Komatsu Trash Compactors Wf450t 3 Workshop Manuals

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Komatsu Trash Compactors Wf450t 3 Workshop Manuals

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Shop Manual VEBM080100

WF450-3 W078-54101 AND UP
WF450T-3 W077-54101 AND UP

• This shop manual may contain attachments and optional equipment that are not available in your area.
Please consult your local KOMATSU distributor for those items you may require. Materials and specifica-
tions are subject to change without notice.

• WF450-3, WF450T-3 mount the S6D125-2 engine.

For details of the engine, see the 125-2 Series Engine Shop Manual

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All Rights Reserved
Printed in Europe 08/01

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10-2 WF550-3 / WF550T-3
No. of page

00 SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00-1

01 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01-1

10 STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1

20 TESTING AND ADJUSTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-1

30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-1

40 MAINTENANCE STANDARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-1

90 OTHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-1

WF450-3 / WF450T-3 10-3

10-4 WF450-3 / WF450T-3
Safety notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00-2
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00-6
How to read the shop manual . . . . . . . . . . . . 00-7
Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00-7
Distribution and updating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00-7
Filing method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00-7
Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00-8
Hoisting instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00-9

WF450-3 / WF450T-3 00-1

Safety notice SAFETY

Safety notice

Important Safety Notice

Proper service and repair is extremely important for safe
machine operation. Some of the described service and re-
pair techniques require the use of tools specially designed
by Komatsu for the specific purpose.
To prevent injury to workers, the symbol is used to
mark safety precautions in this manual. The cautions ac-
companying these symbols must always be followed care-
fully. If any dangerous situation arises or may possibly
arise, first consider safety, and take the necessary actions
to deal with the situation.

General Precautions
Mistakes in operation are extremely dangerous. Read the
operating the machine! Always follow the safety rules valid
in your country carefully!

1. Before carrying out any greasing or repairs, read all the pre-
cautions given on the decals which are fixed to the machine.

2. When carrying out any operation, always wear safety shoes

and helmet. Do not wear loose work clothes, or clothes with
buttons missing.

• Always wear safety glasses when hitting parts with a


• Always wear safety glasses when grinding parts with a

grinder, etc.

3. If welding repairs are needed, always have a trained, experi-

enced welder carry out the work. When carrying out welding
work, always wear welding gloves, apron, glasses, cap and
other clothes suited for welding work.

4. When carrying out any operation with two or more workers,

always agree on the operating procedure before starting. Al-
ways inform your fellow workers before starting any step of
the operation. Before starting work, hang UNDER REPAIR
signs on the controls in the operator's compartment.

5. Keep all tools in good condition and learn the correct way to
use them.

6. Decide a place in the repair workshop to keep tools and re-

moved parts. Always keep the tools and parts in their correct
places. Always keep the work area clean and make sure
that there is no dirt or oil on the floor. Never smoke while
working. Smoke only in the areas provided for smoking.

00-2 WF450-3 / WF450T-3

SAFETY Safety notice

Preparations for work

1. Before adding oil or making any repairs, park the machine
on hard, level ground, and block the wheels or tracks to pre-
vent the machine from moving.

2. Before starting work, lower blade, ripper, bucket or any other

work equipment to the ground and install the safety bar on
the frame. If this is not possible, insert the safety pin or use
blocks to prevent the work equipment from falling. In addi-
tion, be sure to lock all the control levers and hang warning
signs on them.

3. When disassembling or assembling, support the machine

with blocks, jacks or stands before starting work.

4. Remove all mud and oil from the steps or other places used
to get on and off the machine. Always use the handrails, lad-
ders or steps when getting on or off the machine. Never
jump on or off the machine. If it is impossible to use the
handrails, ladders or steps, use a stand to provide safe foot-

WF450-3 / WF450T-3 00-3

Safety notice SAFETY

Precautions during work

1. When measuring hydraulic pressure, check that the measur-
ing tool is correctly assembled before taking any measure-

2. When removing the oil filler cap, drain plug or hydraulic

pressure measuring plugs, loosen them slowly to prevent
the oil from spurting out.
Before disconnecting or removing components of the oil,
water or air circuits, first remove the pressure completely
from the circuit.

3. The water and oil in the circuits are hot when the engine is
stopped, so be careful not to get burned.
Wait for the oil and water to cool before carrying out any
work on the oil or water circuits.

4. Before starting work, remove the leads from the battery. Al-
ways remove the lead from the negative (-) terminal first.

5. When raising heavy components, use a hoist or crane.

Check that the wire rope, chains and hooks are free from
Always use lifting equipment which has ample capacity.
Install the lifting equipment at the correct places. Use a hoist
or crane and operate slowly to prevent the component from
hitting any other part.
Do not work with any part still raised by the hoist or crane.

