teck. In 2022, our operations for both design and performance. Learn more about requirements, and licensed contractors recycle or dispose
generated approximately 755 million tonnes of mineral tailings management at Teck on our website at www.teck. of this waste off-site as required by regulation. Type of Waste On-Site Off-Site Total
waste, with the vast majority being waste rock from the com/tailings.
Non-hazardous Waste: The most significant types of
extraction of ore and steelmaking coal. We have permit non-hazardous waste streams include contaminated Hazardous Waste
and regulatory requirements for treating and recycling Figure 14: Mineral Waste (million tonnes)(1) solids, scrap metal, wood waste, glass, tires, e-waste,
waste at all of our operations. We use internal and cardboard and paper. Preparation for reuse 0 64 64
independent third-party subject matter experts to design
our mineral waste storage facilities. Mineral waste storage 62 + 9 + 684 = 755 Industrial Waste: Industrial waste is a subcategory of Recycling 29,092 9,201 38,293
million million million million non-mineral waste, which includes types of waste
methods are determined based on site-specific conditions tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes
generated by industrial processes, and does not include Other recovery operations 0 7 7
and industry good practices.
municipal/domestic waste streams. Significant industrial
The following categories of mineral waste are products of Tailings and fine coal Coarse Waste Total Total Hazardous Waste 29,092 9,271 38,364
refuse from processing coal refuse rock mineral waste
waste streams at Teck include metallurgical waste, sludges,
Teck’s operations: ore and raw coal process residuals (such as from water treatment), haul
truck tires, construction and demolition debris, equipment Non-Hazardous Waste
Waste Rock: Waste rock, which is material that is removed (1) Rounding of the individual numbers may cause a discrepancy in the total value.
to access ores, coal and oil sands, typically contains trace and contaminated soil. We have set a target to dispose of
zero industrial waste by 2040, and we are working towards Preparation for reuse 111 419 530
amounts of naturally occurring metals and other
Non-Mineral Waste establishing site-based industrial waste inventories and
constituents. The bulk of waste rock from our operations is Recycling 1,860 20,173 22,033
placed in areas that are specifically designed to contain In addition to mineral wastes summarized above, Teck also plans to turn waste into useful and appropriate products by
the rock. Where geochemical and physical properties allow, generates non-mineral waste. Non-mineral waste includes 2025. Based on these inventories and plans, we will set the
Other recovery operations 0 0 0
waste rock is also used for construction purposes such as waste generated from overall activities such as construction, final goals for each industrial waste stream aligned with
haul roads, retention embankments for tailings storage and packaging, maintenance and office activities, but excludes the waste mitigation hierarchy. Total Non-Hazardous 1,971 20,592 22,563
other similar projects. The remainder of the rock, which may waste generated from extraction and processing, which Waste
still have some geochemical concern, is placed within is further categorized as non-hazardous and hazardous
Figure 15: Non-Mineral Waste by Composition in
tailings storage facilities or used to backfill open pits and waste. These waste materials are segregated and disposed
Metric Tonnes (t) — 2022(1) (1) Rounding of the individual numbers may cause a discrepancy in the total value.
underground workings. of in accordance with material-specific waste management
plans and regulatory requirements, to ensure potential Hazardous Non-Hazardous
Coarse Coal Refuse: Coarse coal refuse is a coarse fraction impacts on environmental and human health are mitigated. 59,547 136,263
of raw coal that is separated during processing; it is not Diverted from Disposal Diverted from Disposal
currently an economic product. Coarse coal refuse is Our strategic intent is to eliminate or reduce the generation (38,364) (22,563)
placed in designated engineered facilities or, if determined of non-mineral waste, to explore long-term viable Directed to Disposal Directed to Disposal
(21,184) (113,699)
to not be susceptible to leaching, it may be used as a alternatives, and to divert waste from disposal through
construction material. Coarse coal refuse is an excellent reuse and recycling whenever possible.
construction material for creating retention embankments The following categories of non-mineral waste are products
for fine coal refuse. of Teck’s operations: Total
Tailings and Fine Coal Refuse: Tailings and fine coal refuse Hazardous Waste: At Teck, waste is considered hazardous Non-Mineral
are the finer fractions of the processed mined material that Waste Generated
as defined by jurisdictional regulatory regimes. The primary 195,810
have no economically recoverable commodities. These industrial hazardous wastes produced at our operations
materials are typically stored in tailings storage facilities. include waste oil, solvents, antifreeze, paint
(1) Rounding of the individual numbers may cause a discrepancy in the total value.
Table 11: Waste Directed to Disposal, by Disposal Recycling Technology and Innovation Significant Incidents and Non-Compliance
Operation - in Metric Tonnes (t) — 2022(1) Teck’s methods for recycling include recycling for value Innovation at Teck focuses not only on technology, but Related to Hazardous Materials and Waste
recovery, industrial waste processing and domestic also on building change capabilities to support change Management
Type of Waste On-Site Off-Site Total recycling. We do not currently track office and construction management. At our Fording River Operations (FRO), a pilot We assess the severity of environmental incidents, spills,
waste, which are managed by licensed external waste program on behavioural change resulted in reducing tire and non-compliances based on potential environmental,
Hazardous Waste service providers. We recycle in accordance with waste by 20%. safety, community, reputational and financial impacts.
international, national, provincial and local requirements Based on our incident severity criteria, there were no
Incineration (with 0 581 581 The target lifespan for a 290-tonne earth mover truck tire
and we aim to exceed these requirements. Continually significant incidents related to waste management in 2022.
energy recovery) is about 4,000 hours, or 8 months. However, 40% of trucks
improving recycling at our operations by identifying and There were no significant charges, fines or penalties for
in operation were performing under the 8-month threshold
sharing best practices throughout the company is our non-compliance related to waste management in 2022.
Incineration (without 0 4 4 due to three main issues: weather, road conditions and
goal — including ongoing assessments of our recycling
energy recovery) operator behaviour. When assessing ways to reduce tire
and reuse practices. Spills
waste and costs related to tire performance, it was
At our Trail Operations, we recycle materials purchased determined that the majority of premature tire failures Teck has extensive environmental risk mitigation, reporting,
Landfilling 2 6,518 6,520
from external users. Our focus remains on treating cathode could be prevented by encouraging better driving response and remediation protocols outlined in our Health,
Other disposal operations 0 14,079 14,079 ray tube glass, plus small quantities of zinc alkaline batteries behaviour. The technology and innovation team together Safety, Environment and Community (HSEC) Standards. In
and other post-consumer waste through our lead acid with the FRO team implemented a pilot program to 2022, there were no significant spills.
Total Hazardous Waste 2 21,182 21,184 battery recycling program. influence behaviours, including using targeted messaging, In May 2022, our Elkview Operations (EVO) received a
training, peer support and leadership reinforcement, along $198,000 Determination of Administrative Penalty from the
Non-Hazardous Waste with tracking, analyzing and displaying data to reflect the B.C. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Figure 16: Recycled Material at Trail Operations
new results. By mid-2022, the percentage of tires failing for unauthorized discharges of process slurry and tailings
Incineration (with 28 0 28 50,000 under 3,500 hours was50000
reduced by 20%. from the EVO Coal Processing Plant and tailings transfer
energy recovery)
lines. This incident did not result in off-site discharge, and
40,000 Red Dog Operations and the Toxics Release
40000 EVO undertook investigations to identify root causes for
Incineration (without 672 0 673 Inventory each spill and completed repairs, upgrades and training
energy recovery)
Every year, Red Dog is30000listed on the United States to prevent reoccurrence. EVO is continuing efforts to
Landfilling 62,360 46,841 109,201 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Toxics Release minimize the potential for spills at the processing plant
Inventory (TRI) due to the volumes of rock and ore safely by implementing a Plant Spill Action Plan, by adding
20,000 20000
Other disposal operations 1,308 2,489 3,798 moved at the mine site each year. Red Dog is required to dedicated resources to address this issue, and by focusing
report the amount of materials moved at the mine site due efforts on spill areas with the highest volume and risk to
10,000 to the grades of zinc and10000lead naturally occurring in the the environment.
Total Non-Hazardous 64,369 49,331 113,699
Waste rocks. This is part of the mining process and does not
0 indicate any health or environmental
0 effect, including any
2022 2021 2020 2019(1)
(1) Rounding of the individual numbers may cause a discrepancy in the total value. releases of materials from Red Dog to the environment.
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
(DEC) has also responded to the TRI, noting that almost
all of the releases from TRI facilities in Alaska are regulated
under strict EPA and state of Alaska permits, with
monitoring and compliance requirements designed to
prevent human and environmental harm.
Teck currently manages 14 active and 29 inactive or mining industry as part of the ICMM and the Mining
closed tailings facilities. In addition, Teck has 5 active and Association of Canada (MAC). Teck was part of the Advisory
32 inactive or closed Coarse Coal Refuse (CCR) stacks. Group that provided input to develop the GISTM, and we
Tailings storage facilities at all of Teck’s operating and worked with ICMM to develop conformance protocols for
closed sites are designed to meet or exceed regulatory its implementation. Teck is committed to implementation
requirements, and we are continually improving the of the GISTM across our operating and legacy (closed)
management of our facilities by developing and incorporating facilities in all jurisdictions, and all of our active tailings
best practices. In 2022, Teck continued to play an active facilities will be operated in conformance with the
role in promoting leading practices for tailings facility standard by August 2023.
management, both in our own operations and across the
About Tailings. Global Tailings Review. 2022.
Pictured: Employees at Fording River Operations, Canada. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Tailings Management 29
2022 Highlights Our Performance in Tailings Management in 2022
Strategic Priority: Continue to manage our tailings across their life cycle in a safe and environmentally responsible way
Goal: Preferentially consider milling and tailings technologies On track Collaborated with industry peers in research and development activities.
Case Study: Enhancing Safety in Tailings that use less water for both new mines and any mine life
Participated in the ICMM tailings reduction technology initiative.
Management With Autonomous Tools extensions at existing mines.
Staff Inspections From the governance review process in 2022, there were Annual Facility Performance Reviews and Dam Tailings Reviews Conducted in 2022
Tailings dams are inspected by trained operators and no significant findings related to dam safety; several Safety Reviews All of our tailings facilities are reviewed against our internal
expert technical staff as frequently as several times daily, opportunities to further develop existing systems were At each of our facilities, an Annual Facility Performance policy and guidance documentation on a regular schedule,
with formal staff inspections at least once per month. identified and are being actioned by the sites. As a result Review (AFPR) is conducted by an Engineer of Record as described in Table 12. In 2022, all tailings facilities at
of our ongoing Tailings Governance Review processes and (EoR), who is a fully licensed and qualified individual vetted Teck had their AFPRs completed as planned. Independent
Tailings Governance Reviews based on themes from MAC and ICMM advancements, by our Tailings Working Group. Independent, qualified Review Boards met at least once in 2022, with boards
we have strengthened our guidance related to change engineers also conduct periodic Dam Safety Reviews responsible for larger facilities meeting several times. Dam
Tailings Governance Reviews are carried out every second
management, roles and responsibilities, enhancing (DSRs), with timing dependent upon the nature of the Safety Reviews and Teck’s Tailings Governance Reviews
year at our operations and every third year at our legacy
integration of risk evaluation and identifying critical controls. facility. AFPRs and DSRs are conducted to evaluate the were also completed as planned at all sites except the
properties by internal subject matter experts. These
governance reviews include confirmation that we have the Through 2022, our governance reviews included physical performance of the facility, as well as Teck’s Tailings Governance Review at the Fort Hills joint venture,
personnel and procedures in place to meet our commitments, consideration of GISTM requirements in preparation of conformance to international best practices, our internal which was cancelled due to divestment of the asset.
and that we are addressing recommendations for continual reporting of conformance to GISTM. Teck is committed to policy/standards and applicable regulatory requirements.
improvement from our external reviews in a meaningful conforming with GISTM requirements at all active tailings AFPRs and other information about our tailings facilities,
and timely manner. facilities and at inactive or closed tailings facilities with both operating and legacy, are available on our website
very high consequences of failure by August 2023. at www.teck.com/tailings.
The governance reviews also evaluate the performance of
our Engineers of Record and other external reviewers to Independent Review Boards
look for signs of complacency or lack of succession
In addition to the review work involved in the AFPRs and
planning by those outside of Teck who we rely upon as part
DSRs, another key element of Teck’s review process is the
of our overall management processes. Regarding joint
use of Independent Review Boards. These boards typically
venture projects, we have an ongoing process with the
consist of two to four very senior individuals recognized
other shareholders of the Antamina mine that meets the
within the industry as subject matter experts. The review
requirements of our governance review process.
board provides third-party review of design, construction,
operation, surveillance and maintenance of our storage
facilities, and will meet from once to several times per year,
depending upon the nature of the facility and the issues
being considered. The results from the Independent
Review Board assessments are communicated directly to
senior management.
Table 12: Teck 2022 Tailings Review Status In addition to internal and external reviews, Teck will
occasionally complete a special review of our facilities.
Annual Facility Dam Safety Independent Review Tailings The Mount Polley event (2014), the Samarco event (2015)
Business Unit Site Review Review Board Activity Governance Review Comment and the Brumadinho event (2019) triggered such reviews.
These reviews concluded that no immediate or emerging
Base Metals Antamina ● ■ ● 2022 Joint Venture (non-operator) threats of catastrophic failures were apparent within
Teck’s tailings facilities.
Base Metals Carmen de Andacollo ● ■ ● 2022
Base Metals Highland Valley Copper ● ■ ● 2022
Base Metals Quebrada Blanca 2 ● ■ ● 2022 Operations commence in 2023
Base Metals Red Dog ● ■ ● 2021
Steelmaking Coal Elkview ● ■ ● 2022
Steelmaking Coal Fording River ● ■ ● 2021
Steelmaking Coal Greenhills ● ■ ● 2022
Steelmaking Coal Line Creek ● ■ ● 2021
Legacy Beaverdell ● ■ ● 2021
Legacy Bullmoose ● ■ ● 2021
Legacy Douglas ● ■ ● Planned in 2023 Stable dry impoundment
Legacy Duck Pond ● ■ ● 2022
Legacy Fisherman Road ● ■ ● Planned in 2023
Legacy Lennard Shelf ● ■ Planned in 2023 Planned in 2023 Stable dry stack
Legacy Louvicourt ● ■ ● 2020
Legacy Magmont ● ■ ● 2022
Legacy Pend Oreille ● ■ ● 2021
Legacy Pinchi ● ■ ● 2021
Legacy Pine Point ● ■ ● 2022
Legacy Quintette ● ■ ● 2021
Legacy Sa Dena Hes ● ■ ● Planned in 2023
Legacy Sullivan ● ■ ● 2020
● Completed as planned. ■ Dam Safety Reviews up to date per required frequency (between three and 10 years dependent upon potential consequence).
● Review Board formed: first review in 2022 and next in 2023.
Total tailings and fine coal refuse generated from Technology and Innovation Teck was an active participant in the development of storage facilities. We actively supported the development
processing ore and raw coal, stored in the 13 operating RACE is developing and implementing a Digital Tailings ICMM’s Tailings Position Statement and Governance of the ICMM Tailings Management Good Practice Guide
tailings facilities at our mining operations, are reported Management System (DTMS) to support the use of digitally Framework, and is a participant in ICMM’s leadership work and Conformance Protocols, which facilitate implementation
in Figure 17. This total does not include our minority joint connected surveillance technologies to assist in monitoring on a long-term goal of developing safe and sustainable of the GISTM.
venture operation at Antamina. our tailings storage facilities. The DTMS is a digital solution alternatives to conventional wet tailings facilities. We were
Teck is also part of the MAC Tailings Working Group, which
that will centralize and allow the use of data analytics for an active member of the Advisory Group helping to create
has been responsible for providing industry-leading best
tailings facilities management aspects including geotechnical the GISTM, published in August 2020 by the ICMM, United
Figure 17: Tailings (including Fine Coal Refuse) Generated practice guidance, including key industry guidance
monitoring, construction and operations for our Carmen Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Principles for
from Processing Ore and Raw Coal (million tonnes) documents. Teck continues to use the MAC Tailings Protocol’s
de Andacollo (CdA) and Quebrada Blanca (QB) sites in Responsible Investment (PRI). This serves as the industry-
Table of Conformance as one component of our Governance
Chile. The system will allow Teck to facilitate compliance leading standard for the safer management of tailings
Review process at our sites.
62 65 72 74 with legal requirements, monitor our tailings facilities in
million million million million
tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes near real time, quicken our response to events with Trigger
Action Response Plans (TARPs) and combine the best
2022 2021 2020 2019
practices and technologies that Teck has available.
Implementation of the DTMS at CdA and QB sites will
Transparency and Disclosure
be completed by the end of 2023. This project directly
Tailings Incidents supports our priority to continue to manage our tailings We remain committed to being open and transparent recent AFPRs available on our website. We have also
Building on our strong track record of tailings management, across their life cycle in a safe and environmentally with COIs that could be affected by our tailings facilities, provided detailed information about our tailings facilities
in 2022, we had zero significant incidents at our tailings responsible way. including community members, employees and through responses to the Investor Mining & Tailings
storage facilities. All of our facilities performed as intended, contractors, regarding our tailings facilities. As such, Safety Initiative chaired by the Church of England
with their inspections and assorted internal and external we make information on our approach to tailings Pensions Board and the Swedish Council on Ethics for
reviews conducted as scheduled, with the exception of the management, a detailed list of facilities and copies of the AP Funds.
Tailings Governance Review at Fort Hills, which was
cancelled due to divestment of the asset.
Water is essential to mining, as it is used in several transition to seawater or low-quality water sources for
activities, including mineral processing, dust suppression all operations in water-scarce regions by 2040. We are
and employee use. Mining can affect both the availability producing water from the new desalination plant at our
and the quality of water in surrounding environments, Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 (QB2) project, which will allow
which requires careful planning and mitigation actions us to avoid using fresh water in this water-scarce region.
to minimize these impacts.
In 2022, we continued to implement the Elk Valley Water
Teck recognizes that responsible water management is Quality Plan at our steelmaking coal operations in
essential for the protection of water for the communities in southeast British Columbia. This year, construction and
the watersheds where we operate. Responsible water commissioning activities resulted in a total constructed
management includes the protection of water quality treatment capacity of up to 77.5 million litres of water per
downstream of our operations, improving water use day. For more information, see the Managing Water Quality
efficiency, and engaging with communities of interest in the Elk Valley section on page 36, as well as page 25
(COIs) on watershed management. To address risks related of our 2022 Annual Report.
to the drought in Chile,22 we have a strategic priority to
The Global Risks Report 2022. World Economic Forum. 2022. 21 AR6 Summary for Policymakers. IPCC. 2022.
Consequences will be dire’: Chile’s water crisis is reaching breaking point. The Guardian. 2022.
Pictured: Employee in the Elk Valley, Canada. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Water Stewardship 34
2022 Highlights Our Performance in Water Stewardship in 2022
Goal: By 2025, design all development projects in On Track Completed the construction of a seawater desalination facility at QB2.
water-scarce regions with a seawater or low-quality
Case Study: Update on QB2 water source.
Desalination Plant
As part of Teck’s focus on responsible mining and Strategic Priority: Implement innovative water management and water treatment solutions to protect water quality
resource management, one of our strategic priorities
is to transition to seawater or low-quality water downstream of our operations
sources for all operations in water-scarce regions by
2040. The construction and implementation of a Goal: By 2025, implement new source control or mine On Track Completed our fourth water treatment facility at our steelmaking coal operations. By the end
seawater desalination facility at our Quebrada Blanca design strategies and water treatment systems to further of 2022, our treatment capacity increased from 47.5 million litres per day to up to 77.5 million litres
Phase 2 (QB2) copper project in Chile marks a advance efforts to manage water quality at our operations. per day.
milestone in achieving these goals by using seawater
for mineral processing, rather than scarce fresh water,
which is the case in the dry northern region. The 2022: 74%
desalination facility will use reverse osmosis, a water Performance Metrics
purification process that will force the seawater 2021: 75%
Indicator Indicator
through a semi-permeable membrane, to reduce the
Percentage of water reused and recycled at 2020: (1) water-related
Significant 77%incidents
dissolved salt content of saline water to a usable
mining operations
level. The desalination facility will supply water to all
production processes at QB2 starting in 2023, with
the possibility of providing additional water to other 2022: 74% 2022: 0
users in the area in the future.
2021: 75% 2021: 0(2)
Read the full case study at teck.com/news/stories.
2020: 77% 2020: 0
(1) Teck uses a risk management consequence matrix to determine incident severity, which includes environmental, safety, community, reputational, legal and financial aspects. “Significant incidents” includes incidents
assessed as Level 4 or Level 5 based on our risk matrix and guidance.
(2) The fish decline in the Upper Fording River is not classified as a significant water-related incident in accordance with our incident reporting system, as it has not been connected to a specific incident under our control.
