Developing Individual Teams and Organization

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Student ID 6242 Reg No. PE52146

Family Name Sanjok karki Given Name Sanjok karki

Enrolment Year 2021 Section A

Semester IV Email


Unit Title Developing Individual Unit Code K/508/0574

Teams, and Organisations

Assessor Name Hema Poudel Issued Date 08/12/2022

Assignment Title Understanding developing individual teams, and organisations

Assignment No 1/1 Submission Date 09/30/2022

Qualification BBA Campus CCRC



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Student Name Sanjok karki Assessor Name

Hema Poudel

Issue Date 07/30/2022 Submission Date


Programme BBA

Unit Name Developing individual teams, and organisation

Assignment Title Understanding developing individual teams, and organisations


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Section one…………………………………………………………………………..4

Determine the appropriate and professional knowledge, skills, and behaviors that are
required by HR professionals...…………………………………………………….4
Analyze a complete personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge, skills, and
behaviors and develop a professional development plan for a given job role….6
Personal SWOT analysis of Daraz……………………………………………………7
The personal development plan of Daraz……………………………………………7
Reflective statement…………………………………………………………………….9
Section 2…………………………………………………………………………………10
Executive summary……………………………………………………………………..10
The organization and individual learning…………………………………………….10
Demonstrate critical thinking to support the conclusion…………………………….11
An analysis of theories of learning cycle………………………………………………11
High performance working and its measurement of contribution for employee
Different approaches of measuring high performance of employee…………………12
The advantages of high performance working…………………………………………13
Anaalysing the way for improve employee engagement for achieve competitive
advantage and tradition in daraz………………………………………………………….14
Different examples to enhance the credibility, currency and depth in daraz………….15


The effectiveness of employee work affects corporate activity. The corporate purpose is
accomplished by individuals, teams, and organizations working together while adhering

to the enterprise's rules and regulations. The long-term achievement objective is much
more closely related to an employee's understanding of the business focus and how
well it supports the workforce. Every knowledgeable and experienced worker benefits a
company. If management's business chain actively assessed each employee's talent
and gave them the ideal position, the goal of doing business in a cutthroat market could
be accomplished. Human resource (HR) specialists are interested in the following
activities. Human resources specialists hired the person and evaluated their skills in
light of the position (Fisher, 2011). HR workers receive training for better actions and
increased performance. Creating a team where the cooperation of different skilled
employees is linked to a highly functional end, this paper advises appreciating
employee skills and explores individual, team, and organizational development
procedures. Discussions about increasing competitive advantage and employee
engagement are also included. The business's critical competencies are its system for
processing employee applications (Baartman and Bruijin, 2011). The fundamental
abilities enable strong individual and group performance and productive teamwork in the
workplace. The discussion in that study is on the growth of Daraz, an SME company, as
well as individuals, teams, and organizations. The company that conducts internet

Section one

Determine appropriate and professional knowledge, skills, and behaviors that are
required by HR professionals.

In the business world, HR specialists serve as a connecting force. For all choices,
including developing and executing a strategy, the HR profession analyzes the business
environment. The current state of the company must be monitored, the plan must be
changed, the policy must be rebuilt, and the HR professional must then fine-tune
everything. Finding the best employee who is quicker, more effective, and has sufficient
experience combines with all the business effort to fill the position (Jackson and Wilton,
2016). The business objectives do not provide a solution for identifying the gap between
business activities and assembling an execution team. In order to increase corporate
efficiency, HR professionals develop and analyze teams where all requirements are

Human resources experts hire and retain personnel for a long time in order to achieve
the corporate goal. HR experts analyze employee performance through measurement.
The evaluation procedure evaluates a person's abilities and modern growth. The
employer has been considering giving a position to an employee who has a good
reputation and experience.

The HR specialists at DARAZ are authorized to form the skills of employees. The
individual will need a variety of talents because the business conducts its business
online. Consequently, HR specialists are dedicated to identifying workers who are the
best fit for open positions. When an employee can easily reach a conclusion and
convince the consumer because they can comprehend and analyze information, they
are more powerful (Blecker and Boakes, 2010). Employees must work together with
corporate stakeholders. The staff members ought to make their judgments known to
them and ask themselves questions about how they may do better.

