SANS 10400 XA 2021 (Ed. 2.00)

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ISBN 978-0-626-40354-6
SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2


The application of the National Building


Part X: Environmental sustainability

Part XA: Energy usage in buildings

This document references other
documents normatively.

Published by the South African Bureau of Standards

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

Table of changes
Change No. Date Scope

This South African standard was prepared by National Committee SABS/TC 060, Standards which
address the National Building Regulations (NBRS), in accordance with procedures of the
South African Bureau of Standards, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement.

This document was approved for publication in November 2021.

This document supersedes SANS 10400-XA:2011 (edition 1).

Compliance with the requirements of this document will be deemed to be compliance with the
requirements of part XA of the National Building Regulations, issued in terms of the National Building
Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977 (Act No. 103 of 1977).

Compliance with this document cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.

SANS 10400 consists of the following parts, under the general title The application of the National
Building Regulations:

Part A: General principles and requirements

Part B: Structural design.

Part C: Dimensions.

Part D: Public safety.

Part F: Site operations.

Part G: Excavations.

Part H: Foundations.

Part J: Floors.

Part K: Walls.

Part L: Roofs.

Part M: Stairways.

Part N: Glazing.

Part O: Lighting and ventilation.

Part P: Drainage.

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

Foreword (concluded)
Part Q: Non-water-borne means of sanitary disposal.

Part R: Stormwater disposal.

Part S: Facilities for persons with disabilities.

Part T: Fire protection.

Part V: Space heating.

Part W: Fire installation.

Part X: Environmental sustainability.

Part XA: Energy usage in buildings.

Annex B forms an integral part of this document. Annexes A, C, D, E and F are for information only.

This document should be read in conjunction with SANS 10400-A.

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2




1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 5

2 Normative references ............................................................................................................. 5

3 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................. 7

4 Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 10

5 Building envelope .................................................................................................................... 17

5.1 Orientation .................................................................................................................... 17
5.2 Shading ......................................................................................................................... 18
5.3 Fenestration .................................................................................................................. 20
5.4 Floors ............................................................................................................................ 24
5.5 External walls ................................................................................................................ 24
5.6 Roof assembly .............................................................................................................. 26
5.7 Building sealing ............................................................................................................. 29

6 Services .................................................................................................................................. 30
6.1 Hot water supply ........................................................................................................... 30
6.2 Lighting .......................................................................................................................... 33
6.3 Air conditioning.............................................................................................................. 34

Annex A (informative) South African Energy Trajectory .......................................................... 36

Annex B (normative) Modelling conditions .............................................................................. 37

Annex C (informative) List of cities and towns by energy zones ............................................... 41

Annex D (informative) Types of shading devices ..................................................................... 59

Annex E (informative) Whole glazing element performances values ....................................... 60

Annex F (informative) The installation of insulation in roof assemblies .................................... 61

Bibliography............................................................................................................................... 64

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2




XA1 XA1: In order to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases buildings, and extensions to buildings in
respect of which plans and specifications are to be drawn and submitted in terms of the Act, having A1, A2,
A3, A4, C1, C2, E1, E2, E3, E4, F1, F2, F3, G1, H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5 occupancies or building
classifications in accordance with regulation A20, excluding garage and storage areas contained within such
occupancies, shall be designed and constructed so that they

a) are capable of using energy efficiently while fulfilling user needs in relation to vertical transport, if any,
thermal comfort, lighting and hot water; or

b) have a building envelope and services which facilitate the efficient use of energy appropriate to their
function and use, internal environment and geographical location.

Equipment and plant required for conducting the business of the occupant shall be excluded from these

XA2 XA2: At least 50 % (volume fraction) of the annual average hot water heating requirement shall be provided
by means other than electrical resistance heating including but not limited to solar heating, heat pumps, heat
recovery from other systems or processes and renewable combustible fuel.

XA3 XA3: The requirements of sub-regulation XA1 shall be deemed to be satisfied when such building is
designed and constructed in accordance with the following requirements:

a) has an orientation, shading, services and building envelope in accordance with this part of SANS 10400;

b) is the subject of a rational design by a competent person, which demonstrates that the energy usage of
such building is equivalent to or better than that which would have been achieved by compliance with the
requirements of this part of SANS 10400,

c) has a theoretical energy usage performance, determined using certified thermal calculation software, less
than or equal to that of a reference building in accordance with SANS 10400-Part XA.

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

The application of the National Building Regulations

Part X:
Environmental sustainability

Part XA:
Energy usage in buildings

1 Scope
This part of SANS 10400 provides deemed-to-satisfy requirements for compliance with part XA
(Energy usage in buildings) of the National Building Regulations.

NOTE The prescribed energy efficiency performance levels according to the South African Energy Trajectory
of The National Energy Efficiency Strategy as published by the Department of Energy are given in annex A.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and
are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Information on currently valid national and international standards can be obtained from the
South African Bureau of Standards.

ANSI/NFRC 100, Procedure for determining fenestration product U-factors.

ANSI/NFRC 200, Procedure for determining fenestration product solar heat gain coefficient and visible
transmittance at normal incidence.

SANS 151, Fixed electric storage water heaters.

SANS 613, Fenestration products – Mechanical performance criteria.

SANS 1307, Domestic storage solar water heating systems.

SANS 1352, The installation, maintenance, replacement and repair of domestic air source water
heating heat pump systems.

SANS 1539, Appliances operating on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or natural gas (NG) – Safety

SANS 1687, Domestic air source water heating heat pump systems.

SANS 1808-24, Water supply and distribution system components – Part 24: Gas-operated water

SANS 5151, Non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps – Testing and rating for performance.

SANS 8301/ISO 8301, Thermal insulation – Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and
related properties – Heat flow meter apparatus.

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

SANS 10087-1, The handling, storage, distribution and maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas in
domestic, commercial, and industrial installations – Liquefied petroleum gas installations involving gas
storage containers of individual water capacity not exceeding 500 L and a combined water capacity
not exceeding 3 000 L per installation.

SANS 10106, The installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of domestic solar water heating

SANS 10252-1, Water supply and drainage for buildings – Part 1: Water supply installations for

SANS 10254, The installation, maintenance, replacement and repair of fixed electric storage water
heating systems.

SANS 10400-O, The application of the National Building Regulations – Part O – Lighting and

SANS 13253/ISO 13253, Ducted air-conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps – Testing and rating for

SANS 54511-2/EN 14511-2, Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically
driven compressors for space heating and cooling – Part 2: Test conditions.

SANS 54511-3/EN 14511-3, Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically
driven compressors for space heating and cooling – Part 3: Test methods.

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the definitions given in Regulation AZ2 of The National Building
Regulations (some of which are repeated for convenience) and the following apply.

building envelope
elements of a building that separate the outside environment from internal spaces where these
internal spaces are required to have a controlled internal environment for thermal comfort

NOTE It excludes internal spaces such as garages, storerooms, and enclosed verandas only where these
areas have suitably performing separating walls, floors roofs and ceilings and their components such as
windows, doors and roof lights meet external performance requirements for energy efficiency

category 1 building
building which

a) is designated as being of class A3, A4, F2, G1, H2, H3, or H4 occupancy in terms of Regulation

b) has no basements,

c) has a maximum length of 6,0 m between intersecting walls or members providing lateral support,

d) has a floor area that does not exceed 80 m2

certified thermal calculation software
software that is certified by the Board of Agrément South Africa, in terms of Agrément South Africa’s
Energy Software Protocols, as being fit for thermal modelling or calculation purposes in terms of the
National Building Regulations

NOTE Board of Agrément South Africa is the body that operates under the delegation of authority of the Minister
of Public Works.

competent person
person who is qualified by their education, training, experience, and contextual knowledge to make a
determination regarding the performance of a building or part thereof in relation to a functional
regulation or to undertake such duties as may be assigned to them in terms of the National Building

time constant (hours) of a composite element, such as a wall, and being the arithmetical product of
total C-value and the total R-value

deemed-to-satisfy requirement
non-mandatory requirement, the compliance with which ensures compliance with a functional

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Edition 2

glazed or un-glazed, framed, or frameless hinged, pivoting, revolving, roll-up, retracting, sliding,
stacking or tilting barrier at the entrance, exit, side of a building or fire escape forming part of a building

energy efficiency ratio
ratio of output heating energy to input electrical energy of a water heating device

electrical resistance heating
electric current derived from the national electrical supply grid passed through a conductor to produce

control devices and components of systems other than appliances which are not permanently
installed and integrated for the express purpose of providing control of environmental conditions for
the building

glazed opening in a building envelope, including windows, doors, and roof lights

fenestration area
area that includes glazing and framing elements that are fixed or movable, opaque, translucent, or

functional regulation
regulation that sets out in qualitative terms what is required of a building or building element or building
component in respect of a characteristic, without specifying the method of construction, dimensions,
or materials to be used

nett floor area
floor area within the building envelope, including the area occupied by vertical elements such as
internal walls as well as lift wells, enclosed stairs, and storage areas and rooms

direction that a building envelope element faces, i.e. the direction of a vector perpendicular to and
pointing away from the surface outside of the element

reference building
hypothetical building that has the same building envelope dimensions, internal layout, functionality,
external arrangements and orientation as the proposed building with the deemed-to-satisfy provisions
applied and is used to determine the maximum allowable energy usage per annum and average
demand for the proposed building

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

roof assembly
building cover and its supporting structure, including any ceiling attached to such structure and any
additional components such as insulation

roof covering
covering of the upper exterior surface of a building or shelter which provides protection against
weather, notably rain or snow, and heat, wind and sunlight

roof light
opaque, translucent, or transparent element in a roof which is within 0 °and 70 ° of the horizontal

thermal resistance (m².K/W) of a component

NOTE This is the inverse of the time rate of heat flow through a body from one of its bounding surfaces to the
other surface for a unit temperature difference between the two surfaces, under steady state conditions, per unit

minimizing or excluding solar energy from reaching fenestration

solar heat gain coefficient
unitless quantity depicting the ratio of the solar heat gain entering the space through the fenestration
area to the incident solar radiation

spacer system
series of brackets and sub-purlins, or a halter for standing seam profile, that provide

a) a cavity between the underside of the cladding and top of purlins to accommodate the required
thickness of flexible bulk insulation without compression,

b) a platform for the mechanical anchoring of the cladding to the supporting structure,

c) transfer of imposed loads on the cladding to the supporting structure without excessive
deformation whilst retaining stability, and

d) minimal thermal bridging

surface density
area density (also known as a real density, superficial density, areic density, mass thickness, column
density, or density thickness) of a two-dimensional object calculated as the mass per unit area

NOTE For a walling system, the area density is the total mass per square meter of a walling system.

