30 Years' History of Roller Compacted

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30 Years’ History of Roller-compacted Concrete Dams in Japan.

Isao Nagayama
Public Works Research Institute, Japan
Shigeharu Jikan
Water Resource Development Public Corporation, Japan

ABSTRACT: Japan is the country where the world’s first roller-compacted concrete dam was constructed in
1980. Since then, about 40 roller-compacted concrete dams have been constructed in Japan. Japanese
roller-compacted concrete dams are called RCD dams and are distinguished from the other roller-compacted
concrete dams because there are some differences in their design and construction philosophies. This paper
describes the history of RCD dam construction in Japan. The paper also describes a new type of dams called
the trapezoidal CSG dams that are being comprehensively studied and field-tested in Japan.

1. INTRODUCTION Sand and Gravel) dams. The technology will first be

Japan is the country where the world’s first applied at the Okukubi dam with height of 39 m and
roller-compacted concrete dam was constructed. The volume of 339,000 m3. Trapezoidal CSG dams are
89 m high Shimajigawa dam with volume of 317,000 classified as a new type of dams (not a new type of
m3 was completed in 1980. Since then, about 40 construction method) because their structural features
roller-compacted concrete dams have been constructed differ from those of conventional triangular concrete
in Japan. gravity dams (described in detail in Chapter 6).
Japanese roller-compacted concrete dams are called Because they are such a new type of dams, they can
RCD (RCD is the abbreviation of Roller-Compacted use extremely low quality material such as riverbed
Dam concrete) dams in order to distinguish them from materials or rock muck without washing, screening and
the other types of RCC (RCC is the abbreviation of grading processes.
Roller-Compacted Concrete) dams. The reason is that This paper presents the history of RCD dams and an
RCD dams are not considered to be a new type of outline of trapezoidal CSG dams in Japan.
dams (i.e., they are classified into concrete gravity
dams.), but are considered to be dams constructed with 2. DEVELOPMENT OF RCD CONSTRUCTION
a new construction method. The required performance METHOD
of the RCD dams should be completely the same as – CONSTRUCTION OF THE SHIMAJIGAWA
that of conventional concrete gravity dams. For DAM–
example, transverse contraction joints are installed 2.1. Development of the RCD Construction Method
every 15 m in order to prevent temperature cracks in Construction of safe and economical dams is the
the dams, conventional concrete with high quality is objective of dam engineers.
placed at the upstream and the downstream surfaces of In ancient times, earth dams were constructed by
the dams in order to obtain water-tightness and high trial-and-error or empirical methods. The first earth
resistance to freeze-and-thaw action caused by climate dam referred to in Japanese historical sources was the
change, and lift joints (lift surfaces) are treated in the Sayamaike Dam with height of 15 m built in the 6th
same way as in the case of conventional concrete dams century. This dam was modified and raised and is still
in order to assure good bond and water-tightness in use.
between the lifts, and so on. The first dam constructed using modern technology
On the other hand, Japan is now developing was the 33 m high Nunobiki Gohonmatsu Masonry
trapezoidal CSG (CSG is the abbreviation of Cemented Dam built in 1900. And the 79 m high Komaki Dam