However, the decline is a significant0 2022:
event that Teck is taking very seriously, and we are fully committed XX of cause and implementation of the comprehensive recovery plan.
to a thorough and extensive evaluation
In 2022, we continued to implement the Elk Valley Water Monitoring Aquatic Health In a separate watershed (which includes Harmer and Grave Water Treatment Facilities
Quality Plan (the Plan), a long-term approach to address Teck conducts ongoing aquatic health studies and monitoring creeks), results of WCT population monitoring indicated We increased our treatment capacity through the
the management of selenium and other substances in the Elk Valley and makes these reports public to help that a negligible number of individuals were added to the construction of active water treatment facilities (AWTFs)
released by mining activities in the Elk Valley. The Plan was advance community knowledge and scientific understanding. WCT population in 2018 and 2019 in Harmer Creek. The and through the successful implementation of our
approved in 2014 by the B.C. Minister of Environment and Water and sediment quality, habitat conditions and biota abundance of adult WCT in the Harmer Creek population innovative saturated rock fill (SRF) technology, a nature-
developed in cooperation with governments in Canada and (e.g., fish, bugs) are common monitoring endpoints to has remained comparatively small but stable, throughout inspired water treatment solution that effectively removes
the U.S. as well as with Indigenous groups, communities, support the evaluation of aquatic health in a watershed. both the historical period and recent years. An evaluation compounds such as selenium and nitrate from water.
independent scientific experts and others. The goal of the of cause assessment has been performed, and the findings
Plan is to stabilize and reverse the trend of mine-related Water quality sampling is completed routinely at more than suggested the small size of fish before winter was likely By the end of 2022, Teck’s water treatment facilities in
substances and to maintain the health of the watershed 150 locations across the Elk Valley. Monitoring shows that related to natural conditions, specifically short growing the Elk Valley included:
while allowing for continued sustainable mining in the selenium concentrations have been reduced downstream season and natural low water temperatures and, to a lesser · Our first facility, West Line Creek Water Treatment
region where our steelmaking coal operations are located. of our water treatment facilities. Our permit sets water extent, reduced growth that may have resulted from young Facility, successfully treating up to 7.5 million litres of
The Plan is among the largest water quality management quality concentration limits for selenium, nitrate, sulphate fish being exposed to selenium. More recent fish monitoring water per day
programs in the world, and Teck is making significant and cadmium; since 2015, water quality has met these indicated that recruitment of juvenile fish in the Harmer · Our second facility, Elkview Saturated Rock Fill, successfully
progress in advancing the Plan and protecting water limits 94% of the time, on average. There are 14 locations Creek population was higher in 2020 than from 2017 to treating up to 20 million litres of water per day
quality in the Elk Valley. with water quality concentration limits downstream from 2019 and considered sufficient for the population to remain
the mine sites. At each of these locations, limits become · Our third facility, Fording River South Water Treatment
stable over the long term.
The Plan establishes short-, medium- and long-term water more stringent over time. We have prepared the 2022 IPA Facility, successfully treating up to 20 million litres of
quality targets, which are protective of the environment to achieve full compliance as soon as possible. Our In 2022, Teck continued to support recovery and improved water per day
and human health, for selenium, nitrate, sulphate and timelines consider design, permitting, construction and resilience of the WCT populations and is working with · Our fourth facility, Fording River North Saturated Rock
cadmium, as well as a plan to manage calcite formation. In operating schedules. We expect improved compliance as government regulators and the Ktunaxa Nation Council to Fill, has a constructed treatment capacity of up to
2022, we continued to implement a range of practices and additional water treatment facilities are constructed and develop and implement a comprehensive recovery strategy. 30 million litres of water per day
mitigation projects as part of the Plan, including increasing become operational, with full compliance at all locations Details of our rehabilitation of fish habitats can be found
our overall total treatment capacity up to 77.5 million litres alongside monitoring reports and EoC reports on our website. By the end of 2022, Teck had constructed capacity to treat
by mid-2028. Our compliance evaluation is continuously up to 77.5 million litres per day — more than quadruple our
per day; this is a fourfold increase in treatment capacity evolving as mitigation projects progress and will inform Annual reports about our ongoing monitoring programs, treatment capacity in 2020 of 17.5 million litres per day.
over 2020. See more details in the Water Treatment future updates to the IPA. which are prepared by professional scientists, reflect data With treatment capacity ramping up, we expect to achieve
Facilities section.
Routine monitoring found that the abundance of westslope generated since the Elk Valley Water Quality Plan was one of the primary objectives of the Elk Valley Water Quality
To date, total spend (capital, research and development, cutthroat trout (WCT) in the upper Fording River had approved. The reports have been reviewed by the plan: stabilizing and reducing the selenium trend in the Elk
operating costs, etc.) related to water treatment in the Elk declined between 2017 and 2019. Teck established an Environmental Monitoring Committee (EMC), a group that Valley and Koocanusa. Our water modelling projections show
Valley has been more than $1.2 billion; by 2024, we plan to Evaluation of Cause (EoC) team of external experts to provides science-based and Ktunaxa traditional knowledge that selenium concentrations are expected to continue to
invest up to a further $550 million of capital in work to investigate the possible causes of the fish count declines in advice and input to Teck, and to the B.C. Ministry of decline next year.
protect the watershed. For information on our management this area. The team found that the declines were caused by Environment and Climate Change Strategy regarding
of water quality in the Elk Valley, see page 25 of our 2022 monitoring designs and reports in the Elk Valley. The EMC We also completed the Kilmarnock Water Diversion, a clean
the interaction of extreme ice conditions, sparse water diversion structure at Fording River Operations (FRO),
Annual Report and our website. overwintering habitats and restrictive fish passage includes representatives from the Ministry of Environment
and Climate Change Strategy; Ministry of Energy, Mines that is conveying up to 86 million litres of water per day,
In 2022, we published the 2022 Implementation Plan conditions during the fall 2018 migration period. The findings reducing the volume of water affected by waste rock and
indicate water quality constituents, including selenium, were and Low Carbon Innovation; Ktunaxa Nation Council;
Adjustment (IPA), which is Teck’s third water treatment thereby reducing the amount of water that needs to be treated.
not a primary contributor to the decline. Based on Interior Health; an independent scientist; and Teck. Read
mitigation plan and the second adjustment since the Initial
monitoring data analyzed through 2021, fish health metrics the 2022 EMC Report available on our website. More information on Teck’s most recent plans and progress
Implementation Plan. Through the development of the
2022 IPA, Teck provided opportunities to share information suggest a diverse and productive population of WCT. implementing the EVWQP can be found in our 2022 IPA
and gather feedback from external parties, including the Overview.
Ktunaxa and other governments.
Reducing Nitrate in Blasting · Alternative water treatment technologies: Exploring the At Teck, we use water primarily for material processing and We monitor water data at all our operations and are
Our comprehensive research and development program has use of smaller in situ water treatment facilities that can transport, cooling and dust control. A portion of the water working to incorporate the data into scenario planning
led to the creation of a new nitrate prevention technique that be built much closer to where treatment is needed, and we use is consumed through entrainment in our products using site-wide water balances.23 The company-wide water
uses liners that prevent explosives with nitrate from coming evaluating emerging treatment technologies that target and tailings or through evaporative processes. The water balance (Figure 18) is the aggregation of all the site-wide
into contact with water, with the goal of significantly mine water constituents of interest we use is typically obtained from where our operations water balances. This water balance is complex due to the
reducing the amount of nitrate in the environment. · Mined rock covers: Evaluation of different forms of interface with surface water and groundwater systems, and variability of natural factors such as rainfall, snowmelt, and
This technique was successfully piloted in 2019 at our covers, ranging from vegetative to geomembrane covers, we are transitioning to seawater sources in water-scarce the diversity of the climates and geological conditions
steelmaking coal operations. In 2022, 88% of all explosives for mined rock piles regions such as northern Chile. We manage and discharge where our operations are located. Understanding our
were loaded in a liner at our steelmaking coal operations. a significant amount of water without use (water that is site-wide and company-wide water balances is key to
· Water Diversions: Clean water diversions can reduce the
actively managed without intent to supply the operational improving water management practices and enabling
volume of water affected by waste rock, thereby reducing
Research and Development water demands), and we discharge this water as close as better decision-making.
the amount of water that needs to be treated; we are
practical to the source location. The water we discharge is
Teck is focused on continued Research and Development assessing the contribution of diversions to water quality Our water data collection and reporting is aligned with
monitored and treated where necessary.
(R&D) to improve water quality in the short and long term. performance through the construction and monitoring the ICMM’s A Practical Guide to Consistent Water Reporting.
Examples of this work include: of the Kilmarnock Creek Diversion at Fording River Our detailed water data is provided in our Sustainability
· Source control: Aggressively pursuing the use of source Operations (FRO), which was completed in 2022 and Performance Data.
control technologies in our mined rock facilities, and is conveying up to 86 million litres of water per day
constructing mined rock facilities to limit air entry and Capital spending on water treatment (AWTFs and SRFs) Table 13: Water Withdrawals and Water Reused and Recycled — Megalitres (ML)
the corresponding natural reactions that generate and water management (source control, calcite
constituents of interest; in 2021, we advanced our first management and tributary management) was $184 million
example of this technology at Cedar North at Elkview All Operations 2022 2021 2020 2019
in 2022. Research and development costs related to water
Operations management were $28.5 million in 2022. Water withdrawals (ML) 117,327 117,262 118,284 127,018
Site-wide water balances provide an understanding of water withdrawals, consumption, reuse/recycle and discharge volumes at each operation.
Water balances are developed using a mix of measurements and modelling computation. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Water Stewardship 37
Improving Water Efficiency (continued)
Water withdrawal: All water that enters the operational Reused and recycled water: Water that has been used Types of Water
water system and is used to supply the operational water in an operational task and is recovered and used again Surface water: Water from precipitation and runoff that is In 2022, an average of 74% of water was reused or recycled
demands. in an operational task, either without treatment (reuse) not diverted around the operations; includes water inputs at our operations. This means that 74% of water used was
or with treatment (recycle). from surface waterbodies that may be located within the recovered and used again in an operational task, either
Other managed water: Water that is actively managed
without intent to supply the operational water demands. Change in water storage: The net change (positive boundaries of our operations. without treatment (reuse) or with treatment (recycle).
or negative) in the volume of water stored over the Groundwater: Water from beneath the earth’s surface that Trail Operations accounts for 59% of our water withdrawals.
Water discharge: Water that is released back to the water
accounting period; a positive number indicates water collects or flows in the porous spaces in soil and rock that Almost all the water used at Trail Operations is for cooling
environment or to a third party.
accumulation, and a negative number indicates water is not diverted around the operations. purposes, meaning that it does not come into contact with
Water consumption: Water that is permanently removed, reduction. chemicals or reagents, and the only change it undergoes is
by evaporation, entrainment (in product or waste) or other Third-party sources: Water supplied by an entity external
a slight increase in temperature before being returned to
losses, and not returned to the water environment or a to the operation, such as from a municipality; we do not
the environment within regulatory-approved conditions.
third party. use wastewater from other organizations.
In 2022, our water withdrawals were nearly the same as
Seawater: Water obtained from a sea or ocean. in 2021. Our total water consumption in areas with water
stress was 11,040 ML in 2022. Additional water data is
provided in our Sustainability Performance Data.
Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage (ML/ARD) Technology and Innovation Non-Compliances and Significant Litigation
Teck thoroughly evaluates the potential for ML/ARD In 2022, Teck implemented several initiatives across our Water-Related Incidents Teck continues studies under the 2006 settlement
in the exploration and feasibility design stages, and organization to improve water use, monitoring and We continue to implement the water quality improvement agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
appropriate plans, controls and water management efficiency. At FRO, we advanced development of a digital measures identified in the Elk Valley Water Quality Plan. (EPA) to conduct a remedial investigation on the Upper
infrastructure are put in place for construction, operation tool that displays real-time water quality and flow rate The pace of construction of some of the water treatment Columbia River in Washington state. The Lake Roosevelt
and closure. We design and operate for closure and results that are used by the operation to inform water facilities was hindered by challenges related to the litigation involving Teck in the Federal District Court for the
consider the potential for ML/ARD generation and required management decisions. The Advanced Water Dispatch treatment technology and, more recently, as a result of Eastern District of Washington continues. In December
mitigation measures at every step of project development. System provides enhanced water management capabilities the COVID-19 pandemic. Partly due to the slower-than- 2012, on the basis of stipulated facts agreed between Teck
All of these evaluations are contained in publicly available at FRO, combining water flow and water quality data to anticipated pace of construction, we have recorded and the plaintiffs, the Court found in favour of the plaintiffs
environmental assessment documents submitted to provide recommendations for water management across non-compliances in relation to certain of the permit limits in phase one of the case, issuing a declaratory judgment
regulatory authorities. Also see our Approach to Water the mine site. These advancements will enable enhanced in the Elk Valley. To address these non-compliances, we that Teck is liable under the Comprehensive Environmental
Stewardship for more details. short- and long-range planning of water management with are aggressively advancing construction of several water Response, Compensation, and Liability Act for response
the goal of improving operational efficiency, data analytics treatment facilities and we are implementing other water costs, the amount of which will be determined in later
and real-time decision-making and response capabilities. quality improvement measures in parallel, such as reducing phases of the case. A hearing with respect to natural
In addition to supporting regional water quality and quantity nitrate from blasting, and accelerating research and resource damages and assessment costs is expected to
objectives and Teck’s sustainability priorities, the Advanced development projects in the areas of source control, water follow in 2024. For more information, see pages 103–105
Water Dispatch System enhances both response time and diversions and mine rock cover systems. of our 2022 Annual Information Form.
safety by allowing water monitoring and management to
We assess the severity of environmental incidents based
be conducted remotely. Charges, Fines and Penalties
on the potential environmental, safety, community,
reputational and financial impacts. Based on our incident In 2022, our Fording River Operations (FRO) received a
severity criteria, there were no significant water-related Determination of Administrative Penalty from the B.C.
incidents in 2022. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy for
$62,000 for failing to comply with the permit requirement
to maintain the operation of the sewage treatment plant
in good working order and for unauthorized bypasses in
2019 and 2020.
There is ongoing work in the mining sector to further our high-potential risks, and enhancing our prevention
reduce the health and safety hazards and risks associated of occupational disease. During 2022 Teck continued to
with material movement, heavy equipment and production reduce COVID-19 risk through programs including pre-work
processes. Teck and other member companies of the rapid testing and promoting employee vaccination.
International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) have
During 2022, Teck continued to reduce COVID-19 risk
set the collective goal of zero fatalities and are implementing
through programs including pre-work rapid testing and
measures to reduce injuries. ICMM has also established
promoting employee vaccination.
that occupational disease in mining results in more
fatalities than has been recognized in the past. In response, In 2022, we improved our safety performance, as detailed
the industry is increasingly implementing data science, on page 44. We also continued to implement exposure
automation and innovative technologies to address both reduction plans emphasized on controlling exposures at
discrete and occupational health and safety risks.27 source and advancing our occupational health surveillance
programs. While our performance improvements are
Health and safety have long been a core value and strategic
encouraging, we remain vigilant as we work to reach our
priority for Teck. We have a three-pillar approach within our
ultimate goal of everyone going home safe and healthy
current health and safety strategy: building a positive
every day.
culture of safety, identifying and effectively controlling
Safety + Health for All: An ILO Flagship Programme. ILO. 2022. 25 A safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right at work. ILO. 2022.
ILO’s Flagship Programme Safety + Health for All launches its second phase, reaching up to 138 million workers worldwide. ILO. 2022.
Top 10 Business Risks and Opportunities for Mining and Metals in 2023. EY. 2022.
Pictured: Employees at the Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 project, Chile. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Health and Safety 40
2022 Highlights Our Performance in Health and Safety in 2022
23 % reduction in High-Potential
Incident Frequency at
Teck-managed operations
Our Targets and Commitments Health and safety is a core value at Teck; nothing is more important than the health and safety of
our people. Teck has in place a set of standards, policy guidelines, operating procedures and systems that describe accountabilities,
controls and other requirements for managing health and safety risks. These apply to all Teck sites and projects (excluding projects or
operations in which Teck has an ownership interest but is not the principal operator), including 100% of employees and contractors.
reduction in Lost-Time The following table summarizes our performance against our new sustainability strategy and goals for health and safety.
15 % Disabling Injury
Frequency (LTDIF) 2022: 0
Sustainability Strategy Goals Status Summary of Progress in 2022
2021: 1
2020: 0
Strategic Priority: Eliminate fatalities, serious injuries and occupational disease
improvement in Vehicle
67 % High-Potential Incident
Goal: Contribute to the elimination of fatalities and serious
injuries through significantly enhanced critical control
On track Continued to advance our critical control program with 0
2022: the release of two2022:
standards with
critical control verifications (CCVs) across Teck. In 2022, more than 35,000 CCVs were completed.
verification for fatal hazards. 2021: 1 2021: 11% reduction
Conducted review of program effectiveness resulting in a new operational working group to further
improve the execution of High-Potential
2020: Risk Control. 0 2020: 23% reduction
Over Goal: By 2025, contribute to the elimination of occupational On track Initiated a second trial of real-time particulate monitoring to evolve our use of this tool even
recorded critical disease by implementing new technologies in real-time further. This technology has become
2022: 0 2022: the15%cornerstone of our exposure monitoring
reduction 2022: programs for
17% reduction
control verifications exposure monitoring to improve exposure controls for dust characterizing airborne particulates.
conducted and welding fumes. 2021: 1 2021: 11% reduction 2021: 10% reduction
2020: 0 2020: 23% reduction 2020: 17% reduction
Performance Metrics
exposure reduction actions 2022: (1)(2) 0 2022: (1)(2)15% reduction 2022: (1)(2)17% reduction 2022: (1)(2)23% reduction
Indicator (1)(2) Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator
completed as a part of site- Work-related fatal injuries Lost-Time & Disabling Injury Total Recordable Injury High-Potential Incident Vehicle High-Potential
2021: 1 2021: 11% reduction 2021: 10% reduction 2021: 38% reduction
based exposure reduction Target Frequency Frequency Frequency Incident Frequency
plans Zero fatalities 2020:
Target 0 2020:
Target 23% reduction 2020:
Target 17% reduction 2020:
Target 32% reduction
10% year-over-year reduction 10% year-over-year reduction Year-over-year improvement Year-over-year improvement
2022: 0 2022: 15% reduction 2022: 17% reduction 2022: 23% reduction 2022: 67% improvement
2021: 1 2021: 11% reduction 2021: 10% reduction 2021: 38% reduction 2021: 21% improvement
2020: 0 2020: 23% reduction 2020: 17% reduction 2020: 32% reduction 2020: N/A
(1) All indicators include employees and contractors.
(2) Performance Metrics are related to performance of Teck-managed operations and do not include joint ventures.
2022: 15% reduction 2022: 17% reduction 2022: 23% reduction 2022: 67% improvement
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Health and Safety 41
2021: 11% reduction 2021: 10% reduction 2021: 38% reduction 2021: 21% improvement
Building a Positive Culture of Health and Safety Occupational Health and Hygiene
Launched in 2009, Courageous Safety Leadership (CSL) Introduction to CSL training, and we are undertaking the We work to continuously advance our occupational health Technology and Innovation
is a Teck safety program that focuses on challenging development of a CSL refresher program targeting all and hygiene programs to protect the long-term health of
We are using sensor technology to reduce dust exposure.
values, beliefs and attitudes towards safety, and builds employees and contractors to further recommit to safety our workforce. All our operations were required to continue
Following a successful pilot, we implemented real-time
commitment from individuals to work safely. In 2022, over and reinforce our safety culture. We expect this program implementing exposure reduction plans in 2022. All
particulate monitoring (RTPM) throughout Teck in 2020
2,600 new employees and contractors participated in the to commence in 2023. exposure reduction plans are prioritized based on risk and
and 2021. In 2022, as a next step, Teck worked in
must use engineering controls to control or eliminate
partnership with a RTPM company specializing in aerosol
exposures at their source. In 2022, the focus of many of our
physics to explore, design and develop solutions for an
exposure reduction plans was on trialling in-cab filtration
automated and fully integrated real-time particulate
systems for our fleet, implementing or upgrading ventilation
High-Potential Risk Control systems and further characterizing our particulate
monitoring system. This multi-phased initiative will
hopefully see this technology evolve from an investigative
exposures using real-time particulate monitoring. Our
tool to an automated decision-assisted tool. Additionally,
As of the end of the year, all operations met their 2022 A review of the HPRC program during 2022, which included real-time particulate monitoring technology continues to
the respirable particle analytics (RPA) tool is being
High-Potential Risk Control targets for conducting external benchmarking, resulted in the development of a allow us to better pinpoint causes of exposures and plan
implemented at Teck’s sites in the Elk Valley to break down
high-potential risk assessments and effectiveness reviews. company-wide working group to further improve the program. for their control.
dust exposure information by location and task. Through
These targets were to conduct at least four Work Team Risk In 2022, we advanced our medical assessment program implementing the RPA tool, we can pinpoint the highest
In addition to the overarching HPRC strategy, Teck has
Assessments and six Effectiveness Reviews per operation. across our operations. This program screens at-risk sources of dust exposure and implement specific controls
continued to advance our Vehicle Safety Strategy to
As a result of these improved risk assessment efforts individuals for the development of physical illness due to based on location and task, supporting our focus on
eliminate serious injuries and fatalities from vehicle-related
across the company, we identified opportunities and certain workplace exposures. This year, we completed a ensuring everyone goes home safe and healthy every day.
incidents. Vehicle-related incidents have historically
improved controls for key serious injury and fatality risks. In review of existing programs across operations and a review
represented Teck’s single-largest category of High-Potential
2022, 116 detailed work team risk assessments and of the current corporate standard to identify opportunities
Incidents. Vehicle-related incidents typically result from
effectiveness reviews were conducted on high-risk tasks. for improvement.
a combination of three factors: the driver, the road
We also continued to review and update critical control environment and the vehicle itself. Improvement actions
standards and critical control verification criteria in line have been defined for each of these three key factors. Teck
with our High-Potential Risk Control (HPRC) strategy. The has a business performance metric to reduce vehicle-
implementation of this program allows us to routinely related High-Potential Incidents. To support this goal, in Case Study: Improving Health and Safety Through Mobile Proximity Detection
monitor for appropriate and effective critical controls. Teck 2022, we developed guidance documents for traffic
has identified over 20 fatal hazards that form the basis of management plans and road designs, which, complemented Vehicles are essential to day-to-day operations at Technology and innovation like mobile proximity
our program development. In 2022, we published critical with a road environment standard, will assist operations in mine sites, but collisions between these vehicles detection are not only critical to improving
controls for isolation of hazardous energy and for surface improving the control and reduction of vehicle-related can result in serious injuries. To address this hazard, productivity; they are also critical to supporting
drilling operations. Each standard has been developed to incidents. In 2022, we saw a 67% improvement in our we have been installing mobile proximity detection Teck’s health and safety goal of eliminating serious
highlight the critical controls that must be in place. To date, Vehicle High-Potential Incident rate compared to 2021. technology in some vehicles at Teck sites. To injuries. The efficacy of this new technology was
we have had 14 new or updated critical control standards. prevent collisions, this technology warns drivers of assessed in 2022 by examining prior years’ trends.
