BHP Billiton Olympic Dam Expansion 2011 Summary Booklet

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Olympic Dam Expansion 2011


Preface.........................................................3 Materials handling and transport..............16

Introduction.................................................5 Road transport.........................................................16
The proposed expansion..............................................5
Landing facility – Port Augusta..................................18
Current operations......................................................7
Outer Harbor ...........................................................18
EIS process.................................................................7
Olympic Dam airport.................................................19
Community and stakeholder consultation.....................7
Port of Darwin..........................................................19

Mining..........................................................8 Energy supply and greenhouse gases........21

Energy requirements.................................................21
Reducing electricity demand......................................21
Ore processing facilities............................................11
Workforce ..................................................22
Tailings storage facility..............................................11
Roxby Downs..............................................24
Water supply..............................................13
Preferred option.......................................................13 Economic impact........................................26
Location of the desalination plant..............................13 National, State and regional economic impacts...........26
Return water............................................................14 Government revenues and expenditure......................26
Marine life................................................................14 Local business opportunities and employment............26

Next steps..................................................28

Further information....................................28

It is an exciting era in the development of BHP Billiton’s The Supplementary EIS contains responses to more
Olympic Dam mine. than four thousand submissions received on the
Draft Environmental Impact Statement which was open
The release of the Supplementary Environmental Impact
to the public for feedback for a 14-week period in 2009.
Statement (Supplementary EIS) is a major step towards
We have addressed the environmental, social, cultural
establishing Olympic Dam as one of the world’s premier
and economic issues raised in those submissions and in
mining operations.
doing so we have ensured the project will deliver the
For BHP Billiton, the project has the potential to most advanced and responsible outcomes.
become one of the Company’s largest single
Expanding Olympic Dam will ensure a great future for
investments, and will put billions of dollars into the
South Australia and Australia. We look forward to
South Australian economy for decades to come.
sharing our progress on this journey with you.
BHP Billiton, as the world’s largest mining company,
is well placed to develop a project of this importance
and magnitude while ensuring best practice in health,
safety, environmental management and community
Ultimately our aim is to help supply the world’s
Dean Dalla Valle
population with the vital resources it needs to power
homes, build cities and grow communities.
Uranium Customer Sector Group
The planning for this expansion is a culmination of more
than five years work by hundreds of engineers,
scientists, consultants and industry leaders across a
broad range of expertise. I’m personally very proud of
the extraordinary detail and commitment that has been
invested in making sure this is a viable project with the
least environmental impact possible.

2 O L Y M P I C D A M EXP AN SIO N 2 011 OL Y M PI C D A M E X P A N S I O N 2 0 1 1 3

Olympic Dam

The aim of the expansion is to transform this

amazing resource into a world class mining
and mineral processing operation.
Marc Vogts, Vice President,
Uranium Customer Sector Group

The proposed expansion • When volumes justify, a 105 kilometre rail line to
BHP Billiton is seeking the approval of the Australian, connect Olympic Dam with the national rail network
South Australian and Northern Territory Governments near Pimba.
for a significant expansion of its existing mining and • Additional port facilities at Outer Harbor in
processing operation at Olympic Dam in northern South Australia as well as at the Port of Darwin
South Australia, 560 kilometres north of Adelaide. in the Northern Territory.
The orebody at Olympic Dam is the world’s fourth
• A new airport at Olympic Dam to cater for large
largest copper resource, the largest known deposit of
commercial jets and the increase in passengers
uranium and also has rich deposits of silver and gold.
and air traffic.
The proposed Olympic Dam Expansion is centred on
• A landing facility and access corridor at Port Augusta
the creation of a new open-pit mine that would operate
to unload and move equipment from barges to
simultaneously with the existing underground mine.
Olympic Dam.
The proposed expansion would be built progressively
over several stages and lift ore production. The existing • A new accommodation village for workers at
smelter at Olympic Dam would be expanded and new Olympic Dam.
concentrator and hydrometallurgical plants would be • Expanding the Roxby Downs township to provide
built to process the additional ore and generate additional services and accommodation so the town’s
additional concentrate. population can grow to around 10,000.
The major items of infrastructure required over time The proposed expansion would be a progressive
to support the expansion include: development. The project schedule will ultimately
• A 200 megalitre per day coastal desalination plant depend on the timing and nature of government
at Point Lowly and 320 kilometres of pipeline with approvals and the final investment decision of the
associated pumping stations to deliver the water to BHP Billiton Board.
Olympic Dam.
• An additional 270 kilometre electricity transmission
line from Port Augusta to Olympic Dam; or a gas
pipeline from Moomba and a new gas-fired power
station at Olympic Dam; or a hybrid solution that is
a combination of these two supply methods.