constructed in 1929 was the first concrete gravity dam conditions had further increased the volumes of
built using modern machinery construction technology. concrete gravity dams and raised their construction
Concrete gravity dams were considered to be a safe costs.
and economical type of dams and many concrete
gravity dams followed. Of course, earth dams were The construction method used at Alpe Gera dam in
constructed at the same time, but they were limited to Italy where dump truck were used for concrete
small pond construction. transportation on the dam, and the roller-compacted
The second stage of dam construction was the age of concrete construction that was studied at the Lost
concrete arch dams. The concrete volume of dams Creek Dam in the USA were referred to in order to
could be drastically reduced utilizing the arch action. accomplish rapid and economical construction.
The first large arch dam in Japan was the 110 m high After comprehensive research and discussions the
Kamishiiba Dam constructed in 1955. Many arch dams following conclusions were reached.
were constructed in the 1950s and 1960s. However,
concrete gravity dams were still constructed at many (1) Concrete should be transported by simple
sites because the sites with good foundation rock which machinery from a mixing plant to the construction
were required for concrete arch dams were limited. area.
However, high economic growth in the 1960s and (2) The construction surface of dams should be so flat
1970s increased labor costs. Then, complicated that dump trucks can transfer concrete from a
construction techniques using a lot of labor, which ground hopper on the dam to concrete pouring areas.
were typical of concrete arch dam construction, (3) Concrete should be compacted by vibrating rollers
obstructed economical dam construction. And dam in order to speed up its consolidation.
construction using many machines was encouraged (4) Concrete should be stiff enough to be compacted by
and rock fill dam construction was started. An example vibrating rollers.
of rock fill dams in the early stage was the 131 m high (5) Concrete should be workable enough to be
Miboro dam. Rock fill dams were economical in wide consolidated by vibrating rollers.
valleys where spillways were easily constructed, but in (6) Concrete lift should be thin enough to be
Japan, valleys were generally so steep that rock fill compacted by vibrating rollers.
dams could not be economically constructed in many (7) Concrete should be spread uniformly (without
places. So, efforts to find economical concrete dams segregation) by bulldozers.
construction methods began. (8) The upstream and downstream surfaces should be
The Committee for the Economical Construction of covered by high quality concrete to maintain
Concrete Dams was established in 1974 by the water-tightness and to protect the concrete from
Ministry of Construction (now reorganized as the freeze-and-thaw attack.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.), and (9) The surface concrete and internal concrete should
made a comprehensive study on the economical be cut by vibrating blades at 15 m intervals to
construction of concrete dams (Hirose, 1985, Kokubu prevent temperature cracks.
et al., 1985). The basic philosophy of the committee (10) Lift surfaces should be treated by green cutting
was as follows: and mortar spreading to obtain good bond for shear
stress and water-tightness.
(1) Reduction of the unit cost of concrete should be
studied because of recent high labor costs. Reducing 2.2. Mixture of RCD
the concrete volume as in the case of concrete arch The success of RCD construction depends on the
dams and concrete hollow gravity dams provided no mixture design of RCD. So the concepts of the
benefit. Efforts should be made to reduce the unit coefficients α and β were introduced. The coefficient α
cost of concrete. is the volume ratio of cement slurry to the voids
(2) Reduction of the unit cost of concrete should be between sand particles (fine aggregate) and it must be
studied, because worsening foundation rock designed as larger than 1. The coefficient β is the

volume ratio of mortar to voids between gravel of the RCD mixture.
particles (coarse aggregate) and it must also be (3) Determination of sand aggregate ratio that gives
designed as larger than 1. RCD the lowest VC value. Usually a ratio around
Compaction energy is also an important factor in 30 % to 35 % is adopted.
determining the strength of RCD. So the consistency of (4) Determination of water content. Water content that
RCD mixture was measured with the VC meter shown gives RCD 20 second of VC value is optimum.
in Figure 1 and Table 1. Concrete specimens were Usually 80 to 100 kg/m3 of water is adopted.
made using the large specimen compaction device (5) Strength and surface appearance of RCD (without
shown in Figure 2 and Table 2. honeycomb voids) were evaluated with the large
The RCD mixture is designed by the following specimen compaction device.
Typical features of RCD mixture from these tests are
(1) Determination of the maximum size of aggregate. shown in Figure 3 to Figure 5.
Usually 80 mm is adopted.
(2) Determination of cement content. Usually 120
kg/m3 is adopted in consideration of the high quality

Figure 2. Large Specimen Compaction Device

Figure 1. VC Meter
Table 2. Specification of Large Specimen
Compaction Device

Table 1. Specification of VC Meter (1) Vibrating Mass

(1) Vibrating Table Item value
Item Value Full Amplitude 2.4 mm
Full Amplitude 1 mm Frequency 1900 cpm
Frequency 3000 cpm Mass 648 kg
Loading Mass 20 kg
(2) Specimen (2) Specimen
Item Value Item Value
Diameter 24 cm Diameter 48 cm
Height 20 cm Height 40 cm

Table 3 RCD Mixture at Shimajigawa Dam
C=120 kg/m3 s/a=32%
Item Value
Maximum Size of Aggregate 80 mm
VC Value (s) ・

Water 105 kg/m3

Cement 84 kg/m3
Fly-ash 36 kg/m3
10 Sand Aggregate Ratio 34 %
Fine Aggregate 752 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate 1482 kg/m3
Air 1.5 %
70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Unit Water Content (kg/m )

Figure 3. Unit Water Content vs. VC Value 2.3. Construction of the Shimajigawa Dam