The requirements of every employee who works in the company are developed into a
position and regulation by the HR professional, which includes the following
fundamental criteria and desired business objectives for the employee,

Essential criteria for the Desire criteria for the

employee employee

Education The candidate must have a minimum post-graduate

business certificate. degree in the field of

Experience a minimum of six months The candidate must be

experience in any able to effectively
business. communicate with clients
For the accounting through both online and
division, employees need offline channels. For
one year of experience as business-related telephone
accountants in any conversations, it is
business. required for situation
For an HR junior officer, control as well.
the candidate needs one
year of experience in the
HR field.
For the graduation
freshers, there will be
some opportunities for
Offer in-field management.

Skill and knowledge The candidate must be The candidate must be

solution-oriented, possess solution-oriented, possess
presentation skills, be presentation skills,
influential, be a creative influential, creative
thinker, possess good thinkers, possess good

verbal communication verbal communication

skills with customers, skills with customers,
possess good telephone possess good telephone
skills, possess good time skills, possess good time
management skills, management skills,
possess the ability to possess the ability to
critically handle situations, critically handle situations,
possess attention to detail, possess attention to detail,
and possess the ability to and possess the ability to
critically handle situations. critically handle situations.

Special requirements Good linguistic skills, Acceptable body language

cross-cultural working, in communication,
Polite Self-motivated, HR candidates able to
Confident, achieve high performance.
Persuasiveness, Self-
analyzing, Inspiring, Self-

Analyze a completed personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge,

skills, and behaviors and develop a professional development plan for a given job

A professional development plan (PDP) is the process through which an individual

chooses their areas of strength and weakness, and the business decides what they
need based on the information supplied. Eliminate time-consuming hiring processes
when human resources personnel evaluate applicants who are immediately involved in
company operations. The PDP outlines every company's purpose for assessing their
responsibilities and potential influence upon hiring.The corporate objective will be
consistent and greatly influenced by their positions, and the applicant may evaluate their
own personal goals inside the company. Daraz, for instance, needs a worker who can
persuade customers and is highly driven. Therefore, the HR professional examines the
individual who serves as the recruitment target during every professional growth
planning process. How can we guarantee that each consumer will purchase from
Daraz? Additionally, a candidate's perspective must be considered after attending a

Personal SWOT analysis of DARAZ

The HR specialist accurately assesses the needs of the business and conducts a
SWOT analysis of the employee. These SWOT evaluations were later adequate for the
business's reflective practice. The analysis, which emphasizes the business viewpoint,
will be beneficial and improve job abilities. Companies should evaluate each applicant's
and each team's strengths before offering them a position. Threats, vulnerabilities, and
opportunities should all be taken into account. They have examined each employee's
unique SWOT analysis for the Daraz online store.

The HR specialist accurately assesses the needs of the business and conducts a
SWOT analysis of the employee. These SWOT evaluations were later adequate for the
business's reflective practice. The analysis, which emphasizes the business viewpoint,
will be beneficial and improve job abilities. Companies should evaluate each applicant's
and each team's strengths before offering them a position. Threats, vulnerabilities, and
opportunities should all be taken into account. They have examined each employee's
unique SWOT analysis for the Daraz online store.

Strengths Weaknesses
Creative thinker Limited technical knowledge
Have an exciting vision Poor verbal communicator
Good writing skills Not a social media person
Eager to learn Not giving family enough time
Good time management skills

Opportunities Threats
Companies embracing “change” High unemployment rates
Networking groups Limited ability to move
Audible audiobooks Entry of new competitors in my field

How many talents and experiences of technical knowledge belong is the HR

professional's shortcoming (Salas et al., 2012). It should be determined if verbal
communication and personal growth are problematic. The management of employees'
families is likewise seen as requiring enough consideration from the company. For
instance, if an employee has family issues and is unable to pay attention, their
performance will suffer. The target of that specific area for development is Daraz.

Employee opportunities are viewed as a joint effort by HR professionals for network

building (Gomes et al., 2012). The self-learning criteria, including if the employees are
interested in reading books, show that the employees have a high level of background
since they are eager to learn new things.

Threats from the business include taking another good facility or moving to a higher job.
If the economy is weak, Daraz's ability to expand will be constrained, and the entry of a
new competitor into the market will pose a threat.

