Clark SM 619 Service Manual

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Clark Sm 619 Service Manual

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SM 619
Jan 1998


Copyrighted Material
Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Arrangement and Use of This Manual

Clark arranges parts and service procedures The Group number sometimes has a letter or
by standardized Groups. In this manual, letters added to it in parentheses if one or more
Groups are similar to “chapters.” Groups are variations of the Group exist. For example, if
listed on the “Contents” page. the truck has a standard transaxle, Group 06
Each Group begins with a table of contents is expressed as “06(S);” if the truck has a hy-
that shows the Sections contained within the drostatic transmission, Group 06 is expressed
Group. Lengthy Sections also begin with a as “06(H).”
table of contents. You can quickly locate a specific point in the
Each Group and Section has an identifying manual by using the headers and footers that
name and number, or “ID.” appear on every Section page. The following
Each page also has a unique ID. The page ID illustration points out these areas..
consists of three numbers separated by hy-
IL -,
phens. The three numbers represent the Group ID
Group number, the Section number, and the
page number. For Example, “00-1-2” on the
lower corner of the page indicates Group 00,
Section 1, Page 2.
h Page ID
Page IDA

Section ID Manual ID Section ID

This manual is intended for the use of
trained service personnel. Please read
Group SA, “Safe Maintenance” and the
Operator’s Manual before working on or
operating the truck.

Copyrighted Material SM 619, Jan ‘98

Copyright Clark Material Handling 1998
Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
ClRRU Foreword

This service publication provides information covering Procedures have been made easier to use by provid-
normal service, maintenance and repair of the Clark ing specific steps only when necessary and general
industrial lift trucks noted on the cover. It has been instructions required to explain the activity, compo-
specifically prepared to help owners and service per- nent, assembly, or process being worked on. The
sonnel maintain these trucks in efficient and safe technician is expected to include obvious additional
operating condition. steps of standard procedure for removal, disassem-
bly, cleaning, inspection, reassembly, installation, etc.,
This manual is intended for use by persons who are
as needed.
trained and authorized to do lift truck maintenance. It
is designed to provide essential information about the To be better prepared to do the necessary service
correct and safe service maintenance and repair of work, take time to completely read the entire proce-
the truck by trained mechanics or sewice technicians. dure, including any special instructions, before start-
ing any work.
General and detailed service and repair proce-
dures are outlined (as required) for each component Before beginning to work, the technician is cau-
or subsystem. Some procedures include explanations tioned and expected to:
that are common to several components or sub- l Do all necessary service work.
systems. Not every configuration can be pictured.
l Take time to read entire procedures, including
Only “base” module and original designs are
any special instructions.
l Contact Clark dealer or, Clark with any questions
or procedures not addressed in this manual.

The descriptions and specifications included in this manual were in effect at the time of
printing. Clark reserves the right to discontinue models at any time, or make improvements
and changes in specifications or design without notice and without incurring obligation.
Specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations and other items
may change at any time. Contact your authorized CLARK dealer for information on possible
updates or revisions.

SM 619, Jan ‘98 Copyrighted Material Foreword l i

Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute






PM Planned Maintenance Program PM-l

00 4G32 Engine - 1.6 Liter 00-l -1
00 4652 Engine - 2.0 Liter 00-2-l
00 4663 Engine - 2.0 Liter 00-3-l
01 Cooling System - Troubleshooting 01-1-l
01 Cooling System 01-2-l
02 Fuel System - Gas 02-l -1
02 Fuel System - LPG 02-2-l
06 Transaxle (Transmission) 06-l -1
11 Electrical - Distributor 11-1-l
12 Electrical - Alternator 12-1-1
12 Electrical - Starter 12-2-l
22 Wheels and Tires - Cushion 22-l -1
22 Wheels and Tires - Pneumatic 22-2-l
23 Hydraulic Brakes & Inching 23-l -1
25 Steering Gear 25-1-l
26 Power Steering System - Steer Axle 26-l -1
29 Hydraulic System, Main Pump 29-l -1
30 Main Hydraulic Valve 30-l -1
32 Tilt Cylinder 32-l -1
34 Upright 34-l -1
38 Counterweight 38-l -1
38 Machine Jacking & Blocking 38-2-l
40 Truck Data Plate and Decals 40-l -1
40 Specifications 40-2-l
40 Hydraulic and Electrical Diagrams 40-3-l

Index - Provides help for locating information about various topics.