The Shimajigawa Dam (height = 89 m, completed in
W=100 kg/m3 C=120 kg/m3
1980 by the Ministry of Construction) was selected as
the first RCD dam, because its height was moderate
and the installed structures in the dam body were very
VC Value (s) ・

simple. The dam is located on the Saba River in the

Chugoku Region. At the test yard, test filling was
performed to study the lift thickness, the number of
passes of a vibrating roller, and so on (Figure 6).
At the Shimajigawa Dam, a 75 cm lift (25 cm x 3
layer spreading) was planned at first. But, because it
was noted that the upper layer was weaker than the
1 lower layer after vibration, the lift thickness was
26 28 30 32 34 36 38
lowered to 50 cm (17 cm x 3 layer spreading).
Sand Aggregate Ratio (%)
However, good quality was revealed by the later test
Figure 4 Sand Aggregate Ratio vs. VC Value fill, and a 75 cm lift was adopted (25 cm x 3 layer
spreading) in the upper part of the dam. The standard
mixture proportion is shown in Table 3.
Compressive Strength (MPa) ・

A typical feature of Japanese roller-compacted

concrete dam construction is adoption of high lifts that
can reduce the number of weak planes between


C=120 kg/m3 s/a=32%

70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Unit Water Content (kg/m3)

Figure 5 Unit Water Content vs. Compressive Strength

Figure 6. RCD Construction Method

successive lifts. Roller-compacted concrete is spread the cutting plane to prevent closing (Figure 8). And at
into thin layers by bulldozers, and then they are the upstream and downstream edges of the dam,
compacted by vibrating rollers. Thin layer spreading of galvanized steel plates were installed in advance. Then,
roller-compacted concrete was the key factor that water-stop plates and drainage holes were set in the
makes thick lift placement possible. upstream galvanized steel plate (Figure 9).
Roller-compacted concrete was consolidated by Lift joints were cleaned (green-cut) 24 to 48 hours
vibrating rollers. Vibrating rollers were passed over after concrete placement (depending on the season). A
roller-compacted concrete twice without vibration and motor sweeper or water jet was used for green cutting.
9 times with vibration at the Shimajigawa Dam Mortar with thickness of 1.5 mm was then spread
(nowadays, 5 to 6 passes are the norm). before the above lift was placed.
Concrete was transported from the concrete batching Figure 10 is a perspective view of the completed
and mixing plant to the dam by a fixed 13.5 t Shimajigawa dam. Its features were the completely the
cableway-type crane. Concrete was received by a same as those of conventional concrete gravity dams.
ground hopper and was transferred by dump trucks
from the ground hopper to the placement area (Figure
7). Contraction joints were cut by a vibrating blade
machine and galvanized steel plates were installed in

Figure 7 Concrete Transportation

Figure 9. Installation of Water-stop and Drainage

Figure 8. Installation of Transverse Joint Figure 10. Shimajigawa Dam

– CONSTRUCTION OF THE TAMAGAWA 3.2. Characteristics of RCD Construction Method at
DAM – the Tamagawa Dam
3.1. General The principal features of the RCD construction
The Tamagawa Dam is a 100 m high concrete method at the Tamagawa Dam were the challenge to
gravity dam with volume of 1.15 x 106 m3. The dam high construction speed and thick lift of concrete
was constructed on the Omono River in the Tohoku (Yamauchi,et al., 1985, Yamaguchi, et al., 1988).
Region in 1987 by the Ministry of Construction. Figure At the Tamagawa Dam, the concrete batching and
11 shows a view during construction, and Figure 12 is mixing plant was built at the crest level of the dam.
a perspective view of the completed dam. The RCD Mixed concrete was loaded on the transfer-car. Then it
construction method developed at the Shimajigawa was loaded on the bucket-cars that ran on the inclined
Dam was really established through the experience of railways. Then, concrete was dumped into the hopper
the Tamagawa Dam. station at the construction level and was transported to
The Tamagawa Dam was located in a cold region the pouring area by 20 t dump trucks.
where snowfall accumulates to 2 m and the air The incline system consisted of two bucket-cars and
temperature falls as low as –15°C. Construction work two rows of railways. The maximum height difference
of the dam had to be suspended for five months in the of the railway was 94.5 m and maximum speed of the
winter. To economically construct a high dam under bucket-cars was 150 m/min (Figure 13). This incline
such climate conditions, the RCD construction method system recorded 270 m3/h of concrete transportation at
the peak time. It revealed that the incline system was
superior to the conventional cableway-type crane
system in terms of its transport capacity, easiness of
operation, safety of operation and so on. For these
reasons, the incline system has been adopted at many

