SB Ribbon Analytics Application Portfolio
SB Ribbon Analytics Application Portfolio
SB Ribbon Analytics Application Portfolio
The Ribbon Analytics’ application portfolio delivers a 360° understanding of IP data and real-time communications (RTC) usage
enabling you to extract greater value for your end-users/employees, subscriber/customer relationships and networks while allowing
you to fully comply with privacy policies.
This suite of applications enable you to secure your RTC network, monetize subscriber data with third parties, understand trends in
RTC and IP data usage, enrich your CRM systems, identify network abuse, analyze pricing plans, enhance advertising offers, reduce
churn, forecast network usage growth, and much more.
The Ribbon Analytics application portfolio consists of Operations, Security and Monetization solutions that deliver numerous use
cases for services assurance, security and subscriber growth. Powered by big data analytics platform, and flexible next-generation
software probes, you can grow your investment with numerous out of the box applications to speed up deployments and provide a
significant return on investment.
Solution Brief
Ribbon Analytics: Application Portfolio
Ribbon Analytics “Operations” applications provide you with a comprehensive network view across multiple dimensions, including
network element, cell, and device. This solution helps network planning and engineering teams to understand network trends and
network operations to detect, troubleshoot, and verify fixes for network issues.
Operations applications provide you with detailed views of RTC networks, cell usage and congestion levels, devices, APNs, DNS
servers, as well as information about roaming subscribers, e.g., identifying which operator networks the subscriber traversed. The
Ribbon Analytics “Operations” applications include:
MOBILE CUSTOMER CARE-DATA USAGE - inspects each flow data for each subscriber in the network to provide the most
accurate analysis of speed, latency, packet error rate, and failures. The Customer Experience applications (Network Usage,
Network Performance and VoLTE/RCS) provide detailed information on every subscriber with context/session and sub-
context updates.
Subscriber information is captured continuously, stored historically and can be reported on with various filters depending
on care agent capabilities. Customer care agents can see the historical trends and real-time sessions of every customer
along with the user location (cell, network element etc.,), device, or service category (e.g. Voice, RCS, progressive Video,
Audio etc.,) and the quality associated with those dimensions.
MOBILE OPERATIONS ANALYTICS - represents an evolution of Service Assurance and Service Quality Management
(SQM) by providing synchronized, end-to-end analysis of network performance & the delivered mobile web and application
service quality. The Operations Analytics applications (Network Usage, Network Performance, VoLTE/RCS and Most
Probable Cause ) deliver the most relevant, intelligent and actionable analytics (KPIs/KQIs) and visualization (Reports/
Alerts) distilled from the subscriber, service and network information.
DISCOVER - enables troubleshooting and alerting capabilities based on KPIs and other metrics that cross thresholds in
real-time communications (RTC) networks. Network operators can quickly identify Quality of Experience (QoE) issues
surfaced by various dimensions, isolate and drilldown on RTC network problems and ensure quality for their customers.
Furthermore, Discover provides a comprehensive end-to-end SIP call ladder diagram to visualize and troubleshoot the flow
of SIP packets between different RTC network elements. Through a combination of filters, labels, ordering and narrowing-
down the traffic you’re interested in, you can generate an easy to follow view across disparate network elements that can
assist in debugging and traffic analysis.
PLANNER - helps service providers avoid guesswork, minimize total cost of ownership, and optimize service quality and
subscriber satisfaction. lets service providers create forecasts and run simulations to plan network capacity and man-
age network performance. The predictive analytics application uses machine learning (ML) to analyze historical data,
and anticipate future trends and requirements. Network planners, traffic engineering teams, and network operations
organizations use Planner to intelligently identify traffic patterns, size networks, plan system capacity, diagnose problems,
and strengthen security. Customizable dashboards let administrators easily visualize traffic and run on-demand or
scheduled “what-if” scenarios.
2 Solution Brief
Ribbon Analytics: Application Portfolio
To completely protect your real-time communications (RTC) network, a deep understanding of attack vectors targeting SIP is required.
Ribbon Communications, a leader in SIP security and session border controller technologies, has the expertise and applications
capable of identifying the specific threats such as fraud, telephony denial of service (T-DoS) attacks or data exfiltration techniques in
RTC networks.
The Ribbon Analytics “Security” applications will detect and alert you to malicious RTC traffic flows. In addition, automated threat
intelligence and security enforcement decisions can be shared across the network which reduces security management silos but
more importantly, creates an overarching security umbrella that greatly reduces the RTC threat landscape. The Ribbon Analytics
“Security” applications include:
FRAUDPROTECT – baselines your network calling patterns with behavioral analytics algorithms and seeks out repetitive
calling patterns to anomalous places, based on subscriber or target detectors. Those known fraudulent or suspicious calls
are flagged based on destination detection and other fraud scanning methods. As more fraudulent calls are made, they
are quickly identified and terminated, thus mitigating any expensive telecom charges. FraudProtect will feed originating
caller ID information for potential fraud to Ribbon Call Trust, our identity assurance solution.
TDOSPROTECT - uses advanced algorithms and techniques to detect and mitigate telephony denial of service attacks.
Advanced policies are applied at the edge of the network to siphon out these unwanted, disruptive calls from your
communications networks and applications.
ROBOPROTECT - uses advanced databases to quickly identify the source of the robocall and apply policies to the edge of
the network to stop these calls before they disrupt your employees or customers. RoboProtect is also a complimentary
and essential solution to many STIR-SHAKEN deployments. RoboProtect will feed originating caller ID information for
potential robocalls to Ribbon Call Trust, our identity assurance solution.
