Beta Oxidation of Fatty Acid 31-01-2022

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Metabolism of carbohydrates,lipids &

Nucleic acid &

Beta oxidation of fatty acid

Department of soil science & Agril.Chemistry
Ratnai college of Agriculture,Akluj

Topic : Lipid metabolism - Beta oxidation of fatty


Lipid metabolism is summarized below:

Lipids = Glycerol + fatty acid

Syntheiss of lipids
I.Fatty acids
3.Condensation of acids & glycerol

Catabolism of lipids
a1atoo ism UJegins with hydrolysis offats into g1,,cerol &
arh'l[v mcids bv the enzvn1e liftlas~
The glycerol produced is converted into carbohydrates.
A.Hydrolysis offat : Fat is hydrolysed by the enzyme li11ase
to J)roduce glycerol & fatty acids.
B.Fatty acids:
i.Oxidations via oxaloacetic acid enters in ki"'ebs cycle.
ii. Oxidation at beta carbon atom converted to acetic acid
via.krebd cycle to CO2 & water.
Beta oxidation of fatty acid
Beta oxidation of fatty acid is the break down of a fatty acid to

Beta oxidation may be defined as the oxidation of fatty acid on

the beta carbon atom.

• This results in the sequential removal of a two carbon fragments,acetyl CoA.

• This occurs in mitochondria & process is strictly aerobic.

• After production Acetyl-CoA is fed directly into the krebs cycle.

Beta oxidation of fatty aci d
The degradation of fatty acid pro cee ds
step wise by series of reactions wh ich
remove 2 carbon ato ms at a tim e fro m the
carboxyl end of the carbon chain. Th is
catabolic sch em e or me cha nis m is kno wn
as Beta oxidation wh ich wa s pro pos ed by
Knoop in 1905.
This process tak es place in 5 ste ps und er
control of different enzymes.
Explain sequence of reaction In Beta Oxidation
Steps in Beta-oxidation of fatty acids

1) Activation of fatty acids

2) Formation of unsaturated acyl-CoA

3) ormation of Beta hydroxy Acyl CoA

4) Formation of Beta-keto acyl CoA

5) Thiolytlc cleavage of Acyl CoA

Acyl CoA enter in citric acid cycle and oxidised to CO2
and H20 and produce ATP molecules.
Beta oxidation of fatty acid
I.Activation offatty acids by the formation of a
corresponding fatty acid -CoA ester:ATP is required as the
sourse of energy.The products are fatty acid-CoA ester,ATP
& inorganic phosphate.The thiokinase catalyse the
formation offatty acid -CoA,a coenzyme derivative offatty

2. Dehydrogenation offatty acid CoA ester to form the alfa-

beta-unsaturated acyl-CoA.
The enzyme involved in this reaction contain FAD & Cu OR
Fe. Acyl dehydrogenase coupled with a flavin coenzyme
results in oxidation of acyl CoA & going together reduction
of flavin ie.FAD to FADH2.The reduced FADH2 can be
reoxidized resulting in 2ATP.
3.Hydration of the alfa-beta-unsaturated acyl CoA to form
beta hydroxyl CoA: Enol-CoA hydrase catalysed the i
addition of wateri o the alpha & beta unsaturated acid

4. Dehydrogenation of the B-hydroxyl-acyl-CoA to for1n B-

keto-fatty acyl.CoA:
NAD is the hydrogen acceptor. Oxidation of B-
hydroxyl group to B-ketone is catalysed by the enzyme B-
hydroxy acyl dehydrogenase.

5. Thilytic clevage of acyl-CoA:

Thiolytic clevage of the Beta-Keto-acyl CoA to yield
acetyl CoA & fatty acyl CoA having newer carbon atom.B-
keto-fatty acyl CoA molecule split up into fatty acyl Co A &
Acetyl CoA with the hel11 of enzyme B-keto-acyl thiolase.
Energy from oxidation of fatty acid.
Ex - palmitic acid (16 carbon) yield 8
molecules of acetate and run through the Beta
oxidation cycle 7 times.
Oxidation of a carbon (one cycle) yield 5 ATP
(7 x 5 = 35 ATP)
8 molecules of acetate where oxidized in TCA
will produce (8 x 12 = 96).
Total ATP= 35 + 96 = 131.
Loss of 2 energy rich phosphate at activation
step hence 131-2 = 129 ATP net gained .
LE~~°'N P ~ l\r 2H-29
Topic : Biosynthesis - Carbohydrates, Lipids, proteins and
nucleic acids.

i) Carbohydrates : Pathways of glycogen and glucose synthesis

ro .. , . ·- , "'ClJ' bohydrate source i.e. glycogenesis and

ii) Biosynthesis of lipid (3 steps) :

1) Synthesis of fatty acid
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3) Condensation of fatty acids and glycerol
Steps in synthesis of lipids
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ii) Structure and organisation of fatty acid synthestase
iii) Regulation of fatty acid synthesis.
iv) Hormonal regulation of triacyl glycerol
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Topic : Protein metabolism - General reactions of
metabolism of amino acids. Transmination,
deamination, decarboxylation, biosynthesis of

General reactions of metabolism of amino acids.

1) Transamination - Enzymatic transfer of an amino

group from an a amino acid to an (a) Keto amino acid.

2) Deamination - The enzy111atic ren1oval of anuno groups

fro111 bion1olecules such as a111ino acids or nucleotides.

3) Decarboxylation - Ren1oval of CO 2 fron1 the carboxylic

group and convert the anlino acid to its corresponding aniines.
Topic : Integration of carbohydrate, protein
and lipid metabolism.
The metabolic process involving carbohydrate,
protein and lipid can be divided in to three
1st stage - Stage of hydrolysis to simple units.
2 nd stage - Preparatory stage
3rd stage - Oxidative stage, citric acid cycle or
the aerobic final pathway of metabolism
Give integration of metabolism of carbohydrates
protein and lipids (Book A text Book of
Biochemistry by AVSS Rama Rao)

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