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Edition 2

total R-value
sum of the R-values of the individual component layers in a composite element, including the air
space and associated surface thermal resistances, measured in m².K/W. R-values

NOTE The R-values of the individual component layers are in accordance with the constants and generic
conductance values of SANS 694 or the results when tested to SANS 8301.

total U-value
thermal transmittance (W/m²K) of the composite element, including the air space and associated
surface emittance

whole glazing element
glazing and frame as a unit

4 Requirements
4.1 The functional regulation XA1 contained in part XA of the National Building shall be deemed to
be satisfied where the building can use energy efficiently while fulfilling user needs in relation to

a) the vertical transport, if any,

b) thermal comfort,

c) lighting and

d) hot water

by any one of the means given in 4.2, 4.3 or 4.4.

4.2 In any building of occupancy classified in terms of Regulation A20 as A1, A2, A3, A4, E2, E3,
F1, F2, F3, G1, H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5, a competent person that satisfies the requirements of
Regulation A19 of The National Building Regulations, certifies that such building (excluding garage,
storage, and other defined areas) has a theoretical annual energy consumption and demand less
than or equal to the values specified in table 1 and table 2.

NOTE 1 Modelling conditions are provided in annex B.

NOTE 2 Only those occupancies for which data are available are listed in tables 1 and 2.

4.3 In any building of occupancy classified in terms of Regulation A20 as A1, A2, A3, A4, C1, C2,
E1, E2, E3, E4, F1, F2, F3, G1, H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5, a competent person that satisfies the
requirements of Regulation A19 of The National Building Regulations, demonstrates, by using
certified thermal calculation software, that the building (excluding garage, storage areas and other
defined areas) under consideration has a theoretical energy usage and demand less than or equal to
a reference building that complies with the requirements of 4.4.

NOTE Modelling conditions are provided in annex B.

4.4 In any new building or portion of addition or alteration (or both) to an existing building (excluding
garage, storage, and other defined areas) of occupancy classified in terms of Regulation A20 as A1,
A2, A3, A4, C1, C2, E1, E2, E3, E4, F1, F2, F3, G1, H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5,

a) the orientation is in accordance with the requirements of 5.1,

b) the shading is in accordance with the requirements of 5.2,

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

c) fenestration is in accordance with the requirements of 5.3,

d) floors are in accordance with the requirements of 5.4,

e) external walls are in accordance with the requirements of 5.5,

f) roof and ceiling assemblies are in accordance with the requirements of 5.6,

g) the building sealing is in accordance with the requirements of 5.7, and

h) services that use energy or control the use of energy, excluding equipment and plant required for
conducting the business of the occupant, but including fixed space cooling, fixed space heating
and all fixed lighting, are required to provide energy efficiency levels in accordance with the
requirements of clause 6.

NOTE 1 Energy zones are in accordance with figure 1.

NOTE 2 Cities and towns listed alphabetically by Energy zones are listed in annex C.

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

NOTE Energy zone map

Available from:

Figure 1 — Energy zone map

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

Table 1 — Maximum annual energy consumption per building classification for

each energy zone (kWh/m²/a) (Energy zones as shown in figure 1 and annex C)

1 2
Energy zones
Class of occupancy
1 2 3 4 5 5H 6 7
Entertainment and public assembly
75 75 95 70 95 95 80 80
Occupancy where persons gather to eat, drink,
dance or participate in other recreation.
Theatrical and indoor sport
Occupancy where persons gather for the viewing of 95 95 110 90 110 110 105 105
theatrical, operatic, orchestral, choral,
cinematographical or sport performances.
Places of instruction
Occupancy other than primary or secondary 110 155 110 125 140 140 120 120
schools, where students or other persons assemble
for the purpose of tuition or learning.
Places of instruction
60 65 55 60 55 60 65 65
Occupancy where school children assemble for the
purpose of tuition or learning
70 45 45 40 50 40 70 70
Occupancy where persons assemble for the
purpose of worshipping.
Occupancy where people are cared for or treated 325 335 225 295 295 230 345 345
because of physical or mental disabilities and
where they are generally bed-ridden.
Other institutional (residential)
Occupancy where groups of people who either are
120 95 90 90 100 80 130 130
not fully fit, or who are restricted in their movements
or their ability to make decisions, reside and are
cared for
Large shop
Occupancy where merchandise is displayed and 125 200 155 180 185 150 125 125
offered for sale to the public and the floor area
exceeds 250 m².
Small shop
Occupancy where merchandise is displayed and 75 150 100 125 130 95 80 80
offered for sale to the public and the floor area does
not exceed 250 m².

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Edition 2

Table 1 (concluded)

1 2
Energy zones
Class of occupancy
1 2 3 4 5 5H 6 7
Wholesaler's store
Occupancy where goods are displayed and stored 125 200 155 180 185 150 125 125
and where only a limited selected group of persons
is present at any one time.
Large multi-storey office buildings, banks, consulting
90 105 110 95 110 95 100 100
rooms and similar uses with lifts and energy
consuming services that operate on a typical
daytime occupancy.
70 150 190 145 180 165 75 75
Stand-alone blocks and / or campus of buildings that
form an office park but operate separately
125 130 100 115 125 95 140 140
Occupancy where persons rent furnished rooms, not
being dwelling units.
155 170 160 175 160 160 160 180
Occupancy where groups of people are
accommodated in one room
Domestic residence
90 100 50 80 85 60 110 110
Occupancy consisting of two or more dwelling units
on a single site.
Dwelling house
Occupancy consisting of a dwelling unit on its own 95 100 50 80 85 60 110 110
site, including a garage and other domestic
outbuilding, if any.
Occupancy where unrelated persons rent furnished
120 130 110 120 115 135 135 135
rooms on a transient basis within a dwelling house
or domestic residence with sleeping accommodation
for not more than 16 persons within a dwelling unit

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Edition 2

Table 2 — Maximum Annual demand intensity per building classification for

each energy zone (VA/m2) (see Energy zones as shown in figure 1 and annex C)

1 2
Energy zones
Class of occupancy
1 2 3 4 5 5H 6 7
Entertainment and public assembly
30 30 38 28 38 38 32 32
Occupancy where persons gather to eat, drink,
dance or participate in other recreation
Theatrical and indoor sport
Occupancy where persons gather for the viewing of 38 38 44 36 44 44 42 42
theatrical, operatic, orchestral, choral,
cinematographical or sport performances
Places of instruction
Occupancy other than primary or secondary schools, 44 62 44 50 56 56 48 48
where students or other persons assemble for the
purpose of tuition or learning.
Places of instruction
24 26 22 24 22 24 24 24
Occupancy where school children assemble for the
purpose of tuition or learning
28 18 18 16 20 16 28 28
Occupancy where persons assemble for the purpose
of worshipping
Occupancy where people are cared for or treated 130 134 90 118 118 92 138 138
because of physical or mental disabilities and where
they are generally bed-ridden.
Other institutional (residential)
Occupancy where groups of people who either are
48 38 36 36 40 32 52 52
not fully fit, or who are restricted in their movements
or their ability to make decisions, reside and are
cared for
Large shop
Occupancy where merchandise is displayed and 50 80 62 72 74 60 50 50
offered for sale to the public and the floor area
exceeds 250 m²
Small shop
Occupancy where merchandise is displayed and 30 60 40 50 52 38 32 32
offered for sale to the public and the floor area does
not exceed 250 m²
Wholesaler's store
Occupancy where goods are displayed and stored 50 80 62 72 74 60 50 50
and where only a limited selected group of persons
is present at any one time

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Edition 2

Table 2 (concluded)

1 2
Energy zones
Class of occupancy
1 2 3 4 5 5H 6 7
Large multi-storey office buildings, banks, consulting
36 42 44 38 44 38 40 40
rooms and similar uses with lifts and energy
consuming services that operate on a typical
daytime occupancy.
28 60 76 58 72 66 30 30
Stand-alone blocks or campus (or both) of buildings
that form an office park but operate separately
80 60 46 54 54 44 80 80
Occupancy where persons rent furnished rooms, not
being dwelling units
80 74 94 78 90 90 80 80
Occupancy where groups of people are
accommodated in one room
Domestic residence
58 66 40 56 56 46 60 60
Occupancy consisting of two or more dwelling units
on a single site.
Dwelling house
Occupancy consisting of a dwelling unit on its own 58 66 40 56 56 46 60 60
site, including a garage and other domestic
outbuilding, if any
Occupancy where unrelated persons rent furnished
58 58 62 56 60 60 60 60
rooms on a transient basis within a dwelling house
or domestic residence with sleeping accommodation
for not more than 16 persons within a dwelling unit

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

5 Building envelope
5.1 Orientation
Orientation shall be defined as one of either North, North-East, East, South East, South, South–West,
West or North-West as shown in figure 2, and refers to the façade that contains the largest combined
area of fenestration elements for solar heat gain in Energy zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 or the façade
with the largest openings for ventilation in Energy zone 5H.

NOTE 1 For energy zones see figure 1.

NOTE 2 Buildings should be orientated to face North East, North or North-West as shown figure 2 to facilitate
winter solar gain, except for in Zone 5H.

NOTE 3 In Zone 5H buildings should be orientated to make use of the prevailing winds (see figure 3) to cool
the building through natural ventilation.