Personal and Professional Development Plan (PDP) analysis faction of Daraz

based on SWOT analysis

The effectiveness and performance of the personnel affect how the firm operates. HR
makes the best decision for effective action by identifying and attracting the employee.
When assessing productivity, HR professionals look for opportunities and threats as
well as areas of personal and professional strength and weakness. The Daraz observes
the growth of several human qualities, including communication ability, presentation
abilities, technology know-how, and engagement in accomplishing company goals. For
instance, a person working in the sales profession has to be effective at communicating
with and persuading others. The major area of weakness is something that has to be
improved. The lack of confidence, the limitations of technology, and not spending

enough time with family. For instance, work and family life would not be consistent if the
individual or team member consistently focused on business activities or the opposite.
Opportunities are mostly the potential for making things feasible that allows for
continued progress. Through numerous training and scholarship options, these chances
enable individuals to develop highly personal qualities by acquiring new talents.
Reading, participating in networking groups, and joining campaigns are opportunity
elements that are taken into account and provide diverse business feedback. Threats
are causing issues and impeding corporate progress. Threats include several rivals and
a high rate of employee job switching, especially for Daraz.

Continuous Development Planning (CPD) monitors employee improvement. The

process of improving individual and group performance through various training
procedures, seminars, and real-world situations is known as "continuous development
planning." The scholarship program offers opportunities for skill development that are
ongoing. This scholarship program, a healthy workplace, and employee motivation are
all parts of a continual, sustainable growth process. These actions result in an excellent
performance at work. For instance, if one employee is offered a scholarship to learn
more about customer behavior and Daraz offers that benefit to employees who are
generally efficient and have a strong track record. Everyone will then be motivated to
work hard as a result. Additionally, the process of continual learning ensures excellent
performance, which ultimately meets company objectives.

Developing a professional development plan

A professional development plan is necessary since the HR manager is responsible for

overseeing all corporate compliance. Here, it is necessary to comprehend every
business value in order to measure business conception. The responsible HR manager
should identify numerous skill set development, technical skill, and reflective outcome
for company in order to choose a perfect employee and to create a conciliation team
where allnessential talents combination generates value for business (Ulrich et. Al,
2012). Based on the group's capacity to operate as a unit, the HR manager creates a
growth plan and ensures complete accountability. The growth plan focuses on a variety
of personal and team abilities, including problem-solving, ethics, perseverance,
leadership, operation, communication, and interpersonal skills. The standard of
company needs, such as the need to encourage employees to work in their own style
while still meeting the corporate goal, is provided by leadership abilities. Operations
activities outline how everything should go off without a hitch. The firm should take into
account the supply of goods, the sales budget, and all other necessities. In order to
understand customers and win their loyalty for corporate success, employees must be
skilled in effective communication. Communication skills determine all stakeholder
expectations. Ethics establishes the right and bad decisions that each person and team
member must make. Both the employer and the employee will be working for the benefit
of the firm. The capacity to use technology and solve problems effectively is currently
the most critical factor in a company to ensure that it is always focused on the needs of
the client (Kermis, 2010). New technology is always being developed, and new products
that improve living are continually encouraged. Therefore, problem-solving and research
make sure that customers are continually coming to buy new products. Therefore, it
should constantly provide businesses with a diverse offering to maintain their high

Reflective statement

The abovementioned personal growth SWOT analysis is useful for analyzing an

employee's strengths and shortcomings, particularly when identifying the ideal people
for a company and launching a career as an HR manager. In addition to the several
aspects that were previously discussed in the SWOT analysis. Based on the
experience, it is possible to construct a personal development strategy that will address
your areas of strength and growth potential. It is apparent that part of the growth will
take place gradually before producing excellent performance as an HR professional in
the company. They should put more of an emphasis on their own professional growth
as HR specialists than on meeting all the standards. Reflective statements are items
that are viewed as improvements for the business and thus produce the right outcomes
for the firm. Given the consequence in the present or future period are the steps made
for personal and professional growth. For instance, Daraz's company strategy has
chosen to hire an HR analyst to identify the internal and external findings. The HR
department discovered a number of issues, including poor presentation skills, poor
teamwork, and a lack of effective incentives. Finally, once the HR expert has given
employees the correct feedback, trained them to gain new abilities, encouraged them to
work, properly motivated them, provided a solid atmosphere, and developed the
leadership, the firm recognizes an improvement in the results.

Section - 2: Report

Executive summary
The report's prior portion covered a variety of personal and professional topics.
Personal development plans, professional development plans, and HR professional-
recommended skills are explored from the perspective of an SME firm, such as Daraz.
The effectiveness of workers' individual and group efforts will determine how well a
corporation develops over time. The importance of the learning cycle, the role of HR
professionals in choosing the best staff, and performance management evaluation are
all fully covered. A personal and professional plan based on a prior personal and
professional development plan should be created, with emphasis on both the needs of
the individual and the team.