Associated with each standard are Critical Control their proximity to other vehicles and to obstacles. Collision and proximity detection reduced the
Verification (CCV) criteria that are used routinely to check An antenna on the outside of the vehicle enables overall risk associated with vehicle interactions
for the presence and effectiveness of the control. In 2022, 360-degree visibility and signals. A computer in and contributed to a 67% reduction in Vehicle
we also focused on the implementation and execution of the cabin processes the signals and stores data, High-Potential Incident frequency in 2022
those CCVs, and over 35,000 CCVs were performed across and an LED screen on the dashboard shows any compared to the previous year.
the company. warnings to the driver.
Read the full case study at teck.com/news/stories.
Table 14: Health and Safety Performance — Teck Total (1),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9) Table 15: Health and Safety Performance — Teck-Operated (2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)
Teck Total 2022 2021 2020 2019 Teck Operated 2022 2021 2020 2019
Total Recordable Injury Frequency 0.53 0.64 0.74 0.82 Total Recordable Injury Frequency 0.55 0.66 0.73 0.88
Lost-Time Injury Frequency 0.22 0.27 0.29 0.34 Lost-Time Injury Frequency 0.24 0.29 0.31 0.37
Disabling Injury Frequency 0.10 0.11 0.14 0.20 Disabling Injury Frequency 0.10 0.10 0.14 0.20
Lost-Time Disabling Injury Frequency 0.32 0.38 0.43 0.54 Lost-Time Disabling Injury Frequency 0.34 0.40 0.45 0.58
Lost-Time Injury Severity 16.74 31.57 27.52 41 Lost-Time Injury Severity 18.52 31.85 21.64 43.16
Fatality Rate 0.00 0.003 0.001 0.004 Fatality Rate 0.00 0.003 0.00 0.004
(1) Safety statistics in Table 14 include both employees and contractors at all of our locations (operations, projects, closed properties, exploration sites and offices). For Teck partnership sites,
safety statistics are weighted in accordance with Teck’s ownership of the operation and the type of data provided by each operation. The safety statistics weightings applied for Teck
partnership sites are: Antamina mine (22.5%), Fort Hills (21.3%), Neptune Bulk Terminals (Coal) (100%) and NuevaUnión (50%). We define incidents according to the requirements of the U.S.
Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration. Severity is calculated as the number of days missed due to Lost-Time Injuries per 200,000 hours worked.
(2) Safety statistics in Table 15 include both employees and contractors at all of our locations in which Teck holds majority ownership and directly manages (operations, projects, closed
properties, exploration sites and offices). We define incidents according to the requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration. Severity is
calculated as the number of days missed due to Lost-Time Injuries per 200,000 hours worked.
(3) Decrease in severity in 2022 is in part a consequence of having no fatalities in 2022 versus 1 fatality in 2021. Each fatality results in counting 6,000 lost days.
(4) A Lost-Time Injury is an occupational injury that results in loss of one or more days beyond the initial day of the injury from the employee’s scheduled work beyond the date of injury.
(5) A Disabling Injury is a work-related injury that, by orders of a qualified practitioner, designates a person, although at work, unable to perform their full range of regular work duties on
the next scheduled work shift after the day of the injury.
(6) A fatality is defined as a work-related injury that results in the loss of life. These tables don’t include deaths from occupational disease or illness.
(7) Frequency indicators in this table are calculated by the number of events in the period multiplied by 200,000 and divided by the number of exposure hours in the period, which refers to
the total number of actual hours worked by employees/contractors at a site where one or more employees/contractors are working or are present as a condition of their employment
and are carrying out activities related to their employment duties. Hours of exposure may be calculated differently from site to site; for example, time sheets, estimations and data from
human resources are inputs into the total number of exposure hours.
(8) In 2021, there was a transition period to align our Chilean sites to Teck’s global definitions. Accordingly, QB2 2022 results are not comparable to previous reporting years.
(9) Non-material adjustments have been applied to 2021 Lost-Time Injury metrics to reflect historical accuracy.
Table 16: Health and Safety Performance — Teck Operations and Projects – Excluding QB2(1) Figure 19: High-Potential Incident Performance — Figure 20: High-Potential Incident Performance —
Teck Total(1),(2),(3) Teck-Operated(1),(2),(4)
Teck-Operated (excluding QB2) 2022 2021 2020 2019 0.30 0.35 0.35
0.05 0.05
Number of Fatalities 0 1 0 0 0.05 0.05
0 0 0.00 0.00
2022 2021 2020 2019 2022 2021 2020 2019
Table 17: Health and Safety Performance — Teck QB2(1),(2),(3)
High-Potential Incident Frequency High-Potential Incident Frequency
Serious High-Potential Incident Frequency Serious High-Potential Incident Frequency
Teck Operated (excluding QB2) 2022 2021 2020 2019 Potentially Fatal Occurrence Frequency Potentially Fatal Occurrence Frequency
(1) Frequency indicators in Figures 19 and 20 are calculated by the number of events in the period multiplied by 200,000 and divided by the number of exposure hours in the period, which
refers to the total number of actual hours worked by employees/contractors at a site where one or more employees/contractors are working or are present as a condition of their
Work Hours 54,558,671 43,758,578 24,108,339 16,056,212 employment and are carrying out activities related to their employment duties.
(2) Rounding of the individual numbers may cause a discrepancy in the total value.
Total Recordable Injury Frequency 0.14 0.16 0.19 0.12 (3) Safety statistics in Figure 19 include both employees and contractors at all of our locations (operations, projects, closed properties, exploration sites and offices). For Teck partnership sites,
safety statistics are weighted in accordance with Teck’s ownership of the operation and the type of data provided by each operation. The safety statistics weightings applied for Teck
partnership sites are: Antamina mine (22.5%), Fort Hills (21.3%), Neptune Bulk Terminals (Coal) (100%) and NuevaUnión (50%).
Lost-Time Injury Frequency 0.01 0.05 0.09 0.09 (4) Safety statistics in Figure 20 include both employees and contractors at all of our locations in which Teck holds majority ownership and directly manages (operations, projects, closed
properties, exploration sites and offices). For sites where Teck owns more than 50%, safety statistics are weighted 100%.
High-Potential Incidents 0.20 0.20
High-Potential Incidents (HPIs) are incidents that have a local gap analysis against the findings to prevent similar 0.15
reasonable likelihood to have caused a serious, permanently occurrences. We investigate potentially fatal occurrences
0.10 0.10
disabling, or fatal injury.28 In 2022, our combined HPI frequency to the same standard as fatalities. 0.02
was 23% lower compared to 2021 at Teck-managed While our total HPI frequency and severity have declined
operations. Two Potentially Fatal Occurrences (PFOs)29 since 2017, we continue to focus on further improving our 0 0.00 0
2022 2021 2020 2019 2022 2021 2020 2019
were reported at Teck-operated locations. In each case, understanding of high-potential risk and control effectiveness. High-Potential Incident Frequency High-Potential Incident Frequency
an investigation is undertaken and corrective actions are All HPIs were thoroughly investigated to identify corrective Serious High-Potential Incident Frequency Serious High-Potential Incident Frequency
developed. Where relevant, the results are shared with all actions to minimize the potential for reoccurrence. Potentially Fatal Occurrence Frequency Potentially Fatal Occurrence Frequency
of our business units and operations in order to facilitate a (1) For reporting purposes, Teck’s QB2 project has been included in our overall Teck-operated safety performance data in previous Sustainability Reports. We will continue to report it as such, and also in
more detail in the interest of additional transparency. The above table shows performance data with the results delineated for the QB2 project and for the remainder of Teck-operated sites (without QB2).
(2) During 2022, Teck QB2 accounted for 62% of Teck-operated hours.
Teck uses an HPI Classification Model to assess and determine HPIs, including Serious HPIs and PFOs.
A PFO is an undesired high-potential occurrence with the reasonable likelihood to have, under slightly different circumstances, resulted in a fatal injury to an employee or contractor. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Health and Safety 44
Safety Performance (continued) Occupational Diseases
Process Safety Events We report the incidence of occupational diseases at Teck, term. This reflects the long latency period associated with
Process safety events are those that typically involve based on accepted workers’ compensation claims from the development of occupational disease. In 2022, we
an unexpected mechanical integrity failure in a pipeline each jurisdiction in which we work, for the disease categories initiated the tracking of internally identified occupational
system or processing facility that may result in a fire, set out in Table 19. In some cases, as our systems for reporting diseases based on medical surveillance programs to
explosion, rupture or hazardous chemical leak. occupational diseases continue to mature, occupational support our application of improved risk-based controls
disease cases and rates may increase in the short to medium to prevent occupational diseases.
Female 0 4 6 1
Male 11 18 24 18
Total 11 22 30 19
(1) Occupational disease data is collected from insurance providers such as WorkSafeBC; global exploration sites or marketing offices are not included.
(2) Occupational diseases are defined as an adverse, generally chronic and irreversible health effect associated with overexposure to chemical, physical or biological agents in the workplace
(e.g., silicosis, bladder cancer, berylliosis, metal fume fever, asthma).
(3) Workers’ compensation claims data is for accepted claims over the past four years and is for employees only; contractor data is not included.
(4) The reporting for hearing loss may be under-reported, due to limited data availability.
Table 21: Occupational Disease Rate (1),(2),(3),(4) At Teck, mental health is an important component of our services; and services for financial and legal advice. In
goal of everyone going home safe and healthy every day. addition, various health and wellness initiatives, including
2022 2021 2020 2019 Our Employee and Family Assistance Program provides mental health awareness training and access to telehealth
resources and support to help maintain good mental services, have been implemented across Teck.
Total Occupational Disease Rate 0.13 0.27 0.31 0.18 health. These include free access to mental health
We are currently in the process of developing a company-
(per 200,000 hours) professionals for both in-person and virtual counselling
wide Mental Health Policy to further strengthen our existing
for short-term needs; providing support for stress arising
Total Occupational Disease Rate 0.65 1.35 1.57 0.90 from grief and loss, crisis situations, relationship and family
(per 1,000,000 hours) issues, and workplace challenges; nutrition-related
(1) Occupational disease data is collected from insurance providers such as WorkSafeBC; global exploration sites or marketing offices are not included.
(2) Occupational diseases are defined as an adverse, generally chronic and irreversible health effect associated with overexposure to chemical, physical or biological agents in the workplace
(e.g., silicosis, bladder cancer, berylliosis, metal fume fever, asthma).
(3) Workers’ compensation claims data is for accepted claims over the past four years and is for employees only; contractor data is not included.
(4) The reporting for hearing loss may be under-reported, due to limited data availability.
Community Health and Well-Being Initiatives
As a major producer of copper and zinc, Teck is working to diarrhea-related deaths of children under the age of five by
Occupational Disease Fatalities promote best practices in our industry and to help improve increasing access to life-saving zinc treatments. Through
Based on accepted workers’ compensation claims and We recognize that, even with this industry-leading practice, the lives of people around the world through initiatives our Zinc & Health program, we have reached more than
safety reporting from each jurisdiction in which we work, there are limitations to this approach. Using claims such as our Zinc & Health and Copper & Health programs. 160 million people globally, to date. See more details about
Teck is in some cases able to identify where long-term approved by workers’ compensation providers as the basis Through our initiatives, we are working toward advancing the program on our website.
occupational diseases have contributed to fatalities. for these values may lead to under-reporting of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3: good
With our Copper & Health program, Teck is building
Common industry practice is to report on fatalities related occupational disease incidence. This can be due to health and well-being.
partnerships, raising awareness and improving health
to occupational diseases among current employees. challenges with latency, lack of association between the
Teck is helping solve the global health issue of zinc outcomes for those most at risk and as we move through
However, due to the potential long-term nature of exposure and the disease, the multifactorial nature of
deficiency through therapeutic zinc, zinc supplementation, our daily lives. See more details about the program on
occupational diseases, Teck reports on all identified occupational diseases, and limited medical surveillance.
food fortification, crop nutrition, awareness and advocacy. our website, and on page 67 of our Relationships with
incidences of fatalities confirmed to be related to these
In 2022, we celebrated 10 years of collaboration through Communities chapter.
conditions. This includes former employees, regardless of
Table 22: Occupational Disease Fatalities by Gender the Zinc Alliance for Child Health (ZACH) to prevent
the length of time since the end of employment at Teck.
This is a highly transparent practice that Teck considers to
be best practice for our industry. 2022 2021
Female 0 0
COVID-19 Response
Male 0 0
Teck continues to monitor developments related to the antigen testing and mask usage. Throughout 2022, we
Total 0 0 COVID-19 pandemic, including local epidemiological continued to offer individual case support and to use the
trends. We follow local public health guidance and have expertise of our Chief Medical Officer to answer questions
regularly updated our policies and protocols to reflect this and provide guidance as needed. We also closely monitored
guidance. We continue to encourage vaccination and to other infectious diseases in 2022 including monkeypox,
support individual choice around measures such as rapid influenza (flu) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
The preservation of human rights has been a significant measures are integrated into business activities, including in
objective for the mining sector and a key aspect of social and environmental management, health and safety,
sustainable development. In early 2022, the Business & supply chain, security and human resources.
Human Rights Resource Centre’s Transition Minerals
While Teck operates in jurisdictions that are characterized
Tracker reported that allegations of human rights abuses
by generally stable and low-risk political and economic
within the transition minerals industry ranged from abuses
conditions, we recognize that the potential remains for our
against local communities and Indigenous Peoples to
activities to impact human rights. We are committed to
violations of environmental rights.32
engaging with communities and respecting and observing
Organizations such as the International Council on Mining all human rights, as articulated in the Universal Declaration
and Metals (ICMM) are fully supportive of the United Nations of Human Rights; the International Covenant on Civil and
Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business and Human Rights Political Rights; the International Covenant on Economic,
and were involved in the consultations that led to their Social and Cultural Rights; and the International Labour
development. Teck is supportive of ensuring these voluntary Organization (ILO) Core Conventions.
Press conference by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, Geneva, 25 August 2022. United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner. 2022.
This is how we can stamp out supply-chain slavery. World Economic Forum. 2022. 32 Transition Minerals Tracker: 2021 Analysis. Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. 2022.
Pictured: Employee at the Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 project, Chile. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Human Rights 47
2022 Highlights Our Performance in Human Rights in 2022
Updated Teck’s Human Rights Policy to expand our
public commitment to respect human rights
Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining a means to address the adverse impacts of operations on The scope of the definition of human rights is expanding. anticipated mine life to identify Teck’s most salient human
We regularly monitor our sites for the potential presence residents. The El Toro Resettlement Action Plan was prepared In recognition of the impacts of climate change and rights issues. The results of the human rights risk
of artisanal or small-scale miners on or adjacent to our in alignment with the International Finance Corporation environmental degradation on livelihoods and human assessments inform Teck’s overall salient human rights
operations. Our approach focuses on the improvement Performance Standard 5 – Land Acquisition and Involuntary health, the United Nations General Assembly declared issues; the results also identify potential risk areas to
of health, safety and the environment as well as on the Resettlement and is based on in-depth engagement with access to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment integrate into ongoing risk assessments and management
community impacts of small-scale mining extraction. families and with the municipal government. The 2022 a universal human right in 2022.34 While the resolution is activities at individual sites.
These efforts help strengthen the livelihoods of these scope of work included a comprehensive census, a not legally binding, it represents international political
livelihood inventory and appraisal of assets. In late 2022, Our 2022 biennial human rights reviews were deferred in
miners by providing guidance on occupational safety and commitment to increase efforts in tackling environmental
we started compensation negotiations and drafting lieu of supporting our updated approach to human rights
best practices, in collaboration with governments. In 2022, and related human rights issues.
agreements with the families involved. risk assessments and our Social Performance Standard,
we are aware that artisanal mining took place adjacent to As guided by the UNGPs, we determine and report on our which features new human rights requirements. In 2022,
two of our operations in Chile, Carmen de Andacollo and Carmen de Andacollo is also voluntarily supporting the most significant or salient human rights issues. A company’s we enhanced our human rights due diligence program
Quebrada Blanca, and to the Zafranal project in Peru. government-led resettlement of Mina Hermosa, a community salient human rights issues are those human rights that are and improved processes and documentation on how we
located in a historical tailings area. To advance this process, most at risk of being negatively impacted as a result of the identify and mitigate human rights risks and impacts in our
Resettlement Activities and Related Impacts the operation has supported studies on alternative locations company’s activities or business relationships. operations and supply chain. In 2023, Teck will pilot new
Although Teck’s requirement for resettlement has been for these families and retained a third party to identify human rights risk assessment methodology at Carmen de
minimal, we recognize that it is a complex process, a potential suitable location for relocation and to design a We proactively identify areas of highest human rights risk
Andacollo Operations and conduct updated human rights
requiring thoughtful consideration and management. subdivision plan, including the review of options for basic so we can prevent adverse impacts from occurring, and we
risk assessments at all operations across the company
When it is necessary, Teck conducts resettlement in services and infrastructure. The Carmen de Andacollo team conduct human rights assessments at our operations. In
through 2024. This work will improve our understanding of
compliance with accepted international standards. We also engaged with the Mina Hermosa Neighborhood Assembly 2020, we undertook our biennial corporate human rights
human rights issues that are salient to Teck and our ability
conduct socio-economic and environmental impact throughout this process. Relocation of Mina Hermosa is reviews at every operation with more than five years of
to track and communicate on these issues going forward.
assessments, and provide guidance on engaging with planned for 2023.
those people affected by the project to ensure
biodiversity-related impacts are minimized. While no Industry Collaboration
involuntary resettlements took place at any of our sites We play an active role in working with our industry sector
or operations in 2022, a voluntary resettlement process partners in identifying and sharing best practices in human
commenced at Carmen de Andacollo Operations. rights. In 2022, Teck was a member of ICMM’s Human
At Carmen de Andacollo, voluntary resettlement of Rights Working Group as Co-Chair, the Mining Association
33 households in the El Toro community was initiated of Canada’s International Social Responsibility Working
in 2022. The El Toro community is located in very close Group and the BSR Human Rights Working Group.
proximity to operations, and resettlement was identified as
UN General Assembly declares access to clean and healthy environment a universal human right. United Nations. 2022. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Human Rights 49
Salient Human Rights Issues (continued)
Table 23: Human Rights Issues That Are Salient to Teck(1) Table 23: Human Rights Issues That are Salient to Teck(1) (continued)
Salient Human Rights Relevant Rights Holders Activities in 2022 Relevant to Human Rights Salient Human Rights Relevant Rights Holders Activities in 2022 Relevant to Human Rights
Right to life(2) Employees, contractors and Health and Safety (pages 40–47) Right to land(10) Communities, Indigenous Relationships with Communities (pages 60–68)
subcontractors, communities Peoples, vulnerable groups
Relationships with Indigenous Peoples
Right to self-determination (2)
(pages 69–74)
Right to safe and healthy working Employees, contractors and Our People and Culture (pages 52–59)
conditions(3) subcontractors Right to enjoy just and favourable Biodiversity and Closure (pages 12–15)
conditions of work(11)
Right to freedom of association, Employees, contractors and Value Chain Management (pages 81–83)
Right to take part in cultural life(6)
assembly and collective subcontractors, suppliers,
Business Ethics (pages 75–80)
bargaining(4) joint venture partners
Right to access to a clean, healthy Employees, contractors and Relationships with Communities (pages 60–68)
Right to not be subjected to Contractors and Value Chain Management (pages 81–83) and sustainable environment subcontractors, communities,
Relationships with Indigenous Peoples
slavery, servitude or forced labour subcontractors, suppliers, Indigenous Peoples,
Business Ethics (pages 75–80) (pages 69–74)
(specific to supply chains)(5) joint venture partners vulnerable groups, suppliers,
Health and Safety (pages 40–47) joint venture partners Biodiversity and Closure (pages 12–15)
Water Stewardship (pages 34–39)
Right to non-discrimination in Employees, contractors and Value Chain Management (pages 81–83)
Tailings Management (pages 29–33)
employment/occupation(6) subcontractors
Business Ethics (pages 75–80)
Climate Change (pages 16-23)
Our People and Culture (pages 52–59)
Air Quality (pages 8–11)
Right to adequate standard Employees, contractors and Value Chain Management (pages 81–83) Value Chain Management (pages 81–83)
of living(7) subcontractors
Our People and Culture (pages 52–59)
Right to clean water and Employees, contractors and Relationships with Communities (pages 60–68)
sanitation(8) subcontractors, communities (1) In addition to the protection of all human rights, Indigenous Peoples also hold a unique set of group rights called Indigenous rights.