SM 619, Jan ‘98 Copyrighted Material Contents-l

Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
ClflRK Group SA



Safety .................................................................... Section 1

Lifting, Jacking, and Blocking ............................ Section 2

Towing ................................................................... Section 3

SM 619, Jan ‘98 Copyrighted Material Safe Maintenance

Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Group SA, Safe Maintenance

Section 1


Safety Signs and Messages .......................................................................... 2

Safe Maintenance Practices .......................................................................... 2

General Shop Precautions ....................................................................... 4


This section includes information for both Internal Combustion and Electric
Powered Forklift Trucks

SM 619, Jan ‘98 Copyrighted Material Safety l SA-l-l

Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Group SA, Safe Maintenance

Safety Signs and Messages Safe Maintenance Practices

Safety signs and messages in this manual and on the The following instructions have been prepared from
lift truck provide instructions and identify specific ar- current industry and government safety standards ap-
eas where potential hazards exist and special precau- plicable to industry truck operation and maintenance.
tions should be taken. Be sure you know and These recommended procedures specify conditions,
understand the meaning of these instructions, signs, methods, and accepted practices that aid in the safe
and messages. Damage to the truck and death or maintenance of industrial trucks. They are listed here
serious injury to you or other persons may result if for the reference and safety of all workers during
these messages are not followed. maintenance operations. Carefully read and under-
stand these instructions and the specific mainte-
nance procedure before attempting to do any repair
NOTE work.
This message is used when When in doubt of any maintenance orocedure. please
special information is required
Contact vour local Clark dealer.
relating to procedures,
equipment, tools, pressures,
1. Powered industrialtruckscan become hazardous
capacities, and other special
if maintenance is neglected. Therefore, suitable
maintenance facilities, trained personnel, and
procedures must be provided.

IMPORTANT 2. Maintenance and inspection of all powered indus-

This message is used when special trial trucks shall be done in conformance with the
precautions should be taken to ensure manufacturer’s recommendations.
a correct action or to avoid damage to, 3. A scheduled planned maintenance, lubrication,
or malfunction of, the truck or a and inspection program shall be followed.
4. Only trained and authorized personnel shall be
permitted to maintain, repair, adjust, and inspect
A CAUTION industrial trucks. Work should be performed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifica-
This message is used as a reminder of
safety hazards that can result in
personal injury if proper precautions 5. Properly ventilate work area, vent exhaust fumes,
are not taken. and keep shop clean and floor dry.

6. Avoid fire hazards and have fire protection equip-

ment present in the work area. Do not use an open
WARNING flame to checkfor level or leakage of fuel, electro-
This message is used when a hazard lyte, or coolant. Do not use open pans of fuel or
exists that can result in injury or death flammable cleaning fluids for cleaning parts.
if proper precautions are not taken.
7. Before starting work on truck:
a. Wear eye protection and remove all jewelry.

b. Raise drive wheels off of floor or disconnect
power source. Use blocks or other positive
This message Is used when an extreme truck positioning devices.
hazard exists that can result in injury or
death or serious injury if proper c. Disconnect battery before working on the
precautions are not taken. electrical system.

8. Before working on engine fuel system of gasoline

The above terms have been adopted by Clark Mate-
or diesel-powered trucks, be sure the fuel shut-off
rial Handling Company. The same terms may be used
valve is closed.
in different context in service literature supplied di-
rectly or indirectly by vendors or truck components. 9. Operation of the truck to check performance must
be conducted in an authorized, safe, clear area.