6. When removing covers which are under internal pressure or

under pressure from a spring, always leave two bolts in po-
sition on opposite sides. Slowly release the pressure, then
slowly loosen the bolts to remove.

7. When removing components, be careful not to break or

damage the wiring. Damaged wiring may cause electrical

8. When removing piping, stop the fuel or oil from spilling out. If
any fuel or oil drips onto the floor, wipe it up immediately. Fu-
el or oil on the floor can cause you to slip, or can even start

9. As a general rule, do not use gasoline to wash parts. In par-

ticular, use only the minimum of gasoline when washing
electrical parts. Do not smoke!

10. Be sure to assemble all parts again in their original places.

Replace any damaged parts with new parts.

When installing hoses and wires, be sure that they will not
be damaged by contact with other parts when the machine
is being operated.

11. When installing high pressure hoses, make sure that they
are not twisted.
Damaged tubes are dangerous, so be extremely careful
when installing tubes for high pressure circuits. Also, check
that connecting parts are correctly installed.

00-4 WF450-3 / WF450T-3

SAFETY Safety notice

12. When aligning two holes, never insert your fingers or hand.
Be careful not to get your fingers caught in a hole.

13. When assembling or installing parts, always use the speci-

fied tightening torques. When installing protective parts such
as guards, or parts which vibrate violently or rotate at high
speed, be particularly careful to check that they are installed

WF450-3 / WF450T-3 00-5

Foreword SAFETY

This shop manual has been prepared as an aid to improve the
quality of repairs by giving the service personnel an accurate un-
derstanding of the product and by showing them the correct way
to perform repairs and make judgements. Make sure you under-
stand the contents of this manual and use it to full effect at every

This shop manual mainly contains the necessary technical infor-

mation for operations performed in a service workshop. For
ease of understanding, the manual is divided into the following
chapters; these chapters are further divided into the each main
group of components:

Structure and function

This section explains the structure and function of each compo-
nent. It serves not only to give an understanding of the structure,
but also serves as reference material for troubleshooting.

Testing and adjusting

This section explains checks to be made before and after per-
forming repairs, as well as adjustments to be made at comple-
tion of the checks and repairs. Troubleshooting charts
correlating "Problems" to "Causes" are also included in this sec-

Disassembly and assembly

This section explains the order to be followed when removing,
installing, disassembling or assembling each component, as
well as precautions to be taken for these operations.

Maintenance standard
This section gives the judgement standards when inspecting dis-
assembled parts.

The specifications contained in this shop manual are subject to
change at any time and without any advance notice. Use the
specifications given in the book with the latest date.

00-6 WF450-3 / WF450T-3

SAFETY How to read the shop manual

How to read the shop manual

Shop manuals are issued as a guide to carrying out repairs.

Distribution and updating

Any additions, amendments or other changes will be sent to Ko-
matsu distributors.
Get the most up-to-date information before you start any work.

Filing method
1. See the page number on the bottom of the page. File the
pages in correct order.

2. Following examples show how to read the page number.

Example 1 (Chassis volume):

10 - 3
Item number (10. Structure and Function)

Consecutive page number for each item

3. Additional pages: Additional pages are indicated by a point

(.) and number after the page number. File as in the exam-


Added Pages

WF450-3 / WF450T-3 00-7

How to read the shop manual SAFETY

So that the shop manual can be of ample practical use, impor-
tant safety and quality portions are marked with the following

Symbol Item Remarks

Safety Special safety precautions are necessary when performing the work.

Special technical precautions or other precautions for preserving standards are necessary
when performing the work.

Weight of parts of systems.
Caution necessary when selecting hoisting wire, or when working posture is important, etc.

Tightening torque Places that require special attention for the tightening torque during assembly.

Coat Places to be coated with adhesives and libricants, etc.

Oil, water Places where oil, water or fuel must be added, and the capacity.

Drain Places where oil or water must be drained, and quantity to be drained.

00-8 WF450-3 / WF450T-3

SAFETY Hoisting instructions

Hoisting instructions

Heavy parts (25kg or more) must be lifted with a
section, every part weigthing 25 kg or more is in-
dicated clearly with the symbol:

If a part cannot be smoothly removed from the machine by hoist-

ing, the following checks should be made:

1. Check for removal of all bolts fastening the part to the rela-
tive parts.

2. Check for existence of another part causing interference

with the part to be removed.

Wire ropes
1. Use adequate ropes depending on the weight of parts to be
hoisted, refering to the table below:

• The allowable load in tons, is given by vertical tensible


• The allowable load value is estimated to be one-sixth or

one-seventh of the breaking strength of the rope used.