4 O L Y M P I C D A M EXP AN SIO N 2 011 OL Y M PI C D A M E X P A N S I O N 2 0 1 1 5


Mutual benefits

BHP Billiton promotes a mutually beneficial

relationship between the Company, its employees
and contractors, the environment and the Current operations The EIS has been prepared by:
communities in which it operates. Mineral processing at Olympic Dam began in 1988,
Stefan Buys, Asset President, Olympic Dam • Up to 20 environmental, social, economic and
initially producing 45,000 tonnes per annum of copper
cultural specialists working full-time for more
plus associated products of uranium oxide, gold and
than four years as an Adelaide-based core
silver. Between 1997 and 1999 there was a major
EIS team.
expansion of the mine and minerals processing plant.
In recent years annual copper production has averaged • Many hundreds of individuals from more than
about 180,000 tonnes, with 4,000 tonnes of uranium 100 consulting companies from around Australia
oxide, 80,000 ounces of gold and 800,000 ounces and overseas undertaking specialist studies.
of silver.
• More than 20 internationally recognised experts
Copper produced at Olympic Dam is sold to global and conducting peer reviews of the studies
domestic markets. The uranium oxide is sold to power undertaken.
stations for baseload power generation. All of the gold
and silver is sent to the Australian Mint in Perth. • More than 200 BHP Billiton staff who have
worked to incorporate environmental, social,
economic and cultural factors into project
EIS process
decisions, plans and designs.
Given the size and complexity of the proposed
Olympic Dam Expansion, a detailed and technical
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) was
prepared to comply with the guidelines set by the three
governments and to explain the impacts and benefits
of the proposed actions. In May 2009, BHP Billiton
released the Draft EIS for a 14 week public consultation
period. A Supplementary Environmental Impact
Statement (Supplementary EIS) has been prepared to
respond to the submissions received during that period.

Community and stakeholder consultation

In preparing the Draft EIS, BHP Billiton consulted with
more than 8,300 people, 38 government departments
and service providers, 55 non-government organisations
and 60 industry groups.
Following the publication of the Draft EIS the
South Australian Government received a total of
4,197 submissions related to the proposed expansion
and provided these to BHP Billiton for review and
response. All of the issues raised in these submissions
have been addressed in the Supplementary EIS.

6 O L Y M P I C D A M EXP AN SIO N 2 011 OL Y M PI C D A M E X P A N S I O N 2 0 1 1 7


The planned open-pit mine would operate
simultaneously with the existing underground mine.
By 2050 the size of the pit would grow to be
4.1 kilometres long, 3.5 kilometres wide and 1 kilometre
deep. Eventually, mining the planned open-pit would
produce 60 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of ore,
equivalent to an additional annual rate of refined
copper production of 515,000 tonnes.
When viewed from above, the Olympic Dam orebody is
shaped like a frying pan. The proposed open-pit would
mine the ‘pan’ and the underground operation would
continue to take ore from the ‘handle’.
It would take about six years of mining to remove
the 350 metre thick layer of overburden and expose
the upper surface of the orebody. During this time,
material would be moved from the open-pit to the rock
storage facility. The rock storage facility would cover
approximately 6,720 hectares, and it would eventually
be about 150 metres high.