SA-1-2 l Safety Copyrighted Material SM 619, Jan ‘98

Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Group SA, Safe Maintenance

10. Before starting to drive truck: 19. Modifications and additions that affect capacity
a. Be in operating position in the operator’s and safe truck operation must not be done without
compartment the manufacturer’s prior written approval. Capac-
ity, operation and maintenance instruction plates,
b. Put direction control in neutral.
tags, or decals must be changed accordingly.
c. Turn key switch ON. This is an OSHA requirement.
d. Be sure parking brake is engaged.
20. Care must be taken to assure that all replacement
e. Check functioning of direction and speed parts, including tires, are interchangeable with
controls, steering, brakes, warning devices, the original parts and of a quality at least equal to
and any load handling attachments. that provided in the original equipment. Parts,
11. Before leaving truck: including tires, are to be installed per the
manufacture’s procedures. Always use genuine
a. Stop truck.
CLARK or CLARK approved parts.
b. Put directional control in neutral.
21. Use special care when removing heavy compo-
c. Apply the parking brake.
nents from the truck, such as counterweight, seat
d. Turn key switch OFF. deck, upright, etc. Be sure that lifting and handling
e. Put blocks at the wheels if truck is on an equipment is of the correct capacity and in good
incline. condition. Also, this removal may upset stability of
the truck. Theframe must always be safely blocked
12. Brakes, steering mechanisms, control mecha-
for major component removal.
nisms, warning devices, lights, governors, guards,
safety devices, and frame members must be
carefully and regularly inspected and maintained NOTE
in a safe operating condition. Become familiar with additional
operating and maintenance
13. Special trucks or devices designed and approved
safety instructions contained in
for hazardous area operation must receive spe-
the following publications:
cial attention to ensure that maintenance pre-
serves the original, approved, safe-operating fea- ANSI ASME 856.1 -Safety Standard for Low Lift and
tures. High Lift Trucks. Published by: American Society of
Fuel systems must be checked for leaks and Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center,
condition of parts. Extra special consideration 345 E. 47th Street, New York, NY 10017.
must be given in the case of a leak in the fuel NFPA 505 Powered Industrial Trucks. Including Type,
system. Action must be taken to prevent the use Areas of Use, Maintenance and Operation. Available
of the truck until the leak has been corrected. from: National Fire Protection Assoc., Inc.,
Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
15. The truck manufacturer’scapacity, operation, and
maintenance instruction plates, tags, or decals General Industrial Standards, OSHA 2206: OSHA
must be maintained in legible condition. Safety and Health Standards (29 CFR 1910), Subpart
N-Materials Handling and Storage, Section 1910.178
16. Batteries, motors, controllers, limit switches, pro-
Powered Industrial Trucks. For sale by: Superinten-
tective devices, electrical conductors, and con-
dent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
nections must be inspected and maintained in
Washington, DC 20402.
conformance with good practices. Special atten-
tion must be paid to the condition of electrical

17. To avoid injury to personnel or damage to the

equipment, consult the manufacturer’s proce-
dures in replacing contacts on any battery con-

18. Industrial trucks must be kept in a clean condition

to minimize fire hazards and help in the detection
of loose or defective parts.

SM 619, Jan ‘98 Copyrighted Material Safety l SA-1-3

Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Group SA, Safe Maintenance

General Shop Precautions ACAUTION

The following list contains general precautions that
should be followed when working on a lift truck. Do not steam-clean a solid state
controlled truck. Excessive moisture
. Always wear safety glasses for eye protection. will interfere with proper operation of
. Remove rings, watches, loose jewelry and open the solid state components.
clothing before working on a vehicle to avoid
Solid state controls should be cleaned at regular inter-
serious injury.
vals. Blowing dirt off with an air (207 kPa [30 psi]
. Do not smoke while working on a vehicle. max.) hose periodically will, for the most part, elimi-
. Put power key switch in the OFF position, unless nate any serious cleaning problems. For a more thor-
otherwise required by the procedure. ough cleaning, water may be hosed over the control.
. Set the parking brake. Place chocks to the front A mild detergent may be applied, such as that used
for washing dishes. The detergent should be rinsed
and rear surfaces of the tires to provide further
restraint from inadvertent vehicle movement. off, and the controls must be thoroughly air-dried
before putting truck into service.
. Use safety stands or blocks whenever a proce-
dure requires you to be under the vehicle. Periodic cleaning should preclude the need for using
. Service electric truck batteries in a well-venti- a degreaser. However, if a degreaser is used, we
recommend Clark #1801146 Degreaser, or the equiva-
lated area to avoid the danger of lighting explo-
lent to MS-180 Freon TF Degreaser and Cleaner.
sive gases.
Only approved solvents should be used to clean solid
. Follow the Safety Instructions outlined in Group state control components.
12, Battery Handling.
. Always discharge the capacitors prior to working
on or around electrical components. A CAUTION
. Avoid contact with battery acid. The battery con- CHECK POLARITY
tains corrosive acid which can cause injury. Fol- Battery polarity must be correct or the
low the instructions outlined in Group 12 and truck will not operate.
those instructions received with your battery and
charger. A
Cautions Do not use a motor generator unit such
The following is a list of “CAUTIONS” connected with as “ready power” or a battery charger
the operation and maintenance of trucks equipped to move and/or check this truck as
with solid state control panels. serious damage may occur.