Figure 2 — Orientation sectors

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Edition 2

NOTE Adapted from the National Laboratory of Sustainable Energy.

Figure 3 — Prevailing winds of South Africa

5.2 Shading
NOTE Shading against summer solar radiation can be provided by

a) shading devices,

b) glass tinting and coating,

c) fenestration types and design, or

d) size of area of glazing per elevation.

5.2.1 Where shading is implemented to satisfy fenestration requirements, the building shall

a) have a permanent feature such as a veranda, balcony, fixed canopy, eaves, or shading hood with
opaque property, which

1) extends horizontally on both sides of the glazing for the same projection distance, P in figure 4
for elevations with West, North-West, North, North-East and East Sector orientation, and

2) provides the equivalent shading with a reveal or other method.

b) alternatively have an external shading device, such as a shutter, blind, building screen with vertical
or horizontal blades, battens or slats, which

1) can restrict at least 80 % by area of astronomical summer solar radiation, and

2) if adjustable, is readily operated either manually, mechanically, or electronically by the

building occupants.

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NOTE 1 Designers should make provision to ensure that there is not excessive shading of desirable winter
solar gains.

NOTE 2 Astronomical summer refers to the period from spring equinox though to autumnal equinox (in the
southern hemisphere the period 23 September until 21 March).

5.2.2 The projection of the shading device (P) shall not be less than the height (H) multiplied by the
factor given in table 3 for the appropriate latitude for the site.

NOTE 1 Exceeding dimension P will prevent beneficial winter sun from striking the fenestration. Examples of
shading are given in annex D.

NOTE 2 Screens attached to the exterior of the building can act as a chimney in case of a fire and measures
to avoid such a situation arising should be taken note of.

NOTE 3 Fixed vertical shading devices should not compromise the requirements for natural lighting in
accordance with SANS 10400-O.

Table 3 — Multiplier for shading projection on facades with West, North-West,

North, North-East and East sector orientation

1 2
(º South)
≤ 22º 0,33

≤ 24º 0,36

≤ 26º 0,40

≤ 28º 0,42

≤ 30º 0,46

≤ 32º 0,50

>32º 0,54
NOTE A list of towns with their
latitudes are provided in table C.1,

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Figure 4 — Explanation of the shading device/feature

5.3 Fenestration

5.3.1 Fenestration includes fenestration applied to external walls and roofs forming part of the
building envelope.

NOTE 1 Glazing elements require total U-values and SHGCs and are assessed for the combined effect of glass
and frames. The measurements of these total U-values and SHGCs are specified in the guidelines of the National
Fenestration Rating Council (ANSI/NFRC) and the indicative ranges of these performance values are given in
annex E.

NOTE 2 Any centre of glass values (for both U and SHGC values) of any fenestration product that has not been
calculated in a whole glazed system should not be used.

5.3.2 Total U-values provided or calculated (or both) shall be determined in accordance with

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5.3.3 The Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) provided or calculated (or both) shall be determined
in accordance with ANSI/NFRC 200.

5.3.4 The weighted average (by fenestration area) per storey of vertical fenestration with West,
North-West, North, North-East and East sector orientation (see figure 2) shall have performance
values certified by the glazier or a competent person to be equal or less than the relevant value given
in table 4.

5.3.5 The weighted average (by fenestration area) per storey of vertical fenestration with
South-West, South, and South-Eastern orientation (see figure 2) shall have performance values
certified by the glazier or a competent person to be equal or less than the relevant value given in
table 4.

NOTE 1 Values calculated in 5.3.4 and 5.3.5 are independent of each other and therefore will in no way affect
each other. Should one exceed the performance requirement the performance cannot be compromised in the
second. The requirements of each clause are to be satisfied independent of the other.

NOTE 2 These values are strictly applicable to the storey considered. Should the performance of one storey
exceed requirements this cannot be traded off in a second storey.

Table 4 — Area weighted average maximum whole fenestration element

performance values for vertical fenestration

1 2 3

Maximum solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC)

Total fenestration Vertical fenestration with West, North- fenestration with
area for each West, North, North-East and East sector South-West, South
U-Value orientation and South-Eastern
storey/nett floor
(W/m².K) (see figure 2) orientation
area for each storey
(%) (see figure 2)
With shading in With no shading or
accordance with not in accordance All
5.2.2 with 5.2.2
≤ 20 % Any solution Any solution Any solution Any solution

≤ 25 % 5,20 0,66 0,49 Any solution

≤ 30 % 4,40 0,53 0,44 Any solution

≤ 35 % 3,80 0,49 0,40 Any solution

≤ 40 % 3,30 0,44 0,35 Any solution

≤ 45 % 3,00 0,40 0,33 Any solution

≤ 50 % 2,60 0,35 0,30 Any solution

≤ 55 % 2,40 0,33 0,28 Any solution

≤ 60 % 2,20 0,30 0,25 Any solution

>60 % 2,00 0,28 0,22 Any solution

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5.3.6 To reduce the formation of condensation in the Southern Cape Condensation Problem Area
(see figure 5 and table C.1) the U-values of fenestration shall be achieved by means other than single
low emissivity glass to maintain the energy efficiency properties.

NOTE The use of single low emissivity glass increases condensation formation thereby negatively impacting
the U value and causing the installation to fall short of its certified performance.

Figure 5 — The Southern Cape Condensation Problem Area (SCCP)

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5.3.7 The maximum air leakage for windows and doors shall comply with the requirements of
SANS 613.

5.3.8 Roof lights (sloped/horizontal glazing as shown in figure 6) serving a space in the building
envelope shall:

a) be acceptable if the total area of roof lights is less or equal to 1,5 % of the floor area or space they

b) comply with table 5 if the total area of roof lights is more than 1,5 % but not more than 10 % of the
floor area or space they serve; and

c) achieve an SHGC of not more than 0,25 and a total U-value of not more than 2,0 W/m².K if the
total area of roof lights is more than 10 % of the floor area of the room or space they serve.

NOTE The thermal performance of an imperforate ceiling diffuser may be included in the total U-value of a roof

Table 5 — Roof lights — thermal performance of fenestration

1 2 3

Ratio fenestration/ U-Value

space served (W/m².K)

<1,5 % Any Any

1,5 % to ≤ 3% ≤ 5,8 ≤ 0,75

>3 % to ≤ 5 % ≤ 5,8 ≤ 0,50

>5 % to ≤ 10 % ≤ 2,7 ≤ 0,25

>10 % ≤ 2,0 ≤ 0,25

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Figure 6 — Defining a roof light

5.4 Floors

5.4.1 Where an underfloor heating system (for example, in-screed, under laminate heating, under
carpet heating, under-tile heating, cut-in under floor heating, and water-based under floor heating) is
installed, the floor shall be insulated with insulation that has a minimum R-value of not less than
1,0 m².K/W such as to prevent heat loss to the surrounding and adjacent ground.

5.4.2 A suspended floor that is part of a building’s envelope shall have insulation that will retain its
thermal properties under moist conditions and be installed for

a) Energy zones 1, 2, 6 and 7 and shall achieve an insulation R-value of 1,5 m².K/W.

b) Energy zones 3 and 4, 5 and 5H and shall achieve an insulation R-value of 1,0 m².K/W.

5.5 External walls

5.5.1 The minimum total R-value requirements for an external wall for buildings other than
category 1 buildings with a surface density equal or greater than 270 kg/m² shall be in accordance
with table 6.

5.5.2 Single-leaf masonry walls in category 1 buildings shall have a nominal wall thickness greater
than or equal to 140 mm.

NOTE Nominal wall thickness refers to the thickness of a wall excluding the thickness of any plaster applied.

5.5.3 Walls for buildings with a surface density less than 270 kg/m² shall achieve a minimum total
R-value or a minimum CR-value (by the addition of capacity or resistance (or both)) shall be in
accordance with table 7.

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Table 6 — Minimum R-value requirements for walls with a surface density

greater than or equal to 270 kg/m²

1 2 3 4

Surface density Energy zones Minimum requirement a

1 0,6 50mm cavity wall

2 0,6 50mm cavity wall
3 0,4 Collar jointed wall
4 0,6 50mm cavity wall
>270 kg/m2
5 0,4 Collar jointed wall
5H 0,4 Collar jointed wall
6 0,6 50mm cavity wall
7 0,6 50mm cavity wall
a Walls built with FBX, FBS and FBA clay bricks and high-density concrete face bricks and blocks do not
need to be plastered. All other walls need to be plastered internally and externally.

Table 7 — Minimum R-value requirements or CR-value requirements for walls

with a surface density less than 270 kg/m²

1 2 3
R-Value CR-Value
Energy zones
(m²K/W) (h)

1 2,2 100

2 2,2 100

3 1,9 80

4 1,9 80

5 1,9 80

5H 1,9 80

6 2,2 100

7 2,2 100

5.5.4 A walling construction that has any metal sheet, metal studs, metal tracks or metal battens
fixed to each other shall have a thermal break consisting of a material with an R-value of not less
than 0,2 m².K/W installed between the metal structural elements.

5.5.5 Spaces such as garages, enclosed verandahs, glasshouses, solariums, storerooms or pool
enclosures to the main building (see figure 7) shall either be excluded from or be included in the
building envelope but, where excluded, shall not compromise the thermal performance of the main
building envelope.

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Figure 7 — Separation of attachments

5.6 Roof assembly

5.6.1 Thermal insulation shall be installed so that it

a) abuts or overlaps adjoining insulation, or is sealed,

b) forms a continuous barrier with ceilings, walls, bulkheads, or floors that contribute to the thermal
barrier, and

c) does not affect the safe or effective operation of any services, equipment, or lighting installation.

5.6.2 A roof assembly shall achieve the minimum total R-value of the specified requirement in table 8
for the direction of heat flow.