The future at
Key commitments:
Olympic Dam
• BHP Billiton would implement pre-emptive
controls and a real-time response system to
manage dust impacts from the open-pit Olympic Dam has the world’s fourth
operation. largest copper resource and the largest
• BHP Billiton would implement mitigation known uranium resource. The expansion of
measures to reduce noise impacts of the open-pit Olympic Dam will unlock the full potential
operation. of the deposit to meet growing world
demand for copper and uranium.
Jeff Innes, General Manager, Open-pit,
Olympic Dam Expansion

8 O L Y M P I C D A M EXP AN SIO N 2 011 OL Y M PI C D A M E X P A N S I O N 2 0 1 1 9

The proven metallurgical processes used in
the existing plant would continue to be used
for the expansion.
Phil Wigley, Study Manager, Processing and
Infrastructure Planning, Olympic Dam Expansion

Ore processing facilities Tailings storage facility

Processing for the expanded mine would build on the The expansion would generate approximately 58 mtpa
20 years experience gained by operating the existing of tailings at full production, and would require up to
Olympic Dam processing plant. eight storage cells in addition to the existing storage
cells that receive approximately 10 mtpa of tailings.
The expansion would require the following additional
ore processing facilities: The tailings would be deposited into the storage cells
from a pipeline that would circle the walls of each cell.
• A new concentrator to grind the ore, then extract the
Each section would be allowed to dry and consolidate
minerals by flotation to produce:
before receiving more tailings. The perimeter wall would
−− a copper-rich concentrate containing recoverable be progressively raised as each cell filled with tailings.
quantities of uranium oxide, gold and silver Process fluids would be recovered and recycled for use
−− a uranium-rich tailings, which contains the in the process plant. Ultimately these cells are capped
majority of the uranium and the remainder of the with the hard rock extracted from the open-pit to
copper, gold and silver. ensure a long-term stable structure.

• A new hydrometallurgical plant to extract the

uranium from the concentrator tailings.
Key commitment:
• Upgrades to the existing electro-refinery and smelter,
• BHP Billiton would commit to changes to
which would continue processing ore from either the
processing and tailings management to increase
existing underground operation or the open-pit.
recycling and water efficiency.
• The proven metallurgical processes used in the
existing plant would continue to be used for the

10 O L Y M P I C D A M EXP AN SIO N 2 011 OL Y M PI C D A M E X P A N S I O N 2 0 1 1 11

Marine life
Water supply
Extensive modelling of Spencer Gulf and
the area around Point Lowly has shown that
return water from the desalination plant
would disperse rapidly.
David Wiltshire, Biological Environment
Workstream Manager, EIS Team

Preferred option Location of the desalination plant

Olympic Dam operates in an arid, isolated area and BHP Billiton considered 20 sites for the location of
providing it with a reliable, long-term water supply is the desalination plant including Port Augusta,
a major challenge. Both Olympic Dam and the township Whyalla, Port Pirie, Point Lowly, Ceduna, Elliston,
of Roxby Downs currently use water piped from two Point Drummond and Port Lincoln.
well fields in the Great Artesian Basin under licence
Each of the locations were examined and assessed
issued by the South Australian Government.
based on the following criteria:
To develop the orebody at Olympic Dam the proposed
• Environmental impacts.
new mine and the expanded Roxby Downs township
would require an additional 200 megalitres per day. The • Water depth and speed.
two existing well fields supplying the current operation • Accessibility and constructability of the plant and
could not sustain the additional demand. the associated pipeline.
The proposed coastal desalination plant at Point Lowly Based on these criteria and on the studies conducted by
in Upper Spencer Gulf is BHP Billiton’s preferred option some of the world’s leading experts, Point Lowly was
for the primary supply of water. This also creates a determined as the best location for a desalination plant.
potential water supply for towns in the Upper Spencer
The current speeds at the top of Spencer Gulf are
Gulf and Eyre Peninsula regions that currently draw
some of the fastest in South Australia. These currents
water from the River Murray.
are at their greatest speed between Point Lowly and
Ward Spit, where BHP Billiton proposes to operate its
desalination plant.
Because of these fast flowing currents, the return water
from the desalination plant would be dispersed at
maximum levels.
In addition to these fast flowing currents at Point Lowly,
there is a natural movement of water that moves up
the western side of Spencer Gulf, around the top of the
Gulf, and then flushes back down its eastern side.
Research and modelling undertaken for the Draft EIS
shows that seawater seasonally flushes through
Upper Spencer Gulf ensuring no build up of salt in
the Gulf.