WELDING ON TRUCKS Read and understand ail Safety
Precautions and Warnings before
1. Make sure the truck has no grounds. performing repairs on lift trucks.
2. Disconnect truck battery.
Appropriate service methods and proper repair proce-
3. Protect electrical wiring and com-
dures are essential to the safe, reliable operation of
ponents from weld spatter with a
industrial trucks, as well as the personal safety of the
individual doing the work. This Service Manual pro-
4. Ventilate battery or remove battery vides general directions for accomplishing service and
from truck. repair work with tested, effective techniques. Follow-
if the above is not followed, dam- ing them will help assure successful repair and reli-
age can result to wiring and eiectri- able truck operation.
cai components on a solid state
control truck.

SA-1-4 9 Safety Copyrighted Material SM 619, Jan ‘98

Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Group SA, Safe Maintenance

There are numerous variations in procedures, tech- Improper or careless techniques cause accidents. Don’t
niques, tools and parts used for servicing industrial take chances with incorrect or damaged equipment.
trucks, as well as in the skill of the person doing the Read and understand the procedures for safe opera-
work. tion and maintenance outlined in this manual.

This manual cannot possibly anticipate all such varia- Drive and work safely. Follow the safety signs and
tions and provide advice or precautions as to each. their messages displayed in the work area, on the
Accordingly, anyone departing from the instructions truck, and in this manual.
provided in this manual, through procedures used or
choice of tools, materials, and parts may jeopardize
his or her personal safety and the safety of the vehicle

SM 619, Jan ‘98 Copyrighted Material Safety . SA-l-5

Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Group SA, Safe Maintenance

Section 2

Lifting, Jacking, and Blocking

Raising Drive Wheels ..................................................................................... 2

Chaining the Upright in Raised Position .................................................... .3

Raising Rear of Truck .................................................................................... 3

Raising Entire Truck ..................................................................................... .4

Shipping Tie-Down Instructions .................................................................. .5

Lifting or jacking any large piece of equipment such as a fork truck presents obvious
hazards. It must be done with great care and forethought. Consult the truck weight
information in Group 40, Specifications, to ensure that your lifting equipment is of adequate

SM 619, Jan ‘98 Copyrighted Material Lifting, Jacking, and Blocking 9 SA-2-1
Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Group SA, Safe Maintenance

To perform these service procedures, 5. Block the truck under the frame behind the drive
first: wheels with solid blocking.
l Park truck on a level surface. 6. Turn key switch OFF.
l Put the upright in a vertical position
7. Check for safe clearance between drive wheels,
and lower the carriage fully down.
block and floor.
l Return control handle to neutral and
turn key switch OFF. 8. Check the stability of the truck. Be sure that the
blocks are located securely under the frame be-

foreoperating thedrivemotororworkingontruck.
9. Lower the drive wheels to the floor by reversing
Defective equipment can cause
accidents: Ail tools and lifting this procedure.
equipment must be in good condition, l Turn key switch ON.
meet the load capacity requirements l Tilt upright fully back.
and have OSHA labels when required.
Tools with defects can fail, causing l Turn key switch OFF.
severe injury or death. 10. Remove the blocks from under the frame and
upright rails.
Raising Drive Wheels
This procedure uses the upright as a lever to lift the
drive wheels off the floor and prevent accidents due to
inadvertent powering of the drive wheels.
1. Park the truck safely.
2. Turn key switch ON. Tilt the upright fully back.
3. Put a solid 100 x 100 mm (4 x 4 inch) hardwood
block under the front section of each upright rail.
Put a
3-6 mm (0.125-0.250 inch) steel plate on top of
each block.
4. Tilt the upright fully forward. This will raise the
drive wheels off the floor.