Date: 08/12/2022
To, The Director
From External learning development consultant
Subject: Report on external learning and high-performance working

Dear Sir, this paper examines the value of both individual and team effort in SMEs.
Effective learning and approaches for ensuring high performance in corporate growth
are discussed. Planning for one's personal and professional growth is what drives
business expansion and ensures long-term sustainability.

Organization and individual learning

The process of learning all the requirements that ensure a profitable enterprise is known
as organizational learning. The company is making sure to produce goods in order to
increase profits and uphold corporate standards. The organization's learning is
concentrated on communication with all business areas, with the expansion of the
enterprise as its primary goal. On the other hand, the process of becoming more
standardized and resourceful is known as "individual learning," which involves
recognizing one's strengths and weaknesses, seizing the chance to develop one's
talents, and guaranteeing effective communication. Individual learning is the process of
raising your standards so that you can keep up with corporate requirements.

Demonstrate critical thinking to support the conclusion

The method of critical thinking is object-oriented and ensures that the purpose and
vision are all met. As an HR manager, you should be increasing individual and team
performance so that you can inspire employees to work toward a professional goal and
make that goal attainable. Personal skills like strength, weakness, and opportunity
treatment analysis provide the proper analysis that the business needs, as well as

professional development needs like leadership skills, presentation skills, critical

thinking, and being technologically equipped, all of which are reflected in a company
environment that is smoothly running. These are guaranteed by the workers, and an HR
specialist can identify them. If everything goes according to plan and with great
judgment, the firm will expand and generate significant profits for a long time.

Introduction of Organization and importance of continuous professional

developments facility

Daraz is an online retailer that is aiming to create online platforms for sales that make
the impossible feasible. The primary goals of the company's plans make them more
intriguing. They are not making a profit by selling their product; instead, they are
building long-term value through collaboration. This company has lately seen significant
growth because of its excellent collaboration. The company places a high emphasis on
teamwork to attract loyal clients. The company maintains its excellent position for
innovation, which is a result of the team's great drive to share its knowledge and
expertise. The Daraz team's constant learning leads to the application of new
knowledge and abilities in their job. They are taking on the task of educating themselves
on current knowledge, abilities, and technical advancements that are flexible and in
demand in the market.

An analysis of theories of the Learning Cycle

The learning style provided several approaches to problem-solving for any specific or
comprehensive knowledge of learning (Bleach, 2014). The following are four different
types of learning cycles.

Diverging is the procedure where each person is given a unique viewpoint. This
method involves making observations rather than attending to gather facts to ultimately
uncover anything noteworthy (Rubens et al., 2018). A summary of the population is the
focus of this process observation.

Assimilate working with a team rather than as an individual, and in that process, give
importance to thought and ideas. Here, the information gathering is noticeable, but there
is an opportunity to get the data, which demonstrates its breadth. Data science careers
and the analysis and investigation of various analytical methods are used in this
approach to gain data.

Converging is the process of addressing real-world issues where the value of

specialized jobs is assessed. Individuals participate in the convergent process with their

best effort. There is a place for originality when the best answer is prioritized, but there
is no place for adhering to any particular methodology.

Accommodating focuses mainly on instinct instead of rationality. This process involves

all the investigation necessary to discover something new and be able to solve a
problem. In this learning cycle, it's important making logical analyses for decisions.

Figure: Learning styles

Sources: (Bleach, 2014)

High performance working and its measurement of contribution to employee


The business activities that are conducted in an objective-oriented manner result in high
employee performance. Increased employee engagement and business growth are
both results of high-performance work. The contribution of teamwork in a comfortable
environment, especially individual work, is essential for high performance. Different
methods are used in Daraz to assess high performance.

Different approaches to measuring the high performance of employee


Figure 4: performance approaches to management style

Sources: (Becerik, 2012)

There are several methods for gauging high performance, and each one has a different,
uncertain value for doing so. The methods include comparison, attribute, behavioral,
outcome, and quality approaches, which place a strong emphasis on an individual's
unique qualities. The comparison methodologies evaluate employees' performance, or
who makes the most contribution. The behavioral approaches of assessment consider
the eldest which methodology follows BARS or BOS. Attribute approaches identify
many quality bases, such as the employee's creativity, team performance, verbal and
communication abilities, etc. The most effective company performance is defined by the
resulting technique. These methods are regarded as the most varied and well-liked.
Recently, quality techniques have been put into practice to meet the demands of the
modern world. This technique measures the continuous development of employees
that ensure high service provider quality to reduce errors and provide the most loyal

The advantage of High-Performance Working (HPW) in the Daraz

organization context

The most desirable consequence of achieving corporate goals is high performance in

any organization. The great performance of Daraz employees is mostly attributed to
their expertise and broad experience. The drive to provide the finest service and the

responsiveness needed to build devoted client bases generate a variety of competitive

advantages (Dochy et al., 2012). Below are the high-performance followers of Daraz:

● Developing effectiveness of employees through various development programs.