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Water supply Water supply

Return water Marine life BHP Billiton would undertake annual surveys of the
The return water would be discharged at sea under The world’s largest known aggregation of the Giant
pressure through a purpose designed and built diffuser Australian Cuttlefish occurs annually in Upper Spencer Australian Giant Cuttlefish population at Point Lowly
which would be located in the area of highest tidal Gulf. Cuttlefish like shallow, rocky outcrops to breed
currents, which is 800 metres from the shore. and lay their eggs, and these areas are close to the prior to construction and throughout the life of the
shore between Whyalla and Backy Point.
The outfall pipe would be built through a tunnelling desalination plant.
process, rather than the traditional trenching method. Extensive modelling of Spencer Gulf and the area
This would ensure the seabed and the marine around Point Lowly has shown that the return water
environment is protected from any damage during would disperse rapidly.
construction and avoids the cuttlefish habitat.
If the return water dispersion from the desalination
The intake pipe would be constructed through a
plant did not meet the regulatory levels or monitoring
trenching process because the alignment of the pipe is
identified unacceptable impacts, BHP Billiton would stop Key commitments:
through soft, sandy areas rather than the rocky reef
discharging return water until the issue was resolved.
cuttlefish breeding habitat. Therefore, minimal, if any, • The desalination plant and associated pumping to • If the return water dispersion did not meet the
BHP Billiton is reliant on a long-term reliable water
blasting would be required for the intake pipe. Olympic Dam would be powered by 100 per cent regulatory levels or monitoring identified
supply to expand Olympic Dam to its full potential.
renewable energy. unacceptable impacts, BHP Billiton would stop
The fast flowing currents at Point Lowly will ensure that It is therefore in BHP Billiton’s interest to ensure the
discharging return water from the desalination
the return water from the plant will be dispersed desalination plant can be operated responsibly in • Monitoring of the desalination plant would be in
plant in the Gulf until the issue was resolved.
rapidly, even during dodge tides. relation to the marine environment. ‘real-time’. Salinity levels in Upper Spencer Gulf
would be monitored, as would the activity
of the Australian Giant Cuttlefish in the area.

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We see many benefits for South Australia and

Australia through the longevity of the project

Materials handling and development of infrastructure.

Dean Dalla Valle, President Uranium Customer

and transport
Sector Group

The existing operation requires supplies and product Pimba. Once the rail line was operational the bulk of
to be transported primarily by road to and from materials (which would include concentrate, sulphur
Olympic Dam. These are mainly copper cathodes, and diesel) would be transported by rail, providing a
sulphur, diesel and various reagents used in the reduction in road traffic for the operation.
metallurgical plant.
The proposed expansion would increase transport Road transport
volumes. The materials handling and transport method The Stuart Highway between Port Augusta and Pimba,
chosen for the expansion would utilise the transport of and Olympic Way between Pimba and Olympic Dam,
materials by rail when volumes justified it, with some would be used to carry oversized loads that could not
transport to continue by road. be carried by rail. BHP Billiton would implement
measures such as specific traffic management plans,
Rail constructing 15 passing bays between Port Augusta and
Olympic Dam and traffic control measures in Roxby
Rail would eventually be the primary mode for
Downs to minimise the inconvenience to the public.
transporting goods and products to and from Olympic
Dam. A 105 kilometre rail spur would be built to link
Olympic Dam to the existing interstate rail line near

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Materials handling and transport Materials handling and transport


A new airport would be built between Roxby Downs

and Andamooka to cater for the expanded workforce.
Jason Schell, Project Director Infrastructure,
Olympic Dam Expansion

Landing facility
The preferred location for the landing facility
avoids the need for dredging a navigational
channel, avoids impacts on mangroves and limits
disturbance to the owners of nearby coastal homes.
Andy Irving, Logistics Specialist, EIS Team