NOTE 1 R-values are calculated in accordance with the constants and generic conductance values of
SANS 694 and the results when tested to SANS 8301

NOTE 2 Table 9 provides generic thermal resistance values considered to be achieved by reflective foil

5.6.3 A roof assembly that has flexible bulk insulation material installed between the underside of
the cladding and the top of the supporting member for the cladding shall have a spacer system, the
depth of the spacer system to be equal to the material thickness required, to eliminate the
compression of flexible bulk insulation. (See annex F)

5.6.4 The total R-value of a roof assembly which incorporates a reflective surface and adjacent
airspace, shall include the combined R-value achieved by the emittance of the reflective surface and
the associated airspaces in accordance with table 9.

5.6.5 In a roof assembly that consists of thatch the thickness of the thatch shall be as follows:

a) Fine thatching grass or reed in all zones except 5H: 210 mm or R value of 3,7 m².K/W.

b) Fine thatching grass or reed in zone 5H: 175 mm or R value of 2,7 m².K/W.

c) Water reed: 300 mm.

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NOTE 1 Fine thatching grass or reed has a stem/butt diameter between 1,4 mm and 4 mm.

NOTE 2 Water reed has a stem/butt diameter between 1 mm and 7 mm.

5.6.6 Bulk insulation shall be installed so that in ceilings, it overlaps the wall member by not less
than 50 mm or is tightly fitted against a wall where there is no insulation in the wall.

NOTE Care should be taken when installing thermal insulation to ensure that it does not interfere with the safety
or performance of domestic services and fittings such as heating flues, recessed light fittings, light transformers
and general plumbing and electrical components.

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Table 8 — Minimum total R-values of roofs assemblies and levels

of thermal insulation

1 2
Energy zones
Description 5
1, 2, 4, 6, 7 3
5 5H
Minimum required
3,7 3,7 3,7 2,7
Total R-Value (m².K/W)
Direction of heat flow Up Up and Down Down

Minimum total R-value (m².K/W) of roof and ceiling materials

(Roof covering includes outside air film, non-reflective 0,30 to 0,35 0,36 to 0,48
unventilated air space and plasterboard only).

Estimated minimum added R-Value of insulation

3,35 3,35 3,35 2,35

Recommended levels (thickness in mm) of thermal insulation

Product to be used equivalent to R-Value required. Thermal
conductivity values used are generic.
Density K-value
Generic insulation product mm mm mm mm
(kg/m³) (W/m.K)

Cellulose fibre bonded 30,00 0,038 130 130 130 90

Cellulose fibre loose-fill 27,50 0,040 135 135 135 100

Glass wool blanket 10 to 18 0,040 135 135 135 100

Polyester fibre blanket 11,50 0,046 160 160 160 110

Polyester fibre blend board 24,00 0,038 130 130 130 90

Expanded Polystyrene
(EPS) Standard Density 15,00 0,035a 120 120 120 85

Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) 32,00 0,028a 100 100 100 65

Fibre glass board 47,50 0,033 115 115 115 80

Mineral/Rockwool 40.00 to 140.00 0,033 115 115 115 80

Polyester fibre blend board 61,00 0,034 115 115 115 80

Polyurethane and
32,00 0,025a 85 85 85 60
polyisocyanurate board

NOTE 1 Zone 5H high humidity to be considered.

NOTE 2 Thermal conductivity values used are generic.
NOTE 3 Manufacturers will round up thicknesses to nearest production standard.
a Thermal efficiency is dependent on material thickness, blowing agent, density, age, operating temperature, and moisture.

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Table 9 — R-values considered to be achieved by reflective foil laminates

1 2 3
R-value added by reflective insulation (m².K/W)
Emissivity Pitched roof (≥ 10 º) with Flat skillion
of added Direction of or pitched Pitched roof with cathedral ceilings
horizontal ceiling
reflective heat flow roof (≤ 10 º)
insulation Natural Non- with
ventilated ventilated horizontal 22º 30º 45º
roof space roof space ceiling
0.2 outer
0.05 inner Downwards 1,21 1,12 1,28 0,96 0,86 0,66

0.2 outer
Upwards 0,59 0,75 0,68 0,72 0,74 0,77
0.05 inner
0.9 outer
Downwards 1,01 0,92 1,06 0,74 0,64 0,44
0.05 inner
0.9 outer
Upwards 0,40 0,55 0,49 0,51 0,52 0,53
0.05 inner
NOTE 1 This table is applicable where an air space between the external roof cladding and a ceiling assembly is divided
by the positioning of a reflective foil to create two air gaps. Reflective foil insulation values include a minimum 15 mm air
gap on either side. Reflective insulation should work in conjunction with an air gap to be effective.
NOTE 2 The reflective surface with the lowest emissivity should preferably be facing downwards.
NOTE 3 0.2 outer value is used where the roof is sealed, and no dust can accumulate. 0,9 outer value is used where dust
can impair performance. Bright metal surfaces can generally be taken as 0,05 emissivity.
NOTE 4 The R-value of reflective insulation is affected by the airspace between a reflective side of the reflective insulation
and the building lining or cladding. The thermal performance of reflective insulation is influenced by dust and could be
adversely affected.

5.7 Building sealing

5.7.1 Roofs, external walls, and floors that form the building envelope and any opening such as
windows and doors in the external fabric shall be constructed to minimize air leakage.

NOTE The building sealing can be done by methods such as caulking, or adding skirting, architraves, or

5.7.2 Ceiling voids and attics, with the exception of thatched roofs, in all energy zones except energy
zone 5H, where the building is naturally ventilated, the building shall be designed to minimize air
infiltration. Accordingly, wall plate and roof junctions shall be sealed. All tiled roofs shall have a tile
underlay or radiant barrier.

5.7.3 The chimney or flue of an open solid fuel burning appliance shall be provided with a damper
or flap that can be closed to seal the chimney or flue.

NOTE A solid fuel burning device is a heater that burns material such as timber or coal. This does not apply to
gas and liquid fuel burning devices.

5.7.4 A foam or rubber compressible strip or a fibrous seal to restrict air leakage shall be fitted to
each edge of an external door and other such opening that

a) serves a conditioned space, or

b) serves a habitable room.

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6 Services
6.1 Hot water supply
NOTE 1 The following types of water heating technology may be used to meet the requirements of
Regulation XA:

a) Domestic solar water heaters that comply with 6.1.2;

b) Domestic heat pumps that comply with 6.1.3;

c) Sustainably sourced timber and invasive vegetation;

d) Biogas;

e) Natural gas;

f) Liquid Petroleum Gas; and

g) Heat recovery from building or external processes.

NOTE 2 If electrical resistance heating elements are used to supplement the above listed technologies, the
supplementary heating may be used only to the extent of 50% of the annual average hot water requirements by

NOTE 3 Unless preventative measures are taken the energy efficiency ratio (EER) of the system may drop
below the 50% (EER=0,5) level and reach as low as 20% (EER=0,2).

NOTE 4 The EER of a solar hot water system may be boosted by (inter alia) increasing the volume of water
stored to beyond the minimum volume specifications of table 10 and by specifying an electronic timer/controller.

6.1.1 Minimum storage capacities for hot water cylinders used with domestic solar water heaters
and domestic heat pumps are provided in table 10.

6.1.2 Domestic solar water heaters shall comply with the requirements of SANS 1307 and shall be
installed in accordance with SANS 10106.

6.1.3 Domestic hot water heat pumps shall comply with the requirements of SANS 1687 and shall
be installed in accordance with SANS 1352.

6.1.4 Instantaneous gas water heaters shall comply with the requirements of SANS 1808-24 and
SANS 1539 and shall be installed in accordance with SANS 10252-1 and SANS 10087-1.

6.1.5 Storage gas water heaters shall comply with the requirements of SANS 151, SANS 1808-24
and SANS 1539 and shall be installed in accordance with SANS 10254 and SANS 10087-1.

6.1.6 All exposed pipes to indoor or outdoor air, conveying hot water to and from the hot water
cylinders and heating systems, shall be insulated with pipe insulation material with an R-value in
accordance with table 11.

6.1.7 Piping to be insulated includes all supply and return hot water piping, cold water supply piping
within 1 m of the connection to the heating or cooling system and pressure relief piping within 1 m of
the connection to the heating or cooling system.

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Table 10 — Minimum storage requirement for hot water cylinders

used with domestic solar water heaters and domestic
heat pumps (stored at 60 ºC for health reasons)

1 2 3 4
24 h water storage
requirement in litres at
Average annual hot
60 ºC minimum
Occupancy description and Occupancy water usage per capita
application of hot water classification per day
(for solar water heaters
(at 60 °C)
storage volumes shall be
50 % larger)
Entertainment and public
Sedentary 10 L/p/d 6 L/p

Active 40 L/p/d 25 L/d

Theatrical and indoor sport A2

Cultural activities 10 L/p/d 6 L/p

Sporting activities 40 L/p/d 25 L/d

Places of instruction A3 10 L/p/d 6 L/p

Places of detention E1

Awaiting trial 140 L/p/d 62.5 L/p

Convicted 52 L/p/d 35 L/p

Hospitals (including clinics) E2

General hospitals 130 L/p/d 30 L/p

Clinic with beds (overnight stay) 130 L/p/d 30 L/p

Day hospital 65 L/p/d 18 L/p

Day clinic 10 L/p/d 6 L/p

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Table 10 (concluded)

1 2 3 4
24 h water storage
requirement in litres at
Average annual usage 60 ºC minimum
Occupancy description and Occupancy
per capita per day temperature
application of hot water classification
(at 60 °C) (for solar water heaters
storage volumes shall be
50 % larger)
Other institutional
E3 120 L/p/d 75 L/p
Health care E4 120 L/p/d 75 L/p

Large shop F1 10 L/p/d 6 L/p

Small shop F2 10 L/p/d 6 L/p

Wholesaler’s store F3 10 L/p/d 6 L/p

Offices G1

Without canteens 10 L/p/d 6 L/p

With canteens 28 L/p/d 20 L/p

Hotels H1 140 L/p/d 62.5 L/p

Dormitory H2 100 L/p/d 50 L/p

Residential H3

Category 1 64 L/p/d 45 L/p

Retirement village residential
52 L/p/d 35 L/p
All other 115 L/p/d 50 L/p

Dwelling house H4

Category 1 64 L/p/d 45 L/p

All other 115 L/p/d 50 L/p

Hospitality H5 140 L/p/d 62.5 L/p

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Table 11 — Minimum R-value of pipe insulation

1 2

Internal diameter of pipe Minimum R-value

mm m².K/W

≤ 80 1,00

>80 1,50
NOTE R-values in this table are based on the formula
for flat surfaces i.e. R-value = m/k-value where (m)
denotes thickness

6.2 Lighting
6.2.1 The lighting power density for all lighting as calculated by aggregating the connected lighting
energy demand per occupancy and dividing this total by the net floor area for the relevant occupancy
shall not exceed the lighting power density values set out in table 12.
NOTE Connected lighting includes internal and external lighting arrangements served by the electrical supply
of the building

6.2.2 The use of light-emitting diodes (LED) and compact fluorescents (CFL) in occupancies H3 and
H4 shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of 6.2.1. Any other lighting technologies used
in occupancies H3 and H4 shall not exceed the lighting power density values set out in table 12.

