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CFD study of car body using Ansys Fluent

Technical Report · June 2022

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14732.18569

0 981

2 authors, including:

Ahmed Adel Elsawy

Zagazig University


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Students name Section
Ahmed Adel Saad El-Sawy 2
Ahmed Salem Ali Salem 2

Research Topic: CFD study of car body using Ansys Fluent.

Prof Dr: Ahmed Farouk Abdelgawad

Dr: Mohamed Saeed Emeara
❖ Our project aims to study the aerodynamics of the car body in some cases.
❖ The project made by using the software “Solidworks”. Then CFD
(Computational Fluid Dynamics)-After modeling the body in the 3D software,
analyze the aerodynamic behavior using the software “ANSYS-fluent” in order
to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics such as CD, CL, most commonly
known as Drag and Lift coefficients.
❖ Our goal is to limit and reduce energy losses. After many trials, we finally got
to the current body design. It is clear visibility, easier at manufacturing due to
simplicity in design and minimum small curvature, better aerodynamics

We made the design of our car using Solidworks surface.
Based on the researches of aerodynamic simulations
we made our enclosure dimensions relative to the car wheelbase
The dimensions are below:
While generating the mesh, sizing functions were used wherever necessary in
order to obtain accurate lift/drag parameters.
Since boundary layer separation has a significant effect on drag, five layers of
inflation were added to the vehicle surface to properly resolve the boundary
layer. With about 0.4 million nodes and about 1.9 million elements with minimum
quality of 21% and maximum skewness of 90%.
As shown in Figure, Quadrilateral, Tetrahedron mesh and mesh concentration
around the body are used to facilitate the solution process. Meshing with the
following specifications was used throughout the project with slight adjustment
and editing to fit every model geometry and dimension.

Mesh structure:
mesh in the x section :

Mesh In the area of inflation to catch all the pressure and velocity changes:
The setup stage is the most important step of them all where the boundary
conditions are specified using the face naming in the geometry step.
project final solution was obtained by performing the iterations (2000 iterations)
Throughout this stage the solver model is selected according to the real flow
conditions. This solver model is a set of fluid equations that are fully defined and
solved through the iterations. From these equations: The Reynolds Averaged
Navier-Stokes equations (also known as RANS equations) are equations used to
predict the fluid flow using a time averaged formulation. The primary concept
applied is Reynolds decomposition which involves decomposing an instantaneous
quantity into its time averaged and fluctuating quantities. The time averaged
nature of its equations makes it an attractive choice while simulating turbulent
flows. Considering certain approximations based on the knowledge of properties
of turbulent flows, these equations can be used to give time averaged solutions to
the Navier–Stokes equations.
SO, the turbulence solving models
are selected:
So we selected K-Omega model
We made the max car speed 80 km/h
The drag force = 141 N
The frontal area = 1.10559 m2
We can get the drag
coefficient by the equation
in figure.
The lift force = 55 N
Planer area =2.688m2
We can get the lift
coefficient by the equation
in figure.
Pressure Contour:
point of high pressure :
velocity contour :
Manufacturing process of the body
The body will be manufactured from one part by making a mold of foam (made
from slices with thickness 10 cm then connected with each other with glue and
form the mold), then by hand lay-up method the fiberglass as a reinforcement
and using epoxy as a resin Would form the car body. After that the doors, tires
and glass opening will be cut off.

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