Figure 11. RCD Construction Method

Figure 12. Tamagawa Dam Figure 13. Incline System

dams since the Tamagawa Dam. Thanks to the use of the RCD construction method
In order to speed up construction and to reduce the in this way, 1.15 x 106 m3 of concrete were placed in
number of lift surface treatments, lift thickness had to 26 months excluding a break period during the winter,
be increased. But it was accompanied by a risk of and a calculation has showed that using RCD
inadequate compaction of RCD. At the Tamagawa construction method at the Tamagawa Dam shortened
Dam, 1 m of lift thickness was made possible by thin the concrete placing period 5 to 7 months compared
layer placement. A 1 m thick lift was divided into four with the conventional block construction method.
thin layers that were spread by bulldozers. After
spreading, the entire lift was compacted by vibrating 4. POPULARIZATION OF THE RCD
rollers. Furthermore, in order to control the quality of CONSTRUCTION METHOD
RCD after compaction, density control was executed 4.1. General
with an insert-type radioisotope density meter. These The completion of the Tamagawa Dam confirmed
measures permitted thick lift placement without that the RCD construction method is a rapid and
inadequate compaction. economical concrete dam construction method. Since
The thin layer spreading method used in the RCD then, it has been widely applied to many concrete
construction completely differs from compaction in gravity dams throughout Japan, not only those
RCC construction which adopted compacting concrete constructed by the Ministry of Construction and the
in a single layer. Thick lift placement, as used in Water Resource Development Public Corporation, but
conventional concrete dam construction, prevents the also those constructed by local governments (Toyoda,
formation of a possible weak plane on the lift surface. et al., 1991). With about 40 completed RCD dams and
After experience of constructing 1 m thick lifts at the about 20 RCD dams at the design stage, this
Tamagawa Dam, new vibrating rollers with high technology has now matured.
vibrating force have been developed and used for all Technology development of the RCD construction
RCD construction. method started with the introduction of vibrating roller
Because the Tamagawa Dam was the first high dam compaction, and it extended to the improvement of
built by the RCD construction method, a wide-ranging concrete transportation systems. Other related studies
surveys and research on temperature control were such as temperature control, quality control, and
carried out. In order to reduce the cement content, 150 peripheral technologies such as installed structures and
mm of maximum size of aggregate was used and the contraction joint cutting have also been improved. In
cementitious material content was limited to 130 kg/m3. these improvements, the improvement of RCD mixture
Moderate heat Portland cement was used and 30 % of and improvement of transportation machinery are
it was replaced by fly-ash. Table 4 shows the design described below.
mixture of RCD at the Tamagawa Dam.
4.2. Improvement of RCD Mixture
The mixture design of RCD has been improved
Table 4 RCD Mixture at Tamagawa Dam throughout the history of RCD dam construction. In
Item Value particular, the filling properties of concrete, i.e., the
Maximum Size of Aggregate 150 mm appropriate values of the parameter α (the volume ratio
Water 95 kg/m3 of cement slurry to the voids between sand particles)
Cement 91 kg/m3 and the parameter β (the volume ratio of mortar to
Fly-ash 39 kg/m3 voids between gravel particles) have been studied in
Sand Aggregate Ratio 30 % detail. The results have shown that compared with the
Fine Aggregate 657kg/m3 α = 1.5 to 1.8, β = 1.2 to 1.5 of conventional dam
Coarse Aggregate 1444 kg/m3 concrete, and α = 2.1 to 2.4, β = 2.0 to 2.3 of structural
Air 1.5 % concrete, α = 1.1 to 1.3, β = 1.2 to 1.5 are suitable
values for RCD. It is noted in particular that the
volume of cement slurry is close to the volume of