Water Stewardship (pages 34–39) (2) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
(3) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).
Tailings Management (pages 29–33) (4) UDHR, ICCPR, ICESCR, International Labour Organization Core Conventions (ILO).
Air Quality (pages 8–11) (6 UDHR, ICCPR, ICESCR, ILO.
Environmental Management Document (8) Resolution A/RES/64/292. UN General Assembly, July 2010; Resolution A/RES/70/169, UN General Assembly, December 2015.
(10) UDHR (privacy and property). ICCPR (no forced eviction). ICESCR (no forced eviction).
Right to health(9) Employees, contractors and Relationships with Communities (pages 60–68) (11) UDHR, ICESCR.
subcontractors, communities
Water Stewardship (pages 34–39)
Tailings Management (pages 29–33)
Air Quality (pages 8–11)
Environmental Management Document
A consistent and rigorous approach to grievances and The public opinion surveys that we conduct annually with
incidents is fundamental to ensure strong management people living near our Elk Valley, Highland Valley Copper,
of human rights as it ensures that any issues with actual Red Dog, Trail, Quebrada Blanca and Carmen de Andacollo
or potential human rights implications are identified and operations provide insight on the issues that communities
acted upon. If issues or new risks are identified, they are care about most, including those related to human rights.
brought to the attention of senior leadership through our The data obtained is used to guide improvements in our
HSEC Risk Management Committee and our Board’s performance and inform our planning processes. No issues
Safety and Sustainability Committee. related to human rights were identified during the 2022
survey. More detail on the above instances of community
There was no significant feedback received in 2022
feedback, significant disputes and relevant incidents, as well
through Teck’s Doing What’s Right hotline or community
as details of our public opinion surveys, are discussed in the
feedback mechanisms where the complainant specifically
Relationships with Communities chapter on pages 64-67.
referenced a concern for their human rights. However,
feedback was received on topics that are relevant to
human rights, including harassment and safe working
environments. In all cases, acknowledgement of the
complaint was provided, as well as effort to remedy within
a time-bound process. Teck reported two allegations of
discrimination and harassment, as outlined in the Our
People and Culture chapter on page 59. Teck also reported
one significant dispute that involved Indigenous Peoples
as outlined in the Relationships with Communities chapter
on page 65.
At Teck, we know that supporting a diverse, safe and engaged offering an equitable, diverse and inclusive workplace. For
workforce is foundational to our business. Throughout the example, as of 2022, women made up 24% of Teck’s total
pandemic, we remained focused on operating safely and workforce, up from 12% in 2011, and 29% of Teck’s Board of
on responsibly maintaining employment and economic Directors are women. We are also committed to providing
activity to the greatest extent possible. We want to be an training and development opportunities that will enable our
employer of choice, attracting, developing and retaining workforce to adapt to the increasing use of technology and
talented and engaged employees globally. We do this by innovation in our business.
investing in our people throughout their careers and by
Trends in Human Resources and the Workplace you need to know about. Forbes. 2022. 36 Top Five HR Trends and Priorities for 2022. Gartner. 2022.
Top 10 business risks and opportunities for mining and metals in 2023. EY. 2022. 38 Evolving Mining’s Work of Work. Deloitte. 2022.
Pictured: Employee at Fording River Operations, Canada. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Our People and Culture 52
2022 Highlights Our Performance Related to Our People and Culture in 2022
Focused on strengthening diversity, with women
making up 34% of new hires in 2022; women now
comprise 24% of our total workforce, 29% of senior
management39 and 29% of the Board of Directors
Our Targets and Commitments We are committed to having an inclusive and diverse workforce as set out in our Equity, Diversity and
Inclusion Policy and our Human Resources Global Policy on Harassment. By establishing a culture of safety, employee engagement, and
$2 billion paid to employees in wages and benefits
support for equity, diversity and inclusion in our workplace, we are able to do more and be more, together. As such, we consciously work
to create an environment that respects and values the diversity of the people and communities around us. The following table summarizes
Performance Metrics our performance against our new sustainability strategy and goals for our people.
Indicator % of female employees
Target Increase % of female employees Sustainability Strategy Goals Status Summary of Progress in 2022
2022: 24% female employees
2021: 21% female employees Strategic Priority: Foster a workplace where everyone is included, valued and equipped for today and the future
2022: 24% female employees
2020: 20% female employees
Goal: Increase the percentage of women working at Teck On track There were 3,048 women working at Teck at the end of 2022, which represents 24% of the total
2022: 21% female employees
24% — including women in leadership positions — and advance workforce. In addition, 34% of total new hires in 2022 were women.
2021: % of female 24%
21% female
employees in
female employees
leadership positions
inclusion and diversity initiatives across the company
Target Increase % ofemployees
29% female female employees in leadership
in leadership positions by 2025.
2020: 21% female employees
20% female employees
2021: 29% female employees in leadership positions
2020: 20% female employees
2022: 29% female employees in leadership positions Goal: Equip our employees for future workplace and On track 360 leaders completed one of our four leadership development programs.
2020: 20% female employees in leadership positions leadership needs, including upskilling and reskilling, by
2021: 29% female employees in leadership positions $46 million invested in training and development; a total of $116 million since 2020.
2022: investing $200 million in training and skills development
2022: 29% programs by 2025.
2020: 29% female
2021: 20% female employees
employees in
in leadership
leadership positions
2021: 9.5% total turnover
2020: 20% female employees
29% female employees in
in leadership
leadership positions
2021: % oftotal
8% totalturnover
employee turnover Goal: Expand employee engagement opportunities, On track Conducted our biennial Inclusion and Engagement Survey in 2022, which serves as a key feedback
2020: 20% female employees in leadership positions including employee-driven community initiatives and mechanism for all regular and fixed-term employees. Over 7,000 employees responded across our
2022: Keep
9.5%total employee
total turnover under 10% each year
2020: 10% total turnover a company-wide feedback program, by 2025. operations, representing 59% of our workforce.
2021: 8% total turnover
2022: 9.5% Expanded the Teck Women’s Network, which provides virtual and in-person networking opportunities
2022: 9.5% for women at Teck to connect and engage with one another. Teck’s Women’s Network now has over
2022: 10%
2021: 8% total
total turnover
$46 million 300 women as part of its membership.
2020: 8% total
10% total turnover
2021: $36turnover
million Provided $179,000 in match funding through the Team Teck Community Giving program, which
2022: 10% total
million offers our employees the opportunity to amplify their donations to causes that they care about.
2020: $34 million
Indicator Annual investment spend on training
2022: $36 million
2021: $46 million
$34 million
2020: $36
$34 million
2020: $34 million
(1) Leadership positions refers to Teck’s larger senior management team,
including each officer of Teck, but does not include the Chair or Vice Chair
of the Board of Directors.
See page 58 for the definition of senior management. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Our People and Culture 53
2022 2021 2020 2019
At the end of 2022, there were 12,763 employees, temporary Our people are essential to our success. By establishing a strong
and permanent, working at Teck operations and offices. culture of employee engagement and support for inclusion and
diversity across our operations, we are able to do more, and be
more, together.
Figure 23: Global Workforce in 2022(1)
Female: 2
Male: 1
Undeclared: 0 8,000
Total: 3
UK 6,000
Canada Ireland
Female: 3
Female: 2,118 4,000
Male: 8
Male: 7,187
Undeclared: 0
Undeclared: 10
Total: 11 Turkey Japan
Total: 9,315 2,000
Female: 7 10000
United States Male: 12 Female: 0
Mexico Undeclared: 0 China Male: 1
Female: 13
Female: 164
Male: 584
Total: 19 Female: 10
Undeclared: 0
Total: 1 F M U F M U F M F M 8000
Male: 42 Undeclared: 0 Male: 4 2022 2021 2020 2019
Undeclared: 0
Total: 55
Total: 748 Undeclared: 0
Total: 14
0–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65+ 6000
Peru F=Female M=Male U= Undeclared
Female: 5 4000
Male: 22 Namibia Australia Figure 25: Global Workforce by Employment Level
Undeclared: 0
Total: 27 Female: 1 Female: 11 2000
Male: 0 15,000
Male: 13
Undeclared: 0 Undeclared: 0
Chile Total: 1 Total: 24 0
Female: 713
Male: 1,824 Unmapped Female: 3,048 9,000
Undeclared: 0
Total: 2,537
Female: 1 Male: 9,705
Male: 7
Undeclared: 0
Undeclared: 10 6,000
Total: 8 Total: 12,763
2022 2021 2020 2019
(1) Information related to gender is based on self-declaration. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Our People and Culture 54
Labour Rights and Relations Talent Attraction
Teck’s Human Rights Policy affirms our commitment to Table 24: List of Collective Agreements Teck undertook a number of activities in 2022 to enhance with 4,000+ students across Canada alone help ensure
respecting and observing human rights of employees, our talent pipeline. In 2022, we continued to experience Teck attracts top talent and a sufficient volume of
contractors, workers in our supply chain, members of the competitive talent markets where we operate, with a record applications to fill vacancies, with a focus on professionals-
Operation Expiry Dates
communities where we are active and others potentially number of hires, with 3,344 total hires (over 1,000 more than in-training such as engineers and geoscientists.
in 2021), 34% of which were female. Teck Chile has hired over
affected by our activities. Through Teck’s Expectations for Antamina July 31, 2024 In 2022, 34% of total new hires (1,146) are women. For a
900 employees to support the QB start-up, 42% of these
Suppliers and Contractors, we expect suppliers to share breakdown of new hires by age group and gender, as well
hires were locals from the region. The implementation of 240
this commitment and to have processes and practices Cardinal River June 30, 2027 as by employment type, see our online Sustainability
recruitment marketing activities and campaigns, 14+ unique
that respect the human rights of our employees and Performance Data.
recruitment-related technologies online, and engagement
contractors and that are appropriate to the location and Carmen de Andacollo September 30, 2025
context in which their activities take place. (Operators’ Union) Table 25: New Hires by Age Group, Country and Gender in 2022(1)
We do not tolerate the use of forced labour, child labour or
September 30, 2025 Country Under 30 years 30 to 50 years Over 50 Years Total
human trafficking of any kind in our operations or supply
(Supervisors’ Union)
chain. As of December 31, 2022, child labour and forced Canada 253 283 61 597
labour were not significant risks for any of our operations or Coal Mountain December 31, 2026
suppliers. See pages 48–49 of the Human Rights chapter Chile 191 238 12 441
for more details on our approach to modern slavery. Elkview October 31, 2026 United States 55 31 8 94
We have relationships with unions in 10 operations in
Fording River April 30, 2027 Female Mexico 5 3 0 8
Canada, Chile and Peru. In total, 51% of our workforce was
unionized in 2022.40 Table 24 presents a list of collective Ireland 2 0 0 2
bargaining agreements covering unionized employees Highland Valley September 30, 2026
Copper Australia 0 2 1 3
at our principal operations (including Antamina). In 2022,
we reached new collective agreements with the United China 1 0 0 1
Line Creek May 31, 2024
Steelworkers at Highland Valley Copper and Trail, the
United Mine Workers at Cardinal River, and both unions at Female Total 507 557 82 1,146
Quebrada Blanca January 31, 2025
Carmen de Andacollo. No strikes or lockouts took place in Canada 587 650 172 1,409
(Union Admin)
2022. Terms of employment for our non-unionized hourly
workers are modelled after collective bargaining United States 82 86 28 196
November 30, 2025
agreements that cover unionized employees, while other (Union 1) Chile 76 410 69 555
non-unionized salaried employees’ terms of employment
are based on a competitive total-rewards offering. The Mexico 4 12 2 18
March 31, 2025 (Union 2)
right to freedom of association and collective bargaining Male Australia 2 1 3 6
is not at risk at our operations, due to their locations in Trail May 31, 2027
jurisdictions with strong labour laws. Ireland 1 1 0 2
Turkey 1 1 0 2
China 0 0 1 1
Peru 0 1 0 1
Male Total 753 1,162 275 2,190
Undeclared Canada 1 2 1 4
Grand Total 1,261 1,721 358 3,340
Teck is committed to the ongoing development of our Table 26: Average Hours of Training per Employee Parental Leave
people, with a focus on leadership development, safety We offer top-up payments to employees on parental leave the addition of a paid recovery leave, in which Teck will
training, new-hire training, cross-training, refresher training Type 2022 2021 2020 in addition to legislative requirements. In Canada, we provide provide 16 weeks of paid recovery leave to a regular,
and knowledge transfer. We track training hours for a 19-week top-up in salary for biological mothers. In Chile, full-time birth parent immediately following the birth of
activities related to the further development of employees’ Male Female Male Female Male Female in addition to following legislative requirements, we also their child. Additional unpaid parental or medical leave will
skills. These hours, which can include training provided by provide top-up for biological mothers for 30 weeks. In 2022, be provided under the U.S. Family and Medical Leave Act.
Teck trainers or by external consultants, include basic Hourly 53 68 52 56 68 58 to help support birth parents in the U.S., Teck announced
compliance training. In 2022, 88% of employees at Teck
received training. We are currently in the process of Staff 21 30 18 19 24 17
Table 28: Return to Work and Retention Rates After Parental Leave
upgrading our learning management system to further
streamline and standardize the management and tracking Total 37 49 35 (1) 38 (1) 46 (1) 38 (1)
of employee learning. 2022 2021 2020 2019
(1) Figures have been restated due to calculation errors.
We continued to conduct Leading for the Future and
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
Leading for Excellence, our in-house leadership
development programs for supervisors and managers Employee Turnover Number of employees who took 30 71 66 141 80 177 69 86
respectively. In partnership with Simon Fraser University, For an overall understanding of workforce dynamics and parental leave
select employees also attended virtual courses for the changes, we track employee turnover, including voluntary
Graduate Diploma in Business Education and the Executive resignations, involuntary layoffs, and retirements. In 2022, Number of employees who returned to work 56 75 42 116 65 162 46 92
Master of Business Administration. With the new turnover due to retirements was similar year over year, while after parental leave ended (1)
configuration of our Learning Management System, we voluntary turnover increased, leading to an overall increase
were also able to deliver new computer-based training in turnover rate. Industry growth and the shift toward flexible Number of employees who returned to work 52 122 80 156 37 81 49 61
modules on legal compliance, cybersecurity, a respectful work approaches have resulted in a very competitive market after parental leave ended and who were still
workplace, and procurement. Previously, these programs for talent. In response to these shifting expectations, Teck employed 12 months after their return to work (1)
would have been developed, deployed and monitored has adjusted our approach to compensation, benefits,
externally. development and work conditions in order to engage and Return to work rate of employees who took 186.7% 150.6% 63.6% 82.3% 81% 92% 67% 107%
retain our employees. parental leave (%) (2)
Figure 26: Investment Spend on Training (millions)
Retention rate of employees who took 88.1% 89.7% 93% 91% 84% 89% 94% 87%
Table 27: Employee Turnover (1)
parental leave (%) (3)
46 $
36 $
34 $
48 2022 2021 2020 2019 (1) Includes employees returning from parental leave in the prior reporting period.
million million million million
(2) Return to work rate is the total number of employees who returned to work after parental leave, expressed as a percentage of total number of employees due to return to work after taking
parental leave. A percentage over 100% indicates that the number of employees who returned from parental leave in a reported year is greater than the number of employees who took
Voluntary Turnover Rate 7.4% 6.0% 5.1% 6.5% parental leave that same year.
2022 2021 2020 2019 (3) Retention rate is the total number of employees retained 12 months after returning to work following a period of parental leave, expressed as a percentage of total number of employees
returning from parental leave in the prior reporting period.
Total Turnover 9.5% 8.0% 10% 10%
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Our People and Culture 56
Retention, Training and Development (continued) Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Performance and Development Management training programs using a hybrid format to support the In 2022, we continued to work towards building a diverse Technology and Innovation
Performance and Development Management is a process development of inclusive leaders in a remote work workforce that includes more women, Indigenous Peoples, Teck was one of the cornerstone members in the proposal
by which salaried employees have regular performance environment. As such, we delivered 17 cohorts of LFF, persons of colour, persons with disabilities and LGBTQ2S+ to create Athena Pathways as part of our participation in
reviews, development planning and career conversations five cohorts of LFX, two cohorts of LT and one cohort community members. We are focusing on a number of Canada’s Digital Technology Supercluster. The Athena
with their supervisors. In 2022, 85% of all eligible regular of ELP in 2022. initiatives tied to the six areas of our Inclusion and Diversity Pathways project aims to help Canadian women see the
salaried employees, of which 33% were female and 67% Plan shown in Table 29. For information about Indigenous potential of the technology sector, helping women find
Outside of these programs, each business unit may provide
were male, completed regular performance and development employment in 2022, see the Relationships with Indigenous workshop, internship, mentorship or other workplace
tailored leadership development opportunities. For example,
conversations. 92% of eligible regular salaried female Peoples chapter on page 74. opportunities to open a path into a potential career in
at our Red Dog Operations, following a successful pilot,
employees and 83% of eligible regular salaried male the Accelerated Leadership Development program Our Chilean operations continue to make all necessary Artificial Intelligence or Data Science. Three co-op students
employees completed regular performance and development successfully concluded its second cohort in 2022, in which efforts to support the Labour Inclusion Law, which supports and four full-time staff members were hired in data science
conversations in 2022. emerging future leaders and NANA shareholders participated the inclusion of people with disabilities into the labour roles at Teck as a part of this program. Additionally, many
in a nine-month development program that includes force. Our new Santiago offices (Corporate office and team members in Teck volunteered to serve as mentors to
As part of the 2022 Engagement and Inclusion survey,
leadership training, coaching and mentoring. Quebrada Blanca Remote Integrated Operations centre) Athena Pathways participants. Equity, diversity and inclusion
we asked employees to share their perceptions on Teck’s
have been designed for independent accessibility. are key priorities at Teck, and we continue to focus on
business strategy, goals and objectives. 87% of our
employees indicated that they understand how their work
Engaging Employees through Our Company representation in technology and innovation.
contributes to business objectives, which supports
alignment of company-wide planning to individual goals. Teck’s Connect magazine is our source for company-wide
communications. In this quarterly publication, we highlight
Leadership Development employee achievements, community engagement Case Study: QB2 Hiring Efforts
Teck’s approach to leadership development is primarily activities, a letter from our CEO and much more. Visit teck.
com/connect to read the current volume and archived As part of Teck’s commitment to equity, diversity and (Choose to Grow) programs provide on-the-job training
focused on four programs: Leading for the Future (LFF), inclusion in our workplace, we have set goals to and development and prepare people for long-term
Leading for Excellence (LFX), Leading Together (LT) and volumes of Connect.
increase the percentage of women working at Teck employability in mining and related industries. Our
Emerging Leaders (ELP). In 2022, we conducted our and to equip our employees for future workplace and local talent acquisition team also worked to establish
leadership needs. During the development of our an effective values-based selection process that aligns
Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 (QB2) copper project, we with both Teck’s purpose and the community context.
implemented professional development opportunities As of the end of 2022, about 30% of employees at
and talent acquisition strategies to support these QB2 are women, with about 42% local employment.
goals. The Professionals in Training and Elige Crecer
Read the full case study at teck.com/news/stories.