The materials handling and Landing facility – Port Augusta Olympic Dam airport A closed system would prevent the release of dust during
transportation and at the storage and handling facility at
Some components of the expansion would be Development of the new rock storage facility would
transport method chosen prefabricated as modules in other parts of Australia or encroach on the existing airport at Olympic Dam Village, East Arm. The concentrate would be transferred from the
overseas. Because of their bulk and irregular dimensions requiring it to be moved. A new airport to cater for storage facility to dedicated export vessels in enclosed
for the expansion would (up to 15 metres wide by 15 metres high and 500 tonnes commercial and company flights would be built about conveyors and a dedicated BHP Billiton ship loader to be
in weight), a landing facility would need to be 17 kilometres east of Roxby Downs on the Andamooka installed on the East Arm wharf.
maximise the bulk transport constructed to enable these modules to be unloaded Road. A new all-weather runway would handle larger
prior to transporting them by road to Olympic Dam. jet aircraft than the current airport and would support
of materials by rail with some both day and night flights.
Key commitments:
The preferred location for the landing facility is about
transport to continue by road. 12 kilometres south of Port Augusta on the western
• A ‘best practice’ closed system of transport for
copper concentrate containing uranium would be
shore of Upper Spencer Gulf at Snapper Point, north Port of Darwin
used for all rail transport from Olympic Dam to
of O’Connell Court. The site would be linked to a The Port of Darwin (East Arm) is already used by
the ports of Adelaide and Darwin.
preassembly yard at Port Augusta by a dedicated BHP Billiton to export a portion of the uranium oxide
access corridor. produced at Olympic Dam. The expanded operation • Inconvenience to the general public due to the
would construct facilities at East Arm to export transport of over-dimensional loads and pre-
Outer Harbor additional uranium oxide and up to 1.6 Mtpa of copper assemblies between Port Augusta and Olympic
concentrate containing uranium, gold and silver Dam would be managed by regular community
Additional materials would be imported through
(concentrate). announcements and by aiming to transport
Adelaide’s Outer Harbor, which already receives these
over-dimensional loads out of peak transport
commodities for the existing operation. Outer Harbor has Dedicated rail wagons fitted with waterproof lids would
access to rail and can receive the Panamax-class vessels transport the concentrate from Olympic Dam to the Port
required for the large shipments of sulphur. Additional of Darwin using the existing rail line and the proposed
product (refined copper and a portion of uranium oxide) spur linking the operation to Pimba.
18 O L Y M P I C D A M EXP AN SIO N 2 011 would be exported via existing facilities at Outer Harbor. OL Y M PI C D A M E X P A N S I O N 2 0 1 1 19

The desalination plant and associated pumping

of water to Olympic Dam will be powered by
100 per cent renewable energy. Energy supply and
greenhouse gases
Steve Green, Sustainability Manager,
Olympic Dam Expansion

Energy requirements Reducing electricity demand

The proposed construction and operation of the new The key commitments to reduce energy demand for
open-pit mine and metallurgical plant would result in a the proposed expansion include:
significant increase in energy consumption, particularly
• Constructing an on-site cogeneration plant at
electricity and diesel. The major contributors to this
Olympic Dam to capture waste heat generated by
would be the addition of haul trucks and other heavy
the production of sulphuric acid required for the
vehicles, electric shovels and additional primary
new hydrometallurgical plant. Over time, and as the
crushers to extract and process about six times more
operation reached full capacity, this waste heat could
ore than the current operations.
be used to generate up to 250 megawatts.
In order to maintain commercial and technological
• Sourcing the energy required for the desalination
flexibility, BHP Billiton is seeking approval for two
plant and pump stations from renewable energy
proven primary electricity supply options:
1. A new 275 kilovolt transmission line between
BHP Billiton recognises the potential of local solar
Port Augusta and Olympic Dam, a distance of
energy, regional geothermal, and the state’s wind
270 kilometres.
resources and has had discussions with many specialist
2. A 600 megawatt combined cycle gas turbine power renewable energy companies.
station at Olympic Dam to be supplied by a gas
pipeline from Moomba.
Key commitment:
The ultimate arrangement could comprise of either
option or a hybrid of both and would permit the future • A 60 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas
adoption of renewable energy supplies should they emissions by 2050, matching the South Australian
prove viable. Government’s target.