6.2.3 Occupancy and daylight sensors shall be installed in occupancies, excluding those classified
as H3 and H4 in terms of Regulation A20, and these occupancy and daylight sensors shall be so
installed that no area serviced by a specific sensor is more than 100 m².

Table 12 — Maximum lighting power density for the class of occupancy

1 2 3
Lighting power density
Occupancy description
A1 Entertainment and public assembly 2

A2 Theatrical and indoor sport 8

A3 Places of instruction 10
A4 Worship 4

C1 Exhibition halls 10

C2 Museums 4

E1 Places of detention 4

E2 Hospital 8

E3 Other institutional residences 8

E4 Health care 8

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Table 12 (concluded)

1 2 3

Lighting power density

Occupancy description

F1 Large shops 20

F2 Small shops 8

F3 Wholesale store 8

G1 Offices 8

H1 Hotels 4

H2 Dormitory 4

H3 Domestic residences 4

H4 Dwelling houses 4

H5 Hospitality 4

6.3 Air conditioning

The minimum required level of energy efficiency for unitary and packaged air-conditioning equipment
shall be in accordance with table 13.

Table 13 — Minimum coefficient of performance, cooling mode (COPC),

heating mode (COPH) of unitary and packaged air-conditioning equipment

1 2 3 4

Capacity range
Equipment type Minimum COPC Minimum COPH
(kW) a
Through-the-wall consoles a <7 2,8 1,0

Unitary splits b <7 3,0 3,2

7 < 19 2,9 3,0
19 < 40 2,9 3,0
Air-cooled packaged and split units c
40 < 70 2,8 2,9
>70 2,7 2,8
<19 3,3 3,5
19 < 40 3,3 3,5
Water-cooled packaged units
40 < 70 3,2 3,3
70 < 223 3,2 3,3

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Table 13 (concluded)

1 2 3 4
Capacity range
Equipment type Minimum COPC Minimum COPH
(kW) a
Air-cooled water chillers d All 2,8 –

Air-cooled heat pump chillers d All 2,8 3,0

<264 4,3 –

Water-cooled, positive 264 < 528 4,4 –

displacement water chillers d 528 < 1 055 4,9 –

>1 055 5,4 –

<528 5,3 –
Water-cooled, centrifugal water
chillers d 528 < 1 055 5,3 –
Water-cooled, centrifugal water 1 055 < 2 110 5,9 –
chillers d
>2 110 5,9 –
a If resistance heating is used, heating power consumption shall not exceed cooling power consumption except in the case
of equipment of <10 kW.
b COPC and COPH shall be determined at the temperatures stipulated in SANS 54511-2 and in accordance with SANS 5151.
c COPC and COPH shall be determined at the temperatures stipulated in SANS 54511-2 and in accordance with
SANS 13253.
d COPC and COPH shall be determined at the temperatures stipulated in SANS 54511-2 and in accordance with
SANS 54511-3.

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Annex A

South African Energy Trajectory

A.1 The Draft National Energy Efficiency Strategy published by the Department of Energy
(Government Gazette, 23 December 2016), identifies the need to establish 15-year trajectories for
the successive tightening of the energy performance component of building standards for the public,
commercial and residential building sectors.

A.2 Subject to any other corrections that may be applied to table 2, future revisions to this part of
SANS 10400 will be guided by the intended energy trajectory in table A.1.

NOTE The Energy Trajectory is adapted from the proposal for a revision and extension of table 2 of
SANS 204:2011; Solid Green, for GIZ, May 2015.

A.3 The proposed Energy trajectory is to achieve 8 % reduction on previous maximum energy
demand and maximum annual consumption every two years.

A.4 The intended energy trajectory normalized to 2021 is given in table A.1

Table A.1 — Intended energy trajectory normalized to 2021

1 2
Year Percentage normalized to 2021
Year 2021 and 2022 92 %
Year 2023 and 2024 85 %
Year 2025 and 2026 78 %
Year 2027 and 2028 72 %
Year 2029 and 2030 66 %

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Annex B

Modelling conditions

B.1 Where the theoretical annual energy consumption of a building (excluding garages and storage
areas) is calculated the following modelling assumptions shall be used:

a) the design population shall be accordance with National building Regulation A21;

b) artificial lighting shall be accordance with table 12;

c) the space temperature shall be within the range of 19 °C to 25 °C for a minimum of 95 % of

occupied hours; and

d) artificial ventilation, heating and cooling provided, shall be in accordance with the requirements of
SANS 10400-O.

B.2 The internal heat gains to be built into the energy model shall be as set follows

a) the design population calculated in accordance with National Building Regulation A21 at an
average rate of 75 W sensible heat gain per person,

b) hot meals in a dining room, restaurant, or café, at a rate of 30 W heat gain per person with the
number of people calculated in accordance with National Building Regulation A21,

c) Appliances and equipment shall be in accordance with table B.1, and

d) lighting, occupancy and plug loads calculated with utilization hours and usage ratios shall be in
accordance with table B.2.

B.3 Hot water shall be supplied at the consumption rates in accordance with table 10 and equipment
designed to maintain and supply the water storage temperature at 60 °C.

Table B.1 — Internal heat gains for appliances and equipment

1 2
Internal heat gain
Classification of occupancy of buildings
G1 15

F1 5

Other occupancies No load

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Table B.2 — Design utilization rates

1 2 3 4 5 6
Occupancies A1, A2, A3
Occupancy hours of the day 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-00:00
Weekdays 0,48 1 0,66 0,25 0,05
Saturday 0,4 0,15 0,3 0,2 0,1
Sunday & holiday 0,2 0,08 0,15 0,1 0,05

Lighting, occupancy and plug loads 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-00:00
Weekdays 0,48 1 0,66 0,25 0,05
Saturday 0,4 0,15 0,3 0,2 0,1
Sunday & holiday 0,2 0,08 0,15 0,1 0,05

Occupancies E1, E2, E3

Occupancy hours of the day 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-00:00
Weekdays 0,35 0,8 0,8 0,65 0,2
Saturday 0,35 0,8 0,8 0,65 0,2
Sunday & holiday 0,23 0,53 0,53 0,43 0,13

Lighting, occupancy, and equipment

0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-00:00
plug loads
Weekdays 0,35 0,8 0,8 0,65 0,2
Saturday 0,35 0,8 0,8 0,65 0,2
Sunday & holiday 0,23 0,53 0,53 0,43 0,13

Occupancies F1, F2, F3

Occupancy hours of the day 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-00:00
Weekdays 0,03 0,8 0,8 0,3 0
Saturday 0,03 0,8 0,66 0 0
Sunday & holiday 0,01 0,4 0,33 0 0

Lighting, occupancy, and equipment

0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-00:00
plug loads
Weekdays 0,07 0,8 0,8 0,31 0,05
Saturday 0,07 0,8 0,61 0,05 0,05
Sunday & holiday 0,07 0,8 0,61 0,05 0,05

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Table B.2 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Occupancy G1
Occupancy hours of the day 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-24:00
Weekdays 0,13 0,8 0,77 0,23 0
Saturday 0,08 0,5 0,37 0 0
Sunday & holiday 0,04 0,25 0,19 0 0

Lighting, occupancy, and equipment 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-24:00

plug loads
Weekdays 0,16 0,8 0,77 0,24 0,05
Saturday 0,11 0,5 0,38 0,05 0,05
Sunday & holiday 0,11 0,5 0,38 0,05 0,05

Lighting, occupancy, and equipment 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-24:00

plug loads
Weekdays 0,16 0,35 0,77 0,24 0,05
Saturday 0,11 0,5 0,38 0,05 0,05
Sunday & holiday 0,11 0,5 0,38 0,05 0,05

Occupancies H2, H3, H4

Occupancy hours of the day 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-24:00
Weekdays 0,88 0,37 0,36 0,73 1
Saturday 1 0,43 0,43 0,97 1
Sunday & holiday 1 0,43 0,43 0,97 1

Lighting 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-24:00

Weekdays 0,13 0,13 0,14 0,24 0,1
Saturday 0,09 0,2 0,14 0,3 0,18
Sunday & holiday 0,09 0,2 0,14 0,3 0,18

Equipment Plug load 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-24:00

Weekdays 0,53 0,57 0,59 0,78 0,6
Saturday 0,53 0,57 0,59 0,78 0,6
Sunday & holiday 0,53 0,57 0,59 0,78 0,6

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Table B.2 (concluded)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Occupancies H1, H5
Occupancy hours of the day 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-24:00
Weekdays 0,88 0,27 0,3 0,7 0,9
Saturday 0,8 0,33 0,34 0,85 0,75
Sunday & holiday 0,4 0,17 0,17 0,43 0,38

Lighting 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-24:00

Weekdays 0,22 0,35 0,26 0,78 0,45
Saturday 0,18 0,35 0,26 0,68 0,45
Sunday & holiday 0,18 0,35 0,26 0,68 0,45

Equipment Plug load 0:00-08:00 08:00-11:00 11:00-18:00 18:00-22:00 22:00-24:00

Weekdays 0,53 0,57 0,59 0,78 0,6
Saturday 0,53 0,57 0,59 0,78 0,6
Sunday & holiday 0,53 0,57 0,59 0,78 0,6

40 © SABS
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Edition 2

Annex C

List of cities and towns by energy zones

Table C.1 provides a list of cities and towns indicating their Energy zone, longitude, and latitude as
well if it falls into the Southern Cape Condensation Problem Area (SCCP) to be used in conjunction
with figure 1 and relevant clauses.