Wire ropes:
(Standard "Z" or "S" twist ropes without galvanizing)

Rope diameter (mm) Allowable load (tons)

10 1.0

11.2 1.4

12.5 1.6
14 2.2

16 2.8

18 3.6

20 4.4

22.4 5.6

30 10.0

40 18.0

50 28.0

60 40.0

WF450-3 / WF450T-3 00-9

Hoisting instructions SAFETY

2. Sling wire ropes from the middle portion of the hook.

Slinging near the edge of the hook may cause the rope to
slip off the hook during hoisting, and a serious accident can
result. Hooks have maximum strength at the middle portion.

100% 88% 79% 71% 41%

3. Do not sling a heavy load with one rope alone, but sling with
two or more ropes symmetrically wound onto the load.

Slinging with one rope may cause turning of the load during
hoisting, untwisting of the rope, or slipping of the rope from
its original winding position on the load, which can result in
a dangerous accident.

4. Do not sling a heavy load with ropes forming a wide hanging

angle from the hook.

When hoisting a load with two or more ropes, the force sub-
jected to each rope will increase with the hanging angles.

The table below shows the variation of allowable load (kg)

when hoisting is made with two ropes, each of which is al-
lowed to sling up to 1000 kg vertically, at various hanging

When two ropes sling a load vertically, up to 2000 kg of total

weight can be suspended. This weight becomes 1000 kg
when two ropes make a 120° hanging angle. On the other
hand, two ropes are subjected to an excessive force as
large as 4000 kg if they sling a 2000 kg load at a lifting angle
of 150°.







300 600 900 1200 1500

Lifting angle
(°) (°) (α)

00-10 WF450-3 / WF450T-3

Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01-2
WF450-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01-2
WF450T-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01-4
Weight Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01-6

WF450-3 / WF450T-3 01-1

Specifications GENERAL



Machine model WF450-3

Serial No. 54101 and up

Operating weight kg

Distribution (front) kg
Distribution (rear) kg

Bucket capacity (piled) m3

Rated load kg

Travel speed FORWARD 1st km/h 6.2

FORWARD 2nd km/h 11.2
FORWARD 3rd km/h 19.8
FORWARD 4th km/h 31.5

REVERSE 1st km/h 6.4

REVERSE 2nd km/h 11.7
REVERSE 3rd km/h 20.6
REVERSE 4th km/h 32.7

Max. rimpull kN {kg} 204 {20,800}

Gradeability deg 25.0

Center of outside wheel mm

Min. turning radius
Outside portion mm
of chassis (with BOC)

Model Komatsu SA6D125E-2

Type 4-cycle, water-cooled, in-line,

6-cylinder direct injection, with turbocharger, after-cooler

No. of cylinders – bore x stroke mm 6 – 125 mm × 150 mm

Piston displacement l {cc} 11.04 {11,040}

Flywheel horsepower kW {HP}/rpm 193.4 {260}/2,200


Maximum torque Nm {kgm}/rpm 1,050 {107}/1,400

Fuel consumption ratio g/kWh {g/HPh} 207 {154}

High idling speed rpm 2,400 ± 50

Low idling speed rpm +30

700 0

Starting motor 24 V 7.5 kW

Alternator 24 V 75 A

Battery 12 V 170 Ah × 2

Torque converter 3-element, 1-stage, single-phase (Komatsu TCA38-8A)

Transmission Spur gear, constant-mesh multiple-disc,

Power train

hydraulically actuated, modulation type

Reduction gear Spiral bevel gear, splash lubrication

Differential Straight bevel gear, torque proportioning

Final drive Planetary gear single stage, splash lubrication

01-2 WF450-3 / WF450T-3

GENERAL Specifications

Machine model WF450-3

Serial No. 54101 and up

Drive type Front-, rear-wheel drive

Front wheel Fixed frame, full-floating type

Wheels, rims

Rear wheel Center pin support full-floating type

Shape of front and rear rims mm

Number of feet (per rim) Piece

Balance capacity (per rim) l

Service brake Front-, rear-wheel independent system control,
sealed multiple-disc wet-type disc brake

With hydraulic booster

Parking brake Drive shaft, wet type disc brake

Hydraulically released spring type

Type Articulated steering

Structure Fully hydraulic power steering

Hydraulic pump type Gear pump

Hydraulic pump 302

Switch pump 122

Delivery l/min
Steering pump 168

PPC, brake pump 62

Hydraulic system

Set pressure for work equipment MPa {kg/cm2} 2-spool type

Control valve

20.6 {210}

Set pressure for steering MPa {kg/cm2} Spool type

20.6 {210}

Boom cylinder Reciprocating piston

No. – bore × stroke mm 2 – 180 × 764

Bucket cylinder Reciprocating piston

No. – bore × stroke mm 1 – 200 × 550

Steering cylinder mm Reciprocating piston

No. – bore × stroke 2 – 100 × 440
Work equipment

Link type
Single link
Bucket edge type

WF450-3 / WF450T-3 01-3

Specifications GENERAL


Machine model WF450T-3

Serial No. 54101 and up

Operating weight kg

Distribution (front) kg
Distribution (rear) kg

Travel speed FORWARD 1st km/h 6.2

FORWARD 2nd km/h 11.0
FORWARD 3rd km/h 18.9
FORWARD 4th km/h 27.1
REVERSE 1st km/h 6.5
REVERSE 2nd km/h 11.5