An annual ‘road map’ would be produced that

quantifies emission reduction opportunities
and achievements.

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Constructing the various elements of the proposed

expansion would require a construction workforce
averaging 4,000, with a peak of about 6,000 people
until full production is reached. Over the long-term a
doubling of the existing operational workforce to 8,000
people is expected and it is estimated that an additional
15,000 jobs would be created in South Australia to
support the expansion.
To accommodate this workforce Roxby Downs would be
expanded to facilitate a population of 10,000 people
and Hiltaba Village would be built midway between
Roxby Downs and Andamooka.

Key commitment:
• BHP Billiton would develop Hiltaba Village with
on-site entertainment, recreation and sports

Workers at
Olympic Dam

The expansion project will require a construction

workforce averaging 4,000 and will peak at employing
around 6,000 people. Over the long term, a doubling
of the existing operational workforce is planned.
Gail Page, Human Resources Manager,
Olympic Dam Expansion

22 O L Y M P I C D A M EXP AN SIO N 2 011 OL Y M PI C D A M E X P A N S I O N 2 0 1 1 23

Roxby Downs BHP Billiton would work with local communities
and relevant government and non-government
agencies to develop social indicators to address
emerging issues and measure the effectiveness of
programs intended to reduce the potential social
The expanded mine would see Roxby Downs grow. Key commitments: impacts and maximise benefits.
This would bring changes to Roxby Downs and northern
• Operating the new mine would rely heavily
regional communities and increase the demand for
on a healthy and balanced community, therefore
accommodation and services.
a social management plan would be introduced in
The Roxby Downs Draft Master Plan has been developed collaboration with the South Australian
with input from residents of the town, service providers Government. The aim would be to provide social
and others with an interest in the future of the town cohesion that recognises the relationship Stakeholder involvement
and provides a framework for managing the growth between local residents, nearby towns, and the
of Roxby Downs over the next ten to twenty years. construction workforce.
A range of measures to promote sustainability • In line with BHP Billiton’s commitments under BHP Billiton’s extensive program of stakeholder
were guiding principles in the development of the the Olympic Dam Agreement, a series of benefits consultation would continue throughout the
Roxby Downs Draft Master Plan which includes new would be provided for Aboriginal communities construction and operation phases of the project.
civic, community, commercial and retail infrastructure. to guarantee their involvement with Olympic Dam Leah Grantham, Senior Stakeholder Relations Adviser,
BHP Billiton would work with local communities and into the future. This commitment would create Olympic Dam Expansion
relevant government and non-government agencies employment opportunities for indigenous
to develop social indicators to address emerging issues communities, offer training and education
and measure the effectiveness of programs intended to initiatives, and provide improved health services
reduce the potential social impacts and maximise the and housing.
predicted benefits. • Globally, BHP Billiton invests 1% of its pre-tax
profits in community programs.