Table C.1 — List of cities and towns by energy zones

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Aberdeen Eastern Cape 24.062 32.476 1 No

Acornhoek Mpumalanga 31.005 24.597 5 No

Addo Eastern Cape 25.690 33.541 5 Yes

Adelaide Eastern Cape 26.293 32.706 2 No

Adendorp Eastern Cape 25.551 32.301 1 No

Albertinia Western Cape 21.568 34.197 4 Yes

Alexander Bay Northern Cape 16.491 28.609 4 No

Alexandria Eastern Cape 26.412 33.654 4 Yes

Algoa Bay Eastern Cape 25.795 33.826 5 No

Alice Eastern Cape 26.828 32.778 4 No

Alicedale Eastern Cape 26.082 33.317 4 Yes

Aliwal North Eastern Cape 26.709 30.688 2 No

Allanridge Free State 26.644 27.754 1 No

Amatikulu KwaZulu-Natal 31.532 29.043 5H No

Amersfoort Mpumalanga 29.870 27.005 2 No

Arlington Free State 27.852 28.029 2 No

Asbesberge Northern Cape 23.167 28.812 1 No

Ashton Western Cape 20.053 33.835 1 No

Askham Northern Cape 20.782 26.983 3 No

Augrabies Falls Northern Cape 20.340 28.591 3 No

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Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Barberton Mpumalanga 31.055 25.790 5 No

Barkly East Eastern Cape 27.594 30.967 6 No

Barkly West Northern Cape 24.524 28.537 1 No

Baroe Eastern Cape 24.566 33.225 1 No

Bathurst Eastern Cape 26.821 33.503 5 Yes

Beaufort West Western Cape 22.586 33.341 1 No

Bedford Eastern Cape 26.078 32.678 2 No

Beestekraal Northern Cape 27.597 25.375 5 No

Belfast Mpumalanga 31.569 24.491 5 No

Bergville KwaZulu-Natal 29.345 28.731 2 No

Bethal Mpumalanga 29.463 26.454 2 No

Bethlehem Free State 28.303 28.231 2 No

Bethulie Free State 25.976 30.495 1 No

Biesiesfontein Western Cape 17.883 31.016 5 No

Bisho Eastern Cape 27.441 32.848 4 No

Bitterfontein Western Cape 18.265 31.041 5 No

Bizana Eastern Cape 29.854 30.858 2 No

Bloemfontein Free State 26.218 29.113 1 No

Bloemhof North West 25.602 27.652 1 No

Boshof Free State 25.240 28.540 1 No

Bothaville Free State 26.567 27.394 1 No

Brandfort Free State 26.455 28.702 1 No

Brandvlei Northern Cape 20.479 30.466 1 No

Bredasdorp Western Cape 20.040 34.532 4 Yes

42 © SABS
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Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 2 3 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Breyten Mpumalanga 29.989 26.302 2 No

Brits North West 27.781 25.630 5 No

Britstown Northern Cape 23.502 30.590 1 No

Bronkhorstspruit Gauteng 28.743 25.809 1 No

Bultfontein Free State 26.147 28.287 1 No

Burgersdorp Eastern Cape 26.331 30.996 6 No

Butterworth Eastern Cape 28.141 32.330 4 No

Caledon Western Cape 19.429 34.231 2 Yes

Calitzdorp Western Cape 21.688 33.530 2 No

Calvinia Northern Cape 19.775 31.473 1 No

Campbell Northern Cape 23.723 28.799 1 No

Cape Agulhas Western Cape 20.041 34.531 4 Yes

Cape Town Western Cape 18.423 33.915 4 Yes

Carletonville Gauteng 27.395 26.368 1 No

Carnarvon Northern Cape 22.127 30.969 1 No

Cathcart Eastern Cape 27.141 32.297 2 No

Cedarville Eastern Cape 29.038 30.387 6 No

Ceres Western Cape 19.311 33.369 2 Yes

Charlestown KwaZulu-Natal 29.877 27.407 2 No

Christiana North West 25.167 27.913 1 No

Citrusdal Western Cape 19.016 32.594 1 No

Clanwilliam Western Cape 18.891 32.175 5 No

Clocolan Free State 27.568 28.915 2 No

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Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Colenso KwaZulu-Natal 29.823 28.745 5 No

Colesberg Northern Cape 25.108 30.707 1 No

Coligny North West 26.319 26.311 1 No

Cookhouse Eastern Cape 25.803 32.748 2 No

Cradock Eastern Cape 25.618 32.170 2 No

Danielskuil Northern Cape 23.548 28.186 1 No

Dannhauser KwaZulu-Natal 30.060 28.014 1 No

Darlington Eastern Cape 25.547 32.463 2 No

Darnall KwaZulu-Natal 31.349 29.268 5H No

De Aar Northern Cape 24.011 30.650 1 No

Dealesville Free State 25.767 28.674 1 No

Delareyville North West 25.444 26.688 5 No

Delportshoop Northern Cape 24.310 28.415 1 No

Derdepoort North West 26.387 24.639 5 No

Dewetsdorp Free State 26.664 29.582 2 No

Dimabaza Eastern Cape 27.223 32.837 4 No

Donnybrook KwaZulu-Natal 29.879 29.928 2 No

Dordrecht Eastern Cape 27.047 313.377 6 No

Doringbos Western Cape 19.220 31.971 5 No

Douglas Northern Cape 23.773 29.052 1 No

Duiwelskloof Limpopo 30.144 23.695 5 No

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Edition 2

Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Dullstroom Mpumalanga 30.102 25.417 2 No

Durban KwaZulu-Natal 31.026 29.847 5H No

East London Eastern Cape 27.903 33.014 5 No

Edenburg Gauteng 28.061 26.051 1 No

Edenville Free State 27.668 27.555 2 No

Elliot Eastern Cape 27.883 31.333 6 No

Elliotdale Eastern Cape 28.684 31.966 5 No

Emalahleni Mpumalanga 29.211 25.872 2 No

Emmaus KwaZulu-Natal 29.401 28.860 2 No

Empangeni KwaZulu-Natal 31.889 28.741 5H No

Engcobo Eastern Cape 28.002 31.673 2 No

Erfenisdam Free State 26.782 28.502 1 No

Ermelo Mpumalanga 29.987 26.525 2 No

Eshowe KwaZulu-Natal 31.475 28.890 5H No

Estcourt KwaZulu-Natal 29.872 29.006 2 No

False Bay KwaZulu-Natal 32.397 27.968 5H No

Fauresmith Free State 25.315 29.748 1 No

Ficksburg Free State 27.880 28.876 2 No

Fort Beaufort Eastern Cape 26.627 32.780 4 No

Fouriesburg Free State 28.209 28.621 6 No

Frankfort Free State 28.493 27.277 2 No

Fraserburg Northern Cape 21.513 31.016 7 No

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Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Gamtoos Eastern Cape 25.028 33.961 4 Yes

Gariep Northern Cape 16.454 28.627 4 No

Garies Northern Cape 17.990 30.565 1 No

Gatyana Eastern Cape 28.250 32.401 5 No

Gcuwa Eastern Cape 28.150 32.331 4 No

George Western Cape 22.458 33.951 4 Yes

Germiston Gauteng 28.158 26.209 1 No

Gingindlovu KwaZulu-Natal 31.586 29.031 5H No

Glencoe KwaZulu-Natal 30.153 28.179 5 No

Gourits Western Cape 21.880 34.337 4 Yes

Graaff-Reinet Eastern Cape 24.535 32.251 1 No

Grahamstown Eastern Cape 26.525 33.307 4 No

Graskop Mpumalanga 30.840 24.934 5 No

Greytown KwaZulu-Natal 30.588 29.064 4 No

Griekwastad Northern Cape 23.249 28.848 1 No

Groblersdal Limpopo 29.396 25.168 5 No

Grootdrink Northern Cape 22.279 26.495 5 No

Groot-Kei Eastern Cape 28.384 32.680 5 No

Grootvloer Northern Cape 20.750 31.146 1 No

Hanover Northern Cape 24.444 31.072 1 No

Harding KwaZulu-Natal 29.882 30.572 5H No

Harrismith Free State 29.126 28.271 2 No

Hartbees Northern Cape 20.526 28.759 3 No

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Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Hartswater Northern Cape 24.810 27.754 1 No

Hebertsdale Western Cape 21.763 34.015 4 Yes

Heidelberg Gauteng 28.356 26.499 2 No

Heidelberg Western Cape 20.956 34.089 4 No

Heilbron Free State 27.973 27.294 2 No

Hennenman Free State 27.022 27.972 1 No

Hermanus Western Cape 19.239 34.420 2 Yes

Hertzogville Free State 25.508 28.128 1 No

Hlobane KwaZulu-Natal 30.987 27.711 4 No

Hluhluwe KwaZulu-Natal 32.271 28.021 5 No

Hondeklipbaai Northern Cape 17.277 30.318 4 No

Hoopstad Free State 25.910 27.833 1 No

Hopefield Western Cape 18.349 33.058 4 No

Hopetown Northern Cape 24.087 29.624 1 No

Hotazel Northern Cape 22.962 27.203 5 No

Houtkraal Northern Cape 24.094 30.393 1 No

Idutywa Eastern Cape 28.305 32.099 4 No

Ingwavuma KwaZulu-Natal 31.996 27.133 5 No

Ixopo KwaZulu-Natal 30.061 30.153 5H No

Jagersfontein Free State 25.424 29.761 1 No

Jamestown Eastern Cape 26.804 31.131 6 No

Johannesburg Gauteng 28.039 26.202 1 No

Kakamas Northern Cape 20.616 28.768 3 No

Kamieskroon Northern Cape 17.931 30.212 1 No

Kareeberge Northern Cape 21.165 30.714 1 No

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Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Keimoes Northern Cape 20.980 28.722 5 No