REVERSE 3rd km/h 19.8

REVERSE 4th km/h 27.3

Max. rimpull kN {kg} 211 {21,500}

Gradeability deg 25.0

Center of outside wheel mm

Min. turning radius
Outside portion
of chassis mm

Model Komatsu SA6D125E-2

Type 4-cycle, water-cooled, in-line, 6-cylinder

direct injection, with turbocharger, after-cooler

No. of cylinders – bore × stroke mm 6 – 125 mm × 150 mm

Piston displacement l {cc} 11.04 {11,040}

Flywheel horsepower kW {HP}/rpm 193.4 {260}/2,200


Maximum torque Nm {kgm}/rpm 1,050 {107}/1,400

Fuel consumption ratio g/kWh {g/HPh} 207 {154}

High idling speed rpm 2,400 ± 50

Low idling speed rpm 750 +30


Starting motor 24 V 7.5 kW

Alternator 24 V 75 A

Battery 12 V 170 Ah x 2
Torque converter 3-element, 1-stage, single-phase (Komatsu TCA38-8A)

Transmission Spur gear, constant-mesh multiple-disc,

Power train

hydraulically actuated, modulation type

Reduction gear Spiral bevel gear, splash lubrication

Differential Straight bevel gear, torque proportioning

Final drive Planetary gear single stage, splash lubrication

01-4 WF450-3 / WF450T-3

GENERAL Specifications

Machine model WF450T-3

Serial No. 54101 and up

Drive type Front-, rear-wheel drive

Front wheel Fixed frame, full-floating type

Wheels, rims

Rear wheel Center pin support full-floating type

Shape of front and rear rims mm

Number of feet (per rim) Piece

Balance capacity (per rim) l

Service brake Front-, rear-wheel independent system control,
sealed multiple-disc wet-type disc brake

With hydraulic booster

Parking brake Drive shaft, wet type disc brake

Hydraulically released spring type
Steering system

Type Articulated steering

Structure Fully hydraulic power steering

Hydraulic pump type Gear pump

Hydraulic pump 162

Switch pump 115

Steering pump 158
Hydraulic system

PPC, brake pump 58

Set pressure for work equipment MPa {kg/cm2} 2-spool type

Control valve

20.6 {210}

Set pressure for steering MPa {kg/cm2} Spool type

20.6 {210}

Lift cylinder Reciprocating piston

No. – bore × stroke mm 1 – 130 × 870

Steering cylinder Reciprocating piston

No. – bore × stroke mm 2 – 100 × 440

Blade width mm
Dozing equipment

Blade height mm

Max. lift above ground mm

Max. drop below ground mm

WF450-3 / WF450T-3 01-5

Komatsu Trash Compactors Wf450t 3 Workshop Manuals
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Weight table GENERAL

Weight table

This weight table is a guide for use when transporting or

handling components.

Unit: kg

Machine model WF450-3 WF450T-3

Serial No. 54101 and up 54101 and up

Engine 1150 1150

Radiator 220 220
Transmission (including torque converter) 1000 1000
Center drive shaft 36 36
Front drive shaft 40 40

Rear drive shaft 19 19

Front axle 1482 1445
Rear axle 1493 1470
Front differential 250 250
Rear differential 260 260

Planetary carrier (each) 523 523

Axle pivot (rear axle) 148 148
Rim (1 piece), (triangular foot type)
Rim (1 piece), (chopper type)
Steering valve 24 24

Steering cylinder (each) 38 38

Brake (each) 140 140
Hydraulic tank 225 225
Hydraulic, PPC pump (tandem pump) 27 20
Steering, switch pump (tandem pump) 20 20
Main control valve 90 71
Lift cylinder – 127
Boom cylinder (each) 192 –
Bucket cylinder 222 –
Engine hood 418 418

Front frame 1816 1870

Rear frame 1850 1850
Blade assembly (with cutting edge and end bit) –
Blade –
Bucket link 89 –

Bellcrank 415 –
Boom (including bushing) 1440 × 4 –
Bucket –
Bumper 192 192
Fuel tank 218 218
Battery (each) 47 47
Cab 630 630
Air conditioner unit 12.5 12.5
Operator’s seat
Floor board 272 272

01-6 WF450-3 / WF450T-3

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