NETPROTECT - distributes threat intelligence policies across the communications network so you can close the network-
wide security aperture exposed by RTC traffic. Distributed security policies between your SBCs and next-gen firewalls
allows you to stop bad actors at the edge of the network. It also enables your organization to have a more effective and
holistic security methodology across the converged (data and RTC) network.
3 Solution Brief
Ribbon Analytics: Application Portfolio
Operators around the world looking to increase their revenues by monetizing their data assets face a great number of challenges
including which use cases and customers they should focus on for the highest return, how to comply with their customer privacy
policies, and how to create an entire new business sales and marketing channel.
The Ribbon Analytics “Monetization” applications enable you to monetize usage data and location information internally with your
marketing departments or with third parties, while fully complying with subscriber privacy policies. Ribbon Analytics uniquely goes
beyond traditional software based solutions and provides end-to-end marketing and sales services so operators can immediately
realize new revenues. The Ribbon Monetization applications include:
MARKETING ANALYTICS - providing aggregate web and application usage reporting to enable carrier marketing and
product teams to gain visibility into mobile network traffic composition and trends. Detailed metrics and select
drill-downs are provided across a range of dimensions such as web destination brands, applications, devices, networks,
gateway locations, carrier-provided subscriber demographics and the Ribbon content categorization application.
SUBSCRIBER PROFILE - provides session-level, daily or monthly subscriber level usage analytics to marketing, product
and pricing teams in order to view detailed subscriber usage and use the enriched Ribbon Analytics usage information to
externally model different behaviors, trends, usage distributions and pricing/usage plans.
CONTENT CATEGORIZATION – provides analysis of HTTP, HTTPS, and/or flow event records to enrich URL/domains/IP
addresses with Category/Sub-Category (e.g. iAB labeling) and publisher identifications via Ribbon Analytics catalogues
and patented “Dynamic Learning” technologies.
CDN/CLOUD PUBLISHER - provides analysis of HTTP, HTTPS, and/or flow event records to enrich CDN/Cloud identified
URL/domains/IP addresses with actual publisher/customer identification via Ribbon Analytics catalogues and patented
“Dynamic Learning” technologies.
ADID DISCOVERY - provides analysis of HTTP, HTTPS, and/or flow event records to enrich subscriber sessions with
associated Advertising Identifier (e.g. Apple IDFAs, Google ADID, etc) via Ribbon Analytics catalogues and patented
“Dynamic Learning” technologies.
4 Solution Brief
Ribbon Analytics: Application Portfolio
ADVERTISING - provides subscriber advertising attributes for either internal RIBBON ANALYTICS: DYNAMIC
advertising teams or external 3rd party ad network partners for use in media LEARNING
planning or ad targeting. Ribbon’s Privacy DialTM controls in the platform Dynamic Learning enables the
process an ingested opt-in list of subscribers that limits the output delivered underlying rich Ribbon Analytics
typically as a daily platform extract. catalogs to be continuously updated
to keep up with the ever-changing
Internet. Ribbon Analytics has a rich
CAMPAIGN - provides analytics tracking of campaign advertising or promotions
catalog of web sites, apps, locations,
that are launched for a limited period of time by either internal marketing teams
devices, services, IPs, and network
or external campaign sponsors or advertising partners. Detailed campaign
patterns, which enables Ribbon
metrics are generated from ingested HTTP usage logs that provides a campaign applications to classify more than 90%
summary over the duration of the campaign as well as device report breakouts of all data activity on mobile networks.
and a campaign audience analysis. Ribbon leverages sophisticated
machine learning algorithms to
DATA BROKERING - provides a means to enable carriers to operationalize the recognize new categories, and
exporting of aggregate or subscriber level HTTP analytics data to a number of 3rd segments.
parties in support of their data monetization strategies. Ribbon’s Privacy DialTM
controls in the platform process subscriber opt-in or opt-out rules as well as RIBBON ANALYTICS: PRIVACY DIAL™
filtering of the amount and frequency of analytics data provided to 3rd parties as Ribbon Analytics Privacy Dial™
provides a control layer that gives the
platform extracts according to defined business relationships with each 3rd party.
operator the ability to fully manage
their privacy policies including opt-
PUBLISHER - enables carriers to offer detailed web and application analytics to
outs, opt-ins, and access controls.
3rd party publishers to provide in-depth into the mobile usage for their brands.
These policies apply across capture,
Publishers are provided detailed metrics for aggregate mobile usage for their processing, and analytics layers,
brand and breakdowns across a range of dimensions such as different forms of a enabling the operators to enforce the
publisher’s content, device access, gateway locations, carrier-provided subscriber appropriate policy for every use case.
demographics and benchmarking of peer brands in similar content categories.
MVNO - provides aggregate web and application usage analytics reporting to AGGREGATION
enable carriers and their MVNO partners to gain visibility into mobile network Ribbon Analytics Lossless
traffic composition and trends. Carriers can view MVNO usage metrics across Aggregation provides a set of
their wholesale MVNO partners and provide a service to enable web portal algorithms that reduce, aggregate,
and compress usage data without
access for each of their MVNOs to view their own mobile usage.
sampling. This makes moving and
storing large volumes of information
fast, efficient, and cost effective
for network operations and IT, so
operators save on critical and
expensive bandwidth and storage.
Copyright ©️ 2023, Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc. (“Ribbon”). All Rights Reserved. v0223
5 Solution Brief