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Our People and Culture 57
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (continued)
Table 29: Implementation of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan Representation of Women at Teck
There were over 3,000 women working at Teck at the end and held 29% of Board leadership positions (Chair
Area of the Equity, Diversity and of 2022, which represents 24% of the total workforce, of Board/Board Committee). See our Sustainability
Inclusion Plan 2022 Example Activities compared to 21% in 2021. In addition, 34% of total new Performance Data for more details on the diversity
hires (1,146) in 2022 were women. At the end of 2022, of governance bodies.
women represented 29% of Independent Board Members
1. Develop our people — grow a culture Over 2,000 employees participated in training to broaden their understanding
of inclusion that values diversity of equity, diversity, inclusion and respect in the workplace. In addition,
50 senior leaders took inclusive leadership training. Table 30: Women in Leadership and Technical Positions Category
2. Measure and report Teck’s sustainability-linked revolving credit facility is linked to our sustainability 2022 2021 2020 2019
goals, including strengthening gender diversity in our workforce. In 2022,
we set a target of 30% female representation at our QB2 project and achieved Board of Directors 29% 25% 25% 31%
it through the joint efforts of our talent team and leadership commitment,
not only through recruiting, but also by providing innovative work experience Senior Management (1) 29% 29% 20% 19%
and skill upgrading programs.
Management 23% 20% 19% 18%
3. Attract the right people — strengthen To interrupt any bias in our recruitment process, we have adopted
our recruitment practices technology such as Textio, a natural language processing tool that helps Operational or Technical Positions 19% 15% 13% 13%
eliminate gendered language in our job postings and brand materials. All
Teck job opportunities are now also posted on Pride at Work Canada. Of the Operational or Technical 3% 8% 7% 7%
Positions, the % in Leadership Positions
4. Foster a more inclusive culture and Launched global campaigns recognizing International Women’s Day and
increase employee engagement LGBTQ2S+ Pride Month, and a North American campaign to recognize the (1) Senior management includes officers at Teck other than the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board.
National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Committees, of which there are 10 across the business, play a vital role in
catalyzing change across Teck.
Case Study: All-Gender Washrooms and Dry Facilities at Greenhills Operations
5. Remove systemic barriers and biases Signed the Pledge for an Acceptable Worksite, also known as the Builders
— make processes more inclusive Code. This is a pledge to provide safe and accessible facilities at all our Teck is committed to an equitable, diverse, and organization advocating for LGBTQ2S+ people and
sites, which we actualized by assessing each of our sites and taking action inclusive workplace that recognizes and values all issues, and with our partner, Pride at Work. Having
to make them more inclusive. This included the completion of gender- employees. At our Greenhills Operations (GHO) in access to a secure washroom and changeroom is a
neutral washrooms and dry facilities at all of our coal sites and enhancing the Elk Valley, we opened a new washroom and basic right for all people, and this development will
security in our camps. dry facility (a space for employees who work on-site to allow us to continue caring for the people and
shower and change into and out of their work clothes) communities that we love, through a purpose-built
6. Continue to build our brand as an In January 2023, Teck was named to the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for employees and visitors of all gender identities. inclusive facility.
inclusive and diverse company for the sixth straight year.
The facility was designed in consultation with Read the full case study at teck.com/news/stories.
BC Pride, the Fernie Pride Society and Egale, an
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Our People and Culture 58
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Remuneration at Teck employee and median annual salary changes. In the same Gender Pay Equity Review Table 33: Ratio of Basic Salary and Remuneration in 2022
Teck is committed to providing a fair living wage to all table, we also disclose the ratio of pay for the highest-paid Since 2017, we have conducted our annual company-wide
employees at our operations. For our hourly employees, employee in that country to the median annual total Gender Pay Equity Review, with the objective of ensuring Employee Category Average Average
see Table 31 for the ratios of entry level wage compared compensation of all employees. that female and male employees across the organization Basic Salary Remuneration
to local minimum wage by gender. receive equitable pay. The reviews were conducted by our
(Female : Male) (Female : Male)
In 2022, we conducted a living wage review for all our Table 32: 2022 Annual Total Compensation Ration and compensation team, with the methodology validated by a
salaried employees in Canada, the U.S. and Chile, where Percentage Increase in Annual Total Compensation Ratio(1),(2),(3) leading third-party global consultancy. In 2022, the reviews Canada(1)
our operations are located. The review was conducted by found no indication of any systemic gender pay issue
comparing the hourly rate of the lowest-paid employee in Annual Total Percentage Increase in Annual Total within our company; any differences in salaries paid are Executive & Senior 0.9 : 1 0.7 : 1
each jurisdiction to the living wage information available Compensation Compensation Ratio due to a variety of factors, such as average shorter service Management
through external data sources.41 Ratio for female employees in the company. We will continue to
Management 1:1 1:1
maintain gender pay equity in the organization, and similar
Our executive compensation programs are designed to Highest Paid Median of All Ratio reviews will be conducted regularly. Professional 0.9 : 1 0.9 : 1
attract, motivate, reward and retain highly qualified and Employees
Professional Support 0.8 : 1 0.8 : 1
experienced executives. We believe that the design of our Employee Feedback, Incidents and Grievances
executive compensation programs and policies is fully 113 : 1 2% 8.1% 0.25 : 1 Administration 1:1 0.9 : 1
As set out in our Global Human Resources Policy on
aligned with our short- and long-term operational, safety Anti-Harassment, discrimination and harassment, including Hourly/Operators 0.9 : 1 0.9 : 1
(1) This table presents the ratio of the percentage increase in annual total compensation
and sustainability objectives, and long-term shareholder for the highest-paid individual in each country of significant operation, to the median sexual harassment in the workplace, are unacceptable and
value creation. Following best practices for transparent percentage increase in annual total compensation for all employees (excluding the
will not be tolerated at Teck. United States
highest-paid individual) in the same country.
compensation disclosure, we report on executive pay (2) Figures reported have been calculated using the target total compensation (i.e., target
ratios. We disclose in Table 32 the percentage increase in bonus) and do not include actual bonus payouts. In 2022, we dealt with individual reports of harassment Executive & Senior N/A N/A
compensation ratio for both the highest-paid Teck (3) The median total direct compensation is calculated for all employees, excluding through our human resources procedures and received two Management
contractors, based on estimates.
allegations of discrimination through our whistle-blower
Management 0.9 : 1 0.9 : 1
hotline (the Doing What’s Right hotline, which is available
Table 31: Entry Level Wage Compared to Local Minimum Wage(1),(2) in the languages of all countries in which Teck operates). Professional 1:1 1:1
These reports have been investigated and, where Professional Support 0.8 : 1 0.8 : 1
allegations were confirmed, appropriate responsive action
2022 2021 2020 Administration 1:1 1:1
taken. We prohibit any form of retaliation in relation to
reports of harassment. Hourly/Operators 0.8 : 1 0.8 : 1
Countries Female Male Female Male Female Male
Canada 1.9 : 1 1.9 : 1 2.3 : 1 2.3 : 1 2.3 : 1 2.3 : 1
Executive & Senior 1:1 1.2 : 1
United States 2.3 : 1 2.3 : 1 2.2 : 1 2.2 : 1 2.2 : 1 2.2 : 1 Management
Chile(3) 1.8 : 1 1.8 : 1 2.0 : 1 2.0 : 1 1.9 : 1 1.9 : 1 Management 1:1 0.9 : 1
Professional 0.9 : 1 0.9 : 1
(1) For Canada, Teck wages are compared against the B.C. minimum wage. For the United States, Teck wages are compared against the Alaska minimum wage. In Chile, they are compared
against the national minimum wage. Professional Support 1.1 : 1 1:1
(2) The figures represented in this table are for hourly employees, and do not include contractors.
(3) The figures representing Chile are for the lowest paid operations role, as Chilean operations do not have hourly employees. Administration 0.9 : 1 0.9 : 1
Operators 0.7 : 1 0.7 : 1
Due to availability of the data, the following family structures are used: 1. Canada: Two adults (both working) and two children 2. United States: Single adult no children 3.
Chile: Single adult no children. The data sources that are used in the review are as follows: U.S. https://livingwage.mit.edu/; Canada - https://www.livingwageforfamilies.ca/living_wage2021
and https://www.ontariolivingwage.ca/living_wage_by_region; Chile https://wageindicator.org/salary/living-wage/chile-living-wage-series-september-2019. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Our People and Culture 59
Relationships with Communities
Topics that are universally material for communities include public health, inequality and
employment.42 While community investment remains important, companies are also
focusing on creating more access to economic opportunities, especially for under-
represented communities.43
Mining can generate significant value to communities, but also has the potential for
adverse impacts. In recognition of these impacts and opportunities, the International
Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) established stakeholder engagement as one of
its 10 Principles. ICMM member companies work to mitigate adverse impacts and to
maximize positive impacts, including local hiring, local procurement and community
investment, which can help to stimulate local economies, develop local skills and remove
barriers to local development.
At Teck, we work with a sense of personal responsibility and local development. In 2022, 55% of our employees
and care for the people, communities and lands where we were from local communities, and 48% of our total
operate, as outlined in our purpose statement and values. procurement was with local suppliers. As part of our annual
Our social management and performance policies and community investment contribution, we provided $24.9
frameworks are designed to take a people-centric million to local, regional, national and global programs
approach to dialogue and engagement that focuses on supporting positive social, economic and environmental
emergent practices for relationship building, collaboration outcomes.
Fixing the S in ESG. Stanford Social Innovation Review. 2022. 43
The “S” in ESG: an increasing focus for organizations (and CPAs). CPA Canada. 2022.
Pictured: Basilica De Andacollo, Chile. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Relationships with Communities 60
2022 Highlights Our Performance in Relationships with Communities in 2022
24.9 in community
Our Targets and Commitments Maintaining good relationships with communities is essential to facilitating responsible mining. We do
million that by building trust-based relationships and focusing on practices driven by our understanding of social risk, through our commitment
to local and sustainable development, and through our work in human and Indigenous rights. We engage with communities to identify
social, economic and environmental priorities, and to define mutually desired outcomes and measures of success. The following table
55 % of total local
summarizes our performance against our new sustainability strategy and goals for relationships with communities.
Goal: Increase local employment and procurement On track Teck retained the not-for-profit Mining Shared Value to identify Teck best practices on local
opportunities by 2025 to deliver direct economic employment and procurement as well as opportunities for improvement.
Case Study: Huerta Educacional benefits to communities.
In 2022, Teck sites focused on working with local communities to create opportunities for
(Educational Garden) in Andacollo employment and to procure locally to enhance economic opportunities for local and Indigenous
Teck seeks to build trust-based relationships with
In Chile, Teck ran programs to provide training to local community members. We maintained a
communities and Indigenous Peoples focused on
database of program graduates for employers, and supported program graduates in finding
respecting human rights and on creating lasting
employment opportunities. Our sites also ran local supplier development programs to improve the
benefits in the regions where we operate. In Andacollo,
readiness and competitiveness of local businesses as we expand local contracting for operations
Chile, Teck sponsors the Mesa Comunidad Andacollina
and projects.
Teck (CAT Board). The CAT Board was formed to support
dialogue with the Andacollo community and to promote
their participation in local development planning.
The project Huerta Educacional (educational garden)
was selected after careful evaluation and a vote by
the citizens of Andacollo. The initiative seeks to create
an outdoor educational space to provide children in
the area with an opportunity to develop environmental
values within an inclusive and respectful learning
environment. The program includes a variety of
agricultural tools and infrastructure and a
greenhouse-type garden. More than 100 children from
the Pepitas de Oro kindergarten in Andacollo are
utilizing this new outdoor educational space.
Read the full case study at teck.com/news/stories.
2022: 1
Strategic Priority: Collaborate with communities and Indigenous Peoples to generate economic benefits, advance reconciliation
2021: 1
efforts and improve community well-being
2020: 1
2022: 1 Goal: Deliver positive social, economic and environmental On track Provided a total investment of $24.9 million to local, regional, national and global programs
Indicator outcomes for communities and Indigenous Peoples by supporting positive social, economic and environmental outcomes. In 2022, we:
2021: 1
Procurement spend on local suppliers contributing $100 million to community organizations and
2022: 48% · Invested in programs that supported community health and wellness, environmental initiatives
Target 1 global initiatives, including our Zinc & Health and Copper &
and sustainable community development in the areas where we operate
2021: procurement spend
Increase 29% with local suppliers, Health programs, by 2025.
2022: 1
relative to total spend on procurement(2) · Provided emergency support to communities and regions in the areas where we operate in
2020: 24% response to natural disasters and ongoing COVID-19 recovery
2021: 1
2022: 48%
2020: 1 · Expanded our prioritization on Indigenous-focused investments that support education,
2021: 29% social improvements and economic development for the Indigenous Peoples in whose territories
2022: 55%1 we operate
2020: 24%
2021: 69%1 · Advanced our Copper & Health program, installing antimicrobial copper surfaces in partners’
2022: 48% hospitals, post-secondary institutions, transportation partners, and sport and culture facilities
2020: 72%1
Average 29% · Achieved a 10-year milestone on our Zinc & Health partnerships dedicated to reducing child
2022: % of local employment at operations
2020: mortality and improving child nutrition on a global scale
2021: % of local employment
Increase 69% at operations,
2022: $24.9 million (1.02%)
2022:to total employment
relative 48%
2020: 72%
2021: $23.9 million (1.26%)
2022: 29%
2020: $19 million (0.97%)
2021: 24%
2022: $24.9 million (1.02%) Teck’s Social Management and Performance Standards
2020: 72%
2021: $23.9 million (1.26%) and Frameworks
2020: 55%
Indicator$19 million (0.97%) We have a long-established Social Management and In 2022, we also continued to focus on providing support
2021: funds
$24.9 disbursed
million through community investment
69% Responsibility at Teck (SMART) Framework, which is for our community relations practitioners, both at our offices
Target supported by guidance and toolkits that enable and at our sites, and we provided skills development training.
2020: $23.9 million (1.26%)
At least 1% of our average annual earnings before tax consistent management of key social practices at sites. This included virtual and in-person dialogue training for
(EBT) during
$19 the preceding
million (0.97%)five-year period Following a review of this framework, in 2022 we created social performance practitioners and geologists. This
a new Social Performance Standard, which will replace training focused on building the skills necessary for
2022: $24.9 million (1.02%) our SMART framework in 2023. effective dialogue and engagement with communities.
2021: $23.9 million (1.26%)
2020: $19 million (0.97%)
(1) See page 65 for the definition of “significant disputes”.
(2) See page 81 for total spend on procurement.
(3) Estimate based on Teck’s human resources reported data. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Relationships with Communities 62
Engagement on Actual or Potential Impacts
Guided by our HSEC Management Standards and our non-managed joint venture operations, see Methodology Activities across the mining life cycle may result in a engagement topics with our COIs identified and
SMART Framework, all of our operations, development and Restatements on page 85 of this report. range of social, economic and environmental impacts, managed in 2022. For details on resettlement activities
projects, joint ventures and exploration teams engage both positive and adverse. These may include impacts and related impacts, see our Human Rights chapter on
In 2022, we used a hybrid mode of both virtual and
and consult with COIs to address potential, current and that are relevant to human rights or Indigenous rights. page 49.
in-person engagement methods, and we supported
emerging issues, and to maximize opportunities that Examples of specific impacts experienced at our
community efforts focused on community health and
provide strategic value for Teck and for those communities. operations in 2022 and major engagements undertaken
livelihoods, cultural use, and water quality.
For a full list of our operations, development projects and are discussed in Table 34. See pages 5–6 for a list of key
Actual or Potential Impacts on Communities Sites and Projects Major Engagement Activities
from Our Activities (adverse or positive)
Socio-Economic/Community: livelihoods, cultural use, Cardinal River Engaged with community members, government and Indigenous Peoples near the mine on reclamation and closure planning and community investments.
employee rights
Environmental/Socio-Economic: livelihoods and Carmen de Andacollo Engaged with community members and local government to address concerns with respect to blasting (dust, noise and vibration), water supply, and support
community health Operations for road maintenance when heavy rains resulted in the main access road to the town being closed for 48 hours. In 2022, engagement also included starting
the removal of historical tailings from the town, improvements to housing, and resettlement of families residing in very close proximity to the operation.
Environmental/Community: livelihoods, cultural use, Elk Valley steelmaking Engaged with community members, government agencies and Indigenous Peoples on the Fording River Extension project and the Elk Valley Water Quality
water quality and community health coal operations Plan. Continued to engage COIs on dust management, community investment, local content, and environmental stewardship.
Socio-Economic/Community/ Environmental: Highland Valley Engaged with Indigenous governments and organizations on the advancement of environmental applications to extend the life of the existing mine, the
livelihoods, cultural use, access to land and water Copper Operations incorporation of Indigenous knowledge in site programs and environmental assessments, implementation of agreements, employment and procurement
opportunities, and cultural heritage management, as well as water availability and quality. Also engaged with key COIs on tailings management as part of the
implementation of the Global Industry Standard for Tailings Management and with local government regarding operations and mine life expansion project
(HVC 2040).
Socio-Economic/Community: livelihoods, employee rights Pend Oreille Engaged with community members and local government on community investments and planning for closure.
Socio-Economic/Community/ Environmental: Quebrada Blanca Engaged with local communities and Indigenous Peoples on environmental management, local content, community investments and conservation initiatives.
livelihoods, cultural use, water quality Operations
Socio-Economic/Community/ Environmental: Red Dog Operations Engaged with Indigenous Peoples and government on water quality, impact assessments, community investment, local content, activities associated with
livelihoods, cultural use and subsistence, community mine life extensions, and support for the relocation of the community of Kivalina.
health, water quality
Environmental/Community: community health, Trail Operations Engaged with community members and government on major maintenance turnaround activities, including traffic and noise. There was also engagement
livelihoods on community investment and events, biodiversity, continued air quality improvements, and sustainability and opportunities to support decarbonization.
Actual or Potential Impacts on Communities Sites and Projects Major Engagement Activities
from Our Activities (adverse or positive)
Socio-Economic/Community: livelihoods, Quebrada Blanca Phase Engaged local community members and Indigenous Peoples, and national, regional and sectorial governments about activities associated with the
subsistence, community well-being 2 project expansion project.
Environmental/Socio-Economic/Community: Zafranal project Completed the public hearing of the Social and Environmental Impact Assessment submission, held virtually due to pandemic restrictions, with 390
livelihoods, water quality, community health participants, generating 439 questions responded to over 13 hours.
Continued engagement on livelihood restoration with informal and small-scale miners near the project.
Environmental/Socio-Economic/Community: cultural Galore Creek project Engagement is supported through continued implementation of the 2006 Participation Agreement with Tahltan Nation; engaged on topics ranging from Tahltan
use, livelihoods, water quality, community health knowledge to tailings management and project configuration; awarded the Ann M. Ball bursary to a young Tahltan member pursuing a Masters of Science.
Provided on-site archeological assistant training to Tahltan members, and hired one trainee for the summer who made a significant find in Telegraph Creek.
Environmental/Socio-Economic/Community: San Nicolás project Consultation on Environmental Impact Statement results and key messages based on 4,900 engagements: responsible mining, water quality, air quality,
livelihoods, water quality, community health livelihoods and biodiversity.
A land access agreement was reached with Ejido La Blanca for environmental monitoring activities.
Ongoing engagement with government and communities on the joint venture announcement with Agnico Eagle.
Environmental/Community: livelihoods, water quality, NewRange Copper Engaged with local regulators and communities on environmental study activities, and engaged tribes, elected state and federal officials, regulatory
community health Nickel (previously agencies, industry, and labour on the joint venture announcement with PolyMet. Community investment and volunteering was carried out to support
Mesaba and NorthMet) emergency services, food security initiatives, STEM programs and local community initiatives.
Environmental/Community: cultural use, livelihoods Schaft Creek project Engaged with the Tahltan Central Government to increase the number of Tahltan companies contracted to support the 2022 field season. Continued to
support local community programs focused on youth, culture and sports as well as commitments laid out in the Communications and Engagement Agreement.
All of our operations, major projects and most of our timely manner. In 2022, of the total feedback received, Figure 27: 2022 Grievances Received by Category(1) continues to engage with the Kivalina IRA (Tribal Council)
exploration projects have implemented feedback mechanisms, 219 items were considered grievances. and through the SWG. Efforts to collaboratively resolve
Transportation & Utilities Community Investment
which help us to understand our impacts on communities and (2) (0) grievances will continue in 2023.
All of Teck’s operations have feedback policies that include Economic Opportunities
take steps to address them. Feedback received is recorded
a response time for acknowledging the feedback and (2)
Table 35: New Significant Disputes(1)
and categorized as i) a neutral request, ii) positive feedback or
working to resolve feedback. As adopters of the UN Guiding
iii) negative feedback and is discerned from regular interactions
Principles (UNGPs), Teck demonstrates our corporate
with community members, in that the feedback specifically 2022 2021 2020 2019
commitment to remedy issues through effective
makes a request or seeks a response from a site. Negative
implementation of site-based feedback mechanisms. Negative Environment
feedback or grievances are often specific issues of concern to Feedback/ (83) # of new significant 1 1 1 3
In line with the UNGPs, Teck prohibits retaliation against Social &
community members that require a response and potential Communities Grievances disputes
individuals who submit grievances to the company and (113) Total 219
further action from the company.
has received no reported incidences of retaliation. In 2022,
(1) Total number of new significant disputes arising during the yearly reporting period and
we started to conduct a UNGP effectiveness assessment
Feedback relating to land use, customary and other rights of local communities and Indigenous
on our site-wide feedback mechanisms. Results will be used Health & Safety Peoples at Teck sites.