Kendrew Eastern Cape 24.486 32.493 5 No

Kenhardt Northern Cape 21.152 29.348 5 No

Kestell Free State 28.702 28.307 1 No

Kimberley Northern Cape 24.761 28.741 1 No

King William's
Eastern Cape 27.375 32.879 4 No

Kirkwood Eastern Cape 25.446 33.401 5 No

Klawer Western Cape 18.626 31.779 5 No

Klerksdorp North West 26.665 26.867 1 No

Klipdale Western Cape 19.966 34.306 4 Yes

Klipplaat Eastern Cape 24.390 33.016 5 No

Knysna Western Cape 23.050 34.035 4 No

Koffiefontein Free State 25.003 29.407 1 No

Kokstad KwaZulu-Natal 29.418 30.539 2 No

Komatipoort Mpumalanga 31.950 25.430 3 No

Kompasberg Eastern Cape 24.541 31.765 6 No

Komsberg Northern Cape 20.780 32.692 6 No

Koppies Free State 27.573 27.242 1 No

Koster North West 26.898 25.869 1 No

Kraai Eastern Cape 24.013 32.484 1 No

Kranskop KwaZulu-Natal 30.862 28.967 5H No

Krugersdorp Gauteng 27.771 26.103 1 No

Kruisfontein Eastern Cape 24.739 34.007 4 No

Kuruman Northern Cape 23.357 27.433 1 No

Kwabhaca Eastern Cape 28.994 30.901 2 No

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Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Kwadukuza KwaZulu-Natal 31.289 29.328 5H No

KwaMashu KwaZulu-Natal 30.962 29.751 5H No

Kwa-Nobuhle Eastern Cape 25.388 33.818 4 No

Ladismith Western Cape 21.268 33.498 2 No

Lady Grey Eastern Cape 27.216 30.711 6 No

Ladysmith KwaZulu-Natal 29.782 28.559 5 No

Laingsburg Western Cape 20.854 33.193 2 No

Lambert's Bay Western Cape 18.305 32.095 5 No

Langebaan Western Cape 8.037 33.081 4 No

Langeberg Western Cape 20.130 33.782 2 No

Langklip Northern Cape 20.329 28.213 3 No

Leeu Gamka Western Cape 21.977 32.777 1 No

Lepalale Limpopo 27.717 23.687 3 No

Letaba Limpopo 30.067 23.900 5 No

Letjiesbos Western Cape 22.271 32.563 1 No

Libode Eastern Cape 22.248 32.553 4 No

Lichtenburg North West 26.160 26.151 1 No

Loeriesfontein Northern Cape 19.445 30.953 1 No

Loskop Dam Mpumalanga 29.329 25.429 5 No

Lothair Mpumalanga 30.438 26.391 2 No

Louis Trichardt Limpopo 29.904 23.046 5 No

Louwsburg KwaZulu-Natal 21.283 27.576 5 No

Loxton Northern Cape 19.405 30.941 1 No

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Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Luckhoff Free State 24.787 29.748 1 No

Lutzputs Northern Cape 20.666 28.387 3 No

Luvuvhu Limpopo 31.268 22.402 3 No

Maclear Eastern Cape 28.350 31.070 2 No

Madadeni KwaZulu-Natal 30.072 27.752 2 No

Mahikeng North West 25.632 25.857 5 No

Magaliesburg Gauteng 27.542 25.989 1 No

Makwassie North West 25.996 27.319 1 No

Malmesbury Western Cape 18.724 33.463 1 Yes

Mangaung Free State 26.496 29.322 1 No

Maretsane North West 25.421 26.142 5 No

Margate KwaZulu-Natal 30.376 30.854 5H No

Marquard Free State 27.428 28.665 2 No

Matatiele Eastern Cape 28.815 30.346 6 No

Matjiesfontein Western Cape 20.580 33.228 2 No

Matroosberg Western Cape 19.655 33.374 6 No

Maxesibenj Eastern Cape 28.830 30.855 2 No

Mbashe Eastern Cape 28.327 31.728 2 No

Mdantsane Eastern Cape 27.709 32.968 5 No

Memel Free State 29.568 27.681 2 No

Middelburg Eastern Cape 25.006 31.493 2 No

Middelburg Mpumalanga 29.456 25.763 2 No

Middelwit North West 27.036 24.852 5 No

50 © SABS
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Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Mkomazi KwaZulu-Natal 29.472 29.633 2 No

Mkuze KwaZulu-Natal 32.038 27.617 5 No

Mmabatho North West 25.615 25.834 5 No

Modderrivier Northern Cape 24.638 29.022 1 No

Modimolle Limpopo 28.404 24.701 5 No

Mogalakwena Limpopo 29.011 24.193 5 No

Molteno Eastern Cape 26.351 31.393 6 No

Mbombela Mpumalanga 30.962 25.469 5 No

Mooi River KwaZulu-Natal 29.997 29.207 2 No

Moorreesburg Western Cape 18.664 33.138 5 Yes

Mopane Limpopo 29.852 22.623 3 No

Morgenzon Mpumalanga 29.617 26.731 2 No

Mosselbaai Western Cape 22.110 34.129 4 Yes

Mount Fletcher Eastern Cape 28.504 30.690 6 No

Mqanduli Eastern Cape 28.762 31.819 5 No

Mtubatuba KwaZulu-Natal 32.185 28.416 5H No

Mtwalume KwaZulu-Natal 30.630 30.491 5H No

Murraysburg Western Cape 23.766 31.967 1 No

Musina Limpopo 30.037 22.330 3 No

Mzimvubu KwaZulu-Natal 29.544 31.615 5H No

Nababeep Northern Cape 17.784 29.589 1 No

Nelspoort Western Cape 23.003 32.116 1 No

New Hanover KwaZulu-Natal 30.527 29.354 4 No

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Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Newcastle KwaZulu-Natal 29.926 27.755 2 No

Niekerkshoop Northern Cape 22.837 29.327 1 No

Nieuwoudtville Northern Cape 19.100 31.372 5 No

Nigel Gauteng 28.471 26.423 2 No

Nkandla KwaZulu-Natal 31.057 28.586 5 No

Nongoma KwaZulu-Natal 31.634 27.896 5 No

Northam Limpopo 27.263 24.953 5 No

Noupoort Northern Cape 24.952 31.178 2 No

Nqutu KwaZulu-Natal 30.681 28.206 4 No

Nuwerus Western Cape 18.357 31.149 5 No

Odendaalsrus Free State 26.701 27.880 1 No

Okiep Northern Cape 17.874 29.594 1 No

Olifantshoek Northern Cape 22.737 27.941 1 No

Orkney North West 26.689 27.008 1 No

Osizweni KwaZulu-Natal 30.119 27.786 2 No

Ottosdal North West 26.006 26.812 1 No

Paarl Western Cape 18.970 33.764 2 Yes

Pakhuis Western Cape 18.989 32.139 5 No

Pampoenpoort Northern Cape 22.657 31.061 1 No

Park Rynie KwaZulu-Natal 30.737 30.317 5H No

Parys Free State 27.460 26.898 1 No

Patensie Eastern Cape 24.813 33.758 4 No

Paulpietersburg KwaZulu-Natal 30.819 27.428 4 No

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Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Peddie Eastern Cape 27.119 33.198 5 No

Pella Northern Cape 19.155 29.034 5 No

Pepani North West 23.780 26.251 5 No

Petrus Steyn Free State 28.129 27.649 2 No

Petrusburg Free State 25.414 29.115 1 No

Philippolis Free State 25.274 30.266 1 No

Philipstown Northern Cape 24.473 30.437 1 No

Pienaarsrivier Limpopo 28.295 25.208 5 No

Piet Retief Mpumalanga 30.808 27.005 4 No

Pietermaritzburg KwaZulu-Natal 30.377 29.601 4 No

Piketberg Western Cape 18.757 32.908 5 No

Pilgrim's Rest Mpumalanga 30.756 24.907 1 No

Pinetown KwaZulu-Natal 30.861 29.813 5H No

Pofadder Northern Cape 19.392 29.125 5 No

Polokwane Limpopo 29.453 23.909 5 No

Port Alfred Eastern Cape 26.893 33.588 5 Yes

Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape 25.622 33.962 4 Yes

Port Nolloth Northern Cape 16.882 29.257 4 No

Port Shepstone KwaZulu-Natal 30.453 30.739 5H No

Port St Johns Eastern Cape 29.543 31.621 5H No

Porterville Western Cape 18.993 33.015 1 Yes

Postmasburg Northern Cape 23.063 28.331 1 No

Potchefstroom North West 27.096 26.719 1 No

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Edition 2

Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Pretoria Gauteng 28.190 25.744 5 No

Prieska Northern Cape 22.747 29.666 1 No

Prince Albert Western Cape 22.027 33.214 2 No

Punda Maria Limpopo 31.016 22.691 3 No

Queenstown Eastern Cape 26.868 31.895 2 No

Qumbu Eastern Cape 28.869 31.160 2 No

Quoin Point Western Cape 19.638 34.781 4 Yes

Randfontein Gauteng 27.706 26.173 1 No

Reddersburg Free State 26.178 29.651 1 No

Reitz Free State 28.428 27.801 2 No

Reivilo North West 24.182 27.565 1 No

Richards Bay KwaZulu-Natal 32.053 28.750 5H No

Riebeek -Oos Eastern Cape 26.149 33.202 5 No

Riversdale Western Cape 21.255 34.042 4 Yes

Robertson Western Cape 19.888 33.799 2 Yes

Roodepoort Gauteng 27.869 26.160 1 No

Rosmead Eastern Cape 25.119 31.491 2 No

Rouxville Free State 26.835 30.416 2 No

Rustenburg North West 27.278 25.635 5 No

Sakrivier Northern Cape 20.438 30.882 1 No

Saldanha Bay Western Cape 17.943 33.007 4 No

Sannaspos Free State 26.548 29.160 1 No

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Edition 2

Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Sannieshof North West 25.808 26.531 1 No