voids between fine aggregates. This result shows that transport RCD to every pouring area on the dam. It
unit cementitious material (cement and fly-ash) content provides greater freedom of choice of the
is in the range of 110 to 130 kg/m3 and unit water transportation system from concrete batching and
content is in the range of 80 to 100 kg/m3 for RCD. mixing plant to the dam. These transportation systems
However, reducing the cement paste content or include direct transportation by dump trucks, belt
mortar content may cause the segregation of the conveyors, inclines, tower cranes, cableway-type
aggregates. It is improved by adding finer particles cranes and so on.
(50 % grain size of about 50 µm) to the fine aggregate. The Pirika Dam (height = 40 m, completed in 1991,
At the Hiyoshi Dam (height = 67 m, completed in 1997 by the Hokkaido Development Bureau) is a combined
by the Water Resource Development Public dam consisting of a concrete gravity dam and a rock
Corporation), a dry-process-type sand production fill dam with crest length of 1,480 m and with height of
facility was adopted in order to increase the content of 40 m. Because of it topographical feature of the site,
finer particles. Then, workability was improved and the the RCD construction method using the direct
unit cementitious material content was reduced to 110 transportation system by dump trucks was adopted for
kg/m3. And at the Urayama Dam (height = 156 m, the concrete gravity sections (the crest length is 755 m
completed in 1999, by the Water Resource of the left side). The road to the dam body was
Development Public Corporation), a dry-process-type designed as an embankment-type road. The direct
coarse aggregate production facility was adopted. The transportation system by dump trucks was applied at
finer particles produced during production of coarse the Shiramizugawa Dam (height = 54.5 m, completed
aggregates that were formerly discarded as industrial in 1991, by Yamagata Prefecture). The road to the dam
waste material, were effectively used to improve the body was connected by a temporary bridge that was 30
workability of the RCD mixture. m long and 4 m wide. The bridge raised itself every 50
Technological progress has been achieved in the cm. The use of the direct transportation system by
areas of admixture mineral, chemical admixture, and dump trucks is often applied to lower dams or the
cement. Fly-ash is generally used as admixture mineral lower part of the dams (Figure 14).
and 20 % to 40 % of cement is replaced by fly-ash. The At the Tsugawa Dam (height = 76 m, completed in
use of fly-ash contributes to lowering the heat of 1996 by Okayama Prefecture), a belt conveyor system
hydration, improving consistency, and increasing long was used to transport concrete. Concrete transported
term strength. At the Tomisato Dam (height = 111 m, from the concrete batching and mixing plant by belt
completed in 2000 by the Water Resource conveyers was temporarily stocked in a ground hopper
Development Public Corporation), cement and fly-ash installed on the dam, then was transported by dump
were mixed at the dam site according to the season and trucks to the pouring area (Figure 15). Transportation
concrete mixture. Namely, 40 % of the cement in RCD of RCD by a belt conveyer system was performed at
was replaced by fly-ash in the summer season and the high dams such as the Gassan Dam (height = 123m,
30 % in the other seasons, and 35 % of the cement in completed in 2001 by the Ministry of Construction).
conventional concrete (external concrete) was replaced An incline system is a transportation method that is
by fly-ash in the summer season. often used at relatively large scale RCD dams because
Special chemical admixtures for RCD and low it has large transportation capacity and is not dependent
hydration heat type cements were also developed. on the dam site topography. Dams constructed by the
incline transportation system include the Tamagawa
4.3. Improvement of Transportation Machinery Dam (height = 100 m, completed in 1987 by the
Noteworthy achievements in the RCD construction Ministry of Construction), the Sakaigawa Dam (height
method were the improvement of transportation = 115m, completed in 1993 by Toyama Prefecture),
machinery and the diversification of transportation and the Miyagase Dam (height = 156 m, completed in
system. 1998 by the Ministry of Construction).
Because the construction surface of a dam built by Concrete transportation by buckets such as the tower
the RCD construction method is flat, dump trucks can crane and cableway-type crane methods are also used,

because they permit three-dimensional transportation. right banks. Two 9 m3 ground hoppers were installed
At the Sabigawa Dam (height = 104 m, completed in on the construction surface of the dam and concrete
1994 by Tokyo Electric Power Corporation), change of was transported from the ground hoppers to the
the environment at the dam site was minimized by pouring area by dump trucks (Yamamoto et al., 1994).
installing two 13.7 ton tower cranes on the left and At the Tomisato Dam, 20 ton both-side-running
cableway-type cranes were installed as RCD
transportation system (Figure 16). This cableway-type
crane permitted transportation not only in the dam axis
direction but also in the river flow direction by 22 m.
This crane was fully used for installation of water
discharge facilities and pouring of the concrete around
the conduit pipe, and for pouring concrete of the upper
parts of the dam where working area was so narrow.
In addition, the automated transportation system and
automated concrete batching and mixing plant were