SA-2-2 l Lifting, Jacking, and Blocking Copyrighted Material SM 619, Jan ‘98
Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Group SA, Safe Maintenance

Chaining the Upright in Raised Position Raising Rear of Truck

This procedure is used to safely provide clearance for The truck may be raised at the rear by jacking and
access from the front of truck to components on or blocking under the center of the frame member at
near the drive axle. either the front or rear steer axle mounting, or under
the center section of the steer axle.
1. Park truck safely.
Refer to truck data plate for truck weights.
2. Put blocks at front of and rear of drive wheels.

3. Raise upright carriage.
4. Chain the center inner rail tie bar to the top outer
An incorrectly installed counterweight
rail tie bar as shown.
can move or fall unexpectedly. NEVER
COUNTERWEIGHT.Failure to follow
procedures outlined in this manual can
result in injury or death.

1. Park truck safely.

2. Put blocks at front and rear of drive wheels.

If possible, remove the battery from
truck to reduce weight for added safety
and ease of jacking.

3. Put a floor jack under the steer axle mounting

Triple Stage Uprights: Chain the center inter- frame member, centered betweenthetwowheels.
mediate rail tie bar and the lower inner rail tie
bar to the top outer rail tie bar.
Never lift the truck by the counterweight.


If there is insufficient clearance
5. Reverse the procedure to remove the chains. under frame for your jack, the
truck may first be driven onto

shims, such as 25 x 150 x 300
mm (1 x 6 x 12 in.) pieces of
Keep hands, tools, etc. out of upright. board, to increase the truck
frame underclearance.

SM 619, Jan ‘98 Copyrighted Material Lifting, Jacking, and Blocking . SA-2-3
Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Group SA, Safe Maintenance

4. Raise the truck only as high as necessary to Raising Entire Truck

perform the maintenance work.
Refer to truck data plate for truck weights.
5. Put blocks at both sides of the truck, fully under
the frame main side structure. Put the blocks in 1. Park truck safely. Lower upright fully.
front of but close to the counterweight and steer 2. If necessary, drive truck onto boards to increase
wheels for best truck stability. underclearance.

side of truck, be sure uprlg ht Is lowered
fully. Do not raise one side of the truck
more than about 50 mm (2 In.) higher
than the other, to avoid tipping truck
over laterally.

END-TO-END TIPOVER. If the upright

and drive axle are removed while the
truck is blocked up, the truck will tip
GENERIC ILLUSTRATION backward due to the heavy
counterweight. Upright and
counterweight must both be removed
Put an equal number of blocks under each side
before attempting to raise the truck for
of the truck to provide a level working position.
drive axle removal. The back of the
6. Lower the truck onto the blocks and remove the truck must be supported by blocking
jack. under the steer axle to prevent

A CAUTION If the countenvelght Is removed while

Before performing any maintenance the truck is up on blocks, the weight of
work, check the truck for stable the upright and drive axle will cause
condition on the blocking by the truck to fall forward.
determining that it will not rock on
blocks. 3. Put the jack under side frame, near the center of
the truck.
7. When maintenance work is completed, lower the
rear of truck to the floor by reversing the above
procedure and lowering each side of the truck 50 IMPORTANT
mm (2 in.) at a time: Be sure to put the jack squarely and
fully under the main side structure of
l Put jack under frame and raise truck.
the frame.
l Carefully remove blocks and lower truck.
l Remove jack and blocks from drive wheels. 4. Carefully raise the truck one side at a time, only as
high as necessary to do the maintenance work,
and not more than 150 mm (6 in.) total.