Seekoei Northern Cape 25.016 30.308 1 No

Senekal Free State 27.618 28.321 2 No

Settlers Limpopo 28.542 24.957 5 No

Simonstown Western Cape 18.435 34.193 4 Yes

Sishen Northern Cape 22.983 27.783 5 No

Smithfield Free State 26.530 30.212 1 No

Soekmekaar Limpopo 29.928 24.493 5 No

Springbok Northern Cape 17.886 29.665 1 No

Springs Gauteng 28.441 26.256 2 No

Standerton Mpumalanga 29.226 26.954 2 No

Stellenbosch Western Cape 18.866 33.931 2 Yes

Tarkastad Eastern Cape 26.260 32.006 2 No

Theunissen Free State 26.714 28.400 1 No

Thohoyandou Limpopo 30.458 22.977 3 No

Tom Burke Limpopo 27.988 23.070 3 No

Tongaat KwaZulu-Natal 31.141 29.543 5H No

Touws Western Cape 21.153 33.790 2 Yes

Tsineng Northern Cape 23.078 27.088 5 No

Tsolo Eastern Cape 28.753 31.309 2 No

Tulbagh Western Cape 19.141 33.284 1 Yes

Tzaneen Limpopo 30.169 23.821 5 No

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Ubombo KwaZulu-Natal 32.083 27.563 5 No

Ugie Eastern Cape 28.236 31.194 2 No

Uitenhage Eastern Cape 25.397 33.757 4 Yes

Ulco Northern Cape 24.220 28.335 1 No

Umkomaas KwaZulu-Natal 30.796 30.207 5H No

Umtata Eastern Cape 28.789 31.592 4 No

Umzimvubu Eastern Cape 28.993 30.902 2 No

Uniondale Western Cape 23.123 33.659 2 No

Upington Northern Cape 21.217 28.459 5 No

Utrecht KwaZulu-Natal 30.322 27.656 2 No

Vaalwater Limpopo 28.111 24.299 5 No

Vanderbijlpark Gauteng 27.839 26.697 1 No

Vanrhynsdorp Western Cape 18.743 31.609 5 No

Vanwyksvlei Northern Cape 21.825 30.366 1 No

Ventersburg Free State 27.136 28.086 1 No

Venterstad Eastern Cape 25.799 30.778 1 No

Vereeninging Gauteng 27.928 26.675 1 No

Verneukpan Northern Cape 21.067 30.133 1 No

Victoria West Northern Cape 23.121 31.404 1 No

Villiers Free State 28.599 27.028 2 No

Virginia Free State 26.874 28.098 1 No

Volksrust Mpumalanga 29.886 27.367 2 No

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Edition 2

Table C.1 (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Vredefort Free State 27.365 27.006 1 No

Vredenburg Western Cape 17.987 32.906 4 No

Vrendendal Western Cape 18.505 31.664 5 No

Vryburg North West 24.731 26.955 1 No

Vryheid KwaZulu-Natal 30.795 27.767 4 No

Wakkerstroom Mpumalanga 30.149 27.349 2 No

Warden Free State 28.965 27.854 2 No

Warrenton Northern Cape 24.845 28.109 1 No

Wasbank KwaZulu-Natal 30.103 28.314 5 No

Waterberge Limpopo 28.311 24.331 5 No

Waterval-Boven Mpumalanga 30.328 25.643 2 No

Waterval-Onder Mpumalanga 30.383 25.648 2 No

Weenen KwaZulu-Natal 30.084 28.851 2 No

Welkom Free State 26.732 27.978 1 No

Wepener Free State 27.039 29.729 2 No

Wilge Mpumalanga 28.987 25.976 2 No

Wiliston Northern Cape 20.919 31.340 1 No

Willowmore Eastern Cape 23.487 33.295 2 No

Windsorton Northern Cape 24.713 28.331 1 No

Wolmaransstad North West 25.985 27.200 1 No

Wolseley Western Cape 19.198 33.414 2 Yes

Worcester Western Cape 19.444 33.646 2 No

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Table C.1 (concluded)

1 2 3 4 5 6

City/Town Province Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Energy zone SCCP

Xora Eastern Cape 28.656 31.953 5 No

Zebediela Limpopo 29.249 24.301 5 No

Zeerust North West 26.086 25.544 5 No

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

Annex D

Types of shading devices

The types of shading devices that may comply are not limited to the examples in figure D.1.

Figure D.1 — Shading devices

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

Annex E

Whole glazing element performance values

Table E.1 provides ranges of whole glazing element performance values to be used in conjunction
with table 4 to specify fenestration.

Table E.1 — Indicative ranges of whole glazing element

performance values

1 2 3
Performance values
Total U-value range SHGC range
Glass description Comment (W/m².K
Timber/ Timber/
Metal Metal
Thermal break/ Thermal break/
framing framing
uPVC framing uPVC framing
Minimal variation in glass
Clear U-value and SHGC for 7,9 to 5,5 5,6 to 4,3 0,81 to 0,64 0,77 to 0,51
difference glass thicknesses.
Glass SHGC depends on glass
Tinted 7,9 to 5,6 5,6 to 4,3 0,65 to 0,33 0,61 to 0,25
thickness and type of tint.
Single -
(monolithic Glass U-value and SHGC
Coated 7,8 to 3,8 5,5 to 2,9 0,68 to 0,36 0,64 to 0,27
or laminated) depend on coating type.
Glass U-value depends on
Tinted coating type.
and Glass SHGC depends on 7,8 to 3,8 5,5 to 3,1 0,45 to 0,31 0,42 to 0,23
coated coating type, type of tint and
glass thickness.
Glass U-value depends on
Clear 6,2 to 3,1 3,8 to 2,5 0,72 to 0,63 0,68 to 0,47
cavity width.
Glass U-value depends on
cavity width.
Tinted Glass SHGC depends on type 6,2 to 3,1 3,8 to 2,5 0,57 to 0,36 0,57 to 0,27
of tint, tinted glass thickness
and on cavity width.
Double Glass U-value depends on
cavity width and type of coating.
Coated 6,1 to 2,4 3,8 to 2,1 0,60 to 0,22 0,59 to 0,17
Glass SHGC depends on type
of coating and cavity width.
Glass U-value depends on
Tinted cavity width and type of coating.
and Glass SHGC depends on type 6,1 to 2,5 3,8 to 2,1 0,41 to 0,21 0,37 to 0,16
coated of coating, tinted glass
thickness and cavity width.

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SANS 10400-XA:2021
Edition 2

Annex F

The installation of insulation in roof assemblies

F.1 Some insulation products may not have been tested in accordance with SANS 8301 and stated
insulation levels on some manufacturer’s literature may not be achievable as it is the declared value
and does not take aspects such as thermal bridging, compression etc. into account. The performance
of the insulation used should be validated by test reports.

F.2 When installed in a building, insulation should form a consistent and continuous barrier (see
5.6.1(b)). This is important as any gaps within the barrier will allow heat in or out, which will undermine
the effectiveness of the overall energy efficiency measures. However, certain gaps are essential
especially adjoining services and light fittings where the proximity of insulation may create a fire

F.3 Heat can bypass insulation by travelling along metal framing systems. For this reason, a thermal
break (spacer) in roofing systems where a metal frame member connects the outer cladding or roofing
with the inner lining (insulation) should be provided (see 5.6.3). Without this thermal break the
insulation's effectiveness can be reduced by as much as a half thereby requiring more insulation to
achieve the same total R-Value.

F.4 The requirements for reflective insulation are given in 5.6.4. Insulating performance is achieved
by the ability of the reflective insulation to "reflect" heat at one surface and not transmit it at another,
combined with the insulating qualities of the thin air films adjacent to the reflective insulation. Some
reflective insulation is also bonded to bulk or board insulation providing enhanced performance.
Accordingly, the reflectivity value and the presence of an airspace are critical, because without this
airspace the reflection will not occur. Generally reflective insulation has a dull or anti-glare (painted
side) and a shiny silver side. Both sides will achieve a degree of reflectivity. However, the shiny side
is the most effective. Overlapping of reflective insulation should not be less than specified by the
installation specifications.

F.5 The requirements for bulk insulation are given in 5.6.6. The term bulk insulation includes glass
fibre, cellulose fibre, polyester, polyisocyanurate and polystyrene. These materials tend to have a
high percentage of air voids that retard heat movement. The thermal performance of bulk insulation
is dependent on the material retaining the thickness specified by the manufacturer, in accordance
with the required test results. The thickness of the insulation is critical because the air pockets within
the material trap and retard heat flow. If the insulation is compressed it will lose some of these air
pockets as the fibre contact increases, which in turn will reduce its capacity to achieve the design R-

F.6 Typical details of insulation installation are given in figures F.1, F.2, F.3, F.4 and F.5.

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Figure F.1 — Rigid board insulation installed over purlin

Figure F.2 — Bulk Insulation installed over purlin with mechanical spacer

Figure F.3 — Bulk insulation installed over purlin with continuous solid spacer

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Figure F.4 — Tiled roof with reflective foil insulation installed over rafters
with 38 mm airgap (brandering) and rigid bulk insulation
installed on top of ceiling

Figure F.5 — Tiled roof with reflective foil insulation installed over rafters
with 38 mm airgap (brandering) and rigid bulk insulation fixed
to underside of the rafters

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Edition 2

SANS 10400-A, The application of the National Building Regulations – Part A – General principles and


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