Figure 14. Temporary Bridge 5. APPLICATION OF RCD CONSTRUCTION

5.1. The Miyagase Dam
The Miyagase Dam (completed in 1998 by the
Ministry of construction) is an extremely high RCD
dam with height of 156 m and with volume of 2.06 x
106 m3. The dam was located on the Sagami River in
the Kanto Region. Figure 17 shows a perspective view
of the completed Miyagase Dam.
At the Miyagase Dam, the major challenge to be
overcome was the problem of thermal stress in the
large RCD dams. To resolve this problem, thermal
stress analysis based on the restraint matrix method
was performed and a comprehensive study of the
Figure 15. Belt Conveyor starting time of concrete placement and the placement
schedule was performed (Hirose et al., 1988). When a
dam is raised uniformly as it is using the RCD
construction method, the concrete temperature at each
elevation of the dam is governed not only by the heat
of hydration but also by the seasonal temperature
fluctuation. At the Miyagase Dam, various studies of
the placement starting time and concrete placement
schedule were performed by restraint matrix analysis,
obtaining the conclusion that beginning concrete
placement in October would be most beneficial for
temperature control. In practice, inclined contraction
joints were installed in order to make concrete
placement efficient at the lower part of dam and in
Figure 16. Both-side-running Cableway –type Crane order to reliably protect RCD from temperature cracks
(Figure 18).

At the Miyagase Dam, the concrete was transported (Figure 19). Concrete mixed at the batching and
by inclines where dump trucks were directly loaded mixing plant was dumped into 20 t dump trucks, then
dump trucks with 9 m3 of concrete were transported to
the construction surface through two rows of inclines.
Dump trucks were carried on the incline at a speed of
180 m/min. Since this transportation method eliminates
the transfer of concrete from bucket to bucket, it
effectively shortened the transportation cycle time,
reduced the segregation of materials that occurs during
reloading, and restricted quality fluctuations such as the
temperature or consistency of concrete.
In addition, pre-cast products were efficiently used at
the Miyagase Dam. Pre-cast products were used for the
inspection galleries and the elevator shaft.

5.2. The Urayama Dam

Figure 17. Miyagase Dam The Urayama Dam is an extremely high RCD dam
with the height of 156 m and volume of 175 x 106 m3
constructed on the Ara River in the Kanto Region by
Normal Water Level
EL.286.000m EL.290.000m the Water Resource Development Public Corporation.
It was completed in 1999. Figure 20 is a view of the
completed the Urayama Dam.
From the results of a detailed study of the thermal

1 :0

Inclined stress problem that was carried out based on experience
Contraction Joint
38.195 EL.176.250m
at the Miyagase Dam, it was concluded that the

thermal stress was under the regulated value even at the




maximum layer length of 170 m at the bottom of the
59.200 118.350
dam, as long as the concrete was raised rapidly and
constantly (Yamazumi. et al., 1994).
To increase the amount of concrete product per hour,
Figure 18. Inclined Contraction Joint an integrated belt conveyor system was installed from
the quarry to the dam. This belt conveyer system

Figure 19 Dump Truck Mounted Incline

Figure 20. Urayama Dam

consisted of three kinds of conveyors, one for crushed attached to the dam body. The access conveyors were
rock, one for aggregate, and one for concrete. The 4-level conveyors with a trough angle of 18° and a lift
quarry was located 4.5 km upstream from the dam site, head of 40 m so that it could cover a dam height of 156
the aggregate production plant 2.5 km upstream from m . The RCD was transported at approximately 140
the dam site, and the concrete batching and mixing m/min. During these processes, hoods were placed on
plant directly upstream from the dam site. The belt the belt conveyors to prevent infrared rays and the belt
conveyor for crushed rock was 1,050 mm wide, 1,500 surface was moistened before material was loaded.
mm long, and operated at a speed of 120 m/min. It
transported crushed rock with maximum size of 300 6. DEVELOPMENT OF CSG AND
mm from the quarry to the aggregate production plant. TRAPEZOIDAL CSG DAMS
The belt conveyer for aggregate was 1,050 mm wide, 6.1. Development of CSG at the Nagashima Dam
2,300 m long, and operated at a speed of 110 m/min. It Site.
transported four grades of coarse aggregate and one The 113m high Nagashima dam was a conventional
grade of fine aggregate produced at the aggregate concrete gravity dam, because the many conduit gates
production plant to the concrete batching and mixing installed in the dam body prevented flat layer
plant (Figure 21, Figure 22). The belt conveyor for construction such as the RCD construction method.
concrete consisted of two parts: the main conveyor that However, because the riverbed deposit was very thick
was 900 mm wide, moved at 120 m/min, and had a at the site, the RCD construction method was used to
trough angle of 30°, and the access conveyor that was replace the original riverbed and a conventional
concrete dam was constructed on it.
At first, the upstream cofferdam was to be made of
earth and rock because it was constructed on
deformable riverbed deposits. However, after a large
flood washed away the cofferdam, the dam constructor
decided to construct a new cofferdam with