W-2-4 9 Lifting, Jacking, and Blocking Copyrighted Material SM 619, Jan ‘98
Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Group SA, Safe Maintenance

5. Put blocks under the side frame, at each side of Shipping Tie-Down Instructions
the jack. Spread the blocks close to the steer and
drive wheels for maximum stability. 1. Front of Truck

6. If using one jack, lower the truck onto the blocks a. With Upright and Carriage Installed
and move the jack to the opposite side. Repeat l Lower the carriage fully.
the lifting procedure.
l Put a tie-down (e.g., chain) between the car-
7. Put the same size blocks under each side of the riage fork bars.
truck so it will be leveled.


b. Without Upright and Carriage Installed
Before performing any maintenance
work, check the truck for stable l Put a chain across the truck floor plate. Pro-
condition on the blocking. tect truck from chain damage by using cov-
ered chain or protective material under the
chain at contact points.
8. When maintenance work is completed, lower the
entire truck to the floor by reversing this proce- 2. Rear of Truck
dure. Lower the truck one side at a time, while l Attach the tie-down to the toe-pin in bottom of
carefully removing the blocks. Be sure no tools or counterweight.
equipment are under the truck or wheels.

Depending on jack height, shims under
the tires may be needed for clearance
to allow removal of jack.

SM 619, Jan ‘98 Copyrighted Material Lifting, Jacking, and Blocking 9 SA-2-5
Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Grow SA, Safe Maintenance

Section 3


SM 619, Jan ‘98 Copyrighted Material Towing l SA-3-1

Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Grow SA, Safe Maintenance

If your truck is disabled but can be moved freely on its 4. Check that the counterweight bolts on both trucks
own wheels without further damage, use the following are in place and properly torqued to 340-380 Nmrn
procedures to tow the truck safely to a repair area. (250-280 ft-lb). These bolts are made of special,
high-tensile steel and are not commercially avail-

able. When necessary, replace these bolt only
WARNING with genuine Clark replacement parts.
For your safety and the care of your
5. Use an approved, solid metal tow bar with towing
truck, use the proper equipment and
couplers that connect to the towing pins in the
carefully follow these recommendations
counterweights of each truck.
for safe towing.
Do not tow a lift truck if there is a DOT-approved towing equip-
problem with the brakes or tires, or if ment is available from your Clark
the steering cannot be operated. dealer.

Do not tow up or down ramps or steep

6. Release the parking brake on the towed vehicle.
Place directional control lever in NEUTRAL.
Do not tow the disabled truck if traction 7. Tow the disabled truck backward. An operator
or weather conditions are poor. must be on the disabled truck.

1. Apply the parking brake or block the drive wheels

on the disabled truck while working around it.
The power steering will not operate on
2. When possible, raise the forks on the disabled the disabled truck when the power
truck 300 mm (12 in) from the floor or ground. steering motor Is not running. The
Secure the carriage on the upright with a chain. steering handwheel will be difficult to
3. Use a truck for towing that is of equal or larger
capacity than the disabled truck. Carry a partial
load on the towing truck for improved traction. 8. Tow the truck slowly. Careful towing is necessary
to prevent injury to personnel or damage to the
disabled truck. The truck should be towed at a
speed of less than 8 kph (5 mph, or a moderate
walking speed) with a driver in place and steering
the disabled truck

Direction of towing
for distances of
300 meters
(325 yards) or less.

Disabled truck with driver In place to steer. Tow truck moving at 8 kph (5 mph) or less.

SA-3-2 9 Towing Copyrighted Material SM 619, Jan ‘98

Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Group SA, Safe Maintenance

Do not lift the disabled truck or any
Always engage the parking brake when
wheels off the floor while the truck is parking a lift truck. The truck can roll
being towed. and cause injury or death to personnel
near it.
9. Park the disabled truck in authorized areas only.
Fully lower the forks to the floor. Leave the direc-
tional control in neutral. Turn the key switch to
OFF, and engage the parking brake. Remove the
key. Disconnect the battery. When necessary,
block the wheels to prevent the truck from rolling.

SM 619, Jan ‘98 Copyrighted Material Towing 9 SA-3-3

Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
Clark Sm 619 Service Manual
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Maintenance Schedules .................................................. Section 1

Planned Maintenance ..................................................... Section 2

The PM Inspection Form ............................................... Section 3

Copyrighted Material Periodic Service

SM 619, Jan ‘98 Intended for CLARK dealers only
Do not sell or distribute
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