24 O L Y M P I C D A M EXP AN SIO N 2 011 OL Y M PI C D A M E X P A N S I O N 2 0 1 1 25

Economic impact

National, State and regional Local business opportunities and

economic impacts employment
Developing Olympic Dam would underpin The existing operation places contracts in
South Australia’s economy in many ways — particularly South Australia with a total value of more than
through employment. Constructing the various elements half a billion dollars each year. Through tendering
of the proposed expansion would require a construction procedures for construction of the expansion and
workforce averaging 4,000, with a peak of about 6,000 ongoing operational activities, BHP Billiton would
people until full production is reached. Over the long continue to maximise local industry participation
term a doubling of the existing operational workforce to consistent with commercial practice. BHP Billiton would
8,000 people is expected. continue to work with the Industry Capability Network
and industry organisations to ensure
The new mine would need the skills and services of
South Australian and Australian companies remained
businesses across South Australia and it is estimated
aware of opportunities provided by the expansion
that this would create an additional 15,000 jobs in
and the ongoing operation.
the State.
The new mine would provide billions of dollars to the
South Australian economy over the first 30 years of Key commitment:
its operation.
• BHP Billiton would continue to work with
government, suppliers and other stakeholders
Government revenues and expenditure to support local business opportunities and to
Substantial additional government revenue would be enable local, regional or state suppliers to
generated at both the national and state levels as a maximise their participation in the project.
result of the proposed expansion. For example, over the
past three years, royalty revenue to the South Australian
Government from the existing operation has averaged
Investing in
nearly A$60 million per year. This is predicted to South Australia
increase more than four-fold on completion of the
expanded operation.
The new mine would provide billions
of dollars to the South Australian
economy over the first 30 years
of its operation.
Dean Dalla Valle, President,
Uranium Customer Sector Group

26 O L Y M P I C D A M EXP AN SIO N 2 011 OL Y M PI C D A M E X P A N S I O N 2 0 1 1 27

Next steps
BHP Billiton has formally lodged both the Draft EIS and the Supplementary EIS with the Australian, South Australian
and Northern Territory Governments.
If the three governments grant approval, an investment decision regarding the proposal to expand and develop
Olympic Dam and Roxby Downs would be considered by the Board of BHP Billiton who will take the prevailing
economic conditions into consideration when making their decision.
BHP Billiton’s extensive program of stakeholder consultation will continue throughout the construction and
operational phases of the project.

Further information
The Draft EIS and the Supplementary EIS are available to view at <>.

28 O L Y M P I C D A M EXP AN SIO N 2 011

Olympic Dam timeline 1956

Livestock watering

Olympic Dam mineral


Joint venture

Indenture Agreement

Olympic Dam Project

dam located on deposit discovered partnership formed signed by JV Partners receives EIS
the Roxby Downs by WMC with WMC and and SA Government approvals to produce
pastoral lease BP Minerals 150,000 tonnes per
Whenan Shaft
named Olympic Dam annum of copper
after the Melbourne
(named after driller
Olympic Games
Ted Whenan)

Municipality of
Roxby Downs
1986 1987 1988 1989 1992 1995

Construction commences Decline entrance to the Production commenced First gold and silver Optimisation Number 1 Optimisation Number 2
for 45,000 tonnes mine and connection to with first uranium bars poured at the – expansion to 66,000 – expansion to 84,000

per annum copper the State Electricity oxide concentrate refinery tonnes per annum of tonnes per annum of
operation Grid via 132 kilovolt packed and electro- copper copper
power line refined cathode copper
Roxby Downs
produced at the
population Roxby Downs Area
approximately 450 School opened
The mine was also
officially opened

Roxby Downs township

opened to support
Olympic Dam

The Roxby Downs Sun

newspaper established

Announcement of

EIS approval for


500th gold bar poured


First full year of


Optimisation Number 3

Interim Roxby Downs

major expansion to 350,000 tonnes per at the Olympic Dam production at – production capacity Community Board
take production to annum of copper refinery 200,000 tonnes per increased to established
200,000 tonnes per annum of copper 235,000 tonnes per
275 kilovolt power line Official opening of the RoxFM Community Radio
annum of copper annum of copper
from Port Augusta Roxby Downs Hospital St Barbara’s Parish goes to air
Roxby Downs completed School opened
First baby born in The Monitor newspaper
Construction Roxby Downs Hospital established
approximately 2700
commenced for
200,000 tonnes
per annum copper

Ecosystem restoration
initiative, Arid Recovery

Olympic Dam acquired


Draft EIS developed


Around 4,500 people


Draft EIS to expand


New Roxby Downs


Supplementary EIS to
by BHP Billiton to expand Olympic Dam reside in Roxby Downs Olympic Dam released Police Station opened expand Olympic Dam

for public display submitted to Australian,
Current Roxby Downs
South Australian and
Community Board
Northern Territory
governments for
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