Water-stop sheet & River Bed Material

Facing Concrete
Figure 21. Belt Conveyor from Aggregate
River Deposit Cut-off Wall
Production Plant to Dam Site

Figure 23. Cross Section of Nagashima Coffer Dam

Figure 22. Belt Conveyor and Ground Hopper Figure 24 Nagashima Coffer Dam

soil-cement-like material. First riverbed material was constructed in the reservoir of the Nagashima Dam, its
dumped at the site then cement was dusted on it. Then safety requirements were relatively low. Economical
a skeleton-type backhoe mixed the materials and a construction methods were, therefore, studied in
vibrating roller compacted the materials. When the advance of construction (Yokotsuka et al., 2000).
water content was judged to be low, additional water As a result of the study, CSG was used to make the
was sprinkled on it. This material is called CSG that is dam body. Using skeleton backhoes to mix the CSG
the abbreviation of Cemented Sand and Gravel. The was not effective because of the large volume of the
cross section of the CSG cofferdam at the Nagashima dam. Then, the continuously mixing drum-type mixer
Dam is shown in Figure 23 and a perspective view in was adopted. CSG materials were provided from the
Figure 24. The CSG cofferdam had properties similar river bed. Originally no grading process was planned,
to soil-cement. It was confirmed that the structure but the variation of the grading of the materials proved
could resist overflow by flood water during the flood very high. So, a 20 mm sieve feeder was adopted and
season. CSG cofferdams have been constructed at CSG materials were classified into materials larger
many dam sites since then. then 20 mm (larger aggregate) and materials not larger
CSG had the optimum water content from 6 to 8 %, than 20 mm (smaller aggregate). They were stocked
as the soil had. The water content was kept on the wet separately. Furthermore, it was found that grain size
side in the consolidating CSG to prevent honeycomb under 5 mm is very small, so fine sand was excavated
voids and to keep the strength deviation relatively low. from a pool in the river and mixed into the smaller
Cement content was about 60 kg per unit volume (1 aggregate (Figure 26).
m3) of CSG. In the design, the unit mass of CSG was assumed to
This CSG was designed to allow for a wide range of be 2,200 kg/m3, and 100 kg of cement and 100 kg of
deviation of mechanical properties (unit weight,
strength, modulus of elasticity) and the existence of
entrapped voids, because it was used as the material for
temporary structures. For example, the strength range
of CSG was sometimes 2 to 10 N/mm2 on the 28th day.

6.2. the Nagashima Sand-Trap Dam

The Nagashima dam was constructed on the Oi
River by the Ministry of Construction. Because the
river flow of the Oi River includes much silt and sand
during flooding, a 34 m high sand-trap dam with
volume 50,000 m3 was constructed in the upper part of
the reservoir (Figure 25). Figure 25. Nagashima Sand-trap Dam
Because the Nagashima Sand-trap Dam was

Turn Head Shoot

Rotary Drum Mixer
Cement Supplier (Capacity:60∼80m3/h)
20-0 mm
150-20 mm Fine Sand

Concrete Hopper
Belt Conveyor with Dump Truck (4m3×4)
Belt Conveyor with Belt Feeder Belt Scale
Belt Scale