● Increase strong position in market and ensure high quality service.
● Keep satisfices all the stakeholder desire by achieving long term profit.
High performance guarantees various business requirements. The primary requirement
is team cooperation, where it is important to have support from the cultural and
environmental environments (Kehoe, 2013). The business environment factors into
success in ways like how cultural variety generates varied original ideas and how a
healthy setting fosters cordial interactions among employees. High performance,
culture, and dedication are all factors that have different parts. Below is a description of

● Defining the objectives of business

● Formulating the task
● Making individual and team
● Good leadership
● Utilizing the culture
● Making sound environment
● Selection of target market
● Interpersonal skills development
● Making strategies for job success
● Performance evaluation

Analysing the way for improving employee engagement for achieving

competitive advantages and tradition in Daraz

Daraz implements techniques to create an atmosphere and organizational culture that

encourage employee engagement and advance goals. The employee's involvement is
determined by the acts listed below:

The following strategic techniques are used to encourage employee engagement:

identify the requirements of the workforce and use those needs as motivation (Besson,
2019). Finding employee demands and providing the opportunity to expand employee
cognitive knowledge are ideal cognitive and methodical methods for employee
engagement (Anitha, 2014). As a result, the firm adapts to the circumstances and trains
the experienced employee to fit with the new corporate culture, where the individual's
prior work and contribution to the new environment provide a competitive edge.

HPW is obtaining an advantage over rivals by adopting techniques that incorporate

some of the most well-liked motivating methods. Daraz's secret to success in business
is to first examine each person's talents and, if there are any gaps, fill them via training.
Then, the company will engage its employees and work to improve its culture while also
altering its approach to leadership and using that approach most often. High-
performance work does not come naturally, but HR professionals and the administration
are finding methods to make it happen. That makes a competitive advantage more
apparent as well.

Different Examples to enhance the credibility, currency, and depth of


The company aims to increase growth by providing the most sought-after goods.
Additionally, the company seeks to expand its depth, currency, and trustworthiness.
Where all requirements will be met and returns will typically expand quickly, In order to
increase this credibility, there should be excellent stakeholder communication and

Working collaboratively means that all parties involved in providing services to the client
should cooperate. Even major corporations collaborate with smaller ones. As a Daraz
SME, they mostly collaborate with several big industries. Daraz may learn from big
business in a variety of ways here. For instance, it's necessary to understand the
atmosphere of big business, how to communicate with them, and how their workflow
operates. So, all these except create more credibility of employee and team there is
needs to work collaborate.

Knowing the present situation and being able to adapt to any setting are advances
made possible by effective communication. Every member of a team brings a special
talent to the table, and they all work together to achieve business goals. Improved
communication increases the veracity and complexity of problem solutions.


The Daraz online retailer has an organizational structure where the top management
sets the goals and delegates their implementation to the intermediate management
level along with staff development. Making relationships with employees is therefore a
crucial step in the process since committed employees add greater value to the
company, which ultimately leads to profit. These relationship-building techniques
improve staff productivity and retention, which are seen as valuable human resources
for businesses. The management and senior officials are dealing with various issues in
the corporate world, but the employees are more eager to deal with the new

circumstances and have more communication experience. They constantly collaborate

and maintain effective communication.


There are various strengths and weaknesses that are explored, like in the previous
debate. The roadmap for your professional and personal growth is provided. Although
the business growth is accelerated by the competitive advantage, there are still some
limitations that must be recognized in order to maintain market dominance. The
influence of ongoing progress has made the corporate sector more flexible nowadays.
And in order to stay current with this, HR professionals constantly prepare to take on
new tasks. To do this, always encourage your staff members and provide them with
numerous forms of training.


The main goal of an HR professional is to design risks and turn them into opportunities
by forming talented teams and individuals. Because different managers contribute
differently to the business, HR is largely dispersed across managers. Creating a great
team where there is an endless skill pool and the employees are very pleased will lead
to sustained business success. To do this, a variety of learning cycles should be added
to the personal and professional development plan that is being developed. If the
person is appropriately motivated, the weakness will become a competitive advantage
and the strength will be more effective. Additionally, all of these factors guarantee that
businesses will achieve their goals and generate larger profits over the long term.


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