In 2022, Teck recorded over 18,000 interactions with to measure and guide improvements in our feedback Land & (4)
Mining Practices Resource Use
external COIs as a result of our various engagement mechanisms and to support our grievance reporting process. (8) (7) Ongoing Significant Disputes
activities, a more than 60% increase as compared to 2021.
Of that number, we received over 300 instances of feedback While the specific conditions and circumstances of individual (1) Our feedback system allows for multiple labels to be assigned to each grievance/ We are also actively working to address two ongoing disputes:
feedback. For the purposes of this diagram, we have chosen the primary label assigned
through direct feedback mechanisms established across grievances may vary, Teck monitors grievance trends at sites
by our community relations practitioners. In 2022, we continued to monitor a Notice Civil Claim filed
our sites, compared to 571 in 2021. Feedback levels will vary to inform our response to reported impacts and inform our by the Pukaist Nation of the Nlaka’pamux Nation. We have
from year to year for several reasons, including the level of engagement strategies. In 2022 we noted fewer negative Disputes not identified this as a new dispute in this report, as it is
permitting or project activity. As our sites improve their use feedback and grievances across all classifications. reflected as a 2020 significant dispute. While determination
Disputes represent issues that are longer term (greater
of feedback mechanisms, we may see an increase in the At Carmen de Andacollo (CdA), there was a marked increase than two years) between the company and the potentially of Aboriginal rights and title in Canada is a matter to
overall amount of feedback received. in 2022 in negative feedback from nearby communities be addressed by Indigenous, federal and provincial
impacted community, and that are related to land use
associated with noise and vibrations from blasting. The governments, and we believe that the claim is unlikely to
and customary and other rights of communities and
Negative Feedback/Grievances operation conducted research on innovative approaches that affect operations at HVC, Teck recognizes the significant
Indigenous Peoples. Teck uses a risk management
Negative feedback/grievances include instances where may reduce dust emissions, including new materials to control implications of such a claim, and Highland Valley Copper
consequence matrix (spanning from Level 1 to 5, with
communities of interest have specifically communicated remains engaged.
emissions during blasting and exploring new technologies to 5 being highest) to determine severity, which includes
dissatisfaction or discontent with Teck’s actions or activities. have a better understanding of the environmental conditions environmental, safety, community, reputational, legal and Our steelmaking coal operations are working with the Ktunaxa
This may include claims of negative direct impacts, failure before blasting. The CdA team continues to seek opportunities financial aspects. “Significant disputes” are assessed as Nation Council (KNC) to address ongoing concerns regarding
to meet obligations or expectations, or lack of fair treatment to reduce vibration and noise and maintains ongoing Level 4 or 5 severity.44 water quality, land disturbance, and the related environmental
or process. Teck uses a risk management consequence communication with communities to inform them of process and cultural effects. This significant dispute was identified in
matrix from Level 1 to 5 to determine grievance severity, improvements and efforts to minimize impacts. New Significant Disputes 2021, and not considered as a new dispute in this report. In
which includes environmental, safety, community, 2022, the KNC made a formal request for a suspension of
At Quebrada Blanca, the Tamentica community filed several In 2022, Teck sites experienced one new significant dispute.
reputational, legal and financial aspects. A grievance coal mine environmental assessments in a region within the
complaints regarding concerns about dust impacts on The following is a brief description of this dispute:
becomes a dispute when it cannot be resolved jointly Ktunaxa territory. Subsequently, the KNC entered a dispute
agricultural activities in 2022. Quebrada Blanca maintains Red Dog Mine in Alaska: Red Dog is working closely with resolution process with the British Columbia Environmental
within a two-year period and is reassessed as a Level 4 or 5
a close dialogue with community leadership to understand the Iñupiat community of Kivalina to address grievances Assessment Office regarding whether the FRX project could
severity on the risk management consequence matrix. For
their concerns and to share information about dust related to perceived impacts of the operation on move into the impact assessment. Teck anticipates engaging
the purposes of reporting, all grievances Level 3 and above
management efforts at the mine. We also carried out subsistence activities such as fishing and hunting. The in this meaningful consultation early in 2023. See our Water
are disclosed. Teck’s practice is that all feedback, which
community tours of the site to increase awareness of the Singagmiut Working Group (SWG) was established as a Stewardship: Managing Water Quality in the Elk Valley section
includes grievances, is acknowledged and assessed and a
site activities and impact management measures in place. collaborative forum to address subsistence-related concerns. on page 36 for more information on our approach to water
response is communicated to the complainant, with the
For more information on how Teck manages air quality, go Teck is also funding a co-designed comprehensive human quality and compliance, and on the progress we have made
goal of providing a satisfactory reply or resolution in a
to page 8. health study and a traditional land use study. Red Dog in the Elk Valley.
In 2021, the definition of “significant dispute” was refined to match severity thresholds for HSEC incident reporting (assessed as Level 4 or 5 and greater than two years).
Accordingly, the results may not be comparable to previous years’ reporting. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Relationships with Communities 65
Feedback, Grievances and Disputes (continued) Economic Value Generated and Distributed
Community Incidents We contribute to the wealth and prosperity of the In 2022, we had a profit attributable to shareholders of
In 2022, we continued to utilize a community incident In late 2022, a group of 12 Huatacondo community countries, regions and communities where we operate by $4.9 billion or $9.25 per share. This compares with a profit
reporting system to ensure we capture and respond to members blocked the access road to the operation and generating economic value that includes tax and royalty attributable to shareholders of $2.9 billion or $5.39 per
all community incidents in addition to concerns raised caused some damage to an access gate. The blockade payments, local hiring and procurement, and community share in 2021. See our 2022 Annual Report for more
through our usual feedback mechanisms. An incident is was relatively brief. The reason for the demonstration was investments. We work to improve efficiency of our detailed information on our financial performance.
an event or occurrence where individuals or groups may a few individuals’ frustration with a change in timing for activities and reduce our operating costs to maximize the
cite real or perceived breaches of law or company policy payments associated with a community-led monitoring economic value generated.
and/or real or perceived impacts on human rights, program. The change had been communicated to the
livelihoods, the rights of Indigenous Peoples and/or community leadership, who has agreed with the change. Table 36: 2022 Breakdown of Economic Value Generated and Distributed (millions)
community health and safety. These events may result in The site has planned for an early 2023 meeting with
actions taken by communities that have the potential for community leaders to discuss the incident, address
Economic Economic Value Distributed Economic
financial, legal, relationship and reputational concerns with the changes made and find collaborative Value Value
consequences to the company. solutions to avoid operational disruptions in the future. Generated Payment Employee Wages Retained
to Suppliers (2) and Benefits (3) Payments to Income and Community
Teck uses a risk management consequence matrix
Revenues (1) Providers of Resource Investments (6) Total
(spanning from Level 1 to 5, with 5 being highest) to Operating Capital Operating Capital Capital (4) Taxes (5)
determine severity of incidents. “Significant incidents” Costs Expenditures Costs Expenditures
are assessed as Level 4 or 5 severity. Teck reported one
community incident deemed significant during the 2022 Canada $ 13,854 $ 5,537 $ 774 $ 1,523 $ 24 $ 1,959 $ 714 $ 19 $ 10,550 $ 3,304
reporting year:
U.S. 2,122 1,101 133 162 2 9 118 2 1,527 595
Other – - 18 6 - - - 1 25 (25)
elimination(2) (655) (655) – - - - - - (655) -
Total $ 17,316 $ 6,826 $ 4,275 $ 1,938 $ 148 $ 2,149 $ 1,217 $ 25 $ 16,578 $ 738
(1) Revenues are presented based on an accrual basis. Internal cross-border sales are eliminated as shown.
(2) Operating costs include operating expenses at our mining and processing operations and our general and administration, exploration and research and development expenses and costs
relating to production stripping. Operating costs exclude depreciation, employee wages and benefits, and change in inventory which are specified separately. Capital expenditures are
payments for purchases of property, plant and equipment, excluding the component relating to capitalized wages and benefits, which is specified separately. Deferred stripping is
included in operating costs and not capital expenditure.
(3) Wages and Benefits reflect total amounts paid to employees relating to wages and benefits, including payroll taxes.
(4) Payments to providers of capital include dividends paid to shareholders, interest paid to debtholders, and payments for share repurchases less issuance of shares.
(5) Income and resource taxes include amounts paid in the year.
(6) Community investments include voluntary donations paid during the year. Figures have been rounded to the nearest million.
We track the number of local employees and the value Table 37: Local Employment in 2022 (1),(3) In 2022, our community investment expenditures were · Achieving a 10-year milestone in our Zinc & Health
of local procurement, as shown in Tables 37 and 38. Local $24.9 million in total, which was above the target of 1% of partnerships dedicated to reducing child mortality and
procurement is influenced primarily by the extent of Operation Local Senior Management our earnings before taxes on a five-year rolling average basis. improving child nutrition on a global scale
site-level construction and maintenance activity, and by Employees Roles Filled by Locals · Expansion of our prioritization on Indigenous-focused
Noteworthy accomplishments in this area were:
the availability of suitable suppliers in the local area. We investments that support education, social
continue to focus on hiring people locally, as it helps to Carmen de Andacollo 321 0 · Expanding the awareness and use of antimicrobial copper
improvements and economic development for the
share the economic benefits of our industry with the to stop the spread of infection in public and healthcare
Elkview 777 27 Indigenous Peoples upon whose territories we operate
communities in which we operate. spaces through our Copper & Health program, including
(see the Relationship with Indigenous Peoples chapter)
Fording River 1,146 26 the Royal Ontario Museum and Science World (see the
In 2022, our overall average of local employees was 55% case study below for more details); post-secondary Information on our community investment reporting
of our operational workforce; 168 senior management Greenhills 487 29 institutions, including the University of British Columbia, framework is available on our website.
roles were filled by people from the local community. Simon Fraser University, the British Columbia Institute
Highland Valley Copper 1,340 34
of Technology and Thompson Rivers University; the
Line Creek 443 16 Vancouver International Airport; and health centres such
Quebrada Blanca(4) 471 6 as the Royal Inland Hospital
Table 38: Percentage of Total Spend with Local Suppliers (1),(2) Teck is working with science, technology, engineering unique antimicrobial properties and is proven effective
and mathematics (STEM) discovery centres in Canada in eliminating up to 99.9% of harmful bacteria within
to provide an added layer of protection for visitors and two hours of contact. In addition to copper installation,
Operation 2022 2021 2020 2019 staff while building awareness of copper’s antimicrobial Teck is also supporting educational programming and
properties and the importance of metals in everyday exhibits within the spaces that illustrate how metals
Carmen de Andacollo 14% 14% 18% 16%
life. Through our Copper & Health program, we partnered are used throughout our lives and the important role of
Steelmaking coal operations with the Royal Ontario Museum and Science World in copper in society today and for the low-carbon future.
in the Elk Valley 62% 54% 46% 36% British Columbia to outfit high-traffic and high-touch
Read the full case study at www.teck.com/news/stories.
areas with innovative copper surfaces. Copper has
Highland Valley Copper 66% 31% 42% 28%
(1) “Local” is generally defined as persons or groups of persons living and/or working in any areas that are economically, socially or environmentally impacted (positively or negatively) by an
organization’s operations. The community can range from persons living adjacent to operations to isolated settlements at a distance from operations, but where individuals are still likely
to be affected by operations. Local employees and suppliers are defined as those based in the host province (Canada), state (U.S.) or region (Chile). The operations whose areas of
influence (AOI) include out-of-province/out-of-state communities are included in the definition of “local”.
(2) For 2021, 2020 and 2019, data is not directly comparable between operations, as there were differences in how we defined “local” and how we tracked data for each operation.
(3) Senior management is defined as employees at bands 10 or higher.
(4) Does not include employment for QB2 project.
Table 39: Community Investment by Site(1) We work with various local, national and international Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC). In
organizations and programs to support improvements in 2022, Teck was an active participant in MAC’s International
Operation 2022 2021 2020 2019 best practices for social management and responsibility Social Responsibility Group, ICMM’s Community Support
across the industry, such as the ICMM, the Mining Working Group and the Skills for Our Common Future
Corporate Offices and Projects (2) $ 15,601,000 $ 17,725,000 $ 11,784,000 $ 12, 102,000 Association of Canada (MAC), The Copper Mark and the initiative (Skills Initiative) Working Group.
(1) The numbers represent Teck’s portion of ownership (Carmen de Andacollo 90%, Quebrada Blanca 60%, Zafranal 80% and Galore Creek 50%).
(2) Includes Calgary, Santiago, Spokane, Toronto, Beijing, Richmond and Vancouver offices as well as resource development projects (Frontier, Galore Creek, Zafranal, San Nicolás, NewRange
Copper Nickel (previously Mesaba and NorthMet) and Schaft Creek and all legacy sites. It also includes company-wide donations under the Team Teck Community Giving employee
donation matching program.
(3) Steelmaking coal operations include Elkview, Greenhills, Fording River and Line Creek operations.
(4) Teck has a global exploration presence. See our website for details.
Team Teck
The Team Teck Community Giving program offers our response initiatives related to the war in Ukraine and the
employees the opportunity to amplify their donations to extreme weather impacts in B.C., Alaska and other areas
causes that they care about through donation matching in the world. This includes the Canadian Red Cross,
from Teck. In 2022, employees across Teck supported UNHCR Canada and United Way British Columbia, with a
their communities across several organizations, with a total of $179,000 provided by Teck in matching funding.
particular commitment to supporting emergency
Teck recognizes and respects the rights, cultures, Production, and the Mining Association of Canada’s
knowledge, interests and aspirations of Indigenous Towards Sustainable Mining (MAC TSM) Indigenous and
Peoples, and we are committed to building strong and Community Relationships Protocol.
lasting relationships. We work to achieve the free, prior and
We focus on the negotiation of mutually beneficial
informed consent of Indigenous Peoples for our activities,
agreements as a foundation for strong and positive
and we support self-defined community goals.
relationships, and we have signed 14 new agreements with
We are guided by the United Nations Declaration on the Indigenous communities in 2022, bringing the total number
Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), the International of agreements to 102. We also continued to support
Labour Organization Convention No. 169 on Indigenous Indigenous-led organizations through our Community
and Tribal Peoples, the International Council on Mining and Investment Program and through our spend on Indigenous
Metals (ICMM) Position Statement on Indigenous Peoples procurement.
and Mining, The Copper Mark Criteria for Responsible
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. United Nations. 2022.
Strategic Priority: Collaborate with communities and Indigenous Peoples to generate economic benefits, advance reconciliation
efforts and improve community well-being
Case Study: Empowering More
Indigenous Women in Chile
Goal: Achieve greater representation of Indigenous Peoples On track Conducted a baseline study of local and Indigenous employment and contracting practices across
In 2022, we extended our partnership with UN across our business by 2025 by increasing employment Teck, and developed consistent definitions to improve monitoring and reporting.
Women by investing an additional US$5 million to and procurement through business development, capacity-
Teck has advanced local hire and procurement procedures in collaboration with human resources and
empower more Indigenous women in northern Chile building, education and training opportunities.
supply chain teams at the corporate and site level.
through the Originarias programme. The programme
— begun in 2016 with support from Teck — seeks to
contribute to the empowerment and economic and Goal: Deliver positive social, economic and environmental On track Provided a total investment of $24.9 million to local, regional, national and global programs supporting
social participation of Indigenous women, leading to outcomes for communities and Indigenous Peoples by positive social, economic and environmental outcomes. This includes $3.2 million via 134 organizations
a greater autonomy and a better quality of life for contributing $100 million to community organizations and to support Indigenous Peoples, representing 13% of Teck’s total community investment spend in 2022.
global initiatives, including our Zinc & Health and Copper & 2022:
target communities. It also aims to strengthen In 2022, Teck extended the existing partnership with the$345 millionOriginarias
UN Women (4%) programme to invest
community ties as well as to highlight the essential Health programs, by 2025.
an additional US$5 million over five years to2021:
provide access
tools and training to develop skills, build
role of Indigenous women as transmitters of networks and improve their economic well-being. (See the case study on this page).
knowledge and defenders of their culture and 2020: $192 million (3%)
economic rights.
Collaborating with communities and Indigenous Performance Metrics
Peoples to generate economic benefits, advance 2022: $345 million (4%) 2022: 14 new agreements
reconciliation efforts and improve community Indicator Indicator Indicator
well-being is a strategic sustainability priority at Teck. Procurement spend with Indigenous suppliers 2021: of agreements
Number with
$267 million Indigenous Peoples
(4%) 2021:
New 10 new
significant agreements
disputes (1)
relating to land use, customary rights
The investment in 2022 will provide a greater number Target Target and other rights of local communities and Indigenous Peoples
2020: $192 million (3%) 2020: 5 new agreements
of Indigenous women in northern Chile with access to Increase procurement spend with Indigenous Negotiate agreements with Indigenous Peoples Target
tools and training to develop skills, build networks suppliers relative to total spend affected by our activities Zero new significant disputes
and improve their economic well-being, and will
expand training and learning opportunities for 2022: $345 million (4%) 2022: 14 new agreements 2022: 1 new significant dispute(2)
Indigenous youth.
2021: $267 million (4%) 2021: 10 new agreements 2021: 1 new significant dispute(2)
Read the full case study at teck.com/news/stories.
2020: $192 million (3%) 2020: 5 new agreements 2020: 1 new significant dispute
Highland Valley Copper Operations Engaged with 17 Indigenous communities on implementation of agreements and the HVC 2040 project. Advanced commitments in the areas of water management, the cultural
heritage program, contracting opportunities and employment of agreement-holder membership. Collaborated with Indigenous-led organizations to support and participate in
events in commemoration of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
Quebrada Blanca Operations Conducted continued implementation and engagement of RCA 72 with a focus on maintenance of livestock infrastructure and improving management practices and fodder production.
Continued engagement with the Quechua Indigenous community of Ollagüe to create the Alconcha Salt Flat Conservation Area, a land conservation area in the community’s territory.
During 2022, Teck submitted an EIA that is currently under review by the authorities.
Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 (QB2) Project Supported the implementation of the 17 collaboration agreements with both Indigenous communities and the local anglers’ organization. Engagement with communities is maintained
through 28 working tables across region and the 8 co-monitoring programs with communities on topics such archeology, tailings, water quality and traffic, among other topics.
Extended the UN Women Originarias programme for five years to continue supporting skills development and economic well-being of Indigenous women in northern Chile. As part of
RCA 74, work has been continued with the community participation plan in the development of cultural heritage measures, the continuation of the Livestock Development Program and
updating the Road Safety Protocol for A-97B road to be ready for operation.
Red Dog Operations Engaged with the 11 Indigenous communities, regional organizations, local governments, the Subsistence Advisory Committee and the Employment and Training Committee on Red Dog
Operations. Engaged with the mine’s two closest Indigenous communities – Noatak and Kivalina - on employment and retention of community members, site water balance challenges,
management and mitigation, as well as a focused engagement on exploration and other activities associated with mine life extensions. Also, engaged with the community of Kivalina on
Teck’s support for the future relocation of the community.
Steelmaking Coal Operations in the Elk Valley Continued to engage with the Ktunaxa Nation Council on regional stewardship related to Teck’s current operations, particularly those related to water quality and fish populations,
as well as the proposed Fording River Extension Project (FRX). Engaged Ktunaxa governments, citizens and businesses on employment and contracting opportunities. Expanded
engagement efforts with other Indigenous communities in British Columbia, Alberta and the United States, including as part of the coordinated assessment of FRX. Supported and
participated in events such as National Indigenous Peoples Day events at Yaq̓it a·knuq i ‘it and the Reconciliation Walk organized by the aq’am Community on the National Day for
Truth and Reconciliation.
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Relationships with Indigenous Peoples 71
Recognizing and Respecting the Interests and Rights
of Indigenous Peoples (continued)
Table 40: Key Engagements with Indigenous Peoples in 2022 (continued)
Trail Operations Engaged with the Okanagan Nation Alliance related to the Northern Pike Program and with the Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative’s Technical Working Group. We are
also part of the Columbia River Integrated Environmental Monitoring Program, which seeks to collaborate on aquatic ecosystem monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the Lower
Columbia River; this includes Indigenous participation. Supported local organizations and events in commemoration of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
Galore Creek Project Continued implementation of the Participation Agreement, originally signed with the Tahltan Nation in 2006, and initiated discussions to renew the Agreement with an updated Project
Description. Engaged with Tahltan and the provincial government to establish a mechanism to position the Tahltan in a consent-based role for the regulatory process to amend the
Environmental Assessment Certificate. Continued monthly technical working sessions covering a variety of topics ranging from traditional knowledge to tailings management.
Schaft Creek Project Engaged with the Tahltan Nation on our Communications Agreement signed in 2018 and continued to collaborate with the Tahltan Director of Employment on opportunities for local
hiring and service provision and Tahltan Land Director on project permitting.
NewRange Copper Nickel Project Completed formal engagements with Indigenous groups on environmental stewardship and potential paths for further engagement and collaboration.
(previously Mesaba and NorthMet)
Legacy Sites Engaged with community members, government agencies and Indigenous Peoples for several legacy properties regarding post-closure activities, including water quality monitoring
programs, water collection and treatment (where occurring), community investments, and the participation of Indigenous Peoples in studies and impact assessments.