Figure 26 Bathing and Mixing Plant (Continuously Mixing Type)

sand were added. These materials were weighed on the with other concrete structures. This means that a
belt scale. Also, the water contents of sand and smaller trapezoidal concrete dam can utilize even CSG as its
aggregate were measured on a belt scale and adequate dam body material (Hirose et al., 2001).
water was added to obtain VC value of 20 seconds. On the other hand CSG does have low resistance to
The result of the test fill was excellent and cement freeze-and-thaw attack and high permeability. Then
content was reduced to 90 kg/m3. conventional concrete should be placed in order to
CSG manufactured by the continuously mixing prevent water leakage at the upstream surface, and in
drum type mixer was stocked in the hopper and a order to prevent freeze-and-thaw attack at the
dump truck transported it from the hopper station to the downstream surface.
dam. The compaction method and other processes Furthermore, leakage of water from the foundation
were almost the same as those of RCD except that rock to the CSG should be prevented. Therefore, the
surface concrete (conventional concrete with 220 bottom of the dam along the foundation rock from the
kg/m3 of cement) and bedding mortar were heel of the dam to the drainage holes is covered with
manufactured at a local private concrete plant. Delay of conventional concrete and foundation grouting is
concrete supply was not observed. executed.
At the crest level of a CSG dam, 8 to 10m width is
6.3. Concept of a trapezoidal CSG dam adopted because the transportation of CSG by dump
A trapezoidal CSG dam is a new type of a dam that trucks and the compaction of CSG by vibrating rollers
combines a trapezoidal dam and CSG materials. can be easily done.
Conventional concrete gravity dams were usually Therefore, the typical cross section of a trapezoidal
designed to satisfy three requirements: resistance CSG dam is as shown in Figure 27. Trapezoidal CSG
against overturning, resistance against sliding and dams are now at the design stage of the Okukubi Dam
allowable compressive strength. In the seismic (height = 39 m), Sanru Dam (height = 50 m) and
coefficient method, middle third condition guarantees Hommyogawa Dam (height = 64 m).
the no tensile stress in the concrete gravity dam. But
under real earthquake conditions, the large tensile
stress is induced in the dam body. So, the compressive Reference
strength of concrete should have much larger than the - T. Hirose. 1982. Research and practice concerning RCD method,
allowable stress. However, if the shape of the dam is Proceeding of ICOLD C,
trapezoidal with a slope of 0.8 : 1.0, no tensile stress is - T. Yamaguchi, J, Harada, et al. 1985. Construction of Tamagawa
induced even by the design earthquake. This means a Dam by the RCD method, Proceeding of ICOLD, Q57-R6
large safety factor is unnecessary. - M. Kokubu, S. Shimizu, S. Jojima. 1985. Present stage and
At the same time, the maximum compressive stress problems of rationalized construction of concrete dams in Japan,
in a concrete gravity dam is relatively low compared Proceeding of ICOLD, C7
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Temperature cracks in large roller compacted concrete dams,
Proceeding of ICOLD, Q62-R7
Protection Concrete
- J. Yamaguchi, K. Ohyabu, et al. 1988. Construction Work and
CSG Quality and temperature concrete for Tamagawa RCD Dam,
Proceeding of ICOLD, Q62-R8
Water Stop Concrete - M. Imamura , K. Torii, et al. 1988. Embedded facilities within the
Structure Concrete RCD dam bodies, Proceeding of ICOLD, Q62-R9
Rich CSG - T. Toyoda, S. Nagataki, et al. 1991. The latest situation of
Rationalized construction methods for concrete dams in Japan,
Proceeding of ICOLD, C9
- A. Yamazumi, K. Harita, et al. 1994. Long layer performance by
Figure 27. Trapezoidal CSG dam
the plane construction method – No-joint 170 m layer by the

RCD method. Proceeding of ICOLD, C6
- Y. Yamamoto, A Hirai, et al. 1994. Quality control and
temperature regulation of Sabigawa RCD dam, Proceeding of
- K. Takemura, Y. Kobayashi, et al. 1994. Development of concrete
dam construction methods and their applications in Japan,
Proceeding of ICOLD, C3
- T. Fujisawa, I, Nagayama, et al. 1997. A study on mixture design
of RCD concrete using standard specimen compaction device.
Proceeding of ICOLD, C5
- T. Tonegawa, Y. Sekine, et al. 1997. Experimental field study for
increasing the lift thickness of the RCD construction Method,
Proceeding of ICOLD, C6
- T. Yokotsuka, Y. Otaka, et al. 2000. Application of CSG method
to construction of gravity dam, Proceeding of ICOLD, C6
- T. Hirose, T. Fujisawa, et al.2001. Design criteria for
trapezoid-shaped CSG dams, Proceedings workshop on Modern
Technique for Dams - Financing, Construction, Operation, Risk


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Te. 4776840/42 E-mail: cendocum@orsep.gov.ar



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