Exploration Conducted early, proactive engagement for all active projects in all countries in which Teck explores to establish dialogue and build relationships. Obtained support from local
Indigenous communities to proceed with exploration programs for projects spanning Canada, Chile and Peru, either through formalized new agreements or by meeting pre-existing
commitments, in addition to agreements from non-Indigenous local communities across all global active projects.
Cardinal River mine (1) Continued to engage with seven Indigenous communities on Cardinal River mine’s closure planning. Conversations advanced around reclamation and closure planning and execution.
Established a Cardinal River Indigenous Closure and Reclamation Working Group.
(1) As of June 2020, Cardinal River Operations transitioned to closure. However, active engagement with Indigenous Peoples and communities, among other activities, took place in 2022.
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Relationships with Indigenous Peoples 72
Recognizing and Respecting the Interests and Rights
of Indigenous Peoples (continued)
Cultural Awareness Training Negotiating and Implementing Agreements
We have training on Indigenous Peoples’ rights and cultural In 2022, there were 102 active agreements in place with
awareness planned for all staff. Cultural awareness training Indigenous Peoples, including 14 new agreements ranging
Case Study: Communicating Across Cultures Program at Red Dog Operations
is intended to support effective relationships with the from exploration agreements to impact benefit For the last two years, Teck’s Red Dog Operations training to our people that aligns with our values and
Indigenous communities we work with, and with our agreements.46 For a full list of our active agreements with (RDO) has offered the Communicating Across Cultures that helps them engage with people of different
Indigenous colleagues. This is part of Teck’s commitment Indigenous Peoples for projects and operations, see our training program, which focuses on what defines backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Over
to inclusion and diversity in the workplace. Sustainability Performance Data. culture and on understanding how, given cultural 220 employees and contractors have received the
Based on the review and refresh of our approach to cultural differences, miscommunication can occur. It is facilitated training, providing them with an opportunity to learn
Implementation of the United Nations Declaration by Dr. Michael Oleksa (who is also known as Father about the Indigenous way of life, helping create a
awareness training conducted in 2021, we completed the
on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) Michael), a leader in the development of cross-cultural stronger work culture, improving team dynamics,
development of the computer-based training modules in
2022 and a full rollout is planned for 2023. In November 2019, B.C. became the first province in communication in Alaska. and helping RDO live our values of being respectful
Canada to legislate its endorsement of UNDRIP, and inclusive.
As guests of the Northwest Arctic region of Alaska and
Support for Reconciliation implementing the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
its Indigenous Peoples, it is important for RDO to provide Read the full case study at teck.com/news/stories.
Peoples Act (DRIPA). The legislation includes a commitment
Teck is committed to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.
to ensure the laws of B.C. are consistent with UNDRIP.
We continue to work in partnership with Reconciliation
In June 2021, the federal government of Canada
Canada to support their vision of revitalizing the relationships
implemented similar legislation: the United Nations
among Indigenous Peoples and all Canadians. In addition,
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act. As set
we support the implementation of the Memorandum of
out in Teck’s Indigenous Peoples Policy, we continue to
Understanding on economic reconciliation between the
implement our commitment to work to achieve the free,
Business Council of British Columbia and the BC Assembly
prior and informed consent of Indigenous communities.
of First Nations. We also continue to proactively engage in
government-led initiatives to improve the lives of Indigenous
Peoples in several jurisdictions through their participation in
mining-related activities.
Teck also recognized the National Day for Truth and
Reconciliation as an opportunity to engage in meaningful
discussions on reconciliation with over 10,000 employees
across Teck sites and offices. We also provided financial
contributions to 11 Indigenous and reconciliation-related
organizations. See the Community Investment Focused on
Indigenous Peoples section on page 74 for more detail.
An agreement typically made with Indigenous Peoples that outlines the potential impacts of a project, the commitment and responsibilities to mitigate these impacts, and the economic
and other benefits that will be shared with the Indigenous party. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Relationships with Indigenous Peoples 73
Creating Opportunities for Employment
and Economic Development
Indigenous Education, Training and Employment Procurement from Indigenous Suppliers Community Investment Focused on Incidents and Significant Disputes
Employment is one way in which local communities can Procurement with Indigenous businesses is critical in Indigenous Peoples There were two significant disputes for Teck that involved
benefit from our operations, and we work with Indigenous sharing the economic benefits of mining and in advancing In 2022, Teck allocated $3.2 million via 134 organizations Indigenous Peoples in 2022. Please see page 65 in the
communities to increase the number of Indigenous economic reconciliation. Many of our agreements with to projects that support Indigenous Peoples, compared Relationships with Communities chapter for further
Peoples employed at Teck. We have set a sustainability Indigenous Peoples contain commitments to support our to $2.8 million in 2021. This included contributions to details on this dispute as well as other grievances.
goal to achieve greater representation of Indigenous shared interest in ensuring Indigenous businesses provide organizations that advance reconciliation such as the
Peoples across our business by 2025, including by goods and services to our sites. We recognize that facilitating partnership with the UN Women Originarias programme,
increasing employment. We hope to learn from the access to contracting opportunities for Indigenous Reconciliation Canada and Indspire student bursaries.
success of initiatives at our Red Dog Operations to bring businesses leads to more resilient supply chains and
In 2022, Teck was also a sponsor at several events
these practices across the company while supporting increased prosperity for all, during and after mine life.
focused on Indigenous partnerships:
education and training initiatives to build career
In 2022, our operations spent approximately $345 million · The Indigenous Partnerships Success Showcase, which
pathways into mining.
with suppliers who self-identified as Indigenous; this features the stories and insights of leading voices on
In 2022, there were 208 Indigenous new hires at our Red Dog represents an increase compared to 2021. In 2022, 48% Indigenous economic development
Operations, which represents 79% of the total new hires at Red ($195 million) of spending at Red Dog Operations was with
· AME’s Roundup hybrid conference, including its
Dog; 398 employees were NANA shareholders, representing Indigenous suppliers — where Indigenous procurement is
Reconciliation Breakfast and The Gathering Place events,
61.8% of the total number of employees at Red Dog one of the cornerstones of our operating agreement with
which brings leaders in mineral exploration together to
Operations. NANA is a Regional Alaska Native Corporation NANA Regional Corporation.
enable a culture of reconciliation
owned by the Iñupiat people of northwest Alaska.
· The First Nations Major Projects Coalition’s Toward Net
Since 2012, Teck has been a partner with Indspire, an Figure 28: Procurement Spend on Suppliers Who Zero by 2050 Conference, which hosted Indigenous
Indigenous national charity that invests in the education Self-Identified as Indigenous leaders, industry experts, policy-makers and investors
of First Nations, Inuit and Metis people. In 2022, Teck from across Canada to highlight carbon-reducing
participated in Indspire’s 10th annual youth conference examples in key areas that are either Indigenous-led
— Soaring — to engage with over 5,000 Indigenous youth $
345 $
267 $
192 $
225 or that have strong potential for industry-government-
participants and to showcase career opportunities at million million million million Indigenous partnership
Teck through a virtual trade show booth and interactive
workshop. In partnership with Indspire, Teck also offered Teck is in the process of advancing relationships with
2022 2021 2020 2019
10 Building Brighter Futures bursaries, scholarships and these existing partners for 2023 and is actively
awards to Indigenous post-secondary and skilled trades developing new relationships to continue supporting
students. efforts that advance reconciliation.
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Relationships with Indigenous Peoples 74
Business Ethics
Requirements around anti-corruption and tax transparency are increasing as governments,
tax regulators and the public seek greater transparency.47 For example, the G7 and G20 are
working to implement stronger international anti-corruption measures, and to support the
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).48 Good governance and transparency
are essential to the trust that underpins government, capital markets and society, and
technology is playing a major role in transforming compliance and advancing integrity in
the workplace.49
As an industry that operates in a wide range of jurisdictions, sector. The International Council on Mining and Metals
business ethics and anti-corruption are a major focus for (ICMM) Principles also require ICMM member companies
mining. Mining activities can make a significant contribution to implement and maintain ethical business practices that
to national, regional and local economies through the seek to prevent bribery and corruption.
provision of employment and training, as well as tax and
Teck operates primarily in Canada, the United States, Peru
royalty payments to governments for essential services,
and Chile, which all have generally robust legal systems
local procurement, social development and environmental
and well-established political processes. Our aim is to
stewardship. Maintaining open and transparent
minimize adverse impacts from our activities and to build
communications with governments and regulatory parties
partnerships to support sustainable development and
is essential to mitigating risk, to responding to future
growth. We know that transparency in our business
regulatory changes and to forming good relationships
practices is critical for earning trust and, as such, we focus
with government entities, agents and intermediaries.
on being a collaborative, solutions-based partner, and
International initiatives such as the EITI and national
regularly engage with governments on regulatory and
regulations such as the Extractive Sector Transparency
public policy initiatives that are primarily focused on
Measures Act (ESTMA) in Canada are widely accepted
maintaining and enhancing the competitiveness of our
standards for open and accountable management of
industry as well as its sustainability.
resources, and they help deter corruption in the extractives
Is Your Business Ready for More Transparent Taxes? Harvard Business Review. 2022. 48
Fact Sheet: U.S. Strategy on Countering Corruption. The White House. 2021.
Global Integrity Report 2022. EY. 2022.
Pictured: Employee at Vancouver Head Office, Canada. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Business Ethics 75
2022 Highlights Our Performance in Business Ethics in 2022
Published the sixth annual Economic Contribution
Report, providing transparency on our payments to
governments and economic contributions where
we operate Our Commitments
Worked with federal and provincial governments Our Code of Sustainable Conduct requires employees and These policies provide clear guidance around how we Teck’s activities are subject to a number of laws within
on critical minerals leadership, to boost the contractors to comply with applicable laws and regulations should conduct our business, and they set standards on the jurisdictions in which we operate. When engaging
competitiveness and resilience of our critical and with all Teck policies and standards. We are committed topics such as bribery and corruption, sponsorships and public officials, in addition to our own policies, the laws,
minerals supply chains to upholding high moral and ethical principles, as affirmed donations, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, data privacy regulations and rules of the country in which the
in our Code of Ethics. Our approach to taxation, including and third-party due diligence. While Teck’s business engagement by a Teck employee occurs will apply. In
tax reporting, is aligned with our Code of Ethics and our practices must consider the local customs of the addition, the applicable laws, regulations and rules of
approach to business and sustainability. We are, in all tax communities in which we operate, we maintain the same the country in which the Teck employee resides may,
matters, compliant, transparent, cooperative and ethical, standards of behaviour in all jurisdictions, and our business based on statute or treaty requirement, carry over to
Case Study: Enriching Earth Sciences as outlined in our Tax Policy. practices are fundamentally based on honesty, integrity foreign jurisdictions.
Learning Environments in British Columbia and respect.
Our Political Contributions Policy includes our commitment
Teck partnered with the University of British Columbia to zero direct corporate political contributions and to
(UBC) in the development of a new geological field compliance with rules relating to election activities and
station in Oliver, B.C., to serve as an expanded and attending partisan events.
enriched earth sciences learning environment for
future mining professionals. The original field station,
which was built in the 1950s, supported a long history
of successful research. The new station was built Doing What’s Right Program
thanks to Teck’s $1 million donation and additional
funding from UBC alumni and other donors.
Doing What’s Right describes what is expected of everyone confidential whistle-blower hotline and web portal that are and safety concerns (14%). Of these 58 cases, 41 were
Construction began in December of 2019, and the
at Teck to ensure our business is conducted with honesty, managed by a third party. The hotline is available in all closed following an investigation or were closed on the
facility opened to students in spring 2022. integrity and respect. Teck’s Code of Ethics outlines in relevant languages in the countries where we operate. Teck basis that no investigation was necessary. The remaining
The new facility, which serves as a new resource for detail how to meet this expectation, and it aligns with our has a strict policy prohibiting retaliation in relation to Code 17 cases are still under investigation. The Audit Committee
research, is used by UBC geology, earth science and values — most notably, the commitment to being of Ethics reports made in good faith. receives and reviews reports on the investigation and
geological engineering students to gain critical field responsible, courageous, respectful and inclusive. Our resolution of complaints raised through the whistle-blower
Through this program, we received 58 reports of alleged
skills. The revitalized station will also play a central employees, contractors and suppliers can report any hotline.
violations of our Code of Ethics in 2022. The areas for
role in major new educational initiatives, with a focus violations, or potential violations, of our Code of Ethics
which we received the greatest number of reports were No criminal cases regarding bribery were brought against
on interdisciplinary experiential learning and the through our Doing What’s Right program, which includes a
regarding employee relations (22%), harassment (21%) Teck or any of its affiliates in 2022, 2021 or 2020.
incorporation of Indigenous knowledge and practices.
Read the full case study at teck.com/news/stories.
Our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Compliance Policy and conducted for all of our critical suppliers. Critical suppliers Teck manages cybersecurity risk through stringent In 2022, we enhanced our capabilities to actively manage
Interpretation Guide is reviewed annually to assess whether must provide information and supporting documentation oversight and governance of digital technology. Our cyber risks and to embed cybersecurity in Teck’s workplace
it adequately addresses our company-wide exposure to of alignment with our Expectations for Suppliers and risk-based cybersecurity strategy is supported by a custom culture. These activities included:
bribery- and corruption-related risks, and internal audits are Contractors through a comprehensive questionnaire within framework based on industry-leading practices from · Deployed a new enterprise-level solution for multi-factor
conducted on a periodic basis at specific sites to assess Teck’s supplier database. For more information, see our organizations and programs such as ISACA (previously authentication (MFA), standardizing the MFA practice for
compliance with the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Value Chain Management chapter on page 82. known as the Information Systems Audit and Control approximately 8,000 employees who are able to access
Compliance Policy. No new significant risks associated with We also implement a third-party due diligence program Association), Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), the Teck network remotely
corruption were identified in 2022. under Teck’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Compliance Policy. Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), the
· Deployed an advanced telemetry product to approximately
Teck’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Compliance Policy and Consultants, agents or intermediaries who may have contact Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity (CCCS), ISA Cybersecurity,
2,400 servers and cloud services, enabling Teck’s incident
Interpretation Guide supplements the Code of Ethics and with, or do business with, a government official on behalf the Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) Institute, the
response teams to actively monitor our networks
reinforces Teck’s commitment to anti-bribery and anti- of Teck must undergo sufficient due diligence to enable National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and
corruption. Select employees in potentially high-risk roles us to conclude with reasonable assurance that the service the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). · Initiated a log management improvement project, to
are required to certify that they have read and understood providers understand and will fully abide by applicable augment the capabilities of Teck’s security logs
these policies and standards and that nonconformity anti-corruption laws and with our policy. Under our risk The Audit Committee of Teck’s Board has explicit oversight
· Completed a centralized cyber risk register, aligning
would lead to disciplinary action. They also undergo analysis, service providers who may have contact with, or who for cybersecurity-related matters under its Charter. The
Teck’s risk management practices with our corporate risk
anti-corruption training at least every two years. We have have the potential to have contact with, government officials Audit Committee receives quarterly briefing materials on
matrix, FAIR risk quantification framework and threat
criteria in place to determine which employees are required on Teck’s behalf will be included in Teck’s due diligence Teck’s cybersecurity risk management program, including
intelligence from Teck’s Cyber Security Incident
to complete anti-corruption training based on location, program. In 2022, one potential supplier was flagged details of top threats, risk management activities, vendor
Response Team
engagement with government and a number of other as having anti-corruption and/or anti-bribery risks that and supply chain monitoring, and internal training and
factors. Based on these criteria, 3,048 employees were disqualified them from conducting business with Teck. awareness programs. · Launched an improved cybersecurity awareness training
required to participate in anti-corruption training in proof of concept program for Teck employees
2021/22, and over 85% of those employees have completed Table 41: Number of Employees Who Have Received Training
the training. Table 41 provides more information about on Anti-Corruption During the 2022/23 Training Cycle
training on anti-corruption policies and procedures.
In addition to engaging with employees, Teck communicates
Country Number of Employees
its anti-corruption policies and procedures to all members
of our governance body.50 The Chief Executive Officer, who Canada 1,660
is a governance body member, receives anti-corruption
training in the role as an employee of Teck, and all United States 102
governance members are expected to complete an annual
Code of Ethics Acknowledgement. Chile 1,210
Teck expects our supply chain partners to also adhere to Other Locations (China, Australia, 76
the same fundamental principles, including those relating Ireland, Mexico, Namibia, Peru,
to legal compliance, fairness and honesty, anti-corruption Turkey and Japan)
and human rights that are outlined in Teck’s Expectations
for Suppliers and Contractors. All of Teck’s significant Total 3,048
supply chain partners are provided with Teck’s Expectations
for Suppliers and Contractors. In 2022, 23% of our supply
chain partners were further qualified to perform work on Fraud
Teck’s sites, and they provided written acknowledgement The senior legal officer reports to the Audit Committee on a
of their adherence to these principles. Teck’s Anti-Bribery quarterly basis on any cases of fraud identified and reported
and Corruption Compliance Policy and Interpretation through the whistle-blower hotline. Five allegations of
Guide resides on the Teck corporate website for members fraud were reported to the Audit Committee during 2022,
of the public, investors, joint venture partners and others and we had no involvement in any investigations regarding
to review. Ongoing monitoring and assessment are alleged breaches of competition laws.
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Business Ethics 77
‘Governance body members’ is interpreted as the Board of Directors at Teck.
Emerging Risks Public Policy Initiatives
As outlined in our Approach to Business and Sustainability, risks fluctuates based on external factors such as We focus on being a collaborative partner with governments aligning our nature positive goals with their biodiversity and
Teck has an integrated risk management program. Our geopolitical developments, current events, and social and in the jurisdictions where we operate, and we engage conservation commitments. We also continued engaging
process for integrating risk management throughout the business trends. As such, our integrated risk management regularly in public policy initiatives that support the the Government of Canada as it seeks to modernize its
business includes identifying, evaluating and addressing program maintains consistent observation of emerging and competitiveness and sustainability of our industry. In 2022, federal Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program.
economic, social and environmental risks and opportunities potentially increasing risks. In 2022, we identified a number we engaged governments on several public policy,
Accelerating grid infrastructure to electrify mining
on a regular basis. The likelihood and impact of individual of emerging and rising risks as being related to our business. legislative and regulatory initiatives of relevance to Teck.
operations: Teck engaged the Government of Canada
and the B.C. Government to accelerate permitting and
Environmental Initiatives
Table 42: Emerging and Rising Sustainability Risks, 2022(1) construction of additional electricity transmission capacity.
Supporting effective climate change policies: Teck This increased capacity at our sites is needed to enable the
continued advocating to governments across Canada for powering of new decarbonization technologies on-site with
Risk Cause of Increase or Emergence How Teck Engages with This Risk policies that support the transition to a low-carbon clean energy sources.
economy while ensuring the competitiveness of Canadian
Biodiversity Loss There has been a 69% drop in species In 2022, in recognition of the importance of emissions-intensive, trade-exposed (EITE) sectors. We Socio-economic Initiatives
population sizes since 1970. Life on earth this topic, we announced a goal to be nature engaged the Government of Canada, the B.C. Government
Growing Canada’s critical minerals sector: Teck
depends on intact biodiversity to provide positive by 2030. For more information, see our and the Alberta Government in support of climate action
submitted detailed recommendations to the Government
ecosystem services such as air and water Biodiversity and Closure chapter on page 13. policies to address the competitiveness challenges
of Canada for developing its first Critical Minerals Strategy.
purification, nutrient cycling and maintenance resulting from internationally varied climate change
Critical minerals and metals are essential in the development
of fertile soils. Significant biodiversity loss policies. Included in this support is our input to the
of green, low-carbon technologies. At the same time,
poses an existential threat to livelihood. Government of Canada and the B.C. Government on paths
critical minerals markets are competitive, and global
towards net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.
mining jurisdictions are vying to become the world’s
Climate Change: Transition risks arise as the world aims to In 2022, Teck announced the sale of our Advancing the development of Canada’s Coal Mining supplier of choice. Teck also advocated for the development
Transition Risk reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and interest in the Fort Hills oil sands operation, Effluent Regulations: Teck remained engaged in the of a B.C. critical minerals strategy to increase the provincial
to shift to a global economy with net-zero which closed on February 2, 2023, advancing development of draft regulations through 2022. For Teck, mining sector’s competitiveness in global markets.
emissions. Transition risks refer to business- the rebalancing of our portfolio towards the the final form of these regulations will be critical for
Encouraging increased Indigenous participation in the
related risks emerging from societal and green metals necessary for the low-carbon long-term planning for our steelmaking coal operations in
mining sector: Teck is pleased to see that the participation
economic shifts to support a low-carbon economy. For more information about how B.C. We will continue to participate in the development
of Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous businesses in the
future. Physical risks of climate change we manage all risks related to climate change, process with the Government of Canada in 2023 to help
mining sector is steadily increasing. Mining activity has
impacts pose a primary risk to all sectors and see our biennial TCFD-aligned Climate ensure the regulations are well-designed, science-based
positive impacts such as employment creation,
industries, with transition risk emerging as a Change Outlook report. and protective of aquatic life.
opportunities for education and training, local economic
secondary risk.
Progressing biodiversity and conservation initiatives: development and valuable community investment
Teck is committed to supporting biodiversity and land projects. As such, we encouraged governments to consider
(1) Information on emerging risk impacts and timelines validated per the CRO Forum’s Emerging Risk Initiative, Major Trends and Emerging Risk Radar – 2022 Update.
conservation in the areas where we operate. As part of this ways to continue increasing Indigenous participation in
commitment, we are active in the World Economic Forum’s the mining sector, including through revenue-sharing
Champions for Nature and its initiative to contribute to opportunities with Indigenous Peoples and investments in
conserving, restoring and growing one trillion trees by 2030, education and training for mining-related employment.
and joined Business for Nature’s Call to Action in asking
governments globally to adopt policies to reverse nature
loss. Our CEO and executives attended and participated in
the COP15 UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal, and
began engaging governments in Canada and Chile on
Advocating for cost-competitiveness: Teck continued to Promoting youth in industry initiatives: Teck is working Innovation Initiatives Contributions to Industry Associations
engage the Government of Canada, the B.C. Government with industry associations to educate, attract and mentor Working with governments to foster more innovation in We believe it is important to engage with industry
and the Alberta Government to address cost-competitiveness young individuals entering the mining community. mining: Teck actively pursued government initiatives to associations to advance research, share best practices, and
issues relating to carbon taxation and EITE sectors, Government, along with several industry associations and advance innovation in our operating jurisdictions, including contribute to improving the regulatory systems and industry
transportation and logistics costs, and other federal and agencies within the U.S., view the current replacement submitting feedback to the Government of Canada on the performance across the extractive sector and beyond. There
provincial tax and regulatory measures. workforce as insufficient to meet future needs. design of the federal investment tax credit for carbon can be a wide range of views within the membership of each
Advocating for maintenance of Western Canada’s supply Enhancing trade relations with key export markets: Teck capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). association and, as members, we may not always agree with
chains: Teck is Canada’s single-largest shipper and a continued to work with the Government of Canada on every position or approach. This is especially the case when
At our Red Dog Operations, we formed the Red Dog Tundra
leading commodity exporter from Canada’s Pacific coast enhancing relationships with key export destinations, primarily the association’s membership is large and the mandate is
Working Group (RDTWG) to determine best practices in
ports. Our export competitiveness depends on supply in Asia. This included advocating for addressing tariff and broad, covering a wide range of issues. This diversity of
site rehabilitation along the DeLong Mountains
chain infrastructure and trade corridors that are reliable, non-tariff barriers, as well as advancing the Canada-India perspectives creates a rich and full debate.
Transportation System (DMTS). The DMTS is the road that
cost-effective and efficient. As such, we continued to Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, and connects the mine to the port site. The RDTWG is a When disagreement arises, Teck may provide greater clarity
communicate with the Government of Canada and the B.C. new opportunities in Japan, South Korea and Europe. multi-community and multi-agency working group. on our own positions and activities with policy-makers,
Government about the need for new federal and provincial work with the association to understand alternative points
Reviewing potential for amendments to U.S. mining Engaging governments on support for Teck’s
investments into more resilient supply chain infrastructure of view and to seek common ground for progress, consider
legislation: Teck worked with U.S. legislators, agencies and decarbonization efforts: Teck engaged the Government
that enables efficient trade between Western Canada and our ability to influence the policies or perspectives of the
industry associations to provide education on the current of Canada and the B.C. Government on how it may support
key markets abroad. organization or, ultimately, consider whether to continue
mining law and supply data. We encouraged refinement decarbonization efforts at our Canadian operations.
Partnering with UN Women on the Originarias Programme: within the proposed mining law that could improve participating in the association.
Opportunities included submitting recommendations on
Teck’s partnership with UN Women began in 2016, with the permitting timelines and certainty while keeping the proposed federal Clean Electricity Regulations, and Through our membership in various industry associations,
objective of delivering training opportunities and developing appropriate regulations in place. requesting access to federal programs that advance Teck strives to advance research, share best practices and
the skills of Indigenous women in Chile to improve their research, development and deployment of new clean exert a positive influence in a manner that aligns with our
Participating in Women and Mining Study: Teck
economic well-being. In August 2022, the Originarias technologies that can significantly reduce GHG emissions company’s values as well as those of our employees,
participated in this study, which was led by Women in
Programme was extended for an additional five years. at our operations. stakeholders and shareholders. In 2022, we published our
Mining Chile with the support of the Faculty of Economics
This new phase of the program will expand training and first Industry Associations Review, to identify and report the
at the University of Chile. The study analyzes the barriers to
learning opportunities for Indigenous youth, including degree to which climate change positions and actions of
entry and development challenges faced by women in
skill-building in science, technology, engineering, the arts selected associations are aligned with our Climate Change
mining. Over 1,300 women were consulted as part of the
and mathematics (STEAM) to support the long-term Guiding Principles.
study. The results were presented to Chile’s Minister of
sustainability of local communities. It also fosters the
Mining, Chile’s Minister of Women and Gender Equity, and Our five largest contributions in 2022 were to the
development of spaces for intercultural care and learning,
the Ambassador of Canada to Chile. International Copper Association ($0.8 million), the World
and access to financing instruments for businesses owned
by Indigenous women. Economic Forum ($0.7 million), the Mining Association of
Canada ($0.6 million), the International Zinc Association
($0.5 million) and the Mining Association of British
Columbia ($0.5 million). For a full list of associations to
which Teck pays annual membership fees of $50,000 or
more, visit Memberships and Partnerships on our website.
We engage in and support the work being done to fight As outlined in our Political Contributions Policy, Teck does
financial corruption by supporting relevant international not make use of corporate resources, including funds,
frameworks such as the Extractive Industries Transparency goods, property and/or services, for the purpose of
Initiative (EITI). We participate in the EITI through our ICMM contributing to a political party, a campaign for elected
membership. EITI’s assessment of Teck’s adherence to the office, a nomination process for a political party, a local
Expectations of EITI Supporting Companies, and the political constituency and/or any individual candidate
summary of results is publicly available on the EITI website. seeking election at any level of government. In 2022, we
did not make any direct financial or in-kind political
Teck publicly reports on payments to governments in the
countries where we operate, as required under the
Canadian Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act
Payments Received from Governments
(ESTMA). These payments include taxes, royalties and other
payment types, by country and on a project-by-project In certain jurisdictions, part of our statutory obligations
basis, in relation to the commercial development of oil, gas related to lobbying is to publicly report funding we applied
and minerals. See our ESTMA disclosure on the annual for and received from any government around the world.
Regulatory Filings page on our website. In 2022, Teck received $935,100 from two government
programs in Canada: the CleanBC Industry Fund and the
We also publish a voluntary Economic Contribution Report Student Work Placement Program. The CleanBC Industry
to complement and enhance our ESTMA disclosure. This Fund invests a portion of carbon tax revenues into
report demonstrates our overall value generation in the businesses working on GHG emission reduction projects.
areas where we operate through direct benefits such as For 2022, our B.C.-based operations incurred $88.4 million
wages and benefits, payments to contractors and in British Columbia provincial carbon tax. The Student Work
suppliers, community investments, and payments to Placement Program supports post-secondary students
governments, as well as other indirect and induced across Canada with paid work experience related to their
benefits. See the Economic Contributions page on our field of study.
website for more information.
Teck procures goods and services such as mobile As our operations and the majority of our business
equipment, machinery, fuel and lubricants, explosives, activities are in lower-risk jurisdictions that have strong
and a range of other products and services that support legal frameworks, we expect and have a good level of
large-scale mining and refining operations. Through confidence that our suppliers’ and contractors’ business
responsible value chain management, our objective is to conduct is aligned with robust human rights, and with
ensure that we minimize potential impacts on people and environmental and labour legislation and regulations. For
on the environment, and manage business and reputation suppliers in jurisdictions with higher risk, additional vetting
risks while capitalizing on opportunities. For example, in is conducted to ensure compliance with Teck’s Expectations
2022 we announced several partnerships with suppliers for Suppliers and Contractors.
such as Oldendorff Carriers and Caterpillar to advance our
net-zero strategy, and we make efforts to source supplies
and services from local sources where possible, including
from Indigenous Peoples.
2022 Global Supply Chains: Four Trends that will Shape the Future. Forbes. 2022. 52
Six Key Trends Impacting Global Supply Chains in 2022. KPMG. 2022.
Reshaping Traditional Value Chains. Deloitte. 2022.
Pictured: Red Dog Operations, United States. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Value Chain Management 81
2022 Highlights Our Performance in Value Chain Management in 2022
of total procurement spend
was on local suppliers Our Targets and Commitments Teck’s Code of Ethics and Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy affirm Teck’s commitment to uphold
high moral and ethical principles and specifies the basic norms of behaviour for employees and others conducting business on our
behalf. Teck expects suppliers to adhere to the same fundamental principles, including those relating to legal compliance, fairness
and honesty, anti-bribery and corruption and human rights. Teck’s Code of Sustainable Conduct affirms that protecting the
environment, the safety and health of our people, and our relationships with local communities are core values of Teck. We expect
4% of total procurement spend was
on Indigenous suppliers
suppliers to apply the same or more stringent standards in a manner that is appropriate and proportional to the nature and scale
of their activities, the goods that they supply and the services that they perform.
For information about value chain impacts, commitments and expectations related to specific sustainability topics, please see
relevant chapters (e.g., Climate Change page 16, Health and Safety page 40, Responsible Production page 24).
Business Area Total (millions) Critical (millions) % of Total That Are Critical
(1) The values are the total amounts paid to suppliers/contractors which include taxes payable where applicable.
(2) Does not include Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 project spend, as our reporting only includes operational spend.
(3) Includes our energy business unit.
Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action | Value Chain Management 83
Methodology and Restatements
This report discloses sustainability data for the fiscal year Joint venture operations not managed by Teck, Countries where we sell our products are
ending December 31, 2022. The scope of this report covers but covered in some areas of this report, are: as follows: • Mexico Unless otherwise stated, we report data for our operations
all of the active operations managed by Teck and also, 1. Antamina • Australia on a 100% ownership basis (e.g., for a 97.5%-owned
where appropriate, key issues at closed sites, exploration • Philippines
2. Fort Hills54 • Belgium operation, we report 100% of the data). Data is reported
and development projects and at joint venture operations. • Poland using the metric system and Canadian dollars, unless
Data for joint ventures not operated by Teck is not presented • Brazil • South Korea
Development projects, including those managed otherwise stated. Unless otherwise stated, all workforce
unless otherwise stated. by Teck and those not managed by Teck, that are • Canada data is limited to permanent and temporary employees.
• Slovakia
Operations included in this report are those covered in some areas of this report are: • Chile • Spain Where available, we include comparative historical data to
actively managed by Teck, which include: 1. QB2 • China demonstrate trends. Historical data is reported based on
• Sweden
1. Carmen de Andacollo 2. NuevaUnión the scope of the report for the respective year. The scope
• Czech Republic • Switzerland of the report can change year to year, depending on
2. Elkview 3. San Nicolás • Finland • Taiwan acquisitions or sales of assets. In our efforts to continually
3. Fording River 4. Galore Creek • France improve and standardize our annual reporting process, the
• Thailand
4. Greenhills 5. NewRange Copper Nickel 55
• Germany interpretation of data from year to year can often change.
• Turkey Certain comparative amounts for prior years have been
5. Highland Valley Copper 6. Schaft Creek • India • Ukraine reclassified or restated to conform to the presentation
6. Line Creek 7. Zafranal • Italy adopted for this reporting period.
• United States
7. Quebrada Blanca • Japan • Vietnam
8. Red Dog • Korea
9. Trail Operations • Malaysia
Teck announced the sale of its 21.3% stake in Fort Hills on October 26, 2022, completing the sale February 2, 2023.
Previously Mesaba and NorthMet. In the third quarter of 2022, we announced an agreement with PolyMet Mining Corp. to form a 50:50 joint venture to advance the NorthMet project and our Mesaba
mineral deposit. The joint venture will be named NewRange Copper Nickel LLC, and closing of the transaction is expected in the first quarter of 2023. For more information, see the 2022 Annual Report. Teck 2022 Sustainability Report | Purpose in Action 84
Independent practitioner’s limited assurance report
on Teck Resources Limited’s Sustainability Report
To the Directors and Management of Teck Data Table
Resources Limited
We have undertaken a limited assurance engagement Social
of the following subject matter information (the subject Performance Measure 2022 Reference
7. Health and Safety
matter) presented within Teck Resources Limited (Teck)’s
8. Human Rights 1 Number of fatalities 0 Table 14
2022 Sustainability Report (the subject matter), for the year
ended December 31, 2022. 9. Our People and Culture
2 Lost-time injuries 108 Table 14
10. Relationships with Communities
Subject matter 3 Lost-time injury frequency (LTIF) 0.22 Table 14
11. Relationships with Indigenous Peoples
· Teck’s assertion on page 2 that it has aligned their
policies to the International Council on Mining and Governance 4 Total occupational disease rate (per 200,000 hours) 0.13 Table 21
Metals (ICMM)’s Principles and relevant Performance 12. Business Ethics
5 High potential incident (HPI) frequency (per 200,000 hours) 0.10 Figure 19
Expectations and mandatory requirements set out in 13. Value Chain Management
ICMM’s Position Statements (ICMM Subject matter 1). 6 Total emissions – Direct (Scope 1) (kt CO2e) 2,733 Table 9
· Teck’s company reported performance data for the year
· Teck’s assertions on page 7 regarding the approach it ended December 31, 2022, presented in the Data Table 7 Total emissions – Indirect (Scope 2) (kt CO2e) 117 Table 9
has adopted to identify and prioritize its material below (ICMM Subject matter 4).
sustainable development risks and opportunities based 8 Total emissions – Scope 3 (use of coal product sold) (kt CO2e) 65,000 Table 9
· Teck’s assertion that it has disclosed the company’s
on its own review of the business and the views and
description of the prioritisation of assets for PE validation
expectations of its stakeholders (ICMM Subject matter 2). 9 Total energy consumption (TJ) 39,989 Figure 6
(ICMM Subject matter 5).
· The existence and status of implementation of systems 10 All operations - Water withdrawals (ML) 117,327 Table 13
· Teck’s assertion that it has reported its disclosure in
and approaches used by Teck to manage the following
accordance with the GRI Standards as required by ICMM.
material sustainable development risk areas (ICMM 11 Total area of land reclaimed (ha) 6,126 Table 7
Subject matter 3): · Teck’s assertion of the level of conformance with the
ICMM Performance Expectations of the selected sites; 12 Total area of land yet to be reclaimed (ha) 28,358 Table 7
Elkview operations, Fording River operations, Greenhills
1. Air Quality 13 Total number of new significant disputes 1 Table 35
operations and Trail operations linked here.
2. Biodiversity and Closure 14 Total SO2 emissions from stacks, stationary and mobile fossil fuel 2,422.8 Table 3
3. Climate Change combustion (tonnes)
4. Responsible Production 15 Percentage of selected community-based air quality stations (three stations) 100 Performance
5. Tailings Management with annual mean concentrations of ambient PM2.5 within the World Health Metrics
6. Water Management Organization guideline interim target value of 10 µg/m3 (%)
18 Total number of employees, temporary and permanent, working at Teck 12,763 Figure 25
operations and offices
19 Total number of women, temporary and permanent, working at Teck 3,048 Figure 24
operations and offices
This report contains certain forward-looking information regarding the Elk Valley Water Quality Plan, including occupational disease; our expectation regarding Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown
and forward-looking statements as defined in applicable expected benefits and outcomes, timing of progress of implementation of new management standards and risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the
securities laws (collectively referred to as “forward-looking water treatment facilities, estimated completion dates and training related to modern slavery; expectations regarding actual results, performance, experience or achievements of
statements”). These statements relate to future events or treatment capacity; expectation that we will stabilize and implementation of new human rights risk assessment Teck to be materially different from those expressed or
our future performance. All statements other than statements reduce the selenium trend in the Elk Valley and Lake methodology; expectations related to advancing equity, implied by the forward-looking statements. Risks and
of historical fact are forward-looking statements. The use Koocanusa; expectations for achieving compliance with inclusion and diversity initiatives; expectations regarding uncertainties that could influence actual results include,
of any of the words “expect”, “anticipate”, “plan”, “estimate”, our permits in the Elk Valley; expectations regarding the increasing local employment and employment of but are not limited to: risks associated with the
“potential”, “may”, “will”, “work to”, “should”, “believe”, “focus”, conduct of our suppliers and contractors; the timing of first Indigenous Peoples; engagement with Indigenous Peoples consequence of climate change; risks associated with
“targets”, “goals;” “believe”, “continue” and similar expressions production at our Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 project and and local communities; community investment initiatives; permitting and development of our properties; operational
is intended to identify forward-looking statements. These amount of copper production expected therefrom; the our ability to resolve concerns of Indigenous Peoples and problems; regulatory action; environmental compliance
statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties timing for operation and expectations for performance of local communities; the implementation of additional challenges; changes in laws and governmental regulations;
and other factors that may cause actual results or events the new KIVCET dryer at our Trail Operations; expectations training with respect to health and safety, cultural costs of compliance with environmental and other laws
to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward- regarding the benefits of our agreement with Oldendorff awareness, equity, diversity and inclusion and other and regulation; risks relating to the development and use
looking statements. These statements speak only as of the for energy-efficient bulk carriers and with Caterpillar matters; our ability to advance reconciliation with of new technology or lack of appropriate technologies
date of this report. for zero-emissions haul trucks; the use of blockchain Indigenous Peoples; and our ability to ensure responsible needed to advance our goals; natural disasters and
Forward-looking statements in this report include, but are technology to trace our supply chain; our ability to manage use of our products. adverse weather conditions; changes in commodity prices;
not limited to, statements relating to: our sustainability our tailings facilities in a safe and environmentally The forward-looking statements in this report are based on operations in foreign countries; general business and
strategy; our short-term and long-term sustainability goals, responsible way; the expectation that all of our active a number of estimates, projections, beliefs and economic conditions; and the future operation and
including, but not limited to, our water policy goals, our tailings management facilities will be operated in assumptions that the management team believed to be financial performance of the company generally.
carbon intensity and carbon neutrality goals, our goal of conformance with the Global Industry Standard on Tailings reasonable as of the date of this report, though inherently We caution you that the foregoing list of important factors
achieving 100% clean electricity in Chile by 2030, and our Management by August 2023; expectations regarding the uncertain and difficult to predict, including, but not limited and assumptions is not exhaustive. Other events or
goal to become a nature positive company by 2030, and benefits of technology and innovation, including, but not to, expectations and assumptions concerning: the circumstances could cause our actual results to differ
our expectations as to how and when we will meet those limited to, technology and innovation related to water development, performance and effectiveness of technology materially from those estimated or projected and
goals, including, but not limited to, most statements under treatment in the Elk Valley, technology and innovation needed to achieve our sustainability goals and priorities; expressed in, or implied by, our forward-looking
the sections “Teck’s Roadmap to Net-Zero” and “Teck’s related to health and safety, including real-time particulate the availability of clean energy sources and zero-emissions statements. You should also carefully consider the matters
Nature Positive Goal”; our strategic priorities and related monitoring and proximity detection, technology and alternatives for transportation on reasonable terms; our discussed under “Risk Factors” in Teck’s Annual Information
goals, targets, commitments and plans, and our innovation relating to tailings, including, but not limited to, ability to implement new source control or mine design Form and its management’s discussion and analysis and
expectations regarding those goals, targets, commitments projects related to dewatering and co-mingling, the use of strategies on commercially reasonable terms without other documents available at www.sedar.com and in public
and plans; the estimated timing and spending to achieve additives, and the development of a digital tailings impacting production objectives; our ability to successfully filings with the United States Securities and Exchange
our goals; pilot projects related to Carbon Capture management system; our ambition to work towards implement our technology and innovation strategy; our Commission at www.sec.gov. The forward-looking
Utilization and Storage at Trail Operations, electric disposing zero industrial waste by 2040; our goal to ability to attract and retain skilled employees; costs of statements speak only as of the date of this report. Teck
transport trucks for hauling concentrate at HVC develop and implement a responsible product program; closure; environmental compliance costs generally; and does not assume the obligation to revise or update these
Operations, and a biogenic refinery at Red Dog Operations; our expectation of conducting human rights risk assumptions regarding the development of our business forward-looking statements after the date of this
our commitment to work with our customers and assessments at all operations through 2024; our intention generally. Assumptions regarding water quality document or to revise them to reflect the occurrence of
transportation providers to reduce downstream emissions; to apply for Copper Mark certification at Carmen de management in the Elk Valley include assumptions that future unanticipated events, except as may be required
our agreement to source 100% renewable energy for Andacollo Operations and Quebrada Blanca Operations in additional treatment will be effective at scale, that the under applicable securities laws.
Quebrada Balance Operations by 2025; expectations 2023; our goal of eliminating fatalities, serious injuries and technology and facilities operate as expected and that
